THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 THE CANADIANSTATESMAN. BWMANVILLJINTTODf'?TC cer, Holloway; Mr. and Mrs. BEr Soldier's Letter Newcastle Kotchapaw and Joan, DeoreE~jB sns ietr June 24, 1942 Jose's: Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and Lieut. S. George Werry, NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Hazel. Hillier, and Miss Lorna No. 27 Coy. Canadian Dental Roomn 2 Adams, Belleville. Corps, S.George's S. S. held its pic- ORD N Saint John, N.B. A - 75 % and over; B - 65 to 74; 1 nie on the church grounds, June Just a note to say I heartily Gr. V to Gr. VI - (A)-Claire parish hall which included iceB(itr oiaoNtr arewith those who speak of Aluin, Bill Holubenko, June Har- cream, provided by one of New-Pon 5 mmm.. M Miss Beatrice Hamm, Hamilton, GLEN TAMBLYN WINS Clre U inThe Statesman as a letter from ris, Rodger Mellow, Mary Schmid; Castle's Citizens, engaged in in- wa oe n hm.I read it from cover to cov- (B)-Wallace Couch, Ronnie Hoc' dustry and fond of children. V. Bn fCmec lg Mr ad Ms.FrdLorian REDE'SDGET la keUn e.even to the back page ads. kin, Arthur Price; (C)-Donna H. SAnderson sent candy for the omnil Mr.ViQ ed his ft. R lianbbe Glen Tamblyn, clever son of Hay is a bumper crop, but ow- Have found it a popular paper in Smith. little girls of Mrs. M. Brown'sW .SRK P ho0ne 40rl6: Às rw' it-M n r .Elsadbb Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn and ing to wet weather and scarcity the clinic. Ail the staff read it and Gr. IV to Gr. V - (A)-Velma cls. nk ofs Montreals brt are visiting his folks down east. valedictorian of the graduating of Iabor is progressing very slow- now and then I find someone from Price, Marjorie Toms; (B)-Ruthdaansegoasupiew narstrSoitrNay ____________They will arrive here in a week cito for Ba o urrs h or two to visit hier father, J. F. class at Orono Continuation 1Y. Ontario picks it up an finds items Allun, Helen Ash, Christina Ail- Mrs. Dewdney presented her with o Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter Lorriman. Sehool, has been given the sixth John Patterson fell off a load of interest to them. Lieut. Jini dread. Mary M. Bonathan. Hazel a birthday, wartime cake from oeioLa hn 9 are on holidays. L.A.C. Gordon Lemnwa, annual award of the Reader's of hay and was taken to Bowman- Wallace from Toronto who used M. Fisher, John Holubenko, Mary the school, adorned with a victory_______________ M.adMs lfodWnehoe aa wasDigest Association for students ville Hospital. He has since re- to summer at Newcastle Beach- Hagerman, Arthur McDonald, candle.L.CMSO,.A .and ManlTrs. to Clfod Wner hme. w.F wewstknil ho by successful school work turned home wheré he is confin- likes the Newcastle News-he is Newton Selby; (C)-Joan Neil- Mrs. W. J. Hockin was guest ofcBritr oiio here. Friday. give promise of future leadership ed 10 his bed. 'in Ordnance-next door 10 the son; Rec.-Stanley Powell. honor at the home of hier aunt Majo F.Lycet ws hoe. rs. . Bown ontibutd ain the community, it was an- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and clinic. Also Lieut J. Ross from Gr. III 10 Gr. IV - (A) -Vivian Mr.A.0 Pakr ue3t Maof. Lycn t s. homeo Mr lvesl a E. e Bro nda ontribut nounced this week b y Mr. R. C. Eileen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bail- Lindsay-Midlands...and no h at - Megît; (B)-D o n a 1 d Alldread, lanu sh wter ed gir frised fieimdatl to oa Prof. hane Mrs.d he omo andervieys at rte Sudy veî Rosborough, popular principal of ey attended the wedding of Mr. tached 10 Headquarters Staff here Catherine Dewdney, Keith Mel- from Lak shoe r ons No gir Teatre ronto 10 their newly purchased R. V. Anderson, Newcastle, and the school. Harold Cummings and Miss Ethel was much interested in the article 10w, Ida Rogerson, Ernest Spen- rmLkSheBonsN. lhOme. adM. D. Mountjoy, Bowmanville, Dgen will receive the Reader's Bamford in Toronto on Saturday. re Midlands-so there you are. cer, Betty Hagerman; (C)-Keith and Newcastle. Misses E d h Phntfie68Hm 5 Mr. adMrs. Syd York have received air gunner badges at No iet free for one year and also Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. Met Major Bennett, of Port Hope, Aiken, Velma Alldread, Ronald Hend ry and Kathleen Toms were returned t0 Lindsay. 7 bombing and gunnery sehool an engraved certificate from the Ernest Bowen on their marriage. at mess dinner and had an inter- Graham, Joan Wonnacott, Clara- in charge and managed things so ets Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morton holi- graduation exercises at Paulson, edîlors. Ernest is located at Nova Scotia. esting lime comparing notes about bel McDuff (rec. by former Prine). welthat the event was a real dydaLaeSuo.Mn hs wrshv engvn Mr. and Mrs. Reesor and family, the district and environs. Yes- HA.Msn ecr surprise 10 Mrs. Hockin, whoseD..C.EIT Misae d I lae M cogn .T rnt, Mn. AleTsvstngh rd u h n hegs awars have been given Markham, were at her father's, we like Saint John-foggy and H A. asn tec r. husband is in St. Rupert, B.C. sitn: D. E . Sso on holidays. ter, Mrs. Chas. Knox. United States and Canada sînce M.GoCancolt esrbuonhew l JirRomBse thegrsteewr Mrs. A. Wesley, Toronto, was Miss Beverley Payne is home 1937 10 the highesî honour stu- Miss Maude Power, Oshawa, very agreeable. %9(Names arranged alphabeticaly) setMrs. W. J. Hockin Sr., MrnlgTrno ffc:Jr uie guest of Mrs. James Eagleson. from Toronto. dent of the graduation cîass. visited hier brother, Mr. Gordon During the winîer there was Promoted from 2 10 3-Ann H. R. Pearce and Mrs. WalterBd.Bomnle.Ofchus Mrs. Hannel, Detroitlr Mrs. Jackson is back in Orono Tea rsaeprtothed-Power. one supper dance per week- Cryderman, Marilyn Hall, Betty Seldon, Toronto. Mr. Seldon also ,..1 tMs.Teawrsar at fte d-every Saturday but they are dis- Harris, June Neilson, Roly Spen- dropped in for awhile 10 pay his xeîSna Beatty, Toronto, vîsited their sis- and old friends are glad 10 see her. cational programi sponsored by cq..LAO Haed now for the summer. cer. cmlmns hn 9 os hn 2 1erMrs.H. Wish.Mrs.W. W Shewin s onhou-the Association and were a logical To k a f 1...1..L Havei. cotnebeen fortunate in beîng Repeat Grade 2-Billie Fisher, Mrs. Merkley Clark enterîained -a qimn nOfc Miss P. Lowden is on duty at days. ouîgrowîh of the wide use of the _____Out of town weekends, so have Jack Gray, Doreen Selby. aI a trousseau lea on Thursday, thel PoI d Offce ther Kasre o anid Mrs Evmeres Brown Digeslbotin scoo ledn work. iIIh Two more No. 9 Young men, found out that there is summer From 1 to 2-Norma Allin, John afternoon and evening, June 25h, uea ietr bill Fondn the eas are acomnied byo Jaedsprownsal on claboration of t hn duators Dvr. Bill Barchard and Pe. Lloyd weather in spots. Our Major has Allin, Connie Enwright, Merle in honor of her daughter, Miss Jackha teNab ctae. gti reî unn fromts Qhe . ~eport sale a pciaion of tuhe aa- Pe (boh n the R.C.A.b.U.) a summer place ouside towin Fisher, Ralph Goheen, Helen Gra- Bessie Clark, Reg.N., who was Johig n thebb an nwinlon M is aI Hucodso e ighsa Qe. , rhe poamr z in (co tining much g i _ ha e re e valuable s fil about 17 miles and ths corning hamn, M ary Holubenko, Joyce Pol- married on Saturday. Assisting evc. a y o r n a Sommervîlle is on holidays. of the Cedardale Stock farms herd provemnent guide and study helps> Mrs. l-iarvey Ibiaice, Kingston, weekend makes the second time lard, Eileen Rogerson, Nancy were the bride-elect's five sisters, Wm. Brown M.A., spent the sire topped the sale a $6500. Ev- is made available 10 schools and anci niece, Mary Lou Woocicock, out Ihere. The other way--out 10 Smnythe, Roy Stoneberg, Jean. Mrs. Clinton Burley, OshawaF F.M riC. weekend with his parents, Mr. erett and Jim assisted in prepar- colleges as a supplementary texI- are stayîing witn IMrs. Chas. Gib. Rothesay is equally as pretty and Toms. Mrs. Jno. Delvin, aI present with and Mrs. R. H. Brown. ing the herd for public aucîlon. book in English and social science son to assîst in picig cherrmes. we were Ihere lasI weekend. Have Repeat Grade 1-Glberî Au- hier mother, but soon 10 reîurn oe oo Eupet m Mis lie rwn Trot, as Mr ndMr. taly eyou ouse.Mvrs. Annis, bcarborough, has als had a trip down 10 Truro, dread, Earl Foster, Charles Gray, t0 Halifax, Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson hn 8 r74,Assat53 Miss live rown, Toro to, w s Mn. and M s. S anley Seymo r cou ses.been visîîang her daughter, M s. Piton and enjoyed the scenery Betty Sm ith, Bobby Sm ith, Jack and M rs. Raym ond Reid, Bow - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'home. and son Stanley Jr., and Mr. and The awand to Glen is made k1arOld <..+bson. very much. We are ail living out Watson. manville, and Miss Myntie ClarkLcne Auto er The impon tins Toonto, Tr. oron ugt n acpsibetruhM.Rsoog Th u rhe e Simpswon a Tonnto Mmieds. Goodon Suggiî and a cy p sl teah ugh Mn.ff Rob n ug M n. and Nims. Clarence Hutton on subsistence and was rather for- Beginners-Billie Couch, Carl at home. M . Clinton Buley s an _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ whoct aumne heney eachton wonh ar 10,at viine Gerg Sey- andea hisrn teachin staffrr whon select-n ontrcio scholamship for wonk in tbe first mour at Mn. Wm. Seymour's. ed Glen to neceive the award, de- and mîs rly, Bnampon wphlr uae in findngavy aongena Peekn et oeson, LeonLabradfor, on ionrcti Jon wvr and Mrs.s raol Gibson place.. Myn Mansad has oney son Sîoebng for Frhe Airne Foce Jno.t Delin LIORD ETIC gto lyaios! atc hih sh o C n is e M. i n Mr so L. Fr- sg e 10 si uae ch ashP, M ss Mary Gbson and Leslie formerly a bank inspector and M. Bernice Smith, teache. and Raymond Reid are both mem-A torr - nlkle gmatultions lick isite in Toonto.citizenship, and conîinued contact Gibson, Brampton, aI home. now in the pay corps. The only _____bers of the R.C.N. PoeBwavle23 Dr. and Mrs. Leslie, Peterboro Misses Jean Formester and with good reading after gradua- ___________ohechpeeisHaeHnonAente udySholnd peaiiginFmLetoc, Mr.îe atd Mn. d' Ham-r Margamed FCioff wmet home. tion. -junior member of R. B. Han- (Intended for last week) Woship Service in the moning, mlmnsadFmiueSls s Mm. and Mrs. Calvi Ham aSe Mnn R dcLross mce T asdayc- L a k e S h r , C la rk e son's law firm until hie enlisted. Ms He n Wiia s, B w n- the senior girls' class of the U.C. o si e fr tm s a d dts summeming~~~~is heme. Willsms C.S.MLae atd s e- .î& S.S.. with thein teacher, Mrs. A. E. 0t Gamsby. Robent who has been retary and treasurer. The treas- MA DI believe hie is a cousin, s0 maybe ville, visited Miss Reita Cooke. IMellow, called on Mrs. W. J atTmisi o nPceig urer's rpt hwdablne DM A D IS1TANT Sunday School was closed on if.pnoximity has anything 10 do Miss Ruth Bonathan is working Hokn1 elwmmer thmEMRWLU Mrs. Norman Rickard celebrat- of $571-41. Reports of the wonk- HAPPENINGS account of so many attending the with conversion thene may be a with the Inspection Board at Ajax. homein a pesente em wi an HaponOtai. ed hem bithday July îsî. moomn and sewing committees were virha evc n om sigfo ldfml rdto site Mn.adprsne ie ih Druhed Srvce n owan- sigfo odfaiytdton. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Wermy electnie bed lamp, a crystal sugar pcaiigi FmLvsok Township Clerk J. J. Mellor gaven by Mrs. H. Mercer and Mms. From The Orono News of ville Sunday. Read Bill's letters in the States- vstdM.and Mrs. C. H. Epps,boladwopisfsatndIpe nsadFu iueSls spent Tuesday afternoon of lasI C. McLaren. A hospital quota JuIy 8, 1926 Red Cross met aI Mms. Jno. man with a great deal of interest. Clinton. ofw Bnt eprsakers A faiew of Ihels TEMSMOERT week in the hay field doing his was refemred To the workroom Hendry's and next meeting wil Thi i a replacement depot for MisKtlepossaedor haea. Tfwo of the bnile'sPoefrTmsadDt n line o maybel'Bowmanville aca2428 îem. were passed. Orono Continuation Schooî was ReetVstn:Ms .B s am* 6h in lie s ayb 'il be ee'sactio. were also present. On In the intemests of the Upper Jim Powers visited his paet.awarded to W. J. Trick Co., Osh- kerville and Marilyn were holi- seaghmeetQln.Miss Tillie and Master Bqy d Riekad evening, afler bail prac- Canada Tract and Bible Scey Four generations were present waCnacfomteila daying in Oshawa. .. Mns. F. Glo-, Sincerely, Harris, Toronto, are holidayang lice. the girls' softball team and ________________ Rev. AlînutI showed three sels of aI a birthday party given by Mr. ver and son, Toronto, aI Mr. Les.*'S ereWry a hs pne'.termngrGog rwhrVtrnr most interesting pictures in Park adMrs. Charles Staplelon in womk is $8n86 and ingadtin1 Allin's. .. Mr. and Mns. Roy Bun- J. T. Brown attended the Hol- R..MRAVS;BVSc heain andda plumbing .omilna ooro hi o atr-ly otGabM.adM presented Mrs. Hockin, catcher St.Sunay chol rom on a e hoo r. f aernd Wle Another table has been placed lePr rny m n m.NEIGHBORHOOD WORKERS stein sale aI Mount Victoria for four years, with a waîî mirron. Vtrnra evening. naeyM.adMrs. Edward in the Community Memorial park Rot atroOoo tMn. C. SK ORASITNEiFarms, Hudson Heights, QueWhnpbiscolcsdJue C rhSt-Bo anle Miss Mary Sommervîlle, Bank Morton, thein daughîer <Mrs . byK Omono Women'sNC 1nttue MmCMsem.anraToot,21 h a aer'BacPoe83 of Comnebyo oias ,hrsn(hne tpe F rn al havins dontdthe Br '. Cannon's. TooW . -msa brer M. Hoanrda G orenty , hadtohen bi ca lse Jn ofmbs rce, M n. hoas oM ri) e o CalsSal r .Cno ,Trno Mr. What will happen 10 the hun as spending the summer with ber Junior Red Cross, Grades 1 and 2, M.Sdyomevleis 'guest ton) and his son Walter (guest of material. Last year James Dick- and Mms. A. Bedwin and Mre rbohM.HwadGney hdt.teicedlt for the term: ofhsbohr r hs o-honour). Only immediate rela- '.: tM. Taylor's, .orie Fb r d o hlrnreesdfo me anles aby ives were present. son gave material for table enec-aIMCotie.. rdesofcide reaedfm Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher and 2 knitte agns and 83 ash M.adMsMatnaetee.and Mrs. Eric Wicks, Toronto, adschool for summer vacation? Mns. Harry Fishr tedlfghavwslNTER Mrs. CalsTmynhas mov- Mmme andhal Mrs.e MaJohrene d Mrs. Norman Garîshore, Whitby, Many of themn wîll depant with heegesso r, elev. ille, cloths; $10 for Newcastle RedAN R ed mbt part of the Mrs. R. BesI new caretakers of the Orono Jame Marha. viiedJh Powell's. . . Miss Ada their families 10 summer homes aCd.sFun $10 t uioa R. C. D r odrfly estleee- Dr . cEry aîe o bsLeiscme bc fo vrss ric rks H w asPrstToonotahM. . it r ams tati, an u te La$eceMoto asgoeNoa1t0tInpetoslFndR$. 1 1 frDoriveetetan D.DK.MErycleonhsin that part of the factory over chell's. . . . Mn. and Mrs. otnt ns h rb Halibunton 10 clerk in Clayton Cipe blrnsFnad mu.Ilsrtdcrua re grandmothem Mrs. Noble wie The Carscadden picnic held in Loger and baby, Mn. Alex lem facing the Neighborhood Roger hide'sFnd n enrue ootoalrvisiting Orono July 4th was a grand suc- wbicb the late William S. KelEiabtvle at Mr. Bey. Workers Association of Toronto, von.s eea toea anr $1.0 Redcr Cros s Mberie bo roueil is Trno pftrîin insn rm t.ln,.Oe es taae identuan e wichJye' i.W d however, is the pligbt of hunçireds Corp. Geo. Meadows, Veteras Theith teahea Mpeiss M.a Be i- Ades has moîber and saster at Peler- cess. Over 100 guests were pre- wass to the sad accdn in0ihJye' r n r.W d f cbildren who live in the fac- Guans Smit hade aro spcaineagors8htaon, teeTeo br.Kthi o rciigisetfonSilnOeSonMr. Roy losI bis life by the bunst- anas and family aI Mr. B. Whit- Gad a oefo agtn the Sick Children's Hospital, To- Stayner, Creemore, Maple Valley, igfthmandvebl. ney's, Port Granby. . . Sgt. Reg. tory and downtown areas of this as was also Thos. Brereton, R..C. Ihese litîle lots of hiem room on ht.Avering, Barrie, Orillia, Toronto, in fe R iby droi vsit d Gibso n and wife, Aylr, at Mr.m y.AWeewl he oo o F. St. Eugene. Reeven C.y R. aeth showeditato .4on ratulations 10 Roy Colville Oshawa, Bunkelon, Bowmanville, bis faamhe.. Mer. isd ins Frhe reale Was Adtrle il ev .R Crehsoe W a eas Newcastle, Kendal, NeînileJhn m'. n ander Mersy Fran sume days What relief wincy an Joc C numefitrsigflso onIeohradGog a MipaNormai Haw 'xm.Nwovle estate business and lips the scales Toron', Oshawa, Lenore Clarke, lhey find from the hot pavement nonbe os Nancysn andm JoceCa w ijpsed his w was gues t of Port Hope and Onono. The afler- aTewponsrnernet00mrko, Mns. Baskerville, New- and the nanrow streels and over no, Toronto, are holidaying wit local people and scenes, includingsplembtedpcekup1 Miss Mace Hudson. noon was spent in visiting ad abe Ihei gradmoher Mns.r T.e 20 adurks aasle wor and chWde atkriles. hisde ahmpmes The inciden remind-ganmth.T M Miss Marion Cooper is on holi- sports and later ail partook of a 1aser George, sonof Chare casl aI m. W.chl Baskdrvises er owed oe i hc Gibson aI "The Towers". , ut p ay.okadchlrna dy.bountiful suppen. Maun officers Brown, happened with~ paifl Ms. JMiceladMs Vesper services in St. George's Reevey . R.CvehadGohiyuhw nsnigupn Dr. Bidwell Tucken and Miss were re-elecled. Pnizes were accident while sitling on the rear nîce Brown aI Mr. H. Peters'. .. In past years the Country Chnh rbighedat630pm C. WRgh werve aihng tnGeuI ntesaemrh els Elva Tucker visited hee. awarded 1: Dean Cscdeof a truck when it backed mbt a Mrs. G. Martin was aI hiem bro- Homes Deparment of the Neigh- forc the sumenbing Rev 6.0.. C. Wrheh Uere MnashiNo thispaac n idoeb -g.PltRnPatro si Onono, oldest gentleman; Mrs. W . car. His leg required five stitches shesnM.t.MNel Olw bohoo Wones Associto has D. R. Dewdney 10 bold evenîng cnete fo r s. Nw tePPam Sgtn. Moris Oveong oletld;Bb Orono Scbool Promotions: Jr: and was accompanied home by sentk fayhord fct cî-sriea t Svorsi rn about a mile of turn- AMtoitmnseRv o rNewo kshv.rtvdi Mors, enn, Trno oldeselad ; b IV 10 S. IV-Clarence McMuýlen, hiem nieces Lynn and Noel. dren 10 pivate homes in the Mn. and Ms. Harold Couch and îng Lakntwitng fom iouheert akr a loi h ut Orono library. and Wesley Leonard, Slaynen, Coma Linton, Fosetta Carleton, Cooods assme the depthr andrt for____________ Howard Linton; Sm. III 10 Jr. IV- W . * 1a two-week vacation. This yean, andi Mn. and Mns. Geos. Beellaeadtofs asmas rier eorgean Mn. and Mns. R. E. Logan en- who brought the baggest load Dorisvll a aconding 10 F. N. Stapleford, anGreenand Mas e . W a 1 a joyed a short visit fnom Ihein Picnic next year the îast Satur- oi Lowden ana Everett Brown directonk ofte Wh Na.. the nee c e wrat wef up 1 l iver p e ogeae nepbew Sgt. Douglas Elliot, St. day in June aI samne place. pooe onem'wok it for country hoe wher Cit Couch as helpang out on the Been and wished 10 cross 10 the othen PP .John, N.B., and bride, Miss kay Cliff Jones, Stirling, and Miss honours, Bll Brown (hion.), Frank Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Forshaw hîd y oe eecyfarm. Campbell, St. John. I. Crosby, Creemore, visited ai McMullen, Lawrence Wannan, and family, Toronto, with Miss amen may be given a free hoîi- Mrs. S. R. Bonathan bas had side. Why? That's a riddle. He f Mr .Jns.Phyllis Lowden, Kenneth Tamb- Jennie Tbompson.. Mn. and Mns dyi uta ugn nmr much ofteback par of be saw a raft by the shore, used by *rMnyBc Mn. and Mns. Nugent, Peter- Mms. oes.5 than in the past. of th a r e boys aI the uppen end of the ocketmîhgeemappI.a. boro, visited their daughter, Mrs. Cowan families from Toronto lyn, Nelson Couvien; Jr. III 10, Sidney Lancaster with M. and hMnofteecilrn"sae ouseatakendeownGandein isbsted mansh, and s0 hie started to emiu- Itootsanoassrneadîeetra R. C. Rosborough. OnnLkfil.PreHpOb S m n Mar-Ma Smith(on, Myr- Mnsr .NihlssPr. tan nStpeod aesîeyms- otato e.Gansi bid at ukebmyFnno h cue k roilauefatatninolng ni in To o lo îhM. R ichards wbor d r a N ew cnv tle ,B w a v le a d MT r n o M . t p f r , " re s e y m i-w h gathe med in O rono man A llen, Ella M cRobe ts, O live . .M r. and M rs. Reg. W oodharn ing their In r m ay en h ome te o m s gl s m o e ncm o se n s ued Mi si si pi Puke nhaps hen ont e d* 0 ~ rsrpin raee service. I ayhmste o-too heavy on one side; anywaythng3calIp.cstomebakA is unden specialist cane. Park Salumday for thein annual Davey, Eileen Riddell; Sm. II 10 and Manie, Toronto, with Mn. Ed. ther is engaged in wan wonk and Roy Coîwiîî, R.C.A.F., who had ter July lsl a holidgiy? That's what oicnic. Races and sports were Jr. III-LeRoy B r o w n (hon.), Samis. . . Mr. and Mrs. Byers the childnen are lefI 10 thein own been convalescing from an appen- terft went ua one side and rsrdugttd!frDDD RSRPIN Io hink-but between you and enjoyed, also the usual excellent Margaret Wannan (hon.), Kath- and Mns. Howson, Toronto, aI Mr. devices. This is no so b duning dicitis openation at the home of me evemy person had sometbing catering. All officens were ne- leen Stark (hon.), Ivison Tamb- Sid. Hutchison's. . . Misses Mari- -he________terni______theYoung__________________W._H.__________ special 10 do and one business elected. Two special prizes were lyn, Roy Colville, Betty Rowe, lyn Brown and June Wane, To- teschreol ter whperon foe yog returnedt uy r.Pac man even kept bis office open Lliven, both secured by William Neil Hamm, George Brown, Mar- ronto, at Mn. George Ovens'. s.. enst ar unrt suptervision for waI acoped to uî. Mrs.l Parce utw.Cowan, Oshawa. The first was a jonie Graham; I 10 It-Charlie Mrs. Fred Souch, Toronto, wt wleas apparto thera if bt what acopanedon. Coil n M. R. C. Rosboough is aiding lovely big chicken donated by Buckley (Hon.), Viola Noden Ms. Reuben Payne. . . Mr. and aeraen alda? Tranquil pleasumes last the A L W A n ER in the war by working in the Bow- Thos. Cowan 10 the holder of the (hon.), Jean Spry (bon.), Mar- Ms. Arthur Redknap and ulatiet aons l gora ngsmeyogsteaentf te 0ba m a n il e a c o r . G o d fo h m ! lu c k y n u m b e r a n d th e se c o n d a n g a me t M il so n (h o n .), G R e g u W i î k m aI M . W h e t r ~ h l a os f o c i c hi d e re lo n g e t th e b u rde n o o f i e g e t o y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __SA VE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr ad rs F . amly. proriteprzet te ales-Winîen, Bob Keane, Earl McCut- Oshawa. . . Mm. and Mms. Lloyd Bovee orctycilrn r Mn.andMr. F W.Tably. aprpnile nie 1 th bldel-simple. Merely send an invitation Bve Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn and headed man, a cap donatied by cheon, Fosten Blewett, Sam McGahey and babe, Peterboro, 10teCutyHmsDpn- .Repmesenting the Canadian Le- Mis.ri aby eei Mms. Comstock. Keane, Ethel Graham, Alfred aI Mn. RobI. Monton's. ... Sherman mt th onr oe eat in Bowm Dcanvieon Jun er28 Hudson Heights, Que., attending Park St. W.M.S. met Tuesday Milîson; Sm. Pr. 10 Jr. I-Mary McMurny aI Niagara .. . Mn. and eighborhoo 22Wll oeySrkets As- gioe n aI the Decoraton Day son- a sale of Hoîsteins and a side trip aI Mrs. A. A. Drummond's, guesîs Tamblyn, Milton Green, Marjorie Mî's. Arthur Bell and Dan socnato, 22ain Welesley Stret To- Jesse A. Allen, veteran of the 10 Montreal. being comfortably seated on the .Sîsson, John KenJîm Wana Bowmanville, Misses Hid hlde yo caGccmodt eato sera 94-8,....d on Mr. and Mrs. Lew Yonker and lovely spacious lawn in chairs. Everoîl Couvien, Hazel Wintem, and Gwynne Thompson, Kendal, (i s refeal tu take aco t if a cemetery 10 deconale the Bring your car to Garton's. Bob, Miss Ritz and Mn. Bill Yon- Meeting opened with a sing-song Annabel McKay, Margaret Roy; Mrs. W. E. Reid and Joan, Cmoo1k-(t posibeteae andskex ou i fliavscfî. vra veterans of Ibat Wedthkndo btat'.;si ker visited Mrs. Sisson and O. A. of hymns conducted by Mrs. S. Jr. Pr. 10 Sm. Pr.-George Rowe, ed Creek, aI Mr. George Stape- posbefe ; the most covent iex Pakyeaîetoooncliuilsv va adbrn-S .. M . a d M s Ivs n T m yn Littlewood. M s. Lo ga av b Elvn Blew et, Donald Ham m , ton's. . . M rs. M cnty me, M . and f r the am oiva and t s im est n lc .W e d h i d f j b t a ontertained Tbunsday aI a binth- treasurer's report. Mrs. C. ýS. Me- George Couvier, Ernie Allen; A Mrs. Mrsand Marylou, De- method of transportation. The erecting a wine suspension foot parts. We guarantee coin- day panty for thein son when bis Laren conducted a quesîionaine Class 10 Jr. Pr.-Ethel Stark, Ed- troit, Michi, wilh Miss I. Laing. invitio sodhoac paid bridge oven the channel between .:i:~; cousins gathered 10 celebrate with onthe necessity of missionary wad M-îsn BetieHm. Ms'ak n ayo r e by a letter of refemence fromn the the east side and west side park PloIe satisfaction. Corne In- him. work and money; answers being ___________ maining. . local clergyman or some other lands aI the lake, to replace what tdyyuI ieorsr OwinLg 10 eamlier publication of eiven by Mms. C. Wood, Mrs. R. E. Harny Woodham is improvîng delkonesno tenih Reeve C. R. Camveth called the toa-..- lk ursr th pape- Tas wekalag-u - ogan M N.FV otr M-s C.7 in Toronto Genemal Hospital. borhood.A "Honeymoon Bridge" that went vice. meber of the CI-urch of England. on S.G aho 1l's lanon Uy 5LI CoprVTAN a Surviving are Iwo daugbters, Wednesday the lStb. To Grade IV-Helen Getlick A, To Grade 4-Verna Berry, Bet- Mrs L. N A R D ' an_ _ __Be Doreen Witty B Plus, Francis Co- ty Cooper. W1French and one son, Harold Bar- To Grade IlI-Doreen Chesebro, Grade l-Bobby C h e w le m d a, JJwell, ahl of Oshawa. , Court day was held in Orono Kenneib Morris, Russel Merrilu. FedeGavle Th uorlws edJuy1a Mna wl h usdepol To Grade Il-Margaret Getlick, Beginnens - Helen Hoy, Adele ilOnono Anglican Chunch, followed involved, one case being an acci- Kenneth Wilty. Cooper. interment in Orono cemetery. dent ai Newtonville. Marion F. Simpson, teacher. Gladys W. Ard, teacher. e. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAr.IE N7Nr. 1;