PAGE EIGHT The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Relatives have received wor( that Mr. W. H. Baskerville, o Glenside. Sask., is critically iii ii Saskatoon Hospital. Walter Blackbu.rn of the R.C A.F.. Toronto, was a Sunda: guest of Miss E. M. Blackburn anc Mrs. Orner Cole. Pte. Sidney Ferguson, Cam' Borden, spent the week-end wit] his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Ferguson. Mr. Parnaby Martin, who ha, been off duty and under the doc. tors care for some weeks, is nov improvîng. Mr. W. F. Rickart, M.P., is inlO0- tawa attending the opening of parliament. Ross Allin, Maple Grove, spent the week-end at Mr. H. M. Allin's. Public Sehool Jr. roomn pupils missed their teacher, Miss M. Ber- nice Smith, part of last weelk when she was ill at home. Mrs. R. W. Gibson was in To- ronto last week. Rev. Fred Nicholson of St. Chad's Anglican Church, Toronto, is conducting morning devotions over station CBL this week. It was St. Chad's Church which members of the late Chas. Gomme family associated themselves aften going to Toronto, and a number of Newcastle people have wor- shipped in the church when vis- iting in Toronto. Newcastle's share of the $5000 donated by the Northumberland and Durham Counties' Council to the Aid to Russion fund will be approximately $44.50. Newcastle's iiability for the Counties' Council general expenditures, based on the ratio of its equalized assess- ment to the total equalzied assess- ment, is .89 per cent. of the total. So this donation won't bear very heavily on the ratepayers. An ap- peal was made, from Newcastle churches last Sunday for contri- butions to the Aid to Russia fund ROYAL THEATRE- Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. JANUARY 28-29-30 M on.-Tues.-Wed. FEBRUARY 1-2-3 Double Feature SHANGHAI GESTURE with GENE TIERNEY, VICTOR MATURE and WALTER HUSTON - aiso - MAD) MWARTINDALES wlth JANE WITHERS and ALAN MOWBRAY- NEWS OSHAWA, ONTARIO Now Showing.. NEVIL SHUTE'S MOST FASCINATING STORY THE PIED* PIPER MONTY WOOLLEYr RODDY MaeDOWELL ANNE BAXTER 7d )f ýn [y d [p ,h il ts v f Monday & Tuesday rwo BIG HITS ANN SOTHERN RED SKELTON IN MAISIE GETS BER MAN PLUS Derek Farr - Vera Lindsay "àSeELLBOUND" Comling Next WED. TO Road Morrocco CROSBY - HOPE - LAMOUR and a generous response is ex- pected. The Counties' Council bas ap- pointed Lewis Clark a member of the Newcastle Board of Educa- tion for the year 1943. He suc- ceeds H. J. Toms, now an elected member of the Board. Mr. Clark's father, the late Merkley Clark, was a member of the Board for several years and xvas chairman from 1923 to 1928. Lewis Clark is a direct scion of une of New- castles oldest families. The farm whicb he owns and operates 50 successfully xvas deeded to the Clarks by the Crown in early pioneer days and bas been oc- cupied by succeeding generations of the family withouf a break in the male line. The family has been paying taxes into the muni- cipal treasury for 86 years, that is since Newcastle was incorporat- ed in 1856, and naturally has had a vital intenesf in the affairs of the village. -.* *--.- --.- ~-. ~THURSDAY JANUARY 28th, 1943 S.S. No. 9, Clarke Owing to snowstonms during the pasf week, mail deliveny was tlisnupted and motor traffic haît- ed on the 3nd Line. Messrs. R. Osborne, W. H. Gib- son, and F. W. Bowen attended the Fruit Convention in Toronto, Jan. 2lst and 22nd. Several of our boys and girls went in a sleigh load f0 Bowman- ville Rink Saturday night. Are the good old days coming back? Farm Forum fôr Newcastle dis- trict met at Wellington Farrow's home Monday night. It is very gnatifying to oun wan work committee to know that our parcels and smokes are getting through ta our boys overseas. Mrs. F. W. Bowen's nephew Douglas Stockdale, who attended No. 9 School a few years ago, writes: "I went up to the opening BEVERLY ANN GILKES COMES A few of the boys put on a istage HOME THROUGH THE SNOW show. Among them were two Bowmanville boys. One of their When ten-day-old Beveriy Ann naines was Charlie Richards. I Gilkes, along with ber mother, can't tbink of the other one now. Mns. Chas. Gilkes. essayed f0 go to Do you know him?" bier home at Bayside Farm, The No. 9 War Workers are Shaw's, on January l9tb, weather quilting Tuesday at Mrs. Irwin and road difficulties presented Allin's. themselves. Beverly Ann was born in Bowmanvjlle Hospital onl The following letter was ne- Jan. 9th, but she was îlot destined ceived by Mns. Bowen: to stay there. On the l9th ber England, Dec. 18,1942. father thought to bning bis wife Dean Mrs. Bowen: and daughfer home in the family I was surpnised to get such a car; but owing to the snow-filled lovely parcel from No. 9 School. road ]eading up to the highway, I stili have the iovely present No. with more snow faliing ahl the -9 Sehool gave to me last Xmas. time, the effort failed, even with 1 thank you again for the parcel, the help of Waldemar Eddy with and wishing you the best, and a shovel and Alex Prout with bis merry Christmas and happy New team. The car bad to be tempor- Year-and to aIl from No. 9 arily deserted and left to be cov- School. This is a fine country, ered with snow. The next day a but give me good old Canada any more determined attempt was day. Hoping f0 be home soon and made with the assistance of well- f0 see you all once again, I remain, wishing neighbons, and their com- PTE. C. C. SMITH, bined labors were crowned with C2891. R.C.A.S.C. success. With the belp of Coun- lst CASO RU cillon F. B. Lovekin, George Al- . CA .S lin, W. Eddy and Alex Prout withiCW. CAOS team, the car was dragged) SCHOOL NEWS through the snow to the highway. By Kelth Pedwell, Grade VM At Kurv Inn tbey were met by grandpa J. E. Rinch and uncie W. The Junior Red Cross beld ils E. Beman, who with Miss Irene first meeting January lSth. It Rinch had gone f0 Bowmanvulle was decided that we would send and brought Mrs. Gilkes and two dollars to the Red Cross. daughter to that fan in their car. Plans wene begun for a sieigb nid- Here they were tnansfenred to ing party to be beld Feb. i2th. Mn. Giikes' car wbich, with the We have been studying birds in team hitched f0 if, made ifs sure Science. The boys are going to and steady way down the snow bang out suet sticks s0 that the filled sideroad f0 "Bayside" and birds around No. 9 Schooi wil home,.flot go hungry. No. 9 School be- gan bot lunches on January llth. Mns. Robb bas not been here for THE BOMBERS ENTERTAIN severai weeks. The Bomber, an active group 0f Newcastle Young ladies, held a well-patnonized card party in the community hall on Friday eve- ning. There were options of Bridge, "500V, and Eucbre. The p 1 a y e r s occupied the council ch amnber wbile those partial to Euchre on "500" were accommo- dated in the kitchen. Pnizes were presented f0 the top scorers and low scorers of each group. Win- ners of first pnizes i Bridge were Mrs. Chnis Law and Keitb Aiken, and of consolation, Mns. J. H. Jose and Wm. Saunders; In "500" first pnizes, Mrs. J. T. Brown and Stanley Graham, consolation. Mrs. Thos. Spencer and E. E. Patter- son; In Euchre, first pnizes, Mrs. Henry Reichnatb and Gordon Watson, consolation, Miss Betty Enwright and Thos. Wilson. A dainfy lunch was served at the close. Among "The Bombers" members, active in the planning and conduct of the evening's en- tertainment, were Mrs. Aif. Gar- rod, Mrs. Douglas Cunningham, Mrs. Douglas Wright, Mrs. Jas. Wright, Mrs. Gordon Watson, Miss Margaret Brown, Miss Leona Tebble, Mrs. Michael Gogerty, Miss Phyllis Langman, Mrs. Er- rol Brown. NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S FINANCES 1942 Receipts Balance from 1941 $ 28.51 Legisiative Grant 39.74 Municipal Grant 35.00 Members' Fees 54.00 Flower Show Admissions 34.32 Sale of Seeds, Plants, etc. 6.81 Refund, Judge's Fees ---- 4.00 TOTAL - ---- - ------$202.38 Expenditures IFlower Show Prizes ----- $ 32.95 jCivic Improvement --------45.68 IExpenses of meetings ----- 8.00 ICost of options, plants, etc. 41.81 Judges' Fees - -------------- 9.00 Administration Expenses -- 27.24 $184.68 Balance on band ---------- 17.70 TOTAL ----- ------- ------- $202.31 Besides the $35.00 grant from the Municipal Council the Council spent, in 1942, $190.73 for civic Tyrone E The Januany meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the vestry witb 1Mrs. Hoar, president, in the chair. Meeting opened with hymn and Mrs. Hoar led in prayer. Mrs. Floyd Dudley presided for the election of officens. A report of Baby Band by Mrs. A. Hilîs show- ed sixteen members. Mrs. F. Dudley gave a full financial re- port, and Mrs. L. J. Goodman gave a'repont of her visiting as Friend- ship Secretary. Mns. Leslie Brooks bas neceived letters of thanks from, boys over- seas-as well as in Canada-for the Christmas parcels sent by community which were very mucb appreciated. Privgfe Mur- ray Tab said in bis letter that he would like the people hene f0 know bow much the jam and honey sent througb the Red Cross were enjoyed by the civiilians there. Aiso an Aingraph letten was neceived from Pte. Jack Gibbs as follows: "Dean Ladies: Just a few lines f0 say your most welcome parcel arrived safely and fo thank you very much for if. Most of our Xmas parcels found a wafery rest- ing place, as ail the boys are com- plaining of lost parcels. SUiR we are veny thankfui f0 receive even a few. As yet we have not seen any snow, and the weather is ver y mild. Pte. JACK GIBBS." Mrs. R. Hatheriy bas refurned home affen spending.some time with ber sons at Dixie. Mrs. Walter Park and babe, and Miss Yvonne Byam, Oshawa, af Mn. F. L. Byam's. A congregational meeting was held in the vestry Monday night. Mn. Percy Hayward, Pickering, at home. Mn. Albert Hawky is under the doctor's cane. TYRONE SCHOOL NEWS By Glenn Brooks, Grade VIu. For the firsf time in 1943 we ring you the Tyrone School News. Our annual concert furned ouf a decided success. Affen al ex- penses were paid, we realized $44.00. Nearly $30.00 of this came from raffling the goose. Eric and trees, shrubs and flowers. report in whicb she presented 9' month by month neview of ail the society's activities throughout the year. The treasurer's report show- NEWCASTLE ed a balance on hand o! $17.70, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The 1942 membersbip was 54. The directors expressed appreciation Board of Directors for 1943: of the Municipal Councîl's dons- Pres., H. R. Pearce; 1sf Vice Pres., tion of $35.00 and o! the services, R. S. Graham; 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. these many years past, of Mn. J. Chnis Law; Directors for 2 years, W. Bradley as auditor, fogether Miss E. L. Trenwith, Mrs. M. Top- with the hope that bis healtb may hif!, J. H. Smith, E. E. Patterson, again be restored. A. O. Parker; Directors for i year, The society regrets the Ioss of Mns. P. Brown, Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Mrs. Jno Hendry from its Board Miss O. Warren, Rev. R. E. Mon- of Directors. Changes wrought by ton, J. H. Jose; Hon. Presidents, time and circumstances have Thos. Moffat, Dr. J. A. Butler, W. made if impossible for ber f0 F. Rickard, M.P.; Sec., Miss E. M. carry on. Her disinterestedness, Blackburn; Treas., Mrs. J. A. ber innate love of the beautiful Awde. Fred Coucb Sr. and T. A. for beauty's sake and ber prac- Rodger were named audifors. At tical help in advancing the ideals the annual meeting, mentioned in of the society made ber a valued last week's issue, Miss Blackburn member of the Directonate for gave a comprehensive directors' sevenal years past. MOORCRAFT-In Bowmanville Hospital on January 16, 1943, to Mn. and Mrs. Herbert Moon- craft, a son (James Gordon). 4-1 WELSH-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal on Tuesday, January 19, to Mn. and Mns. Charles H. Welsh, a son. 4-1 HULL-At Bowmanvillb Hospit- al on January 23, 1943, to Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Hull the gif t of a daughten. 41 DEATI-S ELFORD-In Newtonville Janu- any 21, John P. Elford, aged 81. Funenal held Sunday, Januany 24, at Nestleton Church. 4-1* RODGERS-At ber nesidence, 7 Rosehili Ave., Toronto, on Jan- uany 22, 1943, Maude Nos- worthy (fonmerly of Bowman- ville), beloved wife of Dr. Charles A. Rodgens and dean mothen 0f Mns. W. W. Southam and Eric N. Rodgens. Resting at Fred W. Matthews Co. Chapel, 665 Spadina avenue. Service in the chapel Sunday evening, 8:30 o'clock. Inter- ment, Bowmanville, Ontario, on arrivai of train leaving Ton- onto Monday at 9:15 a.m. HUNTE-Af Vancouver, Janu- ary 21, 1943, Clara Poilard, eid- er daughter 0f the late George and Margaret Pollard, formerly 0f Orono, and beioved mother of Mrs. Nevin Armstrong, Van- couver; Earl, R.C.A.F., Toron- to; Nelson, R.C.A., Camp Shilo, Man., and sister of Mrs. J. T. Coombs, Toronto. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ton- onto. IN MEMORIAM PAEDEN-In loving memory of my dean Father, John Thomas Paeden, who passed away Feb- ruary lst, 1942. He is gone, but not forgotten. Son Lorne. 4-1 SCOTT-In loving memory of Thomas James Scott, wbo pass- ed away January 25, 1937, and bis wife, Selena Scott, who died January 24, 1942. Peacefuliy at rest. Ever remembered by the fam- ily. . 4-1 WONNACOTT-In loving mem- ory of a dean husband and fath- en, John Wonnacott, who passed f0 rest February 1, 1941. Day by day we sadly miss hîm, Deeply do we feel the loss, Lonely is our home without hlmi, Help us, Lord, f0 bean the Cross. Sadly missed by wife and fam- ily. 4-1* BENNETT-In loving memory of a dean husband and ahrBn jamin Bennett, mwodpre tis life January 27, 1937, also a loving son and brother Benny, who died December 8, 1919. And whiie they lie in peace- ful sleep, Their memory we sh'all ai- ways keep. Lovingly remnembered by wife, daughter Doris, and son Harold. 4-1 Card of Thanks The family of the late Mr. John Elford wish to thank ail their friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and expres- sions of sympathy during their sad bereavement. 4-1* Mr. S. McKnight and daughters wish to thank their friends and neighbors for expressions of sym- pathy and condolence and beauti- fui floral tributes extended to them in the loss of a dean wife and mother; especiaily thanking nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for their kindness. 4-1* The family of thle late Mns. J. E. Cole wish to thank Rev. J. E. Griffith, Rev. H. W. Foley, Dr. W. H. Birks, Staff of the Bowmanville Hospital, neighbors, fniends, rela- tives and feilow workmen for their many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy, and floral gifts tendered during their recent be- reavement. May I take this opportunity of - expressing my sincene thanks and appreciation to the superintendent and nurses of Bowmanville Hos- pital, Dr. C. J. Austin and to my many friends and relatives for their various acts of kindness during my recent illness. HARVEY YELLOWLEES. Enniskillen, Jan. 25, 1943. 4-1 1 -lelp Wanted fWANTED - GIRL FOR GEN- eral housewonk, phone 505 Wanted WANTED-5 PASSENGERS TO AJAX. Shift 8 to 4:30. Phone Roy Porter, 2332. 4-1* Work Wanted WORK WANTED-PLAIN SEW- ing, knitting and mending. Helen L. Carruthers, Queen St. Phone 818. 3-2 Jones, Tyrone, was the lucky winner. Dorothy Shinner soid the most tickets and Fred Shackle- ton came next. Donald Dudley acted as chairman. After the program Santa Claus came to distribute the many gifts Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - SIX ROOME House with good garden. R. Bottreil, Duke St., Bowman- ville. 4-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-2 STOVES, COOK- Stove and Heater. For particu- lars phone Blake Short, 2479. 4-i FOR SALE- ONE HORSE sleigh. Appiy H. B. Foster, Bowmanville, phone 745. 3-3 PIANOS FOR SALE-FOR IN- formation telephone 492 or write P. O. Box 353, Bowman- ville. Fred J. Mitchell, Church St. West. 3-2 FOR SALE - MEDIUM SIZED Gurney Keystone Cook Stove with water front. Also wicker carniage and go-cart. Phone 846, Bowmanville. 4-1 FOR SALE-1935 FORD COUPE, 5 good tires; also 1 Car Radio, 1939 Model, push button; both in excellent condition. Price reasonable. Phone 2183 affer 6 p.m. 4-1' LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select youns fnom over 300 patterns actually in stock.' You are invited f0 view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- FOR SALE - BANNER WHITE IENAMEL COOKSTOVE, six 9" Ilids, large oven, resenvoir and Ihigh closet. In A-i condition. IWater front if necessary. Ap- Iply T. S. Mountjoy, R.R.6, Bow- manville. Phone 2503. 4-1 OSHIAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everythîng in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at comn- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store. 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FURNITURE BARGAINS-Due to the owner being cailed for military service, we have been autborized to seli at a sacrifice the furniture for a three roomed apartment consisting of 3 pce. Chesterfield suite, 4 pce. wvainut bedrooma suite (Marshall mat- tress and cable spring available if desired); 6 pce. dînette suite, natural shaded finish.' Every item brand new and just releas- ed from storage. Suites can be purchased separately or $279 cash buys $400.00 worth of fine new furniture. Goods on view at F. F. Morris Co. Friday and Saturday until sold. Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-10 P I G S, THREE Months Old. Phone 2335. 4-1 FOR SALE-SHOATS FOR SALE Apply Clarence English, R.R.1, Hampton. Phone 2554. 4-1* FOR SALE-4 YOUNG PIGS, 10 Weeks old. Apply James Oke, Phone 2831. 4-1 FOR SALE-23 PIGS, 8 WEEKS old. Apply H. C. W. Milis, En- niskillen. Phone 2575. .41 FOR SALE-7 PIGS, 3 MONTHS old. Apply John Liptay, Hamp- ton. Phone Bowmanville 2420. 4-1 * FOR SALE - YOUNG C0W, Jersey and Holstein cross, due to freshen. Apply Edgar Horn, Hampton, phone 2144. 4-1* FOR SALE-13 WHITE YORK- SHIRE pigs, 6>veeks old. Ap- ply F. Aldsworth, Courtice. Phone 149J2, Oshawa. 4-1* FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE Pigs 6 weeks old. Also one large gney gander. Apply T. S. Mountjoy, R.R.6, Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 4-1 FOR SALE - MY SHORTHORN herd sire, an outstanding Klay- more bull, of the Lancaster family. Also one young bull, 12 months. Write or phone for particulars, Orville B u r t o ni, Claremont, Ont., phone Clare- mont 14 rll. 3-3* FOR SALE - PUREBRED JER- sey bull, three months. From prize winnîng Jersey Island stock. An outstanding individ- ual. If interested write A. E. Cariey, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Loca- *tion, Town Line East of Oshawa. 3-2* on the tree. The proceeds are going f0 be used for yarn, Brit- ish War Victims' Fund, and for various games. We have four new students since Christmas: Gwen, Ray, and Keith Davey, formerly fromn Long Sault; and Gregor Freund. Greg- or has passed the entrance ex- aminations, but he has some back work to review for high school next year. Some pupils have brought Bingo games f0 school for enter- tainment on various days. Most of the pupils here have neyer played Bingo, but ahl are anxious to learn. The first Red Cross program of the season was held on Friday, January 8. Glenn Brooks' team was in charge. Lots of enter- tainment was offered by a Treas- ure Trail Quiz Program. The modern seed catalogue is the most effective liferafure pub- lisbed on nutrition. If really in- spires people to grow the vifamins and minerals needed for health. Affer fhey are grown penhapa the Governmenf could give a liff le subsidy f0 everyone who will caf spinach and Brussels sprouts. Wanted to Rent WANTED - NICE 5 ROOMED apartment or bungalow in Bow- manville. Phone 323, Prov. Constable B. Kitney. 3-2* FOR RENT-8-ROOMED HOUSE 2 miles north of Bowmanville. Garden land and use of barn. Immediate possession. Phone 2194. 4-1 FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Possession February lst. Phone Oshawa, day 1062, night 1441J. 1-tf Baby Chieks CHICKS, CHICKS, CHICKS. IN- vest your money in the best, we have any breed you wish, eary orders receive preference. Price list on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. BABY CHICKS-S. C. LEG. HORNS and Barred Plymouth Rocks, mixed and sexed, chicks fnom Government banded and blood fested stock. Last year throughout the entire season we were booked three weeks in ad- vance and orders f0 date are heavier than last year. Order today f0 avoid disappointment. Two hatches a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Write on phone for pnice list. H. J. Brooks, Qrchiand Farm, Bowmanville, Ont., R.R. No. 3. Phone 2636. 4-tf. NOTE-O WING TO ANOTHER Poultry farma advising us they have a copyright on the name "Yesterlaid Farm" which we have used since starfing in busi- ness i1 years ago, we found it necessary to chonse another name. Our farm is now regis- tered under the name "Orch- land Fanm." 4-2 RICHELIEU HOTEL FOR SALE by TENDER Hotel property suitably located for sale by seaied tender knewn as Richelieu Hotel, Bowmanvilie, (no liquor license), now operating under short term lease, practicai- ly new bot water heating system, three story building, 40 odd rooms, running water in practically every room, several rooms with pnivate baths. Highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders sfating terms, cash pre- ferred, received up f0 Feb. 1, 1943, addressed f0 C. H. Mason, Secre- tary-Treasuner, Bowmanville Hos- pifaI. 1-4 Wanted To Buy WANTED-GOOD MIXED HAY, Cash. Must be delivered. Write Box 156, Statesman Office, Bow- manville, statingeprice and quaI- ity. 4-1* ANNOUNCEMENT jThe Doctons of Bowmanville have agneed to uniform office houns as foliows: Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wiil be seen at other hours only by appointment. In case of an emergency, Pa- tients may cali the Bowmanville Hospital to find out which doctor is on duty. These hours In effect as fnom October lst. Repairs E XP E RT REPAIRS ON ALL makes of vacuumi cleaners and floor polishers. Telephone our "C.U.C." Service Depot, Bow- manvîlle 774, at The McGregor Hardware Store. 49-16* RE-TIREADED ' 60OX16 TIRES IN STOCK The Iargest stock of recondi- tioned tires east of Toronto. Al l sizes. Rubber footwear vul- canized.- TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of PFot Office AND TILLYER LENSES are the best. We are licensed to fit Tillyer Lenses-the very latest achievement of ophthalmic scientists. They noticeable comfort. For un- like ordinary lenses, Tillyer Lenses are accurate to the very edge whether you look up or down, in or out. Jury ULovell The Rexali Drug Store *When we test eyes It lu donc properiy Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket Agçneol W. are gladto £aexlaii. kow Tillyer Lenses are different, Let us show yot& -. A' YOUR EYES deserve the best To Our Policyholders At ouir ninety-sixth Annual Meeting wc were able to report another year of most satisfactory progress during 1942. The report showed that the great stability of your Company which has been such a satisfaction to ail policyholders was stili further improved. Once more great numbers have been helped through distressing circumstances because of their co-operation with the many thousands of others who constitute this Company. At the same time the funds which have been accumulated on your behaif are being employed very largely in your country's war financing. A compleue annual report is available at any of our offices. CThe Assurance Company Established 1847 n2n"nn"m 0 id1hmý -damdie WA N TBA 0 .5 THE CANAbIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARM