THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 THE CNADIN STAESMA, BQWAPAGEE, OTARI TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Coal Is Scarce-We are doing our best to supply the needs of the January 24, 1918' people," read a large ad. spon- sored by John A. Holgate & Son, Gunner Eston Darch, of R.C.H. dealers in coal. A., France, wites a very newsful Hampton: Miss Mabel and How- and intensely interesting letter to ard Challis, Bowmanvîlle, visîted bis mother. (Letter was repro- at J. H. Wilcox . . . F. J. Groal duced in the Statesman). has been very 111 with tonsilitis. A very pleasant event took Ebenezer: Sid Nichols won the place Friday evening, January 18, bronze medal as last week's best alt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.T shot at Oshawa in the Gun Club H. Thickson, ue ti beîng dlay pigeon match . .. Elton Wer- the ocaso of the twenty-fifth ry had a few boy friends iu last anniversary of their wedding day. Wednesday evening to help "cele- An interesting feature of the eve- brate" his birthday ... Mrs. Blake ni gs program was the presenta- Courtice cut her right hand se- tiQg' by Mrs. Keys, to the bride verely with glass, almost severing nàgroom of 25 years ago, of a the cord of her right finger. silver casserole, fern pot and Maple Grove: Pearl Aldsworth stand, while Mrs. Johnson Thick- won third prize in the district son read an address. competition for the best loaf of Miss Vann was called to Inger- bread made with the "Creamn of soîl last week by the death of her the West" flour. Pearl also won brother, Harry. She has our deep- first prize at the Rural School est sympathy in the sudden death Fair helci at Maple Grove school. of her only rernaining brother._________ At the final exams at the Co- bourg Collegiate last term Miss FIFTY YEARS AGO Mercedes Harrington, a former member of The Statesman staff, January 25, 1893 took highest marks in her classes on business papers, blindfold type- Enfield: F. Ashton is attending writing (full marks), typewriting Oshawa Shorthand Academy... for the term and bookkeeping. Mrs. Thos. Hill has quinsey bad- Kiddo cars and wagons at F. ly . . . John Dyer recently sold D. Mason's. two fine Shorthorns frorn bis bord Yeo-At St. Michael's Hospital, at a handsome figure to a breeder Toronto, Jan. 16, Richard Hedley near Lindsay. Yeo, aged 54 years. Interment in Enniskillen: F. R. Brown is Orono. home frorn Kingston. He is not Put yourself i n print - now! Beacon-bright un- der your coat - perfect thru Spring. Pick your print here! First shipmnent includes aIl sizes, several sizes 46, 48 and 50. A small shipment, our very first, of Spring coats is in. Tweeds and solici coloY fabrics in a good range of sizes. Now is the time to start planning your Spring outfit. CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES There are stili a number of Wlnter hats which we have reduced considerably. WooI feits in a number of smart colors, Including black. Our stock of coats ls dwlndllng so if you wish to take advantage of our substantial reductions you had better hurry. There are a few dresses Ieft, mostly sizes 14 and 16, at reduced prices. Couch, Johoston& Cryderman Phone 836 King nt. DOC.TOR'S ...that milk head everyone's8"must', jist for that added 4 vitality IMf. M 'p I 'People don' t fol around with their health -'flot when they are trylng to really lve every preelous second of the y. Doos that day seem too short to you ? Or are you al tlrid out before It's haif over? Then do as your doctor orders --drink that quart of Gien Rae milk every day! And don't become careless about it, If you want the pep that makes you go out and do thlngs. Weddings Campbell-Parkinson A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Parkinson, Eramosa, On- tario, on Saturday, Jan. 16, when their daughter, Margaret Jean, be- came the bride of Mr. Franklin Royce Campbell, of Acton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Camp- bell. Rev. E. G. Dale officiated and the wedding music was played by Mr. Ross Phillips. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street-length dress of turquoise blue crepe, car- ried a bouquet of red roses and wore a string of pearls, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Marion Brydon, of Toronto, wore a yellow crepe dress with matching turban, and carried bronze 'mums. The groomsman was Mr. Brock Cave, of Fergus, brother-in-law of the groom. The groom's gift to Li~e bridesmaid was a gold bracelet, and to the groornsman a leather wallet. For travelling the bride wore a moss green crepe dress, black coat and hat trimmed with silver fox. The happy couple left for a short honeymoon and on their re- turn will reside in Acton. Gueàts were present from Toronto, Acton, Cooksville, Guelph and Fergus. The groom's family are former residents of Bowmanville and have many relatives in the district and near Tyrone. Quntii 1re Unîiursuay evenîng, January 21, the marriage of Miss Vîvian Arvelle Mercer, daughter of Mr. Cecil G. Mercer, M.P.P. for Dur-' ham, and Mrs. Mercer, to Mr. Howard Adelbert Quantrill, son of Mn. and Mrs. Cecil A. Quan- trill, ahl of Elizabethville, took[ place at the home of the bride's1 parents with Rev. P. F. Gardinerl officiating. Music was provided by Miss Leta Prouse. A gown of romance blue crepe with deep yoke of needle-run lace was worn by the bride, with matching heart-shaped halo, and she carried a nosegay of roses and forget-me-nots. Mrs. Elmer El- liott attended her sister, wearing old rose crepe with lace, matching hat and carrying a nosegay of roses and forget-me-nots. L.* A. C. Elwin Quantrill was groomsman. Following the ccremony a re- ception was held with Mrs. Mer- cer, mother of the bride, receiv- ing in a navy blue figured suit with a corsage of roses, assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. Quantrill, wearing airforce blueb and a corsage of roses. For a wedding trip, to Hamilton and points west, the bride wore a rose wool dress and black coat with silver trimming and black accessories. On their return theyd will live in Elizabethville. Eleanor Durno Second Winner of Rose Bow 1U UM~ tender. Drain. Cook carrot strips in boiling saited water tili tender. Saute onion in butter until deli- cately browned. Add carefully lirma ibeans, carrots and mnilk, rnixing ligbtly. Season ta taste. Serve hot. Serves 6. TAKE A '11P: 1. The use of extension cords wtb your household electric appli- ances cuts efficiency. If too, many appliances are attached ta aise piug or outiet, you nun the dan- ger of overioading the circuit and bowing a fuse. 2.Clean youn old playing cards without leaving a sticky surface by using a small amunt o! spirits of camphor on a clath and nubbing dry wlth a soft cloth. The men in unifarm would ap- spepper, 1 cup mllk, ½ lb. cheese The nain in torrents teeming down, The wonder is wc do not drown, But witb our chins up and a gnin We carry on through thick and dep ithnu silroan A hoptaegou ongvere; Th itseork wodintthepao Pri neRuent, Cty by ute Sea, We logng taorsrvgced-by ahee. Tho Zockbi lesornB.s oast Ar ep awtethingusstw echnis 'But duty cails; we must obey, StiR longing for the gloriaus day When ta their lairs the ficnds return Fan from aur and for which they yearn. And wo ta, homes we ail hold dean In peace to live frorn year ta yean, Forgetting aIl the clouds and showers, Enjoying sunshine, fields and flowors. preciate any extra packs yoii may have. TIR QUE'STION WBX 0-ven Baked Ciciken (Requested by Mns. M. D. C.) 1 chickon cut up, mnilk, flour, sai andi peppen. k cup for frying, 1 tb. onion cbopped fine, 2 cups top mnilk. Dip chicken in milk and sea- soned fiaur and fry in skillet until browned. Sprinkle choppcd onion aven top of chicken arranged in casserole. Pour milk aven top and bake in clectnic aven 325 degrces until the chicken Is tender, about 2 hours, and the mik is a thicl: sauce. Anne Alian invites you ta write ta ber c/o The Caniadiani States- man, Bowmanviile. Send in youn questions on homemaking prablems and watcb this coluinn for replies. I M ai fc al ti th tit irc vei foi he old Military'secret, new and revalu- tionary methods for keeping US. traaps de-loused and for combat- ting the typhus-cannying pest, as a result of which troops anc better protected than any army bas even been in the history o! warfarc. Use o! interchangeable plane engines that can be tnans!erred or replaced under battîe condi- tions was urged by Dr. Sanford A. Mass a! the General Electrie Company, befare the Society of Automotive Engineers. your wheels and cogs in gooci ne- pair. We suggest eggs: omelette, scram'bled, poached, dcvilled, scal- lopeci, currieci, fricassed, etc.; cheese: fondue, omelette, souffle, macaroni; flsh: cakes. croquettes, creamcd, creoled, frieci, bakeci, etc. One important tip to remember In the cookery of alternatives such as cheese, eggs ani fsh-use short cooking penlods and low tempera- turcs. Why? Cheese is already a cooked product and the protein in eggs and fish is 0f ten toughened RECIPES Rice Barebit> 1 tb. butter, 1 thb. flour, '/ý tsp. dry mustard, 14 tsp. sait, few grains THESE DAYS you cannot be sure you are properly insured - and reniain so - without the constant advice and assistance of a reliable insu.rance agent. When you get insurance from this agency you buy a service of protection - not pol- icies. Let us check over your insurance. No obligation. J« J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Bowmanville Phone 681 ýg ie 1- d Lt e ;t b CANADA'S FOOD RULES EAT THESE FOODS DAILY MILK - Aduits: one-half pint. Children: more than one pint. And some cheese. FRUITS - One serving of tomatoes daily, or of a citrus fruit, or of tomato or citrus fruit juices, and one serving of other fruits, fresh, canned or dried. VEGETABLES - (In addition to potatoes, of which you need one serving daily) - Two servings daily of vegetables, preferably leafy green, or yellow, and frequently raw. CEREALS and BREAD - One serving of a whole grain cereal and four to six slices of Canada-approved bread, brown or white. MEAT, FISH, EGGS, etc. - One serving a day of meat, fish or meat substitutes. Liver, heart or kidney once a week. Eggs, at least three or four weekly. PLUS OTHER FOODS YOU WISH EAT CARTER'S BREAD MADE IN BOWMANVILLE -FRESH FROM OVEN TO YOU- Lethbridge, Alta., Jan. 19, 1943. Mr. George W. James . Editor The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, Ont. ~ Dear George: As another year rolls around I amn reminded that another sub- .. ~i~i~scription to your always welcomed Spaper is due 0s I arn enclosing . ..... herewith an express order for the Samount. The years are passing ~ 50 very fast that it is hard for me to quie ealize that it is nearly four of thern since I was last able to visit the old home town. However, if 1 have been unable to visit it as often as I would like, the family, at least, has been ably represented there. While writing, George, I would like you to know that I very much like your editorials-I like the independence of the ideas you ex- press. I also like the vigor and expression of your writings. The Statesman is the first thing I open from the mailson the day it ar- rives. We are at present having our Controller Robert Saunders, years ago Mrs. Durno started de- first touch of real winter for this Toronto, presented the Barker voting her time to making the season. While we have had some Rose award of the week, Wedcnes- lives of hospital patients and el- cold weather earlier in the sea- day, January 20, to Eleanor Dur- derly folks in homes happy by son, the temperatures did not drop no in recognition of her work in providing entertainment for them. very low until the past few days aiding The Evening Telegram From these efforts an unusual en- when 25 to 40 below has been fair- British War Victims' Fund. The tertainment group has grown and ly continuous and rnany eyes are award was the second of the is now known :'ar and wide as the watching the western sky for signs weekly events made by Barker's "Cheerio Variety Entertainers." of that good friend of the South- Bakeries on the Wednesday after- "When war broke out Mrs. Dur- ern Alberta country, the Chinook noon quiz prograrn, "Easy Pick- no's efforts turned to aiding the Wind. Sorry to say that at pres- ins." war effort and she has done this ent we can see no signs of it. in a big way, mostly through The Best regards to yourself and Each week on the program Evening Telegram British War your staff and the best of health some woman whose contributions Victims' Fund. Her Cheerio group for the N. Y., to the B.W.V.F. has been out- has made over a hundred appear- Yours sincerely, standing will receive the "Bark- ances at events in which the B. T. H. McCREADY. er Award of the Week"' in the W. V. F. was the beneficiary." Ms form of a handsome suitably en- Mrs. Dro lhuhaTrnoR J. T. Mollon, 1057 Doverc't graved rose bowl. Ms unatog oot woman, has a cottage at Bow- R.Toronto: At this time of the In presenting the award, Con- manville Beach and spends her year, when payment for your trle Sudr si: Forensummers here. paper is due, we take this oppor- troler Sundes sid: Foureentunity of wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. On Friday morning The Statesman THE_______ cornes to us as an old friend, and we are glad to receive it. (Mrs. W. F.) Dorothy Banister, M IX IN G _ Millbrook: I arn enclosing two dollars for a renewal of The Can- adian Statesman. I look forward to its arrivai each Friday. With B OL d-~ every good wish for the year 1943. Mrs. Wm. E. Barden, 16900 By ANE ALANBurgess Ave., Detroit, Mich.: En- BY ANE ALL N ~closed find cheque for paper for Hjdr Hoe Ecnomat **~'*~ r..corning year. Almost forgot to H y d r H o r e E o n o r i stse n d it. L o o k e d fo r b la n k , b u t didn't find any. I enjoy the paper ABOUT MEAT ALTERNATIVES diced, i cup cooked nice, 'A-cup and look forward each week for it. ~Hello Homemakers! News of the chopped celery.1 Not too many left I know though. rto-Make a sauce from butter, florn, Hv a real old-fashioned win- beef shortage-and possiblerain mustard, sait, pepper and milk. 1tr ihn you continued suc- ing-calls for more than merely an Turn element "Off." Add cheese cess. xtra helping of vegetables at meals. and stin untii it is melted and mix- Hector Gould, lst Midland Wise homemakens will plan alter- ture is smooth. Add rice and Regt., C.A., Prince Rupert, B.C.: ~atie fods t do he jb tht met1Iarn well and arn lookîng forwand natve ood t dothejo tht matcelery. Serve in toast cases or on to another furlough before very does-"ýstick to your ribs," as the slces of crisp toast, long. The boys out here are stili nin mayoura e orf Crispy Fish Cakes working bard, but there is no I n - e at y o u re a ly et f u r o o dsu c h th in g a s w o rk in g b e tw e e n values: (1) protein for building up 11/2 cups saît cod, shredded, 3 sihowers. We work right through and repairing body tissues, (2) mron cups potatoes diced, 3 onions sliced, thern. We are ail looking for- for red biood ceils and carnylng l1½ tbs. baking fat, 1/à tsp. peppen, ward to a move some tirne, and xygen, (3) fat for heat and enen- 1 eg well beaten. we ail hope it is not far off. 1 y, and (4) B vitamins for goori Soak codfish ini cold water for -,arn sending a little poem for youL ppetite and neves. As you know, hour. Drain. Put fsh, potatoes and- t a . e e br met H ry ifferent foods have different food onions in saucepan, cover with boil- 1 Allun and ITirn Garton if you see ialues and somne have protein. iron ing water and Cook until potatoes them. So ong for now. - ind B vitamin values similar ta are tender (about 10 minutes). Pour Lamnent of Midlands ýlose contalned ini meat. The fol- off the water and shake saucepan Up rnid the clouds, his and fog, >wing is a list of meat alterna- aven heat ta fluf potatoes. Mash Housed over the muskeg knee- ives: (Poultry, f ish, eggs, cheese thoroughly, add baking fat, pepper deep in bog, which contains small amounts of and egg. Beat until ligflt and No sun to cheen through weary on), dried peas, beans, green fuffy and shape mixture into flat hours, 'getables and potatoes. i~nd don't Cakes. Brown on bth sides in hot No grassy fields, nor fruit nor rget the meat extras"-liver, fat. Serves 6. flowers. ýeart, kldney, tripe and brain-so (ÇarTots With Lima Beans With sky o'ercast with clouds of xceptionally rich in minerais and i1 cup dried lima beans, 1 cup naw gray, scier no govenniment restriction.croisrp,2ts. chpdonos And on' the hilltops far away Afe yu' uyda' wr crc rp, bs h3PdonosWe see the snow sa bleak and Adfavrte orecbu s dy wrp, t3bs. baking fat, 3 tbs. milk. drear, d faorie rcip easly repred Soak lima beans overnight; drain.1 Just desolation everywhere. sci satlsfylngly flavereci will keep Cook inii nz s, ~fale arunl 1 yet fully recovered frorn his ili- ness-typhoid fever . . . The to- boggan slidc down Dr. Mitchell's hili has been fitted up and is in capital condition. Season tickets can be procured fnomn any of the cornrittec - John Young, Fred Lee and T. G. Vintue. Maple Grove: Mn. and Mrs. M. Munday, Mn. and Mrs. J. Stevens and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Foley at- tended District Division at Black- stock and visited at Mn. Will Jef- feny's, Bunketon. Hampton: Geo. Oliver, who has been ili for a long time, is flot ex- pected ta recover. Starkville: Mrs. John Owens and family have scanlet fever.. Miss J. Tait, Cowanville, has se- cured a position in Whitby Ladies' College . . . Wm. Seymour has been appointed sexton of Clarke church. Courtice: After seven weeks' illness, W. Everson was out for the finst time on Sunday at scbool. ...L. M. Courtice has returned frpm Coboconk, where he has been looking up matenial for his new home. Providence: Monday night, Ed. Osborne drove a load 0f Young folks ta Bawmanville ta hear Mn. McLean's chalk talk . . . Byron Blackburn has recently been man- ried to a handsome Young Iowa girl . . . John Wght has ne- covered from his faîl. Miss Millie Bnimnacombe has gone to reside in Chicago, 111. Miss Brimacombe has been a very suc- cessful tempenance wonker and will be missed by her many friends. Messrs. Sherwooci and Normani Rundle of Haydon spent Sunday with friends in town. Oakland, Clarke: At John Bur- gess' wood-sawing bce thene was a lange turnout . . . Miss Shaw, teacher, is boanding with A. F. Carscadden . . . The Moffatt brothèrs have rented the old homestead. They wiil live in the section. howeven. On Wcdnesday evening last a goodly number of the relations and fricnds of Mn. and Mrs. Eber Milîson assernbled at their pala- tial nesidence and gave them a surprise in the way of celebratingi their "china wedding" on the l8thj in Place of the 7th. Mrs. (Rev.) D. S. Houck and Mrs. E. Annis, on bebaîf a! the company, present- ed them with a beautiful silver service and tray. On FridaY night representatives of aven 50 families met at W. R. Clemnens ta hoîjour the Rev. Han- vey A. Strike, the populan Young Pastor o! Tyrone circuit. The a!- fair was carried ta a succcssful issue by the Young folk by whom this clever Young divine is heid in high esteem. 1 1 - 1 OR 7W i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'PA(,-p- lriinvv. s Quantrill - Mercer BUTTER CONSUMPTION TEMPORARILY IEDU CED It bas become neccssiry to reduce the currcnt rate of consumption of butter, and accordinglv changes have been made in the dates on which (Ibro\vn) spare "C" coupons of the current ration book may be used. Spare -C" coupons 10 and 1l1rnay flot bc used for the purchase of butter. Coupons 1 to 4 inclusive, have already expired. Expiry dates for spare "C" coupons 5 to 8, inclusive, have been extendcd to aid consumers in stretching out the butter' allowance over the period from now until February 28th. Each coupon wvill continue to be good for the purchase of one-haif pound of butter and will be good only on the dates specifled below: HERE IS THE NEW SCHEDULE Coupon Good for purchase Not good for Number beginning on: purchase after: 5 and 6 January l8th February 28th 7 and 8 February lot February 28th 9 March lot March l4th The resuit of this is to reduce each individual's allowance by 2 213 ounces per week during the temporary period. CONSUMERS WILL FIND IT ADYISABLE TO RATION THEMSELVES S0 THAT THEY MAY BE ABLE TO STRETCH THE NEW BUTTER ALLOWANCE OVER THE NEXT SIX WEEKS THE WARTI ME PRICES AND TRADE BOARDBR7 Bowmanville