THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE 1 KRYE'S SOLI)IERS OFF TO CAMP In spite o! the weather we are in the midst o! summer. Among other things, the holiday seasen bas as usual depleted the local population ta a certain extent. The greatest exedus wiil be the de- parture o! Headquarters Ceom- pany Midiand Regimnent on Sun- day te Concaugbt Ranges near Ottawa for two weeks' military training. These men are using their only holidays te futher their military status, and altbougb Bowmanvilie will miss tbem, our citizens are preud a! tbem. Be on hand on Sucday at the C.N.R. station ta see them e!!. -K- TO ADOPT CORVETTE The Girls' War Service Club is e!!ering a holiday weekend for two people, ail expense paid, ta the holder o! the lucky ticket te be drawn on Saturday on the bal- ,cony o! the Balmoral Hatel. Tick- ets may be purchased fnom acy member a! the Club. Few people realize bow much this arganization bas done, bath for soidiers o! the district and fer bomb victims in England. To mis- quete Tennyson "more tbings are wrought by the Girls' War Service Club than this world dreams of". Under the presidency e! Miss Leola Miller, the club has recently sent two bales o! 100 and 200 Ibs, respectiveiy, te Mrs. Vincent Massey at Canada House irs London. Another bale is in the makicg, cemposed like the others o! everythicg from baby's layettes ta men's evercoats . . . everything indeed that acy cors- ceivabie variety o! bombed-out victims couid possibly need. Tbey have also sent well over a bun- dred local boys overseas, cigar- ettes, always much apprecîated. Every member o! the club spends countless heurs knitting fer the armed forces . . . at present they1 are knitting for the navy and hope ta have ecough dene by C 'tm'as ta adopt a corvette. elýCIuse such as this deserves your sujp ert, s0 buy a ticket on the h X~y weekend and be on -band Saturday night te see the1 wnig ticket drawn. -K- SPEAKING 0F WAR SONGS Popular songs, bave always re- flected the trend o! the times. Now o! course sengs about the war are in vogue. But even these have a gayer, more confident touch than o! yore. Gene is the nostalgia o! "When the Ligbts of London Shine Again" and "The White Cli!!s o! Doyen." Instead we have sucb gay tunes as "Whers that Mars is Dead and Gene" ansd "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree With Any Body Else But Me." Hitler can neyer win wbile bis morbid byterical prepaganda is opposed with such rolicking lyrics. And the Germans can't do a thing because even Gershwin couldn't compose a lyric irs a language containicg sucb werds as Regecschirm, Bleisti!ter and Lebensraum. COMMUNITY EVENT We notice the annual Rotary Fair takes place next Wednesda3y at the public sehool grounds. As in previeus years, the evenicg's entertainmerst will begin with a parade, prizes beicg of!ered for the best entries ini wbicb cbild- ren's entries are a big feature. At the grounds nearly twenty booths wili offer a variety o!fan and entertainment fer everyone and at the end o! the evening a 1942 MasQte-r dllxe Chevrolet Coach Weddings ANNIS-LITTLE The wedding o! Maida Marie, daughter o! Mrs. Catherine Little, Port Arthur, acd Lorne William, son o! the late Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Annis, Tyrorse, teok place on Juiy îth, at the home o! bis brother, Levi M. Annis, Toronto. Rev. A. F. Gardner, Tyrone, e!- ficiated. A sbea! o! mixed !iowers witb !ercs on eitber ide, banked against the fireplace, fermed a beautiful setting for the cere- mony. The bride was gowned in Queen's blue redingote witb blue and rase accessories. Sbe were a corsage o! sweetbeart roses and delphinium. Miss Alma MadilI, Port Arthur, maid o! honon, wore a dusty rose twe-piece crepe suit witb white accesseries and a car- sage o! blue iris. The groom was attended by bis cousin. Mr. Gar- dyn Brent, Tynone. The hostess, Mrs. L. M. Ancis, was gowned in powder blue crepe with white accessories and wore a corsage o! deep red rases. At the reception, Mrs. A. W. Annis received in a printed blue jacket frock with matching accessonies and wore a corsage o! pink carn- ations and white sweet peas. For geing away the bride chose a printed green silk dress with beige accessories. Follawing a motor trip to points west, the bridai couple will reside on the- graom's farm at Tyrone. AINSLIE-HODGINS (Exeter Times) The United Church, Ciande- baye, was the setting for the wed- ding o! Mary Jean Hedgics, Reg.N., elder daughter o! Mr. Ward Hodgins, o! Clandeboye, and Fit. Sgt. Ralph M. Ainslie, o! St. Hubert's, Quebec, youngest son o! Mrs. George Ainslie and the late Mr. Ainsiie, o! St. Mary's. During the ceremony Miss Ruth Simpson, o! Clandeboye, sang "O Promise Me" and "O Perfect Lave," accampanied by Victor E. Hodgins, brother e! the bride, who aise played the wedding music. Rev. W. J. Meores e! - - ficiated. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, wore a !ieer-length gown o! heaven blue sheer. Her finger tip veil o! blue tulle feul from a hala bat and she carried a bouquet o! roses, wbite orchids and sweet peas. As brîdesmaid, Miss Alice Hod- gins, sister o! the bride, wore pink net aven taffeta and a wide brim- med bat o! pick mohair and car- ried a colonial bouquet o! pink roses. Douglas Ainslie, o! Niag- ara Falls, attended bis brother as best mac. The ushers were Em- erson Hodgins, o! Montreal, and Arthur Hodgics, 'o! Clandeboye, brothers o! the bride. Fehiewing the cenemony a receptien was i'eld at Shadyside, the home o! the bride's father. Mrs. G. Ains- lie and Mrs. W. Hardy, a! London,i aunt o! the bride, received. After the reception the couple left by motor for Moctreal. The bride chose for traveling a redingote o! Women navy and white with matching accessories acd ware the gift af the groom, a gold wrist watch. They will reside at St. Lambert's Quebec. The groom befare his enlist- ment was a member o! the teach- ing staff o! Bow.manville Higi School. PETHICK-STRUTT A profusion o! peenies, orange blossoms, red roses and sweet peas decked Haydon Unite< Cburch for the wedding, Jurse 27, o! Stella May Strutt, daughter ef Mrs. Strutt and the late Mr. Elias Strutt, Tyrone, te Clifferd Fred- erick Pethîck, son of Mr. anc Mrs. S. R. Pethick, Enniskillen. Rev. A. F. Gardner e!!icîated. The bride laoked levely ina floor-length gown o! white French sheer and suede lace over satir with silk net embroidered finger- tip veil which was held in place by a head-dress o! white silk flowers. Her flowers were sweet- heart rases and carnations, and her ecly piece o! jewelry was a gold locket, the gi!t o! the groom. Mrs. Harry Strutt, sister-in-law o! the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a floor-iength dress of pale blue brocaded taffeta with matching picture bat and carried carnations and sweet peas with pink streamers. Mrs. Bruce Wood, sister o! the groom, was matron ai honar, wearing a floor-length gown o! pink sheer with match- ing fiower hat and carried carn- ations and sweet peas with blue streamers. The groemsman was the groam's brother, Mr. Floyd Pethîck, Toronta, while the usher was Mr. Alvin Boyd, Enniskiilen. The wvedding music xtias played by Mrs. A. F. Gardner and during the sigcing o! the register Mrs. Gardner played "I Love You Truly". A receptian waý held at the home o! the bride's mather, who received wearing pawder blue siik with corsage o! red roses. The groom's mother wore figured sheer with corsage o! red roses. The diningroom was decerated with pink and white streamers and flowers as was the table whicb was centred with a twe- stary cake. A dainty luncheon was served by Mrs. Wmn. Martin, Haydon, and Mrs. Grant Wilson, Oshawa. Later the happy couple le!t for a trip ta Paris, London and West- ern Ontario Points. For travel- ing the bride wore Queen's blue sheer with white accesseries. Prior ta ber marriage the bride was the recipient o! a miscel- laneous shower and the bride and groom each received gi!ts !rom the greom's feliow-werkers at General Motors, Oshawa. "Have you a Walter Scott in your home?" asked the book agent pleasantly. "No," the lady o! the bouse answered. "Nor a Shakespeare?" "Nor a Gene Field?" "No, and what's more this ain't a boarding bouse and if you want ta find these fellows you'd beIter try the bouse across the street. There do be a lot o! mers staying there." 0F Interest to big-bancfiuls ef the staiks rom I the truck, detaching the peas and sheliing tbem as quickly as pos- sible, leaving the residue lying in the middle o! the street. This is a dangerous pastime and par- ents sbould advise their chîldren to refrain !rom this practice he- fore an accident happens. WE ARE DOING OU Socil an PeronalSpitf ire Club Holds Socil an Pesona Prgressive Euchre Mrs. Carnie Curtis is visiting An enjoyable evening was friends in Orene. spent at the home of Mrs. G. Somerscales, Duke St., on June Miss Jean Lennox, B.H.S. teach- 30th, -ýhen the Spitfire Club held ýg ing staff, is at Merrickville. aprgeieeuh.Wnes Mrs. M. H. Minore is visiting and prizes are: Mrs. Slaght, bath friends at Baysville. tewels: Mrs. Harry Smith, rayon s Th Statesman Bok has been te loth; Mrs. Stan. Corden, L- brightened with a coat of paint. bfe set; Mrs. Wiseman, man's k_ shaving kit; Miss Ruth Mutton, Miss E. Cronk, teacher at pair socks; Mr. Bryant and Mr. h Shaw's, is holidaying at lier home Cornish had te cut, and Mr. Cor- in Bloomfield. nish wvon a bill fold and ash tray. Mr. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, After the euchre the ladies has been visiting his sîster, Miss served a lovely lunch. Mrs. Wake- ,ý M. M. Jennings. lin made a few pleasing remarks ýt and introduced Mr. Ross Strike t Mrs. W. J. Hoar and Mrs. F. J. whe then drew the tickets for d Homne are bolidaying at Sturgeon these lucky wir.ners:- Table lamp, 7Lake. Ross Stevens; pair blankets, Mrs. )f Miss Margaret Horsey has re- McMann; walnut end table, Mrs. turned from visiting hier brother Thos. Richards; pair madeira pil- Mr. Wm. Horsey in Oshawa. 10w cases, Mrs. Levine, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hoar are 24 lbs. pastry flour, Mrs. John holidaying at Grove Park Lodge, Robinson, Newcastle. a Muskoka. Mr. Strike announced that the h Principal L. W. Dippell is in club of seven members had rais- n Toronto examining departmental ed 109.55 on the draw and $11.25 examinatien papers. on the eochre, a grand total of $120.80. He said the Club was te e Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey and be high]y congratulated in the kdaughters Kitty and Margaret splendid work it was deing for 1 are vacationing at Lake Nipissing. humanity and toward the great Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Work- war effort. aman and daughter Louila are $100.00 was sent te.the British visiting at Mooretown. War Victims' Fund, andY$5.010 is Mrs. Erwin Beauprie received te be given Bowmanvil S alva- ,fa cable announcing the safe ar- tien Army for war work. rival of hier husband Gnr. Beau- With the help of Bowmanville prie in England. people. the Club hepes te reach Alec Lyle, H. H. Dilling, Fred its objective in February. Downey and Ed. Joint are away fon their annual fishing trip te "CHAM%.ýPLAIN ROAD" à Jack Lake, near Apsley. AUTHOR RECEIVES Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Griffith NEW HIGH HONOR and daughters Gwynith and Bona Newv honors have ceme to Marie are holidaying at their sum- Frank E. D. McDowell, author of smer cottage at Norland. "The Champlain Road," the Can- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstone adian novel dealing with the rand Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cochran sfory of Huronia and Old Fort are enjoying holidays at Brit- Ste. Marie which was awarded tania, Muskoka. the Governor General's Medal Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Henry and xvas the best seller of the and son Robert, Windsor, are year. holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. E. "The Champlain Road" was Witheridge, Carlisle Ave. selected as one of the ten Can- Mr. L. R. Wood was in Bethany adian books which were on dis- attending the funeral of his sis- pl1ay ail last week at President ter Miss Maude Wood who died Roosevet's request in every 1suddenly July 7th in hier 59th bookstore throughout the United States aleng with ten other books In iliarysese ran ad selected from the literature of In he iliarysene "are n each of the United Nations. file" denotes' soldiers who aei The contest was conducted by the ranks, that is the corporals the former literary editor of the and privates. The rank is the Atlantic Manthly, who in turn ihorizontal line abreast; the file asked outstanding literary au- is the line from front te rear. thorities such as S o mi e r s e t Gradually the new issue Of Maughan in Britain, each te select Canadian stamps which went ons ten books which ail Americans sale here Dominion Day are cir- should read. culating through the district and Mr. McDowell has been elected are being seen on letters coming as Dominion chairman of the Na- te residents o! this district. tional Memorial Committee for a Irene Thornten and David three year period. It is the duty Carey, two munitions workers at o! the committee te award an- the Ajax munition plant, have nually the national medal for the been fined fifty dollars each for best literary effort of a Canadian h aving matches in their posses- wqmpan \vriter. sien within the confines of the Mvr. McDowell who is Press plant. Representative of the Canadian Hydre men have been busy the National Railways in Toronto is past week painting the standards a native of Bowmanville being on aur main street which hold son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank the street iight fixtures. They McDowell. are painted green and make a great improvement te the appear- ance of the business section. IIII Smokers have been warned te tsee that the new excise stamps BUY appear on packets o! cigarettes WAR SAVINGS before paying the higher prices. It is pointed eut that many stores STAMPS stili have eld stocks on hand REGULARLY which should be sold at the old rates. Toronto citizens got an ecenemy lead frem 98-year-old Sir William \0 i Mulock, retired Chie! Justice o! Ontario. Sir William is net open- ing his country home, where hie spent bis "last sixty happy years" . and has discontinued cultivating flowers there. He is ciosing at e! his city home te save heating. It is now possible for every person renting any type e! ac- commodation for one menth or more te find eut the maximum rentai and what services are pro- vided by the landiord. This was announced by Wishart F. Spence, Regional Rentais Administration efficer. FIRST GRADE Mrs, Wm. Flaherty and sons Brian and Vernon o! the Bal- moral Hotel are operating their new summer resort at Grove Park assisted by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Thempsen, Mr. Scott Densemn and DOMINO Misses June Morris and Margaret Moore. A nuptial mania is sweeping the country and preachers are SA ~ busier than they ever were be- S A fore, but strange te say the fees are net nearly se generous. Once GOLD RBO upon a time a ten dollar !ee was quite common, but many couples today slip a two-spot er a five- spot inte the hands -o! the par- DS S l Tbis week we have set aside a number of SUMMER DRESSES School Reports S.S. NO. 15, DARLINGTON Grade 7 te 8-Merle Ormiston, Lois Fisher, Ray Smith, John Taylor. Grade 6 te 7-Margaret Smith. Grade 5 te 6-Lois Ormiston, Gordon Taylor, Donald Taylor. Grade 4 te 5-Ivan Ormiston, Gertie Mayr. Grade 3 te 4-Mary Helen Bew- man. Grade 2 te 3 - Glenn Smith, Edith Mayr. Grade 1 te 2-Kathleen Smith, James Sleeman, Inge Mayr. Teacher - L. E. Knight. S.S. NO. 12, DARLINGTON Zion: Congratulations are ex- tended te Joan Morgan, Elsie Lysen, Ruth Robbins and Law- rence Martin, pupils o! .S,.* No. 12, who were successful in pas- sing their Entrance Examninations. Joan Morgan won bonors. 1Other successful scholars who passed te higher grades are as follows: Grade yulI-Mary Geisherger and Leonard Glover passed at Easter. 5.lrade VIL te Grade VIII - George Killei'i, Robert Dey. Grade VI te Grade VIl-Jean Cameron and Wicnie Glover. Grade V te Grade VI - Bert Beckel, Jimmie Stainton, Gienna Morgan, Arthur Bishap and Paul Sobil. Grade IV te Grade V - June Brunt, Delmar Killen, Ronald Poole and Jean Pascoe. Grade III to Grade IV - Jack Cameron, Inez Cameren, Henry Haas, Bertha Pascoe, Dennis Bon- ner and Herman Haas. Grade II te Grade III-Johcny Killen. Grade I te Grade Il - Walter Haas, David Gibbs and Joyce Cameron. Teacher - Margaret McCluer. SHORTAGE 0F TEACHERS There will be a seriaus shortage o! qualified teachers for the cam- ing scbaol year, sa each inspecter has been asked ta make a careful survey of persans in each inspec- tarate who hald Ontario quali- fications and are net naw in teaching positions, but wha are prepared ta re-enter the profes- sion, temporarily at least. The Department may ask the inspecter at any time to send in a list ef qualified persans who might be willing to take schoals. In the meantime each inspectar o! Public Sehools has been asked te secure a list of qualified per- sans that it may be availabie an caîl. Inspecter W. H. Carlton, Cobourg, xiii he glad ta receive particulars from any qualified teacher living xithin the Town- ships a! Cavan,.Clarke. Hamiltan, Hope and South Monaghan wha xvould be available ta relieve the present shortage. DARK .......STRAW 7 9e See our whbite bats for sumnier wear CATALINA SWIM SUITS Styled for the stars o! Holly- wood-ail colors and in new- est styles. We only received these suits Tuesday morning -only bal! tbe order, tee, so select yours today. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Phone 836 King St. By every part of our nature we maîining where we take hold, but clasp things above us, one arte that we may go higher.-H. W. another, flot for the sake of re- Beecher. DE BUTTER i.38C HIPS CIANT 4-LB. BOX IT PEARS *3 FRESI4 UTABLES 31C 15-oz. tins FINE DOMINION QUALITY BREAD 24-02. L 2 Loaves 15C WISTON'S TANGERINE SANDWICH BISCUITS 25c lbIU i FREE FREE FREE FREE 1O-oz. tin Crosse & Blackwell's TOMATO SOUP with 2 large at 2 tins 25e Vegetable, Beef, Tomate and Mushroom A QUALITY BLEND COFFE RED ROSE 1 -lb. A/2 -1b. Ten 49 - Tin g26C Large 2S lb. 19C 24- lb. Q Bag 8C 2 Pkgs. \CLASSIC LARGE CLEANSER 3 Tins 14< do. 29e HREDDED lq WHEAT 2 .23c 2 stalks 15eC 5for 19r, s 5b-2Z 7-lb. Bag 25c Wcrccrve the raght ta limit purchases te normal weekîy famify requirements R PART IN SUGAR RATIONING -- WON'T YOU DO YOURS clearing at NARD WORKERS This delicious ceroal -helps keep you fit. Gves 3 Important Benefits ~Helps prevent constipation due te lack of bulk. ýupis useful quantities cf post iron and phosphorus. 3Wholesome, nourishingan POST'S Brand BRAN FUMES 6322 WITH OTHER PARTS 0F WHEAT NOTICE 0F APPRECIATI ON We appreciate the cooperation 'of our customers in complying with the new regulations of the Ontario Milk Contrai Board by supplying an empty bottie for each bottle of milk. MOUNTAIN VIEW TOMATO 28.0:23 TOUATOES2 Tino*3 SWEET OR SOUR MIXED PICNfIC PICIKLES RELIABLE 3Is. 73c JEWVEL sH ORTE N 1Nà FVE ROSES FLOUR TASTY CREAM SODAS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE Hall Price