THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1PZr-r- rvj Phone Clarke 1114 Mrs. Wesley Noden was taken to hospital at Whitby last week.h The end of April: and a numbera of farmers have finished seeding.u Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Kelly ofv Rochester, N.Y., were visitors atc Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown's. n Man y citizens will be interested in the sale of furniture of the late Mrs. Gea. Eilbeck on Satur- day, as much sought after walnuta and oak pieces will be sald. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ranson andf Jimmie, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs.V MeCargar, Brandon, Man., werer Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes and of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coulson. Among the many friends fromc outside points attending the late1 Matthew Alldread's funeral onE Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Chas.a Finley of Long Branch, formerlyt of Newcastle. They visited his sister, Mrs. Ernest Alldread. Miss Edith Cook, daughter of2 Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Cook, Fox-r boro. and Miss Helen Glover,1 daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. E.( Glover, Hastings, were weekend1 guests with Miss Reita Cooke,1 Peterborough Normal School, att Mis. W. H. Cooke's.c Newcastle got some nice sport- ing publicity in a St. Petersburg, Fia., newspaper when Mr. Brad- ford Kay. who has been spendingc the wînter down south, with Mrs.t Kay, was a member of the runner- up team in a notable lawn bowl- ing tournament. He was pictured9 along with his teammates, Rd. Richardson and A. M. Crawford of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kay are expected home this week. BOWANVILLEJ Thurs., Fr, Sat. APRIL 30, MAY 1, 2 Double Feature "NEW YORK TOWN" with Fred MacMurray Mary Martin also "1GLAMOR BOY" wlth Susanna Foster Jackle Cooper Mon., Tues., Wed. MAY 4, 5, 6 "LITTLE FOXES"I starring Bette Davis Herbert Marshsal News and Cartoon Thurs., Fri., Sat. MAY 7, 8, 9 DIVE DOM BERS Errol Flynn Fred MacMurray MARCH 0F TIMIE M on., Tues., Wed. MAY 11, 12, 13 Double Feature It Started With Eve with Deanne Durbin and Charles Laughton aise Last of the Duanes with George Montgomery and Lynn Roberts NEWS H. S. Brittan and Elmer Pollard have wired W. T. Lake's house and barn for electricity and put up the pales and wires fram Holmes' corner. They are naw wiring Dr. W. H. Waltan-Ball's cottage, "Broadlawn" in readi- ness for his new summer tenants. The hast Sunday in each maonth is observed as a Birthday Sunday by the United Church S. S. prim- ary chass, conducted by Mrs. W. E. Beman and Miss Irene Rinch. There are special exercises and features, and last Sunday there were 46) little ones present. the most in a long timne. Tuesday evening, April 2lst, the Senior Canadian Girls in Train- ing met at the homne o! Gwen Hoaper. Plans were made for the coming Mother and Daughter Banquet an May lIst. Olive Brown extended thanks ta Mrs. Hooper and Gw,,en for their hospitalitY ini the ust o! their home. Twao!o the late Matthew Ail- dread's sons are in the army. Pte. Ai!. Alldread o! the Midland Regi- ment was home on !urlough when his father died on Friday. Lance- Corp. Lloyd Alldread o! the Mid- lands was with his regiment in Edmonton, Alta., but gat home in time ta attend his father's funeral on Monday. After the close a! the evcning service in the United Church, the I Biekie Brothers, with their ac- companist, Miss Jean Campbell; their inother, Mrs. Hedley Bickle, and their grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Chestnut, called on their great- great-aunt. Mrs. Gea. P. Rickard, and led in an haur or so's singing with several Newcastle cousins joining in. More Newcastle boys are join- ing up for war service. Douglas Walton has been in khaki for twa weeks. Alex Ingramn and Charlie Bonathan, who applied for ad- mission ta the army a few weeks aga, have received notices ta re- port for duty. Douglas VanDusen came home !rom Peterborough ta joîn the Royal Canadian Navy and Harold Hoar is jaining the R.C.A.F. Ladies had full charge a! the polling booths here on Monday. Miss Cora Butler was D.R.O. for the west ward and her paîl clerk was Mrs. Floyd Butler. Mrs. Percy Hare and Miss Ethel Lock- hart were in similar capacities for the east ward. It was very quiet -no scrutineers,' no people com- ing and gaing and examining iists, nobody drawing voters, very little talk anywhere. Mr. Sam Brown, who has re- cently been living with hîs son in Oshawa, dispased o! aIl his house- hold gaods and garden tools, etc., by public auctian Saturday. AI- together. with Mr. Brawn's sale, the Trail Rangers hcaded by Don- ald Jase busy at their salvagE colhecting, and C.G.I.T. girls stag* ing a Tag Day for the Blind, Sat- urday was a day o! mare thar -usual interest and actîvîty. Newcastle High School studenti are ta, be highly congratulated or their successes at the Lions Clul Hobby Show, Bowmanvilie. The3 won a grand tata! o! 39 prizes- 10 f irsts, 10 seconds, 7 thirds, fourths. 6 fi! ths and 2 sixths Among the winners were: Jame Pattersan, Margaret Ash, Franci Jase, Yvonne Megit. June Ailisi Farncomb LeGresley, Ted PybuE Marie Allin, Mary Purdy, Paulin Branch. Doreen Enwright, Rut] Bonathan. Tracy Embly, Gwe: Hooper, Sam Breretan, Eilee: Farrow. AIl their exhibits and Êareat deal more of the Newcastl H Hch School students' work ma be sen at the High School "Ope jHouse" to-night (Thursday). Y.P .h ad as their guests o Monday eveni ng the young peapi of Ebenezer. A!ter words o! we' came by' President Ross Allii Elsie Oke. president o! Ebenezt Y.P.U.. called on Lloyd Dow who had charge o! the devotioni and program. Worship perla was as follows: Quiet music b Eileen Pickle, reading by Mi: Arnold, prayer by Miss Henr: and vocal solo by Velma Pear( *accompanied by Ada Annis. Prg gram consisted o! readings by Bc MOTHERS.. jMDý Il- WE fHAVE EyeearDesgnEVERYTHING bits a USU "648188 for your in BABY'S NUMIONT COMFORT F Pablum -- ----------- 45c -Dextri Maltose ---------- 65 J. & J. Talcum --- 28c, 55e Women will appreciate the ultra- Helntz Soups, 3 for --- 25 smartness and iflconspicuousneIS Lactogen.-------- 59c, $1.59 of this completely new eyewear style. Radical constructi.on fea. Mennens Baby 011 --------59c turcs eiminate endpièces on Stork Nipples, 3 for . 25c lenses. reduce breakage. Temples Meads C. L. 011 50c, 75c, $1. are attached directly to the bridge, Puretest C. L. 011 40e, 75e through gracefully curved, gold. Meads Cereal ---- 25, 80C filled arme hidden behind the dn'Degh,3fr--29 lenses. On the face, Numont Fui. InntsDlg,3fo-29 Vue Tri-Flex combines the appear. J. & J. Baby Soap - 15 ance feaures of the eYeglass with Pyrex Botties.........------ 25 the protection of frames and rim. Castoria -- ----- -,33c, 63C 1cms mountinge. Let us show yau ...Tl---------2c5c these modern glasses today. -.2c55 Jury & Lovel The Rexali Drug Store Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket Agency qv i EDOi-s i ATAS Rundie, Harry Worden and Glen Pickle. vocal duet by Muriel and Wilma Dawn accompanied by1 Eileen Pickle, and piano duet by Eileen Pickle and Ada Annis. Ernie Gilbank led in recreation after which lunch was served.i Glen Pickle moved a vote o! thanks ta Newcastle Y.P.U. for the enjoyable time spent together ta which Ross responded. ST. GEORGE'S MEN'S CLUB 1 Three TimneS Winncrs of Rev. F. H. Mason Carpetball Trophy In Ten Years When Rev. F. H. Masan a! St. Mlonicas Anglican Church, To- ronta. presented ta St. George's Mens Club the silver cup donated by him when he was Rector of St. George's as the championship jorize for inter-club carpetball competitians, it was the third time St. Gearge's had won the trophy in the past ten years. St. Peter's. Cobourg, won it five times, ini 1933-34, 34-35, 35-36, 37- 38 and 39-40. St. George's won it in 1932-33, 38-39 and 41-42. St. John's Bokvmanville, won it once in 36-37. and St. John's, Port Hope, once in 40-41. Naw that the cup is once mare back in New- castle, President Reg. Harding a! St. John's, Bowmanville, has a hope, as he expressed it at the nresentatian lunchean at St. George's, that with the graduai disappearance of rubber and -the rationing of gas, Port Hope or Cobourg will find the distance to Newcastle tao far ta travel, and with them out Bawmanville mnight have a 50 ta 50 chance a! winning the cup once more. R EV. J. E. GRIFFITH DELIVERS TWO INSPIRING SERMONS Young Peopie's Union a! the United Church were happy in having for their 48th anniversary preacher Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., o! Trinity United Church, Bo\y- manville. He preached marning and evening, taking for his sub- ject, What the Young People Ex- pect o! the Church, and What the Church Expects o! the Young People. It gave the aduits in the large marning cangregation quite a thrill when they heard them- selves described as ini the last words a! his prefacing text, Now therefore (addressing the young people) ye are no mare strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citi- zens with the saints and o! the househald o! God.-Ephesiafls 2: 19. A young people's choir, witli Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the organ, sang the anthem, The Lard is ir sHis Haly Temple. Miss Danaida aCreaser. Bowmanville, rendered ba solo. Mr. Edwin Hancack o! the Y.P.U. conducted the service and -made the announcements. 4 The Bickle brothers, Earl, Mur- sray, Roy and Gardon, o! Bethesda 5s Church, Hope Tp., assisted the 5s 25 member chair in the evening 1and sang twa quartettes, Loye sThat Passeth Knowledge, and ýe The Lord is My Shepherd, with hi Miss Jean Campbell at the pipe ýn organ. The chair, with Mrs. Fish- ýn er conducting, also sang an an- a them. with Miss Betty Enwright le and Ross Allun taking sala parts, Ly The church decarations included ýn daffodils and ferns, and the snapç ndragons and liles kindly ieft ai ýthe church after the Nesbitl. leLycett wedding. The Y.P.U. had 1- a thankoffering o! $40.00. rn SOLINA YOUNG PEOPLE ai IN SPARKLING COMEDY d CAPTIVATE NEWCASTLE )y AUDIENCE 55______ ýY' $3400 was taken 'n at thq e United Church S. S. hall Thurs 0- day evening when Salina youri )b people presented their play "Sim -ple Simon Simple," directed b, Mrs. Roy Langmaid. This muel ab money meant an attendanceo about 150 with adults at 25e ar( children at 15c. Simon Simple was the head0 a famnily. He appeared ta, be ra ther simple, and lazy and futi]E and his practical, hardworkin wif e so regarded him; althoug] he regàrded himself as a cleve inventar, hence the nicknarn Simple. He made goad in the ex thaugh. Harvey Yellowlees mesE ured up well in this part an Pearl Leach displayed talentc Hollywood calibre in the ralec Mrs. Simple. They had a lavel daughter, kind ta her father, bt decidedly peeved about the wa her boy friend had apparenil negiected her. She was Stel SimletkejbyGldy Yllo'x DEATHS ALLDREAD - At Newcastle, April 24th, 1942, Mathew A dread, beloved husband of Mai E. Harness, aged 67 years. JOHNSTON - At Toronto Weç ern Hospital, April l5th, 194 Addie May Pye, beloved w: of Herbert Johnston of 40 Ri ercourt boulevard. Interme St. Andrew's Presbyterian C metery, Quaker Hill, Ontario. MORRIS - In Bowmanville,g April 25th, 1942, Winnifred Morris, daughter of the late 1Y and Mrs. L. Morris. MOUNTJOY - At Hampton, April 25th, 1942, Mary Ja: Mountjoy, widow of the la Samuel T. Mountjoy, aged years. IN MEMORIAM GRAHAM-Inl loving memory a dear husband and fatli David Graham, who pas:i away May 2nd, 1938. Same day we hope to meet hi Some day, we know not whei To clasp his hand in the bet land, Neyer to part again. -Sadly missed by wifea family. il TELLER -In loving memory Rhoda Varcoe Teller. God knew that she was sufi ing, That the hilîs were hard ta climb, Sa He closed her weary eyel And whispered "Peace be thir --Sadly missed by HusbandE Family.1 WILKINS-In loving memory our dear father and mother,: and Mrs. Morley Wilkins, v p assed aay May 7, 1937, April 24, 1936, respectively. The sun fadeth and the shadc fail, But love and memary live1 ever. -Ever remembered by Wilkins family. 1: COMING EVENTS The Annual meeting of tChildren's Aid Society of Noi ,umberland and Durham wilJ 1held Wednesday, May 6th,a p.m. D.S.T., in the Sunday Sel room of the Presbyterian Chu Port Hope. Guest speaker, Ma trate R. B. Baxter, Port Hi Light refreshments will be ser, ,jYau are cordially invited. .1 The service in Trinity Chi a on Sunday morning will be ur 1 the auspices of the W.M.S., eMrs. R. S. Longley o! Chin. d speaker. AIl missionary orgax tians of the church are remir -ta meet in the Sunday Sel aroom at 10.45 ta attend the evice in a body. It is hoped n Swill take tadvantage of the e poirtunit ct hear this excel d. speaker. ie In Trinity United Church, - day, May 8th. Mr. Rex Frost i-Station CFRB, Toronto, will itsent motion pictures entitled ,valcade of Europe" shawing ýd entry into the war of the vai :countries; aiso "Libya and t Far East," and "Britain in P - and War." Twa hours of intg id and education. Adults 25c, dren 15c. ENGAGEMENT ces. he ngagemen ! er eldt daugtherengaeentLoise rivs C. Jackson ray o.se3 Detia mentJcoCra, KNo.stan, son mr.end rs.CT.. Wrayo, Hampt The a rageTatayplaeea in May. 18- o! Dn. ly 1* always attracts a lot o! attention and interest, as did Helen Lang- maid in the rale o! Sally Ann, the Simple family maid. She was just at the flirtatiaus stage and ready ta enjoy some real excitement as a relief from kitchen chores. Eber Milîsan was cast in the role o! Thank!uh Barlow, proprietor o! the Elite Hotel and a competitor o! The Simples. He was a schemer and a crook and such characters win no sympathy from the audi- ence which may however and did in this case commcnd the actor's dramatic ability. His schesnes back!ired and he faded out with little le!t but his ilI nature. An- other bright star in the constella- tion o! ten was Minerva Webb- Mrs. Wesley Yelhowlees a former Shaw's girl. Mnerva was laqua- ciaus and vivaciaus and boarded at The Simphes' establishment. She was alsa caquettish and had her cap set for Thank!ul Barlow, but this went awry. She made a great bit with the spectatars when she appeared the marning after the f ire in her nightgawn, cap and shortîsh kimona. This was the i8th time the graup had presented the play and their share o! the proceeds was $ 12.00. Before the risc o! the curtain Laurence Morton favoured with piano selections and between acts Miss Pauline Deline sang, accom- 1panied by Laurence Morton, and 1Kathleen Toms and Margaret Pearce played a piano duet. Mrs. W. J. Malley's group, under whose auspices the play was presented, served ]unch ta Mrs. Langmaid 1and her popular troupe fromn tSohina and Eldad's rolling land- scape. Love o! God and man is love o! good and its expressin-Yo- .der. vegetables to make your menu appetlzlng and to keep you healthy and f it in these strenuous times. Be sure to order some fresh fruits and vegetables with your next grocery order. GOOD COOKING POTATOES $1.90 per bag SEED POTMMES. guaranteed and certif led $ 2.15 per bag Don't Hoard Don't hoard but order your groceries as you require them. Harry Allun "THE CORNE~R GROCERV" Phones 367-368 We Deliver hund, in the viinity o! Happy Valley. Finder please nati!y Jack Maguire, phone 2884. 18-1' Found Barran's Store at Hampton. Owner may have same by prav- ing praperty and paying for this adyt. 18-3 W AN T ED - GOOD SUMME pasture for four colts. Pho soan. Bowmanville 2215. 18- IER one G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cal 467. 2-lt! WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Children under sehool age for room and board in a home wherc kindness is shown. Write Box 72, Statesmnan Office, Bow- manvilie. 18-1' WANTED - 100 OR 125 ACRES, dairy !arm, with brick house, ahI conveniences, modern hip roof barn, creek, bush. Within j miles o! Orona. Can pay cash. Apply ta G. Jones, 9 East Road, Toronto. 18-1 Business Service FURS-FOR THE SAFEST AND most up-to-date fur storage, store your coat at Hudson Fur Company, Toronto. Repairing and altering at !actory prices. Phone Evlyn Shop (594), Bow- manville, for pick-up. 16-4 USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cieaned and pressed like new. We also carry new gaods. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Fali and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A eaU will convince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-t! Classified Ad Rates Chicks for Sale _____CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY F< on1 One cent a word cash, acis Chicks, White Leghorns and j 11- insertion (minimum charge Rocks. Bload tested flack. R.O.P. irY 25c). Charge of 25e extra is sired. Appiy Alvin Clemens, made when advertlsement ls near Hampton, phone 2433.- not pald same week as inser- 9-t! F st- tion. Extra charge of 10e 2, when replies are directed to C H IC KS! - BUY THE BEST. If e aStts n box ubr. A aking is unusually heavy Iv- Birtsa, deaths and marriages thjs year we suggest you order nt 50e each. In Memorianis, 50e at once ta avaid disappointment. F l-for notice plus 10e per lne Many breeds ta choase from in 1. for verse. Classlfied adver- Tweddle High Quality Chicks. on tisements accepted up until Price list on rcqucst. Stewart's B. 6 p.m. Wednesday. Seed Store, phone 577. . 18-t! _________________CHICKS FOR SALE -BARRED NOTICE Rocks and White Leghorn- on chicks from Governmcnt bandi-L ne cd and blood-tested stock. Or-- ate The Girl Guides and Rangers drnwadgt yaur chicks F( 76 have had a busy week collecting wenowanttemWchv 6and caring for the fats so gener- on hnd u anlimthe qu anttyo ously donated, 200 lbs. ta date. onhda itequttyf - Som& h as came from Newcastle started rock cockerels. For - andconribtins ram auto! dates and prices write or phone, F( - town may be lc!t with the mana- H.,J.pooks,2 Bowm. nyîhle oger a! the Walkcr Stores who has Onphe26.13t ofkindhy afcred his services. We :er, do not wish ta compete with any Articles For Sale F( xed one, but if no anc is coilecting your !ats, we will bc very glad ta FOR SALE - SPECIAL PRICE Lim, have it. 18-1' on Electric Floar Madel Ironer. m,- Apply Mason & Dale. 18-1 - ter lielp Wanted FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD F WANTED-GIRL FOR GENER- Suite, Ratan, 3 pieces, in excel- and ai housework. Call Bawman- lent condition. Cheap. Phone 8-L ile55 8-1 2884, Bowmanvillc. 18-1' - ville505. 8-1 i of W AN T ED IMMEDIATELY - FOR SALE - CONNOR ELEC- Ee--Girl ta help with general house- tric Washer thoroughly recon- fe- work in f!arm home. Apply Mis. ditioned. A real price for cash. A. Muir, Courtice. 18-2' Apply Mason & Dale. 18-1 F HELP WANTED-ONE CARPEN- FOR SALE -COBBLER POTA- lids ter and anc pipe fitter. Apply toes, $1.75 a bag; also 30 pigs ne" in persan or writ¶ng, Eldorado about 50 lbs. Fred Cawling, and Gold Mines Limited, Part Hope. Burketon, Ont. 18-1' .8-i 17-2 -_________F________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F O R S A L E - O N E O N L Y B E A T - HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR ty Vacuum Cleaner with al Fo! general hotel work, waitress attachments. Special price. Ap- Mr. ex .rece desirable but not pîy Mason & Dale. 18-1 cvo necessary. Good wages. Bal- and moral Hotel. 18-1* FOR SALE - GIRL'S 3-PIECE spring and summer outfit, also 0ows MAN OR WOMAN WANTED- 3-piece wintcr out!it, bath size For Established Watkins Route, 12 years. Apply Box 71, States- - for- steady custamers, must be hon- man Office, Bowmanville. 17-2 est and reliabie. Have car or The mieans o! getting anc. No capi- FOR SALE-ONE BEATTY EN- 8-1* tal or experience required, na gine drive washer, fuily rebuiît restrictions with Watkins duc and guaranteed. Big reduction - ta millions invested in raw nia- in price. Terms. Enquire Masond terials ta pratect dealers and & Dale. 18-1a - custamers. Write, The J. R.v The Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, FOR SALE - STRAWBERRYh h Montreal, Que. 16-3 plants, Senator Dunlop, $4,00a )rt- per thousand, hundred 50c;r be Real Estate For Sale Premier, $5.00 per thousand,b it ____________________ hundrcd 75c. Apply Thos. But-v ,hool rch, FOR SALE - SOLID B R I C K tery, phone 2190. 17-2' agis- house on Centre St., Bawman-FO SAE-T HPECO oped. le . Mustd il be solda cloe a n st ve, coal or wood, with re- 'ved esate nd ill e sld ceap servoir, in gaod condition. Pric- 18-1 for cash. Apply A. E. Beilman, c esnairApl amn King St. West, phone 526. eBre, oNaetaviply amnde 13-tf Clarke 2230. 18-1 nder with LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM- ýa as Rugs. Select yours from over niza- 300 patterns actually in stock. ýhoolat BRADLEY'S New Furniture ser- A Store, 156 Simcoc South, Osh- fflent LENTY OSHAWA'S NEW UNTR liet - Store - Everything in mdern, 18-1 chesterfield, bedroam, dining of Freshsuites, and studios. Bedding and Fri-es floor covcrings a specialty. e a! Quality merchandise at com- pre- petitive \prices. Before buying "Ca- visit Bradley's New Furniture sthe Store, 156 Simcie St. S., Osh- xiousawa.46-tf the_______________ teract Wanted to Rent chi- WANTED-FIVE ROOM HOUSE 18-2 and bath, central location, or an apartment. H. Blair, Dominion Stores.18-1* .- - -Lost il ST EWART'S SEED STORE Dependable Headquarters for CLOVERS TIMOTHY GRASS SEEDS ROOTS HYBRID CORN etc. , etc. BuIk Gardon Seeds More and better seed for your money. Vegetable Seeds Ail thse best varleties to choose from ... CERT. P.E.I. SEED POTATOES DUTCR SETS MULTIPLIIERS BURPEE'S FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN and LAWN FERTILIZERS 'R RENT-3 ROOMS TO RENT. Also walnut table and bedstead and springs for sale. Phone 2385. 18-1 OR RENT - SIX ROOMED bouse, cast o! Orono; saft and hard water. Apply Mrs. Prj- dence Morgan, Orono. 18-1* OR RENT - FOUR ROOMED cottage wîth gaod cellar, and garden. and fruit trees and a barn; hal! mile west, haif mile north Enniskillcn. $3.00 mnonth. Appiy John Spry, Silver Street, Bawmanville. 18-1* ,ivestock and Articles OR SA£LE-SIX PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. Apply ta George Gilbert, Hampton. 18-i FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE shoats, weight about 60 lbs. Apply ta Wil!red Sanderson, Burketan. 18-1 FOR SALE-JERSEY-HOLSTEIN cow, freshen about May lst. Appiy W. G. Werry, Bowman- ville, phone 2253. 18-1'. 'OR SALE - BLACK HORSE, 8 years aid. Apply Wilson Aber- nethy, R. R. 2, Bowmanille, phone 2419. 18-1 FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN COW, 3 years old., Apply Dan Kube, Mapie Grave, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville. .18-1* FOR SALE - SINGLE FURROW Allis-Chalmers tractor piow, 14" battom, almost good as new. Apply T. S. Multjoy, R. R. 6, Bowmanvile, phone 2503. 18-1 FOR SALE - R EG IS TE RE D Ayrshire cow, 6 years aid, re- new in two weeks; Jersey heif- er, renew in two weeks; Cow, 4 years old, part Jersey, renew- ed Mar. lst; two driving horses; one horse wagon. Appiy R. Olesen, Burketan. 18-1 AUCTION SALE FURNITURE SALE On Saturday, May 9th, the un- dersigncd will seli by public u ction for Ed. Anthiste, o! the village o! Hampton, aIl his house- hold e!!ccts, including kitchen and dining room furniture, bed- room furniture, linoleums, Que- bec heater, cook stove, electrie washing machine, radio, lamps, medicine cabinet, sanitary closet, some dishes, Ford car, garden tools, carpenter tools, lawn maw- er and many other articles to numerous to mention. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil-, bur, auctioneer. 18-2 AUeTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from the estate o! the late MRS. GEO. EILBECK ta seil by public auction at her late residence Main Street Newcastle on SATURDAY, MAY 2nd 1her compiete household furniture: 1 3 davenprts, chester!ield table, library table, dining table, many .small tables, bok case, 2 drap- leaf tables, 2 ferneries, 2 sets dîn- ing chairs, 2 buffets, many odd .chairs and tables, 5 bedroom :suites (in oak, red cherry, black cherry), sideboard o! butternut Lwaod, kitchen range with ail bur- .ner, kitchen table and chairs, .!ireless cooker, kitchen cabinet, eiectric stove, electric hot plate, .2 veranda couches, 2 radias, 3 rfloar iamps, phonograph, many rvery fine rugs, large and small; rgrass rugs, complete set dishes, many add dishes, cooking uten- sils, valuabie pieces decorative pottery, many other articles toc numeraus ta mention. N.B.-This is a large and im- -portant sale o! high class furni- Zture including large percentage ai _valuable walnut and oak. -Terms Cash. Sale 1 p.m. sharp r Wm. J. Chailis, Auctianeer 3 Chas. H. Masan, Cierk. ANNOUNCEMENT HODGSON'S TEA ROOM and LUNCH BAR KING ST. E., ýB0WMANVHLLE WiII Open for Business on MONDAY, MAY 4th HOURS FROM 8 a.m. TO 12.00 p.m Mako Hodgson's Your Lunch Headquarters rAUE TEN BowmaviUe Feed and Seed SEED GRAIN CAUTION: According ta a visi- tor who claimed ta be an officiai. inspector, we are advised that no grain may be advertised as "seed" unless stating grade and number. Theref are the undernoted ads are subject ta that specification, and sellers and buyers are so ad- vised.-Ed. FOR SALE - ER BA N OATS, Registered No. 2. Apply Taylor & Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 15-4 FOR SALE-QUANTITY MIXED hay, also barn and house for rebuilding, north of Haydon. Apply Gardon Martin, 110 Bruce St., Oshawa. 18-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Coverixg Bargains Better selection . .. Oui r iq are lower than catalogue pr Congoleums, Inlaids, 4 Yd. L'i leums, Feltols, Rugs. Bri youar measurements. Our expxs wil gladly help you with your floor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains 29e Sq. Yd. Floor Coverings new cheerful patterns.. large selectian. $1.49 Borderless Rugs size 9'x6'. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphol- stered. $5.85 Feit Mattresses, goad quality. $15.95 Lovely Spring Filled Mat- tresses. $22.50 Cedar Chest - Walnut Waterfall design. 1 $29.50 Studio Couches, spring f illed. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modemn, smart. $49.50 Bedraom Suite, waterf ail, new. $59.00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. $89.00 Kroehler Chesterf ield i Suite, splendid Value. rWedding Glfts and Presentations ; We can save you money - Tri- ,light Lamps, Book Cases, Chenille -Bedspreads, Coffee Tables, Smok- ýers, Blankets, Rugs, Occasional 3Chairs, Mirrors . . . Many other beautiful lasting gifts. -Vîsit aur large Trade-in Dept. fWiIson's Furniture Co. L "Everything for the Home" .40 King St. West 20 Churcis St. OSHAWA 18-tf --- 1 r i 1 Phone 577 ý 'è -