PAGE EIGHT -- -- -- The Newcastle Independent P hone Clarke 1114 Mr. Fred Bond was in Toroi Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith visiit in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose spei the weckend in Toronto. Dr. Annie Higbee was in T, ronto over the weekend. Mrs. W. J. Hockin Jr. and Mi Betty Allin visited in Toronto. Mr. Fred Cowan, St. Catharine visited his mother, Mrs. FrE Cowan. Bdr. George Buckley, Pctawý wa, visited his parents, Mr. an Mrs. W. N. Buckley. Messrs. Russell and Arthu Walton, Toronto, visited their s. ter, Mrs. Fred Graham. Miss Annie Drummond is spcnd ing the wintcr in Toronto wif Miss Jessie McNaughton. Mr. R. W. Allun, M.A.. Tarantc was guest of his cousins, Misse Adah and Elizabeth Allin. Mrs. Garnet Caswell and chil dren have moved from Toroni( and are living at Mr. Jna. Cas well's. Mr. Walter Douglas, New York and Mrs. H. J. Ragen. Toronto visited their mather, Mrs. Jno Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanna. Miss Jean and Gordon, Corbett's Point, visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's. Miss Inez Hickling, Mahood's school, Cartwright, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton. Reeve C. R. Carveth attended a meeting of the special Schools Committec of the Counties Coun- cil at Cobourg. The electric wiring has beer completed in Carl Weyrich's nevw house and the lights were turned on Monday evening. THEATRE- BOWMANV LLEj Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. NOVEMBER 26-27-28 JUNGLE BOOK initechuicolor FEATURING SABU -on the samne bil- FLYING CADETS with EDMUND LOWE and PEGGY MORAN M on.-Tues.-Wed. NOV. 30, DEC. 1-2 Double Feature SECRET AGENT 0F JAPAN with PRESTON FOSTER and LYNN BARI SYNCOPATION with ADOLPHE MENJOU and .ACKIE COOPER NEWS COMUNG JANUARY 11-12-13 Reap the Wild Winds JANUARY 28-29-30 Mrs. Miniver WE HAVE A BETTEI GIFTS FOIR1 Our quantity is limite for greater Ask Our Cierks To Show i MEN'S an( WooI Sweaters - and Wor] -OUR PRICES, England's Navy Has Beauiful Eng1isl COME IN AND SEE THIS BETTER QUALITY Use Farncomb's 3xxj Ifs quality insures good resuitsi 24-lb. ba USE THIS BETTER BAKERS COCOA 1-2 -COCOA IS NOT ALEX. GI GENERAL MERCHANT - Phone port Ferry 106-21 ito. Misses Pauline Deline and Mur- ed ici Pedwell, Toronto, attended theJ H. S. Presentation Exercises and________________ ent visited their parents. Mr. Stanley Rickard, BA., The for Newcastle. The pupils, same mTr ro Grove Boys' School, Lakefield, 120, were iirst given the Dick test - spet te weked a M. ad t deermne hehertie wee T E .C.F. POLICY riMrs. W. J. S. Rickard's. susceptible ta scarlet fever. Somne Bandsman H. C. Allin, R.C.O.C., 90 of these showed a positive re- YRJ.Dah n eKingston, and Mrs. Allun and action and these werc given theirByRJ.Daha Lesd Ruth spent the weekend in To- first immunization serum last If elected how far would the radrnto with Mr. and Mrs. Laur- week. Fîve injections, a wcek C.C.F. go in the establishment of eneKerr. apart, will be given; but it has its policies. Its views vary de- vad Mnce and Mrs. Matthew Hri been proved that in some cases pcnding on location-also on those 'a- Hofrelyo rn, arercm nd isuhae.r five are nat enough. Three extra who discuss them. This is true of irliving in the part of the Bonathan arercmede nsc1css I parties, but known ones may dupexhoue orerl acuicd îaonsent of the parents or guard- be judgcd by past records. Nor ýis byplMr.hand Mors.c lover. ns is rcquired in each case and does the C.C.F. make clear its by M. an Mrs Jac Gloer. there have been only twa or three vital objectives. Mr. Coldweli and Ld- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Brown, objections rcgistered. the more responsible members [th Glenwood Cottage, have receivcd wl o pnyrcmedcn word that a grandncphew, Harry fîcintof elth as a eneraon to, Brown, RA.F., has arrivedi in fsaino elha eea es Moncton, N.B., from England ta BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE principle though they have ad- complete bis training. THEM GREAT vanced it as anc af their war poli- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Conn, cies. They have, at tirnes, ap- to Clarksburg, werc guests ai their A Tribute to the Mothers of the proached the question from the s- so-nlawand daughter, Mr. and BoYs in the R.C.A.F. standpoint ai progressive taxation, Mrs H M MCol.Mr. Conn, a By Stella Anderson especially on larger incarnes and k, former. S.MSuperintendent, ac- inheritances. These taxes naw are 0, companicdthRev. R. E. Morton ta Editor's Note-This tribute was about as high as they can be with- 0. Cark i teaiternoon. written by Mrs. Stella Anderson, out lcading ta the camplete de- Rev. R . E. atni odn "Two Elms,"' Newcastle. H er struction af capital. When capital 'S series (of cottage prayer meetings nephew, Murray Butler, was the employcd in the Production af ,1 and devotional services. This first Newcastle airman ta give up wealth is absorbed into other week's meeting was held at Mr. bis lufe in this war, and ta date, farrns af expenditures ncw capital lino.. Caswell's. Proviaus weeks' the anly Newcastle boy in any ai rnust take its place. We cannot 's meetings were at Mr. J. W. Glen- the war services, ta be listcd as liquidate capital withaut suffering eney's and Mr. J. E. W. Philp's. dead. Mrs. Anderson's son, Rich- the disadvantagc which resuit t. The partnersbip betwocn Ed. ard Anderson, is in the R.C.A.F., from such action. Social services Nilson ai Metallic Art Products and by this tirne is probably in rnay be desirable-but fulli cm-C and Carl Weyrich, praprietar ai England. ployment necessitatcs the exis- sthe Weyricb woodworking fac- Proud Mothers ai the R.C.A.F. tence ai a large volume ai capi- tory, bas been legally dissolved We must stand with arms entwin- cîfective ol use to sism and Mr. Neilsan has naw ontered cd and very close together, and efcieue upon a new phase of his business. when anc Mather is hurt we must Misses Betty and June VanDu- tighten aur hald on each ather Agriculture has been hampered sen, Toronto, attcnded the High with lave and prayers, and neyer - by scarcity ai capital. If more Scbaol presentation exercises on lose faith. I know ai your days capital had been available agri-P Friday cvcning, and remaincd and nights ai uneasy living, haw culture would have changed form over the wcekcnd at their New- you feel evcry time the telephone wvith changed conditions and thus castle home. Naval Gunner Doug- rings. I also know what happens improved its position. It is diffi- las VanDusen is up frorn Ottawa when the ring cornes that scnds us cult ta sec how this cauld be on furlaugh. inta the blackness ai despair. brougbt about by a party pledged Mr. Ed Buxton and Miss Helen Two wceks aga I saw over a first ta natianalizatian af indus- IRickard, Toronto, and Miss Mar- thausand ai aur sans stand an a try. New capital would be requir- Pian Rickard, B.A., Cobourg, wcre parade square, not far îrorn To_ cd for that purpose. A socialistic Sunday visitars at Mr. W. J. S- ranta, al îaaking like younggds government rnight find it diiiicult Rickard's. Mr. Buxtan and Miss witb their bronzed faces and cea ta accamplish some ai the ends Helen Rickard came ta Bowman- eycs, well trained and ready ta wh ich in theory secm 50o desirable. ville with their friends, Rev. and give their lives for the ireedom Wagc levels depend ta a great Mrs. W. Harold Young. aof mankind. As 1 watched the extent upon capital investment Mr. Howell Rowland received graduation exorcises, yaur story, Pier worker. There is no vast dii- word ai the deatb ai bis brother, Mothers ai Heroes, ilashed into cerence between the capacity for Ralph Stutt Rowland, in Winni- my mmnd. I thought ai the swcet work ai a Central European, aP peg an Nov. 2lst. He was the hapes and uncomiortable months Chinaman or a Canadiani. The fourth son ai Mr. and Mrs. James before their birth - the pain ai Eurapean or Chinarnan lacks Rowland, Lake Shore. Aiter pass- birth - the fear in the nights and training-he lacks far more than ing bis entrance ho attendcd New- davs when thoy were ili - the îirst that. Man witbout capital is hope- castle High School and thon ern- day ho wont ta schaol - the bro- lcss in this modern ago. Man barked an a successful career inl ken armns - the broken legs -tepower may mean just what the theLueInuracebusnes. Ho is ycars ai planning ta scnd them words irnply-but when, in ordin- survived by his widow and a ta the best uppor schoal within ary conversation, we speak ai daugbter. Your means. How yau tried ta man power we mean machine- Reeve C. R. Carvctb was at save him from those bitter ep rn an-power, the power ai a man Ebenozer twice last weck showing onces with no avai]; and %ýhn e aided by capital i n vest ment maving pictures; tîrst on Tuosday camne hame hurt and waunded, as amounting ta $3,000, $5,000 even- evening when ho accompanied Yau kncw ho would, how yau $10,000 per man is a very difier- Newcastle Young People ta the wauld have given years ai yaur ont matter. New capital must Ebenezer Y.P.U. and showed pic- lufe ta undo the hurt. I thaught came iram somewhere. At the- turcs ai his awn production, and ai your many sacrifices ta give marnent the Socialist plan is ta again an Friday evening wben ho your man-chiîd a start in life. take it from those who have it. W screened same films taken by Dr. Mthers ai the Air Force Boys ai This is nat a fair test ai Socialism. r J.C.DvtinAgnunPr.Cnd!Wa a job you have Socialisrn will prove its success,il He is dated for Blackstock and donc; you and this young country it hnthtpod ta the ask d-a Pontypoal in the near future, have made thern fine beyond your i can thon proedtth akffl Alexander (Sandy) Moffatt bas dreams. Your lined faces and eriating nwew ithstanwitrut ma been appainted by the Municipal bodies growing old have builtlwrig.hstnadi Council as Constable, Sanitary In- botter than you know, and eachth workers. Russia has faced that fa spectar and Weed Inspector for boy takes ta his task a great deal problem-meets it by a very low Il] Newcastle and Caretaker ai the ai yau. standard amang their workers. T community hall as succossar ta o **fi tho late John Garrad. Mr. Moi- Withuut yau, Mr. Churchill, The thcory ta which the Social- ki iatt's duties commence December President Roosevelt and M17. Sta- ist party naw adheres is that capi- oa Ist; but Mrs. Garrod will be paid lin, the brilliant mon ai the world, tai makes enormaus profits. It is ta the end ai the year as hall would fail in the great task that not tenable. That some capital caretakor until the new official lies ahead. and some capitalists make big has been made acquainted with __________ profits is beyand truc but since and becames accustomed ta the 1929 capital bas tended towards Y( work and responsibilities.. Tho FREIGHT CAR WHEEL BREAKS lasses not gains. The stock Mar- Council held a special meeting an CAUS11NG EXCITEMENT ket measures with iairness the Monday evening ta deal with ap- development ini that direction. It plications. Fiying Section Bombards speaks in the plainest terns. The pi Newcastle Hydro Electric Com- Newcasthe Station Associated Press price ranges for Pl mission bave been notified ta re-____ the New York market shows a ifl duce Newcastle's street lighting Sometbing happened at the top ai 157.7, an average ai sixty by 20<1/; but in mast cases thej C.N.R. station Thursday ai ternoon different stocks in 1927-29, as bulbs have been only 60 watts ta that ought ta be a warning ta against 39.8 at the date ai writing arc start with, and this isn't very bigh everybody not ta stay too near and 40.3 as the bigh ai this year. sht for street lights. It is said that1 the railway tracks when a swiftly Under Socialism agriculture drx the reduction can be effected maving train is gaing by. People would be in a rather difficult ari ither by subStituting bulbs ai aiten stand by, and this includes position. It would be bard ta all lower wattage or by cutting out a mnany children too, ta watch the imagine an agriculture which was as fifth ai the street lights altogether. trains pass. It is best ta keep at still unsocialized ta receive priar- On the recommendation ai the a saf e distance ès there is no tell- ity in a Socialist state. The dlaim o Department ai Health Newcastle ing when a part migbt work baose ai Socialism is that it bas always public and high school pupils are from an engine or car, break off been "exploited" by capital. The being given scarlet foyer immuni- and fly front the train at death- farmer is aiter aIl a capitalist lie zation by Dr. J. A. Butler, M.O.H. deaiing speed. People might casi- though on a small scale. Under ai ly have been scriausly hurt or Socialisrn it would be diificult for killed at the station at the time the government ta lend support- we mention, ta a capitalist institution even on As a west baund freight was 50 srnall a scale as is presented by R QUALITY UNE 0F passing the station about 3 p.m., the case ai the individual farmer. a large section ai a car wheel, - that had became very bot thraugh A capitalistic economy finds it sorne friction, suddcnly brake off, difficult ta maintain balance CH RIS M AS burtled through or over the plat- amang the different factors in the CHRISTM A j ut estoi the sta- conmy. Thisrmust be donc if ed - so shop early tion, landed on the cinder-iedded wc are ta retain a dernocratie selection farce and thon bounced about 50 makes this clear. No single graup feet inta the northeast corner ai can dominate-all must serve tbe the station bouse. It broke twa cammon interost. If we werc ta 'ou Our Complete Line Of i clapboards, split a windaw silI, place one group in control-and d B YS'and knocked off about 6 sq. foot I mean by this any group, capital, aipdstrBroOtYSnsdewallabor, agriculture, management, The force ai the impact also drove civil service, the arrny or any Doeski Shirs a havy-wllec from;ts. other which cames ta mind wo ________________________ appened ho noýtified [62b Crawford Street, Toronto ~1 Bowmanville, and the operatar., SCOTT - In the BowmnanvillE General Hospital on Monday, Novernblr 23, 1942, ta Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Scott, (formerly Rut] Kleinstiver ai Dashwoad),a son, (Owen Rocs). 48-1 PARRINDER - At the Bowman- ville Hospital on Wednesday, Navember 18, 1942, ta Mr. anc Mrs. Walter Parrinder, Salina, a daughter. 48-1 DEATHS GORDON - At Toroýuto General Hospital, on November 18, 1942, GlIa dy s Hanna Montgomery Gardon, beloved wife ai James R. Gardon and loving mother of Captain George H. Montgomeory, R.C.A.M.C., and Mrs. Raymnond Oberman ai Newark, New Jer- sey, U.S.A. Intorment at Union Cemetery, Cadmus. MOORE-At Part Porry, on No- vomber 21, 1942, Sarah Docker, widow ai the late Albert Moore, in ber 86tb yoar. Interment at Hampton Cemetery. ORCHARD - On November 22, 1942, Clara L. Orchard, eoe wife ai Frank C.Ocard, En- niskillen, aged 70 years. IN MEMORIAM PARRINDER-In sweet mernory ai Mary Earleen Parrinder, dearly beloved daughtcr ai Ha- zel and Walter Parrinder, wha was called borne to be with Jesus, November 24, 1936. Oh, for the tauch ai a vanisbed hand, And the sound ai a voice that is still; To look upan a face we loved, That meant sa much ta us. --Sadly missed, Mather, Daddy and Evelyn. POTTER-In loving mernory ai Annie Patter, a dearly loved wife and mother, who leit us suddenly on November 24, 1938. She bade no one a last farewell, She said gaad-bye ta none, Her spirit fled before we knew That she from us bad gone. -Ever remembered by Hus- band, sons, daugbters Rota and Elva, and grandchildren. 48-1* Cards of Thanks Mr. R. H. Allen and family vish ta thank their irionds for nany acts ai kindness during the llness and death ai a loving wiie and mother and for beautiful floral tributes received. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and faily, Mrs. G. E. Lee ai Chicago, llinois, and Mr. Frank Moore ai roronto, wish ta thank aIl their riends and neighbors for their kindness during their recent ber- ýavement. 48-1* "What daes the doctar think ai aour wife's sickness?"1 "'TIl be darned if I know."1 "Didn't ho tell you?" "Well ho told me ta be pro- )ared for the worst and PI' h [amed if ho hasn't got me guess- A crowd of boys had gathered xound the entrance ta a tent h0w in a small Iowa town. A well essed man pushcd his way thro' id said ta the ticket seller. "Let Il these boys in and count them sthey go by."1 The ticket seller did so and an- ounced, "Thirty-three."1 "You're right," said the man as ewalked away with no thought fpaying the bill. nh OSHAWA, ONTARIO NOW PLAYING Clarke Lana Somewhere ['11 Find You Robert Stirling - Patricia Dane - NEXT WEEK - ASOLID WEEK 0F SPECIAL SOREEN ATTRACTIONS MONDAY and TUESDAY Brought back by popular demand - GREER WALTER GARSON PIDGEON Io0ssoms in the Dust - also - tchard Travis I 'Busses Roar' VED. & THURS. - 2 HITS KAY KYSER and Orchestra in "MY FAVORITE SPY'l Craig Stevens in "SECRET ENEMIES"1 le ;h a L- e, Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisement Is flot paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are directed ta a Statesman box number. Bi1rths, deaths and marrIages 50c each. lI Memorlams, 50c for notice plus 10c per lune for verse. Classifled adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 P.m. Wednesday. qFor Rent FOR RENT - SMALL APART- ment suitable for 2 aduits and 2 small children. Apply T. Ly- mer, Bowmanville, phone 379. FOR RENT-SERVICE STATION on main highway in Bowman- ville. Very reasonable rent. Write Box 147, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 48-2* Personal PILES - SUFFERERS 0F bleeina nd proung Psies COMIN EVE TS jPilîs treats the cause at its source. Mony back if nat satus- iied, at Jury & Lovell's, alsa S Russ Creighton and bis Dance Alex McGregor's. 48-1 fBand will be at the Community Hall, Newcastle, on Friday, Nov. Agents Wanted 27th. 47-2 START IN YOUR OWN PART Dance at the Hall, Solina, Sat- TIME BUSINESS-If your iarm urday, Nov. 28th, ta Cuth Burt's work, or other occupation does Orchestra. Proceeds in aid ai not take all ai your time, if you Solina Public Library. Admission are honest and dependable, 25c. 48-1 military exempt, willing ta work for financial independ- Solina Y.P.U. will present thei, once, wo invite yau ta write us. Play "Plain Sister" at Hampton We'll establish yau in your own Church, Friday, Dec. 4tb, under part time business, supplying auspices ai the Y.P.U. Admission: housebold and iarm necessitios. Adults 25c, childrcn 15c. 48-1 Suitable travel outiit requircd. Write, The J. R. Watkins Com- The ladies ai St. Andrew's pany, Dept. OrB-9, Montreal, Presbyterian Church are holding Que. 45-4 a sale ai work, hornemade baking and other articles an Thursday, Livestock and Articles Dec. 3rd. Aiternoon tea wull bo served. 47-2j FOR SALE -TEN YORKSHIRE I _____________________ jpigs 6 weeks old. Apply W. G. - Werry, R. R. 6 Bowmanville, ENGAGEMENT phono 2253. 48-1 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, one year ald, registration papers Burketon, wish ta annaunce the obtainablo. Apply John Jacks, engagement ai their only daugh- R. R. 1 Hampton. 48-1* ter, Eva Irene, ta Harry Willis Gregg, U.S,A.A.C., yaunger son o FOR SALE-ELEVEN PIGS, SIX Mr. Harry Gregg and the late Mrs. weeks old. Apply Walter Par- Harry Gregg, Milwaukee, Wis- rinder, Hampton, phono Bow- consin. The marriago ta take manville 2470. 48-1* place at the Victorville Flying School Chapel, California, Decem- F OR SALE -2 JERSEY CorVs, bér the fifth. 48-1 accredited; 2 shoats. Apply F. __________________________ E. Huttan, just east ai Ebenezer NoieChurch.472 NotceFOR _ SALE - CO C KSH UT T manure spreader, R enf re w NOTICE - LADIES' LA R GE whoelbarrow scales and fanning trunk leit at Garton's Garage miii. Apply E. S. Ferguson, about 2 years ago will be dis- Bowrnanville, phono 606. 48-1 posed ai unless clairned in five days. 48-1 FOR SALE -YOUNG BULL, 13 months old, irom Rosewood. NOTICE-DR. C. W. SLEMON'S dam, red; alsa Roan bull ilh office will be re-oyened on months aId irom Augusta dam. December lst. 48-1 Apply T. Baker, R. R. 1 Hamp-1 ton, phono 2472. 48-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE PIGS 7 weeks old. Apply Clarence English, R. R. 1 Hampton. These CANARIES FOR SALE-APPLY pigs were advertised last week Mrs. F. L. Byam, Tyrane, phono as 4 weeks aId instead ai 6 2340. 48-1 weeks ald. 48-1* FOR SALE - PIANOS, IN EX- FOR SALE-BULL CALF BORN collent condition. For informa- Nov. 10, 1942, Dam Wardville tian apply ta iFred Mitchell, Church Street West, Bowman- ville, telephone 492. 47-2* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patteras actually in stock. You are iavited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - PIANOS, HEINTZ- man & Ca., Gerhard-Heintzmaa, and Bell. Apartment sizes. Ap- ply Chas. H. Peacack, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, phono 251. 44-8* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything lain mdera, chesterfield, bedroom, diniag suites, and studios. Bedding aad floor caverings a spccialty. Quality merchandise at cam- petitive prices. Befare buying visit Bradley's New Furaiture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- Wanted WANTED - USED VIOLIN IN goad condition, for child's prac- tico. Write Box 144, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 48-1 WANTED TO BUY - TABLE circular cordwood saw. Apply S. W. Gray, R. R. 1 Part Hope, phono Gardon Hill 13r22. 48-1* WANTED - 1 MAN'S-HORSE- bide leather coat, medium size, roasonable. Write Box 145, c!a Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 48-1 * WANTED - GENTLEMAN RE- ouires woekly transportation ta Toronto Friday night or Satur- day before 9 a.m. Write Box 146 Statesman Office, Bawrnanville. 48-1* SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- ors ai Alfalia, Timothy, Tirno- thy and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Claver, Swoet C lao v o r. Briag or mail la a sample for hughest off or. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 38-tf Repairs EXPERT REPAIRS 0F At makes ai Vacuum Cleaners. Tel. aur "C.U.C. Depat" Bow- manville 774 at the McGreffor Hardware Store. 42-7* Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-85 acres near village ai Enfield. goad sDring water on farm and in stable. ADply C. W. Sauch. phon 2564 Bwmanville. 46-tf Found FOUND-STRAYED, ONE HEI- fer last June anta my ranch 3% miles east ai Newcastle an the Kingston highway. Owner may have same by praving praperty and payino exponses. John A. Patersan, Orano, Ont. 47-2 Q ucenBurke 351157; Sire Path- f inder Creator Snow 144760. Dam ai sire at 5 years had a record ai 22,369 paunds milk; grand dam ai sire at 6 yoars aId had a record ai 24,117 pauads ai mnilk. Also Yorkshire hag, 5 montbs old, dam Oakshade Emperor 22P-180365, sire Or- chard Valley Ridgetown 31U- 215809. Apply W. Wesley Wer- ry, R. R. 1 Hampton, phono 2471. 48-1 ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctors ai Bowmanville bave agreed ta uniforrn office haurs as iallows: Afternoons-2.00 ta 4.00 except Wcdnesday. Evenings-7.oo ta 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours only by appaintment. Ia case ai an emergency, pa- tients may caîl the Bawmanville Hospital ta find out which doctor is on duty. These hours In effcct as iromn "THE REASON 1 LIRE CARTER"S" Said hon Hubby - ... is because it's got some- thing no other bread bas. People ahl over have some per- sonai reason why they like Carter's Bread better than or- / dinary bread. But Carter's Bread Is the favorite simphy, because it's good bread baked by master bakers ta satlsfy Mr. and Mrs. Canada and their Lost LOST -SMALL FEMALE Beagle, black and white, north- east of Newtonville. Reward. Lloyd Courtice, Courtice. AUCTION SALES Tuesday, December 8th-Edith May Cheeseborough, Lot 17, Con. 3, Clarke Twp., will seli by public auction the following: 3 horses, cattie, poultry, pigs, implements and hay. Farm consisting of 50 acres, more or less, with buildings, wlll be offered for sale subject ta a reserved bld. Terms cash on chattels. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 48-2 WOOD SALE On Thursday, Dec. 3rd, Luther Pascoe, Lot 24, Concession 5, Dar- lington, will seli by public auc- tion 6 acres, more or less, of standing timber - beech, maple, cedar, birch and elm, to be sold in quarter acre lots more or less. Purchasers given two winters to remove timber. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 47-2 AUCTION SALE The undersigned bas received instructions from the Public Trus- tee ai Osgoode Hall, Toronto, ta soîl by public auctian at the late residence ai the Late James Burton NEWTONVILLE, ONT. SATURDAY, NOV. 28 aIl ai bis household contents, and a large quantity ai carpenter tao]s. At the same tirne and place the praperty coasisting ai bouse and lot, will be sald. Conditions of sale wili be annaunced at time ai sale. Terrns cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. .1 - 47-2 TOWN 0F BOWMANVIELLE Court of ReVision and Appeal Notice is bereby given that the first sitting ai the Court ai Re- vision for the Town ai Bowman- ville will be held in the Council Room in the said Town on Mon- day, November 3Oth, 1942, at 7.30 p.rn., ta hear and dotermine the' several camplaints af errors and omissions in the Assessmeat RaIl ai the said Municipality for the year, 1943. And further take notice that ail ratepayers who deern thernse1v, overcharged or otherwise iv:iU properly assessed may natify tlîP Clerk ai the Municipality la -writ- ing ai such overcharge *. îm- proper asscssment on or bèfore the 28th day ai Navember, 1942, and your complaint shaîl be tried by the said Court ai Revision. All persans having business at the Caurt are rcquested ta attend as aiorosaid. A. J. .LYLE, Clerk ai the Town ai Bowmanville. Dated this l4th day ai Reconditioned TIRES The largest stock of re- conditioned tires east of Toronto, ail sizes. GF. JAMiEONf TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of post O)ffice MADE HERE - BAKED HERE Fresh From Oven To You WA TuA DS . - -M - - --d9hý .1- m 1- 1 - -1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTCI TT-TTIR.qDAV- NOVEMBER 26. 1942 4 1