PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 30. 1942 TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE Federal Buildings-Province of Ontario SEALEDJ~enders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be receiv- ed until 3 P.m. (E.D.S.T.), Thurs- day, May 7, 1942, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Pro- vince of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifi- cations and conditions attached can be obtained from the Pur- chasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade- laide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with de- partmental specifications and con- ditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' licence numbers must be given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any suc- cessful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Rail- way Company and its constituent companies urfconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as, a guarantee for the proper fuif il- mlent of the contract. By order. J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1942. 17-2 THESE DAYS. BAKUNG RESULIS COUNT' PREVENT WASTEI WITH... MADE IN CANADA Send for FREE COOK BOOK thut cuts down food costs.. Write to: Magic Baking Powdet, Fraser Ave., Toronto Prizes: lst, 25c; 2nd 15c; 3rd 10c. Class I - Art Pencil, Action-Jim Irwin, Billy Rundie, Arthur Gibson. Pencil, Landscape-Madeline Kerr, Wal- lace Diiling, Pearl Breslin. Pen- cil, Still Life-Jim Irwin, Mary Alldread, Keith Crago. Ink Sketch -Jean Griffin, Helen Miller, Dor- othy Wright. Water Color Sketch -Kcith Davey, Dorothy Wright, Winnie Swain. Crayon, Land- scape - Mary Alldread, Barbara Rolph, Ethel Gilbert. C r a y o ni, Still Life - Ethel Gilbert, Eliza- beth Budicky, Bill Rundle. Cray- on, Action-Jean Milligan, Mii- dred Hoskin, Marley Hayes. Pos- ter-Wilda Steele, Margaret Asb, Reta McKenna. Cartoon - Billy Skelding, Pbilip Finncy, Alex Stackaruk. Grceting C a r d or Calendar-Joyce Woodley. Mary Priddy, Yvonne Megit. Design- Joan Greenf ield, Billy S I a g b t, Dorothy Wright. Design-Yvonnie Megit, Dorcen Enwright, Howard Davcy. Stencil with Printed Pat- tern-Keith Davey, Patsy Mof - fatt, Joyce Woodlcy. Lino-cut with Pinted Pattern - Kennetb Davies, Jim Irwin. James Grant. Mural - Dorotby Wright, Helen Miller, Editb Woodley. Ap- UT PAYS TO KEEP YOUR CAR UN TOP NOTCH CONDITION Your present car miust last "for the duratlon!" That's why it pays to kecp it in perfect condition-now~, more than ever! Sa gel your car set for efficient Spring and Sunmer drlving now Nvitb Garton's Spring change-over service. Dring your car in . . . or give us a ring and we'II pick it Up . . . and get set for real driving eajoy- ment while protccting the lit e of your car. GARTON'S GARAGE Bus station Imperial Oil Phone 2666 lin. Marie Lewins. Tarts-Joyce Woodley, Mildred Hoskin, Ray Dudley. Baking Powder Biscuitsj -Joyce Woodley, Victoria Syt-1 nyk. Cake, Ligt-Muricl Reid, Shirley Grant, Joyce Woodley.t Cake, Dark-Joyce Kerr, Joyce1 Grant. Loryne White. Muffins- Loryne White, Ruth Lee, Alice Summersf ord. Vegetable S a la d Plate-Joyce Woodley, Faye Boe, Muriel Rogers. SENIOR DIVISION Prizes: lst 25c; 2nd 15c; 3rd 10c. Class I - Art Pencil, Action - Don Quick, Junior Ross, Aleta Steele. Pencil, Landscape-Don Q u i c k, J o a n Longman, Dorothy Higgins. Pen- cil, Stili Life-Don Quick, .Evclyn Woodward, Reta F o rs ey. Ink Sketch-Don Quick, H e r b e r t Stire. Water Colour -Ev eliy n Woodward, Joan Longman, Don Quick. Crayon, Landscape-Don Quick. Crayon, Still Life-Don Quick, John Cunningham. Crayon, Action-Junior Ross, Don Quick, Aleta Steele. Poster, Healt- Dorothy Higgins, Howard Davey. Poster, Patriotic Travel-Junior Ross, Yvonne Megit, E i w o o d Thompson. Cartoon - E v el1y n Woodward. Greeting Card or Calendar-Murray McKnight. De- sign - Evelyn Woodward, Mary Purdy, Ruth Bonathan. Lino Cut -Harold Wclsb, Bill Kilpatrick. Mural - Joan Longman, A 1.e t a Steele. Applique-Herbert Stire, Don Quick. Cut Out Silhouette-- Dorotby Snowden. Don Quick. original Composition - Junior Ross, Dorotby Snowden, Evelyn Woodward. Class Il - Collections Stamps, British Empire-Fran- cis Jose. Stamps, General-Fran- cis Jose, Harold Welsh, Doreen Jeffcry. Scrap Book - Isabelle Kelly, Marion Webbcr, Bernice Lawrence. Headings-Hclen Mil- 1cr. Samples of Wood-Francis Jose. Any Collection not listd- Murray McKnigbt, Doreen .Wright. Special, Collection Linen -Isabelle Kelly. Clasa HI - Manual Training Bird Hous-3rd George Wright. Model of Boat - Farncomb Le- Greslcy. Sample Coping Saw Work-Jim Patterson, H a r o 1 d Welsb, Aleta Steele. Houscbold Article, Wood - Jim Patterson, June Allen, Haines Belîman. Samnple of Wood Carving-Char- lie Fletcher. Sample Soap Sculp- ture-Junior Ross. Dorothy Mor- ris. Farncomb LcGresley. Puppet or Mask-Aleta Steele, Ted Pybus, Tracy Embley. Paper Mache- Aleta Steele. Chrissy J o r d a n. Acroplane Flying Model (over 30" )-Junior Ross. Acr o p 1 a n e Flying Model (less than 30")- Bull Joncs, Junior Ross, Farn- comb LeGresley. Acroplane, Non- Flying Model-John Norton, Farn- (0mb LeGreslcy, Balfour LeGres- 1ey. Class IV - Household Science Sample of Hemstitcbing Eve- lyn Brooks. Sample of Darned Sock-Isabelle Kelly. Marie Mul- holland. Soldier's Knitted Article 1 FILM STARS GO ON AIR FOR RED CROSS 1 1 HOBBY SHOW plique-Rhona Evans, Ph y11i s (Puritan Children) No tag; 2nd, (Continued from page 1) Clayton Brown. Original-Bey- The official judges' lists show erly Sudds. Russell A 1 1 d r e a d. as many as six winners in various Ruby Welsh. Sample of Spatter classes, but since only three cash Painting-Howard Potter, Pauline prizes are awarded as a general Branch. Gwen Hooper. Cover for rule. and because space is limited. Note Book-lst, Clayton Brown. only winners lst, 2nd and 3rd class Il - Collections are shown in each class, as foi- lows: Stamps, British Empire - lst, JUNIOR DIVISION Edith Woodley. Stamps, General -Harry Snowden. Ruth Snowden, Prizes: lst 25c; 2nd 15c; 3rd lOc. Bill Dudley. Coins - st, Rhona Evans. Scrap Book -G e org e Class I - Art Heath. Mary Paterson, James Pencil Drawing, Action - Ray Bedford. Headings (Scrap Book) Davey, Maria Clarke, Don Mc- -Gerald Morris, Morice Tamb- Laren. Pencil. Landscape - Ray lyn. Bill Rundle. Headings (Pos- Davey, Gwen Bartiett, Betty Win- tèr-Bobby Purdy. Joan Green- ter. Pencil, Stili Life-John Mat- field. Royal Hall. Samples' of chung, Grace Preston, Annabelle Woods-Jim- Lunn, Ray Stacey, Adcock. Ink Sketcb-Bernice Han- Glen Buttery. Collection Not List- sen, Bessie Yeo, Marion Tink. Wa- ed-Robt. Spencer, Edward Bres- ter Colour Sketch-lst. Gxven Da- lin. Hugh Dustan. vey (only 1 entry). Crayon. Land- scape-Muriel Stevens, A 1 1 a n Class 111 - Manual Training Moffatt, John Bunner. Crayon. Bird House-BilI Calver, John Action-Helen Toms, Ralph Pet- Forrester. Gordon Wilson. Model ers, Marjorie Mutton. C r a y o n. Ba n.LoadKnight StilI Life-Marion Tink. Teresa Ba nLoadKnight Budicky, Mary Humphrey. Pos- Sample of Coping Saw Work- ter-Grace Preston, M a r g a r e t Haines Belîman, Howard Davey. Henniing, Marion Tînk. Greeting Bill Cal-er. Household Article. Card or Calendar-L a wr eu~ce Wood -Billie Widdecombe, Or- Brown, Bessie Yeo. Nancy Varcoe. ville Hindman, Ron Simpkin. Mural-Betty Winter. Donald An- Sample Metal Work-Elton Brock, derson, Bobby Morris. Applique Ronald Evans, Ray Stacey. Handy -Yvonne Hawley, Muriel S te- Farmn Device-lst, Clayton Brown. yens, Barbara Norris. Sample Wood Carving-No first, Gordon Sturrock, James Frank. Class IH - Collections Motion Toy - James B c d f o r d, *Stamps-Sophie Matchung. Ed- Alex Stackaruk, Clayton Browvn. na Snowden. Bernice Finn. Coins SoaP Sculpture-Joan Longmnan, -Lydia Bates, Kcîth Shackleton. Dorotby Hardy, Jim Irwin. Re- Scrap Book-Ray West. Ruth Gib- lief Map-Hugh Dustan, Audrey son, Helen Toms. Headings. Trade Northcutt, James Frank. Puppet Marks. Post Cards. etc.-Ervine or Mask-Winnifred Swain, Ivan Brooks. Betty Flett. Lois Davev. Mahafy. Paper Mache - Winni- Collection not lisled-Patsy Ann fred Swain. Jean Griffith. Aero- Smith, Betty Hughes. D on alîd plane Flying Model (over 30")- Henderson. lst. Murray Robinson. Aeroplane Class 111 - Manual Training Flying Model (under 30")-Mur- ra y Robinson. Balfour LeGresley. Bird House-Billie Abernethy, Douglas Burdett. Acroplane Non- Lynnie Shantz. Bobbie Morris. Flying Model -Wally Boswell. Model Boat - lst. Walter Tink. Phiîip Finncy. Bob Purdy. Model Sample of Paper Construction- Military Equipment - Douglas Lois Davey, Gwen Davey. Peggy Cax'erly, Bud Joncs. Goulah. Sample of Coping Saw Work-Lawrence Brown, Doug. Class IV - Household Science Carleton. Ray Davey. Plasticine Model -Donald Stephenson, Er- Sample Hcmstitching-Margaret vine Brooks, Donald Stutt. Soap Thompson, Mary Paterson, Mary Sculpture -Lois Davey, Doreen Alldread. Sample P a t c b i n g- Morris. Gwen Davey. Puppet or Margaret Tbompson, June Luff- Mask-lst, Joyce Graham. Sain- man, Mary Paterson. W or k ed pIe Paper Mache - st, H1e i cn Buttonhole-2nd Jean Turner, 3rd Toms. Mary Alldread. Darned Sock- Sine Barbara Rogers, Betty Spencer, Class IV - HouseholdScee Mary Alldread. ,Soldier's Knit- Sample of Darned Sock-Helen ted Article - Reva Bates, Editb McGuire. Nancy Varcoe. Sample Woodlcy, Ray Dudley. Dressed of P a t c h i n g-Helen MaGuire. Doll-B a r b a r a Rogers, Joyce Joyce Sutton. Gwen Davey. Dres- Kerr. Joyce Woodley. Corkwork sed Dol-Lois Davey, Kathleen Article - Joan Duncan, Dorothy Joncs. Gwen Davey. Sample of Wrigbt. Sample Weaving-Sbir- Weaving - Joyce Graham, Ray ley Grant, .Ella Mabaffy, Eileen Davey. Lois Davey. Special Class, Toms. Cushion Top-Edith Wood- Embroidery-Joan Munday. ley. Ruth Reynolds, M ar ga r et Class V - Domcstic Science Tink. Sample of Applique-Shir- Small Plate of Candy - John ley Pingle, Edith Woodley. Arti-1 Bunner, Yvonne Hawiey. Barbara cie Not Listed-Edith Woodley,l Virgin. Cookies-Eileen Bartman, Joan Greenfield, Jean Reynolds. Mary Humphrey, Muriel Stevens. Butter Tarts - J i mn m i e Dunn, Class V - Domnestic Science1 Joyce Sutton, Lois Davey. Bran Small Plate Toffee-lst, Stella -Muffins -Frank Lewins, Joyce Brooks. Fudge-Mildred Wilson, Sutton, Nancy Varcoe. Joan Woolley, Loryne W b i t e. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION Candy not listed -Joyce Grant, Jane Marjerrison, Jack Knight. CookiesPearl rcslin-MarieAI- ticle not listed - Isabelle Kelly. Dorotby Snowden, Marie Mul- holland. P' c 3( $1 il G L G R G c G IV ti E Domestie Science Ji Plate of Toffee-Isabelle Kelly. iv Plate of Fudge-Evelyn Brooks. Ji andy not listed-Isabelle Kelly. ookies-Evelyn Brooks. Tea Bis- ýuits-Audrey Venton, E v e 1 y n ý [all. Cake, Light-Margaret Ash. E PROJECTS S Prizes: Sections 1-5, lst 50c, 2nd P 3c, 3rd 20c; Sections 6-14, lst C 1.00, 2nd 65c, 3rd 35c; Section B 15, lst $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00, iv Section 1, Individual Project. Grades 'l and 2-Gwen D a v e y. Lois Davey. Section 2, Individ1ual Project. F Grades 3 and 4-Jimmie Woodley.- Ray Davey, Evelyn Kane. Section 3, Individual Project. Grades 5 and 6-Harvey Rowe. Peggy Dippell, John Longman. f Section 4, Individual Project, . Grades 7 and 8-Bll Dudley,.1 Edith Woodley, Lloyd Skinner. Section 5, Individual Project. Grades 9 and 10 -Evelyn Hall. Alan Strike, Elwood Thompson. Section 6, Classroomn Project. Grades 1 and 2-Central School, Mliss Tighe's Room. Section 7, Classroomn Project,d Grades 3 and 4-Hampton School,C Miss MacMillan's Room; Central.a School, Miss Gray's Room; Cen- tra] Scbool, Miss VanCamp'sV Room.c Section 8, Classroomn Project, G.rades 5 and 6-Central School.t Miss Bragg's Room; Central t School, Miss Morris' Room; Cen- ralSchool, Miss Bragg's Room. Section 9, Classroomn Project,o Grades 7 and 8 -Maple Groves (Grade 7 Boys), Mr. Lcyett; S. S. No. 4 Darlington (Grade 7 and 8).T Mliss Arnold; Orono Public Schoolr (Grade 7 and 8), Miss Foster. c Section 10-No entry. Section il, Classroomn Mural- C e n t r a 1 School. Miss Bragg's 5 Room; Maple Grove, Mr. Lycett;e Central School, Miss Wilson's1 Room.1 Section 12, Father and Son Pro-1 ject-Morice Tamblyn, Gary Dil- Ling, Donald Stutt. Section 13, Mother and Daugh-i ter Project-Helen Partner, Joycej Woodley, Helen Wood. Section 14, Family Project-No first awarded; 2nd, The Hall1 Family, Tyrone.1 Section 15. Special Display of1 Articles made by one classrooma for Red Cross purposes-Central1 School, Miss Morris' Room: S. S. No. 13 Darlington. Miss Evelyn Baîl; Tyrone School, Miss Chap- man. FENMANSHIP Grade I-Niana Webber, Miara Nickerson, Greta Martin. Grade II-Jeanette Lobb, Muriel Steel, John Bunner. Grade III-Alberta Ott, Marjorie Mutton, Barbara Virgin. Grade IV-Audrey Flet- - cher, Lorna Sudds, Betty Hooper. Grade V-Ruth Snowden, Ruth Sturrock, Peggy Dippell. Grade VI-Allan McEwen, Ruth Dumas, Eileen Toms. Grade VII-Barbara Bruce, Ivan Mahaffy, Jean Tur- ner. Grade VIII-Joyce Tennant, Winnie Swain, Phyllis Niddery. Eyesight Education And Efficiency By Optemetrist Eyesight Specohsit Disney BIdg. (opp. P.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Nuniber 212 Indiscriminate and c a r eles s treatment of the eyes in the for- mative stages can have only one effect and we are pleased to know they do not exist for long without being discovered. This drain on the energy, both physical and mental, is being taken care of and is on the decrease with the ever-increasing p ubl1ic i ty and knowledge available to the public. When children are under strain they become irritable, cross, and soon are beyond control. The condition reacts as a stramn upon' parents and teachers alike, their efforts being tested to the limit will force some attention rather than have others held back due to the physical handicap of per- haps one in the class. As these conditions grow, perio- dic examinations bring to light the cases as they develop. They are being corrected and studied and beneficial knowledge is being CIass1I- Art Water Colour, Landscape - M. Jeffery. Water Colour, Poster- Ml. Jcffery. Pencil Drawing-M. Jeffery. Class fl - Needlework Specimen Embroidery-Mrs. R. A. Morris. Specimen Crochting- Evelyn Baîl. Specimen Knitting -Evelyn Baîl,, Harold C r o o k. Specimen Needlepomnt - George Pritchard lst and 2nd. Cushion Cover-Evelyn Baîl. H o o k e d Rug-Evelyn BaIl. Tea Cosy- .4rs. D. Brown. Military Apparel -Evelyn Baîl. Industrial Crafts Small Table - H. Jeffery, A. F letcher. Specimen Coping Saw -A. Fletcher. Ornamental Wood Work-A. Fletcher. Photography Portraiture of Figure-M. Jef- fery; Interior View-M. Jeffery; Landscape-M. Jeffery; Natural History-M. Jeffery. Cadmus Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and her mother, Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mrs. R. A. Cooke's. Mrs. .ooke returned with tbemn fromn i pleasant visit in Toronto. Miss Annie Mountjoy spent the wveekend witb ber niece, Mrs. G.ordon McLean, Uxbridgc. Mr. Lowell Fallis and bis mo- ther Mrs. W. H. Fallis have re- lurned from their winter's visit at Fort Worth, Texas, and St. Augustine, Florida, looking well after their winter in the sunny south. Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Miss Annie Mountjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Ten- ny Samelîs attended the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Mountjoy at Hampton on Monday. W.A. and W.M.S. met April 2lst at Mrs. H. Philp's with an attendance of 9, with President Mrs. H. Pbilp in charge. Devo- tional was taken by Miss A. Mountjoy. Roll cali was answer- cd by housecleaning hints wbicb proved very interesting and pro- voked lively discussions. Pro- gramme, in charge of Mrs. Mc- Quade's group, consisted of in- strumental solo by Miss Evelyn Philp; humorous reading by Mrs. H. A. Galbraith, and a solo by little Bryce Pbilp. Secretary was instructed to write for informa- tion regarding a play to be put on. A delicious supper was served. A "Musical Tea" contest was put on in whicb Miss Leah McQuade carried off the prize. A bearty vote of tbanks was tcndercd Mrs. Pbilp for ber kind hospitality and ail left feeling a happy social af- ternoon bad been spent. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Earl At- kinson and Dorothy, Evelyn and Audrey Davis, Ricîmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens, Joan and Don, of Sutton West, at Harold Burgess' and Wesley Taylor's. Mrs. Rose returned home with them. . .. Mrs. E. Silver, Salem, at Mrs. L. J. Goodman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg, Karon and Sandra, Bowmanville, Mr. Trewin Scott, Toronto, at Mr. Walter Park's. . . Mrs. V. Argue, Bow- manville, at Mrs. Sid Hoar's... Miss Evelyn Baîl and Miss June Forgie in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell, and Miss Bernice Cbapman at Mr. F. B. Claspell's, Zion. W.M.S. held a special tbank- offering service on Sunday. Mis. Argue, Bowmanville, was guest speaker and gave a splendid mes- sage. The Mission Band held their first meeting of the year on Fni- day. The program was in charge of Glenn Brooks. Mrs. S. Hoar gave an interesting talk to the cbildren. Mrs. Gordon Cowling acted as pianist. Sympatby is extendcd to Mr. James Aldread in the death of bis brother at Newcastle. Tyrone School News (Veronica Freund, Grade 4) The Hobby Show was a huge success. Our Red Cross exhibit got third prize whicb is $2.00. We had 2 afghans, 3 pair of socks, 2 turtle neck tuck-ins, 2 belmets, i pair bcd socks and i toque. This bas ail been donc since Christ- mas. . . . Veronica Freund came back Wednesday after 8 weeks' absence . . . . We have one big snail lcft . . . . We practised the songs for the Music Festival, but now that we aren't having it, we will learn new songs. . . . Today we learned in Science the wild Blackstock An enjoyable evening was spent in the the community bail on Fni- day evening, April 24 wben Nestieton Women's Institute spon- sorcd a cuchre and dance. Mr. Henry Thompson was master of ceremonies and presented the cuchre prizes witb Miss Jobnston, Pcfferlaw. and Mr. Cecil Hill the winners. A victory quilt, designed and donated by Miss Ethel and Mr. Henry Tbompson was also on display. Reeve C. Devitt took charge of this draw. Mrs. Malcolm Emmerson, Institute President drew the ticket whicb was held by Mr. Reginald Nesbitt. Dancing was cnjoyed to music furnishbc by Mrs. Lorme Tbompson, Messrs Herman Wilson and James Carr, .Miss McMulien and Oliver Smith. $70.00 was reaiizcd from the eve- ning and the quilt, and is to be forwarded to the Telcgram B. W. V. Fund. Cartwright Red Cross met April 21. Subjcct of home nursing class was discussed and decided to go abcad providing enough sign up. Mrs. A. L. Bailey reported that several articles had aircady been bought to be enclosed in the over- seas boxes which are bcing pack- cd in the Nestieton Centre. Treas- urer reported on cuchre given. Mention was made of the salvage cards whicb were sent out. Work convener, Mrs. V. M. Archer re- ported on the work donc and sbipped during Marcb. Cabie- gramns acknowledging the receipt of their boxes werc read fromn Nursing Sister Louise Davidson and Gnr. David Baker. It was de- cided that we buy 2 dozen of the regulation overseas boxes. At the Young People's Union meeting on Tuesday evening Grant Ferguson was in charge of worsbip period. Marion Hill read "The Minister's Wife." Anne Thomson gave a piano solo. Topic "Life of Rembrandt" was given by Evelyn Harnden. A reading "Prince Edward Island" was given by Merlin Bailey. Quiz was con- ducted by Evelyn Harndcn. Visitors: Ralph VanCamp, R. C. A. F.. Toronto, and Bruce Scott, Port Hope were home . . . Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright and Edith at Mr. Goldwyn Faint's, Toronto.. Mrs. N. Henry and cbildren, Janetville, at Mr. Fred Bailey's.. Mr. Coleman, student preacher, took the service at St. Jobn's Sun- day wbicb will be bis last as Arcbbisbop Simpson takes charge next SundaY. . . Mrs. S. Swain with Mrs. C. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnston, Arnold, Keitb, and Mrs. Roy Avery motorcd to Millbrook on Sunday to celebrate witb Mrs. Jobnston Sr. ber 94tb birtbday. Mrs. John- ston is up and about alI day and is quite well. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery intend moving to Windsor, whcre Mr. Avery bas the position of an in- spector in the Ford Motor plant. The soul, by an instinct strong- 1er thart reason, ever associates beauty with truth.-Tuckerman' Nestieton Nestîcton W. A. met April 23rd. Scripture was in charge of Rev. D. M. Stinson. Ladies decided to finish the quilt and get the church cleaned. Program was in charge of Mrs. M. Emerson's group. A dlainty lunch was served. Mr. Gilbert Marlow is able to be out again. W. I. dance and euchre beld at Blackstock was quite a success. Mr. Regie Nesbitt received the quilt for the lucky draw ticket. Service in the United Church Sunday afternoon was well at- tended. Visitors: Miss Jean Campbell, Toronto, witb ber aunt, Mrs. Wm. Steele. . . Mrs. Peter Wright is home from Toronto. .. Mrs. Geo. Johns with Mrs. R. M. Hoskin.. Miss Noreen Dickey witb her aunt, Mrs. Dan Black. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joblin and Buddy, Janetville, with Mr. Leonard Joblin... Mr. Edgar Emerson with friends in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Blatherwick, Janetville, with Mrs. John Henderson. . . Miss McDaniels, Toronto, with Mrs. John Williams. .. Mrs. Alex Mairs with Mrs. Panke. . . Mrs. Jas. Samells with friends in Port Perry... Miss Genevieve Beacock with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Beacock. .. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Joyce, Orono, Mrs. Chester, Mr. Trick, Manvers Station, at Mr. George Bowers'. Burketon Recent Visitors: Mrs. E. Strutt and Miss S. Strutt, Tyrone, at Mrs. E. Caughill's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, Jeanne and Harold, Bowmanville, at Mr. H. Rahm's. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shortridge and Shirley, Oshawa, at Mrs. H. House's. . . . A.C. H. House, Aylmer, R.C.A.F., at home. ..Mr. and Mrs. F. Carnochan, Raglan, at Mrs. G. Carnochan's.. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatcheli and Bobby, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Gatch- ell's. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick, Millbrook, at Mr. T. Trick's.... Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, at Mrs. C. Sanderson's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Miss Effie Avery, Oshawa, at the Avery home... Mrs. T. Bailey and Ruby, Oshawa, at home. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mof- fatt, Oshawa, at Mrs. T. Breck's. ..Mr. and Mrs. I. Cochrane and fainily, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, Viola and Mary and Albert, with Mr. J. Adams, New- park. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gi and Mrs. J. Gill at their cottage near Bobcaygeon. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr, Lotus, with Mrs. M. Adams. ..Miss H. Henry, Mr. N. Henry, Bruce and Nora, Lindsay, wîtb Mrs. A. Aldred. We have had very warma wea- ther this past week. Here is hop- ing it is here to stay. Mud cat fisbing is very popular these nice warm evenings. TUA IMake Your Family DAIRY CONSCIOUS! NEXT TO A NEW CAR your logical choice lsaa RIVERDALE RENEWED CAR (sold wlth a written guarantee) ARE YOUR TIRES GOOD FOR THE DURATION? ARE YOU GETTING MAXIMUM GASOLINE PERFORMANCE? Make sure of your Economical Transportation OUR LATE MODEL USED CARS ARE 1. Recondltloned ln our own shop for economical operation. 2. Equlpped with carefully lnspected tires wlth many miles of carefree driving. CHOOSE FROM OUR STOCK 0F Popular Makes and Models DEALERS ln Bowmanvllle and vicinity are invlted to, sec l used car stock. Our trade price willI be found attractive. RIVIERDAL E 755 and 777 DANFORTH AVENUE, TORONTO Toronto's Foremost FORD and MEROURY Dealer SALE 0F WOOL Orders of the War Time Prices and Trade Board, effective 25tb March, 1942, prescribe that during the war (and for one clip there- after) no ungraded fleece wool or ungraded pulled wool shaîl be sold or offered for sale except to a registered warehouse, cither by direct shipment or tbrough a licensed agent or other operator acting in conjunction with the warebouse, or (2) to any other person licensed and acting on be- haîf of the Canadian Wool Board Limited. Except the warehouse or licensce, no person shall buy or procure any ungraded fleece wool or ungraded pulled wool. No primary producer must ac- cumulate or witbbold from sale any ungraded fleece wool, un- graded pulled wool, or any woolly sbeepskins beyond a quantity reasonably required for the use or consumption of bis housebold or for production by hlm of home- spun fabrics or rugs. The prices paid by the ware- bouse of licensce for fleece wool after grading in accordance with the wool grading regulations will be those fixed by the Canadian Wool Board. Barbara Stanwyck Walter Fidgeon Claudette Colbert Outstanding stars from Hollywood who are shown above have contributed their services to the Canadian Red Cross Society and xil appear in a series of radio plays to be broadcast over a national net work by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Barbara Stan- wyck will take part in "Bomb Victims*" on Sunday, May 3 at 10 p.m. E.D.T. while Walter Pidgeon will appear in "Commandos in Action" on Wednesday, May 6 and Claudette Colbert will be the narrator in "Humanity and War" on Sunday. May 10. -Isabelle Kelly, Howard Davey. Secondary Schools - June Alun, Keith Davey. Rug-June AllUn. Lillian Osborne, Evelyn Hall. Corkwork Article-Isabelle Kel- OE LS ly. Cushion Top-HelenPartner. OE LS TOR I15111E k THURSDAY, APRIL 30,1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGIIT j"pme a 2«az4