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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1943, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 28fh, .1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Soia and Personal~ ]Phone 40r16 Glad ta, see Dick Patterson in -town this week. Mr. and Mrs. K. Neale and fam- .iy have moved to Oshawa. Crows have been seen here. Is that a sign of spring? Dr. P. Cutteil was in Orono ow- ing ta the death of his father, Mr. S. Cutteli. Tuesday is bear day. Wonder if he will sec his shadow? Mac Smith, Toronto, spent a few days in town. Sympathy is extendied to Mrs. R. Sutton on the death of her father, Mr. Elford, and ta Dr. Cut- tell on the deatb of bis father, Mr. S. Cuttell. Mont Richiardson is essisting J. IE. Richards witb the meter reati- i ng. Mrs. W. Andrus was taken ta Ithe bospitailest wcek for foot itrcatmcnt. Armstrang's store is rcceiving some interior tieco rating. Junior room of Orano public scbo hbati elengthy holiday 0w- ing ta the illness cf Miss McDow- cil. Mrs. Steples bas returneti framn visiting frientis in Brantfordi. Miss Belle Allia bias been an the sick list. Fri'entis bore were sarry ta licar of flic buraing of Rcv. John Wihkinson's parsonage on Christ- mas day. Aithougli fli congroga- tion are securing a ncw home for bis wife, four children and him- self, ahi personal belongings were lost-including bis lirery books. Members of a former congrega- tion sliaweredt tlic witli gifts fol- lowing the fire. Well, tliere's no scarcity of park in Orono. If even gocs up andi down town cehing on people, riglit on the boof. We bear Mr. J. D. Brown bas purcbased flic Hunter House. At Park St. Cburcb Sundey evo- ning Rev. Littiewood hlie lhan- tera shies on "Cemeos of Korca" sbown in lieu af a sermon. The pastar cxphained flic pictures anti Colin Taylor operateti the latera. The pictures showedtheli work of flic missioneries in Korea before flic war, anti modemn anti native buildings. The work now is be- ing carried on by native Cliris- tiens. At flic mamning service flic pastor spoke on Rigliteousness, dealing wifl iti under two heati- ings-Rigbteousness which fails andi Rigliteausness whicb exceetis (i.e., goosflic oflier mile). R. E. Loga took flic solo part in flic morning antiem eand Mrs. Cherles Wood in flic evening anfliem. Messrs. Neil Wood anti Arche Watson, College of Pliarmecy, To- ronto, wcre home for flic week- end. Tliey bave bath tionncd flic King's uniform, bcing in the Sig- nal Corps. New Zealand natives once dyecl >8tbeir lips blue, believing that all ls disease entered by the mouth and that no illness-devil dared cross that magical colour. SPORTS NIGHT -AT - Orono Rtink, Feb. .4, 1943 Boys' Race -, Under 5 yrs. - Two laps Girls' Race - Under 8 yrs. - Two laps Boys' Race - Under 12 yrs. - Five laps Girls' Race - Under 12 yrs. - Five laps Boys' Race - Under 15 yrs.- Six laps Girls' Race - Under 15 yrs.- Six laps Men's Race - Open to ail - Ten laps Ladies' Race.- Open ta ail - Seven laps Best lady skater Best gentleman skater Best skating couple Gentlemen's and ladies' race - Six laps Oidest lady on skates Oldest gentleman on skates ADMISSION TO ALL - 25C PRIZES FOR AL - W. J. WATSON SKATING AFTER SPORTS DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the ncw changes of collection and deiivery la your district. This is made necessary by new goverament reguiations' which permit us ta, cover any one district two days a week, only, on alteérnate days. We wiil, therefore. be ia Bowmanvilie WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LBIIED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning with your laundry PHONE - 419 JR. RED CROSS Jr. Reti Cross met Friday affer- noon wifh h folhowing progrem tbeing presenfeti: Vocal solo liy Lamna Clarke; recitatians by Koifli West, Grace Gamsby, Eileca Joncs, Douglas Wliite, anti Bihl Hooey; reatiags by Elcanor Han- cock, Marie McKeana, Grace Gamsliy, Denny Lynch, Bill Haa- ey, Jean Wilson, and Jean Moffatf; spclliag by Carol Cornish; ritdiles by Pafsy Moffetf anti Kac Mc- Kenna. HICK & DUDES AGAIN CLASH It's certeinly going fa take ahi wiafcr fatidciie whicli are flic beffer hockey players et O. C. S. -lic Country Hicks or flic City Dudes. Tuesdey af lest week fliey chasheti egaia,-aad if wes tichared a 5:5 tic wlien fbey fiaally finish- cd flic geme, whîcli was fest and furiaus. The goalies surehyerneti their money-if fliey got any-liuf their efforts were rcwarieti by flic cheering of flic fans-wliicb, as usuel, were matie up aoflihe beaufies aoflice feminine sex. Tbis game wes foihoweti ly e game lie- twcen Bowmanvillc anti Courfice who riskedtheli precariaus condi- tion of flic roadti t pursue flicir favorite spart. ORONO HORTICULTURAL SO- CIETY ELECTS OFFICERS .Mrs. E. J. Hamm was re-elecf- cd presideat af Orono Harficul- fural Society for flic thirdtiferm at flic annuel meeting lielti in Sf. Saviour's Parisli Hall Friday ove- ning. Other afficers are: 1sf vice, W. E. Davcy (me-elecfed); 2ati vice, Mrs. F. J. Hall (re-elecfed); sec., Mrs. Chas. Knox (re-electeti); freas., Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Direc- tors-Mrs. G. Joncs, Mrs. O. W. Roîpli, E. J. Hamm, Mrs. Ed Dean, Rev. S. Lifflewood. (These are jusf baîf flic directors, flic others go ouf aexf yeer). Rev. Littlcwood was eskcd ta preside over flic election fallow- ing flic business p.ercati, wbich coasisteti 0f: The minutes of bofli the lest meeting andtillst an- nual meeting were read by Mrs. Knox; treesurer's report by Mrs. Dickson whicli showcti: Bal. fromn 1941 af $38.71, rcceipts in 1942 0f $130.22, expenses in 1942 af $121.- 91, anti a balance af $47.02; a vote of thanks ta Mrs. Knox for ber wark as secrefary; a fcw words rcgarding flic past and plans for flic future by E. J. Hamm; anti hast but nof ieast a discussion of future plans for further beautifi- cation af aur village. GOODWILL BIBLE CLASS MEETING The Gootiwil1 Bible class hlct their regular meeting et flic home of Mr. anti Mrs. A. A. Drummonti Thursday evening. The new pres- ident, Mrs. J. Gibson. lied charge of tlie progrem, wbîch openeti witb a short warship perioti in which Elsie Rowe foiti the story of flic writing of the bymn, "Tel Me flic Olti, Olti Story," which alI then sang. Business perioti folioweti, in whicb plans were starteti for flic next meeting, whicb is ta take flic form af a recreatianal niglit with eech member being alloweti ta bring anc guesf. Twa piano solos by Carol Steples were mucli enjoyeti, anti werc followcti by a mosf inter- esting anti instructive talk an "Art" by A. A. Drummanti, wlio is a promineat artist anti musicien as well as manager of flic Bank af Commerce here. Mr. Drum- moati elso slioweti many af lis cliarcoal, water colors, anti ail paintiags, whidb incluieti figures, scenes anti stilh hife subjects. Votes af thanks were extendeti1 by Mrs. Gibson ta Mr. Drummonti1 for bis taik, andt t Mr. anti Mrs.i Drummonti for their bospitaiify. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From the Orono News of Janu- amy 26, 1928. Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., leaves this week for flic apening tif par- liament et Ottawa. A special short course in Farm Meclianics under the direction tif Mm. J. Y. Kellougli, Agric. Rep. Durham county, is ta be heiti in flic fowa bail, Orono, commenciag nexf wcek. This is a course fliet shoulti prove heipful ta evemy fer- mer anti an opportunify for flic boys who purpose makiag femming their profession. Af Park Sf. churcli Sunday eve- ning, Mrs. Alex. Colville, contral- to saloist, Bowmenville, assisteti flic choir anti contribut cd q couple tif wel endemeti solos, mucli ap- preciaeetiby tflicocngregation. Circulation of Omona Public Libmary for 1927 as foilows: mcm- bcship-adults, 91; juvenile, 13. Number oif books teken ouf, 2,- 924, made up as follows: Fiton, 2,610. Literatre, 133. Histary, 80. Religion, 7. Amts, 7. Biography, 9. Generai womks, 58. Socioiogy, 1. Naturel science, 8. Philosophy, 1. Travel, 10. Total, 2,924. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, libremien. Mm. F. W. Bowcn, M.P., attend- cd flic funeral et Befhany of flic late Mr. Reynoldis on Thursday lest. It's a migbty poor excuse thef will not womk flic second time. VITAL STATISTICS Vital statisfics for Clarke Town- ship just releaseti by flic Town- ship clerk show seven birfbs, aine- teca marriages anti twcnty-tliree dticfls. Births Albert Kennefli Lockwooti, Hem. ahti Clame Cain, Mary Diana Trim, Douglas Keif h Pollard, Donald Lloyd Smith, Douglas Raymond Cathcart, Robert Henry Lewis. Marriages William Vance Allen anti Jean Margaret Mercer. *Cliarles A. Wetfcrs and Isabella Lillian Bruce. Gortion Stanley Marfincîl andi Thelma Ana Blotigetf. William Gardon Leamen andi Hazel Audirey Winfer. Jobn H. Thompson anti Amehia Bradlecy. Hawardi George Ellioft anti Clama Estelle Litt le. Laverne M. Farrow anti Gladys Rut h Ogdea. John Charles Tapscaff; anti Vic. tarie Gerard. Cliarles V. Waiker andt Autirey Elizabeth Cooper. Ediwin T. Manning anti Clari- bel Lorraine Brown. Sidney Arthiur York anti Helen Mary Burke. Geralti Evereft Shackleton anti Lenore Althea Bail. Ronald Keifli Pingle andi Mary Rase Baldiwin. Frcdemick Whitfakcr anti Lii- lian V. Inkley. Herbert Victor Paction anti Ruth Etna May Sautiten. William Henry W. Lowes anti Eve Berthe Jane Naylor. Ewart James Robinson anti Ruthi Savery. William Lawrence Grecnwooti anti Gladys Wilma Ard. Roanti Osbiorne Caldiwell anti Phyllis Marie Carleton. Deaths Isabelle Chapman, H enary Richard Rowe, Sarali Ann Stephi- enson, Sarahi Burhcy, James Hodg- son, Mary Swerlirick, Agnes Bal- lantyne Scott, Marflia Ana Gray, Freticrick Gibbis, Eber William Luxon, Rosa White, Margaret M.. Quenfriil, Leali Beatrice Allen, Etigar James Berry, Samuel Wal- lace Smithi, Josepli Robinson, Samuel James White, Lawrence Jacolis, Penny Luchla Farrow, Mary Alice Watie, Walter Reuben Slierwia, Anna Merthe Allen, Al- bort Kennefli Lockwooti. CEMETERY MEETING Orono ccmctcry m eeting was helti Satumtiay effernoon witli H. J. Souci prcsiding. C. F. Awtie preseatedtheficfollowing financiai statement: Receipts Casli in baak ------------ $ 957.23 Bonds, ------------------1,500.00 Annuel carc ------------ --419.0o Grave tiigging ---------- 219.00 Sale af lots -------------- 247.00 Fountiatians for manum'ts 39.15 Total ---------------- $4,043.22 Expenses Office expense --------- $ 197.76 Exchange ------------------- 1.94 Lebor ------------------- 1,016.00 General expenses -------- 146.20 Cash in bank ------------ 681.32 Bonds on lienti--------- 2,000.00 Total ---------------- $4,043.22 Perpetuai CreAccount Bonds in baak ---------$15,000.00 C ash ------------------ 321.00 Receipts --------------- 3,410.00 Less excliange --------- .45 Total--------------------- $18,730.55 BQads on hat--------- $18,50o.00 Cash in bank --------------- 230.55- Total--------------$18,730.55 This report was adopteti. Various things were lirouglit ta flic attention of flic members- namely fliat nearly 100 lots lied been placeti under perpetuai care lately anti thaf Govt. regulafions requireti rcgisfering flic cemetery. Johin Armstrong suggesftid pub- lisliing a lisf af alliahse burieti but this wes praveti impossible. The clectian folioweti, resuit- ing in flic directors for 1943 bcing Fred Tamblyn, Chiarles Miller, H. J. Souch, C. F. Awdc, R. R. Wad- tieli, R. H. Brawn, James Nixon, E. J. Hamm anti E. E. Patterson. At a subselquent board meeting, H. J. Souci wes re-electeti presi- tient, E. J. Hamm, vice pres., anti C. F. Awtic, sec.-trcas. KEEP FARM POULTRY AWAY FROM FIG PENS In spite of flic fact thaf great strities have been matie in eradi- cating bovine tuberculosis. whicli was farmcrly believedti ta lichfli main source af tubercuhasis infec-1 tion ia pigs, tuberculasis in hogss is iacreasing, stetes Dm. A. E. Cam-1 cran, Veferiaary Director-Generalc af Canada. A large perceatage afI tuberculosis la swine is offtflic avian type anti is transmittedti f0 swine by poultry. Consequently,t farmers raising swine shoulti take measures ta prevent poultry hav- ing access ta pig pens. If paultry are kepf eway from swine, heaithyt pigs are prevenfeti from contreot- ing evian tubercuiosis. 1 P Double-Action Way D To Help Roi ieve 8 1 COURGS 'SORENES Gct rigbtafterpalnful bronchitis mis- eries... hclp relieve the coughing, con- gtion, and soreacss this time-tested Vicks way that is sa successful1 Put a good spoonful of Vicks S VapoRub into abowl af baiing water. Then breathe in the steaming vapors forjustaofew min- - utes. With eacb breath ORONO LOOK oui' FOR YOUR LIVER! You can't b. complotelY weII If your Ilver Isn't weiI. Tour liver je tthe largast ergan - h orhdy snd toi iot«teyoir hea. I eoUrs hile te diges ogl i lwse uPlies nov eergy how prooeurnshnmnt te resh youbo.Wyouliver gets out of orderlIod decmpees i your intestines.Yeu hecorne constipated, stomsch snd kideys csn't w"r properly. Yen beel "retten"- hesdschy, bsckschy, dizzy, drsgged eut ail the tne. l'heunds hsve yen prompt relief vith "Fnit-a-tives" Se tan you NOW. Try "Fruit-a-tives" Canada's largest selling liver tsblets. Tlsey must ho good. You'l ho delighted how quiddly yeu'iiIeelIliks s nov porsen, hsppy and weIll gsin. 25c, Sûr- RONCHITIS SS CONGESTION yau taec, the medication goes straight to inflamnet bronchiai tubes where it soothes irritation, quiets caugbing anti loosens tightness andi congestion. At betiime rub Vicks VapoRub on 1a tbroat, cbest anti back. Its pultice-vapar action wors for hours ta bring you added comnfort wlile yau sieep. NEWS meieeataDemeony Vl15o.t e0bléUinexi.itence, t.? dry bushet measure was tard mn Canada during the French regime (be/are 1759) and ta now in lhç%posees.ton of the Chàteau de %amcmy, Mantreal. A Bushel of Trouble for Hitler C ANADIAN and American grain fields, Herr Hitler, have caused you a lot of trouble ... and they are going ta cause you a lot more. Because, from these grain fields of ours comes an ail-important weapon of wam -high-proof alcohol. As you well know, Herr Hitler, high-proof aicohol is an essentiel ingredient in the manufacture of smokeless powder for aur shelis, bombs, mines, torpedoes. You know tao, that high-test alcohol is used ta make synthetic rubber for our jeep, truck and aemo- plane tires ... pharmaceuticals ta keep aur boys well ... shatterproof glass for aur aero. plane windsields . .. and a hst of other poducts ur Army, Navy and Air Force are using ta cause youm destruction. Over heme, Herr Hitler, we have plenty of grain and ample facilities ta make almost unlirnited quantities af elcohol for war. Yes, Hcrr Hitler, yau are really in trouble. AIl cour distilleries in Canada and the United States are pauning ouf an endless stream of hig-prof alcohol for wa. And you can be sure, Herr Hitler, that this stream will neer stop until your lst gun as been silenced. THE Housîs 0F SEAGRAM Every Seagram plant hi Canada and the United States is engaged i0O% /ainth~e production o ALCOHOL FOR WAR NIEWS JOTTINGS FROM THE MEMORY Repair Farm Machinery ' ]BOX 0F THIE MAN ON THE E~ in i um'va SHELF NowFor Next Summer Eeih dcto Have you of late turned back ta In haying time îast year a Ad L some of the worth whilc books that farmrer lost ten hours of tîme and Eflicieucy have not "gone with the wind."?. made two special trips ta town B Have you picked up Tennyson for repairs when a mower brokeC.1.T k and broused over Locksley Hall? dw.Asalcsig hc But of course, says the sophistic- ste, that is sa aid fashioned. Inti- costs less than anc dollar, was OpEetrlst rntig that they are so up ta, date. las t in the hay f ield and the mower - In re a ity th e ar li e a p ro u ct c o u ld fo t b e o p cra te d u n til it w a s D s e l g In r;liy thy ae lke aprouctreplaced. This delay could have Disny*. submitted ta a certain scrmani been avoided and valuable time (opp. ilO> - class years ega. The Aged Principal saved for a cost of anc cent, as the Oshawa ýe said among other things . . . That delay was caused by a cotter-pin Phone 1516 was a wonderfui introduction, but which ware off and allowcd the a wonderful introduction into no- casting ta, faîl off the mawer. If 241 thing. this pin had been inspcctcd and Our seif-complacent madernist is replaced before the haying season hraemny eso tt- bi ard ta define, it makes me recail started, the hay crop w auld have Thr ae ma y ra ns t t a certain definition that runs been harvcsted carlier with lcss may be expressed as proof of the soiewht a folow: -"Trns-labour haurs and at a lower côst, benefits ta be dcrived through samwha asfolows - Tras-observes E. A. Summers, Agricul- the establishment of sight saving cýendcntalism is a sand bank inl tural Representative for Durham. classes connectcd with the schools. G riwhich there are two hales, a storm Next summer many "last-min-An whn elok ac ovrl cernes up, washes away the sand utc" repairs will not be possibleAn h w lokbkovre lbar'k, and icaves the twa hales.duc ta conditions causcd by the some of aur seriaus cases and re- BI d 1892. Tennyson passed away... war. Provision has been made caîl certain episades relating ta but in Lacksley Hall, among other for the production of a large vol- them, small wonder that they p] d things hie says:--Cursed be the so- urne of repair parts, but ail dealers cial wants that sin against the may not have al the parts wich grew. The peddlr, for example, ýstrngth af youthl Cursed be th~eray be required at a mnments callng at a huse without proper - social lies that warp us from. the notice. Because of difficulties in instruments of examination, upon d living truth! Cursed be the sickly transportation and in estimating bis.being asked how he could ex-_ forr s t at rr fom anet N t heta requirem ents of ach district, am ine proper-ly whilc saime anc 's foms tat er fro honst t is necessary ta arder repair else had a certain space and cquip- uro's rule! Cursed be the gold that parts early s0 that the machinery ment for work, w'as under quite guilds the straitened farehoad Of dealers can place the required an expense and so establisbed the fool. Rather blunt for the parts la stock. that he would not examine out- M y rnodernlst who abtains bis stand- Bath labour and money can be side bis office. The peddler's re- b irds frorn commcrcialized amuse- saved by ordering repair parts ply was, "Madam, I am a seil ments where the stars sample anc now and by thorougbly overbaul- ist, andi do not require those in-Pl inother so alten that even the ing machinery andi cquipment this struments." n"fans" can hardly be expected ta wintcr. Suppose this were accepteti asL f ollow the Reno court news . . . sa To deterrnine the repair parts a fact and I have every reason ta dao course a stabilizeti professional wbich are requireti cvery machine believe it. The case will gain niine is very handy. should be inspecteti. Afteit the little as time gocs on and will be y But we wll delve deeper int first rder of parts are obtained a chronic nc more fully devel- Locksley Hall. How is this, Non the machines sould be overhaul- opd and naturally a harder case Si d and al additional repair parts ta refrat traugh neglect. Inr thinker frorn out oif the out of ôrdcred s0 that tliey can be useti Mare than anc ta blame but the Cc date. "Far I dipt into the future, wben the machines are being as- anc wbo faces the facfs is the anc far as human oye could sec, Saw sernbled. who suffers. the Vision of the world, and ail Not anly should fieldi machin- (To be continued.)- the wandcrs that would be; Saw cry be overbauleti, but if pumps, _______________ F h, heavens fi with conmnerce, grinders, feeti hoppers anti otherR argosies of magie sails, Pilots of such equipment are reconditionei Mlrasrccnslir a i the purple twilight. dropping down naw, labour can lie savcd nexftrcaed just as efectliey aby iv 'heir costly bales; Heard the heav- summer. raejutsefcivlbyg- ens fili with shouting, and there ing less quinine over a shorfer raind aghatlydew romthena-perioti of time than in the stand-- raired ghatlydew romflicna ard methad, says Dr. Aubrcy H. tions. airy navies grappling in the California holtis the record for Hamilton, lieutenant-commander, îcentral blue; the deepesf snowfall with 884 U.S.N.R., who bas bati 20 yas i - Let us pause tc, ask how far incbes (marc then 73 feet) record- experience. He uses the hydro-J ye; -aviation had ativancedi whea this cd at Tamarack, Calif., in the Chird or 0 qinn.iU thiker died, 1892. How does hs winter f 1906-7. lrdfrnofqine penetrating mind sec the day in________________ which you Iye you who simply want tac, at, drink, anti be mcrry, throw dowri your Tennyson and go for toriiro you die. to a show and leave iftat real mcen Wellt s oont, orehigta work, serve and die, ta provide c~ that cahîs for cansideration. "Till 3h3 /eatopee ntýwhý the war-drum throbbcd no longer, you may indulge your case with f f and the battle flags were f lic hemost exactly brilliant conclu- 32 in the Parliament of Man, the so . . I don't kow where we Federation of the World. There the arc going, but we are n the wav An idaul authorized invesi common sense af most shahl holti« . Mighty fine ta be a patriot, companies, cemetery boc a fretfuî realm. in awc. And the willing for the other manta di- other IIL kirdhy earth shahl siumber, hapt in for your country ... 1 universal law. Just a litf!e wilt flight ta, that So Mr M dc ni t ha i al pirit landt et w hich se m a y braveT H 1 dem stuff! that is to ou W i have gne ... Do yu sec tlvrn? .- .Its fundamentai truth and theae tis nd owthyn otether TERLIN G needis atualy b y0U tstOdto-hoe darlondowtyn oe the ndy .. acty elnes r thef0-use and abuse af the opportunities CORPORi dayhe Coun Gtreati aru nd thet their sacrifice bas secured. can 372 BAY STREET Mothr Cunty, ctullyin hatyou hcar themn say . . . Did we country, the compulsion of neces-difo ht sity has driven how maay nationsdifoth? ta consultation. Not only England - Scotlanti North Irelaad -Canada -Africa -- Australia-Ncw Zcaland -India - Abyssiria - Paland - Ozechoslo- vakia-Norway - Denmark -Hal- landi -Begium --Greece Aibania -China - The Dutch Nethcrlands -and, others you can name... The dire compulsion of the hour demards the consultation of na- tions and peaples for the cammon gooti anti the Great Repubîlio0f the U.S.A. lntelhigently and grace- fully acknawiedges the wistiom of the get together andi has kindly wards anti many andi increasing, kindly plans ta, express practical and essential aid for the mutual benefit of ail concerneti. Tenny- son was so in advanoe, as a thinc- er, of bis age, thaf he has even Outdistanced. the Gane With The Wind vataries . . . Universai law or chaos . . . but please do nof For quick relieffrom itchigof emema, pimple@a, tb- laeo's foot, BCal ca.aabies, rash"a and oth e ctcrally causcd akin troubles, use fast-acting, condlwg, anti. feptic, iqud tD. tD. tD. Prea>:riptiou. Greamea,4 stanlja.Soothes irrtation and quirk]y stops intense itehing. 35e trial botule proea it,or money back. Ask Your druggist today for D. D. D. PItESCRIP'rîON. 1 THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN N Business Directoryj Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal .oney ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson raduate of Royal Dental Col. ege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee l1dg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phorne 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. .adern Motor Equipment, Amn- ilance and Invalid Car. Tele. oone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. ..icensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Ennlsklllen Phone Bowmanville 2536 ,ecializing in Farm, Livestock, mplements and Furniture Sales. 'nsult me for terras and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarlan Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 843 29t1 Limitation of alcohol in toilet- ies will save a million gallons a ear for military production in the .S.A. )N 5 YEAR UJARA NT E ED TCERTIFICATES stment for inciiviciuals iarcis, executors anti iustees. IE TRUSTS 'TIOiC)N TORONTO

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