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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1943, p. 5

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THURSDA PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Lt. Col. J. C. Gamey is home. Albert and Leslie Darcb, To- ronto, spent the week-end with their parents in town. Donald Mellveen, of the R.C. A.F., Centralia, who bas been home on leave, bas returned. Bowmanville Rotary Club wus first in ttendance in the district for the month of Januury. * Mrs. J. W. Irwin, Cobourg, is visiting Mrs. A. E. Devitt, Scugog Street. Mrs. -.CC, J. Smaie spent the wveekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peebles, Coîborne. Miss Margaret Wightman, To- ronto, was a guest of Miss Mary Jewell during the week-end. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, spent the week-end witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Miss Thelma Schlievert, O'Del Street, spent the week-end with ber parents, Belleville. Cadet, Jackson Wray, 0.T.C., Brockvilie, spent the week-end with bis wife. Miss Ruth James, nurse-an- training t Toronto Generul Hos pital, was home for a few bours on Saturday. Miss Moira Dinniwell, who is affiliating with Toronto General Hospital, visited ber mother dur- ing the week-end. Sub.-Lieut. C. H. Abaran is spending furlough witb bis moth- er, Mrs. C. Aharan and sister Anna, Scugog Street. Cpi. Helen M. Cotton, Camp Borden, and L.A.C. L. W. Leon- ard, Bristol, England, spent the weekend witb Mrs. R. M. Cotton. Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Toronto, spent the weekend witb ber sisters, Mrs. H. Humpbries and Mrs. W. H. Densem. L.A.C. Stirtzinger, H.C. of No. 20 E.F.T.S., Oshawa, spent Satur- day witb bis parents, Mr. and Mis. H. Stirtzinger. A.C.2 Paul Symons, RCAF, Centralia, and Kelvino Symons, Toronto University SPS, visited tbeir mother, Mrs. Muriel Symons. Mrs.A. A. Honeyman bas lef t for Ottawa wbere ber son, Lieut. Brad. Honeyman, is seriously il in the Miitary Hospital. Mrs. Harry Smitb, Queen St., visited ber mother, Mis. W. J. Stuckey, Acton, and ber sister ut Guelph Hospital. Mailing lists have been changed up to Junuary 28tb. Pieuse check your yellow label and notify us if there is any error. Mrs. Hurry Brust, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting ber sisters, Mis. Alex. Edmondstone and Miss Dingman. Mrs. A. V. Diamond and duugb- ters, Marlon and Dianne Rose, left Tuesday to join Constable A. V. Dymond in Simcoe. Friends annd relatives gatbered ut the home of Mrs. George Dick- inson, Concession St., Monday1 evening to honor Mrs. W. W.! Dickinson on ber 84th birthday. Lauru Souder Rieck, Preston. sister of Mrs. Fred Colmer, Bow- munville, died ut St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, Junuary 17, after a lengthy illness. Provincial Constable Bernard Kitney and Mrs. Kitney are mov- ing to Newcastle today where they wiil make their home. Mr. Kitney wiil have bis office there. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- man, Camden, N. J., were sorry to learn of the passing of their youngest son, Bobby, wbyo had been iii witb pneumonia. Mr. Gorman was a former manager of the R. M. Hoiiingshead Co. The Junior Red Cross of Bow- munville Higb Scbool bas packed two bales of clothing wbicb wil be sent overseas by the Toronto Rotary Club for the relief of the bombed-out familles of Great Britaîn. This project is sponsored in Bowmanville by the local Ro- tary Club and the pupils of the high schooi colect the clothing and take it to the high scbool building where it is packed. Tbey are getting another bale ready, and if you have any new or good used clothing to donate, eall in a high school pupil. Announcing A "Make Room For Spring ~ Stock" ~A LII Winter hats.. Wonderful buys at half price ... wool and fur feit in many styles and colors. Winter dresses ... Crepes and wools in a good range ot colors. Regular -~------ ----$1695 Reduced to.------- $11.95 Regular ------------ 12.95 Reduced to,---------- 9.95 Regular ------------ 9-9-5 Reduced to ---------- 6.95 Winter coats... fur-trimmed loth coats. One-third off. Real buys. Be sure and see them. The Town Shop JEAN WILLIAMS MRS. ALAN WILLIAMS -r QUAKER XXXX - 98 LBS. BREAD FLOUR S2.3O WY2sýo TEXAS SEEDLESS grapefruit 1 _______________________contract with the United King- WANTED - PARTIES WHO dom, the outlook for improve- will iend, rent or seil good ment is slight," says J. G. Taggart, used sewing machines for use the Food Administrator. "The in Red Cross Rooms. Apply Mrs, control cails for 675,000,000 lbs., C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville. wbicb means 13,000,000 lbs. a 5-1 week-a lot of hog meut." Nursing Hints GivenNE APO TET At Women's Institute At the Bowmanville Women's Institute meeting in the Parish Hall Thursday, January 28, Mrs. L. S. Dumas, R.N., gave an educa- tional talk on "First Aid," assisted by Mrs. T. Buttery, R.N, who demonstrated proper ways to ap- ply tourniquets and' andages. Among the more common acci- dents, Mrs. Dumas mentioned lst, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns and scalds, and the treatments pre- scribed for them. The symptoms and treatments for fainting, nose bleed, and hem- orrhages were next outlined. Mrs. Dumas explained to ber listeners ruCatnC.RSlno the correct way to identify the GopCpanC .Seo several different kinds of frac- of Bowmanville, has been recentlY turcs, how to appiy temporarY appointed senior air staff officer splints and bandages, and how to of a new RCAF bomber group ini ease the pain and make the pa- England, the tirst to be organized1 tient as comfortable as possible outside the RAF. He is a native pending the arrivai of a doctor. of Winnipeg, and his wife and two Continuing, the speaker men- children live in Bowmanville. tioned the four common war gas- es, outlined the symptoms of each and the best ways to combat them. This talk and demonstration Weddingi wus greatly enjoyed by a good ____ attendance of members and visi- tors. Rgr pne Misses June Alichîn and Ruth Rgr pne Dumas favored with musical num- St. Clements Anglican Church, bers on the piano, in duet and Toronto, was the setting for the solo. marriage on Saturday, January 30, Mrs. C. Robinson moved and of Mary Doris, daughter of Rev. Mrs. F. Jackman seconded a vote Major and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, of of appreciation to the nurses and Bowmanville, to Flying Officer musicians. ,Burtlett Leadbetter Rogers, son During the business meeting, of the late Brigadier General Bart- $ 10.00 wus donated to the Lion's lett Rogers and Mrs. Rogers, of Club Aid to Russia Fund. An in- 49 St. Clair Avenue. Miss Cath- teresting "'thunk you" letter for erine Spencer, sister of the bride, a ditty bag from un English sailor was muid of honor. was read. Mrs. Ross Grant and A reception for the immediate Mrs. T. Buttery displayed a love- familles was held ut the home of ly wool blunket on which their Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis, 286 Lyt- group are selling tickets. The tnBuead gift of a pieced quilt top from tnBuead Mrs. W. B. Pollard was mucb ap- preciated. O iu r W.M.S. MONTHLY MEETING O iu r The W.M.S. met Tuesday, witb ILAMFR the new president, Mrs. M. H. WLIMFR Staples, in charge. The following obituary was The meeting opened with the taken fromn the Sinilac County business period. Mrs. Littlewood Times, Michigan. It should be explained the reading contest of interest to our readers as Mrs. open to ail W.M.S. groups, ernpha- Farr is a daughter *of the late sizing the need of good relîgîous Matthew English, formerly of literature among the books read Cartwright., and the late Eliza- in Canada. Whîtby won the prize beth Clemence, formerly of En- for 1942 in this contest. Plans niskillen. She is a niece of the were made for un extra and spec- late Mrs. James Stainton, and a ial meeting In April, with the fin-J cousin of Mrs. A. W. Piekard and uncial committee in charge. This Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, of Bowman- is in addition to the regular one. ville. 0f Mr. Farr, the Sinilue The scrap book, which Miss Cob- County Times said. bledick made, was on display. A "William Furr, one of the best sing-song of hymns followed. The known and most highly respected worship period was conducted by members of this community, died Mrs. M. H. Staples and the theme in his home in Elk township, one was "Building a Community of mile east and one mile north of Christian Homes". Peck, Sunday ut 8 a.m. Death Mrs. Littlewood took charge of was due to pneumonia and the the study, the subject beîng deceused had been sick only a "Christian Homes", prefucing it few duys, but had been in de- with a few words regarding the lining health for some time. author. Mrs. H. Welsh continued Mr. Furr wus the son of the on from Mrs. Littlewood's intro- late John and Mary Jane Farr, duction, ber part being chiefly re- pionieer residents of Elk Town- garding the mother's influence ship, and lie was born Feb. 22, and democrucy in the home. The 1864, and spent bis entire if e on study wus further continued by the farm on which hie died. He a reuding by Mrs. N. F. Porter was married in Peck by Rev. C. on, "Home Attractions", which W. Nicholson April 19, 1893, to pointed out the necessity of ut- Miss Ida Jane Englisb, dauigbter tractive surroundings and leader- of the late Mr. and Mis. Mattbew ship in good tuste in reuding in Englisb, early settiers of Elk every home. Miss M. Davy fin- Township. ished the study by a reading on He was a hard-working man, "Mental Stimulation" wbicb em- and ut the> time of his death was pbasized the need for this. operating a farmn of 700 acres. He ________________ had served on the Peck Board of Education for about 30 years. giv- CAGA.T. NEWS ing scbool business the same cure- ________fui attention he did bis private The Onwego and Lend-a-Hand affuirs. groups held a departmental meet- Besides bis widow, he is sur- ing on Tuesday evening with Pres- vived by five sons, George, Max, ident Marjorie Rundle conduct- Bruce, and John Farr, Peck, and ing the business. The service of Francis Farr, a teacher in the AI- worship wus presented by Mur- mont Higb School; a sister, Mrs. jorie Rundie assisted by Miss Anna Bubcock, Detroit; a brotb- Sleep and Miss Pritchard. The er, Johii C. Farr, of Montana, and theme of the service was îoving nîne grundeilidren. and giving. Funeral services were held A welcome guest was Mrs. H. from Peck Metbodist Church on W. Foley, representative of the Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Horace Womun's Missionary Society, who G. Freemun, pastor, and Rev. Jno. thunked the girls for their con- M. Fitzgerrel having charge of tribution to the W. M. S. for 1942. the services. Burial was in Elk Mrs. Foley spoke words of en- Township cemetery. couragement und praise for tbe __________ work being done in the C. G. I. T Group meetings were held. In IS WEATr RATIONING the Onwego group another story O T A in the study book, "Canadians To- ONVSWA ' gether," wus given by Joan Long- man. The Lend-a-Hand group Not beef alone, but pork, lamb, was presided over by Shirley and veal wiil be included in the Moore. Recreation under the proposed meut rationing systemn if leadership of Miss Sleep was en- and wben it comes about, accord- joyed. ing to an Ottawa stutement. It This coming week is an import- is customary to speak of the ru- ant one in the life of ail Cana- tioning of beef, but in the event dian Girls in Training. It is known of such restrictions being imposed, ail over Canada as C. G. I. T. ail meut would be affectied.s Noth- Week. To open the week, the ing, however, is decidedas yet.« girls plan to attend churcb in a If only beef were rationed, iti bodyon Sunduy morning.. There is pointed out, the tendency would1 SCOUT NEWS -You must save your bones To heur German groans." A Court of Honor meeting was held Wednesday night ut the home of Douglas Bryant. It was de- cided to hoid a house to house col- lection of bones. This will be ar- ranged a week fromn Saturday, Feb. 13. Bones wîll be placed in suitable containers and ready for the boys to collect them. Two depots will be announced ut a later date for people who reside out of towna. B.H.S. HOCKEY The playoffs an the High Scbool Hockey League get under way Monduy afternoon when the first two teams, tnose of uaanooly and tmis weekataL Mr. riarry oe r Brown, tangle in the first game home with 22 people present. of a two-out-of-three series. The Russell Osborne took a sleigh-, second game is to be played load. Thursday afternoon, February-1l. Several No. 9 people attended Last Wednesday's game be- Brown's dance and report a good tween Gilbooly's and Strike's time. teams resulted in the virtual eîim- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Youngblut, ination of the latter squud, when with duughters Doreen and Don- a goal by Roy MeMullen in the nu, ail of St. Catherines, spent the last seconds of play broke a 2-2 weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Ped-i tic. well.I If ron soud scced Miss Mary Bowen spent Sun-J wirining over Strike tbis Wednes- dyu oe day, then both Strike's and Fer- guson's teams will be eliminuted. S. S. No. 9 Sehool 'News. E Gilholy........3~ ~ The Junior pupils of S. S. No. 9 Brlown.............2----- 0 l 7 School have been working on Brwn-e------------3---2 0 25sewing cards the past week. c Ftierguson ----------- 3 0 2 We had our first lesson in knit- Feruso --------------- 3 0tang for the Red Cross a few days lmmediately following last ugo. Wednesday's game, a teuma from- Most of the scbool road is drift- Orono took on an "ail star" team ed several feet deep with snow. froin the four squuds of the High Books from the Travelling Lib- Schooi Leugue. Hampered by rary provided by the Board of Ed- thawing ice due to the strong sun, ucation, have been in our sehool the teams nevertheless played a for several weeks. We find them good brand of hcckey. The final very interesting. score was 6 3 for the Higb School. The Junior Red Cross held a Don Gilhooly led the student meeting. We decided to have our scorers with four goals, wbile party on February 5. Brown and Welsh accounted for We have three new pupils ut our the other two. school: John and Freda Bowditch, and Arnold Tomkinson. Keith Pedwell. Courtice Churcb services Sunday were Salemn wel ttended. At the morning service Miss Huzel Rundie sang Despite the snow-drifted roads a solo. Sunduy School followed a goodly number were in attend- immediately after. Church serv- ance ut the Sunduy afternoon ice was also held ut the sehool church service. room. Y. P. U. meeting Junuary 27 Glud to report Marilyn Rundie was opened by the president. Mis. is recovering nicely from the L. Richards had charge of the mumps; also Mrs. Stanley Cover- following progrum: Bible reading, iey improved after being bad1 F. Blackburn; piano solo, Miss M. burned. Collucutt. A spendid talk on Rus- Mrs Jak Sithis mprvin insia and the Russian people by Rev. Mrs Jak Sithis mprvin inGardner. The meeting was given Oshawa Hospital ufter an oper- over to a congregational meeting. ation. Reports were reud fromi the Visitors: Miss Wilma Down various departments and officers spent a few days with friends in elected as follows: Oshawa. . . Miss Muriel Found, Oshawa, with bier parents,ý Mr. Churcb Officers. and Mrs. Chas Found. .. Mr. and Elders-L. Buttery, W. Werry, Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Ajax, with L. Coombes, P. Cann. Stewards- Mr. and Mrs. M. Gay. .. Mrs. A. L. Squair, T. Buttery, F. Black- Wilkins and Mrs. H. Osborne withbuhro, E. Doidge. Trustees-F. Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne, ....... Cator, L. Squair, P. Cann, L. Miss Hazel Rundie, Toronto, with Welsh, W. Werry. Choir Commit- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rundle. Mr. A. Kidd of the Navy, Nor- folk, Virginia, with his mother, Mrs. Kidd and Rev. and Mrs. Lin- stead. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston and Joan with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Another weekend with stormy weather. This is Ground Hog Day and the sun is shining. Here's one for Andy Clarke: Wallace Gibson reports one of his ducks started to lay Jan. 31. The War Work Ladies' Card Party under Mrs. E. Deans' effi- cient management was quite a success. Newcastle Farm Forum met PREVENI CULUS Build up resistance wlth proven Vitamin produets WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT ---------- 1.00 AYERST COD LIVER OIL IOD. 4-oz. 67c - 16-oz. 1.69 NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES 50's 1.25 - 100's 2.25 - 250's 5.00 ALPHAMETTES ---------1.00-3.50-15.00 ABDOL CAPSULES---- 1.15-3.45-7.59 I.D.A. Cod Liver 011 High Test - 69c-1.19 Vitavax Capsules 2.50 Kepler's Cod Liver Oul and Malt 75c-1.25 Halibut Liver 011 ÂN025 Capsules --69c-1.19 Idamalt ------59c-98c Wilbur spent a few days with her AUTHENTIC WAR FILMS A Captured German Propaganda Film" ~1 - AND OTHERS - FRIDAY, FEDRUARY 5th Opera House, Dowmanville at 8 o'clock sharp SILVER COLLECTION - ADULTS ONLY UNDER THE AUSPICES 0F THE BOWMANVILLE RED CROSS M ...... MUmm ...... ~.. = ... u=rn:=~- M ........... ..... mmm...... LOWEST PRICES_ BRINGS INSTA '\ fran' eq? I .~l ~F"4VW4 BABY PRODUCTS OIt .....0Ç & $1.10 POWER ... 28Ç & 55Ç CREAM.. 301 & 554 FOR QUICK FIRST AID ADHESIVE BANDAGES 10Ç, L"ALLE NB URYS" 1 HALl BORANGE SThe nicest way of taking Halibut Làver 85e-1.50-2.75 SCOTT'S EMULSION JE A o TOM .Lm seBtter Way to take * Cod ie oit1 Contains Vitaminis A end D S590&989 THIREEPURPOSE 2c SFA CE POWDER 2c 6 Flattering Shadeb 29 4 LovêCy. Daring ints 30 C , R OUGE30 3ThriUine Ton*$ 0, PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER * **.......................**** mm... Mmm--------- Y, FEBRUARY 4th, 1943 Wehave ail the necessary armament and ammunition. Let us supply you. the best eough syrup in BRONCHIDAthe Dominion - 8-oz. size 50 I.D.A. NOSE DROPS Isaty25c I.D.A. COLD TABLETS LaaieQiie 3c Buckley's Bronchitis ANTEASE ** * Mixture -- -40c-75c I.D.A. Reieves Distresf Cough Aids lOc-25e "~ HEAD COLS £3 Mason's "49"- 40c-75c Grove's L.B.Q. Tablets -----24c-44c BULK-25 WHREATLETS For QUAKER BRAND BULK Lbs. ROLLED OATS 3Fr15Ç SHORT BREAD - FANCY SHREDDED BISCUITS WHEAIT Lb. 25e 2 Pkgs. 23e Rich'mello Coffee Lb. 37c GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT tee-Mrs. T. Butler, Miss M. Col- lacutt, W. Werry, L. Coombes. Pianists-Miss M. Col]ucutt, Mrs. T. Buttery. S. S. Off icers Supt., L. Coombes; Assist, E. Doidge; Sec., Miss H. Cowling; treas., L. Squair; pianist, Miss D. Winter; Assist., Mrs. T. Buttery. Teachers. Primary, Mrs. R. Winter; As- sist., Mrs. T. Buttery; Intermedi- ate, E. Doidge; Assist., Mrs. P. Cann; Bible Class, F. Blackburn; Assist., L. Coombes. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Rev. Gardner for bis efficient heip so willingly given in ail departments during the past year, to which he made a gracious repiy. Mr. and Mrs. K. Werry were Sunday guests with Mr. Werry's parents and uttended service here. Glad to have Mrs. Pooley back with us after an illness. Zion Visitors: Miss Pearl Leach, Sol- ina, at Norman Leach's . . . Mr. Donald Downs, Port Hope, at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's. . . Miss Marg- aret McCleur witb her parents, ut Toronto . . . Messrs S. A. Gutes and E. Brisbois, Oshawa, at Hans Geissberger's. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isabel, ut Gor- don Leask's, Solina . . . Mrs. Carl site, r s. ElmaerW dabur, Hamp- sitn. r. Pte. ckStinto, Sam- con. a t. JT.kStainton. .Mr. Roa t tn sone to. Clif- frdlp Naos, S oln . Miss Bertha Pascoe at Toronto. Mr. LutherPascoe is laid up with a sprained back:' The school attendance is small these days. Chicken pox and whooping cough are keeping more than half the children away from school. EVANGELISTJC TABERNACLE Cor. Queen & Division Sts. SUNDAY, 7.30 P.M. - SPECIAL THEME- "THE SECOND COMING of CHRIST" The Apostie Peter warns: ..There shall corne ini the Iast days seoffers ... saylng 'Where is the promise of His coming?'.. ."-2 Pet. 3:3. But we have the Positive statement -..The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven ..."- 1 Thess. 4:16. Be sure te, hear this timely message. Pastor C. W. LYNN 1 %

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