THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, A..UGUST 27, 1942 * m m...m m .... ~* * .. .. .. of the war - maybe THE great COLLECTING SCRAP RUBBER AT THE MAILBOX we read "that we may well ex- Johns', Lakefield. .. Mrs. Mere- A ~ -turning point. pect food rationing before long; dith Moffat, John and Joanne, Mr. X ~ hf MUDieppe is but the curtain-raiser that there would be no fear of Albert Wood, Oshawa, at Mr. X ~ A 1 M SIeJU **,*Motheraldrmao tisag.over-production and that Canada's Everett Elot'. M.and Mrs. YThe day approaches when th farmers can produce, must pro- Ralph Davis at Mr. C. Hallett's, IJ By Capt. Elmore Philpott Hun il iibe hit from here, theredc n ilpoucdsiealSarave. Kay Halletts returned ~~~* **and everywhere at once; whe handicaps, the foodstuffs needed with them.. . Donald Yellowlees, behind him will rise up those to sustain the fighting men of the R.C.A.F.MiseseCaoT- TURNING POINT AT DIEPPE was ever donc by Canadians in tortured and enslaved people to United Nations." It doesn't cor- ronto, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'... anywar , akether trrile oîlof eng- rspod.We have no assurance' Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor at Mr. The battie of Dieppe is likely The attack itself was the most ance; when the monstrous beast of help on the farms, (we could Herb. Ogden's, Oshawa.. Hazel toprvete urig oitinthsimportant thing that had hap- of a Germnan am ildsov ae a dozen men between the Cryderman is holiaiga r war. It is important far beyond WsenErp snc inoeleslttebdsohu-agsf75 and 87 who are en- E. Larmer's, Blackstock. .. Glenn the limits of the number of men pee n dmntao ya-e en begging and praying to dangering their lives with over- Larmer, Blackstock, with Donald engaed nd he tme t tok. n dDu nkikot aae agmn s v hi w iesfo h uywork right now), or weather to Taylor. . .Mr. A. J. Balson with mark the b weinnglfa hstge ion, an not a cs ademi agmens,0 the widows and orphans of ensure good crops. All kinds of his sister, Mrs. W. J. Trick, Osh- in te wr wen arg scle f- hata sccesfu ladin wa offeed for beef cattle and bacon awa. ppossible on the continental coast. thosetheymurared fsie oeain îlb O It did on a small scale what can Dieppe was like the loud knock hogs are scarce and high-priced Mrs. Everett ElliottMr n sil.and will be done on a large scale on the door of the castle of the -and yet good grain is rotted to Barbara, attended a birthday par- Canada has every reason to be when Allied armies go into Eur- evil giant. It tells him and all make alcohol to ruin our men and ty for Diane O'Brien, Oshawa. proud of the part played by our ope to commence the real push the world that aroused mankind women and wreck the future of m en. They hadfo Be inis m il ed a d a ed nd c - our children. It doesn't m ake of the United LIE KILLED The Editor, in rveigCn Obituiary Kingdom, the THEY WILL CRACK aa's Liquor Bl puts the au- Untd ate ,, But far more important than .tiatieamutspnBoiiMaklsln and the Fighg the technical military gains from What we see going on in thisqurcnmtinuig191a Mark Osborne of 250 SUMMer Fr e re ch ut the Dieppe thrust were the moral war is in a sense but a repetition $250,000,000.00, n amur n t beyo1 dA ve u , N w rNt. i d A g this was, ina resuîts. of what went on before. The Ger- the comp00,00ehe nn fmot eo s to hs7r itha.H a sense, a Cana-' The most deadly feature of the Mans have won almost aIl the tefomllo s hatothereshavebee been in poor health for some dian adventure war since the fal of France 'has abtîs to date. But they 500,000,000 cases of inefficiency months. Mr. Osborne was born in It was the Cana- been the western legend of 'Nazi have not achieved the primary adicmeec mns u Bowmanville, Canada, son of the dian tank forei nvincibii - sr fstag ar objective of any army-the cvlasadsliradee late Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, about equaloa paralysis of will developed in our destruction of the military power 0idostreuelquroth and came to New Jersey as a brigade, which ~ ' part of the world. In common ofth1 ney price of haîf a dollar toapai-Young man. He lived first in washe e conversation it was taken for Assme ass h ihstt a rwmnadaîIvnton but moved to Newark w earsetdhoe re granted that the German armyge cool, and autumn approaches, aeamno wmn-da, rvg of~asie rn hog the heart this when everyone is supposed toabuthtrnotecnuy.H saread .tw ivnil n h adbo was a salesman for Hahne & Co. atfck.Etuasapws eivinibe i the nd bls-ofathe verrunlethrgh rthehertsbe doing aIl-out service. fr3 er u eie an Cagry t---hfenoilui. Te kiwThe Premier is avowedly pessi-fo 0 easbtried om regiment which sian resistance in fourteen months hv oilsos hyko mistic over the war situatin years ago. did as brave and costly a job as of fightîng did much to weaken their time is short. In one respect "Without vision te eope er Mr. Osborne is survived by bis ______________________this fairy tale. But it did not they are not far from their goals ish.".Unless.w.can.throw of daughter, Mrs. Laura A. Thomp- destroy it altogether. i this phase of the war. Theythsaflcreadwteeae son, a grandson, Alan Thompson, may still be able to isolate Russia sureydooe d Ta of areotadagrnduhe, __________________ If the Nazi agents had been frmseotieuol eoewrefotimretsa.hmpnaIfNe rk ad paid to put out somne of the argu- fwintrcoe usain. But thbeyoeeydoe.Tl falotTopo, lo eak n ments against the Second Front wn . . esagi . Btthywe efpect oumreboysoactivetwo sisters, Mrs. Winifred Hoar tahaebe ordot in. r may faîl again as they faîled last s erv etor o eeyo caion of Oshawa, and Mrs. Milton J. El- partthat heben ournte ou in ou ear. And they know full well Patriotic residents of the rural sections of Durham county wiîl and at tîmes do the impossible. liott of Bowmanville. parTmot in they oupno at ewn t another failure will have do their part during the next two weeks in the government-spon- Can we at home do less? There is Burial was in East Ridgelawn a better job (for Hitler) than our very different results from those sored drive to salvage ahl the scrprbbri tecutry. They the working of government ma- Cemetery, Delawanna. own pessimists and defeatists did.olawne. will seach their homes fromn attic to cellar and dlean out the back chinery which re liquor question According to this line of talk For from the coast of France sheds in an effort to locate every last possible piece. They will must go sharply into reverse. it oul b plinsuicide even to bas came the one word that Hit- will place it on the ground under their mailbox to be picked up And that word "must" means atettwdbpains 1 hanl.W er neyer expected to hear in this by the Mail courier. Patrons of rural post offices will take it to precisely the same as the word attempt nt onlcros te Carne ecowa r:tAlishveoendathe post office and add it to the rubber scrap pile. All the coîlect- "must" which is thrown so fre- <~~ ~ould ftion sly rsk iuri thatfiuescn rn. ing services are being donated free and the sorting and marketing quently at our farmers by all our. iad te lfu t that fai\olre It is true that the Dieppe opera- will be handled by registered agencies, operating under control of governments. Give us back the said w theueru(in sers woul ion wasfbterea ma scae re the government-owned Fairmont Company Limited. Net revenues O.T.A. and then dlean up on for- Q oehowied oresl nooigther (n om wy esame.of u the atcermn from the drive go to war charities and for the purchase of comforts mer delinquencies. And there are whole war freutnlsingat e rdes come. utako theras for Canada's armed forces. The rubber situation is serious as our the people who could close every fnoedyte ost orrs.arc e alist enogheft oknothat supply of crude rubber has been virtually cut off and our need bas liquor store and boot-legging dive In ne da t e om oste foce th n a not, therstfe w m nt s a nce se . T omake our supply of crude rubber go as far as ps- i h o ii n i a day by thetcadedby Canadansstrd th e ltes, te tag wilDe set sible we must mix scrap with it. Things you can look for are auto pledging "I solemnly promise that te hat cowrdl. olyn hat sns forcehan i urp b naio epart of and bicycle tires and tubes; garden hose; rubber-soled footwear; I will neither touch, taste nor alter whsp oht forc bt, noat uro ymnillimednrm. o at kneeling pads; rubber glover; tennis and golf balîs; rubber aprons; handle, as a beverage, any beel7, ar anty held Spnta whchthere es w mlinmn tractor tires and tubes; hot water bottles; rubbers; galoshes; rubber wine, cider, brandy, rum, wbis- Norway. But the Dieppe attack GOOD OMENS sponges; rubber tobacco pouches; bathing caps; syringes-almost key, or any other drink contain- FrmTeRueoswas at the very heart of enemy anything that cortains rubber. Tn ah pessimistheys- i Pro Th Hosetpsdefences. The attackers proved We cannot keep too clearly in The________________________________ imt aybson. ing Out The News, beyond ahl argument that it is mind the fact that wbile this war B hrM.L Jbi. Ms Iee Teotmist bsays- . possible to cross the Channel; that is the same as the earlier one in "tcnb Tell Everybody, spsil oovroetefrtsomne respects, it is completely UrK tOflMow i r. Jbinds..issWhiby... The pptmist sys-.- line of resistance. different in others. ____Mar. Emiy Prter, Tonto, ith I anb oe1 Mil Cre Aie ius! Only an actual invasion can In the ast war the tide of battle Lhred n tene h uea "It is done."l...... prove the practicability of an in- ebbed and flowed. With the belp Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. . Gat- frercsn, Wm. Pordtheofus. Hpe For a sure-fire way to cure vasion attempt. But the battle of Of the Russians we beld the Ger- chell and Mrs. F. Caughill at ofMr couand Mrs. Pr L . .coHome mid-afternoon let-down, try Dieppe proved that the first and mans, not only by defending our- Lindsay. . . Mr. Orland and MissdMs.PryL.Mlom is possible. by making large and bloody at- Mrs. T. G. Breck and Mrs. H.. G. Joblin. .. Mrs. Archie Hoskin and Solina It 's A Pleasu fresh Bowmanville Daîry 1 tacks of our own. Gili in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. chihdren, Midland, Mrs. Melville ____ milk. It drives away that KNOCK ON THE DOOR What the Russians have done Ernest Adams, Mrs. E. Patterson Henry and son Garry, Oshawa, Mrs. Jack Reynolds and Mrs. ... The bread wbieb is oil blu felngtht ees oufor us in this war is this: and Mrs. Martha Adams in Lotus. with Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. . . Mr. Bryce Brown have assumed duties of food energy today and v bluefeelng hat eepsyou Like wildfire the news travelled At enormous cost tg Russia, . - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cochrane and Bruce Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the Elementary Flying Train-itsabeuflgoenb from aoing your best work. through the Canadian, and other they have bled the Germians to a family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke Waldon, Lindsay, Mr. Frank Job-inScolOsaa Alierrme, haSheGran degree of weakness and exhaus- and Billy, Oshawa, with Mr. E. lin. Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. L. Visitors: Misses Herron, Mr. and sbould eat at least two si aTy rning m' ahit everyoblin with Mrs. RichardWi Mr.WDubTontaMrCrerB adttsesw aftenoo. Is ahabt tat oldier is nthing unduly to worr tion equivalent ta that wbich set Adams... Miss Mae Glennie, To- liams. . .- Mr. John cGiunbJanet-T.romats', . Mr. Wle rdr will keep you feeling tip- about. The Canadians in the bat- in after about four years of fight- ronto, Mr. P. Bowers, at Mr. T. *thMr Jhn ~M JaeJ. is s.. r atr rdr atays re-asb.stw tle of Dieppe found what their ing in World War I. Our armies Trick's. . . Mr. T. Trick and Mr. ville, wi is sîser Mrs. Jas. man and Mary at Mr. C. Smîth's, i lasfeh top ail day long. fathers proved over and over in Britain. cooped up as they have and Mrs. G. Carnochan with M\r. Williamson.. . Mrs. Calvert, Lind- Hampton. . . Cph. Robert Scott, again in the last war-that man been, not by design of our leaders H. Trick, Manvers. . . Miss Mary say, with Mrs. Fred Crawford.. R.C.A.F., Toronto, at home. to man the German can be Put but by the unforeseen course of Carr, Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Asb- Mr. Tommy Cole, Pickering, at Miss Ruby Lane, nurse in attend- tou fbue H snssupithou ,muh the war itself, resulting from the ford, Mr. Gunn, Toronto, witb r er Topo' ance with Mr. Frank Shortridge, trsole. e H xe spten bu sel-out in France-those armies Mrs. M. Adams. . . Mr. and Mrs. _______________ with bier parents at Bowmanville. e ans, end -r ece.Then inr are now ail set to îaunch them- D. Gatchell, Oshawa, at Mr. J.________________ . . Roscoe Baker, R.C.A.F., Otta- B ow a vule gansiiewofpacs. hereareselves like a gigantic thunderboît Gatchell's. . .Mr. and Mrs. D. * *= - wa, is home on two weeks' leave. tens f thusans ofCanaians hen he rght omen coms. Canochn, Ohawa wMr.Mrand .Mrsr.anBryce ry Brownw ofmy generation who know that That is wby IF we can hold the Carnochan. .. Mr. Alden Hubbard and frns. VitorLisonPeteMr-. Dairy taobe truc by repeated personal Germans in those places where with friends in Oshawa. . . Mr. In The Editor's Ma1il withfriendsitorLilndsay. eter- exeiec. u ti gnrain emuthodtilwe are reaciy to and Mrs. H. G. Gihl and Mrs. J. _________________and Mr saaiHl arckToro That is why I regard the Battle that the war might be won witb at their cottage, Bobcaygeon. OsaaAg.2, 92 Mr. StankeynMildser,.rsand of Dieppe as a great turning point startling rapidity. ToteEîOrw, .2, 92 MrieSuaner land, Rossand s There is, in Britain, an army Tf The ESttsmn:EdMare, Todrno,M.andMsrs. Of somne forty to sixty divisions, Bof Th- earSr,- H. :E. Han ruc T n's..Messr. exclusive of home guards. When B acksL0ck erSr- .E n BueTn's. r our leaders are sure that the time ____ The writer bas been reading tbe and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary bas came to launcb that army Vstr:Ms .S rsFit Report of Premier Hepburn's and Barbara, at Rev. C. H. El- against the enemy the outcome Vstr:Ms .S rsFit speech at the Durham County liott's, Lake Scugog, and Mr. .BA~±[t£e 1POST'Sof this war will be altered in a Mich., Mrs. M. D. Denton, Belle- Farmers' Federation Picnie held Percy Taylor's, Williams Point.. matter of days. It will not be won ville, Mrs. Wilbur Taylor and at Orono recently - with particu- Helen Langmaid at Mr. Charles S U F K E of course, in a matter of days. Margaret, Owen Sound, with Mr. lar interest re the Liquor ques-- _______________________________ m*mBut the beginning of the end wiîî and Mrs. W. L. Scott. .. Mr. and tion. ILE~corne the very day that a con- Mrs. Harry Graham and Verena, First lie is quoted with saying __siderab]e Allied army demon- Toronto, witb Mrs. Henry Mount- "a wave of prohibition hysteria is WITH OTHER PARTS Of WHEAT strates its ability. not just to land joy. . . Billie Heaslip, Toronto, sweeping the country." Hysteria in continental Europe, but to witb bis aunt, Mrs. Wallace Mar- is a disturbance of moral and maintain itself against the at- low. . . Mr. and Mrs. Laverne intellectual faculties and its cor- Give these 3 Big Benefits temnpts to expel it within the first Chapman, Bethany, with Mr. and rect use wouîd be 'there is a wv 1Te eppeetcnt few- days. Mrs. R. Hooper. . . Mr. and Mrs. of liquor consumption hysteria TO H ELP Y O t Geo. JolI, Toronto, with Mr. S. sweeping the country today." The pation due to Iack of buik. MUST HOLD Jeffry. . . Mrs. E. P. Wood, To- cail for prohibition is perfectly m There are two places whic eronto, with Mrs. Florence Craw- sober and sane and as f ar remov- 2. Supply useful quantities of msiod nodr omkch e frd. .. Mr. W. L. Scott and ed from hysteria as the churcb isUA muthldi rdrt ak h Dulswith relatives in Wiar- fromn the bar-room. He furthers F E iron and phosphorus. above strategy effective in the ton. . . Miss Lorna Trewin, To- sys"ovrnetsdont ret 3 u ofdelicious flavor and fihngftiswr ronto, at home.. Mr. and Mrs. a liquor problem." The present 3.Fl fThe Russians must hold some Elsworth Davey and Evelyn, Ma- government bas created a liquor so good to eat lune from which tbey can bit back nîlla, at Mr. Lew Swain's. .. Assis- probhem in many communities B282 at Germany when the times comes tant Section Officer Ms ed !weehrtfrpoiiix a ! A frthe real general Allied ad- Aylmer, spent bier leave with bier enforced to a high degree; and in YL-ÜS svance. Nothing that bas happen- father, Archdeacon Wmn. Simp- many cases wbere there bas been »W ». . rlued this year indicates that the son anid Mrs. Simpson... Mr. Fredasusatasuprofeitnsouhvmdeaarotcnetet iVto soetwl aldw nti e Goard, daughters Eleanor and for maintaining protected areas Yuhv aeaptitcivsreti itr The other spot we must bold Pauline, at Mr. Herman Hooey's. the Liquor Interests bave been War Loan Bonds . .. or War Savings Certificates is that waterway wbicb connects See elsewhere for report of Our ahowed to establish Beverage three ... to help your country in the war ... a the Mediterranean with the In- Red Cross Street Fair and Dance. Rooms, warehouses and distribut- dian Ocean. That means the Suez Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto, ing centres. In various ways the your after-war future. Canal and Red Sea. i preached in. the United Church Liquor Interests bave circumvent- oealyut psrvyu W eciis _____________ning. $1600.00 worth of spirits for con- Visitors: Mr. Elmer Wright, version and sale. Tbat bappened Kingston, witb bis mother Mrs. in the year of grace 1942 and isbA u Peter Wright... Mrs. R. Williams, only a mild example of what is THE CHARTERED BANKS 0~ GARTON'S GARAGE Miss Iva Williams and Mrs. R. going on. Waldon, at their home. . . Miss In one paragrapb of the report Bus station Imperlal 011 Phone 2666 Florence Fallis, Wbitby, witb Mrs. we are told "spirits are being Wilford Jackson. . . Mr. Frank made of domestic grains of whicb Joblin, Janetvihle, with bis bro- we bave a surplus." A littie later Eyesight Education Andciuc By CB . Tuck Optemetrlst Eyesight _:7, Specialist Disney BIdg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Number 221 Duil or supposedly subnormal cases have been assisted wonder- fully in 1Mfe by recognition of physical defects and defects of vision. This again will affect cases right down the line, from. school if e to mature life, and will be the means of increasing man's efficiency. Many a man is found unfit for work on account of his eyes. The type of erroIr is sup- posedly developed during the school life and remains as a handi- cap through early life to be de- tected only by an efficiency test in mature life. It is really possible to enjoy youthful sight in middle life, even though your eyesight is weaken- ed. Science keeps pace with changing conditions in devising means of relieving strain on the eyes and eye muscles, some of these conditions being bad enough to affect other parts of the sys- Stem. (to be continued) ire To Eat ee of the greatest supplier which bas been baked unti >wn! For good health, yoi ices of bread daily, so trý vice as good as it looks anq ry id J LRD LIRITIEtS ry Bonds ... or ý... perhaps ail id to help, assure from danger of iks offer a safe- 5S- Take tliem ed bank ... the clp your coupons emoney to your -n authorize the 4ng is only uny) up to over $250. lodge thein aiea safekeeping and :e tinie (or any Iit wihh cost you $0. 10 .15 .20 .25 .50 1.00 )F CANADA THURSDAY, AJUGUST 27, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO