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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN >r. and Mms. J. Eagleson visited fricnds in Kendai and Newton- ville. Mrs. W. S. Roy visiied with Miss Margaret Roy. Orone was vemy quiet Menday, a large number et the citizens going te the big deings ai New- castle, Bowmanviile 'and Port Perry. L.A.C. John Keane gave his parents and Sam a thrili by fly- rng over Orono and dipping his wings prier te his ieaving for his new post, Yorkion, Sask. Af ter dipping his wings he phoned his parents from Oshawa where he landed and ioid them he was leaving for the West. Robi. Cooer is assistant cook and bottle washer ai the Conser- vation camp and seems te be en- joying the lite. Girl Guides are looking tomward te their camping trip ai Lake Scugeg. Bus Station Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and baby have returned fromn houi- days. Mrs. R. H. Brown plans to visit ber son Bill in Montreai. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman have reiurned 10 Toronto. Rev. S. Litiiewood lef t Monday te join Mms. Littlewood ai their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leaman and Henry moved te their newiy pur- chased home. Miss Gaie Lowther sprained hem wrist. Relatives here were sorry te hear eftihe deaih et Mr. Ern Phipps of Toronto. Mrs. A. H. Keane was nurse for Mrs. R. Glanville who underwent an operation for tonsils at Bow- manville hospital. Mrs. E. Evans visited in Peter- bore. Mrs. Sanderson underwent an operation in Peterboro hospital. Miss Joyce Sutten was taken ilI while on holidays but is now home much improved. A letter was received from Milt Green in England by J. C. Tamblyn. He and LeRoy Myles plan te spend their Sept. leave tegether in Scotiand. Miss L. Allun visited in Toronto. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and deiivery in your district. This is made necessary by new goverment regulations which permit us to cover any one district tbree days a week, only, on alternate days. We wili, therefore, bc ln Bowmanviiie TUESDAY - THURSDAY - SAT. Have your hundie ready Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Limited FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning with your laundry PHONE 419 Canada DRIVES -to VICTORY With productiorn cen- tered around our Vic- tory Progmtm, your present car will have to do. But Canadian cars can take it, and with careful driving an d proper care, your "four wheels" will eas- ily stand the test! PERIODIC CHECK- UPS CURE COSTLY CAR BREAKDOWNîS! Don't wait1 Have your u.ntil trouble cornes to think about repaire. car inspected tQday. Don 't ganible with the lile of your car! f Imperial 011 Phone 2666 NOT ALL fires are caused by lighting, de- fective flues, or unwise use of gasoline - thousauds resuit from carelese littie acts, such as parking lighted cigars or cigarettes on wxndow sis. Flimsy curtains catch fire quickly when blowxx against a neglected burning butt. Be careful with Fire ALWAYS .-- but also be'adequately insured. J, J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Mr. J. J. Meilor preached ýan interesting sermon Sunday mor_ ing. A solo was pleasingly red ered by Mrs. E. Brown. Mm. Ml- 1er also gave the children a talk. Miss Gwen Phasey 15 visitiîng in Lakefieid. Mrs. Andrews is enjeyîng a trip East. A. L. Ashton, Bewmanville, re- ceivcd his wîngs at Dunnvilie Friday. The Mclsaacs have arrived at their cottage. The Prendergasts and Simpsons have returncd te Toronto. Miss Betty Linton, Mr. and Mrs. G. Laing and famiiy holiday- ed at Thurstenia Park. Messrs. J. Eagieson and R. Le- gan enjoyed a fishing trip te Rice Lake catching foriy fiee speci- mens. Mrs. Susanah Tamblyn visited Mrs. Elia Thompsen, Kendal. Mrs. Noble spent Sunday with her daughter,, Mrs. McEiroy, Pet- erboro. She wili celebrate her 82nd birthday on August l8th. Some from here attended Pon- typeel decoration services Sunday. Mr. Monk et Bethany was speak- er and Mr. McKinnon ef Kirby, soloisi. Miss Beverley Payne visiied ai the Knox cottage at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards enjoyed a few days holidays. Wm. Armstrong and party went fishing at Picton. Mr. and Mrs. U. Bulleck and famiiy visited in Peterboro. Mrs. E. Evans attended the, funeral of Mr. E. Phipps i0 Te- onte. A picture et Lieut. and Mrs. Howard Smith (nec G. E. Truil, daughter eftihe laie Lomne Truil), Toronto, appeared in the Toronto papers Saturday. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Red Cross Vol- untary Motor Transport Corps and hem husband ef Canada's Armer- cd Corps. Work is pregressing on Orme Gcrry's lot. The Froste famiiy spent the weckend in Eastern Ontario. Kirby maintaincd their record on Juiy 29th when thcy dcfcatcd Newcastle i0 sofibali here, 13-3. Lineups: Kirby-Harris, Davcy, J. Loery, Watson, Cantreli, Keane, Neale, McCutcheon, L. Lewery; Newcastle - Bonathan, Adair, Rickard, Bruni, T. Hoar, Gîbson, F. Hoar, Eilbcck, Brere- ion. A collection et $5.63 was taken up by Orme Gamsby for smokes for the boys overseas who were former membcrs ef the twe bail tcams. Orono Red Cross met Thursday. Trcasurer's report showed bal- nc et $488.78, and donations ot $8,25. Reports showed the work te be progressîng saiisfactorily. Workrooms will be eloscd during Augusi, the work bcbng donc by members ai home. Twelvec cer- fort bags for sailors will be made and filled by the society. About foriy young people were entetained ai the lake Friday evening by Glen Tamblyn and Donald Siaples as a double birih- day celebratien. Following amuse- *ments and sing song, refreshmenis of marshmallows and hot dogs were enjoyed. VISITORS Misses Doris and Ruth Lowden ai Charles Lowden's. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, Toronto, wiih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour and Mrs. George Sey- mour. Mrs. Sanderson and son Ken- neth with hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Fuller. Ken is rcmaining. Nursing Sister Drysdale and L.A.C. Robi. Keane ai Mm. and Mrs. A. H. Kcane's. Mm. and Mrs. Rowe, Toronto, and Hiliyard, Hagarsvilic, Miss Beverley Meicalfe, Mm. and Mrs. Sam Lawrence and son John, To- renie, ai Mr. Fred Blackburn's. Mr. AI Thompson, Toronto, with friends. Chapiain Sam Deive, Montreal, Mm. and Mrs. W. T. R. Delve and son Owen, Wooier, with Mesdames Curtis and Deive. Owen is me- maining. Keith Poliard wiih Jackic Neale. Wallace Sisson, Sudbury, with his moiher. Miss Olive Brown and Mm. Le- Roy Brown ai J. D. Brown's. Mr. Neil Wood, Toronto, wiih his parents. Mrs. (Rev.) Limberi, Toronto, with hem daùghiem, Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mm. McAdam and Miss Rich- ards, Oshawa, with Mms. S. Hall. Miss Audrey Tebble, Hamilton, ewith Miss Mildred Richards. Miss Beatrice Hamm, Hamilton, ai E. J. Hamm's. Grant and Lenora Thompson ai Mr. Arthur Saunders'. Mm. and Mrs. Rowland Smith FISHING STORY DELUXE "Lives of tishers eft t emind us We cao t ish - well hooked and iined- But if we faîl in the water We will find it's wet behind." And herein lies a tale says O.A. Ask him for fuît particulars. ORONO COUPLE CELEBRATE 58th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Omeno citizens extend congra- tulations te Mm. and Mms. Richard H. Wood, who quietiy ceiebrated their 58th wedding anniversary July 3th. This werihy couple have been faithful members of the United Church and highly respected citizens et Orono for some years and have lived in Clarke nearly ahl their lives. Mm. and Mrs. Wood (nee Mary Grace Buckiey) were marmîed ai Port Perry July 3th, 1884, by Rev. Benjamin Greatrix, and are the parents of seven living chul- dren, May (Mrs. Hoskin), Char- les, Lettie (Mrs. Rundie), Evelyn (Mrs. Flintoft), Fern (Mms. Ar- meur), Allie and Wesley. They are alse grandparents of ihimiy grandchildren and greai-gmand- parents et twenty gmeat-grand- childmen. Citizens unite in wishing them many more yeams et married hap- piness. ORONO Newtonville PARK ST. W.M.S. ParkSi.W.M.. mt inthe Vîsîtors: Mrs. Gordon Laking ParkSt.W.M.. mt intheand Marlene, Newcastle, ai Mm. Memorial park Tuesday atternoon. George Kimball's... Mm. and Mrs. Mrs. Siapies presidcd, with 27 George Kimbaîl ai Mm. Charlie ladies in atiendance. The meet-~ Staple ton's and Mm. Lawrence ing opened wiih a sing-seng of Harris', Orono. . . Mm. and Mrs. hymns led by Mrs. A. A. Drum- J. A. Barrie and Murray ai Mr. mond. W. A. rgts yoe r It was decided te send canned .aWdight'sLl yMonae .anMm fruit te the Fred Victor Mission. ayMrs. Lloyd MrGh. and s Announcemeni was made of theRysse oebonodMm.aid Mrst schooi for leaders ai Whiiby. A Russel Lowe.and David, Pert. delegate wiil be secured laier. Mm. Alf. Thompson, Oak Park, Mms. Logan gave the treasurer's Ill., with his brother, Mm. George report. Thempson, and his sister, Miss Mms. Siapies read an article Bertha Thompson. .. Miss Eiieen tclling what the W.C.T.U. stands Alun, Toronto, with Miss Bertha fer, afier which the president et Thornpson. . . Mm. and Mrs. Reg. the Omono seciety took charge, Weodham and Marie, Toronto, ai giving a mosi interesting taik on Mm. Harry Woedham's and Mm. "Facis regarding Liquer Situa- Ed. Samis'. Mrs. Norman Samis, tien." Mrs. W. H. eowe gave an Newcastle, accempanied them... acceuni of hiem werk ameng me- Mm. and Mrs. W. A. Adams and thers and ehildren in the "White farnilv, Lake Shore, and Miss Ribboners" section of the W.C. Laureen MeCullough ai Mm. L. E. T.U. work, medal contesis, etc. Millson's. .. Miss Betty Stapleton Mms. Staples gave a few ihoughts with Miss Phyllis Gilmer, Stark- from articles on "Temperance 'in ville. .. Mm. and Mms. Cccii Sta- the Missionary Monthiy. pleton. Glenn and Genevieve, ai ________________ Mm. Jack Stapieton's. . . . Mms. Coatham Sm. and Ray Stapleton DIM AND DISTANT ai Mmr. Halstead Coatham's and' Mm. Otto Ceaiham's, Antioeh... HAPPENINGS Misses Evelyn and Thelma Staple- ton ai Mm. Hughi Stapleton's, Osh- From The Orono News of awa. .. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Lit- August 5, 1926 tle and Gary, Miss Gwen Gilmer ________and Mm. John Stark in Campbell- Russell Johnston, Stirling, has tord. .. Miss Fac Joncs wiih hiem the contraci te emreci the agricul- aunt, Mrs.. Carlaw, Warkwomth.. tumai building which is te be an Mm. John Colon, Newionbroek, ali-steel structure 70 x 176 fi., on Miss Stella Cheekley, Hamilton, the site et the o;ld drill shed. ai Mm. Wm. Mihigan's. . . Misses Thc Canning Factomy has been Demothy Scott and Nellie Meneely, xvoking evertime with îwe or Toronto, ai Mm. N. Seott's. .. Miss thmee shifts in an effort te keep June Ware and Mm. Wm. MeKin- up with the deiivery of peas and ster, Toronto, ai Mmr. George on Wednesday evcning sent aIOvens ... Miss Helen Morion with shift over te Bowmanviiie te me- hiem sister, Mms. Lloyd McGahey, lieve the congestion theme. Peterboro. . . Mms. Thes. Staple- Municipal Council awamded the ton and Mm. George Stapîcion ai contraci to W. 'G. Gibsen, Port Mm. W. W. Henderson's, Bowman- Hope, te build a new reinforced ville. . . Miss Bertha Thompsen conemete and steel bridge on Con. with friends in Toronto. 3 (knewn as Brown's bridge) for. Miss Lena Kimbali *is improv-f $2745.00. Mn. Gibson wili aise ing nieely after hiem operation fer construci îwo cancrete cuivents appendiciiis in Oshawa Hospital. opposite Lot 35 in the same con- Bill Morton is slowiy ecover- cession for $905.00. ing tram a hcmmommhagc foilow- Hoar Transport truck ieok a ng the extraction et some teeih. party et about 20 from here te Melville Joncs and Bert Sia- Niagara Falls for an euiing and pieton and Reeve T. A. Reid were te view the illumination, in Toronto Wednesday on. busi- Interesiing services are bcbng ness. held ai Park St. Church by Dm. Remember Deceration Day ai L. J. Stewart who has spent 25, our Ccmeiemy, August 9th. years in China and is new princi- Miss Fat Wane has returncd te pal et Chengtu univemsity. Toronto atter hoiidaying with hiem grandparenis, Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Ovens. Miss Mary Burlcy wcnt up wiih hiem for a week. Crooked Creek The sale et the Johnston farm, south of Ncwionville, has jusi been completed. The proberty Visitons: Mm. and Mms. Wilfrid was Crown land cleared by the Wood and famiiy ai his mother's, laie Robert Johnston, Sm., for Mrs. M. Wood, Elizabeibville. . . many years Reeve of Clarke Misses Evelyn and Thelma Sta- Township, in the early f itties. At pleton with Mm. and Mrs. Hugli his death the tarm passed to his Stapleton, Oshawa. . . Mm. Reg. son, Robert Johnston, who died Falls, Pickering, ai Mrs. Roy Far- in 1920, then te his widow Ann row's... Miss Aileen Ogden, Osh- Mariha Lockhart Johnston. until awa, ai Mm. W. Ogden's. . . Mm. lhem death in November h1937. The and Mms. Doug. Ogden and RLith large trame residence, home et the ai Mm. Jas. Stene's. . . Lorraine Johnston family, ,vas desiroyed Clark, Oshawa, ai home. . . Miss hy tire about thmee yeams betome Jean Hale, Kimby, . ai Mm. Wml. lhem death. The lasi' mem'3er ot Haie's. . . Mm. Fred Bidgood, Osh- the family, Mary Johnsion, widow awa, ai Mrs. J. Clysdale's. et Thomas G. Thompson et To- .Mms. W. Wood attended a tea renie, passed away in June 1938. in honor et Miss Isebel Feaeock's The preperty has now been sold appmeaching mamiage. te close the estate of Robent Jehnston, Senior. Lake Shore, Clarke Red Cross mecis ai Mns. S. Poweii's, Augusi l2ih. Mns. G. Martin held a party Saiumday when ever 20 litile tiends gathemed in honour et Lynn and Nocu MeNeil. They m-. tunn te Ottawa ibis week, accemi- panied by iheir gandtathem, atter heiidaying with their aunt. Recent Visitors: Miss J e a ni Holmes, Toronto, ai home. . . Mr. and Mms. R. Bowen and Phyllis, Torntno, Miss Helen McKay, Bronte, wiih relatives. . . Miss Maurice Powell, Mm. and Mms. H. Tindail, Tenante, at Mm. S. Pew- ell's. ..Miss Audrey Jaytics. Tweed, ai Mns. W. H. Jaynes'.. Mm. A. MeNeil, Omono, ai Mr. G. Martin's. .. Mm. and Mms. W. Ad- ams and fmily ai Mm. L. Milîson's, Newtonville. . . Mms. J. Baskcr- ville, Newcastle, Mrs. F. Wilson, Oshawa, ai Mm. W. Baskervillc's. ..Mm. and Mms. M. Heard, Port Hope, ai Mm. C. Brown's. .. Miss Domothy Brown is home from To- rente. .. Mm. Les. Allin with his daughtcr, Mns. Les. Auidmed, Ma- ple Greve. WOULDN'T THIS OLU WORLD BE BETTER? Wouldn't this old wold be betier If the folks we mcci would say, "I knew someihing goed about yeu," And then ireai us jusi that way? Wouidn'i it be fine and dandy If eaeh handciasp, wamm and truc, Carricd with it this assurance: "h know something goed about you"? Wouldn'i lite be lots more happy If the good ihai's in us al Wene the only thing about u Thai folks bothered te recaîl? Wouldn'i lite be lots marc happy If we praised the good we sec? Fer ihere's sueh a lot et goodness ho the womst af you and me. Wouldn't it be nice te practise Thai fine way et thinking, tee? You know something good about me! h knew someihing geed about you! Order your counter check books at The Statesman office. NEWS Starkville llarvest is well under way. Manuv fan-ners have finished cut- tin4 and are getting their grain hu'uled in ready for threshing. Gee. Etwell had a bad car ac- client Monday when the car ran into a ditch and struck a tree. Mr. Etwell and Mr. H. L. Trim we: e seriously injured. Mrs. Si1- ver. and Mrs. Fox, Toronto, and a little girl were in the car and Were badiy shaken up and bruis- ed. The little girl had to be sent te the Sick Children's Hospital. The car was badly damaged. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hal- lowell and family, at Mr. H. Av- ery's, Cobourg. . . Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, LindSay, at Mr. A. Dob- son's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Wamk and daughter, Weston, at Mr. S. G . Hallowell's... Misses Doroihy and Betty Farrow with Evelyn and Ruth Gordon, at Newton- ville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Deiberi Hallewell, Toronto, at Mr. Jacob HalIewell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Lewery and family, Toronto, at Mr. A. Dobson's. . . Gordon Clysdale, Oshawa, with his me- ther. .. Misses Norma and Mary Ha]lowell are home from Weston. ..Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and family. Oshawa, at Mr. William Savery's. . . Mrs. H. L. Trim, Pickering, at Mr. Gordon Trim's ouwing te Mr. H. Trim's accident. Miss Gwen Gilmer at home. Little Barbara Barclay, Osh- awa, with Miss Ruth Savery... Miss Margaret Bowen, Newcas- tle, at Mr. Lorne Todd's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmer and Ciar- ence at Mr. Chas. Cowan's, New- caste... Mrs. K. Stephenson, Port Hope, at Victor Farrow's. Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Telei- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Actioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Impiements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terras and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarian Church St. - Bowmanvilie 'Phone 843 29tf i at the home of his brother Mr. J. Cowling, passed away on July 27th. Sympathy is extended te the relatives. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly (nee Marion Heney) on their marriage which took place on July 20th. They return- ed home on Saturday after a pleasant honeymoon at Orillia. r- MORE WOOL IS NEEDED for Canadci's War Effort CO-OPERATE IN ONTARIO'S EFFORT TO PRODUCE MORE WOOL. HELP INCREASE THE SIZE AND NUMBER 0F ONTARIO SHEEP FLOCKS P RODUCING more wool to, clothe Canada's fighting forces and her .1civil population is a vital task which deserves the earnest consider- ation of every Ontario farmer. A brief study of the wool production of North America and of world conditions occasioned by the war reveals an alarming situation that catis for straight thinking and forthright speaking. North, Amoricu.. WooI Production 1941 Canada ............. 19,200,000 lbs. United Gtates ...455,000,000 Ibs. Total ........... 474,200,000 ibs. DEFIC11T - - - - North Amoricun WoaI Consomption 1941 Canada ............. 109,000,000 lbs. United States ...977,000,000 Ibs. Total ........... 1,086,000,000 lbs. - 611,800,000 Ibs. You can see that with shipping space at a premium and with every merchantman a targer for enemy submarines, the situation is indeed critical. More wool must bc produced at home and it's up te Ontario farmers te heip produce it. The Ontario Department of Agriculture is working te effect an increase of 25%7 in this province. Te do this, ail present flocks must be kept, and in addition, 110,000 ewe lambs f rom the 1942 crop must be kept on the fanm. If every present flock owner kept three iwes from this crop, most of the increase would be obtained. But since many sheep owners cannot accommodate any more animais, the Department is asking Ontario farmers te establish 1,000 new flocks which will absorb ail surplus ewe lambs. Your Agnicultural Representative wiii be able to put you in touch with men who have lambs for sale or men who wish to purchase them. In establishing 1,000 new flocks, it is intended that expansion take place by counties in proportion te the present sheep population. You will see what expansion must be accomplished in your caunty in the Iists beiow. CATEGORY "A" Renfrew Waterloo Lennox &s Addingtn 3 More Flocks per Simcoe Wentworth Lincoln Tow.~nhip Required Victoria Muskoka Bruce Wellington CATEGORY "~C" Nipissing Carleton York 1 More Flock per Norfolk Dufferin Tow.nship Required Northumberland Durhamn CATEGORY "B" Algoma Oxford Grey 2 More FIocks per Brant Parry Sound Hastings Township R.quired Dundas Prescott HuronFrnna Elgmn Prince Edward LEbtnerotxacRussell Lanrbo HlisdGlengarry Storroont Mani k HaitonGrenville Sud bur MntoujoPeel Haliburton enimi Middlesex. ng entario Perth Kent Thunder Bay Rainy River Peterboro Leeds Welland THE RAM POLICY Any farmer starting a new flock of 15 ewe lambs or more may secure a ramn for two years on boan from the Dominion Government. CONSULT YOUR AGRICIJLTURAL REPRESENTATIVE For compiete information about securing ewes, ewe lanibs, or ranis, or about any part you cao play in helping Canada produce more wooi, consuit your county Agricuitural Repre- sentative or W. P. Watson, Live Stock Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. HON. P. M. DEWAN MINISTER W. R. REEK DEPUTY MINISTER ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTUREj -,-~ i. lowlees'.. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. BurketonOrmiston, Columbus, Mr. and L~uI¶~LonMrs. Fred Ormiston, Brooklin, Business Direcetory Vistor: M. A N.Hudon ithMiss Patterson. Toronto, Mr. Les- Mr. and Mrs. G. Hudson, Peter- Alldread and Walter Tink, Ebene-Vîîos r .N usnwt i ln einilM.Lsi _____________ borough. . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1cr, at Messrs. H. E. and Bruce Lega Hughes. Rilda and children at Tink's. . Dorothy Hardy with _________________ Mer. andMmrshomG.n FrondOha relatives at Peterboro. . .Mr. and M. G. v.GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. .a, Mr. and Mrs. Nepsted, Msh-1 Mrs. Harry Blanchard and Donna, ý Bar rister, Solicitor, Notary waMr.andMrs Nested, r. Mr. and Mrs. Tutton, Mr. Harry1 and Mrs. R. Aunger, Haydon, Mr. Andrews, Miss Ruth Tweedlc.i Phone 351 H. Trick, Manvers, Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, Mr. Luther Hancock. i Bank of Commerce Bldg. Welsh, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Trick's. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bowmanville ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm and Ashton, Florence and Mary, with Betty, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs Charles Blanchard. . . Mr. W. R. STRIKE Pediar, Mr. Clarence Pediar and Hov2ard Reynolds, Miss Kay Hues- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Donna, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. ton, Toronto, at Mr. Jack Rey-, Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Cochrane, Jean and Harold, Bow- noîds'. . . Miss Marjorie Steed.! Money to Loan - Phone 791 manville, with Mr. H. Rahm. ... Toronto, with Miss Verna Millson. Bowmanville, Ontario Mr. W. Sanderson, Ray and Olga, . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Da- ______________ Enniskillen, Rev. Milton Sander- vid and Catherine, Orland. with L. C. MASON, B.A. son and the boys, Toronto, with Mrs S. Bush. . . Misses Eunice Barrisier - Solicitor Mrs. C. Sanderson. . . Mr. and and'JanKap saa tM. Ntr ule-Ec Mrs. Albert Goodman and Mrs. Jas. Je Knapp, sha. waem. NtryPbic-Ec Victor Barnies, Toronto, Mr. and Smes...M.S.EWry Law in ail its branches Mrs.Ros Ok an BilyMm.Ed.with friends at Teronto. . . Mr. Office immccliatcly east of Royal C'. osane and faily, Mshawa, and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Cohan ndfmly shwGrove, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barribal, Cour- Smith, Mrs. Arthur Ormision, Mr.__Phone__Office_688 __Home_553 tice. wîth Mr. E. Adams. . . Pte. and Mirs. Fred Smith and Lloyd,Dets Wallace Breck, Orillia, at home. Mm. and Mrs. James Parr and _____________________ .The Gis at their cottage... Bobby, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr. Harold Wilson, R.C.A.F., To- H. Hoiden and family, Mr.W. D. DR. J. C. DEVITT onte, at home.1 Dyer. Columbus, Misses* Ethel Assistant. Dr. E. WV. Sisson No church service was held and Lillie Gilbert, Toronto, at Graduate of Royal Dental Coi- Sunday during the absence ot Mr. Frank Gi]bert's. . . . Betty 1 lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubiiec Rev. Mr. Plant on holidays. but Smales is holidaying at Whitby. Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours we expect there will he service . . Rev. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, held next Sunday. Caesarea, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer cxcept Sunday Ross Aldred, while at camp Toms, Oshawa, at Mr. Everett Phone 790 - House phone 325 near Ottawa, suffered a paintul Elliott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. George X-Ray Equipment in Office injury when his large tee was Boutilli er, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd broken, the first day hecxvas Bieweii, New Toronto, at Mr. A. Funeral Directors there, se Ross spent most of his J. Balson's. two weeks in hospital. Members of the Dramatic Club FUNERAL DIRECTflRS _________________ met at the home of Mm. Alex Pot- ier. Saturday night. te honour Annie subsequent te hem ccp Solina tance et ,-a position with 'Canada Packers. Muriel Langmaid ead the addmess pepared by the dimec- Mm. and Mms. A. L. Fascoe and tom, Mms. Roy Langmaid, and Mm. and Mrs. H. A. Pascoe ai- Francis Wetten made the pre- tended the funeral et Mrs. John sentation et a bmooch. Hall ai Oshawa Satumday. C.G.I.T. and their leaders Mrs. Mm. Frank Gilbert eonsulied Isaac Hardy and Mrs. S. E. Werry his doctor on Friday ai Toronto conducîed an inspiring service ai and he is progressing tavemably. church Sunday. Miss Lena Tay- Visiiors: Mm. and Mrs. Sam 1lor, Boxvmanville, spoke very KiveIl, Mm. and Mms. Morley Ross, capably on the iheme "Growth." Brooklin, and Mrs. Grills, Toron- Misses Kathleen Baker and Pearl te, ai Shortmidge Bros.' . . . Mr. Leach contribuied fiiiing vocal and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and fami- solos and Betty Smales and Hazel ly and Mm. Walter Cryderman Cryderman sang "I wouid be visiied triends ai Lindsay. .. Mr. Truc." and Mms. S. C. Aluin, Mm. Albert Allin, Miss Annie Aluin, Mm. and Mms. Clame Allin and Robert, Bow- manville, Mm. Gien Allin, Edmen- Salem ton, Alla., ai Mm. Wcs. Yellowlees'. ..Mrs. Leslie Evans, Murray and Charlie, Chapleau, Mm. Will Lam- (Iniendcd fer lasi weck) miman Sm., Mm. Will Lammiman Miss Langden and Mm. Chas. Jr.. Mm. and Mrs. Mark Turner, Langdon, Canton, and Miss Sybil Oshawa, Miss Nancy Lammiman, Heeken, Toronto. visited ai Mm. Toronto, Mrs. Oliver Flint, Lind- and Mms. Chas. Pollard's. say, ai Mm. Thos. Bakem's. . . Mr. Masters Elgin and James Sav- James Short, Westmount. ai M. ro, y,. Oshawva, are visiting Mm. and S. E. Wemmy's. .. Mrs. Chris Coo r.F. Blackburn. and family, Hamilton, with hem Mms." J. Squaim. Toronto, has sister, Mrs. Walter Parrinder. . .. returned home after visiiing ai Mm. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds, the Squaim home; Miss Mary Mm. and Mrs. Frederiek Fish, To- Squair tromn the West is stili rente. Mm. and Mms. Donald Yel-1 theme. and Rev. Rice has returned lowiees. Cglumbus, Mm. Percy to N.'B. Cushing, Whithy, at Mm. J. Yel-. Mm. W. Cowiing, who has been Your Car s a Personal and Community Asset. Let's Keep t up to Victory Standard! GARTON'S GARAGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1*9 m

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