PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STA9<ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1943 The Newcaste Independent P hone Clarke 1114 Mrs. James Reid, Renfrewv who E. F.R. Osborne, Lockhart's, Pres- had been attendmng the Confer- ident of the Rural School Trustees ence Branch of the W.M.S. of theSetook ihimnTus United Church, visited Mrs. o.Setotk ihim nTus Newspapermen Visit Cole and Miss E. M. Blackburn day, Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, last week. who opened the sessions in Con- Hospitals In England E. E. Patterson, taking a month vocation Hall with devotional ex- off from Canadian Canners, is ercises and accompanied a large (Another in a series of articles putting in the month with Down- group to dinner. On Wednesday written by W. R. Legge and C. hain Nurseries, Bowmanville. He Trustee Osborne took Rev. W. P. V. Charters, who represented is cuvering some of the eastern Rogers, Bowmanville, te Torento the Canadian Weekly Newspap- counties and Iast week-end was with him and Mr. Rogers conduct- ers Association in a recent tour home fromn Prince E d wV a r d cd merning devotions in Convo- overseas). County. cation Hall and aise went along Mr. Edwin Hancock, accomp- for good fellowship with the local HOSPITALS, WORKSHOPS anied by a friend, was homefrmgoptdier hisscoo, a MTirfor Easter J. A. Smith, Garnet Porter and AND ENTERTAINMENT hais coo. tMcir Thos. Brown of the J. Anderson (yWle .Lge MissRut Heey, f Prt ol-Smith Ce. took the very first op- (yWle .Lge Mis Ruh Hne, o Pot Cl-pertunity te go treut fishing on The Canadian Armny has pro- borne high schoel staff, was home May Day and returned with a vided plenty of excellent hospital for Easter vacation. good catch. accommodation, se far, in excess Mr. Jonathan 'lebt)ie, Kirby, Newcastle's Communîty Hall is of the requirements. These hes- visited his brother, Mr. JeS. going te be finer than ever. Ren- ptl r e nieyfrcma Teble.eve te wek nd ndovations and improtrements te the casualties, as the health of the heard his own preacher, Rev. S. stage and precincts are in pregress men must be kept up, and in this Littlewoed. conduct Y.P.U. anni- under contracter Sam Jackson, war the health of the men in the versary services in the United Oshawa. A whele new arched forces is loeked after te a greater Church. ceiling is being built over the er ta ev bfe.Ms Mrs. J. F. Edwards is up fromn stage and a new inside wall with dýeg re th a everbefoere. oste Nova Scetia visiting at her fath- an entrance and exit deor has after medically than they would er's, Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P. been built at the back. The re- b nteronhms Rev. S. Littlewoed, Orone, was modelled stage will lend itself far b nterenhms a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. better te decorative and scenic We inspected one of the large Patterson last Sunday. effects. A new up-to-date light- hespitals, and its equipment, this Mrs. E. Duncan, Torento, who ing system has been degigned by particular one being in charge of has a summer home at the lake, electrical engineers and is being col. R. M. Harvie, of Midland, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hor- installed. Electrician H. S. Brit- Ont., who told us that modern rocks last week. Her son, Erskine, ton is working on this. Decerator drugs were mest effective in cern- Jr., is in active service in England. B. E. Moise is also on the job. bating infection, usually a preb- This week Mrs. Duncan is visit- Oshawa carpenters have been lem during a war. ing Mrs. A. S. Houston. putting in evertime work. The Others on the staff whom we Jes. Quigg, wha bas heen em- stage will present an attractive met here included Capt. Franes, ployed with the DeHavilland Cor- new front. Lieut. J. Braive, Major Rothwell, poration, is now in the Marines. Tuesday, May 4th, was Mr. and of Quebec City, who is a native He spent last week-end with bis Mrs. Cecil Ferguson's 25th wed- of Carleton Place, Ont., and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quigg. ding anniversary. Lieut.-Col. A. W. M. White, of Mrs. Jos. Ceulsen, who has been There is an abundance of good Toronto. in Toronto with her daughter, greens, equal te spinach, te be Some Dieppe Wounded Here Mrs. C. R. Lovekin, returned home found at this time of year. Marsh There were 221 men wounded Saturday. Marigolds are plentiful in many at Dieppe who were brought te Mr. Laurence Morton spent flats and around marshy places this hospital, and we talked with Easter holidays with his uncle and and Waterleaf, or cew cabbage as seme of them, including Desmend aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton, it is semetimes called, is a super- Kelly, of Mentreal; Tom Watt, of Thornhill. ior green te be feund on road- Shaunavon, Sask.; H. A. Seaton, Pte. Lionel Rogerson, in train- sides, in fence corners and other of Noranda; A. Charest, of St. ing at Newmarket, was home for uncultivated places. Donat, Rimouski; J. Rudd, C. the week-end. His younger bro- Rev. R. E. Morton of the United Dube and Corpi. J. D. M. Gendren, ther, Harold, has joined the R.C.N. Church exchanged pulpits with of Montreal, most ef whomn had and is in training at Kingsten. Rev. S. Littleweod, Orono, Sun- been injured by shrapnel. Sergt. Miss Annie Drummond, whe day, and was accempanied te Or- J. C. Bousfield, of Granby, was spent the winter in Toronte, has ono by J. W. Glenney.. anterpinthrewows returned te hier Newcastle home. Newcastle Ceuncil is planning suffern foatinteyetroble bu Mr.StaieyRicar, we hs t buldanother large under- who was hoping te be abie te do completed a course in meteorel- ground water tank this summer training soon. ogy in Toronto, under R.C.A.F. on the street leading fromn Mill Lucwaseedithof- auspices. is now teaching R.C. St. te the schooi. t is designed Luc asevdithof- A.F. men, in training at Dunnviiie. te maintain a water supply avail- cers' mess with Coi. Harvie pre- Mrs. C. R. Carveth accompanied able for the pumper in case of siding, and here we met Col. G. Reeve Carvetb te Toronto iast fire in that area. W. F. Johnston, formerly ef Mont- week wben he went up te attend Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cobbledick real, and Col. Bailey, of Yorkton, the County Councils' section of and Miss June Gray assisted Miss Sask. the 0.E.A. Donna Smith in eperating Green However, our experiences with Delegates te the O.E.A. Conven- Leaf Inn when Mr. and Mrs. hospitals was net over, as we ret- tien in Toronto iast week, fremn Smith and younger cildren took turned that night te sieep in an Newcastle, Lockhart's and Shaw's, a holiday over the week-end. unoccupied wing of the hospitai, were wel iooked after. Trustee Miss Audrey Horrecks spent and we aise had breakfast there part of Easter week with friends the next morning. It was the in Toronto. only night on the trip when we Miss Jean Benathan was home ail slept in one dormitory, and fromn Toronto over the week-end. there were many complaints about Bandsman Brenton Rickard was some of the unmiusical snoring. home from Cornwall over the In the afternoon we vîsited week-end, members of his unit some of the extensive workshops, baving been granted extra leave and marvelied at the repairs and R O 'Y A L for being the first miitary unit new work that was being done. THEARE ________ ob ee Archarnbault, D.S.O., M.C., and BOW ANVLLE te, were at their summer home shops almost made us think we E i ovr theweek-nd. wre bak insome o telarge Dr. W. H. Waiton-Ball was munition factories in Canada. Thurs., Fr!., Sat., again at his summer home, "Han- After seeing some artiilery ris Lodge", ever the week-end. training, we inspected a mobile MAY 6, 7, 8 Mrs. Waton-Ball has been quite laundry of the very latest and Double Feature iii and unabie te take the trip. most efficient type. Miss Marilyn Headley, Toron- t1, pent Easter heiidays withbher We had dinner that night with BADL NDS F toMr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and V.D., commanding the Canadian ADIA OS F a n Mspet hwe k-eFrgsnd at BReg.forPeUiand f RITAListowei. ficers, in their mess. Bi.Pea DAKOTANewcastle Hydro-Electric Cern- has a very friendly personality mission has bought $2,000 worth and made our visit there very Featuring of the 4th Victory Loan bonds and enjoyable. îs considering buying another Camp Entertainents ANN RUTTHERFORD, ROBERT $500 bond. Tbey aise bought In the evening. we had an STACK and RICHARD DIX bonds when the 3rd Victory Loan opportunity te see some of the On same bill was floated. entertainment previded for the Aircraftman Glenn B r o oks Canadian treops when we were un m inspent the week-end in Newcastle taken te, the camp theatre. t is THE IVAN IN TH E with Mrs. Brooks. operated by the Naafiensa ergani- Captain and Mrs. Seiby Spencer zation and only men in uniformi nI.IIreturned from their honeymoon te are admitted. An exception was RU KNewcastle last week. made in our case and we were given seats in the front rew. With UNITED CHURCH Y.P.U. This theatre seats 1,400 people LYNNE ROBERTS and ANNIVERSARY and in the four nights a week that GEORGE HOLMES it is operated there are often seven SHORT The Young People's Union of thousand men admitted. Simnilar SHRTthe United Church whicb is the theatres. we were toid, are found *successor of the Epworth League, at ail the langer camps and ad- Mon.-Tues.-Wed. orea nized by Rev. Geo. H. Cope- mission is 3d, 9d, and Is, that is land in 1894, observed its 94th about six cents, 18 cents and 24 J MAY 10, 11, 12 anniversary on Sunday. Rev. S. cents. Such low admission prices S Littlewood, Orono, was annivers- are possible because there is ne arv preacher and after briefly re- rent te pay, ne tax, ne advertis- THE AY SSTER viewîng some wartimne phases of ing, or other expenses that run up Stmnngthe subi ect of true peace. There TPhe showsaqre given by the in th-~ sinoinr.' and Misses Betty tre. M IN A R D S Pnd Marie Allun rendered a duet. The things that we saw that day Th-- chirch was nrettil.v devonîitAd showed clearly that net cnly does "'ith flowc'rs and pflants. Besides the Canadian Army look after the LIN IM E N T the contribution,; in sDecial en- physical weifare of the men, but Velorpes the Y PIT. roceived the that their amusement is iooked loecollections for the day. after in the very finest manner. Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made when advertisement is not pald same week as inser- tion. Extra charge cf 10e when replies are dlrected te a Statesman box number. Bfrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memerlams, 50oc for notice plus 10c per line for verse. Classifled adver- tisements accepted Up until BIRTHS FLINTOFF - At Bowmanviiie Hospital, Thursday, Apnil 29, 1943, ta Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Maple Grave, a son. 18-if FLINT-To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flint, Bowmanviile, at Bew- manvîhle Hospital, May 3, 1943, a son, a brother fer Donald. 18-1* GRAY-On Friday, April 3th, at Bowmanviile Hospital, ta Mn. and Mrs. David Gray, New- castle, a daughter. 18-1* WRIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright (nee Grace Yeilowiees) announce the arival of their son, Donald "Grant", on April 29th, 1943, in Bowmanviile Hospital. 18-î* YEO-Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo, Enniskillen, are happy ta an- nounce the arrivaI of their daughter, (Linda Georgina) at Bowmanviile Hospital, an Apnil 28. A baby sister for Teddy. 18-1* DEATI-S BATTLE-At Whitby, May 2nd, 1943, Frederick William Battie, aged 62 years. Interment Bow- manvilie Cemetery. DUDLEY-At Tyrone, May 3rd, 1943, James C. Dudley, in bis 78th yeam. Interment Bowman- ville Cemeteny. JOHNSON-In Bowmanviiie, on May 3rd, 1943, Anthon John- son, beloved busband of Eliza- beth Johnson, aged 68 years. Intemment Bowmanvilie Cerne- temy. MARLOW - On May 2nd, 1943, at the famiiy residence, Nestle- ton, George McDonald Marlew, beloved husband of E d i t h Coake and father of Lillian and George, at home. Interment Nestîcten Cemetery. WRIGHT-At Blackstock, on May lst, 1943, Ruth Whitfield, be- loved wife of the late John Wright, in ber 82nd year. In- temment Union Cemetery, Cad- MUS. WRIGHT-On May 4, 1943, at bis home, 128A Springhumst Ave., Toronto, John Wright (dnug- gist), formeriy with Upjohn Ce., beloved husband of Mary Del- ery, dean uncle of Mrs. Helen Clancy and Hector Wright. In- temment Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. IN MEMORIAM ARMISTEAD - In loving mcm- ery of a dean brother, Thomas Henry Ammistead, who passed away, May 9, 1936. Those whom we love ge eut of sight But neyer eut of mind, They are cherished in the heants 0f those tbey leave bebind. -Ever remembered by sisters, brethers, bmther-in-law and Uncie Jack. 18-1* COLVILLE - In loving memory of dean Bill, Fît. Sgt. Pilot William Freebomne Colville, who was killed on active ser- vice, May 6th, 1942. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dean; Fond memeries linger every day, Remembrance keeps hlm nean. His life is a beautiful memory, His death a sulent grief; He sleeps in God's beautiful garden In the sunshine of perfect peace. -Sadiy missed by mether, bro- thers and sisters. 18-1 NESBITT - In loving memory of a dean wife and mother, Eliza- beth Louisa Nesbitt, wha passcd away Mayth, 1941. --Sadly missed by Husband and sons. 18-l* ENGAGEM ENTS Mrs. J. Clark Bell takes pleas- une in annauncing the engagement of hem sen, James Ian Clark Bell, B.A., M.S., te Glen Wyn Young of Atlanta, Georgia. 18-1 Mn. and Mrs. Parsons of 1 Hos- pital Villas, Colweli Road, Hay- wards Heath, England, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Sergeant Norman K. Bruton, R.C.A., son of Mrs. L. Bruton, Orono. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper, Orano, wish ta announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Marion Gwcndoiync, te 2nd Lt. Owen M. J. Fagan, C.A.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Fagan, Bow- manville. The wedding ta take place early in June. 18-1* Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Laycoe, Oshawa, wish ta announce the en- gagement of t h e i r daughter, Frances Pearl, ta, Ronald Harvey, son of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. C. Thompson, Nestîcton. The mar- niage ta take place quictly the latter part of May, in St. George's Chapel, Oshawa. 18-1 ENGAGEM ENT The engagement is announced of Jean Frances, daughter of Mn. Charles E. Scbefield of Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Schofieid, te Arthur Edward Kent, R.C.A.F., son of Mn. Cari B. Kent of Bow- manvilie and the late Mrs. Kent. The marriage will take place late in May. COMING EVENTS Bridge, Euchre and Five Hund- red. Under the auspices of the "Bomber Club". Admission 25c. Lunch. 17-2* Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Fmi- day, May 7tb, under auspices of the Canadian Order of Feresters. Good orchestra. Admission 25c. 17-2* Piano recital by the pupils of Vera McGiil Ferguson at the Town Hall, Bowmanville, Fniday, May 14, at 8.15 p.m. Admission 25c, 15c. Proceeds fer Red Cnoss. 18-2 Heip send smokes te boys over- seas by coming ta the Card Party in the Community Hall, New- castle, Friday, May 7th, ab~ 8 p.m. Motion Pictures in the Cern- munity Hall, Blackstock, May 14, at 8.30 p.m., under auspices of the W.M.S. Presented by Dr. J. C. Devitt and Reeve Carveth; music by Miss Lena Taylor and Mrs. Albert Cole. Admission 25c and 15c. 18-1* Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tien, etc. ta Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ail other makes. New and factery rebuiît vacuums and ac- S e ss o ri es. Telephane aur "C. U. C. Sales and Service Brancb", Bawmnanviile, 774, at McGregam's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Spring Cultivatiiig Spring tooth cultivating, disc- ing and ploughing donc. Phone 2186, Bowmanville any time cx- cept hetween sunset Friday ta sunset Saturday. H. Chamber- lain, Enfield. . 17-tf Baby Chicks TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Twcddle High Quality Chicks now at Stewart's Seed Stere and get yaur Caf eteria Chick Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds ta choose from and the demnand is greater than ever this yean for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf Wanted To Buy WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chin-es, electric on treadle. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - 5-ROOM BRICK bouse, 3-piece bath, fumnace, aIl in good condition. Immediate possession. Apply J. H. Alidread, phone 496. 18-2* AUCTION SALES There wîll be said by public auction in the yard at the rear of W. J. Challis, Cities Service Garage, a cempiete househoid of furniture inciuding pieces for liv- ing reom, dining roem,* bedooam and kitchen, also some dishes. Sale at 1.30 p.m., Saturday, May lSth. 1943. Terms: Cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctieneer. 18-2 The undersigned bas reccived instructions from Mrs. Arthur Densem, Scugog, St., Bowman- ville, te sdil by public auctian, at ber nesidence, ber househoid cf- fects, inciuding cbestcrficld suite, bý.droorn furnitume, kitchen furn- iture, extension table, clcctric steve, heater and pipes, venandah swing, odd tables, chairs and iamps, kitchen utensils. dishes, garden tools, as well as many other articles. Sale on Saturday, May 8, at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 17-2 Funniture Sale, Saturday, May 8. The undensigned will seli by public auction fer the estate of the late Henry Wiicox, in the village of Hampton, al bis bouse- hold effects inciuding: Parier suite; 6 diningroom chairs and table; 6 kitchen chairs and table; 3 rocker chairs, armnchair4 1 Mor- ris chair; sofa; 2 small tables; writing desk; bookcasc: 2 bcd- room suites, 3-piece, bedding, etc.; folding camp bcd; campets, con- goieum rug; mats; giass-cupbeard; dlock; jandinicre stands; sewing machine; lawn mower; Findlay cook steve and new pipes; pic- turcs, boolcs, etc.; washing ma- chine and wringer; kitchen uten- suls; 3 coal-oi lamps; aluminum ware; granite ware; dislWs; silver- w a re; coal-ail stove; scales; antique vases, etc.; cross-cut saw; ladder; grindstonc; blacksmith's beliows; shoveis; garden tools; carpenter teols; as well as many 'bther articles. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms: Cash. Elmer Wilbun, auc- tioneer, A. E. Billett, Clerk. 18-1 Livestock and Articles Help Wanted Salesmen Wanted FOR SALE-8 PIGS, about 100 lbs. each. Apply Austin Wood, Bowmanville, p1ýone 2388. FOR SALE - FERTILIZER DRILL, new 13-disc. Appiy W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone 2610. 18-i FOR SALE-TRACTOR PLOW, McCormick-Deering, 2 furrow, nearly new. Apply Pete Stack- aruk, phone 2668. 18-1 FOR SALE - 7 PIGS, six weeks aid. Apply John Liptay, Lot 15, Con. 5, (1 mile east of Hamp- ton). 18-l* FOR SALE - 3 RED DURHAM HEIFERS, due te freshen about June 1. Aise Clyde mare rising 3 years aid. Apply W. A. Adams, phone Clarke 1911. 18-1 FOR SALE - OUR WHITE 3- year-eid Registered Shorthorn bull College Castie; both par- ents imported by O.A.C.; quiet, sure, and healtby with proven miik and beef qualities. Bill R owl1a nd, Newcastie, Ont., phone Clarke 1902. 18-1* FOR SALE-CREAM SEPARAT- OR, Vega B. Bench model. Cap- acity 230 lbs. per heur, used about a year. Set of pipe dies, will cut from 1 inch te 2 inch, in geod repair. Apply Jas. H. Farder, Blackstock, Ont., phone Port Penny 197r5. 18-1 FOR SALE - BAY GELDING, rising four, partly broken, quiet and well-rnannered, or wiil ex- change for eider hanse about 1400 pounds, suitable for work on power sprayer. Would buy couple caives suitable for veal- ing. Apply Howard Gibson, phone 2482. 18-1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for cattie of any kind. Beautifully matched team of Beigian mares, 6 and 7 years aid. Geod single or double. Would aise seli sep- arateiy. No funther use for same as I bave bougbt a trac- ter. O. Freund, Tyrene, phone 2523, Bowmanville, evenings between 4 and 9 p.m. 18-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - HARDWOOD, ful cerd, in steve iengths. Apply Mrs. E. Strutt, Enniskiiîen. 18-1 FOR SALE-SE WING MACHINE, Singer, in good condition. Ap- piy Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Hamp- ton, phone 2187. 18-1 FOR SALE-WORK BENCH, in good condition. Buffet with mimeor. Teiephone 492, or write P.O. Box 353. 18-1 FOR SALE - WINDOWS, size appreximateiy 3'x6'. Reason- abiy priced. Appiy H. Creeper, Hersey St., Bowmanviie, phone 628. 18-1 FOR SALE - SINGLE BED LOUNGE, hall rack, radio, 2 pair of overdrapes. Write Box 194, Statesman Office, Bow- ville. 18-i" FOR SALE - SQUARE PIANO, sectienai oak book case, grey enamelied bedroom suite and walnut bedroom suite, dining reem table. Appiy Mrs. qerry, Queen St., after 7 o'clock, eve- nings. 18-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from ever 300 patterns actualiy in stock. You are invited te view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - OAK DINING SUITE, bed complete, dresser, living ream table and Victrola; all in goad condition. Apply Henry Latbrope. Liberty St., St., Bowmanviiie. 18-i OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evenything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and f loor coverings a speciaity. Quaiity merchandise at cern- petitive pnices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - SUBSCRIPTIONS te The Statesman. For $2 we wili send The Statesman te any address ini Canada for a year and for $2.50 te any address in the United States for -a year. Speciai rate for the men and women in the services is $1.50 a year. Postai regulations state HELP WANTED - GIRL te de housewonk, ý$45,00 a meonth, live in. Tbree aduits only. Appiy Mrs. H. Rubin, 923 Avenue Road, Tarante, Ont. 17-2le WANTED - CHEERFUL COM- PANION to assist elderly wo- man. Permanent homne in ne- turn fan light duties; between Oshawa and Bawmanville an Highway Ne. 2. Private bed- reem, fumnished or unfunnished. Baker, grecer, milkman cali. Around June fimst. For furtber particulars write Box 195, The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. . 18-2* For Rent FOR RENT - TWO BRIGHT ROOMS, unfurnisbed. Apply Mrs. C. Samis, Duke St., Bow- manville. 18-1* FOR RENT-PASTURE fer about 10 head of small cattie. Apply Harvey Barrie. Phene 2197. 18-l* FOR RENT-6 ACRES 0F LAND suitable fer pastune or cultivat- ing. Appiy H. T. Hincock, Chumch St., Bowmanville. FOR RENT - APARTMENT, 5 rooms, ail medemn conveniences, ail burner, garage and garden; aise cottage at Lake. Available June lst. Apply Mrs. Archie FOR RENT - SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE witb garden, on No. 2 Highway, between Maple Grave and Ceurtice. Pessession at once. Apply Misses Haroden, Maple Grove. 18-1 FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping; also one furnish- ed room. Apply Miss Belle Allen, Queen Street. Phone 558. 18-1 * FOR RENT-2 ROOMS, unfurn- ished, ane downstaims and one upstairs. Ah cenveniences and conveniently located. Children net desired. Possession June 1. Apply Harold McDonald, Al- bert St., (off Ontario). 18-1* FOR RENT - 3Y2 ACRES good land inciuding 26 bearing appie trees mostly spies. Hen heuses for three hundred hens. Pos- session immediately. Ap pliy Jamiesen's Tire Shop. 18-2* NEED EXTRA CASH?-You can get it by devoting youm spare time te distributing Watkins farm and household necessities te, steady customers. If yeu're enterprising, henest and de- pendable and bave your own means of transportation, we have a proposition te inter~ ye.Write The J. R. Watkin'l V Company, Dept. 0-B-9, Ment- real, Que. 18-19-20 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-PASTURE f arm on pastume fer 10 cattie with an accnedited and listed herd. Appiy Noble Metcalf, phone 2259. 18-1 Notice To Dog Owners Ail pensons owning an barber- ing a dog are requii cd te secure a license fer sm net later than the 29th day Of My et After the above date, prosecutien fer failure te hald a license may be instituted, without funther netice, under By-law governing the keep- ing or harbouring of degs. F . PATTINSON, Tax Collecter. Town Hall, Bawmanville May 6, 1943. 18-1 Doctor's Office Hnouri Afternans-2.00 te, 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 te 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wiil be seen at other heurs by appointment. In case of an emergency, if their ewn docter is not available, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hespital. 9-tf NO0TICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application te the War- time Pnices and Trade Beard. Let us make eut yeur appli- cations. -Why drive te Oshawa. We are able te handie it here. GF. JAMESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West ef 'Post office STE WART'S SEED STOREt DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS For Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds, etc. BULK GARDEN SEEDS - MORE AND BETTER SEED FOR YOUR MONEY - Dutch Sets, Multiplier Onions,,vPotatees, Fertilizers now on hand. PHONE 577 Helena Rubinstein Apple Blessom Cologne ---------85e, $1.25 Apple Blossem Seap ... 55e Apple Blessem Dustlng Powder ----$1,65 Apple Blessem Talc ----------- 75c, $1.25 Phone 778 Harriet H. Ayer Pink Clover Cologne $1,10) Pink Clover Soap.-- ----50c Pink Choyer Dusting Powder -----$1,65 Pink Clover Tale ------85c Remember the Sweetest Lady You Know -oon w MQTHER'S DAY Mother's Day Cards 5c-1 Oc Adrienne Elizabeth Arden Cologne - -------- 65e, $1.10 Blue Grass Cologne .. $1.50 Bath Powder ------- $1.10 Blue Grass Colegne and Per ume ------------ 3 c, 0eatom izer -----------$2.15 Pefme - 3c,6e Handotonik --- $1.25, $2.25 Talcum --------------- 40e Bath M itts -. ---------- 75e Hand Tonie ----------- 65e Bath Soap ----------- 75c Yardley's Lavender 95c 1.25 Yardley's Lotus Cologne 1.00 Jury C& Loveil The Rexaîl Drug Store When we test eyes it Is donc preperîy C.N.R. Ticket Agncy PAGE TEN 1. lem > SE Te RE Daelci ilui WA N A os Aý THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STAýESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BOWMANVIILLE