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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH llth, 1943 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Reita Cooke in company offered by Mrs. Hoar and Mrs. with Miss Helen Williams, Bow- Morton. manville, attended the annual "At Mrs. J. C. Hancock gave a talk H o mn e" at Peterboro Normal based on the third chapter of the School Friday evening. study book, "The Church an-d Reeve C. R. Carveth was in Work", showing the work being Oshawa Friday night showing accomplished by the C h ur ch moving pictures at a meeting of among the working classes. the Oshawa Gladiolus Society, The service of affiliation of the Councillor J. H. Jose drove and Canadian Girls in Training with conveyed Reeve Carveth and his the Woman's Missionary Society equipment to the meeting. followed, conducted by the Pres- The Women's Auxiliary of St. ident, assisted by several niema- George's Church held its monthly bers of the society. The girls tak- business meeting in the parish hall ing part were: Margaret Ash, Tuesday afternoon with Mrs' D. Arvilla Brunt, Betty Stevenson R. Dewdney presiding. Bsns and Jean Gray, with Mrs. J. Hos- meeting and sewing Bustingsaeskm at the piano. Gwen Hooper held meetings are representing the Senior group heldaltrnatly.and Mary Toms the Junior group, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Toms and presented their offering to the daughters and Mrs. Harold Toms Woman's isoaySce. visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms,Msioayocey Belleville, Sunday. James Wright of the Merchant MORE DURHAM COUNTY Marine came home last week for HOLSTEINS GO TO a short vacation. He has been sail- PENNSYLVANIA ing the vast Pacific from Canada ____ to New Zealand, Australia and the South Sea Islands, much of the Another car of registered Hol- time in company with his fellow stein coivs was shipped fromn New- citizen and friend, George Gra- castle C.N.R. station Tuesday, to ham, now of the Australian Mer- C. S. Erb and Company, Middle- chant Marine. James has joined town. Penn. These choice cattie the American Merchant Marines. wvere sccured and shipped through the agency of A. J. Tamblyn, Or- Mrs. R. S. Graham and Miss ono, Fieldman for the Durham Beatrix Mclntosh each returned Hoistein Club. The 27 head were last week-end from their visit in ývalu ed at $6480 .00 or $24000 each. Toronto. Contributors to this shipment Mrs. P. F. LeGresley spent a few were: N. I. Metcalfe, Maple days last week with lier sister, Grove; Luther Pascoe, Arthur Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Weston. Blanchard, Bruce Tink, A. T. Pte. Harold Adair wxas home Stainton. Hampton; M. J. Tamb- over the week-end from Fetawa- lyn, F. W. L. and Carlos Tamb- wa. He thinks his brother, Pte. lyn, Orono: Prof. C. B. Sissons, Alfred Adair, is in Africa. Orono; A. J. Runnals, Gordon Mrs. Jno. Hendry attended the Kellogg, Welcome; Mont. Bickle, annual "At Home" of Peterboro Canton; Stanley Macklin, Co-1 Normal School at Peterboro Fni- bourg; P. C. Seymour, Ida and day evening. Fred Austin. Port Hope. The Nursing Classes under the auspices of Newcastle Red Cross are nowv organized and in opéra- RDCOSCMAG tion. Classes meet each Tuesday RDCOSCMAG afternoon and evening. Last week ORGANIZED the instructors were Dr. J. C. T Devitt and Mrs. Ross Strike, and Te Red Cross campaign in on Tuesday afternoon and evening Newcastle is now underway. At of this week Miss Ruth Hancock, a public meeting held in the Coun- R.N., instructed the classes.' cil Chamber Thursday evening Several Newcastle people were canvassers were appointed for the distinctly aware of the earthquake different sections of the village late Monday evening. Among and the neighbouring rural sec- those who felt the quake were C tions. Campaign convenor, Dr. J. S. Horrocks, also Mr. and Mrs p* A. Butler, was in the chair and F. Hare and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. J. H. Smith was elected secretary. Smith, who were engaged ina Canvassers named for the village card gama and rural areas were: C. R. Car- Miss June VanDusen. Torontovt Emn ThcryR.S was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rob: Graham, Rev. R. E. Morton, Noray ert Smith, Green Leaf Inn, over Gobeen, Ed. Neilson, C. S. Hor- the week-end, rocks, H. R. Pearce; Fred Bowen, Miss Evelyn Allin visited Miss W. H. Gibson, Russell Osborne, Helen Hooper. Ajax. over the for No. 9 S.S.; C. M. Jones for week-end. Newtonville and C. R. Carveth Miss Margaret Ash is visiting in and Chris Law for the Lake Toronto. Shore. The allocation for New- Weather conditions rather cut castle and district is $1100.00. down the attendance at Church _________ services Sunday. Newcastle Dairy has bought a second truck, necessitated by ils e dn increasing business. ____ Friends of Charles E. Parnell, of KENEFICK-RANDALL Montreal. formerly of -Newcastle, who has been engaged with the St. George's R.C. Church was C.N.R. as an operator in the Mont- the scene of a quiet wedding Sat- real Terminal for the past three urday morning, March 6th, when years, will be pleased to learn he Mr. Edgar Kenefick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kenefick, New- has now been promoted to the castle, was united in marriage position of Grain Despatcher. with Miss Gladys Randail, R.N., ________________ Toronto, with Rev. S. J. Coffey officiating. The bridesmaid was NEWCASTLE UNITED W.M.S. Miss Lucie Brault, cousin of the groom who was attended by Mr. The Woman's Missionary So- E. T. Quinlan, Toronto, also a ciety met in the Board Room of cousin. Following the ceremony the church March 4th, with the a wedding breakfast was held at president, Mrs. N. Allin in the the home of the groom's parents, chair. Announcement was made George St. Among the guests of the World Day of Prayer ser- were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Irving, vice to be held in St. Georges Mrs. O. Steger, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Parish Hall, on Friday, March 12, Quinlan and Mr. and Mrs. Murray and the Thankoffering meeting in King, Toronto; Mrs. McDermott, April, in charge of Mrs. W. J. S. Port Hope; Miss Annie Kenefick, Rickard;s group. Mrs. L. W. Dip- Newcastle. Mr Edgar Kenefick, pell, Bowmanville, having been the groom. is a veteran of the ist secured as guest speaker. Great War and is now employed The worship service was con- at General Motors, Oshawa. The ducted hy Mrs. H. Hancock's bride is a trained nurse, and with group. Mrs. H. R. Pearce gave the the war at its height is staying Bible reading and prayers were .with her profession. BIRTHS HANCOCK - Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, an- nounces the arrivel of his brother, Paul Edwin, at Bow- manville Hospital, Sunday, Feb- ruary 28th. 10-lA' RACKHAM-Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las F. Rackham are happy to announcc the arrival of twins, LeRoy Douglas, born March 5fh, Lynda Rae, born March 6th, at Bowmanville Hospital. 10-lA' EMMERSON-AC2 and Mrs. J. S. Emmerson (nec Lillian Hol- man) are happy f0 announce the birfh of their son, Montague James, at Bowmanville Hospi- tal, March 10, 1943. 10-1 DEATHS HARRIS-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal, March 4, 1943, Lily Harris, in her 73rd year. Interment Devift's Cemetery. ELLIOTT-In Bowmanvillle, Mar. 4, 1943, John C. Ellioft, in his 88fh year. Inferment Orono Cemetery. TRIMM-In Bowmanville, March 5, 1943, Sarah Trimm, beloved wife of Elias S. Trimm, aged 72 years. Interment Bowmanville 1Cemefery. DUNN-Suddenly in Bowman- ville, March 6fh, 1943, Glenn W. Dunn, beloved husband of Win- ifred Owen and dear father of Jimmy and Sheila, aged 37 years. Inferment Pine Grove Ccmetery, Prince Albert. MONTGOMERY - In Oshawa, March 8, 1943, Louise Victoria Montgomery, widow of William Henry Montgomery, aged 76 years. Funeral from the res- idence of her son, Bert E. Mont- gomery, 108l Rosedale Ave., Osh- awa, Thursday, March 1l. Ser- vice af 2 p.rn. Interment Cad- mus Union Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM EDMOND-In loving memory of Elizabeth Edmond, who passed away March 13, 1941. Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nichols and family. 10-1* MOUNTJOY-In loving mcmory of Henry Mountjoy, who passed away March l2th, 1940. Nofhing can ever fake away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near. -Lovingly remembered by the family. 10-1 'VAN DYKE-In loving mcmory of our dear father, George H. Van-Dyke, who passed away March 8fh, 1939. We who lovcd you sadly miss you, As if dawns another year, In our lovely hours of fhinking Thoughts of you are ever near. - Lovingly remembered by daughters Lela and Elva. 10-lA' STAPLETON - In loving mcm- ory of a dear husband and fafh- cm, Thomas Stapleton, who passed suddenly away March l4th, 1929. If we could have raised youm dying head, Or heard youm last farewell, The grief would not have been 50 hard For those who loved you wcll. We think of you in silence, Your name we oft recaîl, But there's nothing lef t to answer But your picture on the wall. -Ever rcmembcred by wife and family. 10-1 Card of Thanks The wives of the members of the Bowmanville Rotary Club wish to pubiicly thank those friends who have aided them in making fifteen layettes which are being sent to the bomb victims in Britain, through the Toronto Rotary Club. The ladies are con- tinuing to make layettes for this' purpose and aynone wishing f0 help in any way can get in touch with any of the members of the Club or their wives. 10-1 Mr. E. S. Trimm and Jamily wish to express their appreciation for the kindness and expressions of sympathy extended by frîends and neighbours during their recent bereavement. We wish to thank Dr. Rundle and the nurses of Bowmanville Hospital, also Tyrone Womcn's Institute and Rev. A. F. Gardner for his com- forting message. 10-1* Jury & Lovel phone 778 The Rexaîl Drug Store When we test eyes It is done properly C.N.R. Ticket Agency BOMBERS' SECOND CARD PARTY The Bombers, a group of New- castle young women, held another well attcnded card party in the Community Hall, March 3rd. Pat- rons had their choice of Bridge, Euchre or "500"'. Owing f0 a scarcity of mon in the Bridge de- partment certain ladies volun- feered f0 supply the deficiency, thus this stafement will be un- derstood. Prize winners at Bridge were: 1sf lady and gentleman, Mrs. Chris Law and Mrs. A. N. McEvoy; consolation, lady and gentleman, Mrs. W. H. B. Chap- lin and Mrs. A. S. Houston. Win- ners of prizes for "500" were: 1sf, Mrs. H. J. Toms and Thos Spencer; consolation, A. W. Pearce and Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Jr. Euchre winners were: lst, Mrs. Thos. En- wright and Mr. Workman; con- solation, Kay Toms and Welig- ton Farrow. Mrs. Douglas Wright was in charge of the evening's activities. Lunch of coffce and doughnuts was served. IN MEMORIAM ROGERS-In lovng memory of George Rogers, who passed away suddenly, in Toronto, March 12th, 1939, beloved hus- band of Annie Spurr, in his 74th year. You were taken without any warning Your going lef t my heart filled with pain Aithough you wcre taken from me In my heart your memory will always remain. You left this earth four years ago You were my husband so kind and true But when God calied you had to go Dear George I often sit and think of you. Your work is donc, your rcst begun Your dear old vacant chair Brings back to mind your face s0 kind As you sat smiling there. -Remembered by his wif e, Annie, Bowmanville, Ont. HeIp Wanted WANTED- OFFICE GIRL CAP- able of taking full charge; per- manent position. Apply Emn- ployment & Selcetive Service, Oshawa. File No. 1402. 10-2 SIleep Shearing SHEEP SHEARING - HAND machine, 25c; electric machine, 30e each. Sacks and paper twine handled free for co-oper- ative shippers. Apply Boyd For Rent FOR RENT - PASTURE FOR rent, 63 acres, plenty of water and shade. Apply A. H. Clem- ens, R.R. 6, Bowmanviile, phone 2433. 8-tf FOR RENT - FOUR-ROOMED apartment with bath. Quiet lo- cation. Immediate possession. Phone 846 Bowmanville. 10-1 FOR RENT - 30 ACRES NO. 1 pasture, n e ar Bowmanville. Water, seeded Spring 1942. Would also consider selling hay crop from same. Write Box 167, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-1* COMING EVENTS Livestock and Articles1 Reserve Thursday, March 25th for the Annual Hospital Bîrthday Party at the Nurses' Residence. Tea served from 3 t0 6 p.m. 10-2 Round and Square dancing at Pidduck's Hall, Courtice, March 12. Come while you still have gas. Good orchestra, admission 35c. 10-1* Euchre will be held in Oddfel- lows Hall on March i5th, at 8 p.m., under auspices of Canadian Order of Foresters; good prizes, also tickets on draw will be hcld. Ad- mission 25c. 9-2 The Women's Auxiliary is pre- senting Jimmie Blackwell and his 6-piece orchestra, at the Bowman- ville Armouries, March 26th, 1943. The latest in modemn and old tyme dancing, 8:30-i a.m. Admis- sion single 50c, couple 1.00. Caller J. Coyle. Proceeds for boys over- seas' parcels. 10-2 The Crooked Creek Home & School Club are holding a dance in Newcastle Community Hall on Friday, March l9th, in aid of the Russian Relief Fund. Music will be supplied by Charles Hannigan Mountaineers. 01d time and modemn dancing also songs by Jimmy Dobbson. Admission 50c. 9-2 Through the courtesy of the Minîster and Session of St. Paul's Church, the Woman's Missionary Society, Evening Auxiiiary, is having its annual Thankoffering service at the morning service, March l4th. They have been fort- unate in securing Miss Margaret Brown from Shanghai, China, who will speak particuiarly on the literature and translation work donc there by the Woman's Mis- sionary Society. 10-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- pairs, adjustments, lubrication, etc., to Premier, Royal, Gehin, Eurica, Apec, Hoover and al other makes. Accessories and rebuilt vacuums. Telephone our C.U.C. Service Depot, Bow- manville, 774, at McGregor Hardware. 9-18* ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. MARCH 11-12-13 Double Feature EYES IN THE -NIGHT Featuring EDWARD ARNOLD and ANNE HARDING -On 1be Sarne Bil- VALLEY 0F THE *SUN Wltb LUCILLE BALL and JAMES CRAIG M on.-Tues.-Wed. MARCH 15-16-17 TAKE A LETTER, DARLING Starring ROSALIND RUSSELL and SFRED MacMURRAY NEWS -SH-ORTS FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F Turnips for sale. George Allin, Bowmanville, Lake Shore. 10-1* FOR SALE-10 PIGS, 7 WEEKS old. Apply George Rahm, phone 2656, Bowmanville. 10-l* FOR SALE-TWO 5 AND 6 MOS. old purebred Shorthorn bulîs. Apply E. Hockaday, R. R. 1, Hampton, phone 2182. 10-1 FOR SALE-8 YOUNG PIGS 6 weeks old. Appiy Schwarz Bros. R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone Oshawa 491wlI. 10-l', FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE pigs 7 weeks old. Apply Charles Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2403. 10-1 FOR SALE-18 GOOD, YOUNG Yorkshire pigs. Also wanted to buy-200 bus. mixed grain. Ap- ply A. E. Biilett, Hampton, phone 2557. 10-1 FOR SALE - CARTIER OATS and 21 Barley, also O.A.C. No. 3 Oats. Limited quantity of soya beans. Ahl suitable for seed. Ap- ply Charles E. Osborne, phone 2285. 10-i* FOR SALE-FORDSON TRACT- or in working condition. Ap- ply J. Barton, Bowmanville. FOR SALE - TWO GELDINGS, one aged, the other a young horse weighing 17001 pounds, quiet and free worker. No reas- onable offer refused. Appiy Joseph W. Hall, Orono. 10-lA' Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS-S. C. LEG. HORNS and Barred Plymouth Rocks, mixcd and sexed, chicks fromn Government bandcd and blood tested stock. Last year throughout the entire season wc wcre booked threc weeks in ad- vance and orders to date are heavier than last year. Order today to avoid disappointment. Two hatches a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Write or phone for price list. H. J. Brooks, Orchland Farm, Bowmanville, Ont., R.R. No. 3. Phone 2636. 4-tf. TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Qualîty Chicks now at Stewart's Seed Store and get your Cafeteria Chick Starter at wholesale, wc have over thirty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this ycar for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf Changes In Collacutt's Bus Schedule Leave Bowrnanviile Going West - 10:05 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. - 9:05 p.m. Going East - 11:10 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. The above schedule became effective Fcbruary 24, 1943. NEWCASTLE FORM FORUM The forum met at thc nome of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin with 25 present. (1) It was found that no ef- forts are being made to extend the organization of marketing farri commodities in our community, but wc aiready have a milk p' o- ducers' association. (2) We recommend the estab- lishingof a province-wide market- ing organization and a district or- ganization for the marketing of our farm commodities. (3) It was agreed that the farm- crs should support the Federation of Agriculture 100 per cent. Most large business concprns processing f armn commodities and distributing to the consumer, have men who serve no useful purpose f0 this concern except in the so-called advisory capacity for which they draw large salaries. If bas been suggested that if these men were eliminated there would not be so much spread bctwecn producer and consumer. Preceding the discussion J. Forbes Hyland of Bowmanville, addrcsscd the forum on "The Fcd- eration of Agriculture", which is our topic for thc month. Mr. Hy- land gave a synopsis of its origin and growth. Following the sing- ing of "Men of thc Soul" lunch was served. '4 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-DRESSING TABLE, dark Oak, in good condition. Phone 2898. 10-1*' FOR SALE-ELECTRIC BROOD- er, Model 159x, Collins Product, Hamnilton. Apply Mrs. F. Col- mer, Bowmanville, phone 427. 10-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-1933 CHEVROLET Exceptionally good motor, new- ly overhauled, good rubber al round. Heater and Seal Beam lights. A real buy for cash. Can be seex¶ after 6 a.m. at Mr. Frank Carter's, Lambs Lane, Bow- manville. 10-2 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evcrything in medern, chesterficld, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bcdding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Beforc buying visit Bradley's Ncw Furniture Store. 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Notice Wiil the party who was scen to pick up a wailet with a sum of money in it and the owner's reg- istration card, on or about Feb. 18, please mail to the owner or leave in The Statesman letter box to save further trouble. 10-1 Real Estate For -Sale FARM FOR SALE - SIXTY acres near highway, plenty of water, immediate possession. Lot 30, Con. 3, .Clarke. Apply George Bowen, Orono, Ont. 10-1* Seed Cleaning HAVE YOUR SEED GRAIN AND small seeds cleaned at the New- tonville Seed Cleaning Mill, up- to-date equipment, reasonable rates. Harry L. Wadc, Sec'y- Treas. 9-2* Wanted To Buy WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, eiectric or treadle. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf WANTED - WHITE PEKIN drake, also a colony house about 10x12. Apply Fred Cowling, Burketon. 10-1* WANTED TO BUY - MAN'S bicycle, in good repair. Apply E. Foster, Church St. Bowman- WANTED-A GOOD USED RE- frigerator \vanted, cash. Write Box 168, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-1k Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of HARRY RICE, deceased. All persons having dlaims against the estate of Harry Rice, late of the Town of eowmanvle Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of Feb- ruary, 1943, are hcreby notified to, send in to the undersigned Ex- ecutors or their Solicitor on or before the 27th day of March, 1943, full particulars of their dlaims. Immrediately after the said 27th day of March, 1943, the assets of of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to dlaims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 3rd day of March, 1943. W. ROSS STRIKE, Bowman- ville, Ontario, solicitor for The Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited, Bay Street, Toronto, On- tario. Executors of the Estate of Harry Rice, deceased. 93 I WANT YOUR BUSINESS Wlth 30 years' experience i the Meat business on main street 1 arn confident that I can serve you weil and I arn soli- - ing your patronage. As you know I have purchased the retail meat mnarket on King Street frorn W. J. Dudley. I[arn going to continue the good service and quality meats for wbich the store is noted and to Improve wberever possible. I ask that ail who have been custorners at the store in the past continue to deal there. To newcorners to town and those who feel like changing their meat mnarket, I ask you to buy your meats at my store. I ar n business to serves you. NORMIAN 1. ALLIN Wanted to Rent WANTED - 3- OR 4-ROOMED apartment, ccntrally located. Write Box 167, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 10-1* WANTED TO RENT-PASTURE for 15 hcad young cattle. Apply R. Black, R.R. 2, Bowmanvillq. phone 2311. 1- Doctois' Office Hours Afternoons--2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. .Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours by appointment. In case of an emergency, if their own doctor is not available, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hospital. 9-tf Victory Garden SPECIAL OFFER ~ llValue for $1.00' ONLY 65c This Collection 1 Pkt. Each - Beans, Golden Wax, Stringless ----------- 10 Corn, Golden Bantarn----- .10 Beets, Detroit Dark Red -..10 Cabbage, Early ------- .05 Carrot, Chantenay -------.10 Lettuce, Grand Rapids ---- .05 Onion, Yellow Globe ------.10 Parsnip, Hollow Crown ---- -05 Peas, Thos. Laxton's -----.10 Radlsh, Scarlet White Tip .05 Spinach, Bloomsdale - O----0 Tornato, Bonny Best -----.10 Cucumber, Long Green .05 $1.00 Here is a real bargain in Stewart's Gov't Tested Bulk Garden Secds. Get your as- sortment at once - Offer good for month of March only. Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 Bowrnanville RE-TREADED GOOxl6 TIRES IN STOCK The largest stock of recondi- tloned tires east of Toronto. Ail sizes. Rubber footwear vul- canized. TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of 'Post Office STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOVERS - TIMOTRY - GRASS SEEDS RULK GARDEN SEEDS We offer here only Purest and Best Recieaned Seeds. Govt. Graded for Furity and .High Germination. Prices are EXTRA SPECIAL and subjeet to change witbout notice. A definite shortage is expected before seeding tirne on Aifalfa, Alsike and Clovers. We strongly advise that you purchase your requirements without delay ln order to avoid disappolntrnent. ALFALFA Western Grimmr No. 1 ------- Bus.-22.00 Ont. Variegated Speclal No. 1 -- Bus.-21.90 ALSIKE Special No. 1 ---------------- LADINO CLOVER.........--- WHITE DUTCH CLOVER Bus.-17.40 Lb.- 1.35 Lb.- 1.10 RED CLOVER Local Grown No. 1 ------------Bus.-19.20 Speclal No. 1............----- --.----- Bus.-20.20 No. 2 Purity No. 1.....-------.....Bus.-19.00 Marnroth No. 1 --------------Bus.-20.80 ALFALFA & RED CLO VER 50% Alfalfa 50% Red Ciover Bus.-20.90 60% Alfalfa 40% Red Ciover Bus.-21.00 75% Alfalfa 25% Red Clover Bus.-21.10 SWEET CLOVER White Biossorn No. 1---,,- White Blossorn No. 2----- Yeilow Blossorn No. 1 Yellow Blossorn No. 2 Bus.- 7.00 -Bus.- 6.50 Bus.- 8.00 Bus.- 7.50 TIMOTHY Special No. 1 --------- ------ Bus.- 4.25 Higb Grade No. 2 Purlty 1 ----Bus- 3.95 Choice No. 2 --------------- Bus.- 3.75 CLOVER, TIMOTHY MIXTURE 80% Tlrnothy 20% Alsike ----- Cwt.-13.50 or Lb- .15 GRASSES Canadian Blue Grass No. 1 ----- Lb.-.30 Kentucky Blue Grass No. 1..-----Lb-.30 Red Top No. 1..................----------Lb.-20 Orchard Grass No. 1 -- ------------ Lb.-.50 Meadow Fescue No. 1-------------- Lb.-.35 Brome Grass No. 1 ,.... ------------Lb.-.17 Reed's Canary Grass No. 1 - Price Later Crested Wbeat Grass No. 1 ----- Lb.-.16 Fancy Lawn Seed No. 1 ------- -Lb.-.45 5 Lbs. or over -- --------- -- Lb.-.40 Fancy Sbady Nook Lawn Seed ---Lb-~55 5 Lbs. or over - --- -------- Lb.-.50 FOR LATER PLANTING Dwarf Essex Rape, Mangels, Turnlps, Soya Beans, Sudan Grass, Millets, Sorgburn. Seed Corn - Hybrld and Open Poilinated. Cert. P.E.I. Seed Potatoes. Garden Fertilizers, etc. When you buy Stewart's Bulk Garden Seeds you get more end better seed for your money. We have on file for your inspection Gov't Certificates showing pur- ity and germination on ail above listed items and at present our stock is large in ail lines lncluding RedClover. Phone S77 Bowmanvilîî.,Ont. ft~ Imm- ül R'FADa USE WANT ADS DRUGS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH llth, 1943 PAGE EIGHT

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