THURSDAY, MARCH hlth, 1943 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Turley visited her mother, Mrs. James Dickson. They are now in Belleville. ~'Miss Gloria Richardson was pre- (>Iented with a waîîet by her ca- workers at the Goodyear, Bow- manville. The town dlock was fixed ta strike right Saturday afternoon. A boy was seen eating an ice cream cane Saturday - As if it wasn't cold enough-Brr! Sorry ta hear Mrs. Henry is ill. Glad ta report Mr. and Mrs. Mellar, wha have bath had the 'flu, are better, also Mr. Ras- borough. Mrs. Ed Morton was taken ta the haspital last week. and aper- ated on for a bail on the back of her head. John Lawery is stationed at Ottawa. Mrs. Carias Tamblyn entertain- MY BACK Stiff, achey back may be caused by sluggish kidneys. Gin Pils help the kidneys ta do a ful time jobi Maney back if flot catisfied. Legular size, 40 PuisI Luge Suze, 10 Pill on the U.S. Onk for "n..,o Pila,. ed a few friends at a party Tues- day evening. Mrs. Carleton received word of Mm. and Mrs. Caldwell's safe ar- rivai at Calgary. Mmi. F. Tamblyn visited hem daugbter, Mmi. Van Horne, at Wbitby, wbo bas been quite sick with the 'flu. The village experienced a par- tial black-out lait week, street ligbts being out in the soutb ward. Franklin Tamblyn bas resigned bis position at Tyrrell's Drug Store, prior ta joining the air force. Owing ta misunderstanding tbe radia report regarding M. Mowat, an errar accured in last issue. He i5 simply giving up bis office- not the office as magistrate-and will carry on the business at bis home. A number fram here attended Dr. Bonnycastle's funeral at Baw- manville. Miss Tommey of The Statesman staff, Major J. D. O'Neill, A. H. Sturrock and W. R. Strike, of Bowmanville, were guests of the Boy Scout father and son banquet here last week. Unfrtunately the write-up was crawded out but appears in this issue. Mm. and Mmi. William Cochrane and son visited relatives in Hamp- tan. Gnr. Rosi Wood visited bis par- ents, Mr. and Mmi. Fred Wood. .Mrs. J. J. Gilfillian and sister- in-law, Miss Viola Gilfillian, have bath been on the sick list. Interment of the late M. Elliott of Bawmanville took place in Or- ana Cemetemy Sunday afternoan. Miss Gloria Richardson spent a few days at ber home here. She leaves ta-day (Tbursday) for To- onta for Ottawa an Friday. W.A. 'POT-LUCK SUPPER AND PROGRAM Friday evening Park St. Sunday Scboai raom was the scene of a social gathering, largely attend- ed, when the Women's Associa- tion held a pat-luclc supper and pragram. Pat-luck praved ta be ail right, for scalloped patataes, ON 5 YEAR GUARANTEED 3Y2% TRUST CERTIFICATES An ids.i authorlz.d inv«tment for individul comanis, .moeryboards, executors and o th ruts.. THÉ SSTERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 BAY STREET TORONTO THE cry of " Fire " brings an instant picture to your mind - your own home going up inl flames and everything in it destroyed. If that happens, FIRE INiBURANCE pro- vides the only certain indemnity you'1l re- ceive to enable you t6 rebuild. Be sure it is adequate. Ask J. J. MASON & SON INSURÂNCE AGENTS Phone 681- Bowmanville D0AYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery ln your district. This is made necessay by now govrumoat Sregulations which permit us te, cover any one district two days a week, oniy, on alternate days. We wiil, therefere, be ln Bowma4ivlle WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning with your laundry PHONE - 419 beans, bread, cakes, pies and tarti were on hand ready ta be eaten and of course there was tbe "cup that cheers". During the supper hour Mmi. Everett Brown and Miss Audrey Billingi nrovided many musical1 selections, and after all bad been fed Rev. Lîttlewood called the gatbeing ta order witb a few words of welcome and apprecia-1 tion of the get-together. Dick1 Morton favoured witb a solo and1 led in a sing-song, with Audrey1 Billings at the piano, Mmi. R. C. Rosbarougb and Editb Truli fav- oured witb a lavely piano duet, and the school presented their1 Commencement play "Elmer and1 the Lave Bug", characters being announced by Rutb Lunn. The remainder of the evening was4 spent in playing Crokinole and Chinese Checkems. P r o c e e d s amounted ta $30.40. RED CROSS MEETING Orano Red Cross met Tbursday afternoon, with Mmi. Wm. Arm-1 strong presiding in the absence of C. B. Tyrreli, and Elsie Rowe acting as secretary in the absence of Mmi. J. J. Mellar. Mrs. Murray presented the treasurer's repart as foliows: Bal- ance Feb. lst, 323.73, repairs, q uil t, 3.50, donatio.'is 25.00, bazaar fancy work sale, 1.85; ex- penses 295.63; balance 58.45. Re- ports were given by Mmi. Dean, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Armstrong. A new quota was omdeed sent for, on motion of Mmi. H. Dean, seconded by Mrs. F. Cawan. Bulis amounting ta 39.73 were ôrdemed paid. Carrespondence included inter- esting letters of thanks for Christ- mas parcels frorn Alan Baker, Cecil Bruton, Syd Morgan, Jack Stobart, Gerald Luvaîl (wha men- tioned seeing Mult Green and Mr. Widdis), Lloyd Myles, George Ralpb, (wba mentioned getting gifts fram Bruce Mercer and also fram the Leikard Comrnunity Club), and Mmi. Dent for Gilbert Dent. Messages were given for Mesrs. Muir, Whittaker and Big- elow, who also rnucb appreciatdd their parcels. Five quilts, thmee crib quilti, one baby blanket, four dresses, and one slip weme sent in by Kirby, three quilts by Clarke Union and ý layette from Orona Wamen's nstitute, ahl of which weme grate- fully acknawledged by the so- ciety. Township Council Clarke Township Council met on March 2nd witb ail members present. The clerk was instructed ta farward the names of those ta epresent the different school sec- tions in the township at the meet- ing for the co-operative organ- izing of the farrning cornmunities during the caming summer. The treasurer was instructed ta renew the rnerbeship fee in the As- sessors' Association. A commun- ication fromn Inspector Carleton was tboroughly discussed and laid aven. The treasuren was ordered ta collect the rnonies ta pay for the use of the County snow plough in severai parts of the township. Albert Morton appeamed before the council ta discusi road matters. The Navy League was given per- mission ta bold a tag day sorne time in June. A By-Law was passed raising the dog tax rate in certain cases ta $3.00. The follow- ing resalutions were passed: 1105 Continuing C. F. Awde as cal- lector of taxes up ta April 6th, 1943; 1106-Petitioning the Dept. of Highways for subsidy on $495.53 spent on Township raads during 1942. The follawing bills were order- ed paid: Road voucher No. 2 13.60; Orano Coal and Lumber, supplies, 29.90; Ont. Pmov. Treas., B.O.H., . 67; E. L. MacNacbtan, 50 per cent Mtce., 33.03; A. S. Milis, caunty snow plougb, 36.00; Mmi. E. J. Randaîl, R vs. F. 32.00; Clarke Twp. Debenture acct., Orano Hydma, 932.76; Joseph J. Mellor, salary and incidentais, 66.68; C. G. Armstrong, supplies, 14.92; Orona Weekly Times, printing, 10.00; W. E. Davey, 3 trips ta Oshawa, B.O.H., 9.75; Dr. W. H. Stanley, B.O.H., 12.00; R. H. Wood, came of bail, 16.30; T. A. Reid, convention expenses, 12.00; J. J. Cornish, sup- plies, 15.00. Res. 1107 Lovekin-Lawemy: That this council do now adjourn ta meet again in the Cauncil Cham- ber on April 6tb, 1943, at the boum of one-thirty in the afternaan for the transaction of general bus- a -Rfiefe e5catcinf Itf Fd For quc eif(o tchini a cezema piplea, ath. Iercý fot iaa es, cbcrashes and otLc sta lly cauoed ik Ce uu leau. a-cting.ooliog, anti. septe iqui 1. Dre ciptio.Grale, ,îainless. St2hation and quickiy stops intense 'teyit o on b .a DIM and DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of March Stb, 1928 The Young People's League of Newcastle spcnt Wednesclay eve- ning of last week with the League of Park St. United Cburcb and presented a good pragram. Thase taking part were: Mr. Touzel, principal of the High School, Miss E. Hancock, C. Glenney and solos by Mrs. Hurlburt. Miss Clem- ence ocdtipied the chair. Their chief mission was ta present the Visiting Banner ta the League here, the presentation being made by Mr. Strike, and naw it is the duty of Oono ta take it on. Emnie Gilbank led in an interesting word contest, after which lunch was served. Their visit was much en- joyed. Mr. Orme Gamsby was in e- ceipt of a note from Mms. N . J. McArtbur, nee Addie Maulton, witb wbom most of aur citizens are acquainted. She is spending the winter at Honolulu with hem son, Donald, who boldi a splendid position in that city. Orono Sehool Report, Jan. & Feb. IV-Ella McRoberts (Hon.), Frank McMullen (Hon.), Bill Brown, Kenneth Tamblyn, Mac S mithb, Mary Sisson, Myrtle Tamblyn, Olive Davey, Eileen Riddell, Norman Allen, Roy Win- ter (absent fom one examina- tion). Sm. III-LeRay Brown, (Hon.), Kathleen Stark, Mary Fowleir, Ivison Tamblyn. Betty Rowe, Margaret Wannan, Neil Hamm (absent fromn one examinatian), Roy Colville (absent from one ex- aminatian). Jr. II-Jean Spry (Hon.), Viola Noden (Hon.), Margaret Milîsan (Han.), Marjamie Graham, Gardon Wintem (absent from one examîn- atian), Charlie Buckiey, Bob Keane, Sam Keane. Sr. II-Mary Tamblyn, Foster Blewett, Alfred Milîsan, Ruth Bebee, John Keane, Margaret Roy, Mari aie Sissan, Ethel Graham, Earl McCutcbeon, Milton Green, Arnliffe Wannan. Fimst - George Rawe, Donald Hamm, Ernie Allen, Hazel Winter, Fioris Tarvis, Murray Tarvis, El- vin Blewett. Sm. Pr.-Ethel Stark, Lillian Al- len, Beatrice Hamm, Edward Mill- soan, Mildred Henry, Carman White (absent). Sm. Pr.-Uerlen Tbompson, Lais Wood, Doris Wannan, Elmer Mid- dieton, Ray Goade (absent). Beginners-Marian Cooper, Ed- win Manning, Mervyn Keane, Marion Challis, Edwin Sander- cack (absent), George Mitchell (absent), Bruce Goade (absent). Men's Banquet It was almost a record attend- ance at the Park St. Church men's banquet at the Armouries Manday evening, over 400 people being seated at the one time. The affair was exciusively under tbe contrai of the men who armanged and dec- orated the tables with artistic taste, served a sumptuaus supper, and rendered an excellent pro- gram at which Mr. W. Staples act- ed as chairman. Rev. Mm. Wallace gave an exceptionally fine after- dinner speech, Mm. Frank Walters of Courtice delighted the audience witb bis splendidly rendered solos, the S.S. orchestra and carnet quar- tette furnished instrumental rnusic and a couple of vocal quartettes were given by Messrs. Tamblyn, Sutton, Staples and Taylor. Township Council CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Council met Marcb 1, with the members ail present and Reeve C. Devitt presiding. A communication from the District Engineer me bridge and culvert construction for 1943 was referred ta the Road Supeintendent; fmom Ontario Clothing Drive for Rus- sidns was referned ta Reeve and Clemk ta bave matter taken up by the Institutes; from Association of Assessors, no action taken; from Messrs. Wright and Fisher me- questing grant for Agmicultural Society, gmanted $200. Clerk v>as instructed ta adver- tise for persan or persans ta furn- iîb and place on moadi in the township 30 or 40 thousand yards of crusbed gravel accomding ta Department regulations and order of Road Superintendent. At the request of E. A. Summers, agri- cultural representative, the fol- iowing were appainted ta repre- sent Cartwrigbt, W. N. Hoskin, Jas. Farder, O. Hyland, L. Swain, H. Heacock, H. Pbilp, W. Wil- liams, G. Wright, B. Heaslip, Roy Fergusan, N. Green. The following accaunts weme passed: Sait for waiks, $80; Bowmanville District Court fees, $5,32; M. F. Emerson, S.S. No. 9 grant, $300; H. Beacack, N.S. No. 5 grant, $300; L. Swain, S.S. No. 4 grant, $200; J. Farder, Contin- uation School grant, $1050; A. Gil- bert, supplies for Hall, $3.17; Treas. Agricultumal Society, $200; and H. Thompsan, Overseas boxes, $64.49. Mrs. Joseph Wight Has SOth Birthday Party Mmi. Joseph Wight was the re- cîpient of a number 0f lovely gîfts on the occasion of ber 8Otb birth- day, Saturday, Marcb 6tb. Pres- ent at an informai birthday pamty beid at hem home, 10 Liberty Place, weme Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wight, Cobourg; Mm. and Mmi. Melbourne Wight, Mr. and Mmi. Wightsan Wight, and Mrs. Georg- ian Phare, ail of Bowmanvilie; Mm. and Mmi. Richard Hawkey, Melford, Sask.; Miss Domothy Wight, Mm. Donald Ailman. bath of Oshawa; Miss Bernice Wight, Ajax, and Mr. Forbes Munrae, Ot- tawa. ORONO Education And Efficiency By C. B. Tuck Optemetrist Eyesight Specialist Disney Bidg. <opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 247 In same instances some em- ployees may be fitted witb their lens correction in a special goggle combination, this makes it fn necessary for goggles ta be woril over their glasses and provides accommodation for refractive cor- rection, protection as a goggle, protection against harfnful light and beat rays in the one combina- tion. Even in the wearing of goggles a certain eye strain may be ac- quired according ta the type of lens used. The lens in goggles and in ahl the cheaper grade of glasses, in being not optically per- fect creates a certain strain upon the eyes of the user. (ta be continued) SOLDIERSI 'STAND YOUR FET 4D ## AT MAS Business Dii ectory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario NEWS ,Cold Reieve Misey IWproved Vicks Way Mothers, you wlfl welcome the relief from mlsery that cames wlth a "Vapaftub Massage." With more thorough treat- ment, the paultlce-and-vapor action af Vlcks VapoRub mare effectively PENETRATES lrritated air passages with soathing medicinal vapors ... STIMULATES chest and back like a warming poultice or plaster... STARTS REUEVINC misery mgbt away i Resuits delight even aid friends of VapaRub. TO GET a "VapoRub Massage" wlth ail Its benefits - massage VapaRub for 3 minutes on IM- PORTAN~T ETB-AREA 0F BACTC as well as tbraat and chest - spread a thick layer on chest, caver wth a wammed cloth. BE SURE ta use genuine, time-tested Obituary C. I. ANDRUS A veteran of the last war, Sgt.- Major Clarence Howard Andrus died February 28 in Christie St. Hospital. He was admitted tbree weeks ago. Sgt.-Major Andrus was born in.. Orono, Ont., in 1874, and enlisted with the 75th Battalion in 1915, serving in France witb his unit and attaining the rank of Comp- any Sergeant Major. He is sur- vived by two sons, Theodore, To- ronto, and Almo, on active service overseas, two daughters, Gladys and Mabel, New York. Thc funeral was beld March 1, at 2 p.-., from the Hopkins- Golden Chapel, Yonge St., ta the Veterans' Plot, Prospect Cemetery. SARAH MARIA TRIMM Death camne as a welcome me- lease ta a patient and long-suffer- ing spirit in Bowmanville Hos- pital, Friday, March 5. Sarah Maria Trimm, wife of Elias Trimm, Tyrone, was born in Clarke Township seventy - two years ago. She was the youngest -daughter of the late Herbert Mof- fat andl Harriet Nelson. Beside ber husband, she leaves ta mourn her lois, one daughter, Mrs. Rob- ert Bailey, Windsor, two grand- cbildren, Tpr. Jack Trimm, now stationed at Camp Dundurn, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. David Park, Shaw's; twa great-grand-. children, Thomas and Kenneth Park. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Henry Jacks, Manvers Road, and Mrs. Harry Perkins, Tees- water. The floral offerings were lovely and friends and relatives were present from Toronto, Oshawa and Bowmanville. Palîbearers were: Roy Metealfe, Roy Trimm, Archie Thompsan, Albert Hill, Archie Virtue and David Park. MRLS. WM. JACKSON One of the oldeit residents of Oshawa, Mrs. Mary Ann Jackson, widow of William Jackson, died at ber borne. She was 93 years of age and bad been a resident of Oshawa for more than 70 years. Farmerly Miss Mary Ann Hooper, she was born in Bowmanville and spent the first twenty yeams of ber life here. Upon ber marriage ta William Jackson she moved ta Oshawa. She was one of the aid- est members of Sirncae Street United Churcb, she was active in the W.A. until faiiing health of late. A charter member of Re- bekah Lodge No. 3, she was enter- tained by a few of the members a n the occasion of her birthday, December 28. She was pre- deceased by ber husband and a .son, Harry. The funeral was heic3 from her home with interment ir .Oshawa Union Cernetery. .J. B. Truli Elected .Reeve of Riley MD. 1 The following news stary con- cerning J. B. Truil, of Nanton, .a former Bowmanville boy, was ýclipped from the Nanton News, .Alberta; At the arganrization meeting af 1the council of the Municipal Dis- ,trict of Riley, beld in Cayley lasi .Thursday, Councillor J. B. Trull was elected reeve, and Councillor .R. R. Chaffee, deputy reeve, foi ;the current year. 1 Mr. Truil has served on the 1council for the past six years, .and last month was rde-elected foi DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilec Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any dlay F. IF. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Arn bulance and Invalid Car. Tele phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573 Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD FETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskilien Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Furnîture Sales Cansuit me for terms and dates 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterinarian Church St. - Bowmanvilie Phone 843 29t1 a further term of three years. He has been a valuable and capable member during his term of of- fice. He also served on the Board of Nanton Consolidated School District, as trustee for the Sun Prairie District, for ten years pre- viaus ta 1938, when he resigned. Reeve Truil came ta Nanton from Bowmanville, Ontario, in 1909, and bas since been a res- ident farmer of this district, ex- cept for a short period during the war of 1914-18, when he was a member of the "Black Devils" bat- talion, which was recruited in Winnipeg and formed a part of the first contingent. He was in camp with bis unit at Valcartier, Que- bec, in 1914, when be received his discharge and returned ta Nanton the following year. In 1916, ho. joined the 191st battalion at Mac- leod and acted as recruiting off icer for a year, until his discharge, when he returned ta Nanton. Election of Mr. Truli as reeve of this municipality is recognition in part for his years of faitbful public service. ~e. r~ a e ~ Dentist '7tow,' he's well again and doing a war jolb. "MY HUSBAND'S had a nervous breakdown - just worry. He left bis job in tbe shipyard to go into logging. But bis bealth suffered and the doctor says he's got to take a complete rest. But we haven't any ready money. How can lie rest?" The bank manager listened to ber troubles sympathetically. He knew the busband, knew the wife-both sound citizens. The bank advanced the money on personal seuriy... on the good char. acter of two honest, hard.womking people. In a few weeks, Fred was welI again and work- ing in the sbipyard. The loan was paid back ini full. Because of bank accommodation lie is now getting financially on lis feet again-and aiding Canada's war effort. This true story-only the name is cbanged- illustrates how Canada's Chartered Banks, day in and day out, serve the human as well as the finan- cial needs of Canadians. By banking during mernlng houri yeu con help the, war effort, facilitats your own business, and lighfen the wartlme burden on thememn and woen in your bronch bank. More than oe- third of our oxperienced mon have gene te war. It's possible to make over ma->y1 oA"il the world is a stage, but things, but the bardest job is t. sme eem ta get more applause make over a man. than others. 1 PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, MARCH llth, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO