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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1942, p. 8

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PAGE EITCHT THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1942 OMINO 'S'IIIANVIAIMOG 'NVIASMLVIS NVIUIVNVD SHIL The Newcastl Phone Ch Mr. J. H. Jose attended the big Holstein sale at Brampton. Mrs. Switzer, King St. West, was in Oshawa hospital last week. Mr. Thos. Simpson, Cowanvile, was guest at Mr. W. J. S. Rick- ard's. Mrs. W. H. Dariington, Kendal, visited her daughter, Mrs. Jack Glover. Mrs. R. E. Morton and Laurence accompanied Rev. R. E. Morton to Keswick. Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, Black- stock, visited her brother, Mr. E. E. Patterson. Mr. Jesse A. Allen has been engaged for the summer as sex- ton of the United Church. Mrs. Will Henning and Mrs. Gordon Laking and daughter Marlene spent the weekend in Oshawa. W. F. Rickard, M.P., was home from Ottawa. He says it looks as if Parliament might continue to sit ail summer! Ross Dickinson and John Hol- mes caught 22 lake trout weighing up to six pounds each. on a fishing trip to Haliburton. Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Brown's, is now helping Miss Marion Allun as assistant leader of the Golden Rule Mission Band. Mr. Russell Walton, Cleveland, O., has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Fred Graham, and has gone to Buttonville to visit bis brother Ernest. Mrs. Jno. Caswell in company with her daughter, Miss Clara, returned from hospital in Toron- to, but may need to go back for further treatments. Mr. E. E. Patterson has been making further repairs and im- provements to his bouse at the Just Arrived! A New Shipment of BETTER DRESSES In shantings, ch if fo n s, crepes, jersey silks and bet- ter cottens. Each dress truly a creation. Sizes 12 te 20. 8,95 m 10,95 other dresses from $1.98 up TheARCADEI BIOWMANIVILLE lake and wili be completing the sun room on the south. Congratulations 10 Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Tuson (iiee Florence Spencer). Oshawa, on the birth of a daughter. Mn. Thos. Spencer Sr., Ncwcastle, is a grandfather. After coming 10 Bowmanville 10 inter bis sister's ashes in the cemetery, Mn. Thos. Allin, Chi- cago, visited bis cousins, Misses Ada and Elizabeth Allin, New- castle. Mn. Walter Douglas, New York, and Mns. H. J. Ragen, Toronto, spent bbc weekend with their mno- ther, Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Mns. Ragen accompanied ber brother 10 New York. Newcastle Girls' Softbaîl Team, wîth Manager Geo. Crowthcr, wiil lake part in the sofîbaîl tour- nament aI Bethany on June 131h. A boys' teami is also being or- ganized by Ed. Neilson. Mrs. Ed. Powell and daugbter. Miss Reta. who was manied on May 30th, entertained at a trous- seau tea on Wednesday evening. On the previous evening, May 26, Miss Powell was tendered a mis- cellaneous showen at the home of relatives in Oshawa. A group of ten young ladies known as "The Bombers" fnom Newcastle and district, wonked together and made a loveiy quilt. Tickets werc soid and $6700 was reaiized for the British War Vic- tims' Fund. Fine spirit, and keep up bbc good wonk, girls! Last week some more New- castle boys went 10 Bowmanville t0 join the local Reserve Army. They are RobI. Gray, Harold Ro- genson, Roy Foster and. Glenn Tbompson. They pnesented quite1 a soidierly appearance in their new uniforms and bad their pic- lunes taken afler their finst drill. Miss Helen M. Smith, of bigh school staff, is going 10 Y.M.C.A. Camp, Geneva Park, Oillia, on June 22nd 10 attend the special summer school and prepane lber- self for teacbing subjects of the new "Course in Defence Traning, Health and Physical Educalion" wbich. will be introduced in New- castle Hibg Scbool on Sept. isI. Mn. and Mns. Rex Wynn, Brant- fond, have bought "Tinturn," that fine old bouse witb ils extensive grounds at the lake front, former- ly the property of Mns. F. S. Cul- tell, and will occupy it for the summer. "Tinturn" and, "Tin- tagle" occupied by Dr. Annie Hig- bee. lake up a wbole block be- tween Bolton St. and Lake On- tario aI Newcastle -on- the-Lake. Mn. Jack Hare spent bbc week- end with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. Percy Hare, and went on t0 Kingston 10 study for bis Medical Council examinations in Decem- ber. Ht bas finisbed bis course in Medicine at Queen's University and wbile be was in Cleveland, O.. with bis wife and Dr. and Mrs. Munro. rcceived word that he bad completed bis final yean witb honors. He will be at Quecn's un- tiiilhe graduates in December. He bas alneady joined bbc army as a medical doctor. Councillor F. B. Lovekin, Sbaw's, attended the funerai of bis aunt. Mrs. F. H. Danieli, Fnanklin,*N.H., wbo died May 31. Mrs. Danjeil was bbc former Miss Allie Lovekin, sisten of tht late F. B. Lovekin Sr., and daugbter of James Patrickson Lovekin of 'Kilcolman Gardens," Sbaw's. Be- fore ber maniage and bier nemov- ai 10 bbc United States she took an active part in wonk of Newcastle Methodist Cbuncb. She and ber late busband bad occasionally ne- turned for a visit. Mns. Geo. Rob- inson, Newcastle, is a niece. The Mn. McLeod mentioned in last week's Statesman as a speak- er aI an executive meeting of bbc Durham Club in Toronto is one of Newcastle's prominent sons. He was born and educated hene and then started 10 learn about the fish hatchery business fnom Alpha 10 Omega aI bbc Newcastle Fisheries, founded by Samuel Wil- mot and laten Iunned over 10 the Canadian Govennment. W b e n talking about Durham's important part in tbc fish batcheries of this country and the distribution of fny he is speaking about some- Ibing whicb he bas leanned from practice and experience and which be bas studied tboroughlY. Mrs. McLeod was the former Miss Lillie Heard of Brown's S. S. and sister of Mrs. Clifford Brown. Alex McLeod's mother. Mrs. Mary McLeod. is one of Newcastle's nonagenarians and is now busy knitting on her second hundredth pair of socks for the Red Cross since this war btgan. CREEKS ON RAMPAGE Newcastle's West creek, like the Mississippi, has severai important tributaries. Those arising in both the highlands and the springs and swamps northeastward often be- come turbulent on their course through their deep gullies which run southwesterly through the area north of King St. But the cioudburst of last Saturday night brought down sucb torrents of water that these streams went on an unprecedented rampege. Cul- verts were unable to take the rushing volume of water whicb rose to the very tops of the ra- vines and overflowed streets, sidewaiks and lawns. Wben the waters had subsided debris brought down by them iay strewn about the gardens and boulevards. One of the worst washouts was on Mill St. north where the water poured over the road and washed out the dirt from between and around the double concrete pipe culvert which empties mnto Mrs. Frank Gibson's barnyard through the lower part of which this tri- butary flows. The street is now biocked until repairs can be made. On North St. the flood twisted the drive bridge over the main creek at Jno. Caswell's around to a dif- ferent angle and lifted one end up in the air. The rusbing waters whirled over flowers and vege- tables in the gardens and tore at the roots of perenniais, shrubs and trees, taking some out alto- gether. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH S. S. ANNIVERSARY Newcastle United Church Sun- day School had an anniversary iast Sunday too. Rev. Gordon Lapp, Keswick, preached at both services. Mr. Edwin Hancock, Superintendent, conducteci the morning service. Rev. Lapp in his genial manner expressed bis pleasure in once more being in Newcastle. He took for his morn- ing subject, "Jesus, the Great Friend," basing it principally on the story of the mutual friendship of Jesus and Lazarus, Mary and Martha of Bethany. The Junior Choir, witb Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the organ, led in the singing, and a sextette of Cowanville school pupils, Norman Andrews, Sam Seymour, Armand Hollingsworth, Rose, Anne and Helen Getlick, sang two numbers. The chiidren were in charge of their teacher, Miss Marion Simpson. Other visi- tors, present by spècial invitation, were the pupils, teachers and of- ficers of the Lake Shore and No. 9 Sunday Schoois with their sup- erîntendents, Robert Martin and Russell Osborne. In the evening the preacher cead the supremneiy toucbing story of Joseph and His Brethren, one of the richest je,,els of al literature. He emphasized the need of every one of aduit age taking a lively interest in al young folk and showing an earn- est solicitude for their well-being. The Junior Choir sang the anthemn and Miss Velma Pearce, Ebenezer, rendered a contralto solo. She was accompanied to Newcastle by Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Pearce, Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce, Master Brooks Pearce and Mr. Dan Smith who aIl had a visit with relatives. A satisfactory thankoffering was received. Collectors in the morning were intermediate boys, Neil Britton, Tracy Embly, Ron- ald Hockin and Tom Kebblick. IMPROVE VISION 'WITH VITAMIN A Remember green is the colon signal for vitamin A. necessary for good vision among other health factors. Yellow vegetables and fruits such as carrots, squash, ap- ricots and peaches also contain this important vitpmin. Leaf lettuce is one, but just a leaf unden a salad isn't going to provide the day's requirements. It must be eaten in quantity, includ- ing the outen dark leaves which are highest in food value. In buy- ing either leaf or head lettuce watch for fresh, crisp tender leaves. Spinach and the wild green "llamb's quarters," are early green vegetables. Cook for the shortest time necessary and with little USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Faîl and Winîer coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A eall will convince you. Don't miss Ibis place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugless Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanville Electnical Trealments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. DEATHS ALLIN - In Clarke, on June lst. 1942, Leah Beatrice Allin, be- loved wife of Albert Leslie AI- lin, aged 44 years. Inlerment Bowmanville Cemetery. GALBRAITH -On Sunday, May 31s1, 1942, at the Private Pa- tients' Pavilion, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, Donald Gifford Muin Galbraith, barrister, in his 63rd year, younger son of the late Mn. and Mrs. John K. Gai- braith, of Bowmanville. Inter- ment family plot, Bowmanville. HAMBLY - In Oshawa, on May 301h, 1942, Ernest Garfield, be- loved son of Mrs. and the late Hezekiab Hambly, in bis 52nd yean. Interment Bowmanville Cemeteny. NURCOMBE - In Bowmanville, on June 151, 1942, William Ar- thur Nuncombe, beloved bus- band of Gertrude E. Nurcombe. Funenal from his late residence, Ann St., Bowmanviile, on June 41h, at 3.30 p.m. Interment at Bowmanvilie Cemetery. WOOD-At the Toronto Westernn Hospital on June lst, 1942, John D. Wood, late of 2341 Yonge St.. Toronto, beloved busband of Jane Semple and loving father of Charles C. Wood, Detroit, and dean brother of Mrs. Ida Holman, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Cards of Thanks Mrs. Richard Gneeness wishes 10 thank the many friends who have been so kind ta ber in ber necent bereavement, and for the beautiful floral tributes. 23-1* I desire ta thank my friends and relatives for their kîndness, flowens and sincere words 0f. sympathy in my very sad bereave- ment. Maud Reynolds. Bowmanville, June lsI, 1942. 23-1 Mrs. Matiida and Norman Sa- meuls wish 10 tbank all friends and neigbbons for their many kindnesses during her iliness. 23-1* ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Ruth Madelaine Virtue, daugh- ter of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Virtue, Bowmanviile, ta James Barclay, Oshawa; the wedding ta talce place Friday, June 26th, in St. John's Anglican Church. 23-1* COMING EVENTS Salem S. S. Annivensary Ser- vices on Sunday, June 7tb, aI 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Mn. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, will preach aI botb services. Special music by the Sunday School. 23-1 Tuesday, June 9th, Reeve C. R. Canvetb, Newcastle, ,vill entertain with his moving pictunes, also musical numbers, in S a 1 e m Churcb aI 8.30 p.m. Proceeds in aid of war work. Admission 25c and 10c. 23-1 Holstein Breeders Annual Field Day and Picnic will be held aI the Liftlocks, Peterboro, on Saturday, June 6th. Judging aI 10 arn., picnic lunch. 12 noon. Speaker, Miss Agnes Macphaii. Ail Hol- stein breedens, other farmens and their families wiil be welcome. Bring your basket. J. T. Brown, Pres.; H. C. Muir, Sec. 23-1 We have preferred motor traveI ta chuncb going. . . . Now there is a shontage of motor fuel. ROYAL...I THEATRE- BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fni., Sat JUNE 4, 5, 6 Double Feature "'BAD MAN 0F MISSOUJRI" starrlng DENNIS MORGAN Mon., Tues., Wed. 1 UNE 8, 9, 10 "1LOUISIANA PURCHASE"I with Bob Hope Bere Zorina Victor Moore also UNDERGROUND with Range Busters ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisement is flot pald same week as inAer- tion. Extra charge of l0c when replies are directed te, a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50c each. Ini Memorlams, 50e for notice plus 10e per lme for verse. Classlfied adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. HeIp Wanted WANTED-HIGH SCHOOL STU- dent 10 work in store on Satur- days or to deliver parcels. Ap- ply Dominion Stores. 23-1 HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general office and spotting work. Apply to Bowmanville Cleaners. 23-1 WANTED-RELIABLE GIRL OR womnan for a few hours daiiy except Sunday. Apply 10 Mrs. C. W. Jacobs, Argyle St. 23-l* WANTED-WOMAN FOR GEN- eral housework, $25.00 monthly, sleep in, evenings, one after- noon week free, also every 2nd Sunday. Apply Box 499, Bow- manville, giving references. 2- WANTED - WOMEN BETWEEN the ages of 20 and 38 for the Inspection Board of United Kingdom and Canada at Pick- ering plant. Applicants will be interviewed at the Town Hall, Bowmanville, on Friday, June 5th, from 9.30 a.m. 10 4.30 p.m. 23-1 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED - For established Watkins Route. Steady customers. Must be hon- est and reliabie, have travel outfit or means of getting one. No capital or experience re- quired. Write The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que. 23-3 TO YOU, MADAM OR MISS: Perhaps you have already used Rawleigh Products. You know Iheir superior quality. Did you ever think of selling Ihese Pro- ducts and making good profits each week, easily. We bave openings for you and without putting more lime than you think you can. For details, write: Rawieigb's, Dept. ML- 140-313-F, Montreal. 23-1 For Rent ROOMS TO RENT -APPLY TO Mrs. Ted Bird, Liberty Street, phone 457. 23-1* FOR RENT-COTTAGE AT THE beach with modemn convenien- ces, screened verandah and gar- age. Rent reasonable. Apply, Mrs. Archie Tait. 21-tf* FOR SALE OR RENT - FUR- nished cottage "Windy Cove" at Bowmanville beach, screen- cd and with bydro service. Ap- ply Mrs. Gerry, phone 2287. 2- FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Immediate possession. Phone Oshawa, day 1062, night 1441J. 21-tf FOR RENT --. FURNISHED bouse with ail conveniences, in Bowmianville. Write Box 81, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 23-1 Chicks for Sale CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Biood tested f lock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9t C H I C K S! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually beavy this year we suggest you order at once to avoid disappointment. Many breeds to choose from in Tweddie High Quality Chîcks. Price list on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 18-tf Parents Attention Parents of children beginning schooi in Seplember are request- ed to registen them with the Town Nurse, Miss Taylor, at the Cen- tral School, on any morning of the first two weeks of June. If pre- ferred, pupils of the South Ward may be registered on Tuesday afternoons at South Ward Scbool. Besides the registration requin- Articles For Sale FOR SALE -FORDSON TRAC- tor. For particulars phone 2194. 23-l* FOR SALE -DOOLEY AND Cobbler Potatoes, a few medium size at $1.00 a bag. Fred Cowl- ing, Burketon. 23-1* FOR SALE - A GOOD STAVE silo, 12 ft. by 30 ft. high. H. Stirtzinger, phone 2406, Bow- manville. 23-l* FOR SALE-TOMATO PLANTS, eariy variety. Apply Mn. Jacob Branch, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. 23-1 WANTED - GOOD, USED ICE refrigerator. Write Box 80, dlo Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 23-1 FOR SALE - A GREY PRAM baby carniage, just like new, 10w price. P.hone 518. 23-1* FOR SALE-GOOD POTATOES. Appiy W. G. Wotten, R. R. 3, Burketon. 23-1 FOR SALE -12" FLEURX'>OAT Roller in perfect condition. Lorne Annis, Tyrone, phone 2341. 23-l* SLENDOR TABLETS - HARM- less and effective. Two weeks supply $ 1.00, at Alex McGregor Drugs. 23-tf FOR SALE-BEATTY RE-BUILT Vacuum Cleaner, with attach- ments. A good buy. Enquire Mason & Dale. 23-1 FOR SALE-28-44 HART PARR Tractor in Ai working order, price $600.00; Monitor clover huiler, $50.00. Frank Bamsey, Canton P. O. 22-4* FOR SALE - ELECTRIC IRON- er, table top, f loor model, a seif-contained unit. Wili seil at sacrifice. Enquire at Mason & Dale's. 23-1 FOR SALE -SMALL UPRIGHT and grand pianos. Ternis mayj be arranged. Fred Mitchell, Bowmanville, P. O. Box 492. Tel. 353. 23-1* FOR SALE-POTATOES, COB- blers and Green Mountain, $1.50 a bag for large and medium size run for 75 lb. bag. Appiy H. Watchorn, R. R. 1, Bowman- ville, Ont. 23-1* FOR SALE-PIANOS, FIFTEEN 10 choose from, price $29.00 and up. Guaranteed for ten years. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Sîmicoe St. North, Oshawa, phone 251. 22-4* FOR SALE - DINING TABLE, six chairs to match, solid oak,J $10.00; Lawn mower, Pennsyl- vania bail beaning, 16 inch, $7. Apply Box 77, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 23-1* FOR SALE - ABOUT SEVEN- teen hundred feet of dry pîne plank, 2x6, suitabie for silo, dried inside four yeans; also a quantity of dry oak timber. Apply John Greer, Burketon R. R. 3. 23-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from oven 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view tbese at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osb- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-NO. 17 DE LAVAL Cream Separator, equipped for hydro, less motor, excellent condition; one Canadian Beauty rangette; several other used cream separators. Apply O. Hy- land, Burketon. 23-1* PIANOS FOR SALE-MASON & Risch, brand new console mo- dels, one siightly used, low price. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, phone 251. 22-4* FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods mailed postpaid, in plain, sealed envelope, witb pnice list. Aduits oniy. 6 samn pies 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Please state age. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 21-8 FOR* SALE - EPICURE GREEN and Golden Plum~e Celery plants lc each; eariy and laIe Cabbage plants, Red Cabbage, Savoy Cabbage, 50c per 100 plants; early Cauliflower, 75e pet, 100; late Cauliflower plants 50c per 100; also Brussel Sprouts. S. J. Jackman & Sons, Nurseries, phone '780, Bowmanville. 23-tf Store -- Everything in m(edern, cbesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and f loor coverings a specialîy. Quality merchandise aI com- petilive prices. Before buying visit Bradlcy's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-ONE BEATTY EL- ectric Wasber, rebuilt and fully guaranteed like a new machine. We have just rcceived a ne- built Briggs and Stratton en- gmte from tht factory; Ibis en- gmte may be mountcd on above mcntioncd washcn, making an excellent job in a guranteed ne- built engine-dnive wasber. This 3 is oun lasI new on used engine- 1 drive wasber so, if interested, don't miss tbis opportuniîy as ? there will be no more for tht duration. Enquire about Ibis machine aI Mason & Dale's Hardware, Bowmanviile. 23-1 Wanted To Buy WANTED-FOUR CALVES, UN- der two weeks old. Phone 2818. Il. a 1 23-1 Quality Work ~ Quick service, FOT ALBUM FRE E wihl Stop and let us load your camera witb Kodak Vericrome-the film that gels the picture on bright or cloudy days. Once you tny il you'Il like il, for Venîclîroîne gels the picture where ordinary films fail. PICNIC SUPPLIES Thermos Bottles $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Lunch Kits and Thermos... $ 1.98 Lunch Kits ....... 69c Paper Serviettes 1 I5c Sta-Way .. ...-....39e Sun Glasses 25c, $1 .95 First Aid Kits' 25c, $4.50 Band Aids .... 10ec, 25e Duration Leg-Do .. 45c 841", pmesmt Badl oalh 0 Gves 2 5 ç Sdr lgtt e ah*SpaTkline $miles Wo rk ,Wafited, WORK WANTED-EXPERIENC- ed auto operator desires truck- driving job on non-transport vehicle. Apply Alfred Swîtzer, dlo Ferguson Garage, Newcastle. 23-1* WANTED - WORK ON FARM by expenienced farmer, mar- ried. Separate bouse prtferred. Write, stating wages, to Box 78, dlo Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 23-1 Livestock and Articles Fow prt DurhamanldJerseY,] $60. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle, Ont., phone Clarke 1914. 23-1* M iscellan cous GOOD HOME FOR CHILDREtN of war workens or others, N. Bowmanville, reasonable. Write Box 79, Statesmnan Office, Bow- manville. 23-1* FOR SALE IN ORDER TO CLOSE' an estate, Mortgage for $1600.00, intenest 5 % annualiy; principal due March, 1945. Apply 10 M. G. V. Gould, Barrister, Bow- manville, Ont. 23-2 Lost LOST - BLACK PURSE CON- taining $40,' driver's and car ownen's licenses and other iden- tifications, lost on King Street, Bowmanvillt. Finder please ne- turn to W. Rice, 36 Division SI., Oshawa, on Statesman Office, Bowmanville, and receive re- ward. 23-1* Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Covering Bargains Better selection . .. Our prices~ are lower than catalogue prices. Congoicums, Inlaids, 4 Yd. Lino- leums, Feltols, Rugs. Bring your measuremenîs. Our experts will gladly belp you wîth your floor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains 29c Sq. Yd. Floor Coverings ncw cheerful patterns.. lange selection. $1.49 Bordcnless Rugs size 9'x6'. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphol- stered. $5.85 Feit Maîtresses, good quality. $15.95 Lovely Spring Filicd Maî- tresses. $22.50 Cedar Chest - Walnut Watenf aIl design. $29.50 Studio Couches, spring filled.* $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modemn, smart. $49.50 Bedroomn Suite, waterf ail, new. $59.00 Chestenfield Suite, special- ly priced. $89.00 Kroehler Chesterfield Suite, splendid valut. Wedding GI! ts and Presentations We can save you money - Tri- ligbt Lamps, Book Cases, Chenille Bedspreads, Coffet Tables, Smok- ens, Blankets, Rugs, Occasional Chairs, Mimrons . . . Many other beautiful lasting gifîs. Visit oun large Trade-in DepI. Wilson's Furniture Co. "lEvcrytbing for tht Home" 40 King St. West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 18-tf SPECIALS 49e Halo Shampoo 29e Halo Shampoo 1both for 50c. 40e Coigate's Tooth Faste 13e Colgate's Tooth Faste both for 40e 17e Noxzema CoId Creani 39e Noxzema. both for 40e 25e Jergen's Face Creani 47c Jergen's Lotion both for 47e 47e Italan Baini 25e Campana Hand Cr. both for 49e 40e Gillette Shave Creani 50e Gillette Blue Blades both for 59e $1.05 Pond's Cold Cream 30e Pond's Face Powder both for $1,05 35e Bisodol Powder 25c Bisodol Mits 4 both for 39e Jergen's Bath Tablets do..z. . ----------------59e Woodbury's Soap, 4 - 24e 98e Bromo Seltzer special..........-------6e Jury (& Lovel The Rexaîl Drug Store Phone 778 n Plant Those Wet Acres with SEED CORN GRANT DROS. SEED CORN A imited supply lef t. Phone in your order to be sure of your supply. SAVE YOUR COUPONS Get 2 cakes of CAMAY free when you buy one large package of CHIPSO and 2 mediumn cakes of IVORY SOAP with one large package of OXYDOL FRESH FRUIT, FISH, VIEGIETABLIES DAIL'Y Business as usual duriiig alteiratioiis te our store front. FIARRY ALLIN 1The Corner Grocery We Deliver Phones 367 - 368 C.N.R. Ticket Agency RFA USE l', vu ta Da'olwý, l/w WA m TBA DS 1 Wanted - Females FOR MAID SERVICE Good Salary Good Living Conditions11k Steady Emplo>'meflt Will consider applicants over military service age. Apply Superintendent Ontario Hospital Whitby Whltby, Ontario f ~23-24. WANTED - IN FOR ATTENDANT DUTY Good Working Conditions Will consîder applicants with military discharge or those over militai'y service age. Apply The Superintendent Ontario Hospital Whitby Whitby, Ontario 23-24 STE WART'S SEED STORE SEED CORN Hybrid and Open Polllnated Corni. Dent and Flint Varieties SEED POTATOES Cert. P.E.I. Gmn. Mountains Cert. P.E.I. Katahdins SUDAN GRASS, MILLETS, SORGHUM, ROOTS, RAPE. etc. BULK GARDEN SEEDS Fertilizers, Two-in-One Bug Kilier Catte Sprays Phone 577 Bowmanvllle Statesman for mailing in wrap- pers are obtainable at this ofpL. at 5c a copy. ' No Ban on TIRIE REPAiRtS Having your tires repaired promptly will keep your car rollmng longer G.F. JAMESN TIRE VULCANIZING SHOF 22-tf à 1

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