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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONrARIO THIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1943 -. Lake Shore, Clarke Red Cross met at Mrs. G. Mar- tin's Tuesday. The ladies re- niained for a pot luck supper. Af- ter the gentlemen arrived, al enjoyed an evening's card play- ing. A number of aur residents at- tended Brown's dance in New- castle Friday night. Visitors: Mr. Bey. Jaynes spent the weekend in Toronto . .. Miss D. Simpsan, Cowanville, at Mr. Robt. Hendry's . .. Miss J. Holmes, Toronto; Miss M. Powell, Toron- ta; Miss Edith Hendry, Peterbaro, at home . . . Mr. and Mrs. B. Whitney, Port Granby, at Mr. W. 1; Adam's . . . Mrs. W. Baskerviile ani babe in Oshawa . .. Mrs. Jna. Hendry with Mrs. G. Rickard, Shaw's ... Mr. Jno. Mitchell, Pt. Hope, at Mr. C. J. Mitcheil's. Newtonville Visitors: Mrs. Skelding with ber son, George Skelding, Maple Grave . . . Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Waodham and Marie and Mr. Fred Woodham, Toronto, ut Harry Wodham's ... Miss Wilma Prouse with her parents, Warden and Mrs. W. Prouse, Osaca . . . Mr. Leslie Allin, Lake Sb~ore, with Ed Samis . . . Mr. Alfred Redknap Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chester, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickett, ANC E The Canadian Legion Us Sponsoring a Dance to be heid in the ARMOURIES Bowmianville on the evening of FR1., FED 5' commencing at 9.00 p.m. Modern and OId Tyme Dancing THE COLUMBIANS 6-PIECE ORCHESTRA From Oshawa will furnish the music Admission - 25e Per Persan The proceeds from the dance te be used for the Service Men's Club Corne and have a good time i p J» I Oshawa, at Arthur Redkflap's. ..Mr. Chas. Morris, Toronto, at home . . . Mr. L. E. Milison at Mr. Chêries Beebe's, Orono... Mrs. Hiassen, Chatham, at Mr. Frank Giimer's and visiting Mrs. Rutherford . . . Mrs. J. Stark, Donna and Gwen, with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Castie- ton. Newtonville friends were tbriil- ed Monday eve ta hear the voice of June Ware on the Alkaseltzer program. June is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ovens and spent most of ber. hf e here. She was ane af aur. tele- phone operators before moving ta Toronto. Miss Annie Nesbitt entertained a number of friends at bridge Wednesday nigbt. Mrs. Rutherford had the mis- fortune ta faîl on the floor in her homne and break her hip. She is in Part Hope Hospital. Mr. Bert Stapleton is in Tor- onto this week taking a course in telephone work. Mrs. Wesley Noden, Newcastle, was buried in Lakeview Cerne- tery here Monday. Mrs. Noden spent many years in Newtonville and friends extend sympathy ta her bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lancaster visited at Mr. Chas. Welsh's, Bow- manville, Sunday. - Burketon Visitors: Mrs. Hawthorne, Fen- elan Falls, witb ber son, Mr. B. Hawthorne . . . L.A.C. Harold Wilson. RCAF, Aylmer, at home *... Mrs. Parsons, Saskatchewan; Miss Ella Hoskin. Oshawa, with Mr. W. Hoskin . .. A. C. I. Roy Carter, RCAF. Toronto, at home *... Mr. Hector Grant witb friends in Toronto . .. Mrs. Jae McLough, Mrs. Jas. Carr, and Mrs. Haseman, Lotus. with Mrs. M. Adams... Miss Eileen Rabm. Weston. with ber parents . .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, Viola, Mary, and Albert, with friends in Osbawa . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and Billy, Osbawa, at Mnr. E. Adams' . .. Miss Doreen Homes, Oshawa, with Mrs. E. Caugbill ... Miss Viola Adams with Mrs. Ross Oke, Osbawa ... Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane and Kenneth with Mr. H. Adams. Sympathy is extended ta Mr.. S. MacKnight and family in their loss. The late Mrs. MacKnight formeriy resided in Burketon. MAJOR BRECK RE-POSTED Major Tom Breck, of Burketon, wbo on his return from overseas, was posted as Camp Paymaster ta Petawawa M litary Camp, bas now been re-posted ta Military District No. 13, witb beadquarters in Calgary, ta assume tbe appoint- ment of District Paymaster there. Major Breck spent tbe weekend in Bunketon. and left Monday morn- ing witb Mrs. Breck ta have a few days together in Toronto and London before proceeding West. Tyrone Mrs. Byron Moore bas returnt from Toronto wbere sbe spe several weeks with ber sistE Mrs. Wade. Mrs. Floyd Dudley spent tl weekend with ber parents, M~ and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Markha and belped celebrate ber fatbe 80tb birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke ai babe, Bowmanville, spent Sundz at Mr. Russell Luke's. Mrs. R. Burgess visited Mr. ai Mrs. D. Hoaper and Mrs. Storie Orono. Friends ai Mr. and Mrs. Les: Brooks and Glenn are sorry lose tbem from the village th( baving moved ta Bowmanvill Prion ta their leaving Mrs. Braoo xvas presented with a pin-up e tric lamp fram the ladies ai t) Red Cross and Institute. Mi Brooks tbanked the ladies fi tbeir kind remembrance. T] Mission Band presented Mastg Glenn with a Bible. Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Cba Aluin, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Alli and Robent, Bowmanville; Missý Nan Allun and Dell Smitherai Toronto, at Mr. Wes Yellowlee ..Miss Annie Yeo at Mr. Hai aid Hancack's, Columbus ... Mr J. E. H. Davis and Walter, Kec ron, at Mn. Ralpb Davis' . . .mi! Betty Smales with relativesz Wbitby ... Miss Pearl Leach wit ber parents at Taunton . .. C Robert Scott, Physical Trainin Instructor RCAF, Toronto, at MV R. C. Scott's ... Pte. Fred Wrigii Camp Borden, and Mrs. Wrigh Harmany, at Mr. S. E. Werry ..Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thoml son, Taunton, at Mr. Thas. Baker ..Mr. Artbur Thompson, Bom manville, at Mr. Jack Yellom lees. Mr. A. L. Pascae gave a con prebensive repart of Grand Div sian at the Sunday School Tern perance pragram Sunday. Francis Watten. junior co-chanr pion af tbe hag-judging team f<c Canada, presented some interesi ing details ai their judging ar sight-seeing trips ta Toronto, N: agara Falls, Hamilton, and 01 tawa, at Home and School Clu Friday night. In conclusion h promptly replied ta variaus queE tions asked. Mrs. Jack Baker, i an excellent address, clearly deE ignated the place of music in 11f( The program also included pian solos by Mrs. Isaac Hardy an Evelyn Parrinder and a bumorou reading by Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr. Frank Gilbert was in Ta: anto last week cansulting bis spE cialist, Dr. J. F. A. Jabnstan, wh found tbe condition af bis eyE s0 unsatisiactary as ta warrar bis return ta Tarc.nto Generî Hospital for furtber aperations. An ald-fashianed home is th one which basn't a card tabl in it. DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC4 REMO VAL SALE ied nt e r's ýnd lay rid at ;lie ta ýey [le. ks c- ;he rs. Cor 'he ter as. lin *es ir- rs. 1d- iss at ,th Pl. Ir. 't, 't, r's PLATO NIT E CUPS and SAUCERS PLATES 4T LAST we have everyday cups, saucers and plates. Plain white platonite, attractive and serviceable. See our dlsplay. Cups............... 6e Saucers ............6c Large Cups....... 8c Plates.......15e Soup Plates .20t BUY NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS VALENTINES For Kiddies - Grownups Specials for those ln the Services 2 for lecup to2Mcea. J. Yi. JEWELL "BIG 20'7 BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowvmanvllle Maple Grove 71- Private and Mrs. Fred Wright, n- Misses Eunice Denby, Mary Turn- bail, Beverly Shea, and Pauline SLever, Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. or Snowden's. 3t- ______ ýd Mapie Grove Sehool News i-________ )t- ib The childncn at aur scboal were he vcry glad ta hear that the bear ý_saw bis shadow, as this means six inmore weeks ai winter-mare skat- ýs ig e. The Montans trimmed the Spit- o fines for the fourtb ttimc in four id wccks ai hockey. This time the us score was 16-4. Ken Staîker led the way fan the winners with sev- r- en goals, while Dan Smith cal- e- lected six. Io Our penny bank average hast es week was 28.5 per cent. nt Mission Band held its January 'ah meeting Thunsday with Madeline White's group in charge. A goad pnogram was given. Grades 7 and 8 are having a de Harry and Bert Snowden. Nestieton- The Woman's Association met at the home ai Mrs. Wmn. Steele January 28. Mns. R. W. Marlaw, lst Vice President, opened the meeting witb the bymn, "What a Friend We Have In Jesus". Seipture lesson by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Plans were made ta quilt1 two qufits for the Red Cross ta be given on behali ai the church. Next meeting ta be held at Mrs. Alex Main's, in*charge ai Mrs. W. Campbell's graup. Mrs. Steele was given a hearty vote ai tbanKSI for a fflcasant and profitable meet- ing. Meeting closed with hymn, "Abide With Me." Lunch was served. Visitons: Mns. Peter Wright is visiting Mrs. John Henderson, Nestieton Station . .. Mns. A. H. Veale is visiting friends in Ton- onto ... Mns. Frank Emerson Ed- gar Emerson, RCAF; Ralph Emer- son, RCAF, and Mrs. Emerson, Toronto, are witb Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson . . . Mns. W. Drinkie, Victoria Harbor, with ber sister, Mns. Gea. Bowers.. Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin witb Mrs. H. Wheeler . . . Mrs. Dan Black with ber mother, Mrs. Jas. Dick-j ey, who is quite sick . .. Mn. Win. Steele. who bas been unden the dactor's cane, is able ta go back ta work again. Eniniskillen In an apticle in the Globe date-1 lined Winnipeg, Januany 31, 'On-g tario Airmen Avent Big Fire," i Sgt. J. A. MacDonald and Fligbt Sgt. M. H. Cornisb, bath ai Ta-1 ronto, and Sgt. S. F. Davis, ai Part Coîborne, are credited with extinguishing a fine which broke out in the Seymour Hotel, in whieh 100 guests were sleeping. Flight Sgt. M. H. Connish is thei son ai Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Cornish1 who ive west ai this village. Visitons: Misses Helen and Betty Knox, Hampton, at thein sister'ý, Mrs. J. Sieman . .. Mrs.1 E. Strutt with iniends in Oshawa1 ...Bill Dickie, Sarnia, visited bis1 mother aven the weekend . .. Mn.1 and Mrs. A. Beecb, Blanche and Lloyd Haydan at Mns. G. Becc's *... Mn. and Mrs. J. Siemon wereI visiting H. Degeer . . . Mrs. H.i McGili and Gartb spent Sunday with bier parents . . . Mrs. Wmn. Oke and Ray Sanderson visited J. Oke, and Mn. and Mns. E. Wright at Shaw's . .. Mn. and Mrs.i E. C. Ashton and Mn. H. Ashton1 visited S. Rodman's, Part PennyE ...Mn. and Mrs. W. Smith and iamily, Oshawa, at Mrs. Ella1 Smitb's . . . Mrs. A. Sweetman,1 Uxbridge, Rin.' N. R. Sweetman,c Nanaimo, B.C., L .A. C. Sidney Eggîngtan, RCAF, Mrs. Egging- tan and Patricia at D. Lewis'. A very enjoyable evcning was% Sspent at the Community Hallr Friday when the wan wonk ladies1 Sput on an oid-time party, the pro-E ceeds ai which wcre ta be usd ion Aid ta Russia and boxes forI o ur boys avenseas. The afghan made and raiiled by the pupils ai the public scbaol was won by Roy McLaughlin, Union. The temperance instruction of tbe Sunday Schaol under the lead- ership of the temperance secre- tary, Mrs. H. McGill. Reading by Mrs. F. M. Slemon, "Watcb Yaur Snowball." Poem, "Where Tbcre's Drink There's Danger," read by Carl Brunt. The meeting closed with aphabetical Temperance Bible verses. Mr. M. Heard, new superintendent, oiiiciated. The collection taken for the Russian Relief. Work donc by Enniskillen Red Cross for 1942: 23 large qults, 4 print quilts, 4 prs. bloomers, 4 slips, 10 men's shirts, 6 boys' shirts. Knittîng: 2 turtle-neck sweaters, 10 pr.'s socks, 1 pr. mitts, 1 toque, 1 cbild's sweater (donated), 1 turtle-neck tuck-in, 4 pr. socks, 3 pr. gloves, 2 helmc'ts. Hiampton Mrs. Frank Muir and son, Frankie, Caledonia, visited her father, Mr. F. Rogers, and sister, Mrs. Gardon HuIs. Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, spent Sunday with ber sister, Wilma. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett vis- ited with friends in Toronto and Scarboro last week. Mrs. Billett attended the funeral of a friend ini Toronto. Cadet C. J. Wray, OTO Brock- ville, and Mrs. Wray, Bawman- ville, at T. Wray's . .. Congratu- latians ta Leonard Vivian and bride on their recent marriage. Mrs. Ed Robson, Oshawa, vis- ited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Farncomb . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Biilett visited friends in Bowman- ville Sunday . . . A.C.2 Gardon Hilis, RCAF Montreal, visited bis wife and baby during the week- end . .. Pieased ta sec Mr. J. W. Balson out ta church Sunday after being canfined ta the hause for some time with an injured anklc. Friends are glad ta knaw that Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, wbo bas been iii in Woodstock Hospital, is now at home and is gnadually imprav- ing. Quite a number irom bere saw the picturc, "Mrs. Miniver," in Bowmanville. Misses Cecile Petit and Gladys Chapman, Bowýnanville, spent a few days at borne priar ta enter- ing army lii e. Mrs. H. Freeman, Bowmanville, visited ber daughter, Mrs. Denis Pickard. Tbe North Group met for war work at the home ai Mrs. W. Greenaway Thursday aiternoon, wben quiiting and sewing were engaged in. The annual cburcb congrega- tianal meeting was beld on Wed- nesday nigbt iast week when en- couraging reports of the variaus departments of church work were given. Congratulations ta Mrs. R. Avery on celebratîng ber 85th birthday Tuesday. Mrs. Avery, wbo is enjoying goad bealtb, was the recipient of many beautiful cards and a number of iriends called ta extend best wishes. Blackstock Following the Red Cross ship-1 ment for January. Air Force and Army-1 turtie- neckecT sweater, 3 scarves, 6 pr. gloves, 2 pr. mitts, 5 toques, 18 pr. men's socks. Scamcn's Comforts -3 Pr. long stockings, 26 pr. socks, 9 pr. mitts, 7 aero caps, 3 turtle- necked sweaters, 14 sieeveless V neck sweaters. Refugee Cloth- ing-10 pr. boys' stockings, 5 large quilts, 1 afghan square, 1 pull- over sweater. St. John's W. A. met at the Rectary on Tbursday afternoon, Jan 28. The president, Mrs. Simpson, led the W. A. Litany and mcm- bers' prayer. Mrs. Fred Hamil- tan took tbe Bible study. The Rail Caîl was answered by giving a New Year's tbought and a quilt block. Mrs. John Carter donated a compîcte quilt. The treasurer, Miss E. Parr, gave the monthly report. The Darcas convenar, Mrs. R. Parr, reported buying some af the Indian girl's cloth- ing. Members voted ta bold a sale af goods, and a tea some- time in the future. Mrs. F. Craw- ford gave the chapter from the study book, "Publishers af Peace," which deait with the life ai Bisb- op James Lucas and bis work in the Arctic. (This cbapter was written by Dr. Whittaker). Mns. Fred Willan read an extnact from "The Living Message." Mrs. H. McLaughlin was appointed pro- docton's can»,e for the past tbre weeks and is now gaining slowly. Miss Vivian Sadien read, "Be Careiui What You Say," by Ed- ward McHugb. Miss Jean Wrigbt nead a letten from ber pen pal in Engiand, sbowed bis picture, also a picture ai bis home town. Mrs. T. Samelîs gave an article ai Wal- lace Havclock Robbs': "Dan't Be Afraid 0f Lufe."1 Mrs. C. Marlaw read, "Faitb 15 Victory," by Rev. Farm Forums PROVIDENCE FAR1d FORUM Our meeting was at the home af Mr. and Mrs. F. Morrill. There were 17 made it tbraugb the snow. The subjecet for discussion was, "Education for Farm Living." Our local scbool basn't the cquipment ta teach aur cbildren a trade, it was revealed. If we are ta have this equipmefit we will bave ta iorm a larger administration unit and study the needs ai cach sec- tion. The money ta aperate this larger unit cauld be handled by a Provincial unit. In this way the poorly equipped schaol would be braugbt up ta the standard. Mem- bers ai the Forum agreed that a standard educational system dlean across Caftada was desirable, but none seemed able ta formulate any pracess by wbich this cauld be donc witbaut inteerinig with the British North America Act. Our next meeting will be at the home ai Earl Osborne. NEWCASTLE FORUM The Newcastlè Farmn Forum met at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jase. Fcbruary 1 with 21 present. Tapie ai discussion was "Educatian for Farm Living." The question ai the adequacy ai aur rural educational system ion children was brought iorward stnangly and it was decidcd that present rural educational facili- ties failed to teacb aur children the possibilities ai iarm lii e by not specializing in wbat migbt be called the child's lufe work on the farm. It was generally decidcd that this might be remedied by taking in langer areas oi educationâl ad- ministration ion tbe purpose ai praviding specialized teacbers who would visit aur schools and teacb these subjects as aur music teachers now do. Aiten sam erecreation canduct- e dby Mrs. Colwill, wbich includ- cd community singing, lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home ai Mn. and Mrs. George Honey. S.S. NO. 4 FARM FORUM The Farm Radio Forum ai S.S. Na. 4, Darlingtan, met at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry with an attendance ai 14. The subi ect ion discussion was "Educatian for Farm Living." At the beginning ai the discus- sion it was thought that aur school provided adequate educational f a- cilities, but on going marc dccp- ly inta tbe subject it was found tbere were many things lacking. The group failed ta sec any advantage in iorming the langer scbool administration unit, how- ever, as it was flot believcd that it wouid be an advantage ta the small scbool as the small schaol would have littlc contrai when employing teachers and aven oth- en matters. It was bcieved by those pres- cnt that the present educatianal system, particularly in regard ta secondary scbools, is not adequate for the average student and that much ai bis study is af the wrong kind and flot suited ta fit hlm for bis liic's vocation. The Febnuary 8 meeting will be b eld at the home of Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce. SHAW'S FARM FORUM Shaw's Farm Forum met at Mn. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight's February 1 with 16 present. Blake Short was convenor. The subjcct discussed was "Ed- ucation For Farm Living. If educatian is ta be ai real serv- ice ta farm lie and rural chil- dren, it was revealcd in the course ai the discussion, wc must build aur schools on the need ai tbe countryside and ai country chil- dren. If this is done, it may lcad ta an alteration ai aur ideas on cdu- cation, anc speaker allegcd, and will result in anc wbich will make for a better lufe an the iarm. It was funthen bnought out that tbe Home and Sehoal Club might became the centre for social ac- tivities, and so do much ta make farm lufe more attractive. As things stand now, bowever, though the educational facilities in aur community anc fairiy sat- isfactory,- thcy can stili be much improved. For example, a better bealth service might be inaugurated, and the teaching ai scientific agricul- turc grcatiy cxtended. In short, consoiidated schools may be the answer ta cqualizcd education., presentced-the Upper-Scéhoaol-;-Caàr-y Wright and Eanl Dorneil pnesented the Intermediate, and Rcv. D. M. Stinson the Junior. Dancing was enjoyed Friday night aiten the play ta the music ai the Wilson Orchestra, ai Man- chester. Cadmus The January meeting ai the Cadmus W. A. and W.M.S. was held in the church basement on Tuesday with an attendance ai 14. Mrs. H. A. Galbraith presided. The tapic taken by Mrs. Gal- braith was framn the lst Epistle ai John and based an love. Mrs. Strong gave the New Year's message from the Domin- ion Woman's Association Couni- cil. Rev. D. M. Stinson gave some extracts from a letter writ- ten by Archbishop Simpson's son, now in China, tclling ai the ter- rible conditions there. During the aiternoon, and wbile the pro- gram was in pragress, the ladies' fingers were busy and two quilts wenc completed for the Red Cross. After some discussion it was de- cided ta make an autograph quilt. Miss Inez Hickling, who bas been recupe-rating from an iii- ness, rcturned ta ber duties at Mahood's School Febnuary 1. Mn. and Mrs. Everett Sander- son and daughters Helen, Marion and Jean, ahi ai Toronto, spent Sunday with W. B. Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. Hector Thampson, Oshawa, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Glen Thompson. Eldon Thompson and Glen Gib- son bave enlisted. Miss Rose Mountjay visited Miss Annie Mountjoy on Satur- day. Miss June Swect, ai Oshawa, spent Sunday with ber parents. Miss Inez Hickling visited ber aunt, Mrs. J. E. Elliatt. on Sunday. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Friday evening a number ai iniends and neighbors gathered at the home ai Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Stinson ta celebrate with them the 30th anniversary ai their wedding. Wben the gucsts had ail assembled, over 50 in ail, Mn. and Mns. Stinson wene callcd ta easy chairs placed in praminent positions and thein eld4er son, Gerald, in a quaint and humor- aus speech, presented bis mother and fathen with a purse ai moncy ta be used for samcthing theý especially desired. The guests tendcncd tbeir-can- gratulations. A deliciaus lunch was served, and the remainder ai the evening was spent in dancing, cards, etc. The entire eommunity jain in wishing Mn. and Mrs. Stin- son many mare years ai happy married lii e. A New York man walked 135 miles because he liked ta walk. That is about the only reason we could imagine. Eyes Tested - gIasses Fitted* Satisfaction in fit and price guaranteed PINEX ---------------- 32e Special - 300 ESKIMO CLOTH -------15C A.S.A. TABLETS LACTOGEN ----- - 69c-1.5949 GIANT KRUSCHEN ---69e49 Soap Boxes ----------- 25e Wash Cloths -----------lcC S M R Shavlng Brushes ,Ç-------R39 Shaving Cream ------------- 1E Wrlst Straps-------35c -50c TISSU Baud Aid ---------- iOc-25c Comipletely ,vapped Billfolds ------ 69e to 4.50 Soft Pure White Hair Brushes --- 59e to 2.75 70SET Thermometers 39c-69C-75c 4o the raoll CSHMEP.c Gillette 3....5.. Razor Outf it --- 59c-98C3o-5[ Auto Strop Razor - --98C Vitavax Capsules SOAP SPECIIALS Cold Vaccine Vitamins A, B, C, and D Cashmere Bouquet 2 for lie Odex ----------- 2 for lic 30 caps. 2.50 Large Bar Castile ------- 15c 10 Cakes Castile ----- ----25c Soft as a fleecy Cloud! Palmolive ------ 2 for lic Sal Hepatica ---30c-59c-l.l5 - =Eno's Saits ---- 30c-59c-98c Alka-Seltzer --- ----29c-57e Health Salis --------- - 59e Kkovah Salts -- --- 29c-79c g Bromo-Seltzer --25c-49c-95e 91110CANADIAN 12 adsNASAL SPRAY ,25C ilbx it aomSe _________________________Refil- 50c COLGATES TOOTH POWDER - 25C-40c PhoWneI ' lDIlCTlD We fi 695 COWLIuM 1> IJIUU UIUIiLTrusses OSHAWA Owing to the purchase of the Bowra Electric and Hardware by Don Christian, Oshawa, the entire stock of Don Christian Electric is being sold this week-end at 38-40 Simcoe St. N., including a range of electric appliances, washing machines, el- ectric stoves, vacuum cleaners, etc. There are also for sale certain pieces of office equipment. The sale is for this week only, com- mencing Tuesday, February 2. The entire stock must be sold by Saturclay night as the premises are to be vacated. Brighten ... Up Tihe House Take stock of your nefdl and pay a visit to COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN They wili help you make your selection AMONG MANY NEW t' HOUSEI-OLD GOODS JUST ARRIVED ARE,. iH: Curtain Lengths 1h I A big varlety of cottons and rayons ln sparkllng colors and snowy white. Prlced from 25c yd. up Draperies Shadow cloth and homespun froin 59e yd. toi 2.10 yd. Table Cloths coLuncheon cloths and sets. White, clors, checks, adfoa ein.Yu choice from 75e to 12.50 b. Towels Bath and face . . . Here, 15 your chance to replenish your stock. Fo 19e to 1.00 each Many other household articles. Just band your shopping llst to the staff. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Phone 836 King Mt. F 1~ t' .7

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