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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1942, p. 5

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PAGE PMV mur. r'AlTdATTAM T A9'TAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THIJiWJAY, DECEMR 31, 1942 THElfl N DI- . Cadnussickness. She returnedl to hier 0 Mrs. George Fowler bas under- Through the courtesy of Miss gone an operation in Bowman- Jean Coulter of Devitt's school ville Hospital and is progressing and ber pupils tbe splendid con- nicely. cert consisting of 30 numbers in Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss Annie ail was put on in tbe Cadmus Mountjoy spent Christmnas with cburcb on Dec. 21. The selections Mr. C. J. Mountjoy, Islington, given were of a bigb quality and wbere the family gatbering in- were Weil rendered by tbe pupils cluded Mr. William Mountjoy, Mr. Wbo bad been Weil trained by and Mrs. Arthur Pearce, Clifford tbeir teacber. Arnong tbose tak- and Dorotby, of Galt, Mr. and ring part were Jobn Thornpson, Mrs. Russel Gilbert and Velma of Ronald Ginn, Leslie and Nina Solina, Mr. Milton Slemon and Johnson, Velma Grabam, Audrey, Gordon of Haydon, and Elmer Joyce, Donald and Lawrence Lar- Siemon of Toronto. mrer, Rutb Milton. Rev. D. M. Otber Christmnas gathbe ri ng s Stinson was cbairrnan. In tbe ab- were beld at tbe bornes of Mr. sece of Santa Claus our genial Clarence Ginn and Mr. Ted Gib- ., Superintendent acted as son. S aand distributed th ft Boxing Day was observed at tfrom tbe beautifully eoad Cadmus with botb the mill and tree. Eacb sebolar o! the junior the store closed. classes received a bag of candy _______- and oranges, besides many other useful gifts. Tbe evening was E f.l mucb enjoyed by young and old. n il Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Brown____ and Gordon spent Christmas at Christmnas Visitors: Mr. and Mr. Gordon Brown's, Toronto. Mrs. Aif. Prescott and family, Mr. Miss Inez Hickling, teacber o! Alyrner Prescott at Mr. W. Mabood's Scbool, was unable to Smitb's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. finish the scbool tern owing to W. Bowman and Bruce at Mr. J. Il 4 4 Old Timie Revival Meetings COMMENCING SUNDAY, JAN. 3,1943' AT THE EVAN GELISTI C TABERNACLE Queen & Division Sts. Bowmanvilie with EVANGELIST LESLIE SMITH of LONDON. ONT. Guitarist and Radio Gospel Singer Sunday Services - Il a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Week Nights - Tuesday thro' Fr1., 8 p.m. We Extend a Hearty Welcome to Everyone Pastor CARMAN LYNN WERE 11 .9 5 Tamblyn's, Orno. .. CpI. Donald C Simpson, Carleton, Man., L.A.C. IV James Simnpson, British Colu, bia, Mn. andi Mns. Menvin Allen, D Thorntan's Corners, at Mn. L. J, Sirnpson's. .. Mn. anci Mrs. Wal- ai ter Bulkowski, Tonanto, at Mn. L Fnank Bulkowski's. .. Mn. andc. Mrs. Don Staintan, Mn. and Mrs. a: Earl Luke andi Ronald, Bowman- ti ville, Mn. and Mrs. Carl Bradley, Miss Gladys Bradley, Osbawa, a Mn. and Mns. Clarence Bradley. anci Maurice, Enniskillen, Mn. and fi Mns. Gea. .Rabm and famnily, Un- t( ion, at Mn. L. Bnadley's. . . Miss il Venna Ormiston, Toronto, Mns. A. J Ormiston andi Rev. and Mrs. E. A. n Harding, Enniskillen, at Mn. H. a Smith's. . - LA.C. Jamie Stank, iý Trenton, Miss Grace Stark, To- a onta, at Mn. J. Stamk's. . . Mn. lanci Mns. Chanley Henry, Lindi- say, Mn. and Mns. Jobn Hall anci f Miss Dothea Hall, Oshawa, witb Mns. D. Hall. .. Mms. H. StinsonI * with Mn. and Mms. T. Wbilliem,I Toronto. .. Mn. andi Mrs. H. Bea-J ton, lan anci Miss Bessie Pascae, 3 Oshawa, Mn. andi Mns. G. Bow- man and family, Mn. anci Mns. W. Pascoe and !arnily, town, withI Mns. L. C. Pascoe. . . Miss Lela Knigbt witb ber mothen, Mns. r Knight, Oshawa, wbo is under the docto's cane. Syrnpathy o! tbe comrnunity is extendeci ta Mms. W. Ashton on the passing o! ber mother, Mms. D. Bnown, foemrely o! Lindsay. 1 Zion Visitons: Mn. andi Mns. Hans Geissbemgen and farnily at August Geissbengem's, Harmony. . . Mn. andi Mns. Murray Morgan, Mr. anc Mns. Jack Leach andi Paul, Mn. L. E. Morgan, Toranta, at Mel. Morgan's. .. Mn. andi Mns. Ralpb Wilbun, Dorothy andi Hillis, Utica, at Carl Wilbun's. .. Mr. anci Mns. Gerry GlaspelI, Wbitby, at F. B. Glaspell's. . . Leslie H a s k i in, Thorntan's Corners, Orville Hoaey, Osbawj, at Ray Camemon's.... Miss 'Florence Lancier, Toronto, at Refond Camenon's. . . L,.ICPl. Munray Short, Kingston, at Mns. Gardon Sbomt's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Sbackelton, Douglas and Keith, Bawmanville, Mr. and Mns. Herbent Carneron, Mns. A. Wood and Audrey, Tyrone, Albert Wood, R.C.A.F., at Fred Camemon's... Miss Peggy Killen, Oshawa, Mr. andi Mrs. J. McNab andi Audrey, Hampton, at Robt. Killen's.... Mn. andi Mns. Adlam Hawley, Pet- erbomo, Mn. Lloyd Stainton, To- onta, Miss Eileen Stainton, Baw- manville, at A. T. Stainton's... Mn. anci Mrs. Fred Rabbins anci Isabel at Russell Dawn's, Kedmon. .Mr. and Mns. Bernard McEwen and Faye, Dunbamton, Gnr. Perey Flintof!, Newmamket, Clifford Flintof!, Oshawa, at Wes. Cam- Ieon's. .. Mm. andi11&s. F. B. Glas- Ipell and Nomma at George Hilts, IOshawa... Mr. anci Mms. Russell IRabbins and Rutb at W. RHaw- ainsICiwMnasv. .cMr. Miss Mms. Chas. Naylam anci Janet, Pte. Jean MeMaster, Toronto, at Mms. J. W. McMastem's.. . Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, Pte. Fred Wright Our entire stock of Wintér Coats and Dresses, (Girls', Misses' and Women's sizes) has been -sharply reduced for quick clearance. This is your chance to equip yourself smiart- ly and cosily for this Wipter and next, at a considerable saving to yourself. GIRLS' DRESSES WERE 2.98 rNow 2.39* LADIES' DRESSES WERE 2.98 Now 2.39 WERiE 3.98 Now 3.19 WEE6.95 NOW 4.59 GIRLS' TRIMMED COATS NOW 9.69 LADIES' COATS WERE 15 .95 NOW 12.65 WERLE 24.95 NOW 19.65 WEE29.95 Now 23.65 WERE 35. 00 Now 27.50 -41 STOCK ODDMENTS AND COUNTER-SOILED MERCHANDISE ON SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES qWALKER 3TÔRES, £JMITBD Camnp Borden, Misses Marguerite u~ MIartin, Tononto, Shirley eMartin, C Oshawa, Marion Martin, Harnony «V at Thos. Martin's... Mn. and Mrs. ei Douglas Flett, Columbus, Miss r Jean Leach, Bowmanviile, Mn. and Mrs. John Kiveli, Miss Pearl S Leach, Solina, at Normnan Leach's. eî. ..Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton 'V and family attended a Cbristmas 1h ree panty at Ross Lee's, Kedron. 'V ..Mr. and Mngi Lloyd Metcalf n and Larny, Oshawa, at Al!. Ayre's. 1% ..Mr. and Mrs. Al!. Ayre and a family, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- 'V on and family attendeci a party C in honon of Pte. Kelvin Edigar and F [obn Gladwell, R.C.A.F., at Ver- non Osborne's, Oshawa. . . Mr.S and Mrs. Roy Leacb and Franklin, C vlyrtle, Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Bray IE and Kennetb, Raglan, Mr. and I VIrs. George Leach and family,v VMr. and Mrs. Jack Bray and r, :amily, Columbus, Mrs. Harvey I Webster, Port Penny, Miss Vera Leach, Mn. Everett Leacb, Asb- bunn, at Alan Fisber's... Mr. andj Mit~. Russell Robbins and Rutb, Mr. Fred Robbins and Isabel at Pency Langmaid's, Osbawa. . . . MIr. Jas. Smnitb at Mr. Storn's, Bonar Law. . . Miss Margarett MvcCleur with ber parents in To- ronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Refond Cameron andi Miss Florence Lan-I der at Chas. Kerslake's, Hampton. L.A.C. John Stainton bas re- tunned ta Exeter. Lloyd and Boyd Ayre are at-E tending short course at Guelpb. Cbristmas Tree and Concert was well attended. The cbildnen took thein parts well and every- body enjoyed seeing Santa Claus again. Bestl wisbes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to tbe Edi- tor and staff. Blackstock Christmnas Visitors: Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sandenson and family, Toronto. Mns. S. Swain, Mr. and Mns. Herb. Swain and Miriam, Mr. and Mns. Haroldi Swain andi Jack, Mr. Albert Wenny, Mn. and Mrs: Nelson Marlow, Mrs. Oakley Canley, Misses Janet and Winnie and David Swain, at Mr. and Mrs. C. Marlow's. ... Mr. and Mrs. T. Smitb, Mrs. Larnb, Misses Helen VanCamp, Oshawa, and Mabel VanCamp, B.A., South Mountain, at Mr. Wrn. VanCamp's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp and family, Listowel, Mr. and Mns. Francis Wenny and family, Ennis- killen, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mn. and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osbawa, Mrs. Fred Riding, Mon- treal, Mr. Stanford VanCamp and family, at Mn. A. L. Bailey's... John Werry, R.C.A.F., Toronto, witb bis parents Mr. andi Mrs. R. Werry. . . Bruce Scott, R.C.A.F., Toronto, witb bis parents Mr. andi Mrs. W. L. Scott. .. Rager Don- rell, R.C.A.F., with bis parents... Arnoldi Jobnston, R.C.A.F., Toron- ta, witb bis parents. . . Milliard Fallis, Instructor in Math., R.C. A.F., Guelph, Miss Lucille Fallis, Taronta, Mrs. McKee, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Devitt. . . Mr. and Mns. N. S. MycNally and Verna, Coîborne, at Mr. Jas. Forder's.. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow andi farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Van- Camp andi Glenn at Mr. Alan Sug- gitt's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heaslîp andi family, Toronto, at Mr. W. Marlow's... Mrs. eobt. Bruce anci Miss Mae King at Mr. Gardon Stnong's. . . Miss Vivian Sadier, Claremant, at Mr. Robt. Sadler's. ..Mr. anci Mrs. Mervîn Grabarn. anci family, and Mrs. Flett at Mr. Ed. Harris... Mr. and Mrs. Ru- pert Byens, Bawmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Leitb Byers andi Murray at Mr. Jas. Byens'. .. Mr. and Mns. Jack Rahm and Allan at Mn. Orr Venning's, Clarernont. . . . Mrs. Fred Baîley is visiting in Toron- ta. .. Miss Florence McLaughlin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dawney anci family, Reabaro, Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Parr, Cadmus, with Mr. Jno. R. McLaughlin... rMisses Pbema Haoey and Ruth Marlow, Toronto, at their bornes. ..Mr. and Mrs. M. Griffin at Mr. Jas. Henry's. . . Mrs. W. Bartan with Mr. and Mns. W. Farder.. Mrs. Jno. Marlow, Miss Doris Marlow and Pte. G. C. Marlaw at Mr. Ivan Sbook's, Taronto... Pte. Leonard Davicisan, New Bruns- wick, with bis parents. . . Miss Marion Stinsan, Lucknow, at Mr. R. Stinson's. . . Miss Lamna Tre- i.. Wishing you a bright and happy New Year, the ability ta undematanci and appreciate the blessings o! freedom for which we are !ighting, the courage ta give everything ta tbe f ight now and in the coming year- and above ail, Victory, and the return of loved ones! We also want you ta know we appreciated your business during the past yeam and we hope we will be allowed ta serve you in 1943. Bowm anville Dairy 'PHONE 446 in, Toronto, and Ronald Trewin, Ysha, aotoah ome. . issEditb Trihtw, Trtoe ..withsbe par Nrts. To.r.ondMrs. L. hepap- man, .BethanatMr. R.CHps Miss es alny, HillMand. Jaet .issesToronihlthnirJar-t rwits. To.r nd Mt rits at e. M . anwells, Faee Wih Fas. . .s Mled Arcer,- [nceFa..ridsElMrArcercBew- Vinvcetatd Emr..Arcber, s.w m.and l, tMr. WPerc VanCamp ndflMr. and Mrs. ee Albert andfrighlnda, Mr. and Mrs. br >.Wrigt and Jeait, Mr. and Mrs. 0.nkW rig n h atMr. aJohns Frnk W.. rcbd acon andJrsn Wrnpsn witb Mises ougan Mat Simpsn w . Miss ea and Mr.M Cnisb atMrisFred Wian M. M Enis LeaTayrFRN., Boman-.. Miss1e, a TbyberstRNM. E. Lar- vile, . . Mr and Mrs. rank Ho- mer.n aMr.failyTorn M. a kirsandLorne WanorantandMramily tr. Catrnes, Mss azeadl Munt oy, Bahrne,tMr.s N. Mount-s Se, rgt La r NceMountjoy and . . r. unc e MterooaMr Mds Ms. CliffrboordMGl, Osha a.and Mrs. ifr McGill, Oesva- on, Mr. and Mrs. Harld Swaxner tod Jracd . at urountds... andra and Mrs.e Dol nd fami-. yMr. and Mrs. M. Farr llisdand aly, r.nld Joston. at Ai. Jobnston's. Rev. D. M. Stinson took the service at St. Jobn's Church on Sunday night. A very enjoyable Christmas eve dance was held in tbe corn- munity baIl. There was a good. sbowing o! local boys in uniforrn, borne on leave frorn the various training centres, not forgetting one girl looking very trirn in ber arrny uniforrn. During tbe even- ing a presentation of a pen andi pencil set was made to Roger Dorrell, R.C.A.F., and Arnoldi Jobnston, R.C.A.F. Proceecis frorn dance are for our Red Cross. Haydon Congratulations to Mr. andi Mrs. Bert Ferguson (nee Mrs. H. Wot- :en) on tbeir marriage. Cbristmas Tree Concert was well attended Monday evening and everyone reports a splendid concert, wbich was under tbe dir- ection o! Miss Jean Houston. Solo guitar selections were given by Ross Asbton, Lloyd Beech andi Vivian Cowling. Tbree dialogues, I'Aunt Serena,"~ "Tbe Train to Mauro" and "Christmas Disap- pointment"~ were mucb enjoyed. A duet was given by Winnifred and Claribel Trewin; recitations by little Ray Ashton, and music by the Beecb family. Choruses stunts and a pantomime were put on by the pupils. Jovial olci Santa arrived and distributeci a well laden tree. A missionary programa was giv- en at Sunday Sebool. Mr. A. Hillb gave a talk on Missions; Mrs. T. Mountjoy a reading, and Ceci] Slernon and Wesley Hilîs played tbe violins, accompanied by Misý Bessie HuIs. We are glad to bear tbat Mr Sidney Trewin is borne from tb( hospital. Rev. A. F. Gardner gave ar inspiring New Year's messag( 1 unday afternoon. We appreciat4 the service our pastor bas gîver througb tbe past year, condition! not always being favorable fai travelling. Your correspondent wîsbes tbg patrons and staff of The States. man a prosperous and happy Nem Year. Holiday Visitors: Mrs. T. CowJ ing and Vivian at Mr. Wilbui Blackburn's, Maple Grove... Pte Douglas Fontaine, Prince George B.C., Mrs. Fontaine, Toronto, witl her prnsMr. and Mrs. A. Me Neil. .Sapper Frank Osmonc andi Pte. Bert Ashton, Petawawa at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ear Tbornpson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bid gett and family, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chaters, Mr and Mrs. Rolandi Tborpson an( Karen, Glenn Tbompson. Toronto Mr. andi Mns. Lloyd Thornpson Ajax, Donald Tbompson, Peter boro, at Mr. W. Thornpson's.. Mn. and Mns. Cecil Williams, Osh awa, Petty Officer Wrn. Osrnorn Toronto, Miss Launa Robinsor Eyesight Educatioi And Efficienci By SC..Tuc 1'*t**et - - ns or .e r 1e, . C id ,a 1- id cy hk st SpeciahUs Disney Bdg. (oDp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Number 238 The Optornetrist specializes en- tirely upon the eye. The practice o! optornetry embraces a study o! anatorny, pathology and physia- lagy o! the eye. This places the optometrist in the position to pre- scribe glasses for vision or as as- sistance ta, certain muscle condi- tions when necessary andi ta know the cases that require medical attentiort for sorne abnornal don- ditions having eye trouble as. a symptorn. He is able ta, recognize a diseased condition when he f incis it andi in the interest o! bis pro- fession wben referring any case for attention other than his own will naturally try ta finci the best. The oculist differs fromn the optornetrist in that be is a physi- cian specializing on diseases o! the eye, witb the ear, nase andi throat, also as a general rule. Some oculists still use drugs in the exarnination o! the eye but this methoci is not s0 common, now as in tbe past. Optornetrists do not use drugs in their examina- tion. The optician is traineci along mechanical lines and is qualifieci ta grinci lenses ta suit tbe pre- scription o! the optometrist or oculist but unlike eitber o! the above be is not a sPecialist on the eyeý and neyer attempts its ex- aminationi. (ta be continued) Solina A gooci attendance and excel- lent pnogram made the Y. P. U. meeting success!ul Monday night. Program was conducteci by Gladys Yellowlees and Pearl Leach gave inspiring comments on the Christ- mas story. Reading "What the aId year said ta the New Yean" was given by Evelyn Taylor; piano solo by Margaret Prescott. and vocal solo by Betty Smales. Mrs. E. R. Taylor pnesented rnucb wontbwbile advice on "New Years." Evelyn Panrinder took charge o! games andi a contest. Christmnas Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Bowman- ville, at Mr. Gea. Wbite's... Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Bush, David and Catherine, Orland, with Mrs. S. Bush. . . Walter Blackburn, R.C. A.F., Toronto, witb Mrs. R. J. Mc- Kessock. . . Misses Anna, Doratby and Frayne Johns, Mr. Alvin Nontbey, Lakefield, Mr. and Mns. Wallace Munday, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mns. Luther Pascoe and family, Zion, Miss Marlon Johns, Bowrnanville, Mn. and Mrs. Fos- ter Snowden and farnily, Kedron, Mr. Lloyd Broome, Hampton, Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peterboro, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James and John, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Werry, Mr. and Mns. Meeditb Moffatt, John and Joanne, Osba- wa, at Mr. S. E. Wenry's. .. Mr. andi Mrs. Dave Chambers andi Gail, Bowmanville, Tpr. Archie Waod, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Wood, Osbawa, at Mr. J. R. Kiv- ell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton McBnide, Burton and LMary, Peterboro, Mm. andi Mns. Clarence Tink and family, Harnp- u J 'a AND VICTORY IN 1943 Buy War Savings Certifleates Today JAMES MARR JEWELLER ..Mn. and Mrs. W. Challis, Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowrnanville, Mn. W. Gifflen, Sundenland, at Mn. T. Mountjoy's. .. Milton, Lloyd and Gardon Slemon at Mn. Cephas Mountjoy's, Islington. . . Gardon Siemon, Toronto, at home. . . Mn. andi Mrs. Don MacKenzie, Ajax, at Mn. A. MeNeil's. . . . Misses Grace and May Tnewin Toronto, Miss Helen Rundie, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mns. Eanl Tnewin, Mn. Allin Stainton, Enniskillen, at Mn. W. Tnewin's. .. Mn. and Mns. E. Wenny,.Grant and Bent, Mn. and Mns. Cecil Slemon at Mn. Hanny Bnooking's, Wesleyville. . . Mn. and Mns. Wesley Bnownlee, Mns. R. A. Ashton , Leaside, Mn. andi Mns. Russell Ormiston, Raymond Pettit, Enniskillen, at Mn. Lloyd Ashton's. .. Mn. andi Mns. C. Cross- man andi Jean, at Mn. Frank Thompson's, Taunton. .. Mn. andi Mrs. W. Martin at Mn. R. Olesen's. ..Mn. and Mns. C. Aveny at Mn. C. Slernon's. . . Mn. andi Mns. Alymen Beech and family at Mns. Ella Smitb's, Enniskillen. .. Miss Blanche Beecb with fniends in Codlington. .. Pte. and Mns. Bert Ashton andi Bradley at Mn. E. Luke's, Bowmanville. .. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton anci !arily, Seaman John Ross, Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, Mn. Jirn Bradi- ley, Enniskillen, at Mn. E. Bnad- ley's. .. Mn. and Mns. Louis Asb- ton andi Mary Lau, Tqronto, at Mn. H. Asbton's. N "ak'Li fot7,, gaI.,.a ami, Mapera. Mmhiteand lat Mn. N. C.A.Yellolees'. . . Mn fMnsil a be, oestMr.iand at aciM. E. R. Talor anci!a Mry Mn. Gea. Wites Foiestig at adM. E.LRmemTay lrackstock... featuneo. he is thAn nt ailMm. and Ms . L C Soe, Bekty, Mii Metrs. hite's tal wneMresentd reciLanC.iBo, ae Grvet, Mat fors Wthe'nstras ceerion Mn. Thas. Bakes...Mses rVe a aCitms. J R.Keia nci Er.llo a MilisnM.seRayro Mrss.a r LecJ.t . KNoman anthesTantolo, Msrisamion- Leacb's, Taunton. .. Miss Elaine son, MeMaster University, Hamil- Ormiston, Maple Grtan at M tM. E. Millsn's... M. anci Joh tn , Maple G. r avatd n. - M s. W alter Parrinde, Evelyn Jhnr Hoards,..M. and Ms. r- anciHelen, at Mn. Bnummel's, throw saa, Mn.acis. MredColumbus. . .Miss Velmna Gilbert, Cook and Elizabeth, Coîbomne,UMivssiFyaoencerLnci,aToment., witb Mrs. Charles Blanchard..G.eMissRFobencesan MilTbro no, Mn. andi Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, Rusell RbarsonancillCaoy, Baw- Davici and John, Hamnpton, at Mn. RselBlo n aoyBw Jack Reynolds'. . . Mr. Charles manville, at Mn. A. J. Balsan's. Scott, Delhi, Gardon anci Robent Mn. anci Mns. Jack Reynolds Scott, R.C.A.F., Toronto, Mn. anci attendeci the Golden Weddmng an- Mrs. Burney Hoaey andi Barbara, nivensany o! Mm. andi Mrs. Fnarnk Bunketon, at Mn. B. G. Stevens. Aldswantb, Courtice, Monday eve- S.Miss Annie Patter, Toronto, ning. with ber parents... Mr. andi Mms. Roscoe Baker, Ottawa, at Mm. W. Mm. Edward Richards is visiting T. Baker's. .. Mn. anci Mms. Ivan bis cousin Mn. Haroldi Gili, Burke- Ellicatt, Peterbono, Donald Yef- tan. r i il. ~ à ~1 t Prescriptions a Specialty ALEX MoGREGOR PHONE 792 DRUGS WE DELIVER 1 D s e n, et Have Ye Heard This One ? Besides the littie Troubles that came i 1942, there were a. lot of Good Times tool Hope yours will 1h,',be averyI Happy New Year!. ---ý A 1 i3b ýj

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