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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1942, p. 10

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AGE TEN The NewÏcst1e Independen Phone Clarke 1114 Thos. Brereton, R.C.A.F., St. hut for a more generous offering Eugene, la home. than ever. Jack Nesbitt, R.C.A.F., spent the Seven lJadies gathered aI the weekend with Mrs. Nesbitt ut Mr. home o! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thos. Moffat's. Glenney and engaged in a house- Harold Deline, who ha beeni in cleaning bee, Mrs. Glenney being training in the reserves, has join- ili and quite unable to do any ed the R.C.A.F. bouse woik. Alil relatives. their Mr. James Patterson ha taken visit and services were greutly a position with the Britiah Cun- uppreciated. They were: Mes- ners for the season. dames Harvey Courlice, R. A. Mrs. J. e.H. Wallace and Tom Delveî and Chas. Wood, Orono, are summering in one part of the Mrs. Albert Hilîs und Mrs. Sid Dr. Geo. H. Carveth Estate duplex Hour, Durlington, and Mesdames cottage: W. N. Buckley and Geo. Crow- Mr. and Mis. Mark Mttbews ther, Newcastle. and Margaret are aguin summer- Miss Frances Stinson, B.A., Dir- ing in the cottage ut the ake. ector of Physical Education for Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow und girls ut Jarvîs Collegiate, Toron- aons visiteci their cousins, Mr. and to, and niece o! Mr. Murray Eil- Mrs. Loyal, Ciaremont.' beck, Newcastle, is one of the Miss Evelyn Reeder and Miss instructors on the staff of the Mirmie Pearce, Toronto, were bummer Course gîven by the De- weekend guesta o! Mis. W. J. parmtment of Ectuction in De- Hockin. ience Training, Health and Physi- Reeve C. R. Carveth bas been cal Education ut Genevu Park, re-elected president o! the New- Lake Couchiching. Miss Stînson catle Baseball Club and Mr. Geo. and bier mother, Mrs. I. M. Stmn- Crowther la the new secretary- son have their summer home ut treasurer. ±'.ewcasle-on-the-Lake. A public meeting o! the mule The Regina Leader-Poat re- citizens o! Newcastle was held inl cords the death o! a former New- the counicil chumber on Tuesduy castle citizen, Mrs. W. F. Eddy, evening to plan for a civic bohi- who died in Regina ut the age o! day program on August 3rd... 87. She and ber busbund, who Tis coming Saturduy junior becume Regina*s first mayor and and senior girls' sofîbail teama an eminently successful contrac- are coming 10 Newcastle from tor and reul estate mun, left Bethany to play Newcastle jun- Newcastle 52 yeurs ugo. Mr. Eddy iors and seniors, one gume in the died in 1930. Mrs. Eddy wus the afternoon und one in the evening. former Wînnifred Van Der Water Miss Jumieson, Tbornton, wus o! Hastings County and received guest o! Mis. Norman and Mis her secondury educution ut Albert Marion Allin. Some years ugo College. Belleville. She ia sur- she attended the International vived by two *sons, both in Re- Grain and Fat Stock Show ut ginla, and one duughter in Roches- Chicago in company with Misa ter, N.Y. Alilber grundsons and Marion and Mr. Clarence Allin. one grundduughter are in the Miss Aresta Martin is home active service forces. Before ieuv- from Toronto on a three weeks' ing Newcastle Mr. Eddy built the vacation and Miss Lois Martin for duplex bouse on Emily St., now one week. Mra. Burnett, Toronto, 'occupied by Mrs. Jno. Stupleton is also holîdayîng here' wîlh the and Mrs. Fred Fligg and Mr. and Misses Martin. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. Newcastle Cadet Jack Hure and Mrs. Hure, visitors bo Regina ulwuys found u Kingston, were guesta o! MrU. und welcome ut the home o! Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hure. Accompunying Mrs. Eddy. tbem was Cadet Robert McFad- Mr. Thos. Moffut, un eider o! den, a clasmate o! Juck's ini Newcastle United Church and Medicine ut Queen'a University, president o! the local Upper Cun- and whose home la in Winnipeg, ada Bible Society, celebrated bis Ma.n.. 88th birtbday on June 301h. With About 20 relatives hud a fumîly bim ut a litIle party, besi'des bis picnic, a supplement to the Black- grandduugbters, Mrs. Jack Neabt burn-Hardy annual gatbering, ut! und Miss Murjorie Lycetî. were the home o! Mra. S. Bragg, on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moffut. Orono, July laI, purtiy in celebrution of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wulkey, New- Mrs. Brugg's convuiesence afler tonville, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. AllUn ten weeka o! recovering from ber and duughters, Ne wc asatlie. A injury. birthday cake udorned with cun- Carl Weyrich ha bought the dies wus a notable item o! the lund on the eust ide o! North St., birthday menu. By way of a lit- between Mrs. Norman Alihn's and île pastime from bis gardening Mr. Joseph Coulson's, !rom Miss Mr. Moffut attended the Metuilica- Hazel Barrie and is planning to Front St. (Bowmanville) b a il build a bouse on il. Mr. Switzer gaime in the park on Friday eve- is getting the huy from il and is ning. wutching with us much in- baving il cul and druwn off. tereat as any o! the fana present. Visitors ut Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Then on Sundy he wus in bis Putterson's for the Curscadden place long with the other Eiders reunion were, Rev. A. Carscudden, ut communion service in the Mrs. (Dr.) Wesley, Toronto; Mrs. United Church. He is a firat cou- W. Norris und son. Quening; Miss sin o! Mis. H. R. Perkins (Mary Marie Stewart, Maple Valley; and Moffat), who with bier busband Miss Isobel Crosby, Coilingwood. îecently received a congratula- Neuriy one bundred relatives ga- tory message from their Majes- thered 10 enjoy the ouîing ut lies. King George and Queen Orono Park. Elizabeth on the occasion o! their Newcastle Metalieic ran up the 66tb wedding annîveraary. sume score againat Bowmunville Front St. Friday evening as they did uguinat the iron men the week before-9. The only difference JOHN JAMES ARMSTRONG wus tbey bast instead o! won, for BURIED IN BOND HEAD the Front Streeters ran the bases CEMETERY for 15 runs. Veteran T. W. Jack- son made amenda for Ibis setback The remains o! John James by uppearing in a new Metuhlica Armstrong, wbo died in Toronto sweater wbich bis poîtly figure ut the home o! Mr. Robt. Ratcliffe filled to capacity and pussing the A ! July lat, weîe brougbt 10 HOW TO SAVE SUGAR Free recipe book with Crown Brand Syrup 5 lb tin..60c 2 lb tin...27c Ib.oS5C lb. 19OP Christie's DO NUTS, pkg.......20c e' >E'W MAPLE LA SOAP FLAKES* 65c APPLE BUTTER 'h ivhoiesome -and delicions SO4ppI' 2 lb jar 25e PEANUT BUTTER R.LILbest for cblidren BCONOMY20 oz. jar 25e Cowan's COCOA lb. 25c KLIK 12oti3c an ail pork product HARRY ALLIN: The Corner Groc.ry PhonesM 87 - M68W. Deliver THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Newcastle for burial in the family plot in Bond Head Cemetery on Juiy 3rd. Accomnpanying the cor- lege to Newcastle vere Mr. and Mis. Robt. Ratcliffe wîlh whomn Mir. Armstrong had been living. and members o! their family, Mr. George Ratcliffe and Mi. Thos. Ratcliffe. and other frienda. Also present ut the cemetery were bis niece, Mis. George Watkins, To- ronto. and severai Newcastle friends. Rev. D. R. Dewdney perform- ed the burial rites and the pull- beurers were: Wm. Kene!ick, Wm. Henning, Ellison Moise, Walter Crowther, Thos. Rutci!fe and H. R. Pearce. Mr. Armstrong apent bis youlh and eurly manhood in Newcastle. As a young man be began work- inig for the Grand Trunk Railroud as a switchman ut Newcastle sta- tion in the single Iruck days. Later he becume a train brakeman and lived in Cobourg. He bast one leg in un accident but continued in the employ o! the ruilwuy us a signalman. He bas spent bis haler years in Toronto, being 80 ut the lime o! bis dealb. He wus sociable in munner witb a friendiy, af- fuble disposition. The Armstrong home w-us ut Newcastie-on-the- Lake, the bouse being tom down over 20 yeurs ugo. The property hua been rented by H. R. Peurce for the past 25 years.. NEWCASTLE RED CROSS Red Cross Society bus present- ed a pair o! socks 10 euch o! 22 young men o! Ibis district wno have enlisbed in some brunch o! the armed forces since the New Year. Commilîee in charge -o! Mrs. R. W. Gibson and Mrs. J. C. Hancock wiii uppreciate it very much if the numes o! any who have been missed couid be given 10 tbem, and also the numes o! ail others who may be enrolled from Ibis lime on. Red Cross would like 10 have these names 10 add 10 its Honor Roll and 10 ils gift liaI. Pieuse give full regi. mental number and uddress witb nu me. PENNSYLVANILAN BUYS MORE HOLSTEINS, Another car o! purebred Hol- steins, bought from breedera o! Durham and Northumberland, wus shipped from C.N.R. station, Newcastle, on Monday. The car o! 26 cows and 1 cal! wus con- signed 10 C. S. Erb & Co., Mid- dletown. Penn., who have bougbt severul iota o! Holaleins bere in the pat few years. Aasociuted witb A. J. Tamblyn. Fieldmun for the Durham Holstein Club, in buying the caIlle, was Mr. Ail- wine, Pennsyivania, repreaenting C. S. Erb & Co. Contributors 10 this carioad were: John Cruick- shank 1, H. E. Tink & Son 1, C. A. Blanchard & Son 1, Luther L. Paacoe 2, Hampton; Mrs. Lou- ellen Sonley 1, Bluckwuter; N. I. Metcalf 2, O. L. Luxton 2, Bow- manville; Prof. C. B. Sissons 1, Newcastle; G. L. Kellogg 1, Fred Austin Jr. 2, I. J. McConneii, Port Hope; Robt. D. McCuilough 1, F. H. Benedict 3, Cobourg; A. T. Sirrett 2, Brighton: M. L. Butler 2, Estate o! E. C. Butler 3, Brigh- ton: C. W. Wey & Son 1, Norvul. The consignment was valued ut $4900.00 Canadian funda. JANE ANN FORBES BURIED IN BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY Memories o! the lime when Joseph Trewin cieared the wuste triangle o! ground between tbe Kingston Road, ils spur to the west and the sidemoad ieading down 10 Bemna and Lovekins, !enced il and plunted il, buiit u bouse and raised a family on the site, were revived wben bis siater- in-law, Miss Ann Forbes, wbo died ub hem home in Toronto, was bought down for burial in Bow- manvilie cemetery on Juiy lat. A!bem Mis. Tewîn's dealh when the childien weme mostiy quite young Miss Fombes kept up the home and mothered the compara- tively large !amily o! nephews and nieces who ail grew up, their eliglous and seculur educabion weli iooked afler, and are now ail doing well in their respective sphemes, un honour 10 the memomy o! Ibeir parents and their two aunts.- one of whom also paased on some yeurs ugo. Five nepbews and four nieces o! the laIe Jane Ann Forbes live in Ontario, al sons and duughtems o! the lale Joseph and Mis. Trewin, and al vresent aI the funerul service and hurial. One obber member o! the family, Rev. John Trewin, is a missionary in Nigeria, Afrîcu. Altogether, accompunying the cortege 10 Bowmanviiie cemetery were: Mm. and Mis. Howard Tre- win, Helen and Jack, Humber Bay; Mr. and Mis. Norman Tre- win, Newtonbrook; Mr. George Tewin, Welland; Mr. and Mis. Robert Trewin and Mr. and Mis. Frank Trewin and George Jr., Toronto: Mr. and Mis. Jus. Sîra- chan. Mis. Fariey Martin and Misses Jessie and Ednu Trewin, Toronto, and Miss Dickinson, To- ronto. The o!ficiuting minister wus Rev. Dm. Jno. McNicoll. assistant minister o! Knox Preabyterian Church. and principal o! Toronto Bible Coliege. A number o! frienda o! the Newcastle and Shuw's aiea, for- mer neiLshboms o! the Trewin fumiiy and the Misses Forbes, met the cortege ut Bowmunviiie cerne- temy and joined in the buriai rites. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Hunna, for- mely o! Sbuw's. ulso came down from Corbetl's Point, Wihitby. The bouse wbicb Joseph Trewin huilt and wbich in ufter yeurs was desbroyed by f ire was the foremunner of the present Kurv Inn. Cadmus Mr. and Mrs. Clare R. Fullis. Jack and Joan, Toronto, are at their cottage for the aummer. Furmers bave been very busy ut the hay. The crop is heuvy und the heip very scarce but the weather was !airly favorable so a greul deul o! the buy wa suved. Oui beauliful sparkling luke bus disappeared and in ita place is a muddy pond wilb stumpa and driftwood scttered Ihrough il. A leak in the dam hud necessitaîed the draining o! the pond and now- Russell Brown and bis helpers ure busy repuiring the dam. The boys hud grçat sport a couple o! nigbls cutching the large carp which had been in the pond. At Sunday Schooi the special pmogrum wa in charge o! Supt. H. Philp who bold in an inlereat- ing munner, a atoîy wbich heid the attention o! both oid and young. Miss Shirley McDonaid with ber grundmolher Mrs. J. Wilson are ut Lakeview Cottage. Visitors: Miss Edith Rackham and Miss Lillian Nayior, Bow- munville, with Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Burron, Ottawa. .. Misa Nora Kersiake, who ha been in Ottawa and Montreul, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kersiake... Mrs. Roy Metcuif, Madiyn und Rosa, Buse Line, witb ber mo- ther Mrs. A. Trenouth... Mi. and Mrs. Aiec Grant, son and duugh- ter, Bowmunvilie, ut S. Kersey's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Milîs, Jim und Clifford, Pickering, witb fri- endsaund aîtended the picnic July laI. .. Miss Retu Keralake, Bow- manvilie, with relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wiii White and sons, Orono, ut Mrs. C. Johns'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins, Les- kard. witb frienda. .. Mrs. Frank Hastingsaund children, Oshawa. with Mrs. L. Clemens... Mr. W. W. Cooper, Swift Current, Susk.. with Mrs. Mabel Taylor. . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley, Maple Grove, Mr. Frank Crydermun. Bowmunville, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Crydermun und !amily, Ebe- nezer. Mr. Fred Buulch, Mis. James Craig, Miss Helena White. Dr. J. H. Eiliott, Misa M. Poole, Miss Noma E. Kersiake, Toronto, Mis. Byron Moore. Tyrone, Mr. and Mis. C. W. Downey, Buse Line, ut Mr. Chas. Kerslake's.. - Mia. Jno. Wiiiis. Toronto, with ber sister, Miss Beatrice Colwill. ..Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, ut F. J. Groat's. .. Miss Barbara Reynolds, Toronto, ut J. R. Rey- nolds'. . . Mrs. M. Goodman ac- companied Mr. and Mis. Alian Parker 10 Montreal ufter a pleus- unI visil here. .. Dr. J. H. ElliotI caiied on frienda July lat. .. Mr. and Mis. Luther Aluin with fi- ends in Toronto. Mrs. Wyatt. who bas been visiting ber daughter, returned to the city witb them.. Mr. and Mis. Waite. Oshawa, were dinner guesta o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb on Monday evening. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Cuvemly. Mrs. Eiwood Fenneli, Donald and Barbara, New To- ronto. Miss Eva Souch, Enniakil- len, Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Cole nnd Donald, Bowmanvilie, ut C. W. Souch's. .. Miss Gwen Cuver- ly is visiting relatives in Toronto. Ralph Peters, son o! Mr. and Mis. Hilton Peters, is to be con- eratulated in pasing the Grade 2 Piano Conservatory exama. with lat clas honora, standing firat in a clas o! 12 candidates. Mrs. R. Puscoe, who bas been iii ut tee home o! Miss L. Rey- nolds, is slowiy impmoving. Mi. L. D. Sykes is improving also after bis ilîneas. Mi. S. Coiwili feu !from a scuf-, !old and injured bis bip. Anniversary Services Hampton Sunday Schooi Anni- versary was again a successful and pleasunt event. On Sunduy, June 28th, large congregations gathered ut eacb service 10 greet the Rev. C. W. Barrett, a former pastor, and 10 listen 10 bis mes- sages whicb were- timely und praclical. In the morning he took for bis theme "Contagion,' mak- ing reference 10 the many ways il apreada either for good or evil in one's life. His evening subject was "Whut is the malter wilh the young people?" stressing the im- portance o! the tusk lbey are to take up for the future o! the in- dividual and nation. He made muny pointed remaîka 10 the parents, showing them their re- sponsibiiity îoward the childien and young people, and their cure in the example they set 10 tbemn. The service o! song by the Sun- dy Scbool, directed by Mi. T. Sulter with Norab Horn pianiat, was worsbipfui and in keeping wilb the occasion. Mr. H. Babten, Peterboro, asisled the achool ut euch service and rendered bwo splendid solos. The music Ibro'- oui wus mucb enjoyed. On July laI a program of sports was held in the park and a picnic supper !oliowed. In the evening a large crowd gathered 10 heur the play "Only Saiiy Ann," given by tbe Springvilie Dramutic Club. This splendid play was well received and pronounced one o! the best given here. Proceeds o! play $85.00. Sunday offerings $120.00. Putsy Piebe Segis, a' Holstein cow, owned by J. R. Ormiabon, Hampton, stood fourth in a class o! 108 mature cows îeporled in the twice a day mîlking section o! the 305 day division wilh 560 lb. fut from 13332 lb. miik. When the destination is desir- able, expectation speeda oui pro- gress.-Mary Baker Eddy. ANNOUl1NCMENT ý Classified Ad Rates Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Clarke (nee Audrey Shortt) wish to an- nounce the arrivai of their daugh- ter, Karen Diane, on June l9th, 1942. MARRIAGES BRADT-ROBERTS - On Satur- day, July 4th, 1942, at Lundy's Lane United Church, Niagara Falls, Ont., Eleanor Elizabeth Roberts, daughter of Rev. How- ard L. and Mrs. Roberts, Peter- boro, to Oliver Augustine Bradt, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson P. Bradt, Guelph, Ont. 28-1* PETH-ICK-STRUTT-On Satur- day, June 27th, 1942, at Haydon United Church, by Rev. A. F. Gardner, Stella May, daughter of Mrs. Strutt and the late Mr. Elias Strutt, Tyrone, to Clifford Frederick Pethick, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, Ennis- killen. 28-1* PEATI-S ARMSTRONG-At his late resi- dence, 67 Sparkhall Avenue, Toronto, July lst, 1942, John James Armstrong (formerly of Newcastle, Ont.), former em- ployee of Grand Trunk and Canadian National Railways. MANNING-In Bowmanville, on July lst, 1942, Lily Bennett, widow of the late Frederick J. Manning, aged 76 years. MOFFAT-In Gaît Hospital, July 3rd, 1942, Etta Benson, beloved wif e of Harvey J. Moffat. Inter- ment in Orono Cemetery. NICHOLLS - At Uxbridge, on June 3th, 1942, Caro McDow- ehl, beloved wife of T. C. Nich- olîs, in her 76th year. Daugbter of the late Rev. D. C. McDowell, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM CLARKE-In loving memory of my mother, Fannie Joli Clarke, who passed away July 1 11h, 1941. Just a thought o! sweet re- membrance, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token o! affection, And a beartache stîli for you. -Sadly missed by daughter Pearl. 28-1* EDGAR-In loving memory o! a dear father, William Edgar, who pussed uway June 27th, 1928. We who loved you, sadly miss you, As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. -Ever remembered ty Fumily. 28-1 McREYNOLDS-In loving mem- ory of a dear daugbter and sister who passed away July lOth, 1933. Nothing can ever take away The love a heurt bolds dear; Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps ber neur. -Sadly missed by Mother, Myrtle and Will. 28-1 ROBERTS-In ever loving mem- ory o! Ina, aged 16, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ro- berts; Wellington St., wbo lef t us to be with Jesus, July 4th, 1935. "Safely arrived in Heaven." 28-1* WORDEN-In loving memory o! a dear father, A. H. Worden, who passed away July 7th, 1939. "Nothing cun ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrunce keeps bim near." -Ever remembered by Lorne, Ruth and Iva. 28-1* Order your counter check books ut The Statesman office. I ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. JULY 9, 10, Il Unholy Partners with Edward G. Robinson, Edward Arnold, Laraine Day, Marsha Hunt SHORTS Mon;., Tues., Wed. JULY 13, 14, 15 JEANETTE MacDONALD ln SMILIN' THRO wlth Brian Adherne Gene Raymond Ian Hunter NEWS - SHORTS One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot pald same week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus loe per Une for verse. Ciasstfied adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Card of Thanks Mrs. E. H. Cole takes this opportunity of thanking ahl those who so kindly assisted her in ber recent sad bereavemnent. 28-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - PLANTS, COPEN- hagen and Savoy Cabbages, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, lc a piece. Phone 2200 Bowmanville. 28-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furnitute Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store' - Everything in mcdern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at comn- petitive prices. Be! ore buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - 100 LEGHORN hens 1 year old, now moulting. Phone 2227. 28-1 FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SOW due July 20th. Apply Mrs. A. Weinberger, phone Clarke 1624. FOR SALE - RELIABLE WORK boise, goes single or double, 10 yeurs oid. P. F. LeGresley, phone 2502, Newcastle. 28-1 FOR SALE-20 ACRES 0F standing mixed hay, Appiy A. H. Ciemena, R. R. 6, Bowmun- ville. 25-tf FOR SALE - 5% ACRES 0F standing timothy. Apply George Gilbert, Hampton, phone 2801. 28-1 FOR SALE -$45 DEERING Mower, 5 f t. cut, in good con- dition. Phone 2200, Bowman-. ville. 28-1 FOR SALE -PULLETS, LIMIT- ed nifmber of started pulleta. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 26-tf FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F standing Timothy and Alf alfa Hay, near Haydon. Apply Gor- don Martin, 110 Bruce St., Osh- awa, phone 3490J. 28-1 LIVESTO'CK l'OR SALE-HOL- stein cow 5 years old, Durham cow 5 years old, both due mid- dle August. Apply Albert Zil- versmit, R. R. 1, Enniskillen, phone 2291. 28-1 FOR SALE - McC'ORMICK Deering Binder, 6 ft., sheuf carrier and trucks, ulamite grease, pructically new, cut about 100 acres. Price $200. Apply Jack G. Smith, R. R. 4, Bobcaygeon, Ont. Phone 32-12. 28-2* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - SOLID BR IC K house on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold to close an estate and will be sold cbeap for cash. Apply A. E. Belîman, King St. West, phone 526. 13-tf Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Faîl and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A cal will convince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Personal NEGLECT 0F CONSTIPATION is always dangerous. T ak e Kipp's Herb Tublets regularly. Trial size 25c. Economy pack- age 75c. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 28-tf FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods mailed postpaid, in plain, aeaied envelope, with price list. Adults only. 6 aam- pies 25c, 24 sampies $ 1.00. Pieuse state age. Atex Rubber Co., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 21-8 HUNDREDS 0F UNSOLICITED Testimonials Recomm e n d i n g Kleerex - "A Quick Healing Salve" for Sunburn, Eczema, Psoriasis, Erythema, Impetigo, Itch, Boils, Chaps, etc. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. (M e d i u m and Strong). Recommended a n d sold by Alex McGregor, Drug- gist. 27-1 Vera Gwendolyn, daugbter o! Rev. James E. Beckel, Secretary o! the Bay of Quinte Conference of the Unite'd Churcb, and Mrs. Beckei, was married to Harold M. Burgess, ut Bethel Cburcb, Raw- don, on June 241h, by tbe bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess will reside ut Cressy Pursonage where the groom is student pustor o! the United Churcb. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 llelp Wanted. FULLER BRUSH HELP WANTED - TEN FIRST Speciai Household class carpenters; those now en- Broom........ 99e gaged on war work need notPH E84 apply. Apply in person or writ-PHN 89 ing to Eldorado Gold Mines Bowmanviile, Ontario 1 Ltd., Port Hope, Ontario. 28-2-- 27-2*_ D UE TO ENLISTMENT WE ________ have a few choice established ________________ routes available for men over 45 years of age, or exempt f rom FARMERS military service, or capable fo thsw e women. We supply stocks on fo hswe credit. Experience flot neces- sary. Write Watkins, Dept. COARSE SALT ---95e ewt. 0-B-9, Montreal. 27 4 in cotton bags Dwarf Essex Rape Chicks for Sale (Broad Leaf) $26.00 cwt. Sudan Grass ----- $7.50 cwt. CHICKS-WE HAVE REDUCED Binder Twlne tyChicks effective July 151. Non sexedchicks,$3.00 e Binder Twine hundred discount; Pullets, $9.00 .(5 t) $1G W per bundred discount on beavy Cattie Spray ----- $1.25 gai. breeds, $7.00 on ligbt breeds, Two-in-One Bug Kilier, etc. from price list. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. ST w i' For RentSEED STORE FOR RENT - 4 UNFURNISHED Phone 577 Bowmanvilie rooms in Hampton. Immediate possession. Phone 2823. 28-1 TO RENT -I WILL CONSIDER renting my furnished home on Ontario St. in excbange for my N ~m 'u board. Mrs. Mabel Couch. 28-1 No B n O Strayed .TIRE STRAYED-TO THE PREMISES of Geo. Clark, Lot 10, Con. 3, ] E A R Clarke Township, a two year Having your tires repaired old heifer. Owner may have prmtywîkep ou ca same by proving property and p roîply ngl ke ong r ca paying expenses. 28-1 rliglne Wanted to Rent G. F. JAMdIESON TIRE VULCANIZING SHOP ROOMS WANTED - MIDDLE 22-tf aged lady requires two or three furnished or unfurnisbed rooms in quiet place. Write Box 91, Stutesman Office, Bowmanville. 28-1* Notice Dr. Storey's office will be clos- ed from July lOth to August lst. 26-3 There will be no Clemence Friday and Saturday Family picnic this year owing to Timeiy - Exciting - Fun gas rationing. 28-l* Dr. Bonnycastle's office will be A 'Yank closed from Monday, July l3th, to O H July 27th. 28-2* O H Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will Buria Road be closed from July l4th to July LAA EBRY 27th. 28-1 AA EBRY ________________ DAY NELSQ;ký AUCTION SALES -and on the same bil-. Mr. W. C. Ashton's auction sale SHIRLEY TEMPLM at Lot 1, B. F., Darlington, of d T.E N about twenty acres of standing 1K T L E P hay, red cloyer, alfalfa and timo- with Herbert Marshall thy. mixed, bas been postponed to Tuesday, July l4th, at 6.30 p.m. Terms cash. E. Wilbur, auction MONDAY eer. 28-1 for 4 big days Auction Sale - 30 head of Reg'd SEE! this educational story o! Jersey Cattle by Auction - 20 what can happen to young head from Mrs. Olive Moorheud's love... herd - 10 bead consigned by R. "N Gd R. Fleming. Fully accredited and NO REA IM .S 4p negative to blood test. Fresh and auspices Heaith League- near fresh cows, heifers and two Canada bulîs. Write for catalogue. Sale, PLS Brnaoeei Saturduy. July llth. at 2 p.m. LS rnaJyei Ancarol Farm, 3 miles west of 'ih o h erf Whitby, Highway No.2. 28-1 Ri tto heH a " Next Friday - Don't Miss Notice of 1Dy-Law ROBERTCPRESOEN TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON "This Gun For Hire"y TAKE NOTICE that the Muni -_ ___________ cipal Council of the Corporation _______________ of the Township of Darlington will take into consideration the passing and if approved will pas at its meeting 10 be held on the lst day of August, 1942, at the ý& hour of one o'clock in the iafte- noon at the Village o! Hampon a hy-law for stopping up for an indefinite period and at the re- quest of military authorities, that Part o! the ullowunce for road between lots 6 and 7, concession ~ 2, in the said township fromn the \S# rîgnt of wuy of tbe Canadian. Puci!ic Ruilwuy aoutberiy10t he laI concession moud o! the said township and the Council wili ut bhat lime and place heur in per- son or by bis counsel, solicitor or agent, uny person who dlaims that bis land wili be prejudicialiy a!- fected by the by-iaw and who appiies 10 be beurd. DATED the 301h day o! June, 1942. J. D. HOGARTH, 28-4 Cierk. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Robert Phlp, deeeased. Ail persons having c i a i m a aguinat the estute o! Robert Philp, late o! the Township o! Darling- ton, in the County of Durhamn, deceaaed, wbo died on or about the i5tb day o! May, 1942, are hereby nobified to aend in 10 W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the exe- cutors, Bowmanviile, Ontario, on or before the lsI day o! Auguat, 1942, full purticulurs o! their dlaims.. Immediately ufter the sad lI day of August, 1942, the assets o! the lestator wili be distributed amongat the parties entiîled thereto, having regard only 10 dlaims o! which the suid solicitor for the executors shahl then have notice. Duted ut Bowmanviile, this 8tb day o! Juiy, 1942.* W. ROSS STRIKE, Soicitor for the Executors, Bowmanviile, Ontario. 28-3 SIay as Foir as You ore. Protect your skin against burning with ARDENA SUN-PRUF CREAM, 1.25 Tan ta a Turm. SUNTAN (.> regulates your tan whie j-C - ing skin soft and supple, 1.00 and 1.50 Have Sa ft, Smootl, 5ki with vanishing PROTECTA CREAM. It heips ta guard aga!nst sun- drying and wind-burning. 1.85 JURY & LOVEL The Rexail Drug Store Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets When we test eyes It la done properly IM Da USE ANTBAD - 1 1 1 1 Hampton

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