PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO TFURSDAY, MARCH l8th, 1943 Solina Women's Institute met Thurs- day with Mrs. S. E. Werry presid- ing. In the absence of Mrs. Mor- gan, Miss Nora Werry conducted the program. Roil call was an- swered with an Irish joke and Pearl Leach sang an Irish song. The topic, based on a debatable subject "Resolved that the wo- man has more responsibility on the farm than has the man", was OSHAWA, ONTARIO Free Parking - Phone 1011 Ail This Week Robert Taylor, Brian Donlevy and Charles Laughton in STAND BY FOR ACTION with Walter Brennan and Marilyn Maxwell Mlonday - Tuesday MARCH 22-23 Big Double Bill Don Ameche - Joan Bennett in GIRL TROUBLE It's a design for living . .. As modern as love in a blackout And On The Same Program Slashing drama in a lonely lighthouse SEVEN MILES FROM ALCATRAZ with James Craig and Bonita Granville COMING In living Technicolor SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES ably. given by Mrs. Will Leask who dealt justly with both pros and cons. Miss Werry favoumeà with a reading and a colourful SU. Patmick's lunch was semved. Mms. R. J. McKessock was ir charge of the Temperance pro- gram at Sunday School and gave 1a timely talk. Kathleen Baker sang. A St. Patmick's party in the S.S. room was enjoyed by the Y.P.U. Monday evening. Pearl Leach, pres.. and Helen Langmaid con- ducted animated games and con- tests with the members divided mbt three family groups, the O'Gmady's, Kelly's and Flannigans. Group singing led into a devotion- al atmosphere for closing with "Sweep over my Soul". Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs. "Harold Duncan, Todmorden; Mrs. C. Tink, Hampton. at Mr. Geo. White's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacuti. Pearl anid Lenore, Maple Grove, at Mr. Wm. West- lake's. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ho- garth, Hampton, at Mm. Thos. Baker's. . . Mr. and Mms. Charles Howsam, Mary and George, Port Perry. ai Mr. Walter Parrinder's ..Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Lorne ai Mr. W. Ormiston's, Col- umbus. .. Miss Annie Yeo at Mr. Wilfred Bowman's, Enfield... Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry ai Mr. N. I. Metcalf's, Maple Grove. . . Miss Audrey Robertson at her home. Cobourg. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and family, Basý Line, ai Mr. H. E. Tink's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson celebrated their 32nd Wedding Anniversary, Tuesday. Enfield Visitors: Miss Myrtle Tamblyn and Miss Stella Besi. Orono, and Miss Annie Yeo, Bradley's, vis- ited wiih Mr. and Mrs. W. Bow- man. . . Miss Doroihea Hall and Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Oshawa, visited with Mr. Will and Mrs. D. Hall. .. Mrs. Norman Stinson and Miss Lily Walker visited ai Rag- lan. . . Mrs. R. W. Pascoe and claughters, Evelyn and Marion, are visiting in Brussels. Mrs. J. Parr, Sr., is véry ill ai the home of her son, Mr. J. Parr, Jr. Residents of this community have begun to dig themselves oui to look around. Eat Carter's Bread MADE IN BOWMANVILLE -FRESH FROM OVEN TO YOU- Your tires are one of your most prized possessions today and must last you a long time. Âvoid ail unnecessary wear and tear and prolong their lives. WHENEVER YOU CAN, TRAVEL BY GARTON'S MdOTOR COACHES Wlien traveling between Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby or Ajax, on account of uncertalnty of weather conditions, bad roads and rationing of gas and tires, more people are aband- ODIIIE thelr cars ln favor of GARTON'S MOTOR COACHES. Convenient Schedules - Ask for Time Table Phone 2666, Bowmanviile The weathem was fine on Si. day aftemnoon and a goodly nu ber atlended the church semv when the Rev. Gardner gave very timely message "rom the t( Deut. 11:11. Y.P.U. meeting Wednesday e) nîng March 101h, wvas opened president F. Blackburn and v fairly well aitended despile1 ainy weather. Missionamy pi gram in charge of E. Doidge;c votional, Miss H. Cowling; top E. Doidge; eadings, Mrs. L. Ri( ards, Miss Cowling and F. Bla( burn. Recreation conducied the presideni and the leader. Mm. R. Winter eiurned hoi last week-end from Bowmanvi Hospital much improved in heal Mms. W. Cann returned hoi the latter part of the week afi spending a week with hem dauj ter, Mrs. L. Annis and family,1 ronto. Farmers are busy these de drawing and cutting wood. Private H. Cowling of Car Borden is spending a couple weeks leave with Mrs. Cowlii Salem Woman's Association r ai the home of Mms. L. Wel March Ilith. The president, MV Sam Buttemy, conducted the bi mness part. Five dollars was vol to the Red Cross. Mms. Welsh h charge of the progmam. Scripti ead by Hilda Cowling. Readir by Mrs. P. Cann and Mrs. Barrie. Vocal solos by Mrs. Werry. The guest speaker m Mms. R. Wright of Tyrone. Clarke Union The Home & School wîll m( this Thursday night. The mci will take the fomm of a social eN ning with Gordon Power conVE or. Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Cain is v iting their daughtem, Mrs. Ch~ Reeson, Markham. Mm. Harold Allin has -chang his truck for another one of later model. Mm. Fred Hill continues in pc health. The roads in Ihis section ha been anything but good on« count of s0 much waier and i Nestieton Visitors: Mm. and Mms. W Mollard and family, Toronto, v iled Mm. Stanley Malcolm's. Miss Noreen Cook, Brooklin,v ited Miss Jean Malcolm. . . D Cecil Veale, Oshawa, visited1 dauughter, Mms. John Grieves. Mm. Foster Veale, Windsor, visil his mother, Mrs. Joe Veale. Mm. and Mms. Reg, Sutton a Joyce, Omonoý with hem sister, MV Geo. Bowers. .. Mm. and Mms. H. Porleous, Mrs. Robi. Ewi and Ann, visited tmîends in R awa. .. Mm. and Mms. Scythe a Mm. Frank Emerson, Toronto, Mn. Malcolm Emerson's. . . MV R. C. Jackson, Mm. and Mms. Heî Sheffield and sons, Oshawa, Mm. Wilfmed Jackson's. .. Mr. à Mrs. Malcolm Elford, Donald a Merlin, Port Perry, visiied hiss ter Mms. George Bowems. Mrs. R. P. Bowles has bronchil Some of the farmers ha tappcd. Wc hope for a good mal syrup season. Mrs. Jas. Williamson is sick wi f lu. Maple Grove Visiiors: Mrs. Bumk, Base Line, Mm. and Mns. J. L. Melcaîf, Town, Mm. and Mrs. Wes. Werry, Solina, ai Mm. N. J. Metcalf's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Jagger, David, Michael Jag- gem, Toronto, aI Mrs. L. C. Snow- den's. . . Mm. and Mms. A. Laird, Sm., Miss Susie Laird, visited aI the former's son, Mm. A. Laird, Jr., Toronto. .. Mm. and Mrs. Law- rende Staples, son Barry, Bethany, visited aI hem parents, Mn. and Mrs. R. D. Tnimble, also ai Mr. John Snowden's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Emnie Foley, Base Line, ai hem sislen's, Mms. J. H. Munday... Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Collacuit, Misses Pearl, Lenore Collaculi vis- ited aI hem mothcr's, Mrs. West- lake, Solina. .. Mm. Billie Thick- son, Oshawa, Cpl. Murray Short, Taunton, visitons ai Mr. R. D. Trimble's. .. Mns. Mark Gardner, Garden Hill, visiing hem cousin, Mrs. Charlie White. The many friends of Mrs. Ivison Munday weme sorry 10 hear of hem illness, but glad 10, be able t0 report ai lime 0f writing that she is progmessing favourably. Countice circuit bmothemhood met Friday cvening in the base- ment of Maple Grove Church wilh a good attendance. The guest speaker was Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Pcmny, a former pastor, who took for his subjecl "The Little Man". The following program was given: Solo, Max Lycett; solo, Paige Lyccîl; demonstration per- fect pitch, Max Lyccît; guitan duet, Ray, Jack Munday; ead- ing, Henb Osborne; solo, Wilfred -Camuthens; piano solo, W. E. C. IWonkman; piano solo, Kay Lyceit, f Haydoni An enjoyable social evening wvas spent ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy Friday evening in aid of Soldiers' Fund. Pro- ceeds $13.51. Mr. Alymer Beech has sold his farm ai Union t0 E. A. Werry. Several around here have had the 'flu. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage and Billy, Mrs. E. Gage, To- ronto, ai Mr. C. Avemy's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at Mr. W. Smith's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil ai Mr. C. Soper's, Har- mony. . . Ross Ashton ai Mr. W. Bowniee's, Leaside. .. Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, with hem par- ents., . Kenneth Rahm, Ennis- killen, with Lloyd Beech. , . Mr. and Mrs. W. Bridgett and family, Bowmanville, ai Mr. W. Thomp- son's. .. Mr. Clifford Trewin, Mr. Silas Trewin, Miss Helen Rundie, Bowmanville. ai Mr. W. Trewin's. Salem Phone 556 Bowmanvile1 )ro- de- Ich- ck_ Ebenezer by ____ )me Visitors: Pte. Wm. Marsh, R.C. ille O.C., London, is spendîng two th. weeks with his wife and famiiy )me . . . Pie. M. Vitzal, Toronto, spent [ter the week-end at home. . . Pte. gh- Carl Adams, Simcoe, with his par- io- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Adams ...Pte. Edward Blakely, Camp ays Borden, with his wife and par- ents. . . Miss Lyla Osborne, To- ýmp onto, with her sister, Miss Aura of Osborne. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ing. Osborne and Linda, Ajax, with net Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown... Miss lsh Bemnice Gay, Town, with Mr. and frs. Mrs. R. R. Gay. Ms- W.M.S. meeting was held Mar. ted 9th, with Mrs. Annis, pres., in the had chair. The meeting opençd with Lre quiet music by Louise Osborne fol- rlgs iowed by Mrs. R. E. Osborne, H. Misses Ann Holt and Louise Os- K. borne being appointed delegates was to Presbytery to be held at Whit- b?, March 25th. The topic "Com- munity Neighbourliness" was tak- en by Mrs. H. F. Ôsborne. Miss Eileen Pickell favoured with a piano solo. Worship service was Letaken by Ann Hoit. ng ýve- en- Hampton vis- as. Visitors: Miss Mabel Challis, edBowmanville, visited her sister, a I Mrs. H. Wilcox. . .Mr. and Mrs. orMrs. Ed. Robson, Oshawa, Sunday ..Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter spent the week-end with relatives in ave Toronto. . . Mr. C. H. Burrows, ac- Oshawa, at Mrs. M. Goodman's... .ce. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Cryderman and daughter, Joan, Oshawa, with his parents, Mr. and Mms. L. Cry- derman.. . Mrs. Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, at F. J. Groat's. .. Miss Jessie Hogath, R.N., Bowman- im ville, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. V's Hilton Peters spent the week-end ..with relatives in Toronto. .. Miss Vs- Elsie MacMillan with friends ai Mr. Cobourg during the week-end. his The 'f lu is still quite prevaient Ited here. Sympathy is extended to Bruce and Ferguson on the death of his sis- Irs. ter, Mrs. W. H. Montgomery, who C. passed away a tihe home of her rers son, Bert E. Montgomery, Osh- ýsh- awa. and We also extend sympathy to at Mrs. A. Trenouth and Mrs. Mabel Irs. bryohrin WeyPascigoeTro nry bThe HamptoleyP.U. wasTo n-o at TeHmtnYPU a n and temiained by the Maple Grove ad Union Wednesday night when a sls pleasant evening was spent. Miss Mildred Snowden, president of the tis. Maple Grove Union, welcomed the aevisitors and opened the meeting ple after which she called on Harold ~'Quarry, Hampton president, to ith conduct the program. Those tak- îng part in the worship period were Madyln Wilcox who gave the caîl to worship, Keiih Billett, who read the Scripture lesson, Eileén Wray who gave the devotional MIL K IS THE BACKBONE 0F HEALTHY EATING Have You Had Your Plat Today ? Try It Now and Taste the Creamy Flavor of Bowmanville Dairy Milk le Order It Today From - Bowm anvîIIe Dairy PHONE 446 Let prudence aiways attend youm pîcasunes; il is the way to enjoy the sweets of them, and not be afraid of the consequences.- Jeremy Collier. Prudence is a quality incompat- ible with vice, and can neyer be effectively enlisted in ils cause. -Burke.1 WALLPAPER A large selection of attract- ive papers for every rooni at attractive prices. A choice of over 200 Sunworthy and Sun- Tested patteras carrled in stock. Special bargains in rooni lots a n d dlscontlaued patterns. Bring your measurements and let us show you how little it will cost to redecorate your roonis. PAINT Flo-Glaie and Old Colony lu a full range of colours. Now Is the tinte to buy. J, W. JEWELL reading and Mrs. H. Saiter who led in prayer. The following pro- gram was given: Reading, Theima Robbins; vocal solo, Mrs. A. Damant; reading by Miss Mary Niddery; piano solo. Jean Balson; reading, Edith Rackham. The topic "The Cali of Samuel" was ably taken by Mrs. Chas. Warren. Keith Peters contributed a piano solo and Rev. W. Rackhamn closed wiih prayer. Many of the young people enjoyed a skate on the rink while others played crokin- oie or joined in social chut-chat. The Maple Grove Union afier- ward served doughnuts, cookies and cake and coffee. About forty Hampton young people were pres- ent. Orono News Shure and bejabbers Si. Pat- rick's was celebrated ai Union Monday evening. The Irish en- iertainment, convened by Muriel Tennant and Don Staples, was ai- t e n d e d by the Flannigans, Murphys, Kellys and O'Bmiens who compeied in group contesis, meiays etc., and piayed games. The progmam consisted of a reading "St. Patrick" by Glen Tamblyn, and a sing-song led by Donald Staples with Audrey Billings ai the piano. Lunch was semved ai the conclusion. Mms. K. Gamsby wiil entertain the members of the Goodwill Bible Class tonight (Thursday). Mm. and Mms. Glen Hughson and friends, Toronto, were guests of C. J. Hughson. Some person appamently took AI Hall s truck for a joy ride. Anyway whilc innocent people sieptitis locale was changed con- siderably. It was found in a diich. Maniey Littlewood iook a joy ride in hîs car (due 10 icy roads) when on his way 10 womk, ending in a fammem's field. Orono W.C.T.U. Orono W.C.T.U. met Tuesday afiemnoon, the session opening with a devotional, period, conduci- ed by Mrs. S. Liitlewood, who read the Scriptume and gave a mosi intcresting talk on "Music in the Soul", cvemyone should sing the hymns heamtily. Business per- iod foliowcd in which messages of thanks for fruit were received from Mms. W. H. Rowe and Mrs. L. Wood and mention made of the death of Mrs. J. Wood, a charter member of the society, and sick- ness of others. Announcement was made of the formation of an L.T.L.. Mrs. R. Rainey offered to colleci the donations toward the contribution to the Mobile Kitch- en. Plans wcre made for holding a gold medal contesi in May, and committees appointed for same. A leiter was ordemed sent to Prime Minister King expressing appreciation of his help in the liquor situation on behaîf of the society. The meeting closed wiih hymn and prayer by Mrs. R. Rainey. Mm. John Armstrong has lefi on his annual trip oui West. Mrs. John Apmstmong is visiting in Toronto. Mm. Stan Seymour, Toronto, vis- ited at Wm. Seymour's. Guides Special Nlght Orono Girl Guides held a spec- ial meeting Tuesday night which was open to the public and in spite of very inclement weathem it was fairly well aitended. Fol- lowing a drill, *the evening pro- gram opened with a few womds of expianation by Miss McDoweil. The second class division then gave exhibitions of their work under the four headings of (a) Intelligence, (b) Handicraft, (c) Service and (d) Health. Intelli- gence included Morse Code and the sending of two messages by Morse Code following the giving of the alphabet. Handicrafi in- cluded the tieing of seven knots, each being demonstrated by two or more girls. Service included firsi aid and demonsirations were given of the sling and what io, do for a faini. Under the heading of healih Donna West gave an exhibition of skipping, Anna Staples and Betty Linton the rock- ing chair and K. Gamsby and Donna West the elephant walk. A sing-song followed, afler which Mrs. Wm. Armstrong spoke of the badge work for which the girls have 10 learn cooking, sewing, laundmy, etc. Anna Staples, June Goode, Dawn Moffat, Marjorie McLaren, Camol Staples and Betty Linton neceived certificates from Mrs. Hobbs in cooking. Sewîng badges weme awamded to Anna Staples, Camol Staples, Dawn Moffati and Marjomie Mc- Laren. Cadmus The W.A. which was 10 have been held on Tuesday was posi- poned owing 10 the icy condition of the noads. Gien Gibson and Eldon Thomp- son were home for a couple days' leave lasi week. The funeral of the late Mrs. Montgomery who died ai the home 0f hem son, Bert, in Oshawa, was held from the residence and in- terment was made ai Cadmus Union Cemetery, Thursday, March llth. Mrs. Montgomery was a sister of W. B. Ferguson. The friends from a distance were en- tertained ai the home of Mrs. J. A. Johnston. MISS LIILY HARRIS One of the former residents of Cadmus, in the person of Lily Han- ris, passed away March 4th, in Bowmanville Hospital afler a short illness. She was born in Cadmus in 1870 and was the daughien of the laie George and Jane Harris. She attended Cad- mus Methodisi Church as a valued member and also was a faihful attendant ai Sunday Schooi while ai Cadmus. Later she moved 10 Bowmanviile where she spent many satisfactory years as house- keeper for J. H. Jury and attended St. Paul's United Church. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Fanny Johnston, Cadmus, and Mrs. Lizzie Denham, Delor- aine, Man., and one brother Wil- beri, Meleta, Man. One sister, Mrs. Stephen Hulbert, was buried only a week before and one bro- ther, Frank, died a couple years ago. The funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. D. M. Stinson, fmom Devitt's Hall, interment was made in Deviit's Cemetery. The funemai which was to be held on Saturday, March 6, had to be posi- poned until Tuesday, owing 10 oad conditions. Miss Harris had been retired only à few months when a heant condition developed and she passed away after one week in the hospitai. Hem genial kindly spirit endeared hem to a hosi of friends. Burketon The Women's Association met ai the home of Mns. H. G. GlU, with Mrs. J. Plant, president, in the chair. Mrs. T. Bailey gave the Scriplure reading and Mrs. J. Carier took the missionary topic. Mrs. L. J. Gatcheli's group senved lunch. Sympathy is extendcd to Mrs. L. J. Gatcheli and Mns. E. V. Gaicheil in the loss of their moth- cm, Mrs. McCrone, 0f Toronto, also to Mn. F. Ellis in his great loss. Visitons: Mm. J. Sinclair, Osh- awa, ai home. .. Mr. W. Hoskins with friends in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hudson and Mr. and Mns. C. Asbumy, Peterboro, with Mm. A. N. Hudson. . . Mn. Merle Hubband, Oshawa, ai home ..Mn. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin with Mm. and Mns. H. Wright, Oshawa, . . Mn. and Mns. F. Bailey, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mms. J. McLaughlin. .. Miss Ruby Bailey, Toronto, with hem parents. Soft as a fleecy cloud! was attendcd by her sister, Mrs- Harry Sinclair, Toronto, who wore a floor-length pink Chiffon dress with a corsage of mcd carna- tions. The groom was attended by Harry Sinclair, Toronto, brother- in-law of the bride. For the reception ai the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother wore a navy blue two- piece dress with roses appiiqued on the bodice, and the groom's moiher chose a black crepe dress. with turquoise trim. Both wore corsages of sweet peas. Fom the wedding trip the bride changed 10 a turquoise silk crepe dress with white birds appliqued on each shoulder. The couple travelled 10 points casi aften which Eyes Tested - GMasses Fitted Satisfaction ln Style and Price Guaranteed gLike our sister provinces, Québec has loyally gaared ahlier energies - and resources to furthering Canada's war effort. Québec is delivering ..the goods, in quality and quantity, promptly and efficiently. Mer sons and daughters are distinguishing themselves by fighting, serving, worlIdng in all phases of the Aliied baffle of combat, convoy, and production. Québec is a vital factor in the production of war material and weapons. She produces 40% of the United Nations volume of aluminum, 90%Yo ifthîe total supply of asbestos, 25% of the world's newsprint (70% of all newspapers in the Americas depend on ber for paper). Lumbering and înining for war purposes have reached vast proportions in French Canada. This Province supplies enormcqus quantities of foodstulfs to the United Nations, especially to Britain. Merchant ships and war vessels, tanIrs, arillery, abolis, aircraf t, parachutes, supplies for the forces, ammunition of all kinds, depth charges, innumeralile wood and textile war products, chemicals, explosives, are major items of aur output from a vast manufacturing complez powered by enormous hydro.. electric resources. War demands on our industries and agriculture, and our increaslng participation in the Navy, Merchant Marine, Air Force, Army, and Women's Auxiliary Services, are ahsorbing aU aour man and woman power. Québec supports to the lirait every war and Victory Loan and every war campaign for funds, overtopping ail objectives. Education in maling great afrides and is now focussed on war needs. Québec ta keeping faitll We warmly welcome al aur feilow Canadians whose business brings thera to Québec Province. Thougli aur people toil niglit and day for aur comînon Victory, aur hospitality ta visitors is as warm as of aId while the quaint charma and scenio beauty cf Québec remamn unchanged. We cordially invite our friends lu Ontario and elsewhere lu Canada to visit us again when Victory kias been won. Enquiries promptly alleaded Io at THE PROVINCE OF QUiBEC TOURIST AND PUBLICITY BUREAU, 200 Bay Street, Toronto, or Qu6be City. 'UTS SPARKLU INTO YOUR LMN ECONOMY OtROB 0810 WxI 599 98Ç 30ç Mennen's Baby 011 59C-1.19 J. & J. Baby Ou ---- 60c-1.10 Z.B.T. Talcum ----28c-55c J. & J. Talcuni----28c-55c D.T. Moth Killer ---lb. 39e Larvex Spray ---- 83c-1.29 Garment Bags ---35c-60c Moth Blocks ----- lOc-25c Moth Balîs , -- -----2 lbs. 25e Alphamettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 100 Halibut Oul Caps. 1.25 Anacin Tabs. - 22c-43c-98c Bayer's Aspirin 22c-39c-98c Nyal A.S.A. -- 25c-35c-49c t ~ .~.' ~ . -~ - ~- -~ Treat Your Seed Grain With CERESAN 1lb. 1.10 -5SIbs. 4.40 PhoNf yf If ~flFWe fit 695 COW1LIIIMM S Iq UG STORTrusses / f - r i-L LOW PRICES GIANT KRUSCREN --- 69e PINEX ------------- ---- 32e 4 CAKES WOODBURY'S SOAF 24c LACTOGEN -------69C-1.59 LUX SOAF ------ 2 for lic Plnkham's Comp.---------87c ODEX SOAP -------2for lic Scott's Emulsion 59c - 98c Wampoîe's Extract ...1.00 CREOPHOS Breaks up stubborn coughs. Builds up the system. Bti. 1.00 take SALT_ ENO'S RUIT SALT" mumoo PAGE FOUR TEURSDAY, MARCH 18th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO MODESS 1EOIELrs 2sý Wedding MeMURRAY-CURSON Newtonvilie parsonage was the scene of a quiet but prctty wed- ding ai 2.30 o'clock, March 13, when Irene Alice Curson became thie bride of Arnold Martin Mc- Murray. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mm. and Mns. James Curson, Newcastle, and the groom is the son of Mn. and Mns. William Mc- Murray, Newtonville. The bride looked lovely in a floor-iength gown of light blue Chiffon; the bodice embroidercd in heavy silk, with long full siceves. She wore a light blue feut hat and veil. Hem flowers wene a corsage of pink roses. She ý fz)Àoje- 11 1 w &-y, 1