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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1942, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mrs. Jesse Baskerville has again liam, and Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, been quite ill. Weston, visited their sister, Mrs. Roger Meadows, R.C.A.F., St. P. F. LeGresley. Thomas, visited bis mother. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton-Bal Mr. T. W. Jackson observed his spent the weekend at their sum- 83rd birthday on April 14th. mer estate and attended evening Mrs. Keith Aiken was taken to service in the United Church. St. Michael's hospital, Toronto. Rev. J. E. Griffith of Trinity George Buckley has joined the United Church, Bowmanville, and C.A.S.C. at Stanley Barracks, To- Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, wil] ronto. exchange pulpits Sunday, April Pte. Chas. Robinson of the 26th. Westministers, Toronto, visited Miss Leone Tebble, head clerk at MrU. Geo. Robinson's. in Brtton's Grocery, has been an Mr. Jas. Robinson, in company vacation and Miss Pauline Deline with Mr. H. S. Britton, visited bis has been assisting Miss Kay Toms sister, Mrs. Williamson, Hampton. in bier absence. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fowler and son, Kirby, were Sunday Carl Fisher bas offered ta en- guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. list in the R.C.A.F., Toronto. He Pearce. wvas accepted as a member af the Miss Marion Halfyard, Sauina, graund crews and is now waiting called at the parsonage Friday notice ta report. whilo en route ta visit Leskard A. W. Glenney was in Peter- relatives, bora Saturday getting the cracked Corporal George M e a d o w s, piston of bis big mniii engine re- Veterans' Guard, was borne from paired. Roy Foster was in charge Kingston and got busy painting during bis absence. bis bouse. Don't miss tbis. "Open House" Gordon Kitcben. 48tb Higb- at Newcastle Higb Scbool on landers, and Thos. Brereton and Thursday, April 3th, at 8 p.m. Richard Anderson ai the R.C.A.F. Displays. projects. program, re- were home. freshments. Aduits 25c, children Mrs. Jno. Devlin, wbose bus- 15c. 17-11 band is in the navy, is up from Robt. Duck Jr.. R.C.A.F., Ot- Halifax visiting ber mother, Mrs. tawa, visited bis parents. He was Merkley Clark. accompanied by bis wife and littie Archdoacon Balfour, Fort Wil- daughter wbo remained for a visit ________________________with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Milligan. __________________ NOK_ Constables A. V. Dymand and Jno. Garrod were at tbe lake- front on Monday investigating acts of vandalism against Dr. J. rA. Butiers "Pioneer Cottage" on 1 tbe westside beach. John Anderson af Canada's P A IN T 1 fightig forces hmabeite nav by this week) and bis soToronto, were Easter holidayi HmWAX vstr at Mr. C. S. Horrocks',j 'Greenfields." Several cars ai young forestry MON trees frori Orono Forestry Station were sbipped from the C.N.R. station. Newcastle, some by1 fuf freight and some by express, the MiNr latter giving Agent Percy F. Hare considerable extra work. Senior C.G.I.T. met April l4th at Mrs. Irwin Colwill's. The mem-« bers pieced the afghan which FLO-LAZEthey bave been working on in aid FLO-CLAZa bom' victims. Aiso made plans INTrERIOR GLOSS for the Mther and Daughter ban- for waUls, celimgs and wod quet May lst, at which Miss Har- work, smooth durable finish niet Cbristie, Toronto, Secretary i bright iight reflecting of Ontario Girls' Work Board, colorNwi astleak Trail Rangers have $ 1.45 quart pîanned a salvage campaign for Saturday. April 25th, for Red FLO-GLAZE FOUR Cross. Citizens are asked ta put tbeir salvage out in front ai their HOUR ENAMEL premises, bundied or cartoned for noted for its smooth china- easy haulirig. Rags, rubber, scrap 1 i ke glio ss and excellent metal, paper, starage batteries, wearing qualities. Add new iran, zinc, aluminumn are some ai color interest to your fur- the tbings in demand. niture at 10w cost. Tbe recently inaugurated self- serve system, patternied after the NU-WALL COLD style of the big city stores, seems WATER PAINT Langman's grocery department; washable, white and tinted. but whether tbe system gives the Easy to use. Economnical and shapper the same opportunity ai lasting. discussing purchases witb the __________stare's fair specimens af pulchri- tude is another matter. WALL PAPER Ed. Neilson, Newcastle capper- See our large selection of smitb, was busy maving bis metal patterns. 200 carrled in stock stock, equipment and macbines from tbe Carl Weyricb factory lc roll building, wbere be bas been car- upward rying on bis business, across the __________street in the former Harold Lak- ing garage building whicb was bougbt and taken over last year by Ted Copping, Kirby. the Men's Club ai St. George's "1311 20" Cburch campleted their local BOOKSTORE bowling campetitions to deter- Phon 55 Bowanvlle mine the winner af the Patrick Phon 55 Bowanvllo O'Neil memorial cup and also Sfurtbered plans for organizing FO0R ".~Ba4Ceq.a foi~ ~J~uo ~oWIaLon4 ,the club members into groups ta 1compete for valuablo prizes made 1and donated by Cappersmilb Ed. 1Neilson, Newcastle. 1 Tuesday evening in St. George's 1parish bail the Rev. F. H. Mason silver cup was presented ta tbe Men's Club ai St. George's, win- ners ai the prized tropby tbis past seasan in the inter-club carpet bowling games oi the Northum- borland and Durham deanery lea- gue. Club members were present fmam St. John's, Bowmanvilie, St. Peter's, Cobourg, and St. John's and St. Mark's, Port Hope. Roove C. R. Carveth sbowed some ai bis motion pictures. About tbirty-five young friends ai Andy Bryken, who bas been empioyed at tbe Queen's Hotel, heid a fareweil party in bis hanor aI the Greenleaf Inn on Thurs- day evening and prosonted bim with a signet ring beforo return- ing ta his hiome in Lamant, Ai- berta. Miss Rota Alldread read an address expressing the young peoplo's esteem and their regrets at bis departuro and Miss Mabel Gray made the prosentation. Mrs. Robert Smnith and staff served lunch. Rev. R. E. Morton preached a forceful and very illuminating temporance sermon in the United Cburcb Sunday morning and sbowed that the prîviloged liquor traffic is the outstanding fiith colurnn in Ibis war. There are restrictions on nearly all slaple gaods, but none on intoxicating liquor. Spaco on acean-going sbips cannot be iound for many tbings badly needod in Britain, clotbing for instance in larger quantities; but cargoos ai beer are gaing iorward and naval sbîps are used ta convoy them. When Hong Kong surrendered ta the Japs orders were given ta destroy 60,000 bottios ai beer that wero on band. Why not have lot the enerny bave tbem? Among the possessions ai Hong Kong bofore it capitulated were same 223 bat- ties of beer for every machine gun. Hitler bas bombed the cbur- ches af Engiand terrifically, but givos implicit instructions ta spare the breweries. Ho regards tbem as allies. How can Canada con- trîbute its best ta any war effort witb $200,000,000 wortb ai liquor under ber boît in one year? Mrs. John Douglas, in company with ber son, Mr. Walter Douglas, New York, attended the funeral ai ber son-in-law, Henry Joseph Ragen, 57, in Toronto on April l7tb. Mm. Ragen was Sec'y.-Treas. ai Heintzman & Ca. Ltd., and had been associatod witb the company for 40 yoars. Ho was born in To- ronto and attended Park and Duf- ferin scbools. Ho was a momber and immediate past president ai St. Matthew's Lawn Bowling Club, member ai Donce Lodge. A. F. & A. M., the Sbrine and Scottisb Rite. A membor ai St. Giles United Cburcb, ho was for- merly on the board ai managers. Surviving are bis widaw, the for- mer Alma Douglas af Newcastle; twa daugbters, Mrs. E. A. Wilkin- son and Audrey; twa brotbers, John and Hugb Ragen; and a sis- ter, Miss May, all ai Toronto. In- terment was in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Lawn bowling was one ai bis many liietime interosts and several years aga be donated a cbampionship tropby ta the New- castle Bowling Club in memory ai bis fatber-în-law, John Doug- las. also a keen bowler in bis ac- tive days. This trophy bas many times been personally presented ta the winning rink by Mr. Ra- gen. wbo was generally accom- panied by Mrs. Ragen. NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY At a meeting af Newcastle Hor- ticultural Society Monday even- ing $3.00 was votod towards a presentation ta Cbas. H. Lane, iormerly ai Valentia and for fivo years Horticuitural Director af District No. 4. The presontation wili bo made at a district meeting in Orono in May. Present District Director is Russell Heard, Wood- ville. Reports irorn the troasurer, the Option List committee and the Flower Show Prize List corn- mittee weme received and adopted. Flower sbow will ho beld on Au- gust 2Otb or 2lst. Cammunity iiawer bed cammittees were nam- ed. At last August ibower show J. H. Jase won tbe prize for the best aster in the sbow. The prize was 25 Pickardy gladiolus buibs irom the Directors. H. R. Pearce donated tbe bulbs ta tbe Directors ta present ta Mr. Jase wbo in* turn (for the prîze was in the nature ai coals for Newcastle) divided tbemn amang those pro- sent at the meeting. BOARD 0F EDUCATION îibere býas bFenconsiderable' cor- respandence. A suggestion frorn Reove C. R. Carvetb was presented asking the Board's consent ta plant ever- greens in the scbool yard in suit- able locations. Reeve and Princi- pals wero authanized ta plant the evergreens. The location ai the ADDED FBCATURE AT HOBBY SHOW Mr. Harry Allin, fornserly ai Bowmanville now ai Oakville, bas excitod considerable comment in the Toronto papers about bis models ai engines and tractors. The Lions Club of Bowman- ville feel that tbey are fortunate in securing these models of Mr. Allin's ta increase the interest in their Hobby Show ncxt Saturday ta encourage boys in their hobby-craft. There will be a complete tbreshing outfit-engine, thresher, water tank, a steamn tractor, and steam engines. Corne and see these at the Hobby Show at Bow- manville High School next Saturday, afternoon and evening. young Royal Oak tree came up for discussion and the Property Committee was empowered, alter consulting with the school princi- pals, ta remove the tree if deemed advisable ta a more suitable posi- tion than the centre ai the front fiower bed, its present location. Six bis for equipment and operationai expenditures were passed, totalling $99.30. Secretary was instructed to send a letter of tbanks ta Mrs. H. M. McColl for supplying for Miss Hattie Mason during tbe latter's illness. Since January the Board, in view ai wartime higher cast of living, bas granted salary in- creases toalal the teachers wba were an tbe staff priar ta Sep- tomber, 1941, and ta the care- taker and secrotary-treasurer. VARIETY PROGRAM IN PARISH HALL Mon, Womnen and Chiidren Ail Do Their Part The seating capacity ai St. George's Parisb Hall was taxed ta the limit on April lSth, when the Parochiai Committee present- ed a variety pragram that ran the wbole gamut af delectable en- tertainment from classical music ta sbeer farce and from lyrical and patriatic sang ta tap-dancing and bumorous olocution. There were 14 numbers on the two-part programme, but tbe audience ap- plauded 50 mucb and sa insisted on encoros that tbe artists kept reappearing and seemed ta have no deartb in tbeir repertoires. Tbe programme apened witb a sang and dance, Alice Blue Gown, the parts ail taken by yaung girls, Velma and Ida Ragerson, Mary and Catberine Dewdnoy, Joan Neilson, Betty Gray, Jane Lunt and Helen Asb. Miss Helen Me- Evoy contributed piano solos. Mrs. Percy Brown's specialty is elocutian and ber brace ai reci- tations made a foursome. Jacque- line Smith won a large sbare ai applause witb ber smart tap- dancing, accompanied by Dora Martin. Dora Martin was also accampanist for sangs by Dolly Purdy wbo later appeared in a duet witb her sister Mary. An- othor musical treat was vocal duets by Mrs. Pbasey and Mrs. Cantrell, accompanied by Mrs. J. OSHAWA, ONT. Now Playing SPENCER TRACY KATHERINE HEPBURN i Woman of the Year - the picture of the year - Revival Friday at 11I Alice Faye Don Amoche "That Night in Rio" Monday and Tuesday Hes in the army now! lovabie WALLACE BEERY and MIARJORIE MAIN THE BUGLE SOUNOS and on the saine programn GRACIE ALLEN "Mr. and Mrs. North"y WEDNESDAY BETTY GRABLE VICTOR MATURE JACK OAKIE Song of the Islands Ail thîs and Grable too Morris,,ah aif Orona. The three Marys appeared in a pretty group sang with eighl other girls, Mary Dowdney, Mary Purdy and Mary Toms singing the Rainbow Sang, with Catherine Dewdney, Volma and Ida Rager- son, Jean and Betty Gray, Helen Ash, Jane Lunt and Joan Neilson. Mrs. R. S. Graham, Mrs. R. W. Gibson and Mrs. Miidred Purdy, all stars in amateur comedies, sent the audience into paraxysms ai mirth with thoir skit, The Lo- cal Toiephone. These same dilet- tantes in the art ai impersanation, witb Mrs. D. R. Dewdney making up a faursame, once more rocked the hall in the skit, Tbe Local Bridge Game. The l3tb number on the pro- gramme was the Men's Club Act, The Mystery. Dark and unlucky, the audience may have tbaugbt. But it was nothing af the kind. It was brightness itseli, on tbe part ai the actors, Ed. Neilson and Keitb Aiken; and there was good luck for many in the audi- ence and bad luck for none, un- less some split their sides laugb- ing as tbey averred. Mm. Aiken and Mm. Neilsan put on a Quiz, the like and equal ai wbich por- haps was nover heard on or off the radio. Some ai the prizo win- noms were: Irene Brereton, Mary Argue, Mrs. C. S. Horrocks, Mrs. Naray Goheen, Mrs. Stella An- derson, Dora Martin and Garnel Porter; The patiotic finale, witb mast ai the periormers taking part, was the singing of war sangs, with Mrs. Jno. Garrod at the piano. Mrs. Garrod had also played for the girls' choruses. Master Doug- las Dewdney was the holder af the lucky ticket in a draw and recoîved a copper hurricane lamp, made and donated by Ed. Neilson. It was a coincidence that Doug- las' sister Catherine drow the duplicate ticket from the bat. Credit ta wbom credit is due: Bobby Purdy and Murray Wallon nendered smart and officientser- vice as curtains and properties boys. Rev. D. R. Dewdnoy was programme chairman. Mrs. Dewdney put much tbougbl, ef- fort and lime ia planning the evont and directing the group numbers and was deserving ai all the praiso accorded ber for tbe success ai the evening. GOLDEN RULE MISSION BAND Easter tbank-ofiering meeting af Golden Rule Mission Band was bold April 18tb. President Maie Allin conducted the meeting at whicb over fifty childron with their mothers were prosent. Rev. R. E. Morton led in prayer. Busi- ness conciuded, the president read the cail ta worship. Mildred AI- lin read the scipture and Rodger Mellow offered prayer. Miss Mar- ion Aluin, Supeintendent, iro- duced the special speaker, Mrs. Muriel Symans, Bowmanville, wbo tld an intoresting story ai Spring and Easter-timo. She was tendered a vote ai thanks capably moved by Eileen Allun and Claire Allin. The children's part ai the pro- gramme cansistod ai a "Tbank You" necitatian by five children, Norma Allin, Billy Fisher, Ralph Goheon, Jean Toms and Helen Turner; piano solo by Marilyn 'Hall; vocal solo by Connie En- wright; recitations by Anne Cry- derman and Eari Brown, and a piano duel by Arvilla and Shirley Brunt. Mrs. W. E. Bernan closed the meeting witb prayen. Tbank- ofieing collection amounted ta over $1000. Solina Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the Inter-Cburch Stewardsbip Con- vention in Oshawa, Monday, and reports profitable results. Mrs. Percy and Mr. Timmins, Myrtle, visited at Mm. David Broorne's. Mr. and Mrs. Kivell, Brooklin, have rolurned ta their borne aiter spending a week with Mr. C. E. Sbotidge wbo is slightly im- proved. Maple Grove Visitors: Mrs. E. Panke and iamily, Nostietan, with Mrs. A. J. Campbell . . . Miss Ruth Arm- strong R.N., Toronto Western Hos- pital, with ber mother Mrs. Robt. Armstrong . .. Mr. and Mrs. Ivi- son Munday and famîly, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lan- castor, Port Granby . .. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hànnah, son Bobby, witb Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla- cutt . .. Mr. A. J. Campbell is in the hospitai with an injured knee ..Rev. Cook, Landsdown, will occupy the pulpit Sunday .. . Rev. Dickenson, Balderson,. preached very acceptably Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lycett, on*the arrivai ai an- ather boy. The farmn forum wîli meet in the Sans' hall at 8.30. The broad- cast wili be heard at 9 p.m. A pic- nic supper will be held before and during the broadcast. Bring your basket. Haydon We are sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn fram aur cammunity. Mark having moved ta Hampton and Wilbur ta, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and fam-ily have moved onto the farma vacated by them. Some farmers are busy on the land. Little Boverly Stephenson bas been under the doctar's care. Archie McNeil and Clifard Tre- win have jained the cadets for training twice a week in Bowman- ville. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wili San- derson and family, Lindsay, Mrs. D. Higgins, Miss Laura Philp, Ta- ronto, at Mr. R. Sanderson's... Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooking, Wesieyville, Anne Skinner, Osh- awa, at Mr. C. Siemnon's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, En- niskilien, at Mr. L. Ashton's.. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford, Buffalo, at Mr. C. Avery's and Mr. A. Mc- Neil's ... Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. Cyrîl Avery's, Mapie Grave . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Neil and Archie at Mr. Don Mac- Kenzie's, Pickering . . . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett and family, Bow- manville, Mr. Roy Chater, Miss Lamna Thompson, Toronto, at Mr. W. Tbompson's. Sympathy is extended ta the family ai the late Mrs. Thos. Mc- Gi in their boreavement. Haydon Sehool News (By Lloyd Beech, Grade 6) Junior Red Cross met April 17. We opened with the Maple Leaf. Program included a reading by Clarable Trewin; Bessie Hills, piano sala; Miss Houston, reading; Bessie Hilis, jakes; Clayton Reed, reading. We bad Miss Feldman with us for a week. The Smitbs have moved ta another school. We made a barder for the black boards. The border was: narcissus, crocus, tulip, dafiodil, byacinth.1 Each pupil in grade 6, 7 and 8 made one ai theso. Ih is very pretty. Ebenezer Services on Sunday were in charge of Rev. Dickinson, Balder- eon, witb a good attendance. Miss Elsie Oke toak the solo part in the anthem. Rev. Cook, Lansdowne, wiii preach next Sunday. Easter thankoifering service ai W.M.S. was held in S.S. roam witb President Mrs. G. F. Annis presiding. Worship period was in charge ai Mrs. Blake Courtice, Mrs. H. F. Osborne and Mrs. Ross Pearce. Two lavely solos were contributed by Mrs. Richardson, Osbawa, with Mrs. Jowell as ac- companist. Mrs. Jeweli also favor- ing witb a piano solo. Rev. Mr. Milîson, Oshawa, spoke on mis- sionary work. Rev. W. C. Smith closed tbe meeting. Mission Circie met at Miss Ann Holt's witb president, Mrs. Harry Gay in the chair. Devotional was in cbarge of Ann Hait; piano solo, Jean Gay, reading, Mrs. Eric Courtice and Mrs. Herb. NichaIs gave the study book review. A loveiy table clath was presented ta Mrs. W. C. Smith by the Circle, after which refreshments were served. Red Cross quilting was held at Mrs. Elton Werry's. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Will YoucngTronno, witbbhis sister or and family at August Geiss- berger's, Harmony . . . Mrs. H. Allin, Bowmanviile, witb ber daughter, Mrs. R. Rabbins .. . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett, Kedron, at Norman Leach's . . . LICpI. Harvey Balson and Mrs. ealson at Wes. Cameron's. While there they were given a charivari by the neighborhood . . . L[Cpl. Harvey NYAL 2 ioR1SALE THIS THURS. WEEK m FR1. SAT.O April 23 - 24 - 25 Buy one article at regular price and get another of sanie size and price FREÉ. Now is the time to do your semi annual buying of absorbent cotton, gauze band- ages, writing paper and envelopes. Toiletries, household drugs and pat- ents can be procured at haif price. We sug- gest you purchase your normal require- ments at half price. SWe test eyes and fit trusses to your entire satisfaction in quality, fit and price. Phone IU SDU SOEPrompt Balson, Camp Bondon, at Robt. Killens . . . Misses Marguerite Martin, Toronto, Shirley Martin, Oshawa, at Thos. Martin's... Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and daugb- tors, Courlice, at Wes. Cameran's ..Mrs. Luther Pascoe and baby Lamne, Miss Vera Fisher have the measles .. . Thos. Vants and John Stainlon, R.C.A.F. Toronto, aI A. T. Slainton's . . . Mm. Jas. Mc- Master, Toronto, at home . .. Mr. Tom Curreil and Miss Dorothy Virtue, Oshawa, are aI A. T. Staintan's for the summor.- Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedran, at A. T. Stainton's. Young People prosontod John Staintan with a pen and poncil set. A good crowd galbhred at the home ai Robt. Killen on Saturday evoning la honor Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Balson, on their marriage. Mm. Russell Rabbins called the campany ta order. Mrs. Russel Stainlan nead an address and Miss Norma Giaspel presented them with a silver tea service and tray. They bath expressod their thanks for the lavoly gifts and haped whon they had a home ai their own they would came and visit tbemn. A nice lunch was served. Mrs. Ray Camenon and children are visiling hem mother Mrs. P. J. Gifiard, Osaca, who is i11. Obituary Mrs. Wm. G. Morrison The ashes ai Mary Jane (Min- nie), beloved wife ai William G. Mornison, 'Calgary, Alla., and daughler ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederîck Rogers, ai Enniskillen, wbo died in Calgary, Apnil 71h, wert broughlta oBowmanville Monday and deposited in the iamily plat ift the local cemetery. The romains were braugbl east by Mrs. C. G. (Lottie) McCiuskey, New York City, who had beon witb hem sister three months pro- viaus ta hem passing. Old iniends ai deceased and classmates aI Bowmanville Higb Schoal wbo paid their last respects ta a life- long friend aI the cemetery wero Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, Miss Mary E. Vir- tue (Toronto), Mrs. J. W. Jewell, Mrs. L. Sharpe, Miss Flamenco Werry and Mr. Gea. W. James. Mrs. Morrison taugbt school in the east and went west in 1908 where sho continued toaching un- tii ber mamiage in 1915. She -is also survived by hem brother, Wm. F. Rogers ai Calgary. a Now iaitb is the suLsWce of things boped for, the evidence of tbings nol seen.-Hebrews 11:1. VOTE lES' -Plebiscite, April 27th The Arcade Store urges ail citîzens to vote "YES" and free the hands of our government from restrictions that can hamper the total mobilization of our country for total war. HALF IVEASURES DO NOT WIN BATTLES! It ls the duty of every citizen who has the right to vote to ge o thei poils and show that ho appreclates the domocratic priviieges whlch millions of angulshed mon have loat. Proclaim that the ballot - flot the -lash - le our symbol of government TO VOTE "YES" MEANS:- "I want my government froc to build the most pow- erful Canadian army to smash Hitlerism, Fasclsm, Anti-Semitlsm, ail blgotry and intolerance." "I want te, help build a froc domocracy and want my governmont unfettered to iead ithse strugglc." To vote "NO" le to tie the hands of our government in a struggle of 1fe and death. THE ARCADE STORE BOW M AN VILL E ........... THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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