PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO fl~TTTTfl~ TA~TTTAD~7 044, 1015 UUUUumm - - - - - The Newcastle Independent ]Phone Clarke 1114 Friday afternoon, Dec. 17, was Coleman endowmenýt of $10000. presentation day at Newcastle It being impossible for ai»' Public Schooi and pupils of ail member of the Board of Education thre ramswee pesete- w t t be present, Principal T. A. threro ee pri.eet esh td it Rodger acted as chairman and fui- the rizs, ethe cas orbooks, f illed the dual duties of making a they had earned in the school Principaî's speech and a Chair- year ending last June, or, in the man's speech. Program opened Public speaking contest, 'on this with a chorus, Carry On, by the Particular occasion. These prizes Senior room, directed by Miss are ail made possible through the Ruby E. Thorndyke, Supervisor kindly and practical interest of of Music, who was at the piano. teachers and citizens, local or- Miss Thorndyke also directed the ganizations and permanent en- other school choruses. dowments of former citizens and Children of the Primary toom fraends of the school. A number were heard alone in their chorus, of parents were present ta witness Swing, Cradle, Swing. Four the presentatians and enjoy the Primaries also sang the prize song other features of the program to a melody composed by Jane which included several musical Lunt, now in the High School. numnbers and the speeches of the Intermediate room pupils sang five contenders in the public a chorus, Raindrops Ride, and speaking contest necessitated by later the Intermediates and Sen- te terms of trust of the Nota E. iors together rendered White Cliffs of Dover, First Noel, ànd concluded with God Save The King. But there was a lot of pro-i __gram before this. There were1 ý0_ pi ana duets by Mary Margaret Bonathan and Marjorie Toms and byClaire Allin and Ann Cryder- man, and a Choral Speaking num- ber by eight pupils of.-Miss H. A. Mason's room. i Five pupils took part in the public speaking contest, coming Y0UMfEoA at intervals. They were: Mary ROYA S Hagerman, the winner; Veima WN/Z 0F A bj/ 1 R ogerson, Mary Margaret Bona- W#IZ OF A MIZ tan, Ruth Allin and Mary A 000C OFA Schmid. Helen Ash had intended tcompete, but a tonsilectomy YEAfr.1 operation and the after effects had kept hier out of school. "Three Smart Girls," former efficient Schoolmarms. and now wives of three progressive and prosperous MAKE GOR EOUS young farmers of the neighbor- hood, were the contest judges. Al TASTY READ- three, Mrs. J. T. Brown, Mrs. G. B. Rickard and Mrs. Robt. Hendry, NO OARE OLS have had pleasant and memorable associations with the Newcastle NO DO GHY UMPS School. The presentation acts were interspersed in groupings throughout the program. Prizes and Reciplents Grade 2 Printing-Doreen Sel- ,' by, donated by Miss M. B. Smith * ~ **~'.t"' and presented by Miss Ruby Thorndyke; Intermediate Roomn Nte Book prizes: Grade 3 - Ann Cyderman and Kenneth Yarrow; IiJ Grade 4-Vivian Megit and Keith 110lw; Grade 5-Marjorie Toms E4iii" and Stanley Powell, donated and presented by Miss H. A. Mason. Gordon Garrod Grade 2-Mary I'I i Holubenko, donated by Miss M. B. s'~,IIij Smith and presented by Miss E CÀiii Toradyke; Grade 3-Ann Cry- I: 1 1 derman, presented and donated 8E by Miss Mason; Grade 4-Betty e: c y 1 Lou flagerman, donated by Mrs.B * od i. H. S. Britton; Grade 5-Marjorie CaaaToms; Grade 6-Claire Allin, the E last two donated and presented by F Principal T. A. Rodger. Music IV Proficiency Prizes, Grade 8 - 81 Aitih * * *r Mary Toms and Bob Purdy, do- S *~ ~ * ated by Dr. J. A. Butler and pre- profets stength sented by Miss Cota E. Butler; Ji andpu* t Music Proficiency Prize, Grade 6 V -Claire Allun and Ronald Hockin, ei a ' à * donated by J. Anderson Smith G ALWAS DEENDALE! and presented by Principal 81 -Rodger; Wmn. Hooper Memorial S( Prize for Music, $5.00-Jane Lunt, Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck Endowment, Wise IMotorists a.a. SHOULD LEND AN EAR TO THE VOICE 0F EXPERIENCE Don 't expect you.r car to give tgood service during the severe winter months without givixig it a thorough check up. The oil should be changed, have the car properly greased and pro- teot the engine .and radiator by having anti-freeze put in at once. Our expert mechanics assure you of a satisfactory job. BRING IN YOUR CAR TO- DAY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! .GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanvulle bd s is presented by Principal Rodgi Masonic Prizes for highest stari ing in Entrance Exams - Bel Stephenson and Mary Toms,è nated by Durham Lodge, AF. A.M. and presented by Mr. R. Graham; Beautification Past Prizes-Wailace Couch, $3.00,d nated by Prof. E. G. R. Ardag Mary Dewdney, $2.50, Newcasl Hart. Society; Rodger Mellc $2.00, Prof. Ardagh, ail preseni by Mr. R. S. Graham; Pub' Speaking Prize, lst-Mary HagE man, $4.50, Nota E. Coleman E dowment; Public Speaking Priz -Vema Rogerson, Mary M. Bo athan, Ruth Allun, Mary Schmi appreciation gifts af books by t] Board of Education. A line two seems ta have vanished frc the report of the High Schc Commencement in a prevîousi sue and the numbers on the pi gram that were missing were: vocal duet by Marie Allun ai Margaret Ash, and a piano du, by Shirley and Arvilla Brunt. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Senior Room Grades 7 and 8 are in t%% groups, 2 and 1. Standing: A or over; B 65-74; C 55-64; and below 55 pet cent. Grade 8, Group 2 A-Betty Gray, Velma Ragei son. B-Hazel Rowe. Group 1 A-Betty Gray, Veima Ragei son and Hazel Rowe. Grade 7, Group 2 A - Claire Aluin, Billie Houi B-Wallace Couch. C-Ronnie Hockins, Viola Lanr bert and Mary Schmid. Absent for two exams-Billi Lockwood, B; absent for a. exams-Rodger Mellow. Group 1 A-Claire Allun, Ronnie Hock ins. B-Wallace Couch, Billie Holu benko and Mary Schmid. C-Viola Lambert. Absent for ail exams - Bill Lockwood and Rodger Mellow. Grade 6, Ail In One Group A-Mary Hagerman, Hazel Ma: Fisher, Mary Matgaret Bonathar, raina Husak, Marjorie Toms. -B-Joan Neilson, Newton Sel by. C - Christine Aldread, Donni D-John Holubenko. Absent for four exams-Rutl Ailin, B; absent for aIl exams- HIelen Ash, sickness. CHRISTMAS TESTS, ROOM 2 Names in alphabetical order. Grade 5-Donald Aildread 60.8 Keith Aiken 81.5; Cathetin( Dewdney 80.5; Betty Hagermar 85.2; Vivian Megit 80.3; Ida Rog. ersan 63.1; Ernest Spencer 76 Ruth Lockwood 66. Grade 4-Velma Alldread 71.3: Helen Alchenbrack 76.8; Evelyn aoster 66.7; Douglas Gray 57.8; /IarilyTn Hall 76; June Neilson 86.6; Rallie Spencer 72.6; Ted Smith 48.2; Kenneth Yarrow 74.2. Grade 3 - Norma Allin 731.1; Jack Aluin 71.2; Connie Enwrigh' 9; Billy Fisher 66.2; Merle Fish. Sr 67.6; Jack Gray 38.2; Raîph loheen 58.5; C\ary Holubenkci 1.6; Jack McMans 31; Doreen elby 54.2; Jean Toms 78.2. H. A. Mason, Teacher. Boom 1 Grade 2-Gilbert Alldread 56.7; Toan Brown 99.3; Peter Dawes 5.1; Douglas Dewdney 86.4; Earl aoster 61.2; Gardon Garrod 67.4; ,lbert Graham 60.3; Helen Gra- arn absent; Charles Gray 81.3; ellie Holubenko 78.9; B.illy Lake 4.2; George Noden 64.1; Seldon ?arker 79.6; Jimmie Pollard 75.2; royce Pollard 83.3; Betty Smith 4.9; Bobby Smith 76.1; Leona 'toneburg 84.7; Roy Stoneburg 2.6; Eileen Rogerson 85.1; Jack Vatson 74. Grade 1-No exams at Christ- nas. Ruby E. Thorndyke, Teacher. NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Grade IX-Mary Dewdney 76, ary Toms 70, Eva Weînberger 0Neil Britton 66, Jane Lunt 65, furray Walton 65, Joan Duck 64, etty Stephenson 64, Herman ' hmid 64, Barbara Banathan 61, sîith Pedweli 59, Leonard Wal- riberry 54, Matie Cotter 40. Grade X - Archie Hendry 77, oreen Caswell 76, John Gibson 1Balfour LeGresley 70, Shirley 'unt 68, Hugh Aiken 67, Doreen nwright 66, Tracy Embly 62, villa Brunt 60, Jacqueline mith 56. Grade XI - Marie Allin 81, rancis Jose 78, Pauline Branch IJoyce Eddy 62, Ruth Bonathan 85 Fo Al ha NE 5'ý Pa J'ý 74. ma Ma 70, Mu SCI ten Dc 71, BtL Em Am Sn Fra 70, 43. Jea Jun Ted ' P.DDG .,M. assisted by the lodge as-ate S, installed these offi- cers of Durham Lodge, A.F. and A.M., No. 66, on Monday evening, 1Dec. 27: W.M.-Geo. A. Walton; I.P.M.-W.Bro. W. Harold Gibson; SW-Bro. Irwin Colwiil; Jr. W.- Bro. Russell Osborne; Chap.-W. Bro. T. F. Branton; Sec. - Rev. Bro. R. E. Morton; Treas.-W. Bro. J. E. W. Philp; Dir. of Cer.- W. Bro. Donald E. Gibson; St. D. -Bro. C. J. Allun; Jr. D.-Bro. Wm. J. Rowland; I.G. - Bro. Austin Turner; Sr. S5-Bro. Geo. Stephenson; Jr. S.-Bro. Stanley Graham; Tyler-W. Bro. T. W. Jackson. Committees: Gen. Pur.- Bro. I. Colwill, chairman; aIl Past Masters and Officers. Entertain- ment - Bro. Russell Osborne. chairman; V.W. Bro. P. F. Hare; W. Bro. T. W. Jackson, W. Bro. D." E. Gibson. Bros. F. W. Bowen. C. Cowan, J. F. Riekard, C. R. Carveth, R. Wor. Bro. H. J. Toms. Bro.E.C. Fisher, W. Bro. Harold Gibso'n*.' Visiting and Relief- W. Br.o. Geo. H. JolI, chairman; W. ros J.H.Jose, Fred Graham. JC.- M0.Lnesand Bey. Bro. R.E. Morton. Finance-Wor. Bro. T. F. Branton, chairman; W. Bros. Geo. Gaines and Jno. Hendry.1 Masonie Education-R.W. Bro. H. J. Toms, chairman; Rev. Bro. R. E. MY SERVICE CLUB Morton, W. Bras. D. E. Gibson and____ C. M. Jones. Masonic British War Relief-R.W. Bro. H. J. Toms,1 My Service Club-Is the oldest in chairman; W. Bro. W. Harold Gib- existence by hundreds of years. son, Bras. C. R. Carveth and Geo. My Service Club-Was caring for C. Wright. Auditors-W. Bro. J. the biind neariy two thousand A. Butler and Bro. J, H. Smith. yasao Assistant Stewards - Bras. Ross yasaa Dickinson, Garnet B. Rickard, My Service Club-was curing the John F. Rickard, Gea. Crowther, crippled nearly two thousand F. McMuilen and L. Cale. years ago. On the night of installation the My Service Club-Has been help- new W.M. of Durham Lodge had ing the suffering, sick and un- the pleasure of a visit from his fortunate for nearly two thous- brother R. W. Walton, Toronto, and years. Inspector of A & P Stores, who was delighted ta be present on My Service Club-Is helping the the occasion ta do honor ta his girl and the boy ta develop a youngest brother and meet many good character and become a of his other brethren of Durham fine useful citizen. Lodge. ____ My Service Club-Provided the incentive for, and first put into COWANVILLE L.O.L. effect, every worth while ser- OFFICERS vice given by any service club now in existence. At December meeting of Cow- My Service Club-Has a member- anvilie Loyal Orange Lodge, with si aytmsgetrta heaquater i Necaslethse that of ail other service clubs offices-s were elected for 1944: obnd W.M.-John Holmes; D.M.-Chas. cobnd Cowan; Chap.-Waliace Holmes; My Service Club-lIas had among Rec. Sec.-Chas. Alldred; Treas.- its members nearly every in- Howeli Rowland; Marshal-F. B. dividual who has given valu- Lovekin; Lecturer-Melin Gra- able service to humanity dur- ham; Dep. Lect.-Gordon Martin; ing the last nearly two thous- Committee - Fred Graham, P. and years. Martin, Fred Couch; Tyler-Rob't M evc lbW Graham; Auditor - Walil a ceM vce ClbWs founded Holmes. by the Wisest Philosopher and Officers wili be installed in Greatest Personality the worldi January on a date not yet decided has even known. upon. WHAT A SERVICE CLUB! My Service Club-The Christian T. IChurch. U- Nestieton n- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ian jBlack, Jean and Dora, Mr. and leMrs. Jas. Dickey with Mrs. .1Clarence Ginn. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samelis with Mr. Herman Samels. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. k- Porteous, Petty Officer Robt. Ewers and Mrs. Ewers and Ann u- with Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Bow- manville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Bowles and family with his lY parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Bowles ...Mr. and Mrs. George Chap- man, Baflyduff, Mr. and Mrs. lY Percy Preston, Lifford, with Mr. n, George Johns. .. Mrs. John Hooey, Mr. Roy Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. SBurney Haoey and Barbara, Mr. Cecil Wilson, Gwen and Eunice, la with Mrs. Herman Samells... Mrs. Cecil Wilson with friends in Toronto. .. Mrs. John Henderson, ;h Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy -with Mrs. Kenneth Samelis... Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggitt with friends in Oshawa. .. Mrs. Wes- ley Campbell, Evelyn and Grant, with Mrs .Stanley Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Williams ;would like to take this oppor- ýe tunity of thanking the Nestieton n~ community for the many kind- nesses shown them during the weeks they have been quaran- tined Congratulations to Mr. Owen n Stacey who was elected as Trustee 1; for S.S. No. 9. n Sympathy is extended to Mr. dGeorge Johns and family in the passing of his mother, Mrs. Susan Johns, on Monday. t Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous en- tertaîned the Farm Forum on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNally and Miss Verna at Mr. S. Mal- colm's. Maple Grove Maple Grove Red Cross Maple Grove Red Cross report for 1943: goods made and sent in to Bowmanville Red Cross: Knitted Goods 24 Turtie Neck Sweaters 10 Large Scarfs 3 Helmets 3 pr. Mitts 4 Boys' and Girls' Sweaters 9 pr. Seamen's Socks' 15 pr. Men's Service Socks 7 Prisoner of War Sweaters Materials Sewn il pr. Boys' Trousers 14 Quilts made 26 Men's Shirts 71 pr. Ladies Bloomers 50 Towels Hemmed 30 Comfort Bags 5 Afghans Filled 1 Ditty Bag, $2.84 Danations 1l Quilt Tops 3 Quilts An Afghan knitted and given by the Little Girls Sewing Club of Maple Grove School. C a s hl raised by canvassers $280.60; Cash to Bowmanviile Red Cross $5.00. Base LUne - Red Cross work done by Base Line in 1943: 18 large quilts; 13 crib quilts; 15 pr. socks; 6 turtle neck sweaters; cash raised by canvassers. Seems as if people who do wrong usually find the right way to do it, while those who want to do right too often go at it the wrong way. CONSUMER 'S RATION COUPON CALENDAR JANUARY SUN1 MON TUES TWED THURSDAY FRI SA? 6Sugor Coupons 23, 24 Ta-Coff.e 2 3 4 5 Con 627 posrv7 8uon 12 3 4010, DI Su~erCoupons44, 457 8 9 10 1112 1 13 Mect Coupons 34 v.i 14 15 16 ~ ~ 2 171 9 ButtrCouponsM, 47 2 16_1__18_1 Meut Coupons 35 Vaiid 2122 &23 24 25; 26.27 Te-Coffe Coupons 28, 29282 Buttr Copon 42,3,44 45On and After Januory 17 30 1 xire. Ment Coupons 30, 31, On. Aec Coupon= / pound Canned Salmon 32, 33,_34_Expire. ______________________ CUT TRIS CALENDAR OUT AND PIN IT UP IN YOUR KITCHEN, WITH THE COMPLI- MENTS 0F HîARR]Y ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 367 BOWMAN VILLE New UniE orm HWYDRO RURAL RATES Effective JANUARY lst, 1944 The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario announces new uniform rates for electricityr to ail consuniers served by the Commission in the rural areas of Ontario, to become effective January lst, 1944. The new rates will resuit in a substantial saving ta mn Farin and Hamlet consumera, and their form is considerably simplified. The new rate system provides for the following: " A uniform rate tc, ail Rural customers, now served direct by the Commission. " The elimination of service charges toalal farm usera. " The reduction of service charges to ail Hamiet customers. *b The co-ordination of ail present Rural Power Districts into one Provincial Rural Power System with the same meter rates applying throughout ta the various classifications. lb The existing consumer classifications, totalling il in ail, have been reduoed to 5 clearly defined classes: i.e. 2 wire hamlet, 3 wire hamlet, farm, commercial lighting and summer cottages. New Rates Benefltlng Approximately 97% of Ali Rural Consumers Are as Follows: These new rates apply oniy ta rural consumera served direct by this Commission in Rural Power Districts established under Sections 71 ta 79, inclusive, of the Power Commission Act. They do not apply ta, consumera in rural voted areas or townships operating under Section 54, of the Power Commission Act. In the latter areas, such as the townships of Ancaster, Brantford, East York, Etobicoke, London, Nipigon, North York, Scarborough, Toronto and Trafalgar, the present rates will not be affected. As a resuit of these new rate reductions, Hydro Rural consumera wiiI save an estimated amount exceeding $500,000.00 per annum. Experienoe justifies the expecta- tion on the part of the Commission that this reductian in revenue will be recovered in a short time through the increased use of electricity ini the rural areas. The application of these uniform rural rates will enable the Commission ta later extend service ta many areas not now served and ta supply econormicaily, consumera in the mare sparsely settled areas. In most rural 4istricts the new rates will provide a saving for the majority of consumers. The following examples indicate the estixnated consumer saving in a district at present supplied under a rate of 6c per KwHr. for the firat block and 2c per KwHr. for the second block. STANDARD FARM CONSUMER A comparison in 3 monthe' net coat if use is 450 Kilowatt-haurs pet quarter. Present 3 montha' 3 months' 3 months' coat saving cost in under new in 6c and 2c uniform these districts rate districts $15.63 $10.38 $5.25 2 WIRE HAMLET CONSUMER A comparison in 3 months' net coat if use is 225 Kilowatt-bouts per quarter. Present 3 monthe' 3 months' 3 months' cost savmng cost in under new in 6c and 2c uniform these districts rate districts $10.29 $7.32 $2.97 Space does not permit us ta detail aIl of the changes in connection with the new Hydro Rural rates, such as those affecting commercial, industrial and sunamner cottage usera. If further particulars are desired, inquire of your district Rural Power Superin- tendent or contact The Hydro-Electric Power Commissian of Ontario, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO - j COUPON, SUGAR TUA . COFFEEI VALUES 2 ounceé ", Pound FARM SERVICE NO SERVICE CHARGE. Piat Block of 20 KwHs.* per Kilowatt cf demnand petrnmonth at 4c per KwH-r. * Nexi Block of 60 KwHrs.* per Kilowatt of demand petrnmonth at 1-6/10c per KwHr*. Ail r.malnlng KwHrs.* per month at 3/4 per KwHr. * Minimum charge $0.75 per Kilowatt cf demand per month gross. Groa quarterly bill subject to 10% Prompt Payment Discount. This Farm Service rate applies to al Farms. In the case of "Standard" Faims of approximately 100 acres the demand is usually 3 Kilowatts and for these services the firet block of KwHrs ie 60 while the second block is 180. On lerger farma these blocks will increase in proportion to the Kilowatt demand. *(KwHrs.)-Klowatt Hours 2 WIRE HAMLET SERVICE Service Citere 55e pet month gros. Pisi 40 KwHrs.* pet month at 4c per KHwr. * Nexi 80 KwNia.* per month et 11-6/10c per KwHr.* AIl remaininq KwHrs.* pet month at 3/4 pet KCwHr. * Minimum charge $ 1.67 pet month groe Grosta quarterly bull subject ta 10% Prompt Payment Discount. 3 WIRE HAMLET SERVICE Service Charge 55e pet manth gross. Piai 40KwHrs.' pet month et 4epet Kwhr.* Nexi 180 KwHis.* per month et 1-6/10c per KwHIr.* Ail remalnlng Kwh,,.0 pet mantb at 3/4 per KwHt.* Minimum charge $2.25 pet month prosa. Gross quarterly bill subject ta 10% Prompt Payment Discount. *(KwHr.»-Kilowatt Hauts. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO mnirp-cz -,rAMTTAR.V Ath- 1943 . 11U