- ~ k ~ ~ ~ .. ______ ______________________________________________________ PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1942 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, wvas guesf o! Miss Evelyn Aluin. Miss Gwen Hooper visited her mother, Mms. Eva Hooper, at Ajax. Bandsman Brenton Rickard was home fmom the arrny training camp at Cornwall. Pte. Carl Fisher, Vocationai Ttýaining Sehool, Kingston, was home ovei- the weekend. Reserve Friday, Dec. 4th, for a play, "Coveralîs" by Salem Play- ers, in the U.C.S.S. Hall. 47-1 Major H-. W. Dudley atfended the 136th Battalion reunion and supper in Toronto Safurday eve- ning. Mi-. and Mrs. N. L. Moiton and sons Richard and Pte. Arthur Moiton, Thorn'hill, were guesfs o! Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton. A daughf ci was born f0 Coi-p. Lloyd K. Alldread and Mms. Ail- ROYAiL THEATRE- BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. NOVEMBER 19-20-21 JACKASS MAIL with 'WALLACE BEERY MARJORIE MAIN - ON THE SAME BILL - Swing It Soldier with FRANCES LANGFORD KEN MURRAY Cartoon M on.-Tues.-Wed. NOVEMBER 23-24-25 To Be or Not To Be with CAROLE LOMBARD and JACK BENNV News - Shorts COMING JANUARY 11-12-13 Reap the Wild Winds JANUARY 28-29-30 Mrs. Miniver AUNT JEMIMA Discovers a New, Different ... Magic Soup! Ready lu Seconds - It's Pre-Cooked GREEN PEA & BEAN SOUP 2pgks. 23 c PEASO P kg. l c Mouarch Pastry FLOUR 24 lbs. 85c Kellogg's ALL BRAN pkg. 25e Carnation MILK ... tail tin 10c Durham or Canada Corn STARCH .. pkg. lic Maxwell House COFFEE .... lb. 58c Neilsons COCOA....b. 29e Sauta Clare PRUNES .... lb. 15e Cashmere Toilet PAPER .. 3 roils 25e HARRY ALLuN "THE CORNER GROCERY" Phones 367-368 We Delîver dread. Newcastle, on Nov. 6fh. Coi-p. Alldi-ead o! the 1sf Midland Regiment amiived home Tuesday f0 sec his %vifc and daughfer. Freighf handled at Newcastle C.N.R. station this pasf wcek in- cluded another carload o! buck- wheat ouft, by A. W. Glenney; a car of nuf coal in, by Fred Gra- ham. and fwo cars o! bulk saIt in by the Ontario Deparfment o! Highways, also a car o! westecin wheat and rye in by A. W. Gien- nev. Mr. Carl Selby drew hîs lasf load o! hay in on Monday; H. R. Peai-ce is unloading his iast load. The lasf o! the furnips ai-e being taken in f hese balmy fisf-of-fhe- week days. Severai local !amm- ers visifed Canadian Canners, Bowrnanville, Monday and Tues- day and received their cheques for peas and coi-n delivered this pasf season. Mr. R. B. LeGmesley hiad a ealy good crop o! canning peas: over $180 worth from two acres. The Bowmanville Branch o! the Canadian Legion wishes f0, express their sincere thanks f0 the iifizens o! Newcastle for their genemous support on Poppy Day, especially Mi-. Jim Smifth for his kindness in helping f0 make if a eal success for such a worthy cause, fhe amount realized being $40.00. The Poppy sellers weme Mr. W. J. Wafson and Mr. W. C. H. Mitchell o! Oono. Keep up the good work and agaîn we Say fhanks a lot. 47-i OFFICERS 0F DURHAM LODGE Newly elecfed officers o! Dur- ham Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 66, are: Wor. M.-W. H. Gibson; P. W.M.-D. E. Gibson; Sm. Warden -Geo. W. Walton; Jr. Warden- Imwin Colwill; Chaplain-T. F. Branfon; Treas.-J. E. W. Philp; Sec'y. - Rev. R. E. Moiton; Si-. Deacon-Russel Osborne; Jr. Dca- con-Clai-ence J. Aluin; I. Guard -Wrn. Rowland; Sm. Sfteward - Austin Turner; Jr. Steward-Geo. Sfephenson; Dir. o! Cer.-H. J. Toms; Tyler-T. W. Jackson. UNITED CHURCH W. A. The Unifed Church W. A. met with Mms. J. H. Jose in the chair. Rev. R. E. Moiton led in prayer and Mms. Jno. Si-off ead the scip- fume. W. A. contibutcd. $5000 f0, the i-hum-h thank-offeming. Mrs. W. J. Malley presided for the pro- gi-arn which inciuded a vocal solo by Mrs. C. A. Cowan, accompan- ied by Mms. E. C. Fisher, and a vocal duet by June and Betty AI- lin, accompanied by Mrs. Co;wan. Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, Bowmanvilie, gave a carcfully studicd and en- lightening f alk on "Inflation." A vote o! thanks, moved by Mrs. Jose and seconded by Mi-. Moiton, was fendered Mrs. Dip- peli. Lunch o! sandwiches and fea was semved. Mrs. H. M. Me- Coli played for the hymns. COWANVILLE ORANGEMEN OVER 100 YEARS AGO Posfmaster George Jarnieson, Newcastle, sends in the foliowing intemesfing bit o! ancient frater- îîai history: Just f0 go you one better on youm vemy interesfing "Dirn and Distant Pasf" column, I arn en- ciosing heewith a report o! the elecf ion o! officers meeting o! Cowanviile L.O.L. No. 265, that wvas held December, 1840-one hundred and two years ago. Per- haps some o! youm readers wiii mcognize some o! the names o! those stalwamt pioneers. The offi- cci- were: Alexander C o u t e r, Master; Robert Adair, Dept. Mas- ter; William Henderson, Treas.; William Hamilton, Sec.; Samuel Rarnsey, Lecturer; John Gordon, Dept. Lecturer; Wm. Couifer, 1sf Comm. man; Robert Cowan, 2nd Comm. man; George Cowan, 3rd Comm. man; Richard Walsh, 4th Comm. man. List o! members present: John Madili, Thomas Forsythe, William Lyffle, Alexan- dei- Cowan, John Cooney, Dm. W. H. Si-off, Raiph Stutf, John Hop- wood, John Lumsdcn, Alex Mont- gomery, Thompson Ballagh, Wil- liam Ballagh, Neil Stewart, Alex- ander Stewart, Fleming Baiiagh, Matfhew Morrow, Robert David- son, Thomas Mi-Neil, James Miii-. son, John Adair, David Ruther- ford. Silvester Hoiloweii, Robert Moiton, Alexander Henry. The treasumer report ed the eceipt o! £1. 9s. 4d. dues. Obituary L. James Pearce A number o! relatives and fi- ends affended the funeral of Lemuel James Pearce at Bow- manvilie on Saturday. He died in Bowmanvilie hospital on Nov. l2fh. He had been making hi' home for severai years pasf, witl his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce, Base )f IS FARM FORUMS SHAW'S FORUM Shaw's Farm Forum met af W. J. S. Rickai-d's, November 16. Thirty-fivc were present wif h R. K. Squair as convenor. Subjecf under discussion was '"Nighbors mnust work fogether." The !ind- ings undei- existing wam condi- fions - co-operative farming is thc key f0 mass production o! food. Let us pooî oui- available labor and equipmcnt and work to- gether as good neighbors; give farm machinery a good looking over; dlean and put under cover and decide whaf repairs ai-e nec- essai-y. During the social period Gai-net Rickard conducfed a con- test, re!i-eshments wcre served. PROVIDENCE FORUM The forum met af S. Dowson's Nov. 16, with 24 present f0 con- sider subject, "Neighboms must work fogether". The forum group would like f0 sec a good commun- ify work shop that is hcated, wifh an expcrienced mcchanic, s0 wc couid gef oui- machinery repaired in the winfer time. We wouid like a commiffec f0 find the num- ber o! acres for cultivation next ycar so we can make the bcst use o! what manpowcr and machinery we have in oui- coma munity; also some way f0 kecp frai-tors doing full fime jobs. The gmoup feels thaf wc can buy, i-o- opcrafiveiy, the machine, that is f00 expensive for the individuai farmer f0 use and fi- have one operafor un this machine for us. Wc can only increase our hog production by using every labor- saving device available and a sfudy o! balanced ration in !ecd- ing. S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON Farm Forum o! S.S. No. 4, Darlington, met on Nov. 16, at Allan Down's. The subjecf for discussion was "Ncighbors must work fogether". If was dccided that now is the bcst time f0 begin thc rcpairing o! machinery as ail machincry is not yet sforcd for the winfer sca- son and the f armer, at this time o! ycar, knows Uic condition o! his machincry better than he will be- fore work on the land begins next spring. One suggcstion was thaf the farmer could get thc services o! a mcchanic from a !arm machine company f0 spend several days on the famm overhauiing and repair- ing machinery. Many farmers have not a suifable place for mc- pairing machinery during cold weaf hem. This is an oppomfunify for co-operation. Machines could be faken f0 famms where there ai-e suifable places. A community blacksrnith shop with forge, electricai equipmenf, tools, etc., wouid be a valuable as- set f0 any farming community in fhe repaiming o! mai-hindi-y. As a communify, we should check and double check ail farm machincry now and kcep the sub- jcct o! repairing alive fhmough oui- forums. The second question for dis- cussion was, "In whaf ways couid we in this neighbomhood help our- selves by furfhcr co-operation next season in miaking the mosf efficienf use possible o! the avail- able supply o! iabom and mach- inery?" Answers f0 this question vaied greatly in Uic two groups. One group feif thaf one solution l o! fhc poblcm was for two or thi-ce farmers f0 work co-opera- tively. This made possible the owning o! more machines. The other group thought if wiser f0 keep ouf o! partnerships but fav- ored hciping one another by ex- change o! labor and machinery. Other suggestions were customn work and the enting o! machin- ci-y on a business basis. Thc third question for discus- sion was, "Whaf is the long-ferma answer f0 the problem o! making modemn famm machinery avail- able af a favorable priie and en- abling general use o! if?" (a) custom machinery (b) co-opera- fion on a lai-gem scale oniy as an emergency measume (c) Can- adians shouid be able f0 buy farm machinemy on a par with Amen-can priies (d) prices o! parts should be in proportion f0 cosf o! machine as a whole. The hog production i-an be in- creased without much increase o! womk by putting an extra liffer on pasture wifh a seif-feeder. Lost LOST-YELLOW GOLD LOCK- et and chain, initialhed "J".Ç.Lost on Centre St. If !ound please hLine, South Dai-ingfoni, and had rbeen in Bowmanvilie hospitai a e lit fle over a monfh. He was the second son o! Henry Pearce, who ncamne to this country frorn Corn- wall, Eng., in the eamîy 1840's, and his wi!e, Fanny Tyler. He was a fammer ail his i! e and for many years dealt considemabhy in bec! catfle, supplying Bowmanviile butchers. For a number o! ycams he livcd in Bowmanville with his widowed mother, but continued f0 manage his !arms on the Base Line in the No. 3 S. S. Rev. H. Linstcad, Ebenezer, conducfed the funeral service in Morris' chapel in the presence o! relatives and !rîends !rorn the Ebenezer and Maple Gi-ove sec- tions, and from Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle a n d Shaw's. The palîbeamers wcme five neph- ews, R. C. Peai-ce, Henry Pearce, H. R. Pearce, Howard Pearce, Er- nest Peai-ce, and Gai-net Rickard, grand-nephew. Infemment was in Bowmanvillicecmetemy. BIRTII ALLISON-In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Wednesday, November 4, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allison, the gift of a son, Trevor William. 47-1 DEATI-S CARRUTHERS-In Bowmanville on November 15, 1942, James Douglas Carruthers, aged 60 years. HALL-In Burkefon on Novem- ber 15, 1942, Margaret Louise Virtue, beloved wife of David Hall, aged 90 years. Interment Hampton Cemetery. PEARCE - In Bowmanville, on November 12, 1942, Lemuel James Pearce, aged 86 years. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- f ery. IN MEMORIAM ASH-In loving memory of Gor- don Frederick Ash, -a dearly loved husband and father, who left us suddenly on November 19, 1938. -Wife (Mary Wetherell Ash) and daughters Margaret and Helen. 47-1* WILSON -In loving memory of our dear mother and granidma, Hlilda Victoria Wilson, who passed away November 23, 1940. -Ever memembered by Bella, Art, Marlene and Roy. 47-1 Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Fred Short wish to fhank their many friends and neighbors, nurses, and Doctor for their kindness and sympathy in their recent sad biereavement. 47-l* The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion wish to thank aIl those who supported our Poppy Tag Day on Saturday, November 7th, when $117.29 was rcalized by the sale of Poppies on the streets. We also wish fi- thank the pupils of the High and Public Si-hool who acted as Poppy sell- ers. 47-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. an-d Mrs. Ernest A. Jones wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Hilda Irene, f0 Mr. Albert Arthur Tur- ner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner of Toronto. The mar- niage f0 take place on Saturday, December 12, in St. John's Angli- can Church. 47-1* The engagement is announced of Verona Elizabeth (Betty), daughfer of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyle, Toronto, to Allan Roscoe Baker. R.C.A.F.. Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker, Hamp- ton. The marriage f0 take place in Glebe Rd. United Church, To- ront o, on Saturday, December 5, 1942. 47-1 Repairs E XP E RT REPAIRS 0F ALL makes of Vacuum Cleaners. Tel. our "C.U.C. Depot" Bow- manville 774 at fhe MeGregor Hardware Store. 42-7* Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-85 acres near village of Enfieid, good spring wafer on famm and in stable. Apply C. W. Souch, phone 2564 Bowmanville. 46-tf For Rent FOR RENT - THREE ROOMS for ment. Phone 2385. 47-1 OSHAWVA, ONTARIO Starts TO-DAY 1 ERROL FLYNN DONALD REAGAN IN DESPERATE Next CLARK GABLE Wednesday LANA TURNER "SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND YOU" Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are direcid to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. Iu Memoriams, 50c for notice plus 10e per lune for verse. Classlfied adver- tisemeuts accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. COMING EVENTS Dance in Tymone Hall, Novem- ber 25th. Music by Serenaders. Admission 25c. 47-1 Reserve Thursday and Friday, November 26 and 27, for High School Commencement. 45-3 Old Time Dance Monday, No- vember 23, at Newtonville Hall. Barclay's Orchestra. Admission 35c. Proceeds for hall. 47-1 Russ Creighton and his Dance Band will be at the Community Hall, Newcastle, on Friday, Nov. 27th. 47-2 The play "Coveralîs" will be presented by Salem Y.P.U. in Ty- rone Hall on Friday, November 20, at 8.30 p.m., under auspices o! Bethesda War Workers. 47-1 Canadian Order o! Foresters are holding their second Dance at Enniskillen Hall on November 20. Music by Oshawa Serenaders. Round and square dancing, 9 p.m. Admission 25c. 47-1 6th Anniversary of McCrea's Church will be held Sunday, No- vember 22, at 3 p.m. Rev. Andrew McLaughlin, Toronto, a former pastor, will speak. Special music by Orono talent. 47-1 Tuesday, Nov. 24th, at 8.30 p.m., "Coveralls," a three act comedy by the Salem folk in St. Paul's school room, under auspices o! C.G.I.T. Adults 25c, children 15c. 47-1* The ladies of St. Andrew's Prcsbyterian Church are holding a sale of work, homemade baking and other articles on Thursday, Dec. 3rd. Affernoon tea wîll be served. 47-2 Strayed STRAYED - ON TO LOT 21, Con. 2, Clarke, one Hereford 1yearling. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Phone 2531 Clarke. 47-1* Found FOUND-STRAYED, ONE HEI- fer last June onto my ranch 3½V miles east o! Newcastle on the Kingston highway. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. John A. Paterson, Orono, Ont. 47-2 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE -TWO GOOD SUF- folk ram lambs. Apply Herb. Swain. Burketon R. R. 3. 47-1* FOR SALE - 150 BUSHELS 0F oats. Apply Wilson Abernethy, R. R. 2 Bowmanville, phone 2419. 47-1* FOR SALE - il YORKSHIRE pigs, 4 weeks old. Apply 'Clar- ence English, R. R. i Hampton. 47-1* FOR SALE - 8 YOUNG PIGS, six weeks old. Apply John Greer, R. R. 3 Burketon, Ont. 47-1* FOR SALE - 8 YOUNG PIGS ready f0 wean. Apply Herb. N. Scott, R. R. 4 Bowmanville. Phone Orono 1r18. 47-1* FOR SALE - 2 JERSEY COWS, accredited; 2 shoats. Appiy F. E. Hutton, jusf east of Ebenezer Church. 47-2* FOR SALE-SHORTHORN BULL 10 month old; Shropshire ram, aged; also lamb. Apply N. C. Wotten, Hampton, phone 2447. 47-1* FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE brood sow due December 8th. Apply Mrs. R. Weinberger, R. R. 1 Orono, phone Clar-ke 1624. 47-1 FRS CA'LE-JERSE 0ý Y COW, STRAYED-HOLSTEIN HEIFER sfrayed on property o! Edgar Wright, Enniskillen. Ow n er may have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. 47-1 FOR SALE-A PUREBRED JER- sey i-ow rising 4 yr. oid, due tjhe lattem part o! Jan. Apphy f0 Keith Johnston, Burketon R. R. 1, or phone Port Pcrry 172-12. 47-1* FOR SALE - 22 YORKSHIRE shoafs, ahl good pigs. My lasf shipmenf o! same breed graded 1001/ select. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlingfon. 47-1* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-REG- istered Holstein bull, 1 year old, from a 3.8 per cent dam; 2 year old heifer due fo freshen Jan. lOfh; Guernsey cow, miiking, due in Mari-h. Noble Metcalf, Maphe Gi-ove. 47-1*j Wanted WANTED -AN ELECTRIC water pump. Apply Lloyd Pas- sant, Hunt St., Bowmanville. 47-l* SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- crs of Alfaîf a, Timothy, Timo- thy and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Clover, Sweet C 10o v e r. Bring or mail in a sample for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 38-tf Help Wanted WANTED - GIRL FOR GENER- al help in nice dlean household. Will be treated very well. $25 per month to start. Write f0 Mrs. Aube Weisman, 341 North- cliffe Blvd., Toronto. 46-2* WANTED -YOUNG GIRL UN- der 20, or older woman, for housework, two childi-en, To- ronto, $30 a month; or a young high school girl desiring work for the Christmas h o1i da ys. tiood home. Apply Mrs. H. F. White, 270 St. Leonard's Ave. Tel. M07127. 46-2 HELP WANTED -$35 MONTH- ly, girl or middle-aged woman with good knowledge of gen- ci-ai housework, for December the first; 2 adults, 1 child 8 years. Extra well equipped small modemn new home. Mrs. J. N. Stanley, 28 Beechwood Ave., York Mill, Ontario, ori Mohawk 5413. 45-3 Agents Wanted START IN YOUR OWN PART TIME BUSINESS-If your farrn work, or other occupation does not take ahl of your time, if you are honest and dependable, military exempt, willing to work for financial independ- ence, we invite you to write us. We'l1 establish you in your own part time business, supplying household and farm necessities. Suitable travel outfit required. Write, The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. O-B-9, Montreal, Que. 45-4 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-LIMITED AMOUNT of Golden Russet apples. S. Chas. Allun, phone 2198. 47-1* FOR SALE - MOFFAT ELEC- tric range. Also coal annex. Apply L. A. Par-ker, King St., Bowmanville. 47-1 FOR SALE -USED "CIRCULA- tom Type" Furnacette, almost new. Apply F. A. Cowey, On- tario St. 46-2* FOR SALE - LADY'S BROWN muskrat coat, size 18, in good condition. Apply 31 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. 47-1* FOR SALE -BLACK ENGLISH pram, in good condition; organ (piano case); oak china cabinet, large size.. Phone 802 between 6.30 and 7.30 p.m. 47-1* FOR SALE - SINGLE BROWN steel bed, dressing table and bench in good condition, $20.00. Write Box 143, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 47-1* FOR SALE - PIANOS, IN EX- cellent condition. For infor.ma- tion apply to Fred Mitchell, Church Street West, Bowman- ville, telephone 492. 47-2* FOR SALE - PIANOS, HEINTZ- man & Co., Gerhard-Heintzman, and Bell. Apartment sizes. Ap- ply Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, phone 251. 44-8* FOR SALE - GURNEY ELEC- fric range, Empire coal and wood stove, large ice box, 4 copper tubes for radiators. Ap- ply Mrs. John Buckley, Church Street, Bowmanville. 47-l* DINING ROOM SUITES- Smart, modemn, practical, de- signed for the small dinette or the large foi-mal dining moom. See Morris Co. display of black walnut, blonde walnut, natural and maple Dining Room Suites. Deferred paymenfs if desired. Cash prîce-$79.50 f0 $225.00. 47-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited f0 view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf CEDAR CHESTS - ANOTHERi popular gift that is restricf cd1 due to the American content of Tennessee Cedar. We suggest OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everyfhing in mrèdern, chesferfield, bedmoom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qualify merchandise at corn- petifive prices. Befome buying visif Bi-adley's New Fumnitume Store, 156 Simcae Sf. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf CHESTERFIELD SUITES - DUE to, governmenf regulation stocks wili rapidiy be exhausted o! spring-filled construction in up- holstered items. Morris Co. by their policy o! buying ahead o! the mar-ket sfiil offer chester- f ield suites, guamanteed con- struction, in epps and velours, at Budget Prices, $79.50 f0 $285. Mar-shall spring-filied Mattres.. ses, aIl sizes in stock, limited quantify, heavy striped English tick. Cash price, $24.75. 47-i AUCTION SALES SALE THIS AFTERNOON Furniture Sale - I will seli for Miss Ida McCulloch, Lot 33, Con. 8, Darlingf on (3 miles west of Ennîskillen), her household cf- fects including parlor, dining, bedroom and kitchen fumnitume, new scale Williams piano, in per- fect condition, chesterfieid suite, floor covemings, pictures, dishes, giassware, fruit and pickles, cook- ing utensils, gamden fools, and many other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Thumsday (today) November i9th. Terms cash. Wallace P a s c o e, clemk; Elmer Wilbum, auctioneer. Joseph Ward, Lot 8, Con. 4, Clarke (2% miles nomfh of New- tonville) will seil by public auc- tion on Fiday, November 27th, 1942, ail his farm stock and im- plements and some fumnitume. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Temms cash. R. L. Hoy, auctioneer. 47-1* The undemsigned has received instructions from Clarence Yeo, Lot 17, Con. 1, Cartwright, f0 seli by public auction on Saturday, November 21, his famm stock, im- plements, hay, grain and some fumnitume. Many of the implements are neamly new. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbum, auc- fioneer. 46-2 WOOD SALE On Thumsday, Dec. 3md, Luther Pascoe, Lot 24, Concession 5, Dam- lington, will seli by public auc- tion 6 acres, more or less, o! standing timber - beech, mapie, cedar, bimch and elm, f0 be sold in quarter acre lots more or less. Purchasers given two winters f0 emove fimber. Term cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Elmer Wiibur, auc- tioneer. 47-2 AUCTION SALE The undemsigned has eceived instructions from the Public Trus- tee o! Osgoode Hall, Toronto, to seli by public auction at the late esidence of the Late James Burton NEWTONVILLE, ONT. SATURDAY, NOV. 28 ail of his household contents, and a large quantify of campenter tools. At the same time and place the propemty consisting of house and lot, will be sold. Conditions of sale wiii be announced at time of sale. Temms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. 47-2 NOTICE Applications will be received by fhe Village of Newcastle for the position o! Constable, Came- taker, Sanitary Inspector, Wecd Inspector, by Nov. 23, 12 o'cloek. Duties f0 commence Dec, 1sf. Saiary $75.00 per month, or stafe salary. H. C. Bonathan, Ciemk. 47-i ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctors of Bowmanv.ille have agmeed f0 unifomm office hours as foliows: Affernoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wedncsday. Evenings-7.00 f0 9.00 Tucsday, Thumsday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wiil be seen at other' hours only by appointment. In case of an emergency, pa- tients may cali the Bowmanville Hospit al f0 find out which doctor is on dufy. These hours In effect as fmom October 1sf. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Court of Re'ision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that the first sifting o! the Court of Re- vision foi- the Town of Bowman- ville wiil be held in the Council Room in the said Town on Mon- day, November' 3th, 1942, at 7.30 p.m., f0 hear and détermine the severa]. compiaints of ci-roi-s and omissions in the Assessment Roll of fhe said Municipalify for the yeam, 1943. And furthem fake notice thaf ahl ratepayers who deem themseives ovecharged or otherwise im- pi-operly assessed may notify fhe Clerk of fhe Municipaiity in writ- ing of such overcharge or im- proper assessment on or befome the 28th day of November, 1942, and youm complaint shall be tried by the said Coumt of Revision. Reconditioned T 1IR E $o$ The largest stock of re- conditioned tires east of Toronto, ail sizes. G.F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office Contest Winners at STE WART'S SEED STORE BEET-3 lbs. 6 ozs., Mrs. J. Scott Howard. CARROT-2 lbs. 41/2 ozs.. Dr. Sisson. CABBAGE-161/4lbs., Mr. F. Swallow. CUCUMBER-2¼4 lbs., Mr. R. Stinson. CORN - l¾l4bs., Mr. V. Baxter. CHINESE LETTUCE - 5 lbs. 14 ozs., Mr. F. Swallow. MANGEL-22Y½ lbs., Mr. D. Broome. ONION-1 lb. 5 ozs., Mr. H. W. Harris. PARSNIP-1 lbs. 133/ ozs.. Mr. F. Swallow. PIE PUMPKIN - 22 lbs., Mr. Robt. Sims. FIELD PUMPKIN - 531/4 lbs., Mr. W. Farrow. SQUASH,' HUBBARD - 211'/2 lbs., Mr. R. Stinson. SQUASH, PEPPER - 3/ Ibs., Mr. F. Swallow. RADISH - i lb. 9 ozs., (Name flot taken). TURNIP - 13 ibs. 1 oz., Mr. R. Stinson. (NOTE-Will the party en- tering above Radish please get in touch with us.) When our 1943 Seed Stock arrives af fer the first of the year each prize winner will be given either 2 lbs. of Stewart's Quality Root Seed or an As- sortment of Stewart's Gov't Tested Bulk Garden Seeds upon calling at our store. We congratulate the winners and wish ail other contestants better iuck next time. STE WART'S SEED STORE A Eyewoar Designl bits a n0W 4"816899 in NUMIONT 11Ui- *VU Women will appreciate the ultra- amariness and inconspicuousness of this completely new eyewear style. Radical construction fea. turcs eliminate endpieces on lenses, reduce breakage. Temples are attached directly to the bridge, through gracefully curved, gold. filled arma ludden behind the lenses. On the face, Numont Fui. Vue Tri-Flex combines the appear- ance features of the eyeglass wiùh the protection of frames and rim- less mountings. Let us show you these modern glasses today. JURY & LOVEL When we test eyes it ls doue properly. C.N.R. Ticket Agency. Phone 778 Bowmanville ST The WorIcI's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An Iniernational Daily Newspaper is Truthf ui -Constructive - Unbiased -Free from Sensational. issu - Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Malre the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. --- ----------------- ----------------- Theý Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street-, Boston, Massachusetts Price $1200 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $260 a Year. Introductory Ofl'er, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Nane ------------------------------- Addrest ---------------------------------------------- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST First Aid for Farm Machinery The government bas asked al farmers to check their implements and order repairs this week If pos- sible, due to the shortage of parts. WE ARE READY TO HELP YOUJ W. H. BROWN CASE DEALER Phone 2610 BOWMANVILLE FA Daýw us WANT ADS,