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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 TÉIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO q yWedding Bsns Miss Dorothy Hay, daughter of By Buck Private Lgl A~~ iD rV V ~~~ ~~caMr Alan-.W .Hay, oLno CAEEV RYNW Bsns ietrr beaethe bride of Leading Air- ~****~~.**M. G. V. GOhLlRALR The Sunday parade in Brighton and Coiborne was cancelied be- cause the ladies could not arrange the feeding. This makes one real- ize what great work is done by the Army Service Corps in getting the troops fed under ail sorts of adverse conditions in the field. During the winter there will be full day schemes in the snow, but ahl will come prepared and enjoy it. There was a meeting at Black- stock to consider the formation of a platoon. Ail present were anx- ious 10 start, but unless about 30 sign up il is hardly likely any- thing will be done at present. Last night ended the regular parades tili after the New Year for the platoons in Bowmanville. However. Orono will drill on the Tuesday and Thursdays. Lieut. Dippeil, M.M., and his committees will have plenty of lime to work in the evenings get- ting ready for the big Military Bail on New Year's Eve. The boys plan to put this show over with a bang. Lieut. Breslin gave the Boy Scouts a lecture on war gasses and how to protect against them. The upstairs in the Armoury has been turned into a lecture room instead of an Orderly room 10 make At more comfortable for the boys. They can also use this room for a smoking roomn while waiting for parade. This make- shift of an armoury floor can only be used for certain purposes in coid weather. have moved to Crooked Creek. Mrs. Chas. Watters and Bruce have returned fromn a iengthy visit in Belleville. Ronald Burley, R.C.A.F., has returned to Scoudoc, N. B. Rev. J. McLachlan, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, Mrs. Wii- lis Jones and Miss Betty Staple- ton attended the S. S. Convention in Bowmanviiie. W.M.S. of United Church met Dec. 8th. Mrs. Tommy Jones pre- sented a quiît top to the society which was much appreciated. Officers for 1943 were presented. Miss Laing retired as President and xvas made Advisory President. Other officers are: President- Mrs. J. McLachlan; lst Vice-Mrs. C. Burley; 2nd Vice-Mrs. J. T. Pearce; Sec'y.-Mrs. C. Robinson; Treas.-Mrs. Sid Lancaster; Com- munity Friendship-Mrs. J. A. Barrie; Christian Stewardship- Mrs. C. Buriey; Baby Band-Mrs. C. Morris; Missîonary Monthly- Mrs. Willis Jones; Temperance- Mrs. R. J. Rowe; Press-Mrs. Robt. Morton; Peace-Miss I. Laing; Associate Heipers - Mrs. Barrie and Miss Laing; Pianist-Mrs. W. C. Lane. Miss Laing thanked the members for their co-operation while she was president. Rev. J. McLachlan paid tribute to Miss Laing during her long term 0of office. Mrs. Burley took charge of the programa and conducted the Candle-light Service. Mrs. Mc- Lachian closed with prayer. Ilere's Quick Relief from SINUS PAIN 3-Purpoe Medicine Hfelps Clear utCngested Sinus Areas ON£ begt way ta get relief fram tortur- lng inu pan l toclear congestion fro naal assgesand give amnuses a canc todran.A few draps of Vlcks Va-tro-nol ln each nostril la imualle'ýenough to brlng this comfort- MIBICINe causelt does three Imotnt tMns: (1) shrinks àwlle mebrane f. h nase ; (2) helps clear out pain-causlng congestion and (3) soothes irritation. Many sinus suf- ferers say lt's best VICKSi; relief they've found. Tryitl VATRO-NOL Eyesight Education And S Efficiency Optemetrlst Eyessght Specialist Disney BIdg. (opp. P.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Number 236 A child is born and vision de- velops and until the vision is pro- perly developed and the child can speak for ilseif, parents, teachers, and ail in touch with the life of the chiid are responsible ta some for its future welfare. If the action of one child differs from that of anotiier it is suon marked. If actions are unusual they do not go unnoticed. When once noticed they help form a habit which in years to come may be hard to break. If a method is proved success- fui 10 handie certain cases, use it rather than let time make it more fixed. Parents and teachers then should relieve themseives of re- sponsibility by referring the cases suspected to have attention before it is 100 late. There are many seriaus cases meeting with success and there are some cases where nothing seemed to benefit. Use your best judgment. (ta be continued) N.C.O. class and Signallers class wili write their exams. after the New Vear. A platoon was started in Orono on Monday night.and it looks as if there will be a very fine part of the Company in training there. An enthusiastic meeting was held and as about f ifteen had aiready passed the doctor, they were sworn in and issued with part of their uniform. About twenty others have had their papers; made out but have flot been examined yet. Sgt. Littlewood wiil be in charge and J. J. Mellor will be clerk and quartermaster of the platoon. Today word was received that Pte. Townsend had been picked up for absence without leave and for unauthorized wearing of the uniform. He is in the hands of the Provost Corp in Toronto. Both of these offences carry penalties. Just a word to some of the boys in Bowmanville, watch your step. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bidg. Bowmanville WV. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege. Toronto, Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any dlay F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invaiid Car. Teleb- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Impiements and Furniture Sales. Consult me for terms and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MUJRRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veteriniarlan Church St. - Bowmanvllle Phone 843 29tf Deightful desserte can be made at little cost with pure high quality Canada Com Starch. It's so easy to prepare a variety éi delicious puddings that niake the whole family cail for more- caramel, butterctc or chocolate blanc mange, strawberry or lemon snow. Canada Corn Starch, with its even grain, gives each dessert the smooth creamy texture so much to be desired .D FREE 1 Send for the excellent Redip Booklet "52 Dessert,". Write0 enclosing one box-top or compiece hI r m Cnda Starch product. Addres Dept. R 20,.e canada Stxrc Home Service, 49 Wlngton Stret East. Toronto, Ont. CANADAS RC lIbo CANADA STAICH COMPANY Umif*4 Motmat orod u -~ r CANDIN, ENRALE *TICCO FULL STR NGTH ST R E N ]GT rDIEPENDABLE IN THE AIRTIGHT WRAPPER Is She Really SAFE! You can't take too many precautions to safeguard baby's health. Play safe by always feeding the baby, as well as other members of the family#Glen Rae Dairy Milk. Our milk cames from government tested cows. It is pasteurized and deiivered direct t0 your door daily by most modern methods ta safe- guard your health. The price of Glen Rae Mllk bas been reduced 2c a quart and wiII now sell for 10c; pints have been reduced le and will now seli for 6c. If any of aur customers have tickets on band that were purchased when the oid prices wvere in effect, if they wlI return them as soon as possible wve wiIl give them a rebate.

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