PAGE EIGHT ------------------** MMM MMM precis, equipmcnt and other in- structional matemial will be avail- able. Certain material is of a The ewc stl Ind pen ent cunfidential nature and must be Phnxlre11 accounited for at the end of each Phon Clrke 114study period. Agriculture will 1-___________________________________ aise be taught in ahl grades of Newcastle Hîgh School. Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto, formemîx of Newcastle, that their The work of re-modelling Miss visitcd lier aunt, Mrs. Jno. Doug- youngcm ',on, Athur, is home on Ethel Lockhart's houso on Miii las. last beave bofore going overseas St., w.hich she bought from Mrs. Ray Brown is now in uniforin, with other Commandoos. Ho lias W. J. Ford. is about completed. having joined the active service donc well in his exams and is one Arthur Rednap. Newtonville, has force. of three in Canada to comrplote boon docorating the inteior and Mms. Clifford Flintoff, Oshawa, his training in record tîme. His painting the exterior. Miss Lock- has been heiping take came of lhem brother George, anothor Newcas- hart hias hiad the house convemted mother, Mrs. Ed. Powell, who has tic boy, hias been overseas for into an attractive and cosy mod- been quite ill. i somo time. crn home with ail up-to-date con- Mms. S. G. McCommack, Niagara, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glenney vonionces. Among those who liad visited Mm. and Mms. J. E. W. attended the golden xedding an- a part in the work wcmo: Jno. Phiip. She was a formem esident nivorsary of Mms. Glenncy's par- MacKeliar, carpenter; W. VanDu- of Newcastle when hiem late hus- onts. Mr. and Mms. Alexander sen, stone-mason and bickiaycm; band was pastor of the Presby- smith, at"Embro, Sept. 2lst. They Len. Elliott, plumber; H. S. Brit- teian chumch. attended the West Zorma and Em- ton, clectrician; H. C. Bonathan, Leonard Lawlom, who was one bro faîl faim and won first prize tinsmith; Arthum Rednap, painter of those reported mîssing in the on a gladiolus which they entemcd and decomatom. Dieppe raid and whose picture in the grower's name. It was one Mrs. Chas. Gienney was the was in the Globe and Mail, fom- of a bouquet pesonted to Mms. guest of honom at a paty of about mely iived - at Wilbur Basker- Glenney at Mms. J. C, Hancock's 30 girl friends at the home of viile's, Lake Shome. He was a reg- on the previous Fiday evening. Miss Ruth Hancock on Fiday ular attendant at Newcastle Unit- United Church W. A. met in the evening. It was ostcnsibly a littie cd Church and also attended New- S- S. hall vith Mrs. J. H. Jose in bridge paty. with an anticipated castie high sehool. the chair. Mrs. Ross Dickinson attendance of five, in Mms. Gien- A numbem of girl friends of read the scripturo. Mrs. C. A. ney's thoughts,-the hostess and a Miss Ethel Spencer, who has been Cowan was pianist. The question foursome. A bridge game mater- employed with the J. Anderson et holIding ra fail bazaam was dis- ialized according to schedulc, but Smith Co., but is leaving to take cussed. Mr. Percy Brown's group1 later Mrs. Gienney was very a position in Toronto, presented prosented the programme and much surprised to be greeted by hier with a manicume set Thurs- served refreshiments. Mrs. H. C. a whole bevy of maids and yoong day evcning. The presontation Allun ai-d Mrs. Brown each gave1 matrons fmom another part of the - was made at the homo of Miss two readinigs. Mesdames Harold bouse. She was still more sur- Margaret Bowen. Lunch was ser- Toms and H. R. Pearce rendered prised when they made lier a ved and a social time enjoyed. a vocal duet. Mms. C. A. Cowan presentation cf an oval-topped - Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe. contributod a piano solo, and Miss living room table and two wallp Toronto, attended the funerai of Pauîline Deline a vocal solo. ac- pictures. for which sho graciously Dr. Hector Carvoth. Ph.D.. Nia- companied by Laurence Morton. expressod lher thanks. Refmesh- gara Falls, N.Y.. on Sept. l9th. Ho High School ro-opened Sept. 22. monts weme served. xvas buried in Port Hope. He was with an attendance about equal We are sorry t0 record the a cousin of the late Dr. Geo. H. te last ycar's. Principal H. M. Me- death of Miss Minnie Barett in Carveth and of the late Arthur Coul and Mms. Chas. Glonnoy are Bowmanville hospitai. She had Carveth, father of Reeve C. R. back on duty, botb qualified f0 been living in an apartment in- Carveth. He w as kiiled in an cx- toacb the new course in Detonce "The Towors,"' Mrs. T. M. Gîb- plosion in a chemnical laboratory. Training, Heaith and Physicai son's house on Miii St., and was- Fiends received word from Mr. Education. Board of Education a seamstress by profession. Not and Mrs. Geo. Lomsdcn, Eimvaie, has been notified that pamphlets, feeling as well as osual she had B gone over f0 hem fiend, Miss Em- ma Boman's for a few days and if was home she had symptoms of a stroke and was taken to Bow- manville hospitai. While thcre a Receem Cou ons number of Newcastle friends cail-- ed to sec lhem. She was the daugh- tom of the late Mm. and Mrs. Chas. H E R E Bamett. of Shaw's and Newcastle and sister cf Rev. C. W. Bamett, B Redem Yor RnsoLux oilt Sop Git Brighton. and Mm. Lewis Barrctt. Redern ourRins, Lx T iletSoa Git Souffville. She was a member of Cards here. Plan to attend the Rinso the United Church. A private funeral service xvas held at the Revue in Town Hall, Sept. 30, Oct 1 and 2. homo of hiem cousin. Mms. Fred Honcy, Salem. on Monday. Easif irst or Domestic Shortening ______4-lb.Pkg. 76c 1 lb. 1 9C TENDER LEAF TEA, 7-oz. pk. &c ½lb. MAGIC COFFEE for......62 (4 coupons) MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES ........ 65c N. EIw HEINZ KETCHUP ........ btl. 19c HEINZ Famlily Size Soups 2 for 27e SEEDLESS RAISINS ........ 2 lbs. 25c BLUE ROSE RICE 2 lbs.25c HAWES' WAX 1-lb. tin 45c "j We Deliver Help. Yourself to RADIANT DEAUTY Drink Gien Rae milk three times a day for a elear com- plexion, sparkling eyes and radiant vltality ! Famous charmers of yesterday took baths iu milk for beauty's sakie! They were wise to seek beauty "the mllky way," but your recipe for beauty la simpler than theirs and far more economical. Yeu kuow that a refresh- ing beauty drink of rich, delilous mik-3 tinies a day -wlll go a long way towards giving you the sparkling vitality and flawless complexion that resuits in radiant beauty. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. SEPT. 24-25-26 Double Feature William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy in Stick teYour Guns aiso HENRY FOR PRESIDENT featuring THE ALDRICH FA311LY Mon. - Tues. - Wed. SEPT. 28-29-30 MY GAI SAL in technicolour with Rita Hayworth and Victor Mature News - Shorts OSHAWA, ONTARIO Starts TOM ORROW 2 DAYS ONLY Wallace Beery Marjorie Main IN "JACKASS MAIL" REVIVAL FRIDAY KAY KYSER & HIS ORCH. in 'That's Right, You're Wrong' Monday & Tuesday 2 BIG FEATURES Robert Preston Martha O'Driscol IN PACIFIC BLACKOUT -As hot as to-day's headlines ALSO! - a brilliantly novel comedy shamply off the beaten path.. "THE REMARKABLE ANDRE W" BRIAN DONLEVY - WILLIAM HOLDEN - ELLEN DREW WEDNESDAY Dli. KILDARE'S VICTORY 1 with LEW AYRES 1 THECAADAN TATgL4. BViANiLv. nNm i CIlpTn ____________________________________________________________________________________ THURSL>AY, ~rr. ~'itn, i~iz Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion <minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number.ý Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. 1n Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTIIS COLE-In Bowmanvilie Hospitî on Saturday, September 19t] 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. John j Cole (nec Aima Piper), the gif of a son. 39-1 LYCETT-Major and Mrs. F. ]E Lycett, Orono, are happy ti announce the arrivai of a nin, pound baby brother for Dougla at Bowmanville Hospital, oi Thursday, September 17, 1942 PORTER-At Bowmanviile Hos pital, September 23rd, 1942, t( Mm. and Mms. Roy Porter, thi gift tof a daughtem (Beverle Ann). 39-i MARRIAGE ARDELL-JACKMAN- At St Paul's Manse, Bowmanvlle, or September 19, 1942, by Rev. F Joblin, Mrs. Thelma Jackman Trenton, and Brian J. Ardel] Ottawa. 39-1* Help Wanted WANTED - GIRL OR YOUNG woman for g neral housework and came of thmoe chiidren. Ap- puy W. E. Hagerman, Newcastle. 38-2* WANTED - COOK GENERAL or housekeeper for Oshawa family of three adults; good wages. Write Box 111, States- man Office, Bowmanville. Articles For Sale For Rent FOR SALE - 14 CORD WOOD, FOR RENT-COTTAGE ON 4 ft. lengtb, soft wood, $6.50 wharf road, Bowmanviile; hy- cord. Pete Shoomaker, Newcas- dro; immediate p o sse ss i on. tie. 39-1* Phono 565. 39-1 FOR SALE - WALNUT DINING TWO OR THREE FURNISHED set, bargain for quick sale. or unfurnishcd moims, ccntraliy Write Box 118, Statesman 0f- located, suitable for light house- fice, Bowmanviiie. 39-1 keeping. Write M. D., Box 502, FOR SALE - CEDAR LADDERS Bwavle 91 for appie picking. Appiy Wmn. FOR RENT-7 ROOMED HOUSE Laird, Maplo Grove, p hl o nlc at Starkvilie. Ail conveniences, 12511. 39-1 verandah and sun porch. Imme- diate possession. Apply Mms. I. CONGOLEUM RUGS-6 x 9 CON- B. Stark, Clarke Post Office. - goieum Rugs, popular conven- 38-2* tionai design with taupe back- - ground, first quality. Speciai Wanted To Buy ai $3.98, at F. F. Morris Co. 39-1 __________________ ;al WANTED-3 BUSHELS 0F RYE h, FOR SALE - '29 PONTIAC IN for seed. Appiy G. M. c[o The E. excellent running order, good Statcsman. 39-1 ft rubbcr, reasonabie. Mrs. J. ________________ * Maguire, George Street, Bow- WANTED-USED KIDDIE CAR E. manvilie. 39-l* in good condition. Phono 2320 oa ARTICLES FOR SALE - WRIST Bowmanviiic. 39-1* .e watch, white windbrcaker, and WANTED-ABOUT 8 LOADS 0F as winter overcoat. O w n e r in cican stmaw, for covcming. State )n army. Apply Mrs. Palmer, Cen- price deiivercd te W. T. Haigh, 2. tre Street, phone 2256. 39-1* High St., Bowmanviiie. 39.1* - LFOR SALE-QUEBEC HEATER Oe with oven and hot watem front, Real Estate For Sale e erynw 1.0cs.Apy- nerlGy e, 185Mcs. Alyî O AE-BIDN O bouse, Concession Street. 39-1* with watem and sewage connec- - tions, in Bowmanviile. Phono FOR SALE -A QUANTITY 0F 2385. 39-1c Yeiiow Globe Danver Onions, aise 100 white hybrid yearling FR SALE - $1900 - 13 ACRES, h.lens. Appiy M. Hcard, Ennis- comfotabie 6 roomed house, n killen. 39-1 bamn, hoen house. W. A. Reid:,t - R. R. 2 Newcastle, phono Clarke LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM 39-30. 39-1* Rugs. Select youms from over 300 patterns actuaily in stock. FOR SALE-M. A. NEAL RESI- You are invited te view thcsc dence on Lowe St., 6 rooms and at BRALILEY'S New Furniture bath, ail modemn convenicnces, Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- central location, double garage, awa. 46-tf good gamdcn. Apply direct te M. A. Neai, Bowmanviie. nFOR SALE - C HIL D'S COT, 39-tf y large size with spring mattmess f in perfect condition, and aIse AUCTION SALES S high chair. Rea sonla bl1e. E._____________ t Laird, Concession & Manvers Mms. Arthur Hubbamd, one mile Rd.' 39-1* west of Enfieid, wiil seli on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 1.30 -FOR SALE-ABOUT 50 ACRES p.m., hiem househoid effects and of wood, a considerable amount pmopety, consisting of house, - of it hardwood, Concession 7, barn and one acre of land. Sec Twp. of Manvers, near Baily- bis for list of other articles. f duff. Appiy Joseph Porter. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 39-1 38-2* FOR SALE - 1934 CHEV&ROLET Deluxe Sedan, six tires (2 ncw), Notice heater, fan and ncw battery. -______________ In excellent condition tbrough- The Estelle Beauty Salon wil eut, Write Box 117, Statesman be cioscd until Monday, Oct. 19. Office, Bowmanvilie. 39-1* 38-.2* COFFEE TABLES - DECORAT- Dr. C. W. Siemon wiii be away ed tops tbat can be tiitcd to fmom his office from September make an attractive fimescreen, l6th until fumthem notice. 38-2 add te the beauty of any oom and very practicai, blonde ma- Wiii the person who bomowed pie or wainut finisbed frames. a building jack from Mrs. E. At F. F. Morris Ce. September Damch and sons, R. R. 4 Bowman- Sale-Speciai $2.89. 39-1 ville, kindly eturn at once. OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE 39-1 Store - Evemythîng in mcdern, Notice to treditors cbesterficid, bedroom, dining ____ suites, and studios. Bedding and IN THE ESTATE 0F floor coverings a speciaity. NELLIE FURSIER, DECEASED. Quality merchandise at comn- petitive prices. Before buying Ail persans having c 1 a i ni s visit Bradiey's New Fumniture against the Estate of Neliie Fur- Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- sier, Spînster, iate of the Town of awa. 46-tf Bowmanviile, in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario, CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN who died on or about the 2nd day -The chcapest and most econo- of September, 1942, are requested mical transportation you can to forward full particulars of boy. This car was on blocks for samne, duiy vemified upon oath, to ton years and nover driven due the undersigned, on or before the te delay in settiing of estate. lSth day of October, 1942, after Actuali riieagc icss than 30,000 which date the assets of the Estate mules,' good rubber and in Al wîll be distributed, having regard« mechanicai condition. Youm gas only te the dlaims which have coupon wiil go famthem witbti been rcceived and ignoing al car. Present owner bas no others. present neod for car due to Dated this lSth day of Septcm- cbange position and wiîî sacri- ber 1942. fice. Caîl 358. 39-1 NINA E. eSEADS, King Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario Personal VIOLET PETRE, I35 Park Road, KLEEREX CLEARS THE SKIN. Oshawa, Ontario Heals Bouls, mpetigo, Eczema, Executrixes for the Psoriasis. Gives quick relief Estate of Neilie Fursier. while you work. 50c; $1.00; 38-3 $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Recommendcd and sold by Alex Citizens have been co-operat- McGregor, Druggist. 39-1 îng witb the Red Cross drive for rubber salvage in town. A quan- Owners of gardons in town say tity of rubber collccted, amount- that the white frost Wednesday ing to 2,900 pounds, was soid the mnorning practically ruincd the other day. The eceiving dpti pumpkin, squash and melon vines. at Challis' Garage. dpti Whooping Cough Inasmuch as the whooping cough season is appmoaching and some cases bave aiready occummcd in the Town, parents are advised f0 take their smali childrcn to their famiiy physician to be im- munized against it. W. H. Bimks, M.O.H. jury &Lvl PUIS VITAMINS ON THE JOB Wanted to Rent FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE IN good location wanted imme- diately by reliable tenant. Write Box 112, dýo Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 38-2* WANTED - SMALL HOUSE OR apartment with modern conven- iences, in Bowmanvllle, for smail family of three. Apply Geo. AlIchin, phone 2475. 39-1* PARKE DAVIS PRODUCTS Abdol Capsules with Vita- min C . 1.60-2.85-5.50 Haliver Capsules ----50c-95c-1.55 Natola Capsules ---75c-1.25-2.25 Abdol Imnproved Capsules ---1.15-2.00-3.45 Ayerst Vitamin PRODUCTS lod. Cod Liver Oul 67c-1.69 Alphamin Capsulei 2.25-3.75 Alphamettes -- 1.00-1.85-3.50 Beminal Tablets 36s 1.50 - 100's 3.75 Wampole's Cod Liver 011--------- 1.00 Scott's Emulsion --- 59c-98c Squibb's Cod Liver 011 ---55c-1.10 Haliborange --- --85C-1.50 PURETEST PRODUCTS Cod Liver Oit - Plain and Mint Flavoured 8 ozs. 75e _ 16 ozs. 1.25 Halibut Liver 011 Capsules 50 in box ------------90e 100 in box ----------1.50 Multiple Vitamin Capsules 50 fer 1.50 - 100 for 2.50 A.B.D. and G. Capsules 251S ------ - ---- --ï- 1.00 Extraet of Malt with Cod Liver 011 16-oz. 65e - 32-oz. 1.00 Cod Liver Oit Tablets ,50's 75c - 100's 1.354 Vitamin B, Tablets 1 M NEO -CHEMVAL Capsules ---- Liquid ----------- Vitamins Plus AdacapÉ --------- 1.25-2.25 1.15-2.45 1.50-2,75 - - - - - - - - - - - - Jury C& Loveli Phone 778 The Rexali Drug Store When we test eyes it la done properly C.N.R. Ticket Agency I Chesterfield Suites Rit! BY RESTRICTIONS ON NON-ESSENTIAL INDUSTRIES. METAL SPRINGS TO BE PROHIBITED IN CONSTRUCTION 0F CHESTERFIELD SUITES, STUDIO COUCHES, ETC. Select Your Chesterfield Suite at F. F. MORRIS CO. Now STORAGE IF DESIRED - DELIVERY AT XMAS, OR AT YOUR CONVENIENCE - SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Letters this week from three of Canada's largest manufacturers prove that - NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY - Company No. 1 "We regret that we eannot take any further orders" Company No. 2 "We have no yardage of velours or friezes and cannot supply any of the suites ordered"l Company No. 3 "We aeknowledge your order of the l7th instant and regret that we shail not be lu a position to make any further shipments thla year, due to the sprlug situation." WE HAVE THE STOCK - SELECTION WAS NEYER BETTER! TAKE ADVANTAG E 0F PRESENT PRICES - You'Ii l ot see values like these again for many months to corne, we assure you! $50.00 Reward if you can duplicate any suite in our store for legs than our low cash price. 480 Fe F. MORRIS Co. ORONO 27-1 I ENGINEER WANTED - TO take charge of two 20 h.p. Boli- ers, and Refrigeration Equip- ment. This job is suitable for an older man with 4th Class papers. Apply to Oshawa Branch of National Selectîve Service. 39-1 Wanted SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- ers of Alfalfa, Timothy, Timo- thy and Alike mixtures, Alsike, Red Clover, Sweet C 10o v e r. Bring or mail in a sample for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 38-tf DEATH BARRETT-In Bowmanviiie, or September 17, 1942, Ella May "'Minnie" Barrett, daughter of the late Mm. and Mrs. Charles Barrett, Newcastle. Intermeni at Bowmanville Cemetemy. IN MEMORIAM BRAGG -In iovîng memory of our dear son and brother, «Wii- liamn Stanley, wbo passed away September 25, 1940, age 5 years. Take him in Thine amms dear Lord, And ever lot him be A messengor ef love Betwcen our heamts and Tbee. -Ever remombercd by Mum, Dad, sisters and brother. 39-1* UNDAY-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John H. Munday, who cmossed the great divide suddeniy Septem- ber 23rd, 1939. For bim-iife more abondant. For os-a guiding star. -Ever remombercd by Wife and Famiiy. 39-1* mi COMING EVENTS Eldad Hamvest Home Thank- offering on Sunday, Sept. 27th. Rev. H. Linstead of Courtice will preach at 2 and 7 p.m. Special music. 39-1 Members of the 136th Battalion, C.E.F., Toronto, are coming to Bowmanville, Sunday, Sept. 27th, to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph. Ex-members of this unit are re- quested to meet at the Armouries here at 3 p.m. to parade to the cenotaph. Dress: Beret and Arm Band. 38-2 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - 10 YOUNG PIGS. Appiy W. L. Barton. 39 1* FOR SALE-15 PIGS 6 WEEKS old. Appiy Harold Pascoe, R. R. 1 Hampton, phone 2187. 39-l* FOR SALE - GOOD JERSEY cow 8 years old. Apply H. Sta- cey, Kingston Road East, phone 2112. 39-1 FOR SALE - 36 COCKERELS, April hatched, heavy breed; ai- so large white Pekin drakes. Appy to John Greer, R. R. 3 Burketon. 39-1* FOR SALE -TRAC TOR, MADE from G.M.C. truck, a real good outfit. Reason for selling is that my farm is ail seeded. Wili sel easonable. W. T. S ym on s. phone 2251. 39-1 FOR SALE - TWO HOLSTEIN heifers and 1 Durham & Jersey heifer. Ail about to renew. Also colt two yeams old. Apply Nelson Robbins, H a mpto n, phono 2349. 39-1 FOR SALE-l MASSEY-HARRIS cutting box, 12 in. mount; one 7-foot cultivator, McCormick- Deering; 3 disc drills; 3 gang ploughs; 1 steel land ole;1 Deering corn binder; 2 grain' binders. L. R. Wood, McCor-1 m'ck-Deering Agent, Bowman- 1 ville, phone 597. 38-2* 1 Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFOR.D PETHICK Actioneer - Ennlkllen Phono Bowmanviiie 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Fumnitume Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarjan Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 843 29tf TIME TABLE 'CHANGES Effective Sunday, September 27th, 1942 Pull information fmom agents CANADIAN PACIFIC - -,.-.-.--, ., * TH ANDA SA~RIT RW'RA? U14 ~ NTItI USA ICONTEST FARMERS & GARDENERS If you have a vegetable, or any other product grown from Stewamt's High Quality Seed which you think is a record breaker for size and quality this yeam, bring it in t0 Stewamt's Seed Store and join the contcst now open. You may be one of the many winners of a Fine Assort- ment of High Quaiity Garden Secds or Two Pounds of Root Seed. Winners wiii be announced in this paper. Contest Closes Nov. lSth, 1942 Stewart's Seed Store Phon157 MAPLE LEAF LARD .... 20-lb. pail 2.75 HARRY ALLIN The Corner Grocery Phones 367 - 368 <s ----4 h ý"MM ýA4-i. inAn