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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1942, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER .24, 194.2 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With wbleh ls Incarporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Ne%-.castle Independent, and The Orono News. 86 Year'S Continuons Service To The Town or Bowmanvilie and Durham County. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Clas À Weeklles of Canada SUBSCRITION RATES $2.00 a Year, strîctly ini advance. $2.50 a Year i the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. CHRISTMAS' MEDITATIONS- We Had No Time, Then! "We have beema a pleasure-loving people, di sliomoring God 's day, picnickimîg and btli iig,-iow flie sea-shores arc barred. mia pic- nlics, no0 bathinîg. We bave prefcrred maotai travel fo chuircli going-iîoîv thiere is a short- aize of mofoi, fuel. We , have ignomred tlie of ri(r t hurcli bles ealliing us f0 wvorship -1 ow tf llecauot riiig excepf to warri uis of iivasiomu. We have lff the churclies liaif enîpfv wlien thîcy should have beeîi filed witli woîsipprs-now- tley are in rmin Wc w-ould imat listen foflic w-av ai pea ce-mîow ive are forced fo listemi to flie jwav of war. The îîîoiiv we w ould uot Ove fa the Lord 's work-mîow is faken in taxes a - iehr prices. The food for which we forgof fa say fhanks-now- is unobtainable. The service w-e refuscd ta give God-naw is conseripted for flie country. Lives w-e re- fused ta ive unider God 's canfrl-now are under fthc nafiou's contrai. Nights wc wauld nof spend in wafchino, unt o prayer-now are spent ini anxiaus air-raid precautions. The evils of modernismn we wauld mot figylit- mîaw-w-e sec w-bat Gcrmanv. flic seat of this feacbumîg. lias p)rotluced." Therefare we ought ta give the mare earnest heed ta the things which we have heard, lest at any time we shauld let theni slip.-Heb. 2 and 1. From flic peu of a Clergyman in Bournemoufth, England _V The Game Guy's Prayer Dear God; Help nie fa be a spart ini this liffle game of life. 1 dani'f ask for any easy place inithfli ine-up; play me anywliere You nced me. I only ask for the stuff ta give You anc hundred pcr cent of w-hat I'vc got. If allich liard drives secm to came my way, I fliank yau for tlic compliment. Help me fa remember fliaf You wavn'f ever let any- thing came my w-av that You anîd I fog-efler can't handle. And help me fa fake the bad breaks as part of flic gaine. Help me fa understaiîd thaf flic game is full of knofs and kîiocks and trouble and make me fliank- fui for thern. Help nie fa get so, fiaf flic liar-der tb'cv corne, flic beffer I like if. Anîd, O God, lielp nie ta always play on flic sqiuare. No maffer whlat flie ufler players do, ]iilpnie f0 caine cleami. HeIp nie ta sfudy flic Book so fliat l'1] kiiow flic ruiles, aîîd fa sfudy anîd fhumk a lot about flic Grcafcsf Player fliaf ever livcd, aînd other grcaf play- crs fliaf are fold abouf ini fli Book. If fliey foumîd ouf thaf flic bcsf part of flic garne w-as lîlping Chler guys wlia vcre ouf of luck, liclp nme f0 fiîîd if ouf fao. Hclp me fa lie a regular feller wifli flicofluer players. Finally, O God, if fafe seenîs fo uppercut me wifli bofli bands and l'mn laid o flic slielf in sckîîess or aid age or samcfliuîg, lielp me ta take fliaf as part of flic game taa. Irelp meco io awliimper or squeal fliaf flicgame was a frame-uip or f bat I1liad a raîv deal. 'Whemî in the falliîîg dusk I gef flic final bell, I ask far no lying coniplimenfary stonies. I 'd only like ta knaw tflaf You feel fliaf I've been a good, game guy. -Confributed -V Time Out To Live If is said fliaf aur înosf crifical sliorfagc is mot ini rublier or tin, but iin timne . .. fluat w ceau 'f afford fa w-astfe a minufe if ivce vant fa xii this w-ar. Maybc if's truc-luit w-e eau 'f vt ic hew-ar by working unfil w-e're ouf on aur feef. No maffer Iîow fough -c are, weveecd fime ouf now' and flien fa keep roig.If if liadîî'f been for iîervaus and pîysical exhausfion, aur boys miglîf still be baffing flic Japs arouiid an Bafaan - and lef s nat kid ourselves liaf w-e are made of sfcrner sfuff thmami flose gallantf figliters. If w-e w-amif fasfay ini flere sluggiîîg, if is only sensible fa fake fime ouf before w-e are cou.îîîfed ouf. Sa lef's fake a liffle finie occasionally, evemi if if s only hlaf-liaur a day, fa loosen up flic tension. Lef's loaf a liffle, smokc a liffle, dream a liffle. Lef's culfivafe aur gardens-and a fresli outlook af flic samne fime. Lef's go fisliing and forgef aur fears ... mnount a hobby and ride away from cares. Lcf's take fime ta do flctheigs w-e are figlif- iîî- for flic riglit fa do fa-day! Take fimne oufta live-For your country. -V Noble Words by Lord H-alifax Be so praud of flic race fa whicli you lie- lon-g flaf you uililibe as jealous of ifs lionor as vou ar'e of ifs safefy, aîd fliaf you iih figlit for bafli wif l equal dèferminafion. A Design For Living Af Christnmas uve celebrate flic birfli of the Prince of Peace. If secms mucli of an anomaly hiumdrcds of years ago a "dcsig-n for living" w-as giv*emi f0us. If uwas. 'Thiere- forec alliumîgcs wliatsocver ye wauld fliaf meni should do fa you. do ye even fa tliem." It was an aniazing pronouncemenf, wliicli, if translafed imufo ordiîîarî- life would change the whale face of flic world. If is flic souînd- est polifics tlîaf lias ever been affcred foaa perplcxed or amxîouîs denîocracy, sfruggling alas, fa niake flic besf of bofli uorlds. We au 'f teli -ycf w-hviaf fruc Chirisf- 3anfy could do," w-conuce hîard a man say. If fhis is trime. is if mof a sfriiuîg iîidictnf of presemît day Clirisfianify? His argument w-as a liffle oiesi(led aîud exagematcd. Whaf w-c are sure lue mîeamîf fo say w-as fluaf if lîad neyer i'eally been mnade tfhe mnaimn dccidiiîîg factom iimational life. Wlieiicver Clirisfiamiify operafes inii imdi- vidimail ives the fruits are mnifcst ; jo-,, peace. enrichmiemu fofllow as flic sum warms ftic (arkcsf day. Wliy themi can it if ofop- erafe anotîg mnafions? If cloes mof fake a very brilliant imagina- flou f0 piefure flic overwlielnmîgchange whicli fliis design for living would creafe ini a disfracfed world. If is mot fao lafe yef, surcly. fa apply this suprenie test. We miglif sfarf fhis beneficenf bail rail- iag by beginniuîg fa pracfise if ini earnesf ourseives. Wliaf more appropriafe day cauld w- cheoose f han Chlristmnas Day? Recipe for a Wartime Christmas Here is a real recipe for a wartinuc Chrisf- mas diniier. It's allihome-nmade, mofluer coaks and faflier carves. Thie whale family cati have a band imu if. Thelie ldrenu uili love ta lielp anud Graîîdmoflier's fouchi of experiemîce will add fliaf rare flavor you caînaot buy for muoie. Yomî 'il w-amit fo sfam't in iitb aw-av. Thîis is flic recipe: Take ftva or nmore liearfs fliaf beat as miîe, several mew-laid îlamns, liityý of pep aîîd a dashi of figlîting spirit. Crack fh li ielîs of self-will amîd set quiefly aside unfil flic planis jeli, flien stir briskly over a fiarne of truc pafriotisnî fa break dowiî aiiylumups of apafli3. Carefully reniove flic icast suspicionu of liard feelimîgs. Toss ini soîîe çgood cîcami funu filitbffb.les aver wifl laulifer. If fempers reacli boiliiîg poimnt, quickly cool downu and buîud togefluer wifli lonesf apology. Mix w-cil withi lots of flic neigli- bours. Garmisli wifim a sprig of aid faslîiamed bas- pifalify. openu fli door uide auîd serv-e daiiy in the neigbourlioad and in tlic mafiami wifl- ouf couîîiig flic cosf. Brief Description of a Short Life "Here is a mam w-liaw-as bormu iniatm ob- scure village, flic cbld of a peasamî w-omami. H 1e grew up ini anuafler obscure village. He worked iii a carpemifer shuop unfil He w-as thirty, 'and f len for flirce years H1e w-as an itincramîf preaclier. He mever wrate a book. He neyer licld an office. He neyer aw-med a home. lie mever had a family. H1e neyer went inside a big cîfy. 11e neyer travciled two hundred miles fram flic place wlure H1e w-as born. 11e neyer did amie of flic fhings that usually accampamuies greatness. "H1eliad imo credenfials but Himsclf. H1e had nothing fa do wifli his world cxcepf the naked power of His divinue manliood. Wlille stili a yaung man, flic fide of popular opin- ion turuîcd agaimîsf Iim. His friends ran away. Omue of f hem demied Hin. 1He w-as ,turiued over fa lis enemies. He w-cnt flirougli flic nocker)- of a triai. 1He w-as nailed upon across befweeiî fwa fhieves. His execufiauierS gamllc(for tflicomuiy piece of properfy He liad ami carfh w-ile Hce was dying-and fiaf w-as lus coaf. Whcn îHe was dcad, He vas takemu dow'u and laid ini a barrow-ed grave fliroughi flic pify of a frieiid. "'Nimiefeem widc centuries liave came and gone, amnd fa-day He is flic cenferpicce of flic h uman race, and thée leader of flic column of progress. "I arn far wifhin fthc mark w-len I say fliat ahi flic armies thaf ever nîarclicd, anîd ail flue mavies that ever werc builf. and al flic parliarnts that ever sat, amîd ahi]ftme kings fliaf ever rcigncd, put torefhier. have not7affccfed flic ife of maxi upon fuis earflu as powerfully as lias that One Salit ary 1L:ife"-Authar Unknow-n Allled side. That cornes as a grim O n~ oig ome for~ n isi as joke - especially ta De Gaulle's WAR-TIMB TRAVBL TWP NO- 4 On Cing omefor hrismas men who were condemned ta edeath by the Darlan regime forI By Edgar Guest doing sa before the tide had turn- He littie knew the sorrow that was in his vacant chair; ed. He neyer guessed they'd miss him, or he'd surely have been there; BLOOD PURGE He couldn't see his mother or the lump that filled her throat, i a on orbet a Or the tears that started falling as she read his hasty note; I a on orbet a And he couldn't see his father, sitting sarrowful and dumb, that prabably only a blaod purge p Or he neyer would have written that he thaught he cauldn't corne. can restore the self-respect of France and redeem the honor of IS He little knew the gladness that his presence would have made, Frenchrnen and women in theit And the joy it would have given, or hie neyer would have stayed. own innermost hearts. n He didn't know how hungry had the little mother grawn It could be that French armies, rr Once again ta see her baby and ta dlaim himi for hier own. even naw, cauld sa throw them- * He didn't guess the meanmng of his visit Christmas Day selves into the fight against the e Or lie neyer would have written that he couldn't get away. Axis that the memory of their periad of negative acceptance of e He couldn't see the fading of the cheeks that once were pink, their own defeat and of impend- " S And the silver in the tresses; and he didn't stop ta think ing warld slavery was forgotten. e How the years are passing swiftly, and next Christmas it nright be But more probably things will There would be no home ta visit, and no mother dear ta see. have ta take their course in He didn't think about it-I'll flot say he didn't care, France. There is a widespread He was heedless and forgetful or he'd surely have been there. and well-organized underground army which includes adherence Are you going home for Christmas? Have you written you'll ofaclseangrusro th be there? Catholics on the right ta the Comn- v.r ru ,vw uy/ Gaing home ta kiss the mother, and ta show her that you care? munists on the left. This army Going home ta greet the father in a way ta make hlm glad? ha1 ogsneagedt h e There'.lhlI we meh.boteter th"i If you're not, I hope there'll neyer corne a time yau'll wish yau had. cognition of De Gaule as the tee people ejoying îheïr meals in Just sit down and write a letter-it will make their heart strings head of the pravisional liberating the Jhing car enough te linger Ove hum government. The Darlan deal therm.W. w@ulda't hurrY YOu With a tune of perfect gladness-jf you'll tell them that you'1l struck a paralyzing blow at the fo anytldug, but wartizne travel in corne. army, but there are indications h.avy and others meed Vour Places- that the paralysis was of the pass- ing variety. MUST FIGHT The great lesson f aur times, 1 S e it b go which sa many of the French lead, By Cpt. lmor Phipetters have tried ta doge, is that man By Cpt. lmor Phipettcannat escape from fighting. If he attempts tarun away from afight on one front, he will sooner or WINNING-BUT WHAT? for the democracies ta pursue in later find himself fighting on an- their political policies. . T h e y other and at worse odds. Before A It is clear that the tide of war shauld restore or establish genu- this war is over, the great mass vW has turned. The interval ta final ine democracy in each country of formerly decent German peo- and complete victory over the liberated by democratic armies. ple. will realize that their own three Axis partners may be long That policy not only will not of- failure ta rebel against Hitler,_________________________________ or short. But victory is reasan- fend Russia, but induce her ta do while there was still time, led ta ably certain -and nat too long likewise. That policy wiil betray their own enslavement, World *M M M MM~ MU umns of even the most friendly hence, at least in Europe. nobody and help al aur real War II, and probably finally ta paper. It is for this friends. the mass murder of many inno- W 4 lh r reason that At UTUE-0 FRNC cent Germans in revenge for the W a tes a APPEAL TO THE POPE seems ta me that slaughter of Pales and other such zve of the d1o see no hope of stable peace or people.(S.CtaieSanrd cracies should be international health in Europe un- I 90Fac a a er. . . . . . . S.Ctaie tnad craces houl betii genuine democracy is restored Her leaders betrayed hier into PUBLIC MEN AND THE PRESS There is nothing low or despic- doai ng saonme'. in France. I see iio hope of the thinking she could successfully able ta which the Nazis wiil not thinking about * restoratian of genuine democracy quit. They feared social disturb- (Ottawa Journal) rsr.Telts rpgnai what hie wantsiFrne uniFcetks ances at home, they said. So they lesieno noFsepanregaihrlFrnespe accepted defeat at the hands of Wise Cabinet Ministers and ta the effect that Pope Pius is ta less e doknowHitler rather than face possible even Prime Ministers watch the appelagainst thereair bomingico- wawedwat What France is suffering from, cîass trouble at home. crssfo uihiaugesi ns, a ndton atvrthre sucna india- wa ed atmore than anything else, is the The net effect was, they lost ah rs o lflsgetoslreta htvrta uhapa ta win mistakes efc fa oa olpe rne F h~I willing ta take sound guidance will be made from the Vatican. are t o ikelylcolta beFrace rance-ey last teir awn se- rmayqrt.Th dnoInn enBiispolen ae linlt e ..n . cauld have fought on, shouldhv respect-they lost their own hon-frmayqrt.ThydntInnyenBiispelen nin oftuewar .fought an, and would have faught or-and in the end they made ab- any more expect slavish support 1940, London, Coventry, PIy onha se fofwe the leaao fram newspapers of their own mouth, Glasgow, and a score of whc wl ak enlk D allan lt htsolutely certain a far worse an general way of thinking, but no other cities, raised no cry ta a the winning of of quaverers like Petain or wav- boldiher sociltonfictthanever more do they expect nothing but great high power of humanitar- the peace well erers like Darlan. cold hav eestedfrom9mer destructive criticisrn and incess- ianasrn ta save them from Nazi nigh impossible. We can understand how it mirdeat in 90 ant fault-finding from the Opposi- ferocity. That is what the Huns The astaunding Darlan episode that the great mass of the higher tion press. Most politicians are are now trying ta do and they are may not have been a complete officers in the French army and satisfied when they get fair treat- playing on the allegiance of Ital- disaster. For it has at least forced navy even now hesitate ta follow Every good gift and every per- ment in the news columns-and ians ta their Haly Church ta en- us ta think about the palitical De Gaulle. De Gaulle stands as a fect gift is from above, and comn- anything else is exceptional in ta- rage thern against Britain. Rame, action which will accompany or living reproach ta them-because eth down from the Father of day's Canadian newspapers. But be it nated, has been inviolate follow the liberation of the catin- they bowed the knee, spiritually lights, with whorn is no variable- nawadays they expect the occa- from attack, but have the Huns tries now under Axis contraI. at least, ta their conqueror. The ness, neither shadow of turning.- sianal bit of criticisrn, and they do respected the historic cathedrals Obviausly we have only twa warst among thern actually tried James 1:17. not resent it, in the editorial cal- of Britain? choices. We can only recognîze ta collaborate with the Axis. The two different kinds of authority. best among them expected an We must deal with whatever gav, Axis victory and waited passively ernment already happens ta be in for it ta accur. power in each country concerned. The landing of the Americans or we must take or permit steps in North Africa constituted a ta set up a new government in great Allied victory. But let us such country. ask ourselves, why? Because the If aur palicy is ta be ta deal democratic world regained as a with whatever gavernment hap- fighting base highly strategic ter- pens already ta be on the job, we ritory from which we can strike...... have ta take effective steps ta back at the Axis. Those territories...... let ail the people of that country have always been under the know that we have a practical French flag. At any time during plan which will enable thern ta the past two years, there could.. .......... get rid of that gavernment by have been far more men, better W L A R N . orderly pracess, if they want ta mobilized ta fight the Axis 'than do so later on. there now are. French soldiers, Otherwise we shall put aur- either of the European or African selves in the impossible position origin, could and should have of first fighting ta expel the Nazi fought on from North Africa. Yet invaders of each country; then not one French soldier ever did using aur own armies ta keep in sa fight. There is no shred of evi- power regimes which the people dence ta show that even in Tunisia detest. the large French garrison made ~ ~~~ This is no mere academic mat- any seriaus attempt ta hold the ter. General De Gaulle bluntly key points when the Germans and stated recently that the Darlan Italians began ta came in. coup made future civil war in Now these key points must be France inevitable. Instead of be- retaken at the cost of British and ing suppressed, as it generally American blood. was, this statement should have Yet now we have the French Ibeen given the widest passible commander at Dakar, and athers publicity. similarly placed talking about The worst such danger is that fighting wholeheartedfly on the__ arrangements may be made in the _____________ beating of Hitler which will leavef in power in Eurapean countries a forrn of government little less dangeraus than the Axis formi of Fascism. For years back there has been a far-reaching plan ta set up i western Europe a sa-called Latin '4 ..COURSE.... bloc. The Vatican itself may or may nat be sympathetic ta, or raieta utL even behind, such a plan. But at the switchboard regardless of whence it carnes E such a plan is dangerous and badonCrsmsDy if it is built around the principle T - War neyer takes a of Fascist dictatorship. hoia, 8na People have waefully short hldy vna memories. The so-called Austro- 4 Christmas. There will Fascisrn of Dolfuss was a od e thousands of vital example of these "respec1table" ,J Fascist dictatarships. Formed pri-castapthou If -we seýt up governmeènts in F O western Europe, in countric., ib-FR M ' erafed by us -governments the very nature of which offends,' in- *~lt6." ##4 sults and threatens the Soiet we can expect the Soviet ta do nRIY ALLIN likewise in that part of Europe and Asia liberated by her armies. FakW lim Common sense should tell us AND STAFF where that might lead us-and "BUY 1War Savings Manager aur sons. tmsadCrfcte There is only ane possible plan eual, J v and fiaf w-e stili chimg, mnsakably fa flic Chistian faifli and press forw'ard fa vicfary. ParficularIy fa alliose of aur armed services and flicir comirades of flicUmnited Nations, wlurcvcr flmy bc, and fa fliase w-li grieve for fhîir liera or leroine dead, aur lîearf gocs ouf amti ls salemmu Yuhetide.

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