I THUR., ANURY 6h, 943THE CANADIAN STATIESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO *~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ Possibilities of Post- WSEFPRSOTG H T T S A IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI War Trade With India HOIPIE ONRLSPDTCTYUDPCKTDO __ Theimorane f tkig H W RIE C NT OL P OT CT OU P CK TH OKThe Wartime Prices and Trade T E ES O E Y~M Board Administrators concerned ____ FrmTeSaemnFlsmediate, definite and informed IN WORLD WAR I COSI OF LIVING ROSE FROM IN THIS5 WAR STABILIZATION POLICIES wNewcastîe: MeîîoackagDrugn ________________________________steps in the matter of external other paper products are alarmed ~~~~ ~~trade for Canada after h a 7 PRE-WAR LEVEL WITM HARDLY A BREAK HAVE HELD PRICES DOWN % at the critical waste paper in- Hmtn .A arn&Sn TWENTY-FIVE YEARr AGO J. W. Hynds will run for council- has been stressed by The States- 200 m0ilîtrs tokpstino.h January 3, 1919 lors. man over a period of many Blcktok:AexGibet Cartwright Council: Reeve W. months. As an aid toward anrihv ifomdtsDvson in J.T. George, Port Hope, fell A. VanCamp; Counicillors, J .E. formed public opinion in this con- The 0 - Pont o1orPost Master frorn the roof of his house when Elliott, F. A. Hyland, J. J. Jobb' nection we gîve herewith some 19 9 ad iformedneth vsi on ain. shovelling snow, fracturing both A. Devitt. ' facts about India. Our post-war un-quNewtonville thW C LprnecCi. legs. Darlington Council: Reeve, Geo. trade in that direction seems cap- I 180 - aper sor tage need ixmthsort Bwavl:W.JBer,. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil announces A. Stephens; Councillors, A. H. able of great explinsion. It is 180 - asmch mor a cuinte tha tw that from Jan. 1 Miss Nina Neads Brent,, W. R. Courtice, C. w. important to Canadians to know ____ Jewell Jur & Lovelthe W.or. will flot be associated with lier in Souch; Dep. Reeve, Thos. 'Baker. the truth about India because 7- __ - __ - - 170 any ism icethre war begaTheBgStesan Offce Holiday Visitors: W. L. Spry, dy, etroit, with hier parents. .. tish-protected s ub je c ts are paper situation is critical. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kenara; Eber G. Foley, Calgary, R. R. Stevens, L. C. Snowden, Indians; one of every five persons 160 160 aper, otiespa c orrgae Ala. reaH.MrrsSckCil-Trmn owr H . oeya- in the world is an Indian. Indian paper are now more urgently re- ren's Hospital, Toronto; Dr. Fred tended the United Farmers' meet- troops have fought alongside Can- quired because of the greatly in- W. Cryderman, Detroit, Mich.; ing at Toronto. adian troops and after the war--- - 0 craenedopprcntirs iiaiS uIO Oy Mr. and Ms .E .Sals Ebenezer: Jesse Truli is home Canadian-Indian trade will have for the packaging and shipment Stella Mason, Toronto; Sergt. from Alberta. .. Miss Marion Van- increased significance. India'sofodanmuiossplest Major Roy Werry, Montreal; Nest, former teacher at S.S. 4, and industrial production and poten- ç\\\.( of fou dam itFos espes an Thos. Norton, Royal Bank, now of Millbrook, at Frank Wor- tial development have assumed 140 a ho me andralsoo ritan and Guelph. den's.urgent meaning, and Canada can- effi our Allies._______________ An unusually large number of not ignore a sister nation of 400 10ý, 130 Shipments of ahl kinds of waste citizens attended nomination FIFTY YEARS AGO million people who are determin- pae ote iî ut ei-M G .GUDBA .B metig n ouci RomwhnJanuary 3, 1894 ed to raise themselves by indus- creased. We cannot at this criti- Britr oiio.Ntr Mayor J. B. Mitchell and Reeve ____ trialization from their backward 0 cal time allow any mill to closePon31 T. S. Holgate were elected by ac- Newcastle: Officers of Sons of pastoral condition . 10-120 down due to ]ack of the necessaryBakoCmereBd clamation and H. L. Quinn, R. E. England Lodge: R. J. Colwill, W. Canada's useful area is about waqte paper.Bo avie Yates, E. C. Rehder, John Grigg, H. Gibson, John Uglow, A. A. the samne as the area of India, but 110 -110 The production, in increasing W. C. Stevens, L. Cornish and Colwill, W. Rice, W. T. Selby, India's population is 331/2 time quantities. of containers for shelîs, _____________________Thos. Rice, W. Toms, Chas. as big as Canada's. The total Bini - medical kits, emergency rations, Gomme, Jon A. Awde, J. Marsh, tish population of India was 117,- 10oB 100 ls m a Frenaemergny BrîteaSsctoNtr Geo. 'Payne, Dr. Farncomb, W. 600 in 1931 and British civilians 0 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 12 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 10% acks. Aob insranrin meg. nd oioyo Bn !Mnra Warmsley, Jas. Parsons. there do not exceed 50,000 today. rakbm isadrns n Tyrone: J. H. Coucb, A. J. and As early as the end of the l9th for hundreds of other Naval,MoetoLn . Phe79 F.Manning have gone to teach century British enterprise had CONTROL MEASURES HAVE FREED CANADIANS FROM THE VASTLY Army ind Air Force uses, makes Bwavle nai school near Hamilton. lstf given India far and away the FIIGHER PRICE BURDENS OF THE LAST WAR To k ueentp ana s spy.ue Ennikilen:Promotion itO greatest system of irrigation in okeCad'supllis Public School: Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th- the world. Today, more than 54 intact to our Armed Forces and LWEC .MSN .. WIH U U T R Geo. Lewis, N. Moroney, M. Stew- million acres of British India are M__________1___Allies,___________________an__________________________ art; Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th-F. Stevens, watered by government works, of paper containers. These mil- KigSreWBomnie E.Hall, S. Potter, F. Hoskin, E. and arid wilderness, growing onîy lions of containers sent overseasPon:Ofc68 Rsiee53 MAGC SStainton; Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd-A. desert shrubs and inhabited by a The above chart shows how New Zealand. Since the price the cost-of-living index goes up cpnnot be returned for re-use. Pollock, F. Virtue. few primitive nomads, has been price controls have worked in ceiling two years ago, the general one point, it costs consumers This is an important contributing Cartwright: Harry Hyland is transformed into fertile farmn Canada in this war. Living costs price rise has been just over three nearly $35,000,000 yearly. On this fictor to the paper shortage in ett ICN A O RI -P engaged to teacb at Caesarea. lands. have been held to less than 120 per cent, compared with 33 per basis, pnîce control bas saved Cao- Canada. r a rsînga n fbreeionermsi e.JPblc b per cent o! pre-war level - an cent during the corresponding adians more than one billion dol- There is a definite guarantee rasn e re fgee .achievement equalled only by period of the last war. Whenever lars since December, 1941. that every carloadf of waste papen, D.J .DVT B Matyn ough som conain- Just as spectacular in its way 1 b l ing five and six legs each, three bas been tbe rapid expansion of_______________________________________________ which no market is available and four wings and a similar num- railways, which now have a capi- thr ugh regular trade channels Gaut !Rya etlCl ber of necks ail concealed on the tal investmrent o! some $2,500 mil- wlfbe la through a Govern- 1ee9 ooto fie Jr uie isde. The young farmer guilty lion. Witbin a haîf century o! has, of course been a tremendous in post-war planning is Rotary HALF NMLLION LEFT FARMS mn opn.Bd. omnih.Ofc or ..............o! this dishonest act ought to the mutiny, more than 20,000 increase in Canada's trade, witb International. For the hast two There is an abundance of need-9a..t6pm.aiy leann the Golden Rule. miles had been built, and today this pivotai defence centre of the yeans its Committee on Partici- It is estimated that 400,000 men ed waste paper in the home., inm o1 no ededy Among holiday visitors were: there are 41,000 miles (Canada East since war started. In 1939 pation of Rotanians in the. Post- and probabhy at least 100,000 wo- the store and in the factory. NowCosduna 2 cups affted flour Dr. J. Simpson, Lindsay; Horace has 43,000 miles and India's exports to India totalhed $5,396,- war Wonld bas been carrying on men bave left the fanms since is the time to get it moving to the PF n 9 os hn 2 4 tapne. Magic Baklng Powder Wright, Newcastle; Miss C. neighbor, China, only 8,000). - 000; this year they will reach intensive studies o! the problems Atu Dp-milîs through your local Volun- XRyEupei nOfc StpenMcrwvleNY.n. tth ndosaehatirta $126 million. Imports from India which must be faced after the 1939, so AthrMcNamara, tary Slvg Cmmtee o 3/ cup milik (about) L. Allen, Chatham; Annie Hayne, fiscal year the sterling debt was in 1939 were '$10,358,000; this war. Rotary clubs have arrang- ty Minister o! Labour and Dinec- throueh any known commercial Fuea-ietr Brown sugar Demili College; T. M. Faînbainn, $1,394,800,000, and the total an- year they wili amount to $16 mii- ed pnognams to assist in develop- ton, National Selective Service, or trade channel. CinnainonToronto; Ed. Haggitb, Woodstock; nuai interest was $49,872.900. This lion. Acconding to official Indian ing an infonmed public opinion. told the Dominion-Provincial Ag- Don't fonget to salvage ahl car- - 'hcup ris8insf Archie Bingham, St: Thomas; J. debt bas been hargeiy repatriated, sources, Canada stood fifth among Rotary is now concentrating its ricultural Conference which met tons, papen containers and brown ifst firet three ingredients. Reid, Chicago, Ill.; Amos Bond, so that by the beginning o! this ahl sources o! India's imports dur- energies on the Wonk Pile plan wrapping paper. See notice inFUE L RCT S Cut n sortnintutilmlxd. olad, an.yea thdstrliggdbt9as2eenne-.ng194-43ubeaustthebet os log-rngerecnt-ranngtwa. Ten fo!anohercolmo henReee Sd Srvie, ny our an da Am ikto maRoa, ansmoothbserlng.et .sbe. ethousands o! young farmers are Ltl n i avg omte dou i.k te ad 1amut o Death: Brooks-InDrintn duced to $49 million, or sihl Post-War Trade plans will fail if there should be i~tl n i u nnd12miueo serving on the battie fronts. wilî make the collection o! waste F .M ri o lhtlyfloured board- rolidough Jan. 2, Regina Mary Ann Short, less than the interest fonmerly Canadian goods imported into a period o! serious unemploymen osnso teswn ihppri owavie oe oo qimnAn 1nto 1/4-inch thick oblong. beloved wife o! J. W. Brooks, aged paid. Witb sterlinig balances still India continue to be made up, for at the end o! the war. hunonsfactnes dunng th e r__in_____________ bulNc Sinkie with brown sugar, cin- maccuonsuîating plang th nam2on,ralslns. Rolllengthwiae; 31 years. acmltn in the Reserve Bank the most part, o! motor vehicles The Work Pile is a pa for dis- a" naldCr ee cut ioto 1-inc#s suces. Bake cut Maniage: Cole-Salisbury - At o! India througb Britain's beavy and parts, metals in varîous covering and cataloging jobs it was so vital that fighting wea- SPECIAL COURSESINFR aide down In greased muffin Hampton, Dec. 27, by Rev. J. purchases o! war supplies, Indla fns e-hs aeilnw- for the day the war is over. It posbIupidi vrices EH N F ,49orFgle pamintMaen j Liddy, Jesse E. L. Cole and M. will be free o! extennal debt by pnint, calcium carbide, acetic acid, now bas been adopted by Rotary igvlm.M.MNmn adLcne utoer F.)Eminuts.Maes1. enieSlibuy f ichll igvoum. r.MNaar pi JeniAaDsEr oIMthel the end o! the war. and a number o! other matenials International as the No. 1 pnoject tnibute to the older people left on The Ontario Department o! Ag- CANAA ~ FARERSCAN ET Idustiaiand ommecialen-for the services or lessential Indian for 1943 4-ett epn î h farms, who with their young iculture announces that short FRESCNGTterprises are steadiiy passing !romn industries. The trade in ail types the wan-for its 5,200 Rotary boys and girls bave worked bard- courses in farm mechanics and ne- CIFR EHC FARM ACCUNT BOOKBritish to Indian ban ds, and this o! foodstuf!s and' othen consumer clubs tbroughout the world. er and produced more. Tbousands pair and adjustment o! fanm ma- Acine nikle At a tims, he kepin o!trend is being encouraged by the goods, which made up a substan- Many o! the othen service clubs o! men and women, he saîd, have chinery will be held in 37 counties PoeBwavle23 fAtmaccoutms, bas eeng oedBritish authonities. The îatest esti- tial proportion o! pre-war trade are pooling their efforts with corne back from well-eanned ne- during the coming winten. Last mate places the total remaining values, bas disappeared complete- Rotary to see that eveny member tirement to belp Canada's war winter, in 30 counties, 15,844 Seihzn nFrLvsok withgoo fam'mnagffintbut British investments at $800 mil- ly, except for some sbipments for o! every service club will be doing effort on the farmn front. Olden farmens attended similan courses. under war conditions a precise lion. Considenably more British exclusive use o! the services, bis part in this drive to provide men and women realize this extra Eacb course is for 2 full days, 10 Cnutmefrersndaes -winVSRSreod the ea inyssperaations h capital is invested in Brazil Indian trade to the Canadian jobs after the war. work wilh probably impair their a.m. till 4:30 p.m., daily, which _____________ !aisnneesîty. T asist the ($1,040 million) and Argentina market continues ta include tea An important phase o! the health, that it may shonten their will accommodate getting chores farriankecepingthis recordt the ($2 ,000 million). and gunny clotb as its principal post-wan Wonk Pile is the inter- lives, but they bave conciuded done before and after demonstra- BAKINKing's Pinter, Ottawa s avai,-h Industriai Expansion components. Other items included views with industrial executives, that, in total war, càsualties are tions and lectures. The tahks wil abl asimleuseullitieaccun Frm he egnnig ! te archrome are, peanut oul, castor ail, wbolesalens, retailens, profession- inevitable ho ail age brackets and be accampanied with chants and SCE book. It covers .ahl farm opera- ta the !inst bai! o! 1943, Britain's vaniaus coin pnoducts, shelhac and al men and bousebolders. Theonalfnt.ateosisadbiesgeal heRtr aieCman tions and bas the great advantage contribution ta India's defence ex- skins. problemn lies flot so mucb in lange f____________instuctio,_th that the keeping o! the book does penditure amounted to $2 billion, Out o! this survey there corporations, most o! which have cane and operation o! electrical Pr oe nai not incur a speciai knowledge o! an amount greater than the total emerges the plain fact that India alneady laid their post-war plans, WHEAT PRICE INCREASE and dairy equipment, sprayers, Mnmns rvmnes expert accountancy. The book is British economic stake in India. is o the mancb industriaîîy and u nte dteflo.H i EETDhreo nstrate wr ilb entithed "Farmn Account Book" And this payment is in addition commercially. In the immediate the chap who needs a new sign eosrtd nd may be obtained !rom the ta Britain's free supply o! war post-war years she wili requine on bis store, a new roof on bis The oew Agicultural Commis- Dramcoussnt wlae thrbee 8 r ~ ~ ~ King's Printer, Ottawa, at the materials. help thnough the investment o! home, on a new chicken-house on siofio! Enquiry, composed o! On- sepaatcoreatpcstab nomrinal price o! ten cents. The year 1942 will probabiy be skill and enterpnise. If an aient bis farm. He is important be- tania farmers, recommeoded asanuce btw nJn.3ndV ern ie _____________________reade a oeo!th os n-Caoaa atcpates ta ber fullest cause thene are so many o! bim. one o! its maoy moves for a better dan.2AThicuswltu er __________asoneofthe__________direction of!giutrlRpe WOULD YOU BELIEVE FFT? mankable in India's economic bis- possibilities, then East and West These sunveys will also disclose break for farmers that winter tory. It was a period a! unparaî- cao march togethen ta a prospen- plans for local public works- wheat pnices should be advanced sentative E. A. Summers, with as-DRW. .SEWN à M3Durng 1943 a total o! $33.145,- leled industnial development and ity neither bas yet achîeved. hospitals, waten systemn improve- 15c per bushel as a fedenal sub- sistants who have lately returnedan 131 was wagered at 32 hanse race o! drastic changes in the compo- ments, piaygrounds, and so on- sidy. This bas been turned dawn fnomn refresher courses at Guelph D.J .SEPR meetings in Canada aven 283 days sition and direction o! !areignR tr Clb an with indication o! what they mean cold by the Wantime Pnices and O.A.C. They are free toalal wha if racing. Te 1943tamoutlbetstPade in tenxms o! employment o! former Trade Board. The recommenda- wish ta attend and full particularsVtenais by race track fans was $7,674,100 Progress o! the steel industry is Post-War Jobs service men. Eveotualiy the data tion was based an the presentcabeotidfomM.S - Ofce- anS.- rn JY0yigàvjtmreta i 94 hn hr oeo teousadigdveo-will be sifted, connelated and con- shortage a! wheat supplies and mens In advance.Pon567Oro O ,, were 32 meetings and 275 days o! ments a! the war. India bas the The seriousness o! the impact solidated and when added ta sim- !eed grain generally, fan farmens ___________ S racing. The prize money paid in largest deposits in the wonld o! o! peace bas not been brought iorf or omatio fothousw sad vstr !ein ite hett *,1p 1943 amounted tol$,178,550, an bigh-gnade iran are, and the in- borne ta Canadians. We baven't o te amntew hhlvsok ]FO R D è increase a! $117260 aven 1942. dustry now tomns out sufficient begun ta look at the job o! post- bave some very good news for The Trade Board's statemnent HOTELS ~ The rnoney bet on hanses by high-speed tool steel for its own warlereconstruction let aioe the boys naw !igbtiog and sweat- was:"uigtebaipeid thseCnain eqiemos o asofr1t1Apa.idt pbing on the battie fronts o! the Ontario winter wheat was selling Mowtracks in 1943 was the bighest manufacture o! armoured fightîng cansciousness and straigbt think- world. at unusually bigb pnices in rela- WoI Fuftpnd, I * clicked through the parimutu.el shedpur is the ags n h nfrom The Rotary Magazine, which neady and waiting for the ex-sen- Increase o! spring wheat prices ta o eivn îeisc machines. The al-time bîgh' is Epie and tinathiByi- shows that Rotarians are thinking vice men is goiog ta be the best $1.25 brings it ta no more than M" N I amaunt bet on the race tracks of Indian enterprise, financed by and trying ta, induce athers ta answer w a osbygv anra eeswt itrwet the Dominion was in 1921 when Indian capital. think. Their plan is ta bridge the those who say that the sun bas iudged by campanisoos over the Bypoics'nai e nthe Natureai Res5,1u,551 gap in the inevitable, unavoid- set on individual enterprise and past 20 years." The whole matter BypoiceOtro e nth aua Rsucsable, certain, wbolesaie and effort, bas been reviewed by the Board money wagened with aven $21 Since the beginning o! the cen- drastic periad o! immediate post- The Wonk Pile plan is oot a which maintains its decision is I millio, fahiowed by B ri tishb tury, India bas shaned witb Rus- war unemplayment. We quote: cure-ail, it is nat a complete post- the proper one. C11 r n bihrColumbia with over five and a sia the distinction a! the worid's One o! the several active farces wan plan. It is just a plain, or- ________________ bal! million; Manitoba with aven chie! producen o! manganese,________________ dinany, down-to-eartb methad of More than two generations aga-in andkesoiokigfrbust $3 million; Quebec with oven $2 necessany ta handen steel. India- providing jobs fan demobilized counaged about the future. Sa prandmothem's day-motbers first dis- ce cuhn pss epccron million; Alberta with aven $800,- is the world's leading supplier o! service men and war workers ini the best toic, the best shot in the covered Vicks VapoRub. Today it us gesini odcoge pe rah p« 000 and Saskatchewan with aven magnesite and ilmenite, and bas M g t STOPPE D the postwan period. The Wonk am ecogv oorbythe most widelyusedbhome-remedy for înpsaerieeucuasmns 'à40,0. age croeneeve. Hihrm, i Pleiwacmpltino!eac n-bthi tefihin nead n reeîn isreso cîdrns ods o tgtns. oraoesmstu in rice and tea production India kidocys alow you ~ ~ ~ UiiILi ~ mn rtsîsso ta ny4 ecn f~~:~ HV O RBUNDLE READY is second anly ta China; as much down. Take Gin Pilis-the "relief or plans for providing employment Canadians regularly eat the righc foods, even wbeat is gnown as in Canada, rnoney back" remnedy-mand seec o for demobilized soldiers and war cog emnl elfd more cane sugar than in any other mauchbebtter you'Ii feel. warkers. tO-Work-t-Win'i ra aoeepaj>ua t çountry, cotton next ta the U.S.A. lgular ilze,4 Pil The first neason why we areLh' NtilnrvtDeannop, planning now for the past-war Learnte can'-go-wrong wayto tempting i SdNU1H .0taaj< and bal! the wonld crop o! pea- Lrge six*, 80 Pls world, is that if we don't planmescatfleeyodned -t NWU roam. OsutswaIndiadbas&aDvirtualnmono- I noPIlUS.- right 00w wbile we are fighting of your family! Send for your CO. IMIT D ! om w ich re volv d gr ma-jobs the day the w ar is ve n an d d FR EE copy of "Eat-to-W o rk-to. I BOXTR00.ION OE I T R ' OshawaLaundr & Dr Cleaongejeads, flacheeslnoPlls"we ware nostheredyt roide TifWin". Maelthe coupon toPîdaey!~ FOR ECONOMY Canada's favorable balance o ea! vgtigfo.Terysthind Idal laetnmey Sed ou cealn wtl yurîarnrytrade with India, which was ne- , euare figbting fr.eas hen SenLS equallyapracticai yreasonnwhy werdemeforthe___________in_1941-_______-____ i 42, underwent a large expansion pan moal e uiler.of man ffcasd INu«N Sponsored by coHedNor -e i4s9tîeaim191-l ew bcueo! itaenfcas ___do________________1 in 94-4, he th blacewa hs bstfihtngin hefoý-olsTII BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) i Addrea_____________ P H O N E - 4 1 9 h o s1 4 2 43s e t e aa ng e a s iae t i h i g h t e f hls, R ioA , i n th e in te r e s ts o f n u t ri ti o n a n d b e jthII ahm osg t hes ev i m s ay gea t 1 as8 nor his best w ork in the ship- asan aid t a Vic tff . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1r ' duin te reios er. There 1 .yard-s, if he is worried or dis- I----------------------------