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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1943 The >Newcastle Independent_1 Phone Clarke 1114 Pte. Carl Fisher has been home man D. Lownie, and Mr. and Mrs. from Kingston convalescmng from R. Angar. his recent appendicitis operation. Mr. Russell Osborne, Third Ladies of the United Church Line. brought a group of Fed- W. A. met in the community hall eration of Agriculture mnembers kitchen Tuesday afternoon to from his section to the Farm For- pack post-Christmas boxesf or uim meeting at Mr. J. H. Jose's boys of the charge overseas. xitlh his team and bobsleighs on The Sr. C. G. I. T. Group. 'heMonday evening of this week. Commandos," met on Jan. ..6 inl Mrs. Wm. Pinnegar was winner the U. C. S. S. hall with the rest- tif the shopping basket made by lar president, Margaret Ash. ab- I'wlîans and donated to the Prim- sent. Jean Gray's group toek a-%- Roomn Junior Red Cross of charge of the devotionzlal.nd ia Newcastle Public School by Mrs. story from the study b,.xýk w"i F. J. Smith, Millbrook. Mrs. Pin- read. Plans were made for a St. negar won the basket in a draw Valentine's bo xsocial. Jea yrav conducted by Miss M. Bernice is to have charge of a collection of Smith and her pupils. scrap books to be sent to the Port Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowther Hope Children's Shelter thrc'ugeh took their little son, Charles, to Mrs. P. F. Hare, local mentber Of the Sick Children's Hospital Tor- the board of directors. onto, for a hernia operation. Newcastle United Chuireh held Mrs. Thos. Enwright, who has its congregational meeting Wed- been in and confined to her bed nesday evening of this week. for somne weeks, is improving. Misses Gwen Hooper and June- Raymond Reid of the RCN has Allin visited in Ajax last w-eek-, been on furlough, and ho and Mrs. end. Reid. of the Belleville General Pte. Chas. Thackray is home IHospital, have been holidaying at from Toronto ori a two weeks' Mrs. Mrkloy Clark's. They were furlough. among the many visitors attend- Y. P. U. met Tuesday, January ing the Brown's RedI Cross dance 27, with Evelyn Allun in the chair in the community hall on Jan. 29. in the absence of the prosidont, Newcastle relatives have re- Ross Allun. Kathleen Toms, Fol- ceived word of a littlo daughter, lowship Convonor, had charge of Patricia Ann, born last week to the following program: Vocal solo Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haigh, Lon- 1'y Pauline Deline, violin solos by don, Ontario. The baby daughter Glen Allin, piano duots by Ar- is a'littlo sister to Joyce and bath villa and Shirley Brunt, vocal are granddaughters of Mrs. Jno. duets by Betty and Marie Allin, Garrod and Mrs. Ernest Haigh of and a story by Margaret Ash. this village. After.caîl to worship by Kathleen A perusal of the printed order Toms, June Allin road the scrip- of worship for Sunday services ture, Bob Allin led in prayer, and and the week's announcoments re- Betty Enwright rondered a vocal voalod that in Toronto the Met- solo. A number of gamos were ropolitan United Church hold its playod under the leadership of congregational meeting on Thurs- Bob and Glenn Alun. * Twelve Of day ovening, Jan. 21, with light our Young People attended the refreshments at the close, and Leadership Training School at preceded on the same evenîng by Bowmanville, February lst. two suppers at the Church House, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brereton one at 6 p.m., by the Officiai and family visited her parents, Board, and the other at the same Mr. and Mrs. Rowdon, Port Hope, hour by the Young Womon's ovor the weekend.. Guild. The same printed leaflet Mrs. H. J. Ragon, Toronto, vis- carnies this In Memoriam notice ited hor mother, Mrs. Jno. Doug- in black borders: "Mrs. Edith Dob- las, last week. son Sldon, Died January 13, Miss Bessie Blackburn, Toronto, 1943, 'Always hospitable and kind was a weekend visitor with her and a devoted servant of the aunts. Mrs. Orner Colo and Miss Church." E. M. Blackburn. . Mrs. Herbert Brereton, who has Miss Leona Tebblo and her ffl- been unwoll for somne time, is now ter, Mrs. A. Lownie, Oshawa, in the Western Hospital, Toronto. spent the weekond at Kingston The mnany friends of the family and visited hon nephew, Signal- hone that she will recover her ROYAL THEATÉE____ BOWMANVILLE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. FEBRUARY 4-5-6 Double Feature YOU'RE IN THE ARMY NOW with JIMMY DURANTE * and JANE WYMAN -ALSO- TWILIGHT ON THE TRAIL *with WILLIAM BOYD *as HOP-A-LONG CASSID Y Cartoon Mon.-Tues.-Wed. FEBRUARY 8-9-10 BALL 0F FIRE with GARY COOPER and BARBARA STANWYCK NEWS heath-and soon be abÏe ta roetumn home. Mombens of the family visited hon during the weekend. Mns. P. F. Haro presided at the Jan. 28 meeting of Newcastle Red Cross in the absence of Miss B. Mcîntosh, who was in Toronto. Miss Mcntosh and the socretnry, Mns. R. W. Gibson, were appoint- ed delegates ta the Provincial Red Cross meeting in Toronto. ST. GEORGE'S VESTRY MEET- ING. Church Goes Fomward i Wartlime It was gratifying ta find as- suranco in the statoeeIts and re- ports submitted at St. George's annual vostry meeting that de- spite all the wartime demands on peopl's time and onergies and substance that the church was un no wise being neglocted. The meeting wns held in the Pnnish Hall on Monday evening, Jan. 25, with the nectar, Rev. D. R. Dewd- ney, in the chair. W. Harold Gibson was re-ap- pointod Vestny Clerk and, aftor neading and confirmation of the minutes, the nectar addressed the meeting. Howard Gibson, peo- pl's wnnden, pnesented the fin- ancial report showing receipts for 1942 of $1,458.85. The Mission Fond allotment had been paid in full as indicated by the trensurer, C. S. Hormocks. The allotment was $351.15, and this amount had been sent ta, the treasuner of the synod. The supeintendent of comotenies reponted on St. George and Bond Head Cometeries. Eith- on the treasurors or presidents pnesented financial reports of the trust fonds and the several or- ganizations within the church. Officers elected for 1943 are: Rector's wardon, C. S. Honrocks. Pooplo's warden, Howard Gibson. Lay delegates ta synod, Harold Gibson and Gea. Crowther. Sub- stitute, Laurence Gaines. Sides- mon, George Crowthen, chairman; D. E. Gibson, Ed. Neilson, R. S. Graham, Cyril Rutland, Alfred Garnod, Geo. Stephenson, Walter AA Quality FERTILIZERS Cash prices per ton for 1943 are listed below. Ail pricos subject to change without notice and are strlctly subjeet ta the company havlng goods in stock. 0-14-7... 27.30 4-12-6... 32.30 0-12-10 .... 28.00 4-8-10... 32.00 2-12-6... 28.50 95-7...... 3600 2-12-10 . . .. 31.50 for orchards only) FERTILIZER MATERIALS PRICES ON APPLICATION To arrive at your delivered cost ADD two dollars per ton tO the above pricos and DEDUCT the Dominion Subven- tion V eligible. prompt dlivery of late orders cannot be guaranteed under presetit conditions. Avoid disappointment - order now froua - FERGUS E. MORRILL AGENT Agricultural Chemicals Ltd. BOWIWANVLE PHONE 2456 Cnowthen, Harold Gibson, Laur- once Gaines. Envelopo socretary, Miss B. Mcntosh; Committee, Mns. D. E. Gibson and Mns. Gea. Cnowtben. Parish council eiected by vestny, Miss Cora E. Butler and Miss Naomi Horrocks; appointed by the nectar, Mrs. J. Scott How- ard and Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Au- ditons, R. S. Graham and J. H. Smith. FORMER SCHOOL PRINCIPAL TAKES BRIDE. P ilo t Of ficer John Dodds Coombs, former principal of New- castle High School, and Miss Lois Mary Richardson, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Richardsan, Tweed, were married in Tweed United Church January 23 by Rev. H. L. Morrison, with Mrs. J. G. Frost at the organ. The bride was gowned in delft blue crope, simply dosigned. The neckline was outiined with se- quins and the moulded bodico accented the billowy skirt with its back fullnoss. Hon head dress was of blue tulle and she ware a corsage of roses. Bath bride and groo mwere un- attendod. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents for relatives and immeciate friends, after whîch the happy couple ef t on a short wedding trip whose itinerary included a weekend visit with Mrs. R. S. Bonathan, Newcastle, with whom Mn. Coombs once boandod. Afton leaving Newcastle Mr. Coombs took a position on the staff of the Lawrence Park Coîl- ogiate Institute, Toronto, and lat- on joined the RCAF. He and Mrs. Coombs are now residing at St. Thomas. The young flying officer is a son of Mn. Owen Coombs and the late Mns. Coombs of Mol- bourne, Ont. NEWCASTLE BALL CLUB Semi-Yearly Statoment Newcastle may not always have a championship baIl teamn but, like the Philadoîphia Athletics, they keep gaing on and an, and successfully, toa. Since the war got started in a big way the club, with which is affiliatod the girls' soft bail club, has been sending comforts ta the boys overseas in manth by month instalmonts. Many of the former ball players are now in war ser- vices, training or wanking or fight- ing on the land, on the son, or in tho air. Those at home are also carrying on at their jobs and loak- ing forwamd to another summer of sports activity. At a rocent meet- ing of the club, George Crowthor, secretary treasurer, submitted the attached semni-annual stato- ment of finances and onterprises, audited by T. A. Rodger: Receipts July 1, 1942, bal on hand $10243 Civic Holiday roceipts ---- 430.85 Donation, Mrs. M. Pundy- 10.00 Donation, Mn. Jas. Ingram 10.00.- Labon Day neceipts --------268.47 Nov. 6th dance --------- 152.25 Nov. 25, refunds --------- 2.64 Bank interest - -- --------- .54 Total -------------------- $977.18 Expenditures Civic Holiday expenses -- $112.76 Labor Day expenses ------ 128.98 Christmas boxes for boys overseas-------------------- 52.45 Dance expenses -------- 57.92 Cigarettes fan boys aven- sens (300 a month) ----- 152.64 Correspondenco --------- 1.40 1 Victory Bond..........------100-00 Bal. on hand Dec. 31, 1942 371.03 1 Total $977181 NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL The Wnn Savons Bnanch (grades 1 and 2), Newcastle Public Schooî, entontained the pupils of the sen- ior noom at their Red Cross meet- ing, January 29. The outstanding evont on the prognam was the draw for the lucky ticket on a shopping basket donnted by Mns. Fnederick J. Smith, Millbrook. Mn. Rodgen made the draw and ticket No. 99, held by Miss Annie Kennefick, was the winnen, and $2440 was realized fnom the sale of tickets. Obituary ELEANOR NODEN Rev. R. E. Morton conducted funeral services for Eleanor Nod- on, widaw of Wesley Noden, New- castle blacksmith, at the 'home of ber daughter, Mrs. Waidemar Eddy, Febnuany 1, with a largo number of relatives and frionds in attendance. Intermont was in Newtonville Cemeteny. During the years of honrosi- dence hero the late Mrs. Noden won many friends bocause of hon kindly manner and friendly atti- tude towand all. Previaus to com- ing to Newcastle the family lived for many yeans in Newtonville, whone Mn. Noden canied on a blacksmithing business. SAMUEL BROWN Fonenal services for Samuel Bnown who died in Bowmanville Friday Jnnuary 29, wore held un St. George's Anglican Churcb Monday aftennoon February 1, with Rov. D. R. Dewdney offici- ating. Intermont was in Bond- head Cemetory. The Inte Samuel Brown was a respected citizen of Newcastle for many yeans after retiring froin farming in the Township of Clarke. Ris wife, the former Car- oline Waldon, predeceased him in Novemben, 1941. Ho is sur-. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Adelaido May, (Reg. N.), only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis,, Ont., to Sgt. Frederick Thomas Bignell. R.C.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Big- nell, Toronto, the marriage to take place in Temple Baptist Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Feb. 20, at four o'clock. 5-1 COMING EVENTS Old Tyme Dance, Newtonville Community Hall, Monday, Feb- ruary 8th. Barclay's Orchestra. Admission 35c. Refreshments sold. 5-1 Russ Creighton and his variety entertainers from Toronto wil be in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, Thursday evening, February 4, at 8 p.m. Admission: Aduits, 30c; Children, 20c. 3-2 No. 9 Home & School Annual Valentine Dance will be held in Orono Town Hall, Friday, Feb. l2th. Columbian Orchestra to pro- rovide music. Cards. Tickets 60c, lunch included. 5-1 Work Wanted WORK WANTED - YOUNG school girl would like work on Saturdays from 8 to 6. Write Box 158, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 5-1 Help Wanted WANTED - GIRL FOR GEN- oral housework, phono 505. 5-1* Haydon Friends will ho sorry to hear of the passing, on Sunday, at his homo, Calgary, of Egbert Wright, one of our old Haydon boys. Word has been received of the safe arrivai in England of Sgt. Don Mountjoy, R.C.A.F. Spr. Frank Osmond, Petawawa, was homo on a few days beave. Mrs. Fred Adams, little Evelyn Randle, Hampton, at Mr. E. Stephenson's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thomp- sons. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech at Mr. Everett Beech's, Port Hope. Miss Meta Degeor, Bownian- ville, with Miss Blanche Beech. Orono News I.O.O.F. members were in Lind- say Monday. Council is to be held here to- day (Thunsday), being postponed from Tuesday. Interment of Mrs. Cathcart took place Tuesday in Orono. Electricity was off around 8.45 Monday, but went on just in time to prevent cancellation of school. Beautiful bear day! Six weeks more winter. Oh! Oh! LAC J. L. Powers, who rocently graduated from No. 20 E.F.T.S., Oshawa, is spending two weeks' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers, after which ho reports to No. 6, S.F.T.S., Dunnville, Ontario. - A. C. Stevenson, of the Domin- ion Textile Co., Montroal, who has been attending a convention of the Industrial Traffic League in Hamilton, Ont., on his way home spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stev- enson, Victoria St., Orono. A number from here attended dances at Bowmanville and New- castle Friday night. A large number of Oronoites saw the show at Bowmanville, "Mrs. Miniver". We saw a team of horses draw- ing a car the other day. Dobbin has come into his own. V. Allen landed in the ditch one day last week. Roads are not any too good. We understand a certain knight of chivalry hene got serenaded. We wonder why? Roads wene sanded Sunday and the snowplough also went through the village. M. H. Staple took charge of the first part of the Sunday School session telling two interosting stories. One dealt with the prod- igal son and the other with the idea of bread being the staff of life. Mrs. A. A. Drummond took charge of the singing and favored with a solo. Mrs. W. Watson was in Peter- boro Monday attending the fun- oral of hon sister, Mrs. W. J. Clarke. .Mr. George Cooper was in Lind- say one day last week. A number from bore attended the funeral of the lato Sam Brown in Newcastle, Monday. Too late to correct it in time for the Onono page we correct in this budget of news and say hockey plans are changed. There are sti11 two games but not with Bowmanville. These will be ne- ported noxt week. One is O.C.S. vs. Orono Bonecrushers, the other O.C.S. vs. Millbnook. vivod by four sons, William, Rab-- ont, David and Albert, and sovenal gnandcliildnen, also by a sistor, Mns. William Gea. Cowan, New- castle. Mn. Herbent Brown, New- castle, is a nephew. Decensed was nat weli whon his wife died and when ho was nobbed in his Emily Street home in Febmuary, 1942, ho sufferod a worso break- down in health fromn which ho .nover fully recovered. Classified Ad Rates one cent a word cash, each insertion <minimum charge 25c). Cnarge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are dlrected to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memorlams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. BIRTIl BILLETT - Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Billett (neo Reva McGill), of 1 8 5 Cliffcrest Drive, Scar- bonough Bluffs, wish to an- nounce the birth of a brother for Douglas, at the Private Patients' Pavillon, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, on Sunday, Jan- uany 24th. Mother and baby are well. 5-1 DEATHS BROWN - In Bowmanville, Jan. 29, 1943, Samuel Brown, in his 85th year. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. NODEN - Jan. 29, 1943, Eleanor Douglas, widow of the late Wes- ley Noden, aged 84 years. In- terment Newtonville Cemetery. ADAM-On Sunday, Jan. 31, 1943, at Norwich Conn., at the'home of her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Sey- boit, Christina M. Adam, wife of the late Dr. John Geikie Adam of Canaan, Con., and Great Barrington, Mass.; daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Trobilcock of Bowman- ville, and beloved sister of Dr. Frank C. Trebilcock, Arthur J. Trebilcock, Mrs. H. F. Hutche- son, of Toronto; Miss Margaret Trebilcock, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Norman H. Hamley, of Peterboro. Interment at Canaan, Conn., Feb. 2. Cards of ThanIks Mr. and Mrs. John Mîlîs and family wish to express their grateful thanks for the many kind messages af sympathy in the loss of a dean son and brother, espec- ially ta, Rev. W. Rackhamn and Hampton Church choir for their part in paying tribute ta aur son's memory at the Memoniai Service. 5-1 IN MEMORIAM DONOGHUE-In loving memory of Mrs. Terry Donoghue who passed away Fob. 5, 1942. "Hon faint last wish we should like ta have heard, And breathed in hon ear one last parting word; Only thoso who have lost are able ta tell The pain of the heant in flot saying fareweli." Sadly missed by husband and chiidren 5 1* VICE - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wal- ton Vice, who passed away Feb- ruary 9, 1937. "And while ho lies in peaceful sleep His memory we shahl always keop." -Sadly missed by wife 5-1 and family. Mortgages FOR SALE - FIRST MORT- gage on small farm for $565.00, interest at 51/ per cent. A good investment. Apply C. J. Mitch- ell, Newcastle. 51 Wanted WANTED - GOOD HOME FOR two small girls, aged 1 and 2 yrs., wanted immediately. Pro- fonably in Bowmanville. Write Box 157, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 5l Repairs EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL makes of vacuum cleaners and floor polishens. Telephone aur "C.U.C." Service Depot, Bow- manville 774, at The McGregor Hardware Store. 49-16* Baby Chicks CHICKS, CHICKS, CHICKS. IN- vest your money un the best, wo have any breed you wish, ealy orders receive proference. Price list on nequest. Stewart's Soed Store, phono 577, Bowmanvilie. 2-tf BABY CHICKS-S. C. LEG. RORNS and Barred Plymouth Rocks, mixed and sexed, chicks fnom Govonment banded and blood tosted stock. Last year thnougbout the ontiro season we wore booked three weoks un ad- vance and orders ta date are heavien than last year. Onder today to avoid disnppointmont. Two hatches a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Write or phono fan price list. H. J. Brooks, Ochiand Farm, Bawmanvillo, Ont., R.R. No. 3. Phono 2636. 4-tf. NOTE-OWING TO ANOTHER Pooltry farm advising us they have a copyright on the name "Yesteriaid Farm" which we havé used since stnnting in busi- ness il yenrs ago, wo found it necessary ta choose another namo. Our farm is now regis- tered under the name "Orch- land Farm." 4-2' For Rent. FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT. Phone 894. 51 FOR RENT . APARTMENT, 4 rooms, heated, wired for el- ectric stove. Apply W. C. Rowe, Cor. Centre and Con- cession Sts. 51 FOR RENT - 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light house- keeping. Also 1 furnished room. Apply Miss B. Allen, Queen St., phone 558. 5-1* FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Possession February lst. Phone Oshawa, day 1062, night 1441J. 1-tf FOR RENT - SMALL APART- ment suitable for small family, newly decorated. Possession any time. Water and lights. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, phone 379. 5-1* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - SMALL house in Bowmanville, with modern conveniences, for cash; must be in good condition, phone 519. 5-1* WANTED TO BUY - HORSE, weight about 1300 lbs. Good to work and quiet. Apply John Nichols, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2168. 5-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - ALL METAL CRIB with panelled ends, brown f in- ish. Phono 800. 5-1 FOR SALE-1935 FORD COUPE, 5 good tires; in excellent condi- tion. Price reasonable. Phono 894. 5-1* FOR SALE - HENDERSON 4- cylinder motorcycle, p oliic e special, in A-i condition. Phone Sam Pyra, 2272, Bowmanville. 5-1 FOR SALE - RADIOS, NEW Philco and Marconi, ail models, priced from $29.95 to $144.95. Telephone Bowmanville 2415 or Oshawa 289W3, Frank L. Wal- ter, Courtice. 5-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fnom aver 300 patternis actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simicoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-1933 OLDSMOBILE 6-cylinder sedan. Nearly new tires, motor in good condition. Apply Mrs. Thompson Taylor, Centre St., or R. R. Byers, next ta Royal Theatre after 6 p.m. 5-1* FOR SALE - BANNER WHITE enamel cookstove, six 9" lids, large oven, resonvoir and high closet. In A-i condition. Waten front if necessany. Apply T. S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phono 2503. 5-1* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfiold, bodroam, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- potitive pricos. Beo re buying visit Bradley's New Furnituro Store, 156 Simcao St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - COWS FOR SALE. Phone Clarke 1632. 5-1* FOR SALE-PERCHERON COLT rising 2 years. Apply L. G. Geisel, Hampton. 5-1 FOR SALE - GOOD SIZED dropped caîf. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton, phono 2173. FOR SALE - 70 LAYING HENS, Plymouth Rocks. Apply Mn. Frank Woolnen, Martin Block, Bowmanville. 51 FOR SALE - TWO GEESE AND one gandon. Apply Gray Bras., R.R. 2, Newcastle or phono 1202 Clarke. 5-1*- FOR SALE - 2 YORKSHIRE boans, neady for service. Apply Reford Cameron, phono 2537. 5-1 FOR SALE - il YORKSHIRE pigs 7 weeks old. Apply Wil- bur Baskerville, Newcastle, R.R. 3, phono Clarke 1912. 5-1 FOR SALE - SOW AND 9 PIGS, 7 weeks aid. Also two-wheeled trailer. Apply Charles Rundie, Hampton, phane 2246. 5-1 FOR SALE- YOUNG WORK hanse for sale or will trade fan Jersey or Guernsey caw. Ap- ply W. C. Pansons, phono 2315. 5-1* FOR SALE - TWO WEEKS OLD registered Holstein bull caîf from a good R.O.P. dam. Apply Leslie Coombes, phone 2581. 5-1 FOR SALE - 2 YOUNG SOWS, 2 mature sows. all due within 10 days. Also sevenal young pigs vaniaus ages. Apply S. W. Brooks, phono 2227. 5-1 FOR SALE - 12 WRITE YORK- shire pigs, seven weeks aid. 1 set of one-horse sleighs, good as new. Apply F. Aldswortb, Courtice, phono 491 J 2, Oshawa. 5-1*' FOR SALE - MY SHORTHORN herd sire, an outstanding Klay- mare bull, of the Lancaster family. Alsa ane young bull, 12 manths. Write or phono for particulars, Orville B u r t aoin, ClarenYont, Ont., phono Claro- mont 14 r11. 33 JURY & LOVELL, Dowmanville, Phone 778 Lost THREE KEYS AND RED ELE- phant on chain-lost Friday at 6.30 a.m., between Wellington St. and Garton's Bus. Reward if roturned ta Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Wellington St., phono 2587. 5-1 LOST-HOUND, DARK BROWN with white spot on nose. An- swers ta the name of "Tuff". Lost in vicinity of Newcastle. Phono 2510. 5-1 LOST - SCOOP SHOVEL ON 3rd Concession line east of Manvers Road, on January 29. Finder please notify L. A. Squain, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2223. 5-1 ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctors of Bowmanvîlle have agreed ta uniform office hours as follows: Aftornoans-2.00 ta 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 ta 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hauts oniy by appointment. In case of an emergency, pa- tients may caîl the Bowmanville Hospital to find out which doctor is on duty. These hours In effect as from October lst. RE-TREADED 600x16 TIRES IN STOCK The largest stock of recondi- tloned tires east of Toronto. Ail sizes. Rubber footwear vul- canlzed. TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office Cet Rid of... COUDS PREVENT THEIR RETURN VITAVAX CAPSULES Cold Vaccine and Vitamins A, BI, C, D 30's - 2.50 Calco Yeast Capsules-Vit- amins A, B, D, G, with Dlbaslc Calcium Phos- phate ----- ------ 100's 2.00 Ayerst Alphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 Ayerst Alphamin Capsules 2.25-3.75 Puretest Multiple Vitamins 1.50-2.50 Puretest A, B, D and G Capsules ------- 1.00 Puretest Halibut Liver 011 Capsules --- --90c-1.50 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules ----_ 1.45-2-25 Llquld --- -----1J5-2.45 Horner 'u Vitasol Capsules 1.90 Adacaus _----- ----- --90e Notice CHAIR SEATS HAND CANED. Apply Mrs. Bernard Mitchell, Silver Street, Bowmanville. 5-1* OSHAWA, ONTARIO NOW PLAYING the funniest hit on the road ... Bing CROSBY Bob HOPE Dorothy LAMOUR ROAD TO' MO(ROCCO) THE BEST SONGS TRIS SEASON MONDAY - 2 DAYS BERLIN CORRESPONDENT Dana Vlrgimla ANDREWS GILMORE ____PLUS Henry Fonda Lucilie Bail IN "BIG STREET" From the story by DAMON RUNYAN Cough Drops and Pastilles A.S.A. Cough Draps -,10e Vlck's Cough Drops ----- 15e Formalid Throat Ease ------ lOc-25c M elolds ------ . .--------- 25c Buckley's Throat Alds ------lOc-25c Suerets -------------- 25c Listerine Cough Dropsl-. 10c Thermogene Medicated Wool 49c - 98c Rexali Cold Capsules - 25e Riker's Bromo Quinine - 25e Grove's Bromo Quinine - 24c-44c Jury e LoveIl The Rexaîl Drug Store When we test eyes it ls donc properly Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket Ageney w à( tif us E ?il WA N TuA Ds m PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1943

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