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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1943, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH llth, 1943 Betty Knox, C.W.A.C,, Kitchen- er, spent the week-end witb ber parents. F. W. Rickard, M.P. for Dur- ham, called at The Statesman of- fice Monday. Miss Yvonne Tighe spent the week-end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Eliott. LAC Arthur Cully, Toronto, was recent guest with bis parants, Mr. and Wrs. W. J. Cully. Miss Thelma Schlievert, O'Dell Street, spent the week-end with 4er parents in Belleville. Mr. Charles Raison, Grand Prairie, Alta., visited at Reeve C. R. Carveth's, Newcastle. AC2 Bob Wilson, Manning De- pot, Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie during the week-end. In a recent issue of The Star Weekly there was an article by C. J. Scott, Qv former resident of Bowmanville. Mr. Everett Allin and Miss Eve- lyn Stevenson, Toronto, cailed on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phare aven the week-end. Miss Jean Rundle, Oshawa, is spending a f ew days with ber mother, Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie, O'Deli Street. In the list of Rotary Canvassers lest week the name of Mrs. Hugh Cameron should have been Mrs. Alex Cameron. Misses Shirley Phines and Helen Lediard, Port Credit, spent the week-end with their grandmnothar, Mrs. Wm. Maynard. F0 George Crabtrae o! the R.C.A.F., brother of Mrs. Maurice Bresiin, took 'part in the bomb- ing of Berlin Friday night. Mrs. C. Jackson Wray spent the week-end in Brockviile visiting ber husband, Cadet Wray, wbo is teking the Officers' Training Course. Professor Edgar Mcînnis, o! The University o! Toronto, was the guest speaker at tbe l'4en's Canadien Club meeting and took as bis subject "The Prospects of Victory". Ration Books totalling 4,931 were distributed in Bowmanville by volunteer workers at the var- ious distributing centres, Alex Lyle, secretary of the local ration board tald The Statesman. Miss Pearl Bresiin, daughter o! Lt. Maurice and Mrs. Breslin, passed her Grade II Tbeory D Oso Q 1LQ.1 BOW FRID QGALLOW o (piano) with first class honars, receiving 92 marks out of a pos- sible 100. She is a pupil o! Miss Emsley, Oshawa. Speaking o! fine work - the Rotary Anns had a display o! a couple layettes-the type they are sending ta Engiend - in Wes Cawker's windows. The ladies are ta be commendèd on the fine work they are doing and they have been most unselfish in their time and energy. Congratulations ta Miss Eileen Pickell on passing Grade V Han- mony, with honours, 78 marks, and ta Mr. F. William Rundie on obtaining first class honours, 87 marks, in Grade II Thaory at the recent examinations of the To- ronto Conservatory of Music. Both are from Ebenezer and are pupils of Miss Ada L. Annis, A.T.C.M. 10-r, The ist Bowmanville Troop Scouts with leader Charles Carter, 2nd Bowmanville Troop Scouts, with leader Douglas Bryant, lst Pack Cubs, with leader Mary Cowan and 2nd Pack Cubs, with leader Celia Tait, attended a Boy Scout Service in Trinity United Church Sunday, February 28. Bey. J. E. Griffith preached a sermon befitting the occasion. Norman J. Allun, a native of Bowmanville, bas taken over Dud- lay's butcher shop. Mr. Aluin worked for thirty years on the Main Street: fiva years with Wil- liam Challis, 22 years with Wes Cawker and nearly three years with W. J. Dudley. With such a ong and varied exparience ha is weii-qualified ta heandie a retail meat business himself. ST. PAUL'S W.A. St. Paul's W.A. met TuesdayI afternoon. In the absence o! the President, Mrs. Pingle, Mrs. Geo. Chase presided. The meeting was in charge. of group one. Reeve Cecil R. Carveth of Newcastle, gave a showing o! bis beautiful colour films of gardens, flowers and scenary, which was greetly appreciated. Miss Chistina Campbell's two dances, Highland Reed and Irish Lult, in costume, gave much plees- ure as also did Mrs. Rata Dudley's two sangs, "Life's Lovely Things", and "Down in the Forest". A!ter the usual business session the meeting cîosed witb the Miz- pah benediction. rATLICL'S Be Held Under The Auspices of The -2nd MIDLAND REG'T (Reserve) In MANVILLE ARMOURIES >AY, MARCH l9th, at 9 p.m. Music by ffAY'S 7 - PIECE ORCHESTRA (of Peterboro) C PER C PERSOC TICKETS ON SALE at the DOOR mm SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 AL - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. i retingizri0 îIe toic. The grass value at the farms of ah f iald crops produced in Can- The automobile trailer, once ada in 1942 is currently estimated the playboy of the roads, is now at $1,145,778,000, an increase o! in seriaus business, one serving $461,889,000 over the 1941 figure. as a matarnity ward in a 300- The grain crops, principally Vtrailer camp for war workers near wheat, account for most of the Baltimore, Md. increase in value. m". Local Pupils Pass OooNw Conservatory Exams OooNw Mr. M. Linton is laid up. The following is a list of success- The St. Saviour's Anglican ful candidates in examinations church is holding weekly services Cý held recently by the Toronto Con- during Lent as they usually do. se servatory of Music in Bowman- The World's Day af Frayer is ri ville. beîng observed to-morraw (Fi- S Grade VIII: Honours, Betty J. day) in every part of Canada with bi Linton; Grade VII: Honours, Jean special women's services in the ta Living; Grade VI: Pass, June All- afternoon.G chin; Grade y: Honours, Ruth Sorry ta hear that Mrs. Mellor ta Bragg; Grade IV: First Class toak a relapse and is not sa well.b: Honours, Kay Lycett, Honours, Mr. Ruddell of Leskard passed S' Lais McMullen; Grade II: Hon- away this week. Interment took el ours,, Lois Berry, Kathleen Lamb; place in Orono Wednesday after- Grade I: First Class Honours, Max noon. Lycett, Virginia Stutt, Honours, Chamber of Commerce met g, Barbara Goddard, Madeline Os- Monday night. The main item of in borne (equal), Jean Dudley. business was arranging for a f ieldddi Pupil of Mrs. J. Albert Cale, day, the committee being C. B. ' A.T.C.M., A.O.C.M. - Grade III: Tyrreil, L. Lowery, Alb. West, O. li Piano - Raipb Peters, Hampton, W. Rolpb and Roy Forrester. J Honours, 78 marks. Union met Monday evening, a Pupils of Mrs. Reta Dudley, with Miss Kathleen Smith taking s A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., F.C.C.M., who the topic on "Active Church i tried the recent Toronto Conserv- Membership'". Scripture was read a] atory of Music Examinations. by Muriel Tennant and explairied 0 Piano-A.T.C.M., Lawrénce Mor- by Myrtle Tamblyn. Mrs. Mary p ton (Newcastle) Pass, (condition- Phasey and Mrs. Cora Cantrelil ed in performance); Grade VIII: rendered a splendid vocal duet.w Ray Dudley, ist Ciass Honours; During the business period plans Grade V: Betty Smales, Honours were completed for a St. Patrick's and Joyce Grant Pass; Grade III: party, witb Don Stapies andp Isobel Cruickshank, Honaurs; Muriel Tenriant in charge, and SOc p Singing - Grade IX: Louise was ordered sent ta, the Quinte a Pearce, Oshawa, Pass; Grade VIII: Broadcast. Eleanor Wight, Honours; Theory- Mrs. C r a n e is visiting in Grade III: Harmony, Gwen Toronto. Brooks, Ist Class Honaurs; Grade We hear bath snow ploughs IL: Theory, Ruth Hutchinson, Pass were stuck for some time during and Ray Dudley, Pass; Grade I: the last storm. Theory, Arline Nortbcutt, ist Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lageer h Class Honours. spent the week-end with relatives i The following is a iist of success- in Toronto and attended the hock- il ful candidates from this district ey match..n in examinations heid recently by Mrs. Charles knox is on the s the Toronto Conservatory of Mus- sick iist. c ic in Oshawa. Mrs. W. J. Cowan visited inC Theory: Grade V, Harmony, Newcastle.i Honaurs, Eileen Pickell; Grade Mrs. J. Richardson and Mrs. 0. t III, Harmony, lst Ciass Honours, W. Rolpb attended the Hospital t Gwen Brooks; Grade II, lst Class Board meeting at Bowmanvill ie Honours, Pearl Breslin; Honours, last week. Glen Hodgson; Pass, Rutb Hutcb- The class for church member- c inson; Ray C. Dudley; Grade I, lst ship met Wednesday afternoon. t Ciass Honours, Gwyneth Griffith; The S.S. Executive meetinga Beverley Sudds, Peggy Dippeli, scheduled for to-night (Thursday) and Arline Northcut. has been pastponed. Rev. Littlewood had no service at Kirby Sunday sa was able to attend Sunday School, where he Ha~ptongave the children a taik on the Hamptontheme for the day which was "Temperance". M. H. Stapies was Mr. Everett Ailin and Miss Eve- in charge of the service. lyn Stevenson, Toronto, with Mr. Mrs. Ed. Mortdh was brought Harold Ailin. home from the haspitai Sunday. Private Donald Adcock, Camp Mrs. A. H. Keane, R.N., is in at- Borden, spent a few days witb tendance. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glbert Park Street W.A. Adcock.Pa Gnr. Raymond Petit, Peterbora Pak St. W.A., Orono, held its and Pte. Gladys Chapman, Kitch- regular meeting Tuesday after- ener, were week-end visîtors with noon, the session opening with a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman devotional period led by. Mrs. H. LAC Reg. Rackham, R.C.ÀA F Walsh (who read the Scripture St. ohn Qubec vistedhisp-, and gave thoughts on the same) St. Jo th webek-ied. spa-and closing with prayer by Mrs. ents during tewe-n. S. itlwod Miss L. Ailin gave Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. the treasurer's report, after which Douglas Rackham, Bowmanvilie, Mrs.Pae an r C tel (ne Flrene Brn), n te ar-favoured with a vocal duet witb rival of twins, a boy and a girl. MsV acc ttepao There was a fairly good attend- MBiîVwere order e piandoet ance at the Sunday School ses- oBfllhanketc de ait adwth-h sion Sunday afternoon, aithough ters o hnsec el ih h the day was coid and stormy, but aorr. Sec'ys report by Mrs. N. F., the ttenanc at he e nn Porter, including part of these. pre ahin srce as theomenwii It was announced that more cloth- smealler.Ourvpasto was unable't ing had been shipped for Russian smaler.Our astr wa unblerelief. Mrs. Littlewood favoured ta go ta, the other appointments. with a vocal solo accompanied by Miss Theima Rabbins, Temper- Miss L. Allin. $25 was donated ance Sup't, conducted a short ta the Red Cross drive. Plans were Temperance program in the Sun- also made for catering ta a farm- day School Sunday, when Miss ers' banquet which is being held Audry rseygav anite re- here shortly, committees being ap- ing address on "Liquor and piitsfr hesmere- Ltte lation ta the people". Mrs. J. potd faor tesa. Mr soitle- Macnab and Jean Balson favoured wo aordwt nte oo with a duet, "The Army of Temp- Hortieultural Meeting erance is Gathering its Men". The Horticultural Society card Certificates and prizes were pre- party Monday evening was a huge sented from the Sunday Schooi success, every one enjoying them- by Hilton Peters, for the Temp- selves ta the full. Foilowing the erance Education contest and cer- games a lovely lunch of baked tificates of menit from the W.C. beans, bread and butter, tarts with T.U. by L. Reynolds. Also special whipped cream, and coffee were award pins from the W.C.T.U. for served and social haîf-hour en- the two scholars who passed witb joyed. During the haîf-hour Mrs. honours for five years.. Those re- E. J. Hamm, president, extended ceiving certificates and prizes thanks to al, for their patronage (War Savings Stamps), for the and announced the winners, to National Temperance St u dy whom she gave prizes. Mrs. J. R. Course for 1942, were as follows: Cooper won the lady's high and Junior-Annabelle Adcock,' hon- Walter Couch the gent's high, ours, Jean Kersey, h on ou rs, while Mrs. Walter Couch won the Herbie Craig, honours, Ralph Pet- lady's consolation prize and Mrs. ers, honours; Intermediate-Phyl- Ed. Dean, taking a gent's place, lis Niddery, Marlon Kersey, Aud- the gent's consolation pr i ze. rey Kersey, Marjonie Rundie. Lucky prizes were won by M. H. Marion Kersey and Phyulis Nid- Stapies and Mrs. C. H. Froste. dery were the twa wbo received' Lucky Escape special award pins on having Mrs. Bruton had a narrow es- passed with honours for five cape during the storm last week years. fromn being frozen ta, death. On The World Day o!f rayer meet- opening tbe back door the wind ing will be held in the basement blew it wide open and took ber1 of the church Friday afternoon, with it, causing ber ta faîl down when ail ladies of the community the hili at the back of the bouse. are invited ta attend. With difficulty she managed to The Young Poi iivsttecimb up by catching ber fingers Maple Grave Union Friday eve- into the ashes, and finally man- ning. Those wishing to go are aged ta attract the attention of a asked to meet at the store corner neighbour, Mr. Fred Tamblyn, at 7.30 for conveyance. wbo at first tbougbt sbe was Hampton W.1. merely shaking out a dust clotb.1 Wome-n'sIQnstituite met Thurs- -When ha ---eArewbtte ate SCOTT'S EMULSION Botter Way to take Cod Liver OU Contains Vitamins A end D 590& 989 C.G..T. NEWS St. Paul's St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Thurs- lay evening with the worship service conducted by Ruth Aber- nethy. Anna Aharan read the Scripture lesson and Ruth Rob- >ins led in prayer. The girls are taking a course on "The Canadian Girl in the Home" and a helpful alk on table manners was given by Miss Eleanor Cronk. A short sing-song and recreation closed the meeting. Trlnity The Lend-a-Hand and Onwego groups met in a department meet- ing Tuesday night with the Fresi- dent Marjoria Rundie in charge. Worship service was under the eadership of Muriel Rogers with Joyce Kerr reading the Scriptura and story by Mary Alldread. A bhort business period was follow- ed by group meetings. In the absence of tbe preisident of the )nwego group, Dorotby Ellwoodý presîded. In place of the usuai recreation period the girls bagan work on thelr scrap book. The Lend-a-Hand group contin- ued their study of Peul of Tarsus. Plans were made for a toboggan party on Friday avening. Recre- ition was conducted by the leader. SCOUT NEWS The Second Bowmanvilla Troop rîeld its regular meeting Thurs- lay nigbt at the scbool gymnas- ium. Sorry that there wasn't any news in the preceding week's is- sue of the paper concerning the competition at the High School. Of course the Second Troop won. Your Scout reporter was not able to be tbere, but from ail reports the evening was beneficial to both troops. Tbe meeting Tbursday night consisted cbiefly of recreation. Af- ter the inspection the boys broke away to game§ of their own choice. Four now boys were present and we bope ta see, and, wiii welcome any others who wish to join the Scout movement. Total points for the months of January and February show the Owl Patrol, guided by Bud Hoop- er, is ahead of its closest rival, the Crow Patrol, guided by Arnold Sleep, with 93 points aclvantage. Bradley's Commiunity Club Bradley's Community Club met Friday, March 5, at the school with an attendance of over 40. President E. Vice and Ass't Sec'y, Mrs. A. Prescott, conducted the opening exercises and business. An excellent program follawed with each family providing one number. Readings were given by Barbara Leask and Mrs. A. Pres- cott, piano solos by Margaret Prescott, Betty Smales, Jean Montgomery, musical selections by the Cryderman girls, piano duet by Eunice and Ewart Leask. Bill Westlake made an appeal for the Red Cross drive to which the Club donated $5.00. Three hum- orous sangs were given by the Super-duper quartette composed of Gordon Leask, Clarence Vice, Maurice Baker and Howard Mill- son. While lunch was being prepared Mrs. W. Leask conducted some lively quiz questions. Next meet- ing will be held April 2, a debate and other good program is being planned. Everyone welcome. To learn how ta determine the sex of day-old chickens, nine wo- men and ten men have enrolled in a short course at the Iowa State College ta become commercial "1chicken sexers." Packing dehydrated vegetables properly requires new techniques, a matter that has been receiving scientific study by the New York State Experimental Station dur- ing the past year. 5 FOR 2 QUAKER BRAND ONTARIO Rolled OATS BE AN S 5 Lbs. 25Ç 5 Lbs. 25Ç MANNING'S - 60oz. Pkgs. SODAS Z For23 RICHMELLO-FRESH GROUND CQFFEIE L.35e NEW TEXAS BULK CARROTS CARROTS Lbs. 2Bunches 19Ç 3 For 15 DOMINION. BREAD MARCH O.RDO SALE Here it le Folks! . .. Your chance ta save money on 41I many, many products you use regularly in your home. Be sure to take full advantage o! the unusual savings in this advertisement. Ite SPECIALS AND EIDR WEDNESDAY, MAR. 10 to WEDNESDAY MAR. 17 NG 1.00 COD LIVER OIL - 16-oz. . ... 69c %M 5Oc PINEX Cough Compound ...... 32e LACTOGEN 1.00 & 2.25 sizes 69c-1.59 1RT15 WRITING PADS - Alil Sizes ........ Sc IOMY LUX SOAP ............ 6c - 2 for lic e Tube ABSORBENT COTTON - i lb. . ... 34c I Halibut Liver -Ou Capsules, 100's- 93e Cashmere Bouquet Soap ------ 2 for 11e Lifebuoy Soap -- --- 2 for lic ASA. Tablets 100's -- -------------- 19C A.B.S. & C. Tablets 19c 15c PEROXIDE - 4-oz ........... lc SHAVING CREAM 60c ROBINSON'S BARLEY........ 33e CAMAY SOAP .........6c - 2for Ilc COLD CREAM - Theatrical 1 lb. . 54e VITAMIN B-i TABLETS - 1l0s .43c IDASAL TABLETS FOR PAIN-300's 59C MILK 0F MAGNESIA - 16-oz. . ... 27c Loaves 15c ODEX hw ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAP Odlex is maae with ti-tree oil, an exclusive, odour-free antiseptic 11 times more effective than carbolic as a germicide, yet mfld and pleasant to your skin. 2 CAKES jç Anacin Tablets--- Beef, Iran and IVine Bayer Aspirin-'----- Fitch's Shampoo Drene Shampoo Alphamettes ---------- Haliborange -------- . Norpiex Tablets - 50's lVampole's Extract Pepsodent T. Paste Bronchida ------------ 22c-69c-98e 16-oz. 53e 22c-98c 35c-69c 15c-67c 1.00-3.50 85C-1.50 1À0 1.00 29c-45e -----50c Wake up your iv; cdeais. y@ur tirtenu feel fightlngl fit by ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" 141'k PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALY ALEX IMCOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES 1 DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER .......... ...... ........... rn .......... .................... ~ EVERREADY 53e 23ec TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit FORMALDEHYDE 16-oz.------25c CERESAN ------------1.10-4.40 Warble Fly Treatment ------ 1.00 Cooper's 120 Treatments Veterlnary Needies ----------- 20c Reduced Iron oz. 20c- 2 ozs. 35c IN SWALLPAPER For Every Room Ini Vour Home Now is the tirme to buy - 1943 papers in stock- good selectioan £ of remnants and roomn lots. - ~ COLD WATER FASTE - lb. 15e f '~ '~' NU-WALL and CASEIN PAINTS I ~ For walls and celng-Easy to ap- ply-Attractive colourngs-Dur- able and washable - Inexpensive. J. WN. JEWELL Phone 556 Bowmanville IMPORTANT NOTICE Having sold out our stock of Stationery and Books to W. J. Berry, we are closing our store. During our seven years of business we have enjoyed a large trade and we now thank you for your patronage. 1, H. JOHNSTON mmm mrn~ UmmMMU ~ MMMUMMMM UUUU. BOYS1 like GLEN RAE I1LK Because it gives them more energy to play better, and they like its rich healthy taste, too ! mu DELIVERED DAILY 25( jar for 19( iNCXZEMA )Chapped Hands a m - 1 1 1 r--»»-,ý-- ,

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