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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1942, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA&N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MA'Y 14, 1942 Brown's Brown's Red Cross met at Mrs. C. Turner's for quilting. Com- mittee are holding a home cooking sale and a display of knitting and sewing in Newcastle May 23rd. Mrs. H. Reichrath. Mrs. C. Tur- ner and Mrs. T. Wilson are the committee in charge. Next meet- ing at Mrs. T. C1ark*s on May 30. Brown's Home & School visited Lockhart's Home & School. A very interesting and educational progrnm was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson visited in Toronto. Mrs. W. Brunt and Dora and Mrs. C. Malley and Wanda. Lock- hart's, visited at Mrs. C. Brown*s. Mrs. H. Reichrnth and Mrs. C. Turner attended a shower for Mrs. J. Nesbitt at Mrs. Geo. Wnl- ton*s. Newcastle. USE FLO-GLAZE Fer inside and outside wood werk and furniture. A cent ef paint costs yen less than any other kind ef home pro- tetion-yet it is the best there is. WALL PAPER For ecenomical decoratmng see our assortment of pat- terns. A paper for every reera. Specials lu remnants. "WONDER" FURNITURE POLÉSH ipreteets and beautifies 25c & 50c size J. -W. JEWELL "dBIG 20"y BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanville Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, 01d? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality ? Do ek udo'o, exhausted condition make yuee agdout, oId? 'r Ostîrex. Cotalos enrlto nllulaflts, Often needed atter 30 or BI. Supplies Iron. calcium. phosphortis. vitamn Wt epayug tnrmallpep. Vlm, .vlîallty. In- trdko1e Ostex on e ab1etsonly 35c. For 'ale at aU goil drug stores everywbere. Kidney Acids Rob Your Rest Msu3'people *never eeasaita get a good tgtsrest.Tbey tura and tos-lie avakte aad oimt shep.Oftn they biaise it on "nerves" when it oeay b. their kidnesL Heaithy kidacys filter poisons froi the W..&. If they are f aulty and faiu, poisons stW in the systensan d leeplessness, head- ache, hiekache oten follow. If you don't aleep weI, try Dodd's Kidney Pilla-for hall a century the favorite remedy. 103 Dodd's Kidney Pis P;cks-you-up in the Sprng Dr. Chase' s Nerve Foodi The Vitamin Tonic Mine ndaani a n pck-me-. p"for youo orfrend.= t we baefet down and out, with tIred nerve loss of see or Indigestio '= everwith theaddi- tion ofVitamln Bi. It heps 1the appe ti te, iproves digestingie you new "ýppaned eeg.Ask your drugg9i.t for the new ecnomyBieW ime 60cents. - Economy size, three tOmes au luch, $1.50. ACHEY JOINTS?' Gin Pila, for the kidneys, help remove pain-causing toxine that are often the cause of rheumatic twinges and achey jointe. Money back if flot satiafied. ,a r W 1.a UPIaLaa . a, 8M Pilla (in the U.S. ask for "'Gino Pille") 302 Crooked Creek There was a good attendance at Sunday School as we had a special service. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little and baby at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid's. . . Wilmot Widdis at Mrs. Jack Reid's. . . Miss Grace Ward and brother at their par- ents'. . . Mr. Cherry, Toronto, at Mr. Ward's. . . Carl Farrow at Mrs. Roy Farrow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Coward. Port Hope. at Mr. Geo. Clark's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beebe. Gwen and Ar- thur. Miss Maude Lord and Mrs. Geo. Lord at Mr. Geo. Clrk's... Mrs. G. Lord is spending a while with her daughfer Mrs. Geo. Clark . . . Miss Lillian Hale at home . . . Mrs. Chsdale and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale visited Mrs. Walter Farrow at General Hospital. Toronto. . . Mrs. Clys- dale was in Oshawa. Clarke Union Edwin Sandercock is working in the forestry. James Nixon has finished de- livering stock for the Brookdale' Nursery. Geo. Fogg was at Pickering on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey were in Toronto. Archie Watson, who was suc- cessful in his pharmacy exams.. has returned f0 his old job at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and Eiheen visited at J. W. Jewell's on Sunday and attended Mother's Day services at Trinity Church, listening with pleasure f0 their former pastor Rev. J. E. Griffith. Mr. Harold Power and Mrs. Edward Power, Oshawa, visitcd af Mr. Gordon Power's on Sunday and attended the chrisfening of her grandson James. Enfield Wilfrid Bowman had a success- ful barn raising with over a hun- dred men present. The farmers are having a diff j- cuIt time to get their seeding donc between the rains. Mothcr's Day service was ob- served Sunday morning with Mrs. Prescott, Ruth Prescott, Elizabeth Pascoe and Donald Samis taking parts. S. S. Anniversary practice starts this Sunday morning. Our school took part in the Mu- sical Festival at Centre Street School, Oshawa. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beafon and Ian, Oshawa. at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. . . . Bill Grace. Beaverton, at Mr. A. Grace's... Billie Gray, 'Toronto, is with Mr. Wallace Pascoe for the summer. ..Mr. Walter Bulkowski, Toron- fo. at Mr. Frank Bulkowski's... Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowman, Port Perry, at Mr. C. G. Bowmnn's. Maple Grove Visitors: Miss Marguerite Tre- vail, Taunton, and Miss Louise Foley, Town, at Jîm Metcalf's... Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell, Base Line, with their daughter Mrs. Jim Bennett, Port Hope. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley, Mrs. Walter Foley, Mr. Wilbur Blackburn, Base Line, Mr. Mark Blackburn, Hampton, Miss Louise Foley, Town, Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and son Raymond, Miss Marion Foley, were birthday guesf s at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman's, Ebe- nezer, Saturday evening. Rev. Robt. Young, Springbrook, will occupy the pulpit Sunday. A large congregation greeted Rev. S. A. R. Delve, son of a for- mer pastor, the late Rev. R. A. Delve, last Sunday. ,Glad f0 hear him and meet him a'nd his mother again. Mr. Thos. Snowden, Miss Mil- dred Snowden and Mrs. H. G.. Freeman aftended the funeral of their cousin. Berfie Lee of Kedron. Newtonville On Wednesday evening, May 6, a large crowd of friends gathcred in Newtonville Community Hall f0, honour our lafest newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Harward Elliott (nee Stella Little). Lionel Hughes was chairman and presenfed this pro- gram interspersed wifh wifty re- marks: Piano solo, Fac Jones; rendîng, Gladys Whitney; mouth- organ selection; speech, Rev. J. McLachlan; reading, Mrs. Dudley Joncs: moufhorgan and guifar selectîon, Murray Payne; vocal solo, Gwen Gilmer, accompanied by Margaret Denauhf; rcading. Mrs. Lionel Hughes; piano solo, Jean Milligan; speech, Wm. Laing. Harry Wade rend an addrcss of congratulations which exfended a welcome fu Mrs. Elliof t. Mrs. Kimbaîl and Mrs. Farrow present- cd a lovely elcctric frigidaire, and Roy Burley gave themn a kitchen dlock fromn the charivari gang. The bride and groom each thank- ed the friends for their giff s. Lunch was served and dancing enjoyed. Visitors: Miss Marion Samis, Bowmanvilhe, at home. . . Miss Gladys Whitney in Oshawa.... Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce Whifney and Olive wif h Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Welcome, Mr. A. E. Symons and Inez, Morrish, and Mr. J. T. Pearce, Toronto, wofh Mrs. J. T. Pearce. .. Garfield Sunday evening in the United Church the Rev. J. McLachlan preached a sermon in keeping with Mother's Day and the choir rendered special music. Rev. J. McLachlan administered baptism to five babies, viz: Joan Made- leine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey. Winston Frederick. son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hos- kmn: William John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl: Bruce Charles. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Waters; Garry Lloyd. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McGahey. The church was beautifully dec- orated with spring flowers and plants. in the centre being a love- ly bouquet received by Mrs. J. McLachlan from her eider son in Fort William for Mother's Day. There wvas a large congregation. On 'May 2nd there passed f0 rest in Port Hope a tîny life, William Anthony Gibbs, only chjld of Pte. and MXrs. Ross Gibbs. who wvas born May 6th. 1941. He had been very delicate and so God called his little lamnb home f0 the fold where suffering is no more -where all is sunshine and pence. there to await his loved ones. Many kind friends visited the heart-broken parents and a wealth of beautiful flowers ex- pressed silirnt sympathy. Funeral service was in Port Hope, May 4th. conducted by Rev. J. Mc- Lachlan. Newtonville. with in- terment in Port Hope Cemetery. Newtonville Schoel News (By Bill Couch) Our school sent many exhibits to Bowmanville Hobby Show, winning a fair share of prizes... April 27th our school went f0 the woods f0 study nature. We saw many flowers, including: Red Trillium, White Trillium, Spring Beauty, Dutchman's Breeches, Dog Tooth Violet, Marsh Mari- gold, May Apple, Blue Violet, White Violet, Hepaticas, Leeks. We saw trees of different kinds, frogs' eggs, tadpoles, wigglers in the creck which change into mos- quitocs, f ish, and how ferns start f0 grow. . . . Grade 3 and 4 are tnking up Switzerlnnd in 'social studies; Grade 5 and 6 are tak- ing about Burton, Speke and Grant; Grade 7 and 8, India; and Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 are taking the if e historSr of n f rog, mudturtlc and tond, in Science. ... May 1sf we hcld Arbor Day. The girls clenned the school inside and the boys made rock gardens andl flower beds, cut the grnss, raked the grass, and stnrted to make a teeter-totter, tightened the wire fence, and planted flowcrs. Salemi The church service and S. S. Mother's Day program. was con- ducted jointly. Supt. L. Coombes had charge of the S. S. progrrn which consisted of hymns and prayers and rendings from the Mother's Day leaflets, given by the Superintendent, scholnrs and officers, affer which Rev. Gard- ner conducted the church service and gave an excellent sermon with 'Mothers" as his theme. The church wns beautifully decornted with plants and flowers. Y. P. U. meeting May 6th was opened by the president. Worship period was in charge of Mrs. E. Doidge, with Mrs. R. Wintcr, Mrs. L. Squair and E. Doidge tnking part. Program was presided over by Miss B. Thompson: Bible re- ferences, Mrs. R. Winter; topic, Mrs. E. Darch; readings, Mrs. L. Richards and Mrs. H. Cowling; guitar and vocal solos, Mr. B. Darch. Visitors: Mrs. W. Willard, To- ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wcrry, bringing f lowers f0 the church service in mcmory of her mother Mrs. R. Gollacott... Mr. and Mrs. E. Winter, Harmony, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Winter... Mr. M. Cain with his grand- mother Mrs. J. Luxton. . . Mr. and Mrs. 0. Henderson and Peter. Toronto, with his parents. .. Mrs. Aldread, Tyrone, Mr. Aldrend Jr., Pickering, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Strong... Mr. and Mrs. K. Wcrry, Shaw's. with his parents. . . Mr. and Mrs. K. Squair, Juan nnd Donald and Master Arthur, Shaw's, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and family, Orono, at the Squnir home. Congratulations f0 Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn on the arrival of a son in Bowmanville Hospital. TODAY and ail week Rudyard Kipling's MASTERPIECE 0F COLOR JUNGLE BOOK in IMAGIC jechnicolor featuring SABU Joseph Callein John Qualen REVIVAL FRIDAY at I I p.m.* JOE E. BROWN In "The Gladiator"' Next Monday and Tuesday ROBERT YOUNG RUTH HUSSEY in Married Bac helor with Fchix Bressart -____ALSO ON THE SAME BILL Thrillîng drama of U.S.'s great Defence Base.. "DOWN UN SAN DIEGO" Bonita Ray GRAN VILLE McDONALD and DAN DAILEY JRr. Don ates 44 Old Cars to Red Cross ROY W. NICHOLS The well known, energetic and1 aggressive General Motors deal-i er at Courtîce (midway between Bowmanville and Oshawa on No. 2 Highway-to those Who don't know their geography and Can- ada's Who's Who) has done it1 again. In his annual spring clean1 uP of his abandoned car parkingj space t0 use part of this lot f0 produce potatoes as a war meas-1 ure he had decided to dispose of a couple score old autos of 1927-31 vintage. A bright and patriotic1 idea suddenly dawned on Roy.1 Seeing that Bowmanville Redg Cross was putting on a salvage drive he immediately- offered Hampton A vecy enjoyable event was the annual C.G.I.T. "Mother and Dau- ghter" banquet held Tuesday evening, May 5th, in the basement of the church where tables were spread with white linen eovers dccorated with ced, white and blue streamers, patriotie servi- ettes, and white candy cups tied with red and blue ribbon. There' were fifty-two seat cd at the tables. Madlyn Wilcox proposed the toast f0, the King, and Muriel Smith propo,%ed the toast f0 the Mothers, and reply was made by Mrs. W. Rackham. Miss Baffle, Oshawa, introduced the speaker, Miss Eve- lyn Gay, Oshawa, who delight- fully presented a very helpful and intecesting address. Misses Eileen Pickell and Louise Pearce, Ebe- nezer, favorcd with two splendid duets. Madlyn WTlcox expressed our regret in losing one of our valued members, Jean Anthistle. Eilcen Wray rend a few verses and presented Jean with a lovely picture as a token of esteemn in which she was held by the girls. Jean replied briefly, thanking the girls for the gift, and expressing pleasure of hec associations dur- ing hec four years' residence here. Mother's Day was observed in the Sunday School session. If bas been the customn for several years f0 present a plant f0 one of the mothers present and this year Mrs. W. Rackham was the one honored wif h the gift from the Supt. Mc. Geo. Barron and Mrs.. Barron. Mr. E. Anfhistle had a sale of household furniture on Safurday. Hampton folk regret the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Anthistlc and Jean fromn our midst. Mr. An- fhistle was miller foc Mr. Geo. Farncomb. They are taking up residence at Grimsby. At the "~West Group' sewing meeting on May 6th, af Mrs. Lewis Allin's, Mcs. Anthistle was pre- 1senfed wif h two pieces of crystal ware from the ladies as a token of friendship and goodwill. Re- freshments were secved by the hostess and a social hour enjoyed. Girls of Hampton Schooh held a bnzaar of their own xvork and a short program in the school May 5th. [t was nttended by a large number and was a huge success. Two draws were made. Quilf was- won by Mrs. L. TruIl, and afghan by Mrs. G. Gilbert. Proceeds of $41.56 have been sent f0 Tele- gram British War Victims' Fund. Visitors: Mc. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and son David with ber parents in Toronto. . . L. TruIl, Peterboro, with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Port Hope, at W. W. Horn's. . . Miss Reta Kershake, Bowmanville, with relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilbur, son and daughter, Mc. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Toronto, at S. Kersey's and G. Adcock's.. Miss Doris Cryderman, Courtice, Mc. and Mrs. Merwin Cryderman and baby Joan, Oshawa, at L.- Cryderman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niddery, Bowmanville, with Mcs. L. Niddery. . . . Mc. and Mrs. Douglas Rackham, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mcs. R. Burns and daugh- fer, Oshawa, at Mrs. Jas. Burns'. ..Miss C. Farncomb and fciend, Toronto. with hec parents. .. Pri- vate Bloyd Wilcox, R.C.O.C., Kingston, at home. .. Mrs. Edwin Wood and daughtec, Bowmanville, at Mr. S. Williams'. . . Mc. and Mrs. Clare Avery with his sister Mrs. Georgina Niddery. .. Private Reg. Rackham, Gaît, at home... Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and son George, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fer- guson and son Bobby, Thornton's Corners, L.iCpl. Harvey Balson and Mrs. Balson, Camp Borden, at Mr. J. W. Balson's. Congratulations f0 P r i v a t e Jackson Wray, R.C.O.C., Kings- ton, and bride (nee Grace Run- dlc, Bowmanville), who were marcied May 6th af hec home. A number of relatives fcom Hamp- ton aftended the wcdding. Women's Instifute met Thurs- day when these officers were e.l e c t ed: President-Miss Lulu Reynolds; 1sf Vice-Mrs. G. Farn- comb; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Niddery; Sec'y.-Mrs. C. Warren; Assistant these 44 autos (old crocks, s0 f0 speak, whieh had littered up this discarded car grave yard) to put in the Red Cross salvage sale. The generous offer was willingly and gladly accepted. First it was thought these cars could be dis. mantled and wrecked to realize more money when sold as junk. This was found impractical. So they were sohd as they were f0 Bruce Elliott, Newtonville, auth- orized junk dealer, for $250 which has been turned over to the Red Cross as a foundation for their campaign starting this week tu raise $9,000 in Bowmanville and district. Sec'y.-Mrs. Harold Salter; Treas. -Mrs. J. R. Reynolds; Branch Director-Mrs. W. Doidge; Audi- tors-Mrs. W. Horn, Mrs. G. Farn- comb; Park Committee-Mrs. Will Chapman, Mrs. Howard Cole, Mrs. W. Horn, Miss L. Reynolds; Fruit and Flower Committee-Mrs. G. Farncomb. A short enjoyable pro- gram was followed by lunch. (Intended for last week) Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin and son Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Hall and daughter Patsy, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phare, Bowmanville, at Mr. Har- ohd Allin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs, son George and daughter Grace, Tyrone, wifh Mrs. Char- lotte Stephens. .. Mrs. Ken Cav- erly with friends in Toronto... Mrs. Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, Mrs. Leta Sharp, Bowmanville, at F. J. Groat's... Mrs. J. W. Chap- man and dnughter Gail, Toronto, af Joe Chapman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Mrs. W. G. Doidge, Misses M. and .N. Horn visitcd Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa. Canvass here for the Blind realized around $14.00 Canvas- sers were N. Horn, June Thomas, Ruth Geisel and Audrey Kersey. Solina An inspiring Mother's Day and Baptismal service was conducted by S. S. Supt. E. R. Taylor and Rev. W. Rackham, Sunday when Helen Marilyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Lorne Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink were baptized. The story of Hannah was told by May Merriam; Jean Reynolds and Ha- zel Cryderman rend scripture pas- sages and Rev. W. Rackham pre- sented a fitting tribute f0 mother. Kathleen Baker sang Malotte's "Lord's Prayer" and a choral selection was given by the choir. Mr. Thos. Baker. Sr. suffered severe facial and chest injuries when kicked by a cow, Saturday night while working in bis stables. Dr. H. Ferguson, town, stitched him up and f hough suffering con- siderable pain he was back on the -job next day. Mr. Will Baker is home from Oshawa General Hospital, slighfly improved. Mr. Frank Gilbert underwent another secious operation on his eyes'at Toronto Genecal Hospital last week. Visitors: Mr. Bryce Brown, To- monto, with his wife who accom- panied him back . .. Miss Velma Gilbert, Ballyduff, at home... Misses Verna and Ella Milîson, Toronto at Mr. E. Millson's'*' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Orland, with Mrs. S. Bush . .. Miss Pendl Leach with her parents at Taun- ton . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoar, Miss M. Taylor, Mr. Ervan Rainey, Jean and Jerold, Orono, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's . . . Mc. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono, Mrs. C. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles White, Maple Grove, at Mr. Geo. Whites.... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and family at Mr. Les. Gibson's, Co- lumbus . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellîcott, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Bowmanville at Mr. N. C. Yellô%vlees' . .. Mc. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mrs. E. Wil. bur, Hampton; Mrs. L. C. Snow- den, Maphe Grove, Misses Audrey Rutherford and Betty Snowden. Toronto, Messrs E. Hinkson, Re- gina, Sask., H. Hinkson, Whitby, Ed. Hinkson, Oshawa and A. L. Baker, Bowmanville, at Mr. Thos. Baker's . . . Mc. and Mrs. Herb Ogden, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Cryder- man's . .. Mcs. R. J. MeKessock, Mrs. Bryce Brown, Miss May Merriam, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mrs H. E. Tink and Mrs. Bruce Tink were guests of Mrs. Perey Dewell, Hampton, Safurday in honour of Mrs. H. E. Tink's birthday... Mr. A. L. Pascoe and Rev. W. Rackham attended the Presbytery at Brooklin when Mc. Pascoe was appoint cd delegate f0 the Confer- ence at Lindsay . .. Mrs. Robert Rainey, Orono, Russell Balson, R.C.A., Cornwall and Mrs. Balson, Bowmanville at Mr. A. J. Bal- son's. Haydon Visitors: Miss Jean Houston at Mr. F. O. Mcllveen's, Bowman- ville . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rend and Cînyton, at Mr. C. Ashton's, Burketon . .. Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bradley's... Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, with her parents . .. Mr. and Mrs. Aly- mer Beech were in Toronto... Mr. Les. Garrard, Toronto, at Mr. C. Garrard's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and family, Oshawa, Misses Adelaide and Lor- etta Smith, Port Hope, at Mr. Alymer Beech's. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mrs. Georgina Nid- dery's, Hampton ... Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, Maple Grove, at Mrs. T. Cowling's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochrane and Allin, Me- Rae's, at Mr. C. Avery's. Mother's Day service was ob- served on Sunday with our pastor in charge. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harding, Oshawa, Mrs. Gordon Short, Mnxwell's, at Russell Stain- ton's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and Caroline, Mr. Bob Hoy, Oshawa, at Ray Cameron's... Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Wes, Don and Glen, Irene and Doris Richards, Lloyd Flintoff, Kedron, Miss Thelma Martmn,. Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Flintoff, Jean, Barbara and Marilyn, Maple Grove, at Wes Cameron's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Davies, Oshawa, at Chas. Naylor's LICpI. Harvey Balson, Camp B3orden at Robt. Killen's . .. Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronto, at home ... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper ancl Bert, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. W i Il i a m s, Bowmanville, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett, Columbus, at Nor- man Leach's . . . Miss Margaret McCleur at Toronto . .. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, Lloyd and Bill Stainton, John Stainton R.C.A.F., Toronto, at A. T. Stainton's . . . Russell Perkins at Campbellford . .. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe, Oshawa, at Al. Ayre's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Dorothy and Hillis, Utica, at Carl Wilbur's . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Vernon Osborne's, Oshawa . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Leach and Paul, Mr. Mur- ray Morgan and friend, Toronto, at Mel Morgan's . . . Miss Mar- guerite Martin, Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, I*ss Shirley Martin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Martin, Orono, Ptes. Herb and Arthur Wright, Camp Borden at Thos. Martin's . .. Mrs. L. Ford, Toronto, is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Martin. Congratulations f0 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass on the arrival of a son at Oshawa Hospital. W.A. met at Mrs. J. W. MeMas- ter's on Wednesday with a good attendance. A good program was m Eyes Tested - G lasses Fitted Satisfaction in Quality and Price Assured Foot Remedies 1 L%-" John.n's Corn Pads --, 20e ScholI's Corn 'Pads 25c, 35c Nyal Corn Pads -------25e Nyai Corn Remover --.-- 25c Bluejay Bunlon Pads ----25c Moleskin Adhesive, 3 for 25c Nu-Feet ------------- -- 25c Ease lm ----------------25e Sorbo Liniment -- 50c, $1.00 KOTEX MODESS 25c, 59c, 85e 25c, 59c, 85c Gillette Blue Blades 6 for .........25e UCON@MY iu #o SIZI 59 980 300 sonL as afI JIUlud!WUU I25C ln bo D.T. Moth Crystals ---39c Moth Blocks ----10c, 25c Moth Bags . ----- 29e, 55c Larvex ------ 83c, $1.29 Billfolds --- 39c te $2.75 Sun Glasses --- 25e te $3 Cameras --- $1.35 te $7.75 Thermos Botties $1.25, $1.50 Lunch Kits ----------69e Flashlights ----- 85c, $2.75 15e Hale Shampoo 49e Halo Shampoo beth for 50e Castile Soap, 10 cakes 25e FilmsIDevel@ped FREE Phon PC lIIlCTl~ We fit 695 UUIILING' UGSOErse given and a nice lunch served. Mother's Day service was well attended. At the baptismal service. Morley Gerald Balson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Denwis Bruce Clark, son of Mr. and Mýfs. Bruce Clark, Mary Grace Stain- ton, daughter of Mc. and Mrs. Russell Stainton, and Phyllis Clarke, daughtec of Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke wece baptised. Sgt. Observer "Bud" Morden has been home fcom New Bruns- wick on fuclough. Beef and hams have been hard f0 get lately. Local butchers re- port deliveries of only 25 per cent of what they ocdered. Wac is be- ginning to tell. Visit the Arcade Store ducing their Clearance Sale of ladies' conts. Sizes and styles fo suit young and old and at prices that will save you money. Sgt. Harold Bennett, Stormont, Dundas & Glengaccy Highlanders, who recently cetucned from Eng- land, has taken up instructional duties at Regina. Sask. Alice Jackson Mission Band met on May llfh in Tr*nity.prirnacy class coom. Scripture and prayer wece given by Mrs. Rackham. The business meeting was con- ducted by President Mary AIl- dcgad. There was a solo by Wilma R!ehacds. A stocy was given by Mrs. Rackham. A cecitation was given by Bona Mary Griffith. The meeting closed with games and "Taps". Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles% Practîtiener Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electrical Tceatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. TRI. ARCADE AYCLEARANCE~ jr:> ~bf~1 LADIES' COATS Ses12 te 20 - 36 te 48- 183( t.-e6 2- Polos, Reversibles, Tweeds, Boucles, Blues and j Blacks, Sport and Dressy Models. I~ A'large selection at extremely j «~>low prices. 6-- OF PAGE SIX -M. 1~ & w r - -- WA

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