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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1943, p. 3

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THE CNADIN STTESMN. BOMANVT.TPAGE9AnTE FREE PRIVA TE DEMONSTRATION By Laboratory-Trained Expert Ask for Mr. F. BROCKHURST at Cowlfng's Drug Store, Fr1., ýMar. 26, Il a.m. to 8 p.m. 0 Important discoveries reveaied in U. S. Gov'ernment National Deafness Survey make possible the greatest help ever offered to the bard of bearing. Find out about the new, amazing, scientific improvements designed to give YOU BETTER HEARING. Cali for fiee prit-aie demonstration. Ask for eicousticon. No obligation. p' 1: Iliondt' Ioth ae hr Lake Shore, ClarkeRe tCrss,$5;ToRted C ros re $25; Russian Relief Fund, $20 the Mrs . C. J. Mýitchell in Port Hope. Evening Telegram B.W.V.F., $15. Mr. and Mrs Les Alldred, A card party followed the busi- Brown's, at Mr. C. Alldred's. ness. Winners in euchre were: Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, at Mrs. C. J Mitchell and Mrs. R. home. Alldred; in five hundred, Mrs. Mr.andMr. D Glloghey ndClint Brown and Mr. Charles family, Whitby, at B. Powell's. Alrd uc a evd Mr. E. Darling, Raseneath, at Mrs. E. Jaynes has returned Mr. W. Holmes'.' home fromn Toronto, where she has Miss A. Adams with friends in been undergoing treatments. Oshawa.. E. Alldred, Newcastle, is thresh- Mr andMrs. A. Gibson, Lock- ing clover along the Shore. naît's, at Mi. W. A. AÀdams. 1 Oui Red Cross cleared $52.15 an the quilt. H. and S. mot Wodnesday night. Proceods fram the dance were ap- One of tbe easy mnetbads of got- ting in the public oye is ta acquis-o a black-eye.1 H. Smart Property Sella For $ 13,000 The sale is îepoîted of the H. Smart faim at Hampton, part Lot 18, Concession 5, Township of Darlington, County of Durham, consisting of 120 acres. The faim was purchased as a going concein and a wide variety af stock, im- plements and equipment wero in- cluded in tbe transfer af ownor- sbip. On the faim there is a fine herd of fully credited, T.B. tostod cattle numbering 28 head, ail in excel- lent condition. There are also seven boises, seven sbeep and a full lineoaf equipment necessary for carrying on such a faim. The bouse was modernizod about five years aga witb ail urban conveniences. The now bip roof bank bain bas water in front of the cattie and stabling for 28 head. There is a new cement silo whicb was built about two years ago, also new modern milk bouse with milk cooler. This faim bas been sbipping four cans of milk daily, but îecently staîted sbipping five cans in aider ta bhelp out the war effort. There is a large imple- ment shed and sheep pen, bog and two poultry bouses. The faim is on a paved îoad nortb af the village of Hampton, and is accessible at ail times of tbe yeaî. The land is level, ideal for tractai farming, and thereis plenty of wator from an artesian well and a lavely spîing creek traversing the five acres of bush . The new awner wîll take passes- sion on or before April lst. He is fond of tbe soil and bas the ad- vantage of having several young sons wbo intend ta help him an the new faim. The price of tbis pro- perty is reported in the neighbor- bood of $13,000.1 Visitois: Miss Hazel Rundie, Oshaç, with her parents, Mr and Mrs.1 W. Rundle. Misses Mary Wilkins and Pegg Beahmer, Oshawa Generai HoE pital, with Mr. and Mrs. Har: Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron an, family, Zion, with Mr. and Mi Lloyd Flintoff. Miss Mary Walter with he sister, Mrs. Armstrong, Mapl Grove. Pte. Gardon Brown, R.C.O.( Ottawa, with his parents, Mi. aiý Mis James Brown. James Hancock, R.C.N., H.M C.S. York, Toronto, with Mr. ai ,Mrs. H. Hancack. Mr. Archie Muir, Sr., with rela tives in Scarboro. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs Cecil Robinson (nee Margare Gay), Ajax, an the arrival ofi fine baby boy in Oshawa Hospital We wish a very speedy recoverz ta Mr. Steve Rousa and Mr ChaE Found after their aperations. Courtice W.A. met at the hani o f Mrs. Gea. Jahnston an Marci 1 8th with Mrs. Cecil Adams ir charge. Mrs. W. H. Scargie reac the Scripture and Mrs Gea. Low( "Handances Wich Hti aveHlpedr gave ranvery iterv esigtlk a Routine business was attended to then ail present took part ina cantest and Mis. Clarence Pen. faund was the prize-winner. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and Mizpah Benedictiar Refreshments were served by the hastess, assisted by Mis. Gearing and Mrs. Sid Barrabail. Haney production in the United IStates is less than two paunds a Ipersan. ï1'l"PlI -W-up 1wth m k, slirrlns constaaifly. CwOC:O/ WOND, ERFUL» f oie e o a ta bîe s. S pa cue . is othe n y_ _ _ TO PROECT STENGTH. everycent i costs anýdgenerylly Thrtbeaseanwyalongh 10itbthstmeaioff bis s-entaiter incomeo pro remod l anthes- bousmtoec.omm dane eone vaep a er a d e in g is sco - J s E P H BrOi n sin le i divi u als F. PURE, DEPENDABLE! mdtry t re a vaue.It imwthMnJsp rwls uvv ieugetynee oe o a ok .H F.without the aid of publicity and ing sýon of William Brown, an how far wlll hie get? If the news- early resident of Darlingtan. lias now paid off ail but $100 of the joan. A very gy papers ignare its existence it will Joseph, twîn brather af Dr. J. H. )-Brown who died i April,0, small amount paid out for interest lias thus enabled ry was born in June, 1852, on the Brown hamestead, the farm oc- him to more than double bis former revenues. nd ï- -"T Icupied later by his brother, Irwin r.LBrown and then for many years Such modest, highly usefu1l bans typify the con- IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST by his nephew, W. E. Stevens oftrbioshatebnsmkeoCndanne- Ier Hampton. tiuin httebtk aet aainetr le From Thse Statesman Files y Joseph lived in this part of On- _____________________________________tario until 1880, when hie accomp- prise. The above story is an actual case-only the aned hissister, Mrs. Frank Mid-nm a encagd ad dleton, ta the West and became a anhsbe cngd TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO cheap. . . The fire bell rung on Manitoba farmer. His life was v.March 21, 1918 Saturday, same gasaline having spent near the town of Minnedasa id ignited in the rear of Mr. D. Burke where hie was highly respected Lieut C. W. E. Meath, formerly Simpsan's residence and made a and valued by his neighbaurs and a- ather friends. t' Adjutant of 235th Battalian and big blaze. A few pails of water One son, Irwin, was last in the rs now of 2nd Battalion, has been in- settled the anticipated conflagra- First Great War. Two marîied FFI et valided ta haspital in England tion...- With cammendable enter- daughters passed away many a after six mantbs at the front. prise the Dominion Organ and years aga. He is survived by his More thon 5,000 experienced batik men out of 14,433 have l. .at .W Jmswsi Piano Ca. have just completed and eldest son, J. E. Brown, Earl Grey, ry Cp.Ga W ae a shipped, this week,,a magnificent Sask., and by two daughteîs, Mss. gone ilito the armed forces since war began. This throws a ~.Kingston latter part of week an exhibit for the Ciago Warld's Beulah Spackman, Neepawa, and greater burden on remoining staffs and new employees. Do military business. Fair. The instruments are made Mis. Hazel Holden, Minnedosa, your banking earl i the day. Pay smoil bis by cash Insfead ne Messrs. W. J. and Samuel Trick, of Circassian Walnut, Vernic Ma- Man. Four sisters remain: Mrs. of cheque whermver possible. It ail heips. h Oshawa, Mis. John Clarke, Miss hogany, JapaneseBlue Walnut and Esther Stevens, three years Young- n Gertie Clarke and Ms-s. Roy Poflard Oak and embrace six ai- er, Hampton; Mis. Fred Grant anîd d Flintoff, Taunton, spent Sunday gans and foui pianos. Miss Ettie Brown, Telfordvîlle, ______________________________ 'ei atrMi.WmMRendsSua West Durham Conservatives Alta.; and Mis. Ida Gamsby, Te£ i * I B NK*ofCA AD Iltret met in Bowmanville îast Tuesday Spokane, Washington. ________________________________ . Miss Madeline Stephens, To- ta select a candidate for the On- ci ranto, visited lier aunts, the Misses tario Legislature, Mi. Jas. Par a Stephens, Odell St. 1presiding. Twelve candidates ap- Ecuador is the second largest l- Maple Grave: Busy Workers' peared on the first ballot but aIl tree rubber producing country in ie Class quilted their autagîaph quilt declined excepting Messrs. W. P. Central and South America. The difference between Con- Lave is an image of God, and il on Monday afternoon at the home Prower and W. H. Reid. Five 0ý f Ms-s. R. R. Stevens. subsequent ballots failing ta give gress and a bousehold is that you nat a lifeless image, but the liv- Le Enniskillen: Messrs. Russel and eitheî man a twa-thiîds mai aiity.1 it itou g Charlie Smith were felling a tree the meeting was adjourned ta .In sPite of increasing industrial have toitoue a bill in Con- ing essence of the divine nature on Thursday last wben Charlie May 31, when it is probable that injuries the 1942 accident rate gress and a bill will enter a bause- wbich beams full of all goodness. got in the way 0f Russell's axe a third man, Mr. S. J. Williams, was lower than in 1941. hold witbaut an intradu'ction. -Martin Luther. and received a severe slash in his framn Darlington, will make a bold aleg. Dr. Slemon put in several dash far the position as Darling- stitches and we trust it will soontobigte anrtwsip beal. . . Little Mona Preston, who deserves cansideration.R c was operated on by Dis. R. W. Newcastle: Win. Tebble and Clark and C. W. Slemon, for ap- Jna. Vanflew have gone ta Souris, has since been seriously ili is 'm- Mr-. W. H. Pearce has rented his will give a short address on Tem- at about $5 an acre. .. Mi. Amaos perovi dy n thi.J A e rry faime of 200acreMis Sah aktn eb i b N E I of wheatlssu, heatless and meatless have j oined life interests for bet- days ta Prohibition i Canada and toi or for woîse. Great Britain". Birth - Carvoth: In Leskard, ~ffwIJ v Hampton: League meeting Fil- Maîch 12, the wife of Mi. A. W. W W W V, W N . W day was eldat the home of M. Carvet, J.P., of a son. O 9 Y jPA 4 & Jas. Clatwoîthy and was in charge _______________ 0f Miss Lazelle Brown who pie- -and the giaiu peW economy package shoulcj se td a St. Patrick's pragram . Ec r a bi w h t o. F r t s Vocal solos wore given by Misses scoe >ai 'it ou o.Frti compact, E'Celyn White and Erma Salter. Eyj iilgIlL uuctIion 5-pound package contains 2 extra Ibs. of the topic, "The Land arend ie 0ft.ed nost deliciaus oats you've ever eaten and tpiano"TsoLan and M N EoffSt.n y there's a handy, Built-in Pouring Spout on the atrcp iao ssoniond Nlsed top of the package that's a real convenience. Brow n a reading. iU a o i H o a s no W Salina: Mi. Nelson Reynolds, ," -onvaevu Toronto, who has danned theo ukRbnHo asntol iejo W King's unifoîm, visitod his par- Optemetrist EXTRA POUNDS of oats i this new pack- ents.. . A jolly party from Ebenez- Eyes:ght age but they give you oats of unexcelled qua. or enjayed a sleighrido to Mi. J.Sesis lity. For Robin Hood Oats are milled fromn T. Rundie's, Tuesday evening, and Disney Bldg. ghsquitu-rpndWtenCadn bad a swell time. ihs-ultu-ipndWtenCaia Mi. ame Dea ofBickll' - os». P.O.) Oats with a distinctive flavour ail their own- Livery is in the hospital with Oshawa a flavour that's kept i and made tastier stili pnoumonia. Sunday night hie was Phone 1516 by Robin Hood's own pan-drying process. doliriaus and got up duîing the-Eerouccnans7ItrninlUnt night, went out tbrough the up- 249 vyouccntis7IteainlUis stairs window unheard and walk- of Vitamin B-1 PLUS minerais and proteins. ed ta the G. T. R. Station with These haîmful rays are those an just his undeîweaî and one sock the extreme end of the spoctrum Next time you get oats, ask for the famous on. and mare easily seen when the spectrum rays are taken on a super-delicius Robin Hood Oats i the thrifty, . FIFY VARSAGO photograph wbre the camera Giant Economy Package with the handy, fluât- FIFY EAS GO adjustod ta aperate at a higber i Pouring Spout-"flip" and ies open- March 22, 1893 frequency than the rays of light t.snap" and it's closed against dust, air and tiavel will show on the plate as Hampton: Messrs. E. Trenoutb aymrery s hs lray loisture., Ask your grocer for Robin Hood * ~ q ~ EXCHANGING VALUE FOR son die. Let the merchant try )VALUE to draw customors to, bis stoiE f (Fee Press Herald, Midland) witout theaid of printe's ink iisconception of the pus-pose of gîow? Paying for advortising is nwspaper advertising. not "giving money ta the printers' At a recent public m eeting w e bu s a ex h n o v l e f r be ird t be chaism an say th at there bu s a ex an o f v l e fo would be no advertising of future value. g ath e in g s o f th e k in d . "W e a l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ like ta give the psinters a little -money, but tbey will have ta do wthaut it fram now on." He Obituary srnled. Maybe it was meant for ____ a joke. s.W .R T E F D It prbably sounded worse than M-. W . R T E F R ho intended. It soemed as if he corsidered newspapess to be par- Suddenly February 6t, in Port asites wha hved on public genes- Hope Hospital, death claimed a sity. Advertising apparenty is well-known Duram county pi- nt done ta stimulate intrest in ner in the persn of Caroline Gil- SPublic meetings, but just to put mer, wife of tbe late William a little dough in the publiser's Rutherford. pocket sa that be can pay wages Late in January Mis. Ruther- and feed bis family. Really be is ford suffeîed a fractured bip and not a bad fellow and ho does a lot was thougbt ta bo pîogîessing of useful things. Theroforo be favourably s0 that ber sudden sbould get somo "support". It passing cames as a groat sbock. woulId just be tao bad if anything Sho was bain in Clarke Town- bapponed ta stop bis paper caming ship 85 years a go, daughtor of the out. late William and Jane Johnstone Nowspapeîmon are themselves Gilmor, being the hast of a family laigely ta blame for this soit of of oigbt childion. During ber tbing. Being for the mast paît oaslier life she resided on a faim idoalists they bave been sa gen- in Clarke Townsbip but for the erous witb their space in support last 18 years bas sesided in New- af good causes that many people tonville, on Na. 2 Higbway. Sbe have came ta tbink that space was of a ýquiet homeloving dis- casts the publishers nothing. The position and was belaveci by ahl public do not realize that evory wbo knew ber. Her busband pas- lino of publicity the newspapes- sed away in 1932. The only sur- prints means a cash oxpenditure. viving relatives are nieces and Tbey fail to understand that when nepbews. Tbe funeral from New- ho prints items pramotîng the tanville United Cburcb Februas-y events in wbicb tbey are inter- 18, was canducted by Rev. Me- ested ho is donating real maney Laughlin, pastar af tbe churcb, just as much as the merchant wbo and was largely attended by s-el- givos thom sometbing fs-om bis atives and former frionds. Bur- stock. Tbey bave no more îigbt ial was in Newtonville Cemetory. to ask for fiee boasts for chuîch The palîbearers were Frank and suppoîs, toas, or any other money j Hes-b Gilmer, Milton and Jack making affairs than tbey have ta Kimbaîl, Chas. Cowan and Mol- ask the grocor or the butches- for ville Jones. and son--- uu 1n t2 ... rsen.K - ---"k 1 the new school roomn and vests-y- It is these invisible says, travol- of Zion Chus-ch. linig at a bigher froquency than Cartwright: Mi. Arthur Boa- the oye is accustomed ta are cock bas gone to Toronto ta tako found ta be danges-ous ta vision. an impaitaiht Position in a bicycle There is a radiancy of higher factory. frequency and as radiant an en- Solina: Mi. W. Weîs-y atto«nded ergy of loweî frequency that are a big thas-ougbbred stock sale in alike harmful ta the eyos, these Potes-bora last week and brougbt consist in actinic rays and'heat. homne a young Dur-ham bull that The iays of beat are of lowes- is expoctod ta knock the spots off frequency and may be felt as heat evoiything witb horns in West b o faos- e the higher froquency Durhbam. knawn as ligbt is attained. The Locals: On Wodnesday last the moans of protection against heat follawing citizons af Bowmanville may be found in bead and shoul- woro segjstos-ed in Montreal: Ex. dos- eovering witb a visai open- Mayor- Horsey, Councillor McKay îing os- n sucb protection as may be Mr-. Gea. Laing, Ms-. F. B. Whiting' worked aut ta be used in con- Mr. Levi Morris and M. A. James' nectian witb tbo working candi- It is not ai ton that s0 many citizons tions. moot quite by accident noarly 300 (ta bo continued) miles fs-om home. . . Ms-. W. H. ________ Osborne bas opened a new grocery store noxt door to Express Office Danges-ous diots are those whicb wbere bis numorous friends and reduce weight by maie than two acquaintances will receive a cas-- paunds a week or fail to ps-avide dial groeting and grocerios veîy balanced meals. THURSDAY, MARCH- 25th, 1943 PAEeHE elping to House Caiada's War Workers WHEN the huge sbell-filling plant came to bis town, Charles Hunter got to tbinking about the critical sbortage of housing . .. and about tbe two large cottages ie owned. It wouldn't cost much to mod- ernize and sub-divide tbem to make comfortable homes for four families. He talked it over witb his bank manages-, who extended bim a $600 boan. Witb tbe money, Huntes- flot only conves-ted bis cottages but took part of MADE IN CANADA F CAN A D 1 AN WHEAT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO 1 Courtice

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