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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Miss Ileen Balson was weckend Pte. Ray Lucas, Veteran's guest of ber cousin, Miss Florence Guard , Internment Camp, spent a Lander, Toronto. short leave in Picton with Mrs. MissJea RudleOshwawasLucas and their three nieces, ar- Mis Jen Rnde, shaa, asriving just in time enjoy a weekend guest with her mother,, birthday party. Mrs. W. 9. Rundie. Kig- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells Captain John M. James, Kns have received a cable from their ton, spent the weekend witb hissoStPitErc wndl, wife ad son.advi$ing themn of his safe arrivai Mr. Athur Davidson, Hamilton, overseas, one week following his was weekend guest with Mrs. C. brother Roy. J. Smale and family. L. A. C. Wright, Ottawa, vis- Pte. Lorne MeQuarrie, Dart- ited Mrs. Wright and the Coulter mouth, N.S., spent the weekend family over the week-end and ýfith Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lunney. with him was L. A. C. Anderson, ý Mrs. W. W. Van Camp, Black- of Ottawa, who visited friends in stock, was Sunday guest of Mrs. town. L. J. Barton. Miss Doris Dudley conductcd Rotarian J. H. McKeever, of an impressive installation and Bowmanville Rotary Club, was a Candle light service for the Young guest of Oshawa Rotary Club Peoplc's Union of Northminstcr Monday. United Church, Oshawa, on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BaIl, Fred day evenîng. Miss Helen Pritch- and Ronnie, Oshawa, werc Sun- ard also attended the service. day visitors with Mrs. Gco. E., Tpr. Arthur Wright, Camp Bor- Pritchard. den; Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Pte. David Osborne, Dartmouthî Catherines; Mrs. L. J. Bradford, N.S., is spending his furlough with Toronto; Miss Hazel Wright, Osh-1 bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. awa; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Osborne. Gloria and Carol, and Mrs. Wm. Oke, Enniskillen, were guests of Miss Margaret Storey and Miss Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright and Molly Quay, Toronto, wcre week- attended the Wright-Martin wcd- end guests of Dr. and Mrs. V. H. ding. Stomey. During the past two wecks ten Mrs. Clarence Osborne and son, girls from the Goodyear have vis- Donald, spent the week-end with ited the Blood Clinie at Oshawa her sister, Mirs. Gordon Laking, and made a donation of blood. Newcastle. They arc: Rose Bate, Joan But- Miss Lena Taylor, R. N-., is at- tonshaw, Iva Ferguson, Madeline tcnding the Red Cross Refresher Calver, Doris Dudley, Gwcn Gil- Course at Western University, mer, Thelma Schlievert. Helen London, this week. She is ac- Scott, Marlon ,Hamm and Mrs. companied by her sister, Mrs. E. Ted Chant. Larmer, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cherry of Mrs. John Elford, who resides the National Film Board, Ottawa, with her daughter, Mrs. Ella took several inside pictures at Strike, King Street, observed her Walter Rickard's r esi d en ce, 93rd birthday on Friday. Among Shaws, and outside pictures at her callers were her grandson, W. Blake Short's farm. They will Ross Strike, and Mrs. Strike, and depict scenes at a typical Farm ber great-grandson, Allan Strike. Forum meeting and some of the According to popular tradition, problems facing Canadian farm- Tuesday, February 2, is Ground ers. It is expected movie-goers Hog Day, when the ground hog will sec these at the theatre some emerges fromn his hibernation. If time during February. be secs his shadow, he returns to The Woman's Association of his hole for six wceks more of Trinity United Church met in thec winter weathcr. school roomn with Miss Bennett AUTHENTIC WAR FILMS A Captured German Propaganda Film" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5th Opera Houise, Bowmanville at 8 o'clock sharp SILVER COLLECTION- ADULTS ONLY Film secured through efforts of Local Red Cross BUCKEE L CORNMEAL 5 L25e EXCELSIOR QUAKER XXXX PASTRY BREAD FLOUR FLOUR 24-Lb. 98-b Bag 73Ç ]E%« $2n49 TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 5ý FOR 2 r CALIFORNIA STARK, DOMESTIC CARROTS APPLES Lbs. l 2 Bunches 15, 3 For ç - FRESH IMPORTED PINEAPPLES- DON'T FORGET YOUR CHRIS TIE CAKE THIS WEEK-END - AND OTHERS- Wedding Wright - Martin Hampton parsonage was the scene of a prctty afternoon wed- ding on January 23, when Marion Madeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, Bowmanville, became the bride of Pte. Freder- ick Thomas Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright, Maple Grave. Rev. Walter Rackham performed the cere- mony. The bride looked lovely in a gown of wine velvet witb match- ing bat and accessories. Her cor- sage was of roses and sweet peas. Miss Audrey Martin, sister of the bride, was tbe only attendant. She chose a pale blue crepe gawn with matching bat and accessor- les, and a corsage of carnations and sweet peas. Tpr. Arthur Wright, «Camp Borden, was best man for his brother. The reception for the immediate families was held at the home of the bride's parents. Receiving the guests wcre the bride's moth- er, who worc a winc crepe frock with corsage of swcet peas, and the groom's mother, wbo chose navy blue crepe with corsage of mauve swect peas. For the wedding .trip to St. Catherines and Niagara Falls, the bride donned a wine coat with matching accessories. The groom bas since rejoined bis unit at Camp Borden. and ber circle ini charge 0f the devotional. Mrs. G. L. Wagar rcad thec scripturc lesson and Mrs. Wat- son led n prayer. A talk on "The New Ycar" was given by Mrs. W. P. Rogers. In the absence of the president, Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn conducted the business period during wbich interesting reports were given by the circie secre- taries. An urgent caîl for womcn warkers bas came from Western Ontario ta assist in war work of the most important kind. The new plant, at present under con- struction, neecis waîtresscs, cafe- teria workers, dishwasbers and chambermaids. Good salary is offèred, plus room and board, ideal living accommodation, and excel- lent food. Applicants are asked ta enquire at once at the nearest Selective Service Office, wherc full particulars may be obtained. The regular meeting of the Sol- diers' Wives Club was held at the home of Mrs. Elva Beckett. After 1 the business of the evening was disposed of, games and refresb- ments werc enjoyed byths present. The next meetingist be bcld at the home of Mrs. Marg. Lunncy, Temperance St., and wili take the form of a Val- entine Party. The date is Feb. 2, and wc extcnd a sincere invitation ta any soldier's wife ta came and jain us. The Girls' War Service Club has rcceivcd word that the Christ- mas box of knitted goads sent ta the H.M.C.S. Wctaskewin arrivcd in time for their Christmas celc- bration. The grateful thanks of the men was pcrsonally extended ta the girls by Sub. Lieut. C. H. Aharan, who is home on leave. The box contained sweaters, sca- men's socks, mitts, beimets, a wrapped gif t, books, magazines and games. The girls are prepar- ing another box ta be sent in the near future. Arrangements are being made ta bring a capturcd German Pnop- aganda Film and several other films ta Bowmanvillc on Friday, February 5, and present thcm in thc Opera House. This is some-' thing every adult in Bowmanvillc and district should sec and it is hoped that ail wili avail thcm- selves of the opportunity ta go. Sgt. Major J. Dymond will be present ta give some interesting facts about the pictures. Funther details will appear in next week's Statesman. C.G.I.T. NEWS Mary Alldread, Vice President, conductcd thc business perîod of the Lend-a-Hand group meeting on Tucsday cvening. "Be willing ta Forgive" was the theme of the worship service conducted by Beverley Sudds with Lois Mc- Mullen and Mary Alldread assist- ing. Girls cnjoyed a short period of handiwonk and recreation un- der the leadership of Miss Slccp. The Onwego group opened with the Worship Service, conducted by Dorothy Morris, assisted by Marjorie Rundie and Joan Long- man. The story, "Matt's Great Day," from the study book "Cana- dians Together," clearly sbowed that wc arc Canadians togethen and we seek ta appreciate our Europcan Canadians and ta de- velop an attitude of friendliness toward them. WATCH CLEANING Do you change the oil in your car every 1000 miles or so? Then what about your watch which is a much finer machine? The fine whale oul in this machine cannot last forever, and whcn it dries, the grind- ing and cutting of the small polished pivots begins. For this reason we would advise that you have your watch cleanêd and re-oiled at least once a year and the small initial cost which we charge may save you considerable expense later on. MAÀRRý'S Jewellery & GIft Shop Ring St. Phone 463 Obituary MRS. CHARLES J. RODGERS Mrs. Charles J. Rodgers, form- erly Miss Maud Nosworthy, died at her residence, 7 Rosehill Ave- nue, Toronto, Friday, January 22. Surviving are her husband, Dr. Charles J. Rodgers, a son, Eric N. Rodgers, and a daughter, Mrs. W. W. Southam. The body rested at Fred W. Matthcws Funeral Chap- cl, Toronto, until Sunday evening where a service was hcld at 8:30 o'clock. Interment took place in Bowmanville cemetcry on Mon- day morning on arrivai of the train from Toronto. Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer officiated at the graveside. MRS. SAMUEL J. McKNIGHT Mrs. Samuel John McKnigbt died Wednesday, January 20, at Bowmanville Hospital after a ycar's illness. Born at Kinmount, Ontario, October 24, 1889, she was formeriy Miss Christina Elizabeth Dean, daughter -of the late Mr. and Mrs. Seth Dean. In religiain she was a member of the United Church and she beionged to the Spitfirc Club of Bowmanvillc, a patriatic organization. She is survived by ber husband, four daughters-Mrs. R. Westlake (Christina), Mrs. L. Primrose (Diane), Mrs. T. Miller (Velma), of Bowmanville, and Mrs. L. Wood (Reta), of Cobourg; two sisters, Mrs. S. West, Bcamsvile, and Mrs. Aif Bickell, Bowmanville, also survive, as well as three brothers, Charles and Archie, Oshawa, and Cccii, Kitchener. The funeral was bcld Saturday, January 23, from the family resi- dence, Centre Street, ta Bowman- ville Cemetery. Rcv. Canon C. R. Spencer, rector of St. John's Churcb, where anc of the daugh- tens attcndcd, conducted the serv- ices. Palîbearers were Walter Cochrane, Lloyd Cochrane, Orville1 Bac, M. H. Wakclin, Bryan Cramp1 and Mr. Montgomery. Among1 those attending the funcral werc Mn. and Mrs. C. Liebens, Peter- borough. Flowers from the C P. R., Fcllow Employecs Dept. 116, Line 1, Ajax, and the Spitf ire Club wenc among the many and1 beautiful floral tributes. Times arc sa good nowadays that the only social problcm is ta know the correct fork ta use. COMING EVENTS Russ Creighton and bis variety entertainers from Toronto will be in thec Town Hall, Bowmanville, Thursday evening, February 4, at 8 pm. Admission: Adults, 30c; Children, 20e. 3-2I Notice NOTICE 0F POSTPONEMENT- Spitf ire Club bas postponed date of pillow case draw from January 27 till February 18 ow- ing to death of member, Mrs. 25C Every boy and girl in the service slîould recelve one. Our selection ls the blggcst in years. Sentimental, comical and pat- riotie cards - Mechanical val- entines for 'the klddies. Valenine Gifts -Books - Statlonery-Hand- kerchiefs - Pietures - China, Glass and Pottery. J. W, JEWELL "dBIG 20" BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanvllle YES! W. Have STOCK KLEENEX ---------------13C-29c Campana's Itallan Balm -------35e CANADA DRY ------------29e NIPPLES - General Health 10e - 3 for 25e FILMS - Complete Fresh Stock EASY POWDER SmaiI - 280 Large -550 @»SY CREAM Tubes - 300 j-n - 550 EASY SOAP EABY SIL 10oc ReguIoe -600 I5~ec Econo-1.1 dO"1 Johnson' s Baby Products B.H.S. PARTIES FormI Last Monday evening thc Ro- tary Rink and the H-igh Schoal were the scenes of the annual First Form skating party. The skaters arrivcd at thc rink at 7 and came to the school at 9; here thcy found bot dogs and chocolate awaiting thcm. Several teachers were present and also joined in the games which lasted until 10.30. Form Il A Friday evcning, January lSth, the pupils of II A with their teachers, Miss Rice, Miss Lennox, and Miss Moore, all enjoyed a tobogganing party at Munday's The group lcft the schaol at 7.30 and arrived back at 10 o'clock with two hours and a haîf to their credit. After reaching the school they had a lunch composed of hot dogs, pop and cookies. They then de- parted for their homes at 1l o'clock, a tired but happy group. Forni Il B Friday, January 8th, form II B of B.H.S. enjoyed their tobog- ganing with pupîls and tcachers meeting at the school at 7.00 p.m. Some brought toboggans and a fcw brought skies. After the hike out ta Munday's bill and an cnjoy- able hour and a haîf of fun all returncd to the school ta enjoy bot dogs and pop. The party broke up about 10.30 p.m. Form IV Fourth Formers enjoyed a skat- ing party on Thutrsday, Jan. 14, at the Rotary Rink. Althougb it snawcd heavily aIl day, the ice was cleared in time for the Party. The form met at the rink and skated until 9:30. They then re- turned ta the school whcre some played baskctball in thc gymnas- ium, whilc others danced to the music of Jack Rutter's records. As well as Miss Lennox, the Form teacher, Miss Rice and Miss Moore wcre there. Hot dogs and pop were enjayed by ahl. The party broke up at hall past cleven and everyone declared they bad had a wondcrful time. Fomm V The night for which Fiftb Form-1 crs have been waiting durîng the c past five years arrived on Tues- day, January 19, with a full moon. To avoid putting on the girls' skates, most of the gentlemen amuscd themselves by crunching candy during "King's Row." Buti evcrybody arrived in the B. H. S.i kitchen in time to enjoy the de-1 liciaus lunch. Hot dogs, cocoa, cookies and chocolate cake wcrc prepared and served by Edith White and Mrs. Anderson. Wc then trouped ta the gym for a wild game of basket baîl in aur stocking feet. Jack Ruttcr's Victrala provided1 the music for dancing. Because wc were Fifth Formers, an extra 15 minutes wcre whcedled from Mr. Anderson, our farm teacher.1 Allen Ferguson, on behaîf of the class, tbanked Mr. and Mrs. Anderson for their sportsmanship and co-operation . . . The moon then cscorted us home. A.S.A. Tablets loo's ------ 19e Nail Brushes 5c Medicine Glasses 7c Shaving Brushes ---50e-69c 10e Pocket Combs 4e 60e Roblnson's Bamley -- ---33e Orono News Park St. Union hcld its annual skating party Monday evening, in lieu of a regular meeting. Those who did not wish ta skate played Chinese cheekers until the skat- crs came in cold and hungry a little after ten. Saup and crack- crs wcre served ta all, Fifter whicb. games were played under the di- rection of Donald Staples until the town dlock boomed out the hour of 11:00 p.m. After aIl ex- penses wcre paid they had $2.25. Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, Misses Nellie and Bertha Armour, Hampton; Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, Burkcton; Mr. Marwood Heard and son, Elgin, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Dclbcrt Flintoff and little Miss Doris Richards, Osh- awa, wcrc visitors at R. H. Woods. Orono L.OL. held its regular meeting Manday installing offic- crs for 1943 who arc the same as for 1942. The Russian Relief Fund bas taken a trend for the better since the two church announcements Sunday. We hear coal is bcing sold in haîf-ton lots here in Orono. Farmers and farmers' sons arc taking advantage of the short course which is being conducted here and there throughaut the county. Orono town hall was the scene for the anc for this locality, hcld Tuesday and Wcdnesday of this week. Major F. Lycett is home on leave. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES' MEETING The Orono Police Trustees met January 25th for their first meet- ing. The following. officers wcre appointed: Chairman, W. J. Rid- dcli; sec.-treas., J. J. Mellor; fire hall caretaker, W. J. Riddell; con- stable and fire ranger, A. West. The minutes of the previaus meet- ing werc rcad and approvcd.« The remaval of snow from the sidcwalks was again discussed, and the ca-aperation shown by the residents of the village was much appreciated. In the case of there bcing any complaints, these should bc rcportcd ta the constable. ORONO HYDRO COMMISSION MEETING Orono Hydro Commission bcld its first meeting January 25th, al members being present. The of- ficers for the year are: Chairman, H. M. Mercer; treas., W. J.,Rid-1 deli; sec., J. J. Mellar; manager,i George Chase. The following accaunts were or- dcrcd paid: Orono Hydro Electric Commission -----------$289.75 Bowmanville Public Ut._ 91.161 $380.91 The treasurer reported the bank balance ta bc $2,530.63. H. Clarke and H. Mercer were appointcd delegates ta Ontario Munlicipal Electrie Association ta bc hcld February 9 and 10 in Tor- onto. 50e Pinex -------32e 1.25 Pinkham's Comp. ------87c Lactogen 69c-1.59 Blondex Shampoo ---- -23e Mercolized Wax 89e 35e Corega -- -24e ""Alenburys"P ~ Basie Soap super fatted cream uoap -free froin adultemata-wM lnot l*re moat tender akin. per cake 25e Blackstock Because it was such a starmy day, there were anly tweive pres- cnt at the Red Cross Aninual Jan. 19. First Vice Pres. Rev. D. M. Stinson was in the chair for the apcning exercises. After the singing of the nation- al anthcm, Archdcacon Simpson, guest speaker for the occasion, gave a wonderful talk on "The onigin and aims and generai work of the Red Cross, formed aven 80 ycars ago." Second Vice Pres. Mrs. Herman Hooey took aven for the business part. The main issue, sbe said, was ta get Cartwright people ta make blood donations. Anyone inter- csted was requested to get in touch with Mrs. A. L. Bailcy. Red Cross post cards werc on exhibit, and it was decided, ta get the Township teachers ta ask the chiidren ta help dispose of thcm. The Sec. Treas., Work Conven- or, Pnisoner of War Contact, Sal- vage, Boys' Overseas Boxes Con- venon, ail gave their yearly re- port. It was agreed that the election of officers wouid take place at a later date when it is boped ta bave a langer representation. St. John's Anglican Churcb vestry meeting held at the churcb Jan. 25 with Arcbdeacon Simpson pesidmng, apened witb prayer. Vestry Clerk Laverne Devitt read the minutes of last ycar's meeting. Archdeacon Simpson gave the rector's repart on wark accomplishcd. Ira Argue, peapie's warden, ,in the absence of Treasurer Mrs. Mc- Arthur, gave the Church Finan- cial report. Miss Eva Parne- ported for the W. A. Miss Vera Farder rcponted for the A. Y. P. A., and Mns. Fred Hamilton for the Sunday Scboal, and also for the Cemetery Board for ber bus- band. Archdeacon Simpson askcd Harry McLaugblin ta act as bis wardcn again, and Ira Argue was again appointed for the people. Mr. Harry Hall was appainted ta attend the synad, witb Fred Wiil- an as substitute. The Parisb Council consists of the nectar, chunch wardens, Sidesmen La- verne Devitt fromn A.Y.P.A., and Mrs. Simpson fnom the W. A. The sidesman, Levi McGill, llarold Crawford, Cecii Hamilton, and Clarence Parr, were re-elccted. Miss Lucille Fallis and girl frîend, Toronto, witb Mrs. M. Fail- is . . . Mrs. Ernest Larmen bas gone ta visit relatives in London. Mn. Alex. Gilbert left by plane an Saturday night fromn Malton Airpant ta go ta Vancouver ta visit his sick father. Word was received that he annived safely on Sunday. Sympathy is extended ta R. Aluin, M.A., on the deatb of bis brother, C. S. Allin, M.A., who died suddcnly at Whitby on Jan. 2tb. Mn. Aluin attcnded the fun- eral at Niagara Falls on Jan. 23, wherc bis brother taugbt. Mns. John Larmen visited inI 'MUUUMMUMU~MMMMMUU~...-------------------------------------------------------------. LOWEST PRICES $ICK mROOM NEEDS When sickness strikes be prepared to give your family "hospital came". By buying now, you can make substantial savings on the sick- room necessities every home should have. LYSOL DISINFECTANT 35c- 65c- MiIk Of Macrnesia 10.DBRD %,y0 a 0 buswaï.à a ~- CLINICAL THERMOM CAMPHORATED DII I HA O4~iSTERILIZED GAUZE IETER 3- oz. 5 yds. $1.25 33c 57c 19C Let HALO. the Iliii l ÎEADY-MADE f ' V.marvelous new UBANDu ID BANDAGE l --c shampoo :hat's A >-Li ..SufaMUfi m A LHEIVE TAPE 5c-lOc-15c-20c Ç,myu at Analgesie Balm- ----- 25e Spirits of Cainphor 15e-25e Sweet Spirits Castor Oul - 4-oz.--------19e 49C o~f Nitro --------- 15c-25c Zinc Ointment __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zam-Buk -------------- 47c Tube or Jar ---------25e _____________________Nose and Throat 1 odized Atomizers ------ 75c up Throat Gargle -- --- 25e cool jàlav*e. Always use a Gillette 81 in your Gillette Razoi THEY'RE MADE FOR EACH O' Bayer Aspirin ..--------2: Frosst's - 217's---- ---3j NOTHING BETTER1 25Ç DR' 25~ UNRt SHAI 49Ç Carter's Little Liver Pis Baby's Own Tablets ------ Grove's L.B.Q. Tablets ------ Sot as a fleecy clouf 25C ln box PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DEL: ado ir )THER 10 for 12e-98c ý5-75e aLY IR 23e 23e ---24e R -1 - m- mm ---------- -X5 1 1 - BARGAINS -1 33c Everready Shaving Cream .... 23c CHARME CASTILE SOAP .... 6 for 23c 35e SYRUP WHITE INE & TAR .. 19c SOWER mIuteSSi& 25 40i McOREO Bowmanville on Saturday. Mrs. William Van Camp visited Mrs. L. Barton, Bowmanville. Misses Marion H.ll and Janet Swain, Toronto, at their homes over the weekend. We hope that there won't be another snow storm for a long time like the one last week. We werc without mail for two days, and fresh bread and milk were pretty scarce. SCOUT NEWS The regular meeting of the Sec- ond Troop was held in the gyma- nasium Thursday night. Ch.ief intcrest was the discussion con- cerning the collection of bones. The subject had been brougbt to our attention in last week's States- man and it is nccessary to wait tili ncxt meeting before making any definite plans. Inspection was held and because there was such a small attendance it didn't take long to finish that. The Seaguli patrol again is in the lead and it will take a great deal of work hefore any others could catch them. Instruction was giv- en in the form of a rcview of the six important knots. The boys werc more twisted than the ropes but a littie practice refreshed their memories and they soon be- came quite adcpt at aIl knots. A cautiaus man is the one who neyer does anything he can't ex- plain to a jury. D'ANC'E The Canadian Legion lis Sponsoring a Dance to be held in the ARMOURIES Bowmianville on the evening of FR1., FED 5 comrncncing at 9.00 p.m. Modern and Old Tyme Dancing THE COLUMBIANS 6-PIECE ORCHESTRA From Oshawa will furnish the music Admission - 25e Per Person The proceeds from the dance to be used for the Service Mcn's Club Corne and have a good time THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 PAGE FIVE Vivian - Cowey At a quiet ceremony in Trinity United Parsonage, on January 23, at 2 o'clock, Rcv. J. E. Griffith, pastor, unitcd in marriage Ruth Berniccc, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowcy, Bowman- ville, to Private Leonard' Bain Vivian, Camp Bordcn, eldcst son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vivian, Hampton. The bride was tastefully attired in a becoming strcet-lcngth dress of turquoise and black sheer wool with hat and acccssories to match, and worc a corsage of pink baby mums. Miss Eleanor Vivian, Toronto, sîster of the groom, was brides- maid and wore a brown and beige crepe with corsage and accessories to match. Mr. Robert Vivian, Hampton, brother of the groom, was best man. A reception for the immediate members of the family was held at the home of the bridc's par- ents on Ontario Street. The young .couple left amid a shower of confetti and good wish- es for a brief boncymoon in Tor- onto before the groom rcturns to his duties at Camp Borden. The bride will reside with her parents until thc close of the war.

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