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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1942, p. 2

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-Mid- -- ~ . - --~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAjNlVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1942 On The Eve 0f Army Week Euthusiasmîîis iow- beimîg -lipped np tliiongiiout Cautada for thle observance of "Armiv Week" ivîicli comîmenîces nexf Mvoiday. Tîte objeef stafed is f0 acqnaint civiliauts î-iflî just ltow- soldiem's are trained, hoîvttev live. w-hat thiev caf anîd vbat m-c- reaftii thev have. Tliere are sevemal w-aus in w-hict'h is nove inas- be assesseti aud omne of ttei is tiisfiuictly% polifical. As in fte case of flue editor 's tour of a year ago. it is likehv, tîte shiow iv -iibave ntuceli of flic eleinents of the sîtperficiah. The met effcct will be f0 in- spire entuîfsiasin ai-d comnfidence in thte "i-ast uidertakzigs" of flic goîerîmneuît nnd the î'cally comtfortable snrmouuîdings. grond fond anîd "w'ahkili-ouf umiiiforms" 0on display îvill serve to remove doubts and objectiouns of par'ents and prospective me- erutis fo flic point wbere the urge f0 joi np becomes a duty. l Ian tatu-y the govern- ment spikes flic couse ripfionisf 5. No gr'eat pum'pose is seî'ved iin tli way of nationîal security wibh dispînys of titis char- acter. Tlîeme inay- le o sunaîl elenett of bol- steriiîg anatiomnal anoale unmdem'ling tlîe proposition but fbcm'e is ouly otie sutre vai- f0 get oui ivitîta ivai'aîîd tliat is tf0 c ut all paunpet'ing and psyfotîgaid get dow'ui f0 bcd-rock atîti laîd-dmillinz undem' couîîpeteutf offiuei's. antd keeî) it up tiay aftcr day uuutil w-eliai-e teveloped a liiftiiig fom'ce equal to Huit amatIJap. We cautuot aceoutîplisît tflis b * tiefiotis ie sec pictum'edtheflcpress of flhe tay : Soldieu's cliauiuîfi g fri' or udiitari- nnifou'uîs f 'vlkug-î 'sui fs autti 'dat- iîg"oveu-theflicîoie. "luis best gai ' 'foi',flic eveutiut ont. No Jap or' Hn uvold 1w fount ivifit tat sort of latitudte. It sîtonîti fomîîî nto part of uilifary ftrainîing anionig officers or mcen andtit siimjuiv as uot ivar. A1 leiv days agco uve 1had the piensure of isteuîiiîgotit lic 'radio'f0 ('autada 's Ulief of the Geîeu'al Staff. Lieîît.-Geuîe'al Kcuîueth Stuart. D.S.O.. MN.C.. u'lo spoke f0 flic pub- lie geierall-,uit pi'iniai'ily. as lie said, "to tlhe young officer," and lus vortis veî'e a patter'n foi'te ultinuafe developuiett of an armv woî'thli of ('atiada aîd flic Allies. His w-as a liard hifiiî, uealisfic appu'oaclî f0 what is so vitaliv ueeded ut titis -cr-utto- ment;the licdc-elopitieiit of punicltiug powver ceuifereti aboutf youîîg officers w-idlu kecît xinds w-ho cati lead aînd lîold flic conîfidenice of ei<ialiy younlg aînd keeu- figlîfig umen. And lie couuluded ifih: "Wliaf îuas good euîonurh ifor -yestemtay is îlot good ecuigli for f<uuoi'îoi.' Hi-, speechi uuas tleli-eî'ed hefom-c the uttcm'- lv iuttefeneibile cieale itu Liiiya. I-is -o.mds -ere pu'ophfie andtitlitey show- fluat lic. imîîi- self, is conîpleteil- iniuiîed -witlithtîe ueeds of ttie day ath te hlun': fliaf youml'le"cutof - cîaracter autd keeiîtess an itt ufui powuer' are uicededt f0 ead utîcutanid iiiipu'ovise stt'ut- eg-y. No onte dutîîthe li cou'age tif tîte An- glo-Saxon w-iem-eu-eu'fouîtd. But eu-cuts of flic past y-eai' yield the iiosf ser'ionts of tloubts as f0flic wisthîin of iouîgeu' aelyvittgon old men iiut îiîv t'aiuîî cantîot be sîtakeit frouaitflic" buass-liat*"anid " tld stîtool fie" e ompi ex. Todav Getteral Stutart mealiziuî flic sci'- iousuîess of flic situîationî lias fakeut over di- rectin of defeitees oui fli Pacifie coast. That is utot good enougli. He lioîtid le leff free autd uiiîatipered f0 carry onftflue ideas hie 50 elotiietfi stated ou-eu' fli air : to hîild an artiy offieu'ed by yonflî. Ar'iiy Week wiil be fou'goffeu but Tobu'uk adtliBau'tdia aund Siugapom'aud Bîum'uua anîd scores of otîter places w-oui't he forgotteit. They are leg-acies of aging îuctitipetence. C C-V _ The ilonor System \Ve]liai-e lîad ceiliiîis and m'tioutitn- ad Ieft-haîided eoiitîiisioni for sonie fittue uîoi and aliuîost cvey* ouîe wiii agîee titaf if workis. If works ftu e extet thtat those w'bo adbere to flic uequesf of flic goi'emtient anîd ifs a-euicies, liav-e afriifùaliy saued aand that sau'iug lias been passed f0 the beltefit of flie cîuuutrv auîd t-le aruîîcd ser'vices. But alfIis lias been ofset1)by e fliqtaiîdei'iiugs pf fliose wlto opeuuiy aad blatautly defy the governiuieuit. thtej' îîeiglaatîîs anithli armed sem'ui-'cs anad do as tlhe please. Whiaf t0 doûuiftteutuisuto pt'oblenî. Thte soluniî lies inii 'gd tîiottui îii iuîg iin eiery iasf titntgivecessart'ti le î'-01 sers'ed or' salu'aged fuor the ivutu efforut. If will couate anîd shultIluutve lecut 0111 lied inu 4-the first place. Tliotse um-1- beliieei lis 'uuuîuu- tri' is îuufo ait ail-ont effort at titis fimpueou' at any time, siuipfly 'efuuse ofa uce fuets. Tfueu'i is onte sut-e wuvitî test if. ,Tusf fakze iuvN average -eonauuiiititY ad standtioui lth ouiî and watciî w'h.n. L.+ ilîl. Tusthf tlîîu'ua ui Me %0naiÎun ttm Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER lVith which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 86 Year's Continuous Service To The Town of Bowmanv'iIIe and Durhami County. Member <* Audit Bureau of Circulations(I ly Canadian Weekly Newspaperse Association Ciass A Weeklies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictiy in advance. $2.50 a Year i the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Lîbeu'al iifi: '-'Ai'e vN-01iii 'Mu'. Roebueck flaslîed bock, iiis electom's ueutt antivote K i utg autd. added M'.Roei the nastai's. Wlietueu' tlîey au'e or au-e us vef to be sen for Mm. J] theii' assituiptiot iiitpam'iamE of "-s'votes ati yerv-ii- stîtîtencies yet froui ahi the thete are utot uuaiiv thiat to auisieu'. Thîis couîstufuieiicv peu' teut 'vs'vote aund t ioiul)t whaitever thiat ftie ove fimnut autd exl)ectatiou w-as of flue uoters iii Mm. Roebncl We have iieeui af soîne pain 'oeis auîieuît listou',% f0 w did v on expeef îu-leiyoui-tvo ilivaiabiv the aisweu'w-as. seriptiolu. T41at. w-e blieie' kuîouwn bv ont' M.P. Whien the vote w-as take conistitiineii-w-cut oi-ei'whl scription.i. Te outcouîîe of ft lie decided bv other titan wislies. -V SoId Down the Herew'itli fu'oiîî Unusard 'si , îuisfe' Kiuîg 's speech inititi 10. 1.942. w'e qîte exfi'acfsa thte 38 colituttuts lie plaetl on ai utfe]-'uitithof lis Ilebiseite P3. 3516,: lie asks fou' " po%% w-liu, anîd fil wlat t'xteuif t pulsiont îtîuv blie uessuu'y fo vive oîtfside of ('ttii"P. w-utvs weîl . .. tlî be îîueîuuî iaet'e urs' dsof parlii inîseilto c ieuiîfîu"Ai Bur'ke ut 1Bristoliniuî1774. etu- ftttl%%-ai'."' 'P. :1522, lit N f0 <'al]i lis hy fiiei' 'iglît ut flueu'e arme'nilM' 11011udsfoi' î'oiuplsiout îs, ueeded ut ft . . i'for vet-seas. ' 'And finial] is peufecfly cleai' tti' eeiuîy tlesfu'ovet Ovei'seit5if titis con le flic field of finatl coîîflief.- lhieu'e ivas tmore, utticlu umore meticiffollowcd bY- stîcha utfe seeut. Tien add it ah tîp anîd fron thte total exti'act the tî'uth ltat the lhonou' systei is a N'asiiout so far as "ail-onit" is coîicerîîed. Tlie vaî' is beiing mii by those to whoin a diollar' yields $1.05. w'iie the saine dollar to flue uman w'itli the callotîsed biauds mleanis oiy-, 95e. Here is a sidelight for instanîce. At al cltub the othet' day. flîcre w'ere a dozeit full zauri bow'Is availalîle for ail w-ho caille to tle t uouglî1. Ou the other liaud. at the poor niail .u estaur'ant. lie got but 3 lumps . .. or' noue. The tliîîg is so obvions no argument is iieeded. It's anotîter matter of "if and IVIleuî. -V Calis For Leadership Speakiîî before a Toronto Businessmnen's Club tlie otîter day, Mr. J. M. Macdonnell.. mwidelv kîiowmi finîancier and i)olitiCal realist, said somiethitîg tîtat iieeded sayiîig anîd if is to be hoped bis renîarks ivili carry fromn one enîd of Caniada f0 ttîe other. He spokeon the imîportanîce of uaitainiîîg a sfrong "oppo- sition" larty aîîd coîîteîîded tîtat the (Coli- serv'ative )ai'f\-witlî its tradition ini Can- adian lîistoî'v s1ould, as "an alternîativ-e goverinent", rebuild its armamieits and be i'eadv at ail tilles for 100 per cent efficiencv iii the preseuit risis aînd l)aitil'ularly for the reconîstr'uctionî days. lis caîl foi' leadership came on thue eve of anotiier disaster iii Libya, with Sevasto- pol totteî'ing aîîd Japs slielling ('anadian territoî'v, and on the eve. too, of iitfermin- able bickeriiîg in Ottaw-a over Premier ]Kitîg 's Bill No. 80, m%1icli is the sequel to the llebiscite. Mi'. Macdonuiell calis foi' "Leader'ship Now" anîd be poiiited out the peî-iis of coîîcentî'ated "State M-Naiagemieît" ilow- actualli'v ini force under coiti'ollei's and bureaucu'ats at Ottaw-a. He feels tîtat the tîtreat to fr'ee institutionîs utidet' our paulia- mneutaî'v systent is a inatter as gr'ave as w'ar and a gi'owý-tlt w-lidAli ivili take loilîgeî to eî'adicate if utot curbed iiow-. 'Fi'eedoiîî is the gueatest tlîiug in the wo'd" is flic -av lie expu'essed it. anîd lie queîied. "Cai w-e î'eturîî to it ?" His su- gesf iouîi i developilietit of a stt'oîg op- position 1itei hwiil be at ail timies vigilanît ini lefeatiiL flic infiltr'ationî of the "julan- a-euiai state"ini Canada. Oui the eve of pî'eseuît disastei's abi'oad andi iueptifudes at hiome ]lis advice sltouil(i le doublv appi'ecî- ated. _-X, a Rhtodes seliolai'. oui officci' w'lo îvoiu tfiue utfle last ivar. anîd as otne of ('aitadia*s a2u.ressiveIýV intellingent bîîsi- iessutteit, Ils 'i: soîîlît to lie coiiiai- deered 1) v(aniada. foi' h is pmeciselY the fam-seeiiir uiamen iveieed 'i,'lit uoîv. -V How Goes Durham County? Meubîsof pai'liaîncîit am'e ising iii their places as the debate oui Bill No. 80 dr'ags alonig. to tell of the perceuitage of "ves votes poiied iii flcix' coîî-stitunucies. Sonie disclaim thaf 4"ves" nieant intr'oductionî of 'oiîscriptioui for ovet-seas: ocher's uîost cmi- pliaticall : declare tîtat tîteir consfitiets ineatf imiediate conscription by flîcir 'es'votes. On Tuile 11, 1942, .\Mr. Arthur' R.ocbuek. -M.P.. foiiteî'lv Atfomney-Geuîeral of Ontario, anîd a î'oek-sfroîg Liberal slip- poring MatKeiizie King at ail times, liad thiese thiuurs to sav ini tli debate: 'Tiiose coistituetîcies inî the prov'ince of Q nebec îvbicli î'oted "uto" did so because they kiiew- tIis was a step iii the diu'cctionî of i'nvitoî "However mueli tîtat uîay ueseuihile. 'lieatby I1îviii. fails you lose' fliat w-as the iuueautiiî." Anid lie w-cnt ou to tel fluat of the 26.295 î'otei's iii his constitunnv wlio voted 'vs'b- tîjîte out of evei'y tell. tliev dîd so lelieveiiutlîat "le" ian c'ot;iti oui. Wlîeui ilitcrumpted 1.N auothle assertionîs as the above sauules. '"if, wvhen, aund to whla t extent," aund "aiiy couîting' ellecy" sui'el - have had tîteir repiy.iii the new's front Libya anîd Russiiia ad everyw'lere allies figlut and die and sîthunit to capture. To those w'lîo have tlîe sfouiac.ii anîd forti- tude to ivade through aU tule pages of Han- sard, clay after day, and fluen turui to the spot iew-s hot front the baffle fronts, the st ain of frîustr'ationî aîd flue feeliîîg of help- lessuîess becoies overwhelnîiîug. The cou- victioiî countes tîtat we are being sold down the miv-er' by professed isolatiouîisfs anîd pacifists w'lo btubble on as tlîey did iii Bafri- Tliere is dani-er of suéqi a uevulsion of n- tionîal feeliuîg tioft te old uien inow bieker- ing anîd frittcî'iîg liere anid tiiere aiioii> the allies iay be relegated oveu'uight to the liinbo of bare-walled rooms îvbeme, in polly- skirts anîd uiotlier Hublbard wrappers tliey inay speuud tîteir days cuitting on t paper dolîs. Certaiîly tliey are tuot giviuîg leader- shîip anud are aluuost definitely impeding anl aIl-out effort. There 's room for uno one in the couneîils of tItis côuutrýy or arnong the allies save those of strotug men . . . strong iii everv sense of flue wom'd . .. and as brutal in tilieir attitude tovaî'd w-ar as strouîg men nstually arc. The day- of tlîe "iutellectual" and "isolatiouist" is doute . . . or' onght to be. -V War-And The Salvation Army AIl over the civilized w'vorld tliere are couîittess limtotes w'heî'eiuî fatîtilies are faînil- iar withîThe Rcd Shield. It is familiau', too, iuî the* lauids ov'cii'în lxv bambariauîs, aîîd it is respeeted. save ouly by tlue Japamiese. 1-poiut that sliield iii diagonîal letters appears -Thle Saivatioui Au'nîy. It is tîhe itîsignia LOCAL RESERVE ARMY NEWS By Buck Private Bowmanviie and Port Hope pla-j opinions on the work of the Re- toons of the Headquarters Com-1 serve Army in England are well pany of the 2nd Midland Regi- worth hearing. Bob says "When I ment under command of Capt. J.! first saw the Homne Guard in Eng- O'Neil M.C. attended a church land were driliing with sticks, service and ail-day military tactic- shot guns and clubs of any kind. ai scheme in Port Hope on Sun-' They had no uniforms or equip- day. ment. But today, they are among C Company of the same regi- the smartest troops in Engiand ment, under command of Major A. and are well equipped with all V. Fraser. Port Hope, joined with; modemn arms. These men are the Headquarters Company and. regular civîlians by day, drill or Lieut. Col. A. H. Bounsaîl O.C. do guard duty every evening, and and Capt. F. G. Stmnson, Adju-, every: fifth day they do their turn tant,. attended from Battalion ahl night on guard groups. Then Headquarters at Millbrook. , they do their regular work next JThree buses and a truck day as usual." transported the men fromn Bow- They are now recognized as a manvilie who enjoyed the hospi- very important part of England's taiity of their Port Hope brothers' defence systemn and at times work in arms. Bowmanviile officers in- with the fuli-time soldiers. Con- ciuded Capt. J. O'Neill M.C., O.C. ditions have changed s0 much of the Company, Lieut. L. W. Dip-! that no one knows what is going peul, M.M. and Bar, Lieut. A. R. to happen. Virgin and Intelligence Officer** 2nd Lieut. M. Breslin. On arrivai On Sunday, July 5 there will be the assembled Companies march- a Drum Head Service at Cream of ed severai hundred strong to Port; Barley Camp. This 's under the Hope United Church where Rev.! direction of the town council and J. W. Gordon conducted the ser- it is expected that a number of vice. the local organizations will take part in the parade. This is not al In the afternoon a defending private war and ail men are in-- force was sent to the Mountain vited to take part whether they north west of the town and the are in uniform or flot. Veterans attacking force tried to take the from the Internment Camp and place by storm. Lt. Dippeli, Sgt. members of the reserve will be Samis, Ptes. Moses, Littiewood, there. Eiliott, Hobbs and the rest of the*** boys of the signailing platoon set With the first shells falling on up telephone communications and Vancouver islands, the conditions kept the man on Central busy in Canada are developing fast. switching in information to head- Hitler calls whispering campaigns, quarters. The boys showed great lies, knocking authority and any initiative in taking advantaizeof nther eaenie f the wa,., f af the top of letteî'leads sent Ï)y soidier souis to loved otues eveu'yw-leme. Anîd at the battie fronts it is seeu oni cauîfeens, mio- bile wvagonîs anid uponth le liatbaiîds of tîtose feaî'less and liiuuîîaile iuidiuiduals upotivliouti devolu-es tîte tasks of counfort anîd clîcer anîd aIl too often the last sad rites "tîtfpr'esses dow'n ithe evelids stili. " lu cvei'v quatuu'er of flac globe thte Sali-afioti Au'my cai'iies ou. As a reuijidet' of il titis tlieî'e lias couie to ou' desk a 16-page r'otogravnu'e bookiet "'lu Titis Eiîîerg-eutev, Too. " w-hidli illîts- trates soute of flue fhings tîtat gmeat lînniaut- itariaui agencv pemforins. lu ail sucît ageli- cies, .§ave poissiblv ýtîtat of the Red Cross, it us comniouîly sfated fliat tîte goverutuiîeuît fi- anîces al %var ser-vice w-ork. Tîat is scarce- I y true for tîte peopie stilh put up tlue uuouey. Onte thing flue goveiuîment requires :Tîtat is "the uiuuuuiler of tiuiîes the S.A. facilities are nised." 'Nie reasout is sonîew'luat 4uscnm'e at tlîe momtenit, but the S.A. cou auîswem'. At the enîd of the first 2 ycars of w-ar tîteir facilities w-ere used ini Canada anîd Bmifaiîî, over 23 milliont tiies. anîd up te date uno less tîtau, over 40 mîillionî tines. Thie booklet ilitustu-ates services suuch as conîcerts, novies, libu'aries, sports, religions nieetiigs. c, antceeis, sîtelfers. leffer w'riuîg, etc., and as during tuble last w-ar, the Red Shield ser'vices w-ere "'tops" aimonig ahl simiilai' organizatiouîs. Tîte Salvatioti Amniy at hiome or abroad anîd i-lit w-here th'e sîtelîs fali fhickest. is kiiowuîi as "a home aw-av from boule-' and it deseu'îes everv dîmeý it solicits. Ifs u'egioîîah balance sheet shîowus receipts fu'ouuîtîte War Services Fuuid of $1,097,250.71 anîdhi- far' tîe iaî'geu' part -as devoted to overseas services. The book- let is issued auîd unaiied frouta 21 Dîuuîdas Sq., Torontfo, and s.lîould be widelv apprec- iated. ,q ,4 La -- j Cheer up, pal ... things couid be worse. You ain't been torpedoed yet. v (Remember Army Week> THR IFT 15 VITAL to winniLng the war - I avo ofit.too" cover and in crossing difficuit fort, weapons of war. He maden výes- and said ground. Taken ail in ail it was a bonies about the value of panic "ves fo' a strenuous but enjoyable day. among people and used it to good * * advantage in France. An ounce of i'ofessed by '. Pte. Bob Hayes arrived home prevention is aiways worth a buck, -tlîey are from Engiand this week and his pound of cure. not the iliasters Kin- lias denied Analysis Shows Advantages of tchinmat on Schick Test forDiphtheria opped Dur'lam 's Dr. W. H. Birks, M.O.H., has sent up the following report which î'ecorded a 90.a- shows our Public Health Nurse, Miss Lena Taylor, has recently com- pleted an analysis of the Schick tests done in Bowmanville, this tileî'e ean be li0 Spring, which is shown herewith. ýerw-lîelnino'ii sen- It wili be noticed that practically 98 per cent of chiidren who s pî'e'ieyta have not had diphtheria toxoid are susceptible to diphtheria. n: : k 's constitueîicy. Numnber Schick chr . îis now' that the Tested Positive Negative ~. sk: "Just wliat Neyer had diphtheria toxoid---- ----- 53 51 2 ted 'y-es'?" anîd Had diphtheria toxoid during pre-school years (date uncertan) --- 12 2 10 ail-ont Col' Had diphtheria toxoid in 1933--------- 7 1 6 *is p)ietty Well Had diphtheria toxoid in 1934 ----------- 8 3 5 ToennvHt.muifu cnla Url ul Had diphtheria toxoid in 1935 -----------20 0 j20 -cmplet itlrwO ut istc *e wse n Had diphtheria toxoid in 1936 ------------ 22 5 17 enin 191for con Had diphtheria toxoid in 1938 ---------- 26 0 26 extravagance .... Every dollar is uhgemtly needed te le piebise-ite ma>* Total ---- - --------------------------- 148 62 86 - pay the puice of Victory-Security-Freedom . ... lî's liow~ M.r. Kin.- That is of 95 children who received toxoid 4 to 9 years before date of testing 84 (or 88 per cent) were stiil protected against diph- ptitct otrfy tusrdt epais ef -theria. aroi oh hit R otdt opats Se River denia-to forego luxuries in var ime .. . .T r report of Primej POSTMA8TERS TO REBORATE meaus Wur Savings and Victo[y Donds. Moie planes, e House on JInîe at u'andouîî froun .-" tanks and ships! Mote traiued mien forteA yNv ni the re'ou'd as o te' y Nv and Air Force! .... Thuit means Life Insurance. More th e se if. protection for Canadian homes. More premiu. savings Or iitaî'v-seî'- all Ia.iy 35 t ad o hemighty ai ffighting -5 : - I t i s a - d o l a r s t h a t i s ýn aai, Th helping bo win the war. ( 'aiiad ia lis ..... .. ....... . ....... 11(1 lie q(jutetd P. :3520: "Tht' . ** toial effor't foi' a: 18 flêoa cIilzBftmfln ow tinte w~e begran Vi 1v, P. 3525,"iti)'eeut iiey -.. , -I fsu ran ce w~ill have to lie In ev ery' corner of Canada, posfmnasters are doîng their part s' tiuîelît is not to in the big campaign f0 secure a large increase in the sale of 'TÉ VEIEMNI$SOSUbRIL War Savîngs Stamps. The Postmaster at Westmount, Quebec, THSAVBIE~ lIOSK YLFE INIIRA#O OUAI O A IN UCANADA has already put up a large size invitation to his customers as - e, of salle argu- shown in this photograph. Soon all post offices wiIi be lem- ~~-.~~~~ e'yfaîîtastic phasizing the fact that they seii stamps. PAGE TWO j-' ý 4â-d THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1942

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