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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 29th, 1943 Haydon Mr. John Gilbanks had a suc- cessful sale. Saturday, things bringing a good price. Word bas been received by bis wife of the safe arrivai in Eng- land of Spr. Frank Osmond. Gordon Siemon is home from University for the Easter holidays, having secured a position witb the Bell Telephone Co., for the summer. Having finished his termn at High School, like many of his col- leagues, Jim Grabam is belping on a f arm. Jean Houston, R.C.A.F., (W.D.), is stationed at Patricia Bay, B.C. Members of the community and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tre,.in Friday e)Wning to present their son, Gnr. Arthur Trewin. L.A.A.. witb a small remembrance. C. Avery very ably acted as chairman. A reading was given by Mrs. W. Martin: a vocal duet by Mrs. B. Ashton and Mrs. F. Osmond; a reading by Mrs. C. Siemon; music by the Beech Family: a reading by C. Siemon; an instrumental by Mrs. A. Read. Miss Viola Brad- ley read the address and Donald Tbompson presented Arthur with a brown leather service kit and a brown leather wallet. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in a social time. A goodly number were present Sunday afternoon ta bear Rev. A. F. Gardner*s impressive EasterSae message. Vaughan and Beverley, ____ daugbters of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rev. Gardner delivered a fine Stephenson were baptized and 10 Easter message Sunday afternoon, young people were welcomied into bis subject being 'Assurance'. the Cburch. The Sacrament of YPU etn a ihrw the Lord's Supper was dispensed. Y.P.U. eetigws.ihrw Mrs. Elma Hendricks and Joyce ls ek with relatives in Bowmanville.' Salem Dramatic Society pre- Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian at sented its play "Coveraîls" at W. Blackburn's. Maple Grave, Sauina, April 2lst. Mr. and Mis. Roy Chaters, Mrs. R. Winter motored to To- Glenn Tbompson, Toronto, Don- ronto Saturday to visit ber hus- aId Thompsan, Peterboro, Mr. and band wbo is in the General Hos- Mrs. W. Bridgett and famihy. Mr. pital. and Mrs. Earl Tbompsan. Bow- Fire destroycd the barn on A. manville. Lloyd Tbompson, R.C. Tbompson's property, where Mi. A.F., and Mrs. Thompson, Toron- Seymour resides, Friday evening. ta, at W. Tbompson's. Without the aid of neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Fred Asbton and and the town fire equipment the family, Miss Viola Bradley, To- bouse would likely bave been ronto, at E. Bradley's. burned. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Easter visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Enniskillen, at L. Asbton's. Cain and family, Orono, witb ber Mr. and Mrs. R. Widdicombe parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cator, also and family, Miss Mary Niddery, Mr.adMs .CtradRlh Miss Pbvllis Niddery, Hampton, Tro nto, witbJbispareans. . . Mr at C. Avery's. Trno ihhsprns. r Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Har- and Mrs. J. Hall witb Mrs. Hall's oldCohrae.Mr. and Mrs.Fe brother, Mr. Taylor, Oshawa... Samis. Union, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and fam- Richards and family, Bowman- ily. Orono, witb ber parents, Mr. ville. Mrs. Gardon Beech and Jan- and Mrs. F. L. Squair. . . Ewart ice, Allin Stainton, Enniskillen, at Pollard, Toronto, with Mr. and A. Beech's. Mrs. C. Pollard..- Messrs. Warren Ronald and Ray Ashton at R. and John Hurst, Toronto, are Ormiston's, Enniskillen. spending Eastcr holidays at the Mrs. F. Adams, Evelyn Randle, Gaud home.. . Mr. Hurst motored Hampton, at E. Stepbenson's. down with the boys on Sunday and Mrs. Gaud accampanied bim home ta spend a few days visit in Enniskillen Toronto. .. Miss D. Wright, Osh- awa, and Mrs. K. Tennant with Mrs. J. Cowling A siÂn1Iu1uaster program was given by the Mission Band under the leadership of Mrs. E. A. Werry at the Cburch, Good Friday night. Tbe ehbild ren opened witb choruses and repeated their Mis- sion Band Aim and Purpose. The litthe tots sang a motion sang, "Easter Blossoms" also choruses were given by the older boys and girls. Recitations were given by Grant Werry, Ray Ashton, Mary Griffin, Joan McGill, Billy Werry, Donna Lewis, Joan Hobbs, Clark Werry, Clem Rahm, Ralpb Lamb, Keith McGihi, Judith Stenger and Clarence Stainton; piano trio by Mona Brunt, Audrey McLaugb- lin and Shirley Garrard; piano salas by Ronald Ashton and Allan Werry; piano duet by Audrey and Jean McLaugblin. Folhowing this, a pageant en- titlcd "The Spirit of Easter" was a source of scasonal inspiration. The Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Plant traincd the actors with other hclp- ers wbich nesultcd in a calourful. educational and interesting eve- ning. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton tender- cd a bearty vote of thanks. Pro- ceeds were $23.00. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Barrowdahe, Oshawa, at Mr. J. A. Werry's. "I' ve ahways been busy. That's wby I always bave time ta sit and talk?." Hneny Fard. SPRING FURNISHINGS at F. F. Morris Co. Feature New Designs At Economy Prices r- NEED A NEW BEDROOM SUITE! [f you do, then right NOW is the tfine to buy! Prices are as low as you wil!sce thern for years to corne! Cornei now and selectyour new suite - Dedroorn, Dining Roorn, Living Room - we have .iust the style you've been wanting! Special Sale of TRI-LITE LAMPS, limited stock $19.75 il Fe Fe MORIRIS CO. I Help scnd HitIer and bis henchrnen scurrying for cover. Bock the Attack with Bonds, toa smash ahcad with an aver- whelrning weight of tanks, guns, ships, planes. Suppose you do havec ta sacrifice? Think of the risks aur fighters are taking. Tbcy'ne flghting for yau with thein lives. You fight for them with your money. Buy Bonds. ' fij fi1, Whmite Rose Service Station Phione 662 Salem W.A. Salem Woman's Association met Thursday evening at tbe Cann borne witb 20 in attendance. Scripture was read by Mrs. W. Canin. Tbe business part was conducted by the president, Mrs. S. Buttery. Mrs. Lloyd Richards had charge of the folhowing pro- grom: Readings, Mrs. Cator and Mrs. Welsb; vocal solo Mrs. Darcb; piano solo Marie Collacutt; Mrs.ý S. Buttery, an interesting talk on Easter. Zion' Visitors: Mi. and Mrs. Frank Day, Balsam, Miss Doris Day, To- ronto, at Cifford Martin's. Miss Day is staying for two wecks.. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Wes, Don and Glen, Doris and Irene Richards, baby Ralph Bur- gess, Kedron, at Wes. Camenon's ..Mr. and Mrs. Cbristian Star, Toronto, at Hans Gissberger's... Mrs. Jas. Stainton visited ber bro- ther, Chas. Lander, Oshawa... Mrs. Walter Langmaid and daugb- ters, Oshawa, at Messrs. Frank and Lutber Pascoe's. . . Mrs. Re- fard Cameron and Jean at S. G. Chant's, Toronto. . . Wm. Clarke 1 witb bis daugbter, Mrs. M. Arn- oId, Oshawa. .. Mrs. Harry Allin, Bowmanville, at Russell Robbin's ...Jas. Killen at Toronto... Mrs. Anchie Keitb, Wbitby, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Franklin, Awde, Windsor, at Luther Pas- coe's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie War- ren, Tbornton's Corners, at Fred Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel, Wbitby. Ivor Gerry, To- ronto, at F. B. Glaspel's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Awde, Evelyn and Marie, Toronto, at Luther Pas- coe's. . . Miss Margaret McCleur witb ber parents at Toronto. Mrs. Frank Pascoe and babe have returned bome fromn Bow- manville Hospital. Quite a number attended the funeral of Clark Wilbur at Bow- manville, Wednesday. Miss Diane Lee, Master Brian Lee, Kedron, are holidaying witb tbeir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Rutb and Loran, Mr. and Mns. Arcbie Keith, Miss Ada Pascoe, Franklin Awde, at A rthbu r Moore's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterbaro, at A. T. Staintans. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leech and Paul, Toronto, at Mel. Margan's. Lloyd Stainton, Miss Margaret Palmer, Toronto, at A. T. Stain- ton's. Maple Grove 1 1m umm m CARDS From Se ta 25c GI1F TS We carry a large stock of books, stationery, pictures, china and glass. - Priced ta suit every puise - SPECIAL Sweet Grass Daskets for sew- ing, knitting, marketing, and wasté baskets. From 25c ta $1.25 J. W. J EWELL. SPhone 556 Downianvlile CUP AND SAUCER SHOWER FOR BRmIE-TO-BE A very pleasant evenîng was enjoyed at the home of MIrs. George Graham, Jr., Division St., when several girl friends gather- ed to present her cousin, Miss Eileen Thompson, bride-elect, with a cup and saucer shower. The living room was decorated with pink and white streamers. Some were draped to a tea wagon piled high with lovely gifts. As the bride-elect entered the room. she was surprised by the group singing "Here Comes tue Bride". She opened the parcels, reading the cards andi thanking each one in turn, after which ahl joined in smnging "For Sbe's a Jolly Good Fellow". During the evening ahI took part in miaking a Bride's Book which was signed and pre- sented ta Eileen. Lunch was served by the bostess bringing a pleasant eve- ning to a close. Nestieton Nestleton Women's Association met in the cbuncb basement for its Easter meeting wbicb was in charge of Mrs. M. Emerson's graup. Scripture reading by Mns. H. Wheeler; Easter address by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Ladies de- cided ta have synup social. Meet- ing cîosed witb prayer by Rev. Stinson. Lunch was senved by the graup in charge. A bearty vote of tbanks was given those who helped witb a profitable and pheasant afternoan. Beverley Veale visiting fniends in Toronto. Frank Emerson is spending bol- idays with bis parents. Mrs. George Johns is spending tbe bolidays at ber home. Wm. Hoskin, Toronto, witb his sister, Mrs. H. Wheeler. Miss Nana Porteous, Staff Ho- tel, Ajax, and Miss Norma Ewens, Savannah, Geongia, with Mrs. Robt. Ewens and Mrs. C. H. Pan- teaus. Mn. and Mns. Melville Henry and Ganny, Oshawa, witb ber sis- ter, Mrs. Harold Wbeeler. Miss Eva Williams visited ber cousin, Mn. Wilfred Williams. Master Douglas Marlow, Whit- by, witb bis grandparents, Mn. and Mns. Nelson Marlow. Mn. Georee Manlow bas had a stroke and is in a seriaus condi- tion. Mn. and Mns. Geo. Wilson, Tweed, and Mrs. Carman Karlow, Warkwantb, visited Mn. and Mrs. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tbe Easter service was weIl at- Brown, Toronto, Miss Marion tended, Miss Jean Malcolm sang Snawden, Oshawa, witb Mn. and "Opeti the Gate of the Temple". Mrs. C. H. Snawden. . . Norman Next Sunday Rev. Harrison fromý Cutler, Billie Glasford, Toronto, Smitbfield will pneacb. at Sewand Tyler's. . . Little Miss Thene was quite a successful Patsy Bagnell, Town, with bier panty and presentation in the hall grandparents, Mn. and Mns. R. R. Tbunsday nigbt for Pte. Frank Stevens. . . Misses Marguarete Phayfoot and Mis. Playfoot. Wright, St. Catharines, Hazel Wright, Oshawa, witb thein par-o ents, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wright SS ,C ak ..Mn. and Mns. E. R. Freeman, SS o ,C ak son Glenn, St. Catharines, Miss May Noon, Toronto, at H. G. Fnee- The Home and Scboal Club met man's. . . Miss Lorraine Smith, in the scbool April 21, with the Toronto, spent the week-end witb president in the chair. Mn. Bowen bier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Max gave an itemized accaunt of the Smith..-. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Laird, Masonic "At Home" luncheon cx- Jr., daugbter, Vivian, Toronto, penses and neparted net return ta witb thein parents, Mn. and Mrs. Club of around $5200. R. D. Trimble, Mn. and Mns. A. It was decided ta grant the War Laird, Sr..-. Mn. and Mns. Norman Work Committee $25.00 ta buy Tbicksan, Osbawa, at John Snow- supplies, also ta buy a $50.00 Vic- den's.. - Miss Mary Snawden, To- tory Bond again this year. The ronto, with relatives. .. Mrs. R. D. Club ratified the decision of the Timble spent the week-end witb executive ta grant $5.00 ta bath ber daughten, Mrs. A. Laird, Jr., Orono and Newcastle Branches of Toronto. .. Mn. and Mrs. Chanle- the Red Cross Society. tan McBride, Burton McBnide, Miss Cooke explained what she littie Miss Mary McBride, Peter- wanted donc in the Scbaol Tem- bora, witb bier brother and sisten- penance Enterpnise and enlisted in-law, Mn. and Mns. Charlie aid of ail the section on Arbor White. Day. The Club granted $5.00 ta The sympatby of this commun- the plan. After these many grants ity is extended ta the family of and nemembening many wbo bad the late Mns. Robent Armstrong. been sick in the section, the Club will have about $70.00 in the bank. David Jagger, Toronto, visîting Aften Mn. Bowen bad tbanked at Mrs. L. C. Snawden's.- the membens for the splendid Arthur Cnesswell, Emmanuel, wonk he called on Miss Margaret College, Toronto, accupied the Asb of Newcastle wba favaured pulpit veny acceptably Sunday in with a couple neadings and then the absence of aur pastor, Rev. Ross Allin, canvenon, intnoduced H. Linstead, wbo was called away Mr. McColl, principal of New- ta Penn Yan, U.S., bis father, W. castle Higb Scbaol wbo gave a H. Linstead baving passed away. fine talk on Henedity and bow The sympathy of the camrnunity Bhood Will Tell. is extended ta aur pastor. Mn. Russell Osborne, Mrs. F. W. Miss Mary Stump, Toronto, Bowen and Miss Cooke are at- spent the week-end with Miss tending tbe OEA. in Toronto this Jean Stevens. week. Obituary MRS. A. E. STORK Following a brief illness, Har- riet W. Cook, wife of A. E. Stork, wel-known Pickering farmer, died in the Oshawa Hospital. Daugbter of tbe late J. C. Cook and Mis. Cook, of Narval, she is survived by two daughters, Cath- erine and Einor, bath at home; two sisters, Miss Ida Cook of To- ronta; Mis. Ted McBride, of Bow- manville, and thrce brothers, John of Bowmanvihhe, and Cifford and William of Narval. Funeral services were beld from bher residence, Lake Shore, April 27, and the large number of floral tributes was a token of the estecma in which she was bcld. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson conducted the service. Interment was made in Erskinc Cemetery, Pickering. MRS. OLIVER HUDDARD In poor bealth since last faîl, Goldia DeMille, beloved wife of Oliver Hubbard of Burketon passed away in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday, April 24, following an illness of a few days duration. Until she entered the hospital, Mrs. Hubband bad been living with ber daughter, Mrs. J. R. Hall, Westmorehand Avenue, Oshawa, for same time. The daugbter of the late Mi. and Mis. Anthony DeMille, she was born in Cartwright Town- sbip on Marcb 22, 1887, and lived in the Mount Carmel-Raglan dis- trict of that township until ber marriage on July 10, 1912, wben she took up residence in East Whitby Township near Burketon. A member of Raglan United Church, ber cbief interests were ber home and in being neighbour- ly ta others. Besides ber husband she is sur- vived by ber daughter, Mns. J. R. Hall of Osbawa; four sisters, Mrs. Thomas Brown of Bowmanville, Mrs. Russell Clark of Oshawa, Mis. Arthur Hubbard of Bunke- ton and Mrs. George Cossentine of Las Angeles, Caifonnia. A brother, James H. DeMille of Burketan alsa survives. The funeral was hehd fromn the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- awa, April 27, folowing by in- terment in Pine Grave Ccmeteny, Prince Albert. The services wene conducted by Rev. Dr. W. E. Mill- son, pastor of Northminster Unit- ed Chunch. Hampton Mrs. A. E. Billett was hostess for the nortb group meeting held at ber hume, Thursday. Sewing and quilting was done, and dainty refresbments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. E. Cole. Mrs. Bessie Robbins, who has been receiving medical care at Bowmanville Hospital, following a motor accident some time ago, has returned to her home. 11cr many friends are pleased ta know she is much bettet. Mrs. Hath- erly of Tyrone is wîth her. We welcome ta our village the new residents, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and family, formerly of Oshawa, who are occupymng Mrs. E. Harris' bouse, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. D. Pick- ard, also Mr. and Mrs. H. Flintoff, Courtice, who have recently mov- ed ta the bouse . they purchased some time ago from Harold Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb at- tended the wedding of bis niece, Miss Helen McEvoy, Newcastle, ta, 'Capt. Sehby Spencer, son of Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville. Good Friday and Easter Sun- day services were well attended. A special Easter program was giv- en-at the Sunday School session. Easter Visitors: Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. .. Morley Hastings, To- ronto, at F. J. Groat's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters... Jack Cowling, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowl- in.... . Mrs. W. Cunningham and Hazel, Cameron, Mrs. W. Mc- Millan, Peterboro, with Miss Ruby Chatworthy. . . Mr. and Mis. F. Blackburn and children, Salem, Miss Bessie Blackburn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackburn *... Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, at Mis. M. Goodman's, . . Miss Reta Kerslake, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jamieson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Oshawa, at T. Salter's. . . Miss Nancy Jobns, Toronto, is spend- ing Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. Elmina Johns... AC2 Lewis Trufl, Mont Joli, Que., spent Easter with bis parents, Mr. and Mis. L. TrulI..-. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn visited their son. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Port ,Hope, Sunday. . . Miss Yvonne and Master Grant Williams, Janet- ville, Mrs. Edwin Wood, Miss Dor- een Wood, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. .. Pte. Don Adcock, Camp Borden, Miss Mary Lemon, Bowmanville, at G. Ad- cock's. . . Pte. Walter Lawson, R.C.O.C., Barriefield, and Mrs. Lawson, Toronto, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Bar- ron. .. Miss Marion Johnston and Master Billie Johnston, Toronto, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. H. Cole. .. Russel Reynoulds, daughter Lenore, and son Alan, Toronto, spent Easter witb Miss Lulu Reynolds. .. Mrs. M. Larmer and daugbter Elizabeth witb friends in Toronto..-. Miss Elsie MacMillan s spending Easter holidays at ber home at Alexandria. .. F. Rogers, Mliss Helen Rogers, Mrs. Gardon Hills and baby Alden. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muir, Caledonia. .. Miss Madeline rrull, Toronto, spent the holiday at home. Mrs. E. H. Cale attended the funeral of Mr. W. Cale in Toronto. Miss Joyce Woodley and Mast- er Jimmie Woodley, Tyrone, vis- ted Mr. and Mis. W. Cbapman. 'q ln The Editor's Mail Higb River, Alta., DaSi:Apnil l7th, 1943. If not taa much trouble would you be kind enough ta send mea copy of The Statesman with the obituary of Mi. Charles Bice o Bowmanville and Denver, Colon- ado. I have an excellent near neigh- 1bour, Mn. William Hockin Bice who bas a farm of 1500 acres and who cames fnom Cornwall, or Bristol Channel and though be does nat know I am writing, i. might be interesting ta hlm. Permit me ta state that out here wc do not use the word "Alcan", ii is just nat done tbat way, Alaska is a proper word witb sufficien meaning and is not ungainly nor awkwand non saund s0 discordant. Fîfty ycars ago, April 2lst, after buying ten head of hanses in West Durham I heft Louie Bennett's wbere I put thcm up a day or twc for Toronto by road. I bad Alex. Wannan, V.S., laook them aven. They were baughl from Mn. Argue and the Gilberts, Solina, Cale at Hampton and Clemence, I tbink there, alsc Buckley's, Orono. Yours truly, C. E. McINTOSH. 1Bl1ac 1 s t o ck The United Churcb was f illed Sunday evening when the Mis- sion Band, the W.M.S., assisted by the choir, presented an Easten Pageant, "Christ Is Risen, Go and Tell'. Dressed in Oriental cos- tumes, aIl played their part ne- markably. well. In cannectian with the pageant was a quartette by four young men, Jim Marlow, Dalton Dorrell, Ralph Larmer and Alex Gilbert. Mrs. Jabez Wright and Mrs. E. Dorrell sang a duet. The church was beautifully bank- cd with flowers. In the centre was a large mauve cross, on it a smahler ligbted cross which the little children surrounded with white carnations. There wcre 89 present at the United Sunday Sehool in the marning. Before the class period Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Bronte, tald an Easter story and the Intermed- iatc girls' class sang an Easter number. St. John's Anglican Church was lovely with flawers Sunday, the anes on the altar wcre sent by Mrs. Wobd. Archdcacon Simpson delivered special addresscs for bath services. Good Friday e.vening, Arcb- deacon Simpson beld a service at St. John's. Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Jobnston, Arnold and Neil, bath of the R.C. A.F., and Keith, were at Mill- brook Easter Sunday ta celebrate witb Mrs. Jobnston, Sr., hen birtbday. She is 95 years young and takes an active interest in all that gaes an, and busily knits for the services. Her children, grandcbildnen (excepting Mrs. Roy Avery, Ferga, of Windsor, wba bas the same birthday as ber gnandmotber) and many fniends and neighbours werc present. Those wbo visited the Blood Donon Clinic on April 21, were: Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Miss Vena Fard- er, Mns. Wallace Manlow, Miss Janet Watson, Miss Manjonie Simmonds, Mrs. Earl Dorrell, (all lst donation). The Red Cross Society met at the home of Mrs. Florence Craw- fard, April 20. Minutes of last meeting wene read by Miss Vera Farder. Reports were given by the Treas., Wark Convenor and Eyes Tested GlMasses Fitted SATISFACTION ASSURED Derny's 3-Secret1 - HAND LOTION - Lipstick - ---------------60c Hind's Crearn 25c, 45e. 89e Lovalon--------------------- 65e Almnid and Cucumber 49e Princess Pat--------------- 29e Itallan Daim -------------- 35e Ponds---------------------- 19e Ultra Lotion, ige -----49e FOR THE HAIR Vaseline Hair Tonie 50e, 85e Fitch Dilliantine ---15c, 25e Kreml Hair Tonte -- 59c, 98e Vitalis - ------------- 54e, 99e Wlldroot Hair Tonie ---59e Russian Dear Ou ----- - -30e Oliveon Hair Tonie ----75e Fitch Shiampoo --- 69c, 98e Halo Shampoo 15c, 29e, 49c SOAPS 1 lb. Castile ------------- 19e Cashmere Doquet - 2 for lic Lux -------------- 2fornlie Llfcbuoy -- 2 for lic Soft as a fleecy cloud!1 25c in so j 4s1, S *4 EVENING IN PARIS Harmoflized Makeup, Face Powder, Rouge, Lipstlck Ail for ------- $1.10 Pinex, for coughs -----32e Pinkham's Compound -- 87e Lactogen ---------69c, $1.59 Pepsodent Faste ----29e, 45e 25e Noxzena ----------- 19e 300 A.S.A. Tablets -------39e Castile Soap, 6 for----- 23C Johnson's Daby Powder ------------28e, 55e Films Developed FREE 695one We fitU Jam Convenor. Mis. Wallace Mar- low reported nesuits of the cam- paîgn, according ta, the auditors, Henry Thampson and Wesley Hoskin. Objective $850.00, ne- turns $924.30, with a deîayed pledge of $5.00 yet ta came in. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs. W. Marlow for ber faithful work in mapping out the district and schecting canvassers, and aîî Red Cross mail in the future is ta be sent ta the Pres. ta save post- age. The next overseas boxes are ta be packed at Cadmus, May 1. Pres. and Treas, bath rcad ex- tracts fromn the Red Cross meet- ing recently beld in Toronto. Dr. McArthur and Mrs. V. M. Archer were picked ta correct the ex- amination papers of the Home Nursing class. Benedîction was pranaunced by Rev. D. M. Stin- son. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp and famîly, Listowell, with their relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mauntjoy, Toronto, and Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Bronte, witb their parents... Mr. and Mrs. W. Koîusky and family at Mr. Jas. Forder's. .. Mrs. Oakley Car- ley, Cavan, with fniends . . . Mrs. Fred Bailey in Toranto . .. Misses Velma and Jessie VanCamp witb Miss Joyce Scott, Cobourg. . . Mrs. Osmond Wright in Toronto... Misses Miîdred Archer, Donatby Somienscahes, and Elmer and Vin- cent Archer, Bowmanville, at Mi. W. Arcben's. .. Misses Ruth Mar- low, Florence McLaughlin, Pearl Wright, Mabel and Helen Van Camp, Vivian SadIen, Gwenyth Manîow, Kathleen Taylor and Marion Hill witb thein parents... Milliard Faîlis, R.C.A.F., and Keith Falhis, R.C.A.F., at home... Arnold and Neil Johnston, R.C. A.F., at home. . . S. P. Wilson Heaslip, R.C.A.F., Trenton, at Harry VanCamp's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent, Toronto, and Mis. Chas. Smith with Mns. V. M. Arch- er and Mrs. Jas. Marîow. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn and Jimmie witb Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Bradbunn. . . Miss ~i Lamb, Lindsay, at the SDrUth Brs... Miss Muriel Smitb, , i4ti- brook, at the Rectory. . . Miss Eva Brown, Hamilton, with Miss Vera Farder. Mrs. John Farder is in Peter- bora attending tbe funeral of a nephew. Miss Rutb Marlow attended the O.E.A. Convention in Toronto. Miss Hazel Wright, who bas been in the office at the General Motors, Oshawa, îeft hast week for secretarial work in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright and Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright went to Osbawa ta sec ber off. - SPECIAL FOR WEEK-END DRESSES Regular $4.95, for ~ $3.49 Regular $10.95, for ----$8.95 HATS SPECIIAL -------------- $1.49 HOOPERS' LADIES WEAR DOIVWVAN VILLE IT'S VITAL THESE DAYS TO SAVE WHAT WE HAVE! Most new construction and rebuildirig must wait until Victory is won. What we have, must lasi for the duration. That's why Spring Paint- ing for beauty and protection takres top place today ini the minds cf ail home owners. lI Murphy Paints anxd Narvo you have the ideal combinatioi for ail home painuing jobs, indoor or outdoor. They spread easily and wear like iron, giving maximum protection and beauty at minimum cost. 4' Au Es McGREGOR & COMPANY King Street Telephon, 774 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 29th, 1943 1 1

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