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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Blackstock Once again we wcre snowed in for the week-end and we bave losi Irack of the number of times this makes ibis season. The Victorian Woman's Insti- tute met ai the home of Mrs. Millard Fallis Wcdnesday a! er- noon, March 3rd, wiih 20 mcm- bers and seven visitors preseni. Meeting opencd witb Institute Ode and Lord's Prayer in unison. Scripiure reading was taken by Mrs. Earncsi Larmer and Mrs. Mc- Kce rcad the Womnan's Daily Prayer. Roll caîl was answercd with a housc-cleaning hini and a block for Red Cross quili. Mrs. Fallis was in charge of the pro- gram. Mrs. A. L. Baiiey gave a summary of the work donc by the Girls' Garden Brigade lasi year. It was suggcsted we bave a quiz on the questions submitted for examination in girls' club work lasi fail. Several clippings were read periaining to home economics by different members as it was tbe subjeci for the day. A rcading, "When the women are away" by Jean Wright, vocal solos by Misses Jean Malcolm and Lenore Fallis were greatly appre- ciated. Collection $215. Lunch was scrved by Mrs. M. Fallis, Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. H. Hooey, Mr. V. Archer. The nursing class was bcld in Continuation Scbool Wedncsday evcning. Mrs. V. M. Archer gave a talk on maternity nursing and infant care. Miss Demsey witb ber sister, Dr. and Mrs. McArtbur over the week-end.1 Salem Churcb service and Sunday School were wiihdrawn here Sun- day owing to snow-drifted roads and stormy weather. Y.P.U. meeting Wednesday eve- ning was opcned by the Presideni. Program was in charge of Miss T. Werry. Topic, E. Doîdgc; vocal duet, R. and J. Coombes; rcading, Miss Werry; piano solo, Miss M. Collacutt; violin scîcciion, L. Coombes. Miss Wcrry conducted a contest at the close of the meet- ing. Glad to know that Mrs. W. Henderson is improving in bcalth ai bier son's home in Toronto. Several Salem folk are confincd to iheir bouses with bad colds. Deepesi sympathy gocs out from Salem fricnds to Mr. O. Herizburg, wbo receivcd word on Thursday lasi, that bis son bad been killed in action in Africa. Sympatby also gocs to Mrs. H. Jacks and the Thompson family in the death of a sister and auni, Mrs. E. Trimm, Tyrone, and to the busband and family. Salem folks feel a keen sense of loss in the passing of so many of Bowmanvillc's promineni men. namely: Mr. H. Rice; Rev. A. Bunner; Dr. G. C. Bonnycasile and Mr. J. Ellioti, having been associ- atcd with ibese men in a bus- iness and friendly way for so many years pasi and our sym- paiby goes oui to the bereaved friends of ibese wortby men. Glad to know thai Mr. R. Win- ter is improving afier an opera- tion in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. A. Annis is spending a few days wiib Mr. W. Henderson be- fore going to Toronto. Congratulations te, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackbarn, lowmanville, on the arrivai of iwins, a boy and girl. j Raincoats Smartly styled raim- coats of cravenette cloth with satin lin- ing. Ail sizes ini sand colou.r PRICED AT $14.95 MENS WEAR Suits for father and son-Worst- eds and Tweeds ini several styles. Spring Overcoats for men - Donegals, Herrmngbones and Plain. For TheLadies FURSES - Shipment of Spring purses, mostly leathers in smart styles. Priced at 1.00, 1-95 up to 3.50 Additional shipments of Cloth Coats and Dresses - Visit our Coat and Dress section and see these splendid values. Easter Bonnets It's not too soon to buy your Spring hat. Another shipment of hats is in and includes straqvs, feits and cloths, flower-trimmed, beribboned, and plain. -upotth RDCRS Solina Sympathy goes out to Mrs. A. L. Pascoe on the passing of ber brother, Mr. Walter Bray, of Pick- ering. lasi Monday after an illness of some months, foliowing an op- eration. Mr. and Mrs. Bray fre- quenily visited our village and Miss Ethel Bray taugbi for the part of a term at Baker's School., Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe, Mrs. J. W. McMaster and Alex McMaster at- tended the funcral, Tbursday, to Erskine White Churcb ccmetery, north of Dunbarton. Sympatby is also extended to the family of Mrs. W. H. Mont- gomery, who died, Monday, at the home of ber son, Bert Mont- gomery, Oshawa. Y.P.U. met Monday evening ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Xivell. Program was in charge of Gladys Yellowlees, Missionary Convenor. Seripture and Mission- ary story wcre given by Pearl Leach. Roll Caîl was answered witb a Missionarly thought. An interesting survey of "Red Cross work ibroughout the world" was presenicd by Margaret Hooey, Burketon . Bruce Taylor gave a reading "The old wood box" and Helen Langmaid favourcd witb 'a piano solo. Games were conduct- cd by Bruce Taylor. Visitors: Pte. John Baker, Camp Borden, spent leave wiib bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baber. . . Miss Florence Lander,l Toronto, and Miss Iris Fleming, Wolseley, Sask., and Ajax, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Courtice Vîsîtors: Tpr. Robert Rundle, Camp Bordcn, wiih bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundle... Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rose, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay .. . LCpI. Mike Veizal, Niagara Falls, wiih bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Vet- zal. . . Cpl. Byron Worden, R.C. OC., Camp Borden, spent Sun- day at home. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne and Linda, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Munro and Judy, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wordcn. .. Miss Doris Cryderman with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderman, Hampton. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Found and Fay spent a few days witb Mr. Jack Pickei, Deroit... Miss Velma Gay, Town, at home. The wood bec was beld at the cburcb Tuesday. About 18 men and 25 womcn were present. A fine dinner was served and ihrec quilts werc quilied for the Red Cross. Mrs. Elion Werry is improving from ber recent illness. Red Cross Report of work donc by local Red Cross for January and Feb- ruary: Kniiing-12 tuck-ins, 24 prs. sox, 1 boy's sweater, 5 acro caps, 3 sleevless sweaters, 2 prs. mitts, 3 girls' sweaters, 5 helmets; Sewing-48 diapers, 12 saniiary pads, 3 women's gowns, 3 boys' coats, 3 prs. mcn's pyjamas-19 quilts. Maple Grove SCHOOL NEWS (By Harry and Bert Snowden) We are very sorry to receive Mrs. Robb's resignation as school music teacher. This week we played hockey most of the time but we didn't bave any particular sides and so we bave no score to report. We were overjoyed to see March corne in like a lion. The boys of our scbool are mak- ing kites and the mai ority of them fly. Tbey bave made over a dozen. Pbilip Finney made a beauty and sent it up Monday. Some of the boys are making wood acroplanes. We bave a couple of nice ones at scbooi made by Wal- lace and Jobnny Bothwell. Wc beld our February meeting of Mission Band in the Sunday Scbool basement with Teddie Koss' group in charge. Wc are fin- ishîng our book ai school called "Huckleberry Finn". We really bave enjoyed it. Grade seven and eigbt are studying on Canada. The girls are studying how to cook in their scrving meetings. This week tbey are learning how to boil eggs. Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Child- erbose, Beverley, Mr. W. Smith, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, Lloyd and Blanche, Hay- don, at Mrs. Ella Smith's. The Y.P.U. was held in the base- ment of the cburch Tuesday eve- ning. The W.M.S. and the W.A. beld their meeting on March 3rd, in the basement of the church. Mrs. J. Siemon gave a paper. A very interesting reading was gîven by Mrs. E. Trewin. Mrs. H. Werry favoured with a musical sclec- tion "Jesus Lover of My Soul". Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Plant enter- tained fourteen girls Friday eve- ning. Tbey bad a very enjoy- able time. LOOK DUT FOR YOUR LIVERI1 Buckc It up right no and feel Ilke a now person 1 Yaur liver is the largest argen i your body and most important ta yeur health. It peurs out bile to digest food, gels rid of waste, supplies new energy, sHows proper nounashment ta reach you bIod When your liver gels out of order bcd decanîposes ini your intestines. You be- cerne contipated, sto.nsch and kidneyp can'l work properly. Yeu led "rotten" -hesdscby, bsckachy, dizzy, dragged out ai the ime. Thousands have won prompt relief wth "Frui-s.tives." Sao csn yau NOW. Try "Fruit- s-tives" Csnada'a Isrgest selling lîver tablets. Yau'il be deligbted haw quwckly you'iI feel lk à new persan, happy and wei sgsin. 2ke, 50c. 11111IT.A.BIEC Canada%. RaU Phone 836 King St. Your tires are one of your most prized possessions today and must last You a long time. Avoid ail unneeessary wear and tear and prolong their lives. WHENEVER YOU CAN, TRAVEL BY GARTON'S MOTOR COACHES When travelling between Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whltby or Ajax, on accotant of uncertainty of weather conditions, badl roads and rationifli of gas and tires, more people are aband- oning their cars i favor of GARTON'S MOTOR COACHES. Convenient Sehedules - Ask for Time Table Phone 2666, Bowmnanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE,- ONTARIO CLOSING OUT SALE' 0F WALLPAPER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 12, 13 at COST PRICES ALL OUR LARGE STOCK MUST GO ODD BUNDLES at 5c Rol ODD BORDER at 3c Rol JOHNSTON'S -BOMMTOE KING STREET PHONE 651 S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mrs.*Pedwell has gone to visit her daughter in St. Catharines. Mrs. Chas. Glenney is sick and in consequence our boys and girls who attend High School in New- castle are having a holiday. Mr. Fred Bowen is confined to bed. Farm Forum met at Mr. How- ard Allin's. We hope a goodly number will turn out.ý to our Home & School meeting n Friday night, to hear "Larger School Area" discussed. Mr. Carlton, our inspector, is to be present. SCHOOL NEWS (By Keith Pedwell) The pupils of No. 9 School were pleased to have Mr. Morton at school Friday afterncon. He gave us our first lesson in Religious In- struction. A f t e r Saturday's Storm the sehool road was drifted again. Jack and Dennis Gibson are back after their recent illness. We have been enjoying an inter- esting series of Health lessons on the different food elements. (Intended for Last Week) Farmn Forum met at Clarence Allin's with about 20 people pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborne went to Toronto on Friday. Our school reopened yesterday with a small attendance as ser- eral of the chîldren are StiR ili. Congratulations to both Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gibson on the birth of a son on Sunday, February 28. Mary Gibson, Mary Bowen and Mrs. W. H. Gibson at Harold Gib- son's. Mrs. Pickars, Chatham, at her father's, Henry Bowen, who is cel- ebrating his eighty-fifth birthday today, March 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. McReeles baby girl has been quite i1. Enfield Visitors: Mrs. L. Pascoe recent- ly spent a few days in Oshawa ..Mr. Chas. Simpson, Blenheim, visited his brother, Mr. L. Simp- son, and friends. . . Mr. Wilfred Bowman visited Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman, Port Perry. . . Miss Vera Stinson, Port Hope, at Mr. Norman Stinson's. Mrs. L. Bradley liad the mis- fortune to faîl and fracture her collarbone. The W.A. met at Mrs. G. Bow- man's for March meeting. Due to the prevailing bad colds in the community there was a small at- tendance. Recurrent week - end storms have prevented church services here for two consecutive Sundays. 1 Zion tea served by group, Mrs. R. Stainton, Mrs. H. Gifford, Mrs. H. Geissberger. Inflated lifebeits, standard equipment on many American ships, are inflated with carbon dioxide, the "charge" in sparkling beverages. Haydon Sunday School and Churcb ser- vices werc witbdrawn on account of the bad roads. Sympathy is cxtended to the family of the late Mrs. E. Trimm, Tyrone. We wcrc surprised to see the Hydro truck in our village Sat- urday morning, it being the first to get over the roads this year. Necdless to say the roads were again filled in over the week-end. Mr. Walter Bridgett and Paul- i, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thompson's. Pauline is staying with ber aunt, Mrs. F. Osmond, for a week. Roy Graham is home sick. Ptc. Bert Ashton and Spr. Frank Osmond, Petawawa, were home on four days' leave. Gnr. Arthur Trewin bas been transferreçl to Halifax. Sorry to report that Lieut. Gor- don Cowling, Prince Rupert, B.C., is ill. Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian at Mr. W. Blackburn's, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech and fam- ily at Mrs. Ella Smitb's, Ennis- killen, who cclebrated her birtb- day this week. Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. H. J. Werry with relatives in Orono. Starkville Winter is still with us and we are experiencing some real cold windy weatber. Mrs. David McMullen is ini a poor state of hcaltb. Mrs. Lorne Pacden also is quite sick. Miss Gwen Gilmer of Bowman- ville, was home over the week- end. Mr. Ross Hallowell, Mr. Bert Trimm and Mr. Lew Hallowell al took in the Durham Sale at Alex Prout's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trimm also Mr. Etwell werc at Ajax visiting Mrs. Silver, Frida'y. Mr. Victor Farrow was in To- ronto for a little visit. Mr. M. -Shutka, Osbawa, was home. Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family have returned home after visit- ing her parents at Port Hope. Mrs. Ida Paeden, Wesleyville, is spcnding a few days at Lorne Paedcn's. Sympatby is extended to Mrs. Bert Reid in the loss of her father, Mr. J. Elliott, who passed away in Bowmanville Hospital, from a broken hip. Mrs. Ralpb Bougen was at Art McKay's the other day. Mr. Howard Farrow has been laid up with a severe cold. Newtonville Visitors: LAC Fred Henderson,- Alberta, wth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Fred and Cecil, at Mr. W. C. Crossley's, Orono... Mr. and Mrs. Jas Stark and daughters in Castleton to visit Mrs. Stark's brother, Arthur, who was home on leave. . , Pte. Harold Burlcy and wife, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. C. Burlcy. Har- old is transferrcd to Camp Borden ...Miss Margaret Denault with Pte. and Mrs. Harold Burley, To- ronto... Mr. Gordon McKay witb his sister, Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa. .. Misses Wilma Prouse and Marion Bruce in Belleville.. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Mary, Fred and Cecil, in Peterboro ... Mr. and Mrs. George Hender- son and family witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Morish. . . Mrs. J. A. Barrie witb ber aunt, Mrs. J. T. Bragg, Bowmanvillc, who is Mî. Mrs. Robt. Morton has accepe a position at Ajax again. Mrs. Willis Jones attendcd the funeral of her uncle, Mr. John Oliver, Hastings, Friday, and on Saturday visited Mr. and iVrs. Harold Little, Campbellford. Fire caused alarm in Port Gran- by Saturday evening, wben the house occupied by Mrs. Blenco and three children was burned to the ground. Mr. Blenco is with the armed forces at Camp Borden. Mr. and Mrs. Harward Elliott g!ave shelter to Mrs. Blenco and family tili they can get another place. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Free Parking- Phone 1011 It's the Star-Siudded Picture of the year ... Robert Taylor, Brian Doalevy and Charles Laughton ln Stand By For Action wlth Walter Brennan, Marilyn Maxwell and Henry O'Neill Nestieton Visitors: Miss Betty Algar, Lind- say ai Miss Evelyn Campbell's... Larry Hardcasile ai R c n r y Thompson's. . . Mr. Harvey Mai- colm with bis aunt, Mrs. L. Job- lin... Mrs. Peter Wright bas gone to Toronto to visit ber son, Leslie Wright. . . Pie. Tommy Cole re- turned to New Brunswick Monday .. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm visiied ber brother, Mr: Fred Taylor, wbo is quite ill... Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wbheeler visited Mrs. Jas. William- son. Mrs. P a nke and Mrs. K. Sameils bave had the 'f lu and the scbools were closed a few days. Sympatby is extended to Mr. Arthur Hulbert in the passing of bis moiher, Mrs. Steven Hulbert, who was buricd Marcb lst in Un- ion Cemetery, Cadmus. Ncstleion W.I. met Wednesday, Marcb 3rd, ai the home of Mrs. John Prouti wiib meeting in charge of Mrs. John Williams' group. Roll cail answered by an înieresiing faci about Canadian industries. Ladies have made an- other beautiful broadcloth quili (material donated 'by Hecnr y Tbompson to sel tickets on for Red Cross), also plan packing an- other bale for Russians. Lunch was served by group in charge. Mrs. Prouti and group were given a hearty vote of thanks. Cowanville Doroiby and Jîm Simpson ai- tended the "At Home" ai Peter- boro Normal Friday evening. Visiiors: Mr. Gco. Layton vis- ited ai bis home, Mr. Wm. Lay- ton's, Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer visited ai Mr. Geo. Henderson's and to bld Fred Hen- derson farewell before be leaves for Halifax. . . Miss Kathleen Simpson, Peterboro Normal, vis- ited ai ber home over the week- end. Mr. Andrew Bandy is progrcss- ing nicely ai building bis new home. r ULUUlUWVI Is Thrilling and Satisfying When You Use Drapes, Curtains and Floor Coverings from Our New Spring Ranges. PUFFED DOT MARQI In self shades of white, cream or eci dots of red, pink, green, bIne, mauvi 40 to 42 inches wide - Also with( green, pink and dusty rose, 31 Prices range from 25e CRETONNES, CHII HOMESPUNS and SHAD Gorgeons new designs and fabries adian and American mills. You wl the beauty and charm they lmpart1 used for drapes, cushions or W]IDTHS FROM 46"1 Prices vary from 69e ti LOVELY ENGLISH LACE CURTAINS Ini beautiful new designs - Widths vý 3211 to 52" (each curtain> and pric 1.25 to 4.75 pair Length 214 yds Also 2V/2 yds. long at 4.75 pa FLOOI "IPABCO"I Stainless Shi "IPABCO"I Challenge Bri miu 1MRVuM u iu JUISETTES ru, or with coloured .' e, gold or turquoise. coloured grounds in 18 inches wide. to 49c yd. 0OW CLOTHS from English, Can- Il be delighted with tyour home when to 50"1, :o 2.39 yard DAINTY FRILLEDI CURTAINS 7ary f rom For bright, airy kitchens and bedrooms. Good ces are H quality Marquisettes gaily patterned i spots or geometrie designs on white or creani Ir 2¼ yds.grounds.. LIr 1/4 ds.long - 1.95 pair I COVERINGS CONGOLEUMI * BORDERED RUGS I We have a good assortment ia stock in sizes 6'0x9'0 b 9'0x1316 Prices from 5.25 to 11.85 According to size ALSO BY THE YARDI 2 yds. wide 1.30 yd.-3 yds. wide 2.10 yd.I Avoid Muddy Hallways by UsingI a RuggedI SCOCOA DOOR MAT ~,Tough, resillant fibres smartly pat- terned ln colours - Semi-circular shape Size 30"x 8" 1.50 each I BRIGHT NEW PATTERNS IN "PABCO" FLOORCOVERINGSI This partlcularly "Tough" hardwearlng floor coverlng comesd In a colourful assortment or really "Different" patterns, and possesses a beautiful "Wax" finish - We confldently recom- mend IL. 2 Yds. Wide 3 Yds. Wide een 1.50 2.43 -and 1.26 2.01 Per' Ruunsn.d Vnr... BOWMANVILLE I e - Il --------------U MU MM UM ~ U UU UU UU ci AQOnIpUI ImTA QDDIMOe Couch, Johoston & Cryderman THURSDAY, MARCH llth, 1943 2 FORSALE TRIS WEEK THUR.*a FRI.*a SAT. MARCH Il m 12 m 13 Duy on article and get another FRE We suggest you boy your normal re- quirements of Tonics, Vitamin Produets, Cold and Cough Remedies at this half price sale. You can also get Toiletries, Stationery, Sundries, and Household Drugs at HÂLF the regular price. See Nyal Sale Bill for Particulars ]9PhoneI1~FUIU loi m 9 rate

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