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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1942, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1942 Orono News Colin Taylor is visiting in To- ronto. Miss Enid Cobbledick is on holidays. Mrs. Peel is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Duncan. Scouts shippcd 12,420 lbs. of salvage last week. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Harrison are moving to Newcastle. Mr. Calvin Hamm is attendmng Western University, London. Mrs. Georgie Cobbledick has gone to Toronto with her niece, Mrs. Lantz. Salvation Army drive has net- ted $133 up to Tuesday noon, with more expected. Sympathy is extended tu the Hancocks on the death of their daughter Leta, and to Rev. J. E. Griffith on the death of his wife. Mrs. Holdaway (Leta Hancock) was buried in Orono Wednesday afternoon. SWEATERS FOR EVERY SKIIRT Sleeveless, Short Sleeves, and Long Slceves, Cardigans and Pullovers in every NEW COLOUR. NEW BAGS Smart note for Fail Cost- umes - black and coloujrs. $1.00 - $5.50 New G loves Brand New Collection For Sports and Dress. 49c - $1.25 COATS Superb Fashion Values - Tweeds, Boucles, & Flailles. Trlmmed and Untrinmmed. See our black boucle with gilver fox. COUCH, JOHNSTON& CRYDERMANt LTD. DOWMANMVILE Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliot, St. R. E. Logan; rcading of a poemn Dr.H rlyLwsDe John, N.B., were gucats of bier by Mrs. H. Walsh, coînposcd by rateyLwsD s sister, Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mr. Colin Taylor; several seîec- In Oshawa Week After An engagement of inîerest to tions by the brasa quartette, Don- SufingH atAt c Oronoiles was announced in To- aId Staples, Dick Morton, Roy eigH atAtc ronto Star. that of Miss Hilda Forrester and Glen Tamblyn; and Gamsby, formerly of Orono, and vocal duets by Mrs. Drummond (Oshawa Times-Gazette) Mr. Lorin Sinclair of Toronto. and Mr. Logan.y Medical circles in Oshawa, Police met Monday. Bill of $3 Mr. Liltlewood spoke in happy municipal groupa, his many fr1- was paid to George Buttera for vein, dealing humorously with ends and patient werc shocked labor, and H. A. Clarke was in- Mr. Duncan's habit of tackling and deeply grieved at the news structed to remedy the situation anyone disagreeing witbhlm. of the death of Dr. Hartley Lewis causcd by thec grate in front of Mr. J. J. Mellor read an ad- in Oshawa General Hospital, Sep- Mrs. E. Tamblyn's. The building dresa whicb was printed in a tember 25th. Dr. Lewis suffered of several pieces of sidewalk was bookiet and later was passed a beart attack (coronary throm- shelved because of shortage of around for al 10 sign. 1 bosis) on Sept. 17, and was ad- labor. This was foiiowcd by the pre- mittcd to the hospital the next Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McDonald, sentation of gifts. These includcd morning. He had been in poor A. J. Tamblyn and Myrtle, Mr. a maple with rcd trim kitchenette health for some time but had feIt and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn and Mr. suite from frienda; a twilîght lamp that bis patients needed hlm and and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn were in fromin he immediate family, and a had carricd on in spite of bis Toronto Salurday attending the gif t of fireplace fixtures and a personal health. "Grealer love wedding of Miss Mary Hazeiburat beautiful wedding cake fromn the bath no man than this, that a man 10 LAC James Clarke McDonald, grandcbildren; as well as several lay down bis life for bis fricnds." R.C.A.F.. brother of Mrs. Ernest personal gifla, carda, letters and McDonald. lelegrama fromn frienda. The tele- Hydro met Monday evening and gramns from Ottawa and overseas passed the following buils: OHE. w'ere read, and letters were re- P.C. $28563; B.P.U. $15732; Twp. ceived from Montreal, Millbrook, of Clarke $5909; streetl ight re Hamilton, South Bend, Coling- bale $64. Bank balance of $2,- wood and Port Hope. 883.19 was reported. Correspon- The bride and groom of 50 years dence re street lighling for con- both replied fittingly thanking servation of powxer has been comn- their frienda, the latter paying " plied witb.. tribute to bis wife for bier tender Union met Monday evening in care of hlm through the years charge of missionary convenor whcn be was sick s0 mucb and Muriel Tennant. Worsbip service stating bie could silîl "take off bis was taken by Elsie Rowe, Audrey coat' when neccssary. Billinga, Muriel Tennant and Myr- Lunch followed, the bride, who 11e Tamblyn. and tbe lopie by wore a bccoming blue sheer crepe Stella Beal. The convention this with cut velvet trimming and, a weekend at Pelerboro was an- corsage given by Mr. and Mrs. nounced, as was the scavenger C. B. Tyrrell. and the groom witb hunt for next Monday, and K. a gift of a 'buttonhole bouquet, Smith was put in 10 sec about cutting the cake together. The top current events for the meetings. decoration and some of the cake Park St. W. A. met Tuesday. la to go 10 Iheir son Clarece Worship period was conducîed by overseas. Miss M. Davy. Mrs. N. F. Porter' The hall was dccorated with gave the Corr. Sec'y's report. A masses of flowers, many being discussion was beld regardîng the given 10 Ihose presenl fromn ouI- sending of wool for blankets, the of-town. Dr. Hartley Lewis wool having Ici be in a week from Guesta were present fromn Sud- Tuesday. Il xvas decided rot to bury, Montreai, Pelerboro, Mill- Dr. Lewis was born on Scugog have a canvass Ibis year but to brook, Orono, Port Hope, Garden Island, March 24, 1901, son of Rev. have a special Sunday service. A Hill, Toronto, Manvers and Bow- H. T. Lewis and Ethel Drew. The commitîce of Mrs. Littlewood and manville. All join with Orono Lewis family moved to Oshawa Mrs. M. H. Staples was appointed frienda in wishing Ibis popular in 1907 when Rcv. Mr. Lewis bie- to arrange for a speaker along couple many more years of mar- came minister of Simcoe Street wiîb the president, Mrs. M. J. ried happineas. Methodiat Church. In 1910 the Tamblyn. Mrs. J. J. Mellor and family movcd 10 Regina. Mrs. M. H. Staples favored wîtb Dr. Lewis was educated in Re- readings. gina and Oshawa achools and aI- Tyrone tendcd Regina Normal Scbool. He ________taught in the wcat for two ycars DIM AND DISTANT Vitr:Lg.toFaniHl, before entering the Faculty of HAPPENINGS Halifax, N.S., witb bis mother rontomi 1922. In 1928, Dr. Lewis ______Mrs. Wmn. Worden. . . Mr. and came to Oshawa as assistant 10 From The Orono News of Mrs. Chas. Brooks and babe, and bis uncle, Dr. T. W. G. McKay, Octeber 6, 1927 Bill Brooks, Peterboro, Miss Hel- Medical Officer of Hcalth, and _______en Brown, Cobourg, aI Mr. Geo. private practitioner aI Ihat time. Frank Ballen, an Orono boy, Brooks'. .. Earl Hughson, Toron- When Dr. McKay became serious- and son Orville, Toronto, atîended to, with bis moîher. .. Pcrcy Hay- ly 111 a few montha -later, Dr. Orono Fair. Il is some 43 ycars ward, Pickering, aI home. . . Mr. Lewis took complete charge of the since Frank lefI Orono. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks and Glenn large pracîlce and gave unstinl- D. J. Gibson attcnded Sunder- aI Toronto. ingîy of bis lime, energy and land fair where bie was a judge of Congratulations 10 Mrs. Arthur knowledge. Laler lie assumed the- fruit and cattle. Richards on winning prizes aI practice in parînership wiIh Dr. Mrs. McGill and daugbter, To- Orono, Oshawa and Blacksîock Wilson G. McKay, son of Dr. T. ronto, visited the Misses Waddell. fairs. W. G. McKay, and now in the Miss Marjorie Tamblyn visited Women's Institute met at Mrs. Royal Canadian Air Force. Miss Beatrice Cryderman, Bow- W. Scott's, Beîheada. with Mrs. During bis years of practice in manviile.rsi adl Norman Woodlcy presiding. Roll the city, Dr. Lewis did not con- Miss rsi adl dental caîl was answered with a "Far- fine bis knowlcdge te, wbat he bad nurse witb Dr. Edmison, Montreal, merette Hînt." The lisI of prizes îearncd in college or during bis is home. won aI Osbawa Fair was read years as an interne. He conîinued Miss Muriel DIilson lefI for To- and a vole of thanka given 10 al 10 take pot-graduate study aI rono weresheba a osiioninwho had helped with the exhibils. Tdronto University and visiîed a brokerage office.Mr.RnlScthacagef the Mayo Clinie for furtber study Mr. F. W. Bowen. M.P., and Msthe program. Mrs. A. F. Gardner on renal complaints. He feIt al- Bowen and Mr. R. R. Waddell ldi omnt ign.Sl ways Ibat be must continue to leave Friday 10 attend the big by Mrs. Everton White, accom- learn in order 10 do bis beat for Conservative convention in Win- panied by Mrs. Howard Bren b is patients. He did not consider nipeg. was mucb enjoyed. Mrs. JF. Ihat bis day waa filled 100 comn- ___________ Heyland, Providence, gave a n in- pletely n htlewsntgt teresting taik on Federation of t y andhthal h wantoet geo- W.C.T.U. FIRESIBDE CIRCLE Agriculture. Lunch and social tigothealprope saut f eat or Preie W L.M . Kig' pe-haîf bour concluded the meig sel as weîî as an undersîanding sent attitude towards the liquor fredt alhspains situation - namely bis appointing Saetn On September 5, 1936, Agnes of six peole__loo___oth Vanstone of Bowmanvilie and Dr. pat eopnd h 1 poio acionHarlley Lewis were married. maltr ad hs pomie o acion Mr. J. J. Mellor, Orono, who There are two chidren, Mary El- - received commendation at the occupied the pulpit Sunday in the len, aged 4, and Hartley Van- W.C.T.U. fireside circle Friday. absence of our pastor gave an atone, 2. He la also survived by A letter of appreciation will be excellent sermon on "Have Faitb bis siser, Mary, Mrs. Claude Far- sent 10 hlm. The motion foilowed in God." row, Kitchener, and two aunts, a 20 minute discussion on the Y. P. U. re-opened September Miss Catharine Lewis, Toronto, creation of interest in Temper- 23rd. Attendance was limited and and Mrs. T. W. G. McKay. ance by the W.C.T.U., churcb of- election of officers was postponed D ei a evdbsct ficers, advt. and Sunday Sehool till next week, after a commitîeelDr.He w asmemer ofiheit and on the importance of Tem- drew up a alate of namnes for wl.H a ebro h perance Legialation. election next week. President B. Board of Education for over nine The entertainment opehed with Darch opencd the meeting, and years and served as chairman of a sing-song of hymna, and this the following numbers were gib-tat board. He atlended Simcoe was followed by the worshiP en: Prayer. Rev. Gardner; givd- Street United Cburch and was a period, led by Miss Myrîle Tamb- ing, Mrs. L. Richards; piano solo, ClubeofteOhw ias lyn, assisted by Betty Cbapmnan, Miss M. Collacuît; reading, Mr. F. lb Stella Best and Audrey Billinga. Blackburn. Dr. Lewis was appointed 10 f111 Rev. S. Littlewood spoke on LAC Ronald Biahop, Trenton, the unexpired termi of Trustee Temperance in a most interesîing Mrs. Miller, Miss B. Miller andi Allun Annis on the Board of Edu- manner and gave some astound- Mr. J. Miller, Peterboro, were cation in December, 1932. In 1933- ing facts--one bcbng Ibat 1,200,000 Sunday guesis with Mr. and Mrs. 34 lie served as a member of the bighway fatalities bad occurred L. Coombes. Advisory Vocational Committee. in England in Il years--a good Mr. and Mrs. Harburn, Brant- In the municipal elections in Jan- many being, no doubt, directly or ford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. uary, 1934, bie was elected Ici the indirectly caused by drink. The C. Collacutt. board and in 1935, 1936 and 1937 pastor went on 10 say that, far Mr. R. Hall, wbo bas been lie acted as chairman of the Ad- from soft-pedalling the malter, spending the summer montha at vîsory Vocational Commitîce of the churches of aIl denominations home, left on Monday 10 resume the Board. In the following year have neyer bast their opposition 10 ilis studies at Guelph College. be served as chairman, of the Ibis curse-a ruiner of bodies and Salem frienda are sorry 10 îcarn Management Committce and in souls. Ihat Mr. Taylor, Toronto, father 1939 became chairman of the ful The program was supplied by of Mrs. J. Hall, bas suffered a re- board. In 1940, hie acted as vice- the Lynch cbiîdren who gave a lapse and ia confincd 10 bcd again chairman, and in 1941 was a mcm- qiuartette and <q piano solo (by aI the Hall home, ber of the External Relations Denny) and by Mrs. W. H. Rowe Mr. Frank was hoie. Commîttce. Mîrs._ Duncan, d-augbe-r Adelai-de Tuesday nigbl the Victory Club readinga were given by Miss E. (Mis. Cann), ber daugbter Mar- bad a corn roasl on the achool Souch, Mesdames E. Wriebt, G. gur'rite (Mrs. Kelly) and Mar- grounds. The procceda were over Beecb and H. Stevens. Mrs. O. rwcritc's son Lawrence Kelly $600 wbicb will go 10 war pur- Ashton gave a temperance read- form the other. poses. . . . The Seplember meet- ing. The program Monday was pre- ing for tbc Mission Band was sided over by Rev. S. Littlewood beld on Friday. Mrs. Munday and IIWe are not going 10 win Ibisr and opcned wîlb community sing- Mrs. White took charge. A nice war by making sDeeccbes, slogans, ing. Vocal solos were contributed programme was givenanpls epigrama or headiines."-LaGuar- by Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Mr. werc made for thc yea. dia. Enniskillen Visitors: Mr'. and Mrs. R. Grif- fin and family. with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Abernetby, Tot- tenham. Evelena Abernethy re- turned home with them. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Banks, Weston, with Mrs. Wm. Griffin. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gi- son, Woodville, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston, Enfîeld, at Mr. C. Smith's... Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis, Joan and Donna, at Mr. F. Johns', Nestieton. . . . Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, with Mrs. Wesley Oke. . . Mrs. O. C. Ashton with her cousin, Mrs. D. Napier, Toronto. . . Miss Gladys Page, Oshawa, witb her mother Mrs. E. Page... Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Borrowdale, Oshawa, at Mr. J. A. Werry's. .. Eddy, Julie and Paul VanNest, Toronto, Mr. F. Wright, Cornwall, at Mr. N. E. Wright's. . . Mrs. E. C Ashton with her daughter Mrs S May, Toronto... Mrs. R. Weaving, To- ronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Congratulations to Pte. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett on the arrivai of a fine son. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. T. M. Siemon and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. J. San- ders. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stevenson entertained at a charivari in their home. Nestieton Nestieton W. 1. meets at Mrs. Malcolm Emerson's Oct. 7th. Mrs. Goodman, Tyrone, District Presi- dent, will speak. Nestieton W. A. met at Mrs. W. G. Bowlcs' on Sept. 24th, with meeting in charge of Mrs. G. 1Bowers' group. Seripture was taken by Rev. D. M. Stinson. The ladies finish Red Cross quilt and buy two War Savings Certificates, also have a concert and supper. Readings were given by Mrs. J. Williams and Mrs. L. Joblin. A number of friencis and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin to spend the evening before they lef t for Êtheir new home. Mrs. Hoskin was a valued member of the W. I. and was presented with a lovcly rayon tablecloth, and an amount of money was given Mr. Hoskin from the neighbors. Lunch was served and all joined hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne." Thcy have gone to Mrs. Henderson's farmn east of Viewlake. We ahl wel- come Mrs. Henderson to Nestie- ton. Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church will meet at Mrs. S. San- derson's Oct. 8th. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry and Garry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Hamley Hoskin and Donald, Toronto, at Mr. R. M. Hoskin's. . . Mrs. R. M. Hoskin with Mrs. Susan Johns. .. Merle Thompson and Frank Emerson, University of Toronto, witb fri- ends. . . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb with bis father Mr. W. R. Lamb and bis sister, Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Byers, Toronto, at Mr. Sid. Hutchison's. ..Mrs. Carlaw, Warkwortb, with ber sister, Mrs. Wullis Jones... Mr. Wm. Sharpe and two daugb- ters, Toronto, at Mr. Wilbur Han- cock's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan and famîly, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dix.... Mrs. Wyley, Argyll, with her cou- sin, Mrs. Cecil Robinson. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caldwell, Toronto, at Mr. Lanson Millson's and Mr. George Stapleton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton and daugh- ters, Orono, at Mr. Cecil Staple- ton's. .. Mr. Lennox Vasey, Port McNichol, Mrs. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard and Joyce, Mrs. Nalîs and two children, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Stapleton's. . . Mrs. Hooey, Orono, with her sister, Mrs. Loftus Bellamy... Pte. Law- rence Gilmer, Toronto, at home. ..Pte. Edgar Millson, Woodstock, at home. .. Mrs. J. T. Pearce with ber sister, Mrs. Leushner, Nia- gara. . . Miss Lindsley, Toronto, with Mrs. Redknap. . . Mr. and OSHAWA, ONTARIO StatsfRIDAYà 1 thing quite insignificant, and Io! It is not insignificant at ail. The touch is one of the indefinable things that Eng- lishmen and Englishwomen are fighting and dying for at the moment. -CLIFTON FADIMAN Mrs. W. A. Wright, Tyrone, aI!à Mr. J. A. Barric's. I W. I. met September 24th in the community hall with President Mrs. Gordon Martin in the chair. Mrs. Lionel Hughes was appoint- cd delegate to the Toronto Con- vention. It was announced that the Speaker's Service Meeting in- cluding Kendal, Orono and New- tonville, will be held at Kendal, Oct. 14. Mrs. Redknap and her group had charge of the program. Miss Lindsley, Toronto, gave a talk on "Care of Clothes in War Time," wbicb was both interest- ing and educational. Miss Gwen Gilmer favored with a solo. Mrs. Willis Joncs had charge of a con- test. Next meeting at Mrs. Frank Gilmer's. Those attencling bigh school from Newtonvillc are: Mary Bur- ley, Bud Joncs and Gordon Mc- Kay at Port Hope High Sehool, and Evelyn Gordon at Orono High Sehool. Ronald Burlcy, R.C.A.F., has been transfcrred to New Bruns- wick. Enfield Visitors: Mrs. D. Hall at Mr. Charlie Henry's, Lindsay. .. Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, Marlon and Eve- lyn, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Cun- ningham, Brussels. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston at Mrs. E. Smith's, Enniskillen. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Mary Helen at Mr. T. Bowman's, Port Perry. ..LAC Jamie Stark, Trenton, at home. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pas- coe, Brooklin, witb Mrs. L. C. Pascoe. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCullougb, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man McCullough, Harrison, with Mrs. John McCullough and Miss Ida McCullough. Mrs. John McCullough is suf- fering from a serlous hcart con- dition. Congratulations to Miss L. 3Knight on passing her summer school exams at Midland. Rally Day Service will be beld this Sunday at 2 o'clock. Enfield School News (By Merle Ormiston) This la the firat edition of the Enfield School News. . .. School opened with 18 pupils on the roll and Miss L. Knight in charge again. Our new beginner is Mar- lon Pascoc. John and Gordon Taylor are stili working on the ....... . Friday we had our Jun- ior Red Cross meeting. In the absence of President Merle Ormis- ton, Margaret Smith presided. Readings were given by Lois Or- miston, Kathleen Smith, Ivan Ormiston, Gertie Mayr, Glenn Smith and Miss Knight. The Jun- iors sang High and Low, and the Seniors sang Till Men Again Are Free. Margaret Smitb a s k e d some riddles. Collection was tak- en by Kathleen. Meeting closed by singing God Save the King. Next meeting Oct. 30th. Zion Visitors: Miss Jean McMaster, Mrs. Jas. MeMaster, Toronto, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's... Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron and family at Chas. Vivian's, Hampton.... Lf Cpi. Harvey Balson, Camp Bor- den, Mrs. Balson, Hampton, at Wes. Camcron's and Robt. Kil- len's. .. Pte. Don Beckcl, Niagara, at Garnet Bcckel's. .. Pte. Pete Sobil, Barriefield, at Paul Sobil's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker and daugbter, Bowmanvillc, at Carl Wilbur's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Knop- sel, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor, Toronto, Mr. Herman Schmid, Herman and Mary, Newcastle, E. Brisbois, Oshawa, Mr. August Geissbcrger and Billy, Harmony, at Hans Gcissbcrgcr's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins attcnded the Worden-Down wedding at Ebene- zer on Saturday... Mr. and Mrs. Normian Leach aI John Kivcll's, Solina. .. Mr. Aif. Ayre attended Milton fair. . . Mrs. Carl Wilbur called on ber aunt Mrs. Thos. Baker, Solina, who celebrated ber 86th birthday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fisher and sons at Roy Leach's, Myrtle. . . . Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, at home.. Mrs. Harvey Webster, Port Perry, at Alan Fisber's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burt, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Oshawa, at A. T. Stainton's... Miss Elleen Stainton wilh Bernice Chapmax at Toron- t... . LAC John Stainton at Mr. Adam Hawley's, Peterboro.... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hulatt and Victor, Oshawa. at Russell Per- kins'. . . LAC John Stainton re- turned to Toronto after two weeks at home. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Par- ker and children, Mrs. Ray Drinkle, Oshawa, at Thos. Mar- tin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Beckel and Bert at Niagara-on- the-Lake. 1Courtice1 evening, S;ept. 22, when Miss Mary Konopacki entcrtained at a mis- ceilaneous shower at ber home in Courtice. The many lovely gifts from Ithe forty guests present were arranged in a decorated bas- ket, over which was suspended a' WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES You Are Assured Perfect Satisfaction In Fit and Price CUTEX FITCH DRENE HALO 'POLISH SHA1WPOO SHAMPOO SHAMPOO 25e 35c-69c 115c-33C-67C 115c-29c-49e Vaseline HAIR TONIC 2-oz.5OC - 6-oz. 85e Vitalis HAIR TONIC............ 54C .- Take Vitamins Now ÇASHMERE Nyal Cod Liver 011---- 1.25TISSUE Wampole's Extract ----1.00 SC PUe Wits Ayerst lod. Cod Liver 011 700 SHEETS 4-oz. 67c - 16-oz. 1.69 bto the rol Q~g~f~ Neo-Chemical Food 3f25L 1.15 - 2.45 - 4.45 3o2 NYAL 2FOR 1 SALE OCT. 15-16.17 Plan Your Buying For This 1/2 Price Sale Lux Soap --------- 2 for lc Pinex for Coughs ------ 32e Woodbury's Soap - 4 for 24c Lactogen -.------- 69c-1.59 Palmolive Soap --- 2 for lic Pinkham's Comp.-------- 87c Odex Soap ------ 2 for lic Long Bar Castile Soap 15c Guaranteed to stop coughs cREOPHROS lrebot1.00 Phonle PlUIf CfDIl~f EPrompt 695 COWIL5ING' DUG TOEUUie decorated umbrella, f rom which streamers were attached 10, the basket. Balloons broke as bbc gucat of bonor opened the parcels and ahe was sbowered witb con- fetti. A pleasant social evening followcd the opening of the gifts, and tasly refresbments were serv- cd by bbc hostesa, assisted by Mrs. Fred Knapp. Hampton Congratulations 10 Mr. Waler Blackburn on obtainîng bis Bach- elor of Arts degree from Queen's University. Visitors: Miss Pearl Gilbert, Ontario Hospital, Whilby, Miss Myrîle Hall, Bowmanvillc, aI Geo. Gilberl's. . . . Mrs. J. Bennett, Bowmanvillc, with relatives bere. ..Mr. and Mrs. S. Williamsata Mr. and Mrs. J. Lanc'a, Bowman- ville. .. Mra. T. Wray, Miss Eileen Wray and Miss Dorotby Adamson aI Mr. E. E. Staples', Enniakillen. ..Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rack- bam, Bowmanville, wcrc dinner guesta of Mrs. W. G. Doidge... Mrs. H. Wilcox and Madlyn, Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mrs. L. Cryderman and Mrs. H. E. Cole aI G. Edger'a, Courtice. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and àon Douglas, To- ronto, at Mr. C. E. Horn's on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Burns and Barbara, Osb- awa, with relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig and famihy wiIb relatives in Toronto. . . Mrs. S. Kerscy and sons Ted and Lloyd aI Mr. Jno. Mihîs', Picker- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur bave returncd from a pleasant trip 10 Charlottetown, Prince Ed- ward Island. A number of ladies met aI Mrs. Fred Honcy's on Tuesday afler- noon for war work and a social aflernoon. Mrýs. L. Truhl was bostesa for the west group wbich met aI Mrs. Austin Barron's on Wednesday, and Mrs. Greenaway for the north group on Thursday when a goodly number of ladies met for war work. Women's Institute will meet this Thursday; program in charge of the East group. Rally Day will be observed Sunday afternoon when a special program will be provided. Chiristmas Cards Iand1 These must be malied for overseas ln October. See our selection of CARDS and GIFTS GIFT WRAPFINGS AND SEALS Overseas mailing cartons ready for packing and mail- ing - 2 sizes 15e and 20c. Save time and trouble. J. W. JEWELL "BU3G 20"y BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanvlle IDRIVE F OR SALVAGCE-- OCTODER Sth a- 9th COMMENCING 6:30 P.M. ARTICLES COLLECTIONS RAGS - PAPER Thursday - North of King MRON - RUBBER Frlday - King and South DOWMANVILLE RED CROSS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1942

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