TH-URSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1942 THE C!AN'AflAN c4'ATESMAN. I1OWMANVTL.ONTARIO0 - - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foley, T i a ubrSri Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. AlbertThsW R be Sca uColwel1 and Teddy, and Mrs. Mina T( SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Cple aveeek'sholdy oat Phone 663 CongLwlae reuredfroù Mis agrtNichols se-Or joyîng life at St. Catharines where DiTh Mrs. C. McFeeters visited Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fox and she is a farmerette. She has re- Tr and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa. twa children, Washington, D.C., newed acquaintance with MissAn miss Helen Bird is attending are guests of lher aunts, Misses Judy Whalen, a former Bowman-W Oshawa Collegiate. Ethel and Helen Morris. ville girl who is also a farmerette Mr. H. Evans, R.C.A.F., Jarvis Mr. Arthur Kent, son of Post- there. was guest of Mrs. Arnold ILobb.' master C. B. Kent, has enlisted as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moren air crew in the R.C.A.F. He re- Scugog Street, received a cable Miss Marjorie Rundle visited 'ports in Toronto today. Friday announcing the safe arri- Miss Vivian Rowan at Bethany. vai in England of their son, Sergt. 0 Mrs. H. Patterson, Highland Observer J. H. Grigg Morden, who W Miss Mary Cowan spent the Park, Ottawa, and Mrs. 1. Snell, had been in Bermuda for some weekend with friends at Brighton. Toronto, have been visiting their time. T SMr. and Mrs. W. Fair and Shir- brother, Mr. M. Comstock.Mr.PD.AmtogadMs '¶yTrot, iitd r adMr. L.C. Gerald Black, Welland Keniîeth Werry left on FridaySe H. ely.Air Fort, is spendîng two weeks' mornîng for a visit te, Manitouli Mrs. R. D. Whitmee is holidlay- leave with his mother on Queen Island where they will visit the ing with Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Street. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W Cousins, Dunbarton. M.DulsB ihl e o Purdy. Pte. P. D. Armstrong of T Pte. Kennetb Palmer, Cornwal Mronlaywherehhalsen-for rillia will accompany them. visited hîs mother, Mrs. Nellie tered the services of C.P.R. as Pte. Edward Silvester of the aserBlyFae shldy traînman. 12th Coy. Canadian Provost Corps, MasterBillyFraseris hoiday-stationed at Debert, N.S., visited .3 n in wthhs radmter Ms Margaret and Donald Ruther- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. DavidW Phg ip s, Grai oe, r. ford, Coîborne, visited their aunts, Silvester. He has assisted in es- Litie oren RchadsSalmMrs. C. J. Smale and Mrs. C. M. corting prisoners of war toa al visited bier cousins, Masters AllanCarhes parts of Canada.r and Glen Richards. Sincere sympathy is extended On August lSth Miss MarlonSo Miss Alice Lee, Strachona Hos- ta Mrs. M. G. V. Gould, Bowman- Warder was in St. Marys attend-So pital, Toronto, visited hier mother ville, in the loss of hier sister, Mrs. ing the marriage of Miss VeraY Mrs. Sehina Lee. Lîla Crampton, of Peterboro. Stephen ta Mr. William C. Hannah Mrs. James Souch has returned Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and of Tamworth. A week later, while àW en route ta their new home in Oh fromn a two weeks' vacation with Helen are holidaying with Ms igtn r n Mrs. Hna relatives in Toronto. H. T. Pritchard at Elmhurst Kxle ngd dMr un h Mrs. Mannah Miss Beulah Tommey visited at Beach, Lake Simcoe. and Mrs. Warder and Marion. bier home in Cooksville over the Pte. Jackson Wray, R.C.O.C., Laurie Hart is attending the weekend. Kingston, is enjoying two weeks' Salvation Army Music Camp at Miss Jean Rundie, who has leave. Mrs. Wray is also on holi- Jackson's Point. Bandmaster W. accepted a position in Oshawa, days. E. Edwards, Tottenham Band, Yt was home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rogers London, England, wili be guest si Mrs. H. Evans and son Bobby, and son, Niagara Falls, visited his bandmaster, assisted by a number Nob Vancouver, B.C., were guests of parents Rev. and Mrs. W. p. of other capable musicians. The Old tires and rubber articles end up here-ready ta make Let Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley. Rogers. interest in this music camp is Canada's armed forces rail more rapidly toward Victary. The W Pte. John G. Jury, SignaIs, Mr. and Mrs. George Hilson, grawîng and a recrd attendance rural rubber drive in Ontario and Quebec, August 24 ta September Peterboro, spent a weekend leave Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Prout is expected this year. 8, gives everyone a chance ta make this heap of military tires with bis aunt, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. and baby Lorraine, are hoîidaying The item in The Statesmnan last pile up even higher! 628 Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. week about the dirty condition is enjoying five weeks' vacation T. E. Prout. of aur main street evidently gatfil in heHaibrtn isrit.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Soucb, Mr. cillor W. J. Martyn of the Roads '1L C L10WN Serv Miss Bernice Gay has returned Harry Souch and Miss Eva Weîsh & Street Committee, had Fire Bowmanviiie 50 qui from a week's vacation with Mrs. have returned from a week's va- Chief Lucius Hoaper and- mcm- FTBALL TITLE quîtin Gea. Barclay, St. Catharines. cation at Mr. L. M. Souch's cot- bers of the Fire Brigade fiushing In the final gan:e of the season for1 Mrs. R. H. Warder and Miss tage, Lake Scugog. the street. It didn't take long and WEST BEACHinteT nSfbalLgupay base Marion Warder were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Summers they made a good job of it. indheTuodwnighft, lLocagulay d- Fc friends in Toronto. are holidaying in the Ottawa dis- Dr. M. J. A. James, New York Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Wiggins have e hrdyngt oa 8 e r- retrne toTorntoaft abusy feated Salem by 21-18 ta capture poe Miss Dorothy Porteous, Part trict. Mr. Summers is expected City, who has been recuperating rtre aTrnoatrau the icague title and cup.oh Hope, is guest of hier cousin, Miss back at the agriculturai office on in bis native town the past three season at his cottage, No35 far Audrey Comstock. Monday. weeks, left Frîday ta visit his son Cedarholme. Recent visitors in- As all the games have not been Laci Magistrate O. A. Langley pre- Mrs. Bruce Lunney, Harvey and daughter in Cleveland, OhiolddMs r ei ogM.reotdti er ewudlk o sided at Bowmanville police court Lunney, Mrs. Cleve McMann, Mrs. before returning ta New York~ and Mrs. Jas. Wiggins and Mr. ta give a review of what really It Tuesday marning. A. Cameron and Mrs. D. Tordiff early in September. "Whistling and Mrs. Chas. Butlin, Toronto. happened during the season. robi: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough and are hoiidaying at Shrangi La, Jim" renewed bis youth while Mr. Butlin is responsible for the During the season we have not gan- Mr. and Mrs. James Marr are Norland. here by preparing the "Dimn and very artistic rustic work on the had a reporter at ail games. He beir holidaying this week at Wasaga The Home League resumes its Distant Past" coîumn, as weîî as back ,yoa.d. Full of "wim and also acted as officiai scorer, but seri( Beach. meetings after the summer vaca- writing severai articles for The wigor bhis efforts lef t a decîded like the most of aurý staff hee bal Rotarian Lindsay Mitchell, sec- tion an Tuesday evening, Sep- Statesman on bis recent traveis change in the appearance of the joined the Armed Service, and it Fr0] retry f owmnvileclu, t- emer a 730 n he al atind other observations, cottage, since it also received a was impossible with iack of help ta g tended Oshawa Rotary Club on Armny Citadel. Mrs. Allie Welsh Shantz, Chi- cotowan.t or the gaes h wyweSl Monday. Dr. J. C. Devitt bas been a caga, Ill., who is visiting frîends THE COVE Attestr fth esnfu v Flying Officer Howard Mc- guest at the Highland Inn, Algon- in the aid home town while guestAthesa otesaonfur T Laubii, ow tatond a Had-qui Prksice etunig fomof Mrs. Reta Dudley, gave the Mr. and Mrs. Grey Barrick, teams were entered, but shortly stan qurtesVitri, ..,viiedhi istighi snJi a alfaeditor a cail on Tuesday. It was Edmund and William, have re-afrtendMdnssidhyte uare,Ctori T a, .. vsthli Ns vstn bssnJi tH piaa enjoyable baîf hour she spent turned from visiting Mrs. Edmund would like ta enter a team. This bur. unceCo. . . cLugli. the editor's sanctumn as she bas Barrick at Part Coîborne. caused the schedule ta be changed the Mrs. Roberts and George have For a thorough business course the happy facuity of reminiscing Miss Alice Bolton, for two around and the season gat under anat returned from a holiday at Mid- enroîl at the Oshawa Business more ta the minute about citizens years proprietress of "The Oasis,"' way with Salem, Front Street, This land. Mrs. Roberts wiîî return ta Coliege. Lucrative positions await and events back in the 80s and spent the weekend visiting be Local 189, Foundry, and the 2nd self, work at Ajax Sept. îst. graduates. Fali termn starts Sept. 90s than any persan we have met. many friends at "Cedar Crest" Midlands fighting it out for the aior Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Smith and ist.. If she iived in Bowmanville today and "The Cave." titie. ard Paty nn av reuredfrom M.adMs .R orsn we would appoint ber officiai One of the centres of interest tough for the managers ta keep seas spedin thir actio atWiga-Mr and Mrs. Gea. E. Chase, Mr. bistorian on The Statesman staf.bsenanrttiouidstn Moedg, Hiur vto Wg--and' Mrs. W. R. Strike and son f-asbeanrttiouidsoe MoHlbro.Ailan are enjoying their vaca- __________ barbecue on the beach in front tion at Manitou Lake, in the Ai- of Ormanaoks. It was buiit by a gonquin Park district. U guest of the Walkers and Blacks ________ The editor was pieased ta re- VVeuulng who occupy that cottage. ceive a cail on Monday from Mr. Toronto evenîng papers bave I o o L S Russell Thompson, Toronto, wbo acknowledged gifts of $5.00 eacb i n iwas on bis way ta visit bis mo- Hawey-Stainton fram the Carlton S. S. ta the MM -ther Mrs. S. Thompson at "Rose- Amîdst a beautiful setting of B.W.V.F. For thrif t reasons the iandvale Farm", Sauina. frsad~wiesadrso regular picmic was foregone; in- _ Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Dawson, blending shades of pink and white steead 0 t ac of pite chiiden Peterboro, during their wedding giadioli and with the beautiful o i rece a rou it u aen trip visited bier brother, Mr. Liv- memoriai windows of Zion United onThei recent ptrioeatichSnay. ingstane Miller, Sauina. Mrs. Mil- Churcb iending a distinctive at- pe-nThe-glr srvuticatshe Ca- lerNewbrgh als vistedliermospere th 2?ndk paed- group of warshippers. Before giv- w FRuK SCHOOL 1erNewbrg, asaviite br osphere tbertoonplceat 3 e-n-the-Hii ro u Teght thualLOWEST Dr n r.Raymond Rogers ding of interest ta many assemb îgbstl TeLgto ______________ and son, Niagara Falls, visited led relatives and friends of Bere- World," the leader, Mr. Wm. Me- -Cartny edfo peinVI RC S lt nyau SW EATERS Ms.nice Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and veyrsea10 fr.oThiEpassaes .ydC SW EA ERS oger. Dr Rogrs i chif ch- Mr. Arhur tainonHa ptey , been recited by' a padre from the --- oehrmk mis intheWelan Chmicl o AaniOstomHaweyPetr-baw of one of aur boats just Plant. bora, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Haw- before it landed on the French Get your supply early when Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Willoughby ley, Peterboro. Rev. Walter Rack- cos ntercn ip e tak our stock of Monarch Woois and daughter Joan, of Winnipeg, ham, Hampton, officiated. Wed- cnaast in the rcent eppat ack. iscmpee ae eune om ftrspn-ding music was played by Mrs. ooryr h onrgtinciem is copletebaveretured hoe afer spnd-on the Great Comforter t eI ing their summer vacation witb Ross Lee, sister of the bride, and witb those wbo mourned their I Mrs. Willaugbby's sister, Mrs. during the signing of the register boys who had given their ail thatU Cecil Jeffery, Maple Grave. played Grieg's "I Lave Thee." we may continue ta be free. Theo Wake up your liver; DOV ... 4ply20c Provincial Constable David Sil- The bride, given in marriage by address strcssed the idea of the f deanse your system; 1 vester bas returned home from ber fatber, wore a gown of cbalk ligbt that bad surrounded Christ o fg hi fty PEACOCK 4-ply 20e Bowmanville Hospital wbere be white, lovciy lady crepe, fashion- frein the time of bis birth at was a patient for over eleven cd on classic lines, witb softly Bethiehem-. This light bas always Iltaking DOWN 2-oz. bail 40c weeks through a serious opera- drapcd necklinc, tiny buttons been refiected by those who are f tion. down the back, and slight train. in contact witb Him. It' is thisIlW a heavy wool Plc rmBwavlewr Her fingertip veil was of fine reflection whicb gives them the J]E N O 'S Polce roi Bwmavile wreFrencb net, falling gracefully power for good. Miss Bernice TH U H 2 ,0 umn.ed t.assist in locating fromn a coronet of gardenias. She Noad, a guest at Happy Daze, beld O Fr ladies' saters rsidenth etic, wbbea-carried a bouquet of briar ciiff the laudience rapt during'lber D "F R UIT SA LT" camade' watr e ot owbae pickingthimbie- roses, and lber only arnament was sngngo "owLocy reTb cam__ bre lst near Lisay. hmb a gold lockct, the gift of the Tabernacles" and Scbubcrt's "Ave it After having been closed for bgroom. Maria." 5%% S two weeks ta allow the lîbrarian, The biessseEilien Stain- Altbougb omitted fromn the cal- JOH ST N' Mis. Vivian Argue, ta take ber ton, was maid of honor, and Misses endar it was announced by theo JOHNS ON'S annual hoiiday, Bowmanviiie Lib- D iane Lee and Nancy Varcae, leader that tbe regular service rary was opencd Thursday after- nieces of the bride and groom, would be held next Sunday. the - TO Enoon. respcctiveiy, were junior brides- titie of the addrcss being 'O"r P- (Uf e.nCrmn Lynn, ipastor of maids. The maid of hnrwas Ships." MRS.C. A BATLET, Pincialturo they will live at 595 Division der"sidHbyhieva-f OSHAWABUSINSS COLEGE S., Peterboro. nisbed the kitchen floor wief 18 Simcoe St., N., Oshawa, Ontario ________ you were out." a1upiefr q]EGsz Phones: Oshawa - 1314w; Bowmanvllle - 434~ Out of the thousands of sbips you darling," responded Wifie. _______________ convoyed by the British Navy lesa "You've uscd a jar of golden ý W than onc in 200 bas been lost.1 syrup ta do it witb." LIVERPOOL ro 'Liverpudlians" living in Canada. ften sit and dreamn and wonder my dear old home o'er yonder, Dear old ancient Liverpool; rough whose streets in joys abounding, i the countryside surrounding, Te would play hours after school. ere beside the Mersy flowing, would watch the boatmen rowing; r down at the harbor sides, Swould see in fascination, gs pull boats from every nation Fo their piers 'gainst outward -tides. wedores called us "Rivergud- lians,"ý said: "We're young Liverpud- lians," rhose were happy boyhood days; in white hawthorns hung so heavy, dthe lilacs bloomed their bevy, ?e'd roam down the Knowsley ways. we'd walk the Ferry wood- lands, .netimes through forbidden goodlands, Mongst the lovely leafy bowers; re the mavis thrush was singing, ler birds, uncaged, were wing- ing, Phose were happy carefree hours. ough the city's stood some blasting, ther pride is everlasting, ;he will rise in spiendor grand; blest praise and highest honor, each Liverpudlian donor, ?e, who're living in -this land. -RALPH GORDON. 1Crawford St., Toronto. ding a team, as the Armed vices were calling players Ie regularly while others were war work, making it impossible them to play, with the resuit. ;ball was not played up to par. ioundry and 2nd Midlands )ed littie opposition for the .r three teams, and finished below the top, with Salem, ca 189 and Front Street tied first place. twas decided to play a round n series with home and home nes, the team finishing on top ng declared the winner. This ies displayed a better brand of .with plenty of opposition. )t Street, who couldn't seem get going, were soon out of it, lm and Local 189 proved to winner take ail. rhis shaped up as the out- nding game of the season, but day before, Harry Hamm's top der, 'Ace' Richards, started at SMoto*s and Maurice Conway, )ther star was working nights. icaused Manager Harry, him- fta be pushed into action ýg with another veteran How- 1Foley. .fter ail it was an interesting ion, and we wish to congratu- late Local 189 in captuning the titie. They had a well balanced team, and are wortby bolders of the cup wbich tbey bave been trying ta capture since the league was formed. Line-up of Local 189 is as fol- lows: O. Hooper c, F. Muttan p, M. Oke lst, T. Bagneli 2nd, G. Piper ss, I. Piper 3rd, J. Moore- craft cf, C ouv i er rf, D. Mc- Knigbt If. Britain is naw producing twice as many tanks as in August 1941, three times as many as in Febru- ary 1941, and five times as many as in August 1940. Mrs. Bcep: "Do you tbink your son will like ail that water wben be joins the navy?" Mrs. Jeep: "He was neyer afraid of water wben be was littie. It was the saap that annayed bim." A sweet young tbing was driv- ing ber new car wben something went wrong with the motor. The traffic light changed fromn green ta red zmd back ta green and stil she couldn't get the car ta budge. The traffic cap came up. "Wbat's the matter, Miss?" he enquired. "Ain't we gat colors you like?" =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=' [TH CONFIDENCE urai that the buying power of 270 I.D.A. druggists united kes possible savings on the eost of merebandise and on other costs of doing business. These savings are reflected in the lower average prices you pay for standard merchandise, and, particularly, the extra varue you receive on quality gnaranteed I.D.A. Brand produets. Bargaîns For Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 29e Lavender SHAVE CREAM...19C 25e WHITE LINIMENT ........... 18c 50e PINEX COMPOUND .......... 32c LUX SOAP ............Gc - 2for Ilc 15s EPSOM SALTS ---- LUNCH KITS ---- -- Bitamin B Tablets 100's lic 25c Cocoanut 011 Shampoo -------- 63e Lifebuoy Soap - Halibut Liver Oil 44e1 Capsules, 100's ""A Ilenhurys" Basic Soap super fatted fream9oap- free froni adulterants- whntijure most tender ekin. per cake 25c ----- 19C 2 for lic and 1.00 35e Corega . ----24e tile Soap 10 cakes 19 Castîle Soap 10 cakes 19e Poeket Combs ---4e Nail Files 15c size Se Paimolive Soap --- 2 for lic Apple Blossom Soap ,- -------- 5 L ALLEN BU RYS"y * HALl BORANGE1 ~ZThe nicest way of taking Halibut Liver 85c - $1.50 - $2.75 Hay Feyer Remedies Benzedrine Inhaler ----------50e Frosst's Allersol -- ------ 1.00 Razmah Greys, Reds and Brow ls - ----------- 1.00 Bayer Aspirin ------ 22c-39c-98c Frosst's 217 ---- --- .-----35c-75e Haytone - -------- 25c-50c-1.00 Canadian Nasal Spray Com plete -------- -------1.00 COLGATE SHAVING CREAM 29e - 43e EVENING IN PARIS Face Powder, Lipstick & Rouge, Ail for the price of the Powder PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McORÉOOR Laura Secord Candies DRUGS Phone 792 We Deliver O~OOOOOOOOOO~OL!I -M PA<~F~ WT1T1~ MEN!M ... Cool weather is around the corner and the Arcade offers you the smartest clothes possible for Fail. Men's Suits and Topcoats 522.50 You must see these garments to really appreciate the style, quality and workrnanship, and at this 10w price you will remark at what wonderful values tbey are. Suits are made frorn fine quallty worsteds and corne in single or double breasted styles. Coats are of fine Don- egal Tweeds and Polo Cloth. Raglan or built-in siceves, with regular or fly fronts-Fitted or Belmaccan models. YOUR CHOICE 0F THESE GARMENTS $22n50 THE 'ARCADE BOWMANVI LLE j PAGE FIVE SA