PAGE EIG T -T E-CA ADI- S ATE- -, BO-A-VL-E -NT-IOTHU-DA- OC-BE-1-194 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Dr. Annie Higbee is now living George Waiton hlas a number in Miss Almeda Coucb s house, of New castle ladies picking bis King St. East. 1000 barrel crop of Baxter apples. 118_______________ Pilot Officer Jack Nesbitt and Major H. W. Dudley is doing a Mrs. Nesbitt spent the woekend good job of ladder sbifting. in Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Walter Caswcll. who bias Sa k il Progress is being made in the been waiting on Mrs. Jno. Caswell erection of Kari Woyrich's new %vbo bas been in poor health, bias This section bas been visited house on North St. joined bon busband in Toronto. with a taste of winter - a few Mn. and Mns. Maxwell and two Recently manried, sho vas the flakes of snow feîl on Monday. children, Toronto, spent the week- former Miss Lilian Hazel Bran- Services at Sbiloh will bo beld end at Mn. Wm. Neil's summen don. only daugbter of the lato at 2.30 p.m. during winter montbs. home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brandon, Orne- Mn. and Mns. Shutka and Sophia Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Tuer and mnee. attended a wedding in Oshawa at Mrs. H. J. Ragen, Toronto, were Newcastle Brancb Red Cross 1wbich Miss Nollie Shutka was weekend guests at Mrs. John Society are making arrangementsý bridesmaid. Douglas'. te conduct a class in the Canadian Geo. Etwell bas purchased a Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- Red Cross Home Nursing and War new car. ville, will be speaker at the Unit- Emergency Course. Anyone de- Sympatby is extended te Rev. ed Churcb W.M.S. meeting on siring te enroil in these classes Griffith, Bowmanville, in the loss Thorsday. ploase notify Mrs. Robent Gibson, of bis wife. Lavenne Matineil, Kendai, is Secy. Newcastle Branch Red Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Roy putting a new concrete foundation Cross Society. Cbestnut, Toronto, at Mr. George under Aif. Garnod's bouse on Friends bore were sorry to Etwel's... Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beaver St. learn of the death of Mrs. Holda- Powe4' and family, Clarke Union, Mn. and Mrs. Guy French, To- way, the former Miss Leta Han- at Mrs. Stark's. . . Mn. and Mrs. ronto, were weekend visitons at cock, of Cochrane. The romains John Scott, Newcastle, at Mn. and H. R. Peance's. Miss M i n n i e were hrougbt te the home of ber Mrs. Warren Carson's . . . Victor Peance returnied te the city witb parents, Mir. and Mrs. Egertoin Farrow was in Peterboro ... Mrs. tbem.1 Han cock, on Monday. for burial Sid Hallowell and family at Mn. Mr. B. Bunting. -,Ii is relieving in Orono cemetery. When a girl H. Rusk's, Port Hope. .. Mrs. M. for Manager J. H. Sm-ith of the in Newcastle slie attendcd the Shutka and Sophia were in Obh- Bank of Commerce. ,,,ho is on, United Cburch and its connexion-i awa. .. Mn. and Mns. Clarence bolidays. spent the weekend at al services. Beatty. Elizabetbville, at Mr. Hi bis homo in Toronto. bsns fwrigetiB. Gilmýers. .. Raymond Farrow, The bsPes fckrkn ________________________the net amounts of the Public and ning, was home. High Sci 001 teachers' choques fer ~ Septe bon vas one of the most * O le s in fig iing that bas ever I o k a fsS h o * Ce fronted the teachers and the Laisothseconmtt secretary-treasurer of the sebool LM ds E.fDeans son Wenesay R O Y A L b~~~oard. The problem arose witb r.E enso ensa R O Y A ilthec omingin:o effec: of the bysnecokn T ARE -Incarme War Tax Act. There r WPansWonk om tt epefnd hte TH A e er l nto uch o ntan ino o ns d-a nd a Bin om iteeho hed in BOWMANVILLE explanations ta study. Tax de- tkecane of ovenseas parcels for dutin h sre sthemeainewcabosle o atudysookn Fr St. eration in working eut each pnob- evcale on aSouray on eo Thurs. - Fr. mSt.alre suc things as: Bases, bavera foryugpol,e Linos and Clumns and hv started to the various High OCTOBER 1-2-3 Brackets, Mannied or Single es-Sebools: Grant Malley te Orono; Double Feature 1 tates, Dependents or No Depond- Shirley and Arvilla Brunt, Leslie1 1onts. Total Tax and Saving Por-1 and John Gibson te Newcastle; tiens, Superannuation on Pension Betty~ Osborne te Btàwmanvilie. gATH EEN1 Fud Alownces Paenthsisand Mary Gibson gees this week te A(T LE NLimitations, Life Insurance Pro- take a course at a business col-1 starring miums and Annuities. And thon Iloge in Toronto,. Shirley Temple, Herbert tbere is the matter of forms and Mr and Mns. Kenneth Dean. MarsallandLarane ay upplmenaryforms and the bal-_ and son visited bis mother, Mrs.I - ALSO- ancing of accounts and deductions Md n. and remittances peiodically and an s. Hubert Osborne underwentr in th aggegat. anappendicitis operation. in te agregte.Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Lineban, G REAT MAN 'S Newcastle United Cburch and Mrs. J. Allen, Mrs. Barlow and Sunday Sebool observed Raliy Mr. Morrison, Ottawa, called on Day Septembon 27th, hy a joint Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bowen en '~ LADY service in the church auditorium, route te Eastern Stan Convention. wihBraa tnyk with the teachers. officors and 1 Mrs. Roy Brancb's mother pass-j with arbaa Stawyck pupiIs occupying front pows. Rev. ed away last week after a briefa and Joe MeCree R. E. Meton conducted the son- illness. Sympatby is extended te vice, with othens assisting. Kay Mrs. Branch in hon bereavement. Toms, Clane Allin, Glen Allun and Miss Mary Bowen spent the Mon-Tues.-Wed. Rodger Mellow read the seipture, weekend at home. and the Junior Choir, witb Mns. OCTOBER 5-6-7 E. C. Fisher at theoregan. led in Double Feature the themo story, "Looking Unto Lake ShLore, Clarke ' Jesus' AIl wene delighted tea_____ Tu T E ~ uKES r bve resot aforer Nwcatio Jack Frost paid us a visit Mon- TO T E SH RES oyMn. J. Eric Tuer, now a tea- day.night. cher in Humberside Coliegiate MVarie Brown is a beginner at Institute, Toronto. His parents our scbooi; Alvin Taylor, Cour-C O F TRIPOLI wore once members of the Metho- tice, Mns. Bedwin's brother, is al-h In Technicolor dîst. Choir, Newcastle. At thîs sa attending; Archie Hendry is withMaueenO'Haa, ohn service Mn. Tuer renderod twTO a beginner at Newcastle H. S.; Pih aur neOHrJh solos. Wben Sbadows Gather Olive Brown is taking Form XIa Payne Round Me, and Lord, Lot Me Live there; Hazel Powell is attondinga ON THE SAME BILL Today. Mn. Menton gave an ad- Bowmanvillo H. S.; and Edith dress from the text, Looking un- Hondry, Peterboro Normai School.c te Jesus. Ho spoke of saime of Pte. Allan Clarke hasc retonnedr M EXICAN Jesuscbaacteristics an prac- te Nanaimo, B.C., after bis for- I SPT IE A EA leader. worthy te ho foliowed. Recent Visitons: Ms J e a n i SPIT IRE AT EA he hurh wa deoraed ithHolesToronto, at home. . -Mn.c asters and gladioli. and Mrs. E. Wicks and *Missc NEWS________ Maurice Powell, Toronto, at Mn.c ____________________S. Poweli's. . . Mn. and Mn s. C.« Brown and family at Mn. Robt. Some of the Coming Cowanville Pattenson's, Onono... Miss Audrey _______Jaynes, Tweed, at home. . . Mn. AttrationsRobt. Martin attended Brighton AttactonsVisitons: Mn. Geo. Layton with Fair. . . Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wil- THIS WOMAN IS MINE bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. son, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Johns, C RIO RITA Layton. . -Mn. and Mns. M. Chat- Oshawa, at Mn. W. Baskerville's rr RIDE 'EM COWBOY toton and family, Clarke Union, . . Miss Editb Hendry. Peterbono, ~ I MARRIED AN ANGEL Mn. and Mns. Andnew Bandy and at home. . . Miss Audrey Adams CHARLIES AUNT Harry, Jim Kelly and Norman with Mn. Soucb, Sbiloh..-. Mn. and TUTTLES 0F TAHITI Alexander, Oshawa, at Mn. Wes. Mns. W. Adams and Mn. and Mns n JUNGLE BOOK Stringen's... -Mn. and Mrs. Willis B. Whitney at Peterbono and War- A THEY DIEUl W1TH THEIR Farrow, Pont Granby, at Mn. Clan- saw. . -Mn. and Mns. Les. Alldred 1'ý BOOTS ON once Burley's. and family, Maple Grove, Mn. and y GUNGA DIN The thresbing machine is in Mrs. K. Ormiston, Oshawa, at Mn. M SABOTEUR the neigbborhood keeping farmers Les. Allin's. . . . Mn. and Mrs . MRS. MINIVER busy attending it. Danke and Mrs. Beigbton, Pontl' Koep the Women's Association Bitain, at Mn. C. Mitcbell's. al meeting in mind for next week.H ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __Haydon0 j '- ___G Vîsîtors: Mn. and Mrs. Nelson G Gage and Billy, Toronto, at Mn. IM C. Aveny's . ..* Mrs. Pbilp at Mrs. B, D. Higgin's, Toronto . .. Mn. aimd Jc Mns. Fred Ashton and famiiy, .. Toronto, witb relatives . . . Pte e> Bort Ashton, Petawawa, at homo Ci . .Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery at Oý Mr n. o, ohaes cres. Ion "The Life of Kaga'wa."' I A~LD~Sympathy is extended te Mr. H A-RRiYaALLIN asnoftelte'mthr I Ti. CrnerGroerydon the doctor's cane is somewbat Phones 367 - 368 We Deliver improved. Mn. and Mns. Harold Gay and _________________________________________________ Ifamily, Oshawa; Mn. Leslie Gar- qs Solina At Eldad Harvest Home ser', ices on Sunday, Rev. H. Linstea( Courtico, oxborted the large cor gregation to ponder the questioi "What think ye of Christ?" whic may only be answenod by one' attitudes and actions. Music b the choir, with the assistancec Miss Lena Taylor, Mr. Alex Mc Gregor, Mr. Cyril Coombes, Bow manvifle, greatly enriched th services. Thank-offering collec tions amounted to $185. Mrs. Frank Gilbert entertaine, the C.G.I.T. at ber home, Satur day. A business meeting wa! held with Evelyn Parrinder pre siding. Helen Langmaid present ed a chapter of the study bool and Mary Cryderman a piano sol, after wbich Mrs. Gilbert serveg lunch. Mr. Geo. White celebrated hi 82nd birthday, Sunday, with Mi and Mrs. C. McBride, Burton an( Mary, Peterboro; Mn. and Mr, Will White and sons, Orono; Mr and Mrs. C. White and family Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. King Mrs. James White and Jim, Tc ronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Tink an( family, Hampton, prosent for thc occasion. These friends and relatives hion ored Mrs. Thos. Baker on bier 86ti birtbday. Monday: Messrs. Wil Lammiman, Sr. and Jr., Mrs. T1 E. Kaiser, Mrs. Walter Kilborr Osbawa; Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Mrs F. Tbompson, Taunton; Mrs. E Wilbur, Mrs. Art Blanchard, Mrs Laverne Clemens and Ronnie Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton. We too, offer congratulation and say "Happy Birthday" tc Mr. White and Mrs. Baker! Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H Samnelis, Nostloton; Mrs. Johr Hooey, Mr. Roy Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara Bunketon, at Mr. B. G. Steven's ..Mr. and Mns. Ernest Larmer, Lois, Boryl and Glenn, Black- stock; Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- manvilie; Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and Anna, Hampton, at Mr. E. R. raylor's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cation and Velma, Miss Patsy Morrisey, Toronto, at Mr. E. Elockaday's. . . Mn. and Mrs. NJorman Leach, Taunton; Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fiett, Columb- us, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton: Mir. and Mrs. Stuart Muirson, Col- umbus, at Mr. Everett Elliott's... Mir. and Mrs. Poney Dewell and Vlarilyn, Hampton; Mr. Walter Blackburn, Toronto, with Mrs. R. r. McKessock. . . Eunico Knapp, Oshawa; Sgt. and Mrs. Sieop and Barbara, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson, Whitby, at Mr. Jas. Smales'. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Aluin, Mr. and Mrs. Clare AI- lin and Robert, Bowmanville,* Mliss Nan Allun, Toronto, at Mr. W1es. Yeiiowlees'... Messrs. Harry and Edgar Phillips, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. Debarr and famiiy, Columbus, witb F. and C. Short- ridge. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eamblyn, Orono; Mr. Frank nroat, Hampton; Mrs. Chas. Hast- ngs, Oshawa, at Mr. Harold Pas- coe's. . . Mr. Benson Cryderman, len Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Frank< Cryderman, Bowmanvilie; Mr. Bob Snowden, Mn. Grant Bennett, Maple drove, at Mr. Thos. Bak- er's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hosk- in, Tyrone; Miss Edith Cookson, MIr. Walter Davis, Kedron, at Mr. Ralph Davis'. . . Mrs. Howard Couch, Marjorie and Eileen, Bow- rianville; Miss Elaine Ormiston, MIaple Grove, at Mr. Jack Baker's ...Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Keîth and Reva, Mrs. Chas. Lang. iaid, Enniskillen; Mrs. Norman Allin and Marion, Newcastle, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's.. Donald Yellowlees, R.C.A.F., Toronto; Miss Alma Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Oshawa; Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Wright, Bowmanville, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. . . Rev. [. Linstead, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. C. Werry, Oshawa; Miss Mora Wonny, Kedron; Miss Aura Dsborne, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. 7ecil Jeffery and Doredn, Mapie ýrove, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's... \Irs. Geo. Pritchard and Helen, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tose, Newcastle, at A. J. Balson's ..Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended an icecutive meeting of Durham ounty Temperance Federation at )rono, Wed. night, when arrange- îents were made for the annual neeting and public speaking con- ýst at Orono, Nov. 6. -ad, Toronto, at Mr. C. Garrard's. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. ioyd Thompson (nee Eleanon Elgy) on their marriage. We bad a littie snow Monday, he first of the season. DANCE in TYRONE HALL WED., OCT. 7th to music by THE SERENADERS Admission - 25c Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Cnarge of 25e extra Is made when advertlsement is not paid samne week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are dlrected ta a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10c per lune for verse. Ciassifled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTI-S BECKETT-In Bowmanvillo Hos- pital on Soptember 29, 1942, to Pte. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett (nee Elsie Moore), the gift of a son (Garry Floyd). 40-1* YEO-In Bowmanville Hospital, Septembor 27, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo (noo Muriel Scott), the gift of a son. MARRIAGE WILLIAMS-WIGHT-On Satur- day, Septombor 19, 1942, at 2 p.m. in St. James' Bond Church, by the Reverend S. Mather, Mildred Jeanette Wight, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wight of Bowmanville, Ontario, to Alqn Glover Williams, son flf Mrs. Williams and the late Mr. A. M. Williams of Bowmanville. 40-1* DEATHS BROOKS-On Friday, September 25, 1942, at the home of her daughtor, Mrs. A. Wallace, Aura E. Brooks, beioved wife of the late Sidney Brooks, Courtice, Ont., and mother of Mrs. M. S. Soles, Toronto, Mrs. H. Fitzsim- mons and Mrs. A. Wallace, To- ronto, and Mr. R. Brooks, Cour- tice, Ont. Interment Ebenezer Cemetery. DUNCAN-In Bowmanviiie Hos- pital, on Septomber 28, 1942, Mrs. Ethel Duncan, mother of Mrs. L. G. Geisel, Hampton, and Lawrence and Vernie McKnight. Interment Wednesday at In- goidsby Cemetery. 40-1 'ÇRIFFITH -In Bowmanville on September 28, 1942, Bona Milis Griffith, deariy beloved wife of Rev. J. E. Griffith, aged 47 yoars. OKE-In Oshawa,* on September 25, 1942, Thomas Oke, beloved husband of Lily Maud Oke, in bis 79th year. Interment Ebene- zer Cemetery. SANDERS-In Enniskilien, Sep- tomber 27, 1942, Ann Wohber Sanders, wife of the lato John Sanders, in ber 84th year. In- terment Bowmanville cometery. COMING EVENTS Newtonville Tfianksgiving Ser- vices at the Preshyterian Chunch, Sunday, October llth. Rev. Mc- Roberts, Oshawa, will proach at 2.30 and 7.30. Special music by Orono Quartette. ý 40-1 No. 9 Wan Workers are putting on Homemade Cooking Sale and Bingo Satunday, Octoben lOth, in Newcastle Community Hall. Pro- ceeds for Red Cross work and ovenseas pancels. 40-2 Public Schooi Field Day and Fair wili ho beid Wednesday af- tennoon, October 7. Sports evonts, bootbs and sale. Proceeds for Jr. Red Cross Wonk. 40-1 The W. A. of the United Cbuncb, Newcastle, are holding a bazaar in the S. S. hall on Friday, Oct. 9th. Bazaar opens at 3.30 p.m. There will ho severai weii-stock- ed, attractive booths. Tea will ho served cafeteria style. 40-1 Enniskillen United Cbuncb An- nual Tbank-Offering Service Sun- day, Octoben 4th, at 7.30 p.m., wben Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Oshawa, is te preach, and Nestie- ton choir singing. You are cordial- ly icvited. 40-1 Dance in Newcastle Community Hall on Tbunsday, October 8th. Russ Cneigbtoc and bis variety orchestra. 40-1 H-elp Wanted WANTED - EXPERIENCED bired mac fon general farm wonk, miiking by machine. Write Box 123, Statesman Of- fice, Bewmanville. 40-l* HELP WANTED - WOMAN OR girl for goneral housewonk two days a week or aftennoons. Phono 443, Mrs. Ross Stevens, R. R. 3 Bowmanville. 40-1 WANTED - COOK GENERAL on housokeeper for Oshawa famnily of thnee adults; good wages. Write Box 111, States- man Office, Bowmanvillo. 38-3 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-INVALID'S chair or commode. Write Box 121, clo Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 40-l* WANTED - PUMP JACK AND gasoline engine, size 11'/ horse- power. Must be in good condi- tion. Apply Hilton Tink, phone 2283. .40-1 Vice Chairman W. L. Houck of the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission announces h o u s e- wives te be asked te stagger their ironing days this faîl and winter. - - - - mp wm 'ýý-,q For Rent APARTMENT, UNFURNISHED, and a furnished room to rent. Miss Belle Allen, Bowmanvilie, phone 558. 40-l* FOR RENT-8 ROOMED HOUSE with garden and fruit trees. One mile south of Courtice. Posses- sion November lst. Apply A. E. Rundle, Bowmanvillo, p h o n e 2134. 40-1 FOR RENT - STORE FORMER- ly Kingsway Flower Shop, suit- able for office, newly decorated, heatecl, availabie at once. Apply N. J. Scott, Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries, phone 345. 40-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - STRAW, MOSTLY oat. Apply W. C. Ashton, phone 421. 40-1* FOR SALE - 25 ROCK HENS. Write Box 119, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 40-1* FOR SALE - CORN BINDER, Massey-Harris. Apply E. G. Power, Orono, phone 56rl0. 40-1 FOR SALE-ONE McCORMICK- Deering corn binder; 1 York-, shire boar, 11/2 years old. A. W. Martin, phone 2594. 40-1* FOR SALE - ROCK PULLETS, ready to lay. Apply to Victor Szoid, Hampton, phono 2173. 40-1 FOR SALE -TEN YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to Schwarz Bros., R. R. 3 Bowman- ville, phono Oshawa 491wl1. 40-1*. FOR SALE-12 GRADE LEICES- ter owes and owo lambs, also ram. Apply Chas. Frank, R. R. 5 Bowmanville, phono 2403. 40-1* FOR SALE - TEN YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old; also Findlay Oval cook stovo with reservoir, second size, about as good as now. Apply Norman Metcalf, phono 2269. 40-1 FOR SALE - 15 YOUNG PIGS, one Ayrshire cow, 5 years old, due first part of Oct.; 1 20-gai. crock. Apply Keith Johnston, R. R. 1 Burkoton, or phono Port Perry 172-12. 40-1* Room and Board WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD for young professional gentle- man. Write Box 120, cio States- man Office, Bowmanvilie, stat- ing price requostod. 40-1* Lost LOST - LADY'S NAVY BLUE Sweater lost on Saturday be- tween Garton's Garage and east side beach. Phono 2463. 40-1* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-M. A. NEAL RESI- dence on Lowe St., 6 rooms and bath, ail modern conveniences, central location, double garage, good gardon. Apply direct to M. A. Noal, Bowmanville. 39-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-100 ACRE farm, ail tîllable with buildings on county road. One mile from store, church. Scbool situated on farm. Apply to E. A. Brad- burn, Janetville, Ont. Phono Lindsay 113-2-2. 40-1 Personal IF YOU CAN'T GET FUEL THIS Winter, sleep under steam heat- ed quilts. - Wool and alpine cloth, etc. patches at cotton price. Three pounds $1.00 post- paid. Avoid disappointment. Boy today and lay them away. Button Shop, Whitby. 40-1 Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Electric Treatments, Spinal Adjustments, Massage Phono 538, Bowmanville Year 1932. Case R.-Female age 18, locked joints right eibow, an- kle and làteral curvature of spino. Considered incurable. 75 treat- monts. Stili doing well. Lumbago and Sciatica innum- erable cases average one to fifteen treatments. 40-tf AUCTION SALES Thursday, October 8th, Mr. J. Firth will sell by public auction at Lot 16, Con. 4, East Whitby, 3 miles north of Thornton's Cor- ners, ahl his farm stock (15 dairy cows), implements (many are new), harness, hay, poultry and grain. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 40-i The undersigned bas received instructions from Rudoiph Sel- bach, '/2 mile north of the village of Hampton, to soUl by public auction on Saturday, October 10, the following: Horse, 10 head cat- tie. 6 pigs. 600 cbickens of differ- ont breeds, brooder houses, brood- or steve, poultry supplies, impie- monts, corn, somo household of- fects. See bis. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tieneer. 40-2 Mr. E. J. Symons, Lot 20, Con. 4, Hope Township, 11/2 miles west of Welcome and 11/4 miles nortb, will soul by public auction on Tuesday, Octobor l3th, ail his purobred Shorthorn cattle, grade cattle, horses, implemonts, hay, 1000 bus. grain, harness, roots, and some bousehold furniture. Sce bills. Sale at 12.30 o'clock. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 40-2 Wanted SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- crs of Alfalf a, Timothy, Timo- thy and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Ciover, Sweet C 10o v e r. Bring or mail in a sample for highest offer. Stowart's Seed Store, phono 577. 0 38-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE-LOVELY MAHOG- any finished dresser with large mirror. Phono 577. 40-1* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F household furnituro. Apply Mrs. S. Foster at Mrs. John Morris' home, Beoch Ave. 40-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 pattorns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - TWO PINT TINS of Sherwin-Williams P a i n t about three parts full, flat white and scarlet rod; three parts of pint tin of dark oak varnish stain; also one qt. of black ena- mol. Write Box 122, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 40-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evorything in mýdern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quaiity merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Scarlet Fever Immunization Children will be tested for sus- ceptibility to Scarlet Fever at the South Ward School on Wednes- day, October 7th, at 9 a.m., and at the Central School on Thurs- day, October lSth, at 9 a.m. First immunization doses of Scarlet Foyer Toxin will be given at the South Ward Sehool on Thursday, October 8th, at 9 a.m., and at the Central School on Fni- day, October l6th, at 9 a.m. Sub- soquent doses will be given each Thursday at the South Ward School and cach Friday at the Central School. Pre-school chiidren who have nover received Scarlet Foyer Toxin may be brought to either schooi on the day indicated. PROTECT YOUR CHILD. 40-3 Whooping Congh Inasmuch as the wbooping cough season is approacbing and some cases bave aiready eccurned in the Town, parents are advised te take their small cbildren te their family physician te ho im- munized agaicst it. W. H. Birks, M.O.H. 38-2, ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctors of Bowmanville have agroed to uniform office hours as follows: Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wiil be seen at other hours only by appointment. In case of an emergency, pa- tients may caîl the Bowmanville Hospital to find out which doctor is on duty. These hours in effoct as from October lst. Notice to Üreditors IN THE ESTATE 0F ELIZA- BETH CORSINA COLE, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Widow,ràe-/7 coased. ve Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such dlaims to the under- signed on or bofore the 3rd day of Novomber, 1942, after which date the estate's assets wil be distributed having regard only to dlaims that have been received and the Executor will be respon- sible for no others. This Notice given pursuant to the Trustee Act, being R.S.0. 1937, Chapter 165. Dated at Bowmanville this 25th day of September, 1942. CHARLES HOWARD MASON, Executor by His Solicitor heroin LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bowmanvilie, Ont. 40-3 Notice to treditors IN THE ESTATE 0F NELLIE FURSIER, DECEASED. Ail persons having c i a i m s againsý the Estate of Nollie Fur- sior, Spinstor, late of the Town of Bowmanviiie, in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario, who died on or about the 2nd day of September, 1942, are requested to forward full particulars of same, duly verified upon oath, to the undersigned, on or before the lSth day of October, 1942, after which date the assots of the Estate will be distributed, having regard oniy to the dlaims which have been received and ignoring al others. Dated this lSth day of Septem- ber 1942. NINA E. NEADS, King Street, Bowmanviiie, Ontario VIOLET PETRE, 35 Park Road, Oshawa, Ontario Executrixes for the Estate of Nellie Fursier. 38-3 CONTEST FARMERS & GARDENERS If you have a vogetable or any other product grown fromn Stewart's High Quaiity Seed which you think is a record breaker for size and quality this year, bring it in to Stewart's Seed Store and join the contest now open. You may be one of the many wmnners of a Fine Assort- ment of High Quality Garden Seeds or Two Pounds Root Seed. Winners will be announced in this papor. ' Contest Closes Nov. l5th, 1942 Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 No Ban On TIRE REPAIRS H-aving your tires repaired promptly will keep your car roliing longer G.F. JAMESON TIRE VULCANIZING SHOP 22-tf VOUR EYES deserve the best A ND TILLYER LENSES are the best. We are licensed to fit Tillyer Lenses -the very latest achievement of opit.halmie scientists. They will give your eyes a new and noticeable comfort. For un- like ordinary lenses, Tillyer Lenses are accurate to the very edge whether you look UP or down, in or out. We are giad t0 expiain how Tillyer Lenses are different. Lot us show you. JURY ULOVELL BOWMANVILLE - C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 778 R EA Dae u s E WA T ADS PAGEEIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1942