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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1943 Hamipton Orono News Wedding SHARE A LITTLE OF THE Obituaries THE LDnPATCHWORK QUILT Dv Miss Marjorie Allun is pro- Miss M. McDowell is ill and as OSBORNE-WIGHT WITH THOSE WHO LIVE IN THEý MRS. EMMA DARLINGTON ' cross the foot of my bed; Dev gressing fine after her serious a resuit the Jr. room of the Public SHADOW Its age dates back, I don't know operation at Bowmanvulle Hospi- School is having this week as a Trinity United Church was the Mrs. Emma Darlington, a life- where; tal. holiday. setting for a pretty afternoon long resident of Brooklin, passedMygadohrm e twn1Spi T nc Pte. Percy Allun, Cornwall, Horace Yorke is home on a wedding on May îst, when Rev. away at her home, Friday. She was a child, spent the week-end with his par short visit from the West. remember her patience and Wmoe xrc $1.00 D. ents and also visited his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Yorke have rent- J. E. Griffith united in marriage *. was ill only a short time although care. Wmoe xrc Marjorie, at Bowmanville Hospi- ed the Geo. Cain house. Aileen Grace, daughter of Mr. and throuhth inter months she Cm.HP-8CD taMr. C. M. Lowden is seriously Mrs. Chas. A. Wight, Providence, had been confined to the house It's made "basket pattern" of old phosphtes ------ Lic Amissionary program was con- truhtesvr odwahr iso rnNuoTne------- FIi ducted in Sunday School by Edith Mac Smith, Toronto, vsite d Nlsn~ sonsn0 r herougthcae aseve cd wethe. bi pt of prinleur Tote......5e Rackham, Missionary Suprn here. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Bowman-Hedatcmesasoctohe Ehpthatrngeotue Celery Nervlne ---$1.00 - tendent Mrs. ilfredGreen-J Arche Watsn, Phamacy Cl- viembersechofchers householdmembes of Thenoupieced r.lTghtpiand ldarkandnes, onha C e'sesNerve tenent Ms. îlredje ArhieWason ParmcyCol vlle Th curc ws bauifulyJas. Routley and sons, and her alternately laid$15 away gave a reading, Mrs. Har- lege, is home for a few days. decorated with Easter liies, white neighbours. She was a member So reg'lar and even all through. Food -----------$_60c old Salter presented a missionary Union Monday evening was in snapdragons and ferns and the of the former Methodist Church ___________ story and Miss Dorothy Adamson charge of Kae Smith, in the ab- guest pews were marked with and of the present United Church Then when she'd enough of those gave a short reading on the sence of Muriel Tennant. Rev. S. white satin streamers caught with and when able was always in at- "blocks" ail complete, Special Prices "Church". Littlewood gave a most interest- yellow and blue spring flowers. tendance. The funeral was held She sewed thern in one great i ng talk appropriately to "Family Miss Louise Osborne, sister of the odywtRe.PL.Jlcn- bgsur;atgn------6,$15 Citizens of Hampton and com- lWeek" and "Family Sunday" groom. presided at the organ and :ductiMn!a th evicP.e. Il comn- big se lqu; frme L actge ----------- --- e, 15 munity will be given an opIDor- which ahl the churches are observ- during the signing of the reg- wasmae _i______ sizetry ve, 25e i ut hequl tunity to help in the important ing. It was decided to give $5.00 ister Miss Donalda Creasser sang wasaeiiGoeieCeeeyzerecame2js5eequl Noxzema -------- 19e work of the Canadian National' tow:ard the Dominion Church "0 Promise Me". ABSOLAM ABRAHAM And each corner would rest on 4 oz. Blandoil ----- --- 25e Institute for the Blind during the deficit. Games followed. The bride was given in mar- a chair. 1 lb. Castiie Soal 9 next week, when folks will be Mrs. S. Hall spent the week- niage by hier father. She looked De a th came suddenly to Plnklxam's Comp. 7 approached by canvassers and1 end in Montreal. charming in a gown of white bro- Absolam Abraham last week, Then an old-timer "quilting bee" ___________ asked for support of this worthy Park St. W.M.S. caded satin fashioned on torso when he passed away at his home. grandmother had, cause. Park St. W.M.S. held its meet- style with sweetheart neckline Mr. Abraham had lived in Brook- Those invited were each a good The funeral of the late Abso- ing Tuesday afternoon. the session and long poînted sîceves trimmed HELP THEM lin for some years, with his sister, friend; Lnm n lam Abraham, Brooklin, took openîng with the opening wor- with French ruffle. Her finger- Mrs. Garfatt, and brother, James And they quilted that quilt in just Minard's place to Hampton Cemetery, ship period conducted by Miss tip veil was held in place with a TO WIN THEIR Abraham. His brother, James, one afternoon, Litnent----29c, 59c Thursday afternoon. M. Davy who presided in the ab- Mary Stuart hat trimmed with died about a year ago. Up until A "fan pattern" from end to Sloan's C.G.I.T. met in the basement of sence of the president, Mrs. M. H. white plumes, and hier onîy jeweî- VICTORY his death Mr. Abraham seemned end. Liniment- ----33e, 63e the church, Monday evening, Staples. lery was a string of pearîs, the to be in good health and took a Absorbine Jr. 98e, $1.95 when final arrangements were Mrs. Delve gave an interesting gif t of the groom. She carried a We are asi<ed only once a year keen interest in affairs of the Then they ail stayed for tea; how Sorbo Liniment 50c, $1.00 marAe for their annual "Mother report on the Branch Presbyterial shower bouquet of pink roses and to help themn win their vlctory community. He was a member they chatted and talked, Nyal White and Daughter" banquet. held recently which she attended, sweet peas. The bride was at- over a handicap-THIS IS THE and ardent supporter of the Unit- And "visited" around grand- Liniment ---25e, 50e West WlI. group met for quilt- and this was followed by a few tended by her two sisters. Mrs. IEedCuh.Tefnrlwsedma ped;A lgl Di------35 ing and sewing at the home of words on the same subject by Mrs. Alan G. Williams as matron of TIME ed hsrch. Tefneralwahner-d ta ls prd; o e Nagsi ----- ---5e F Mrs. T. Salter and the Centre Littlewood and Miss M. Davy. honour chose an Alice blue silk ment at Hampton. every night,Nalee - - 5e F group at Mrs. G. Adcock's, on Mrs. Littlewood sang a solo to jersey gown anel Miss Eleanore J. CIVE TO THE _________ Through that quilt on the foot Wednesday, April 28th. open the theme worship period, Wight, wore canary yellow sheer. of xy bed., Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman which was led by Miss Davy, who Both attendants' gowns were fash- CANADIAN NATIONAL E ns ien28Cafr St., OR ON. SELTZERBIEN and daughter Joan. and Mrs. gave a devotional message after ioned on the same lines as the n is le 68CafRALPH., oroN. SALKA RBE Chas. 'Hastings, Oshawa, at L. which Mrs. Walsh sang. Miss bride s gown and they wore INSTITUTE for the 29c - 57e 47e MisPhyllis Niddery and which Mrs. Littlewood sang an- streamers. They carried bouquets ofLet adMs HryW Geg C arke Union Master Billy Widdecombe visited other solo te close the xorshîp of yellow carnations and blue for- (nee Irene Sharp) met at the ____ their aunt, Mrs. A. Trimble, Base period. get-me-nots. U-M home of hier parents on Monday, Seeding has started in this dis- Line. Mrs. Littlewood a nd M rs. Cpl. Donald Williams, Ottawa,- to honor the couple who were trict although the wahri eyW e tE e Mrs. H. E. Cole visited friends Charles Wood took the study book acted as best man and the ushers M marrîed an Victorville, Calif., on backward.wetriseyW T i oM nide NrhutBw eing "Rter o cea" MrshWe oin- ela of.the lbideand Lohr-N D eeme Cpr.Enetl r r.Borel, who as latelyS eTSFTIye Miss Adrey Nrtheut, Bow-being Recreaion". rs. Wod in-lw acteedbasdchadîrman. and aasprogram andoved onto motheon toth accoa farmmhas manville, was a guest of Mrs. A. dealing chiefly with the need of Russell Oke, Listowel. o f readings, vocal duets and mock planted quite alag acreage o Blanchard for a few days. recreation and Mrs. Littlewood The reception was held at the large 0frsetd.Mssptaos.P Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples. \vith the part the church should home f the bride's parents. Mrs. AmD A 'Y eang wssa rese ned Miss Mp.tato eWasonPhone -n69 ________________play in it and how it can carry Wight received in a beige en- and Miss Ruby McLaughlin pre- a few days at home. Archieon OIN ' 1 ou tat part. the chief point being semble with brown accessories sented them with a gift of money. lae o igtni e as the need of 'supervision in parks and corsage of cornflowers andThcopetakdilf revsfrKngonna wdy, e, A T*Thlcupl4tankd8h or their where he has a position waiting. and at home. sweet peas. She was assisted by kindness. The evening was spent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wight of the groom's mother, in blue floral in dancing and cards'and refresh- Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. sheer *ith black accessories and o h ae ~ Jh ments were served. WgtadMs ayJwl fLclPol i T. ray cosag ofwhie crnaion an failyLieut. Gregg is the son of Mr. Bowmanville, were Sunday caîl- Mrs. J. Burns visited Mr. and fern. Wright who passed away, May 1. Harry Gregg and the late Mrs. ers at H. J. Souch's. W rSa p nQ i Mrs. D. Rackham, Bowmanville. Following the ceremony the An interestîng evenmng's enter- Gregg of Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson and W rSa p nQ i - DaMid and JohnJwit. renls, an dingotplte breft r e i ntws u o ythe Girl He left Tuesday to report at Lin- Archie were in Toronto this week. The National War Finance Torod n o hnwa beltieue-igtrey gaebrde aelln nsemle uies nthe allut April130, un- coIn, Nebraska; Irene is remain- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey and Committee asked Service Clubs Toot. legrygbrdn nemlide nteHlAr ing at home with hier parents, son, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Court- with navy accessories. They will/ der the supervision of Captain _________ Souch and Eileen visited Mr. and across Canada to sponsor Quaz ice. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wil- reside at Kingsway apartmients. Harnulton. Miss Mabel VanCamp Ms alBlig udy otssi oncinwt h Ms. BueYoad aoMsTelliam eGrbutt, aunt fo thewas chairman for the occasion. hMAPLE GROVE Ms alBlig udy otssi oncinwt h cox. BueYoadTaoMs elgamieR.Gre received ofromeFourth Victory Loan and the Ro- Bowmanville, at C. Colwill's. bride and CpI. and Mrs. John*Mc- TePto rl, olCî,Po- ACl S.. VanCamp, Dart- NSLTNtr n in lbo omn Pte. Percy Allin, Cornwall, Tavish, Ottawa, and a telephone ise and Laws were given, reci- mouth, N.S., bas been granted avil outedt os.Th spent a few days with his parents, caîl from the groom's brother, Mr. tations by Mona Ferguson, Joyce month's leave to help his father M. and Mrs. Malcolm Elfordvilvontedtoos.Th Mr. and Mrs. A. Allin. Harry Osborne, Detroit. Guests Venning, Patrol Second Hamnil- with the farm work. and family, Port Perry, and Pte. clubs purchased war savings Pte. Freddie Payne. Brampton, were present fromn Ottawa, Till -on,_______SecodGraham Bud Elford, Toronto, and Pte. stamps for prizes and the canvass- was at home for the week-end. sonburg, Toronto, Nestleton and tn arl Scn rhm Ross Adams, Brampton, and Mrs. ers have been conducting these Pt. edKese, instn.wihSyracuse, N.Y. Yvonne Jackson, Clara Marlow. Adams and family with Mr, andquzcnetevrdawhnhy Themnscnetwswnb Mrs. Geo. Bowers. his parents. Prior to her marriage, the bride e e'scnts aswn y An., vlÂemaetircls WallaMiss DorothytBowers vîsite d Pies h aebenwo y h LAC Reg. Rackham, St. John, was guest of honour at a linen acessarlw, the wmen's ______ Mis Que.. with his parents, Rev. and shower given at the home of Mrs. cotliyMs.Jc hm te Ms Joyce Hull, Port Perry. fluig i omanvi1ie Mrs. W. Rackham.Rusl Oke; a kitchen showeg children's contest by Marilyn Mrs. Hassen in Chatham for the obert H.inBatteMsJa nKie:- et Jack Cowling. Toronto, with his RusellyMs oer et u Forder and the afghan draw by Christening of her grand-daugh- Roett Hr.Fanci are, Mrs.Kl parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowîing, and saucer shower hy Miss Mar Miss Gertrude Henry. ter, Judith Ann Smith. Brovvn's Clie Shaw Dorothys Lckha rt, during the week end. jorie Couch and a miscellaneous Rev. and Mrs. Harrison of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper and hriSawDotyLokr, ___________________________________________shower by Mrs. Gordon Bish. Smaie, at Mr. Jos. Forder's. babe, Oshawa, at Mr. W. McKay's, Mis dt C. W. Slemon, Miss Helen Car- Mrs. Harry Graham, Toronto, Gordon McKay went home wit sEith Hendry, Lake Shore, ruthers, Mrs. A. J. Franks, Mrs. with Mrs. Henry Mountjoy. them for a few days' visit. as student teacher at Brown's Gatcheli, Mrs. G. W. Scarrow, and MisHlnVnCm thm.School this week. Mrs. James Souch. Mis HlenVaCam a hoe. The site of the monument bas Miss Betty Stephenson enter- Colleen Clarke, Bîlly Slaght and B l ktk Sympathy of thas communîty is been completely obliterated with tained the C.G.I.T. of the United Jack Hayes of tfie public schools extended to Mrs. George Marlow a thick coat 0f gravel. We expect Church. competed at Newtonville with and family on the death of Mr. a monument will be erected in Mrs. Wellington Farrow and Colleen Clarke winning and going Arl27. John Werry, R.C.A.F., is visit- AC2 Raymond Gilmer is taking Nesbitt, Newtonville. Stenger of the high school was WILL REOPEN The devotional was taken by Miss ing his parents. a special course in Toronto this Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham at Mr. also successful and moves on into Jean Wright. More quilt blocks A large crowd attended the week. Chas. Alldred's, Lake Shore. next competition. were brought in. Mrs. W. Archer's Cartwright Township Fourth Vie- CclBre rie oels group is responsible for decorat- tory Loan Rally in the Armouries, wek ulyarie oels M ON AY M A l thMay. Mrs. Hector Shortridges requested that ail stand for the Mrs. S. R. Jones is quite ill in grou wa inchage f te fl- penig nmbe, ", Cnad", ortHope Hospital. Due to wartime restrictions on merchandise the hours of lowing program. Mrs. Short- played by Port Hope Citizens' A. Reichrath is home after servce re imied roi 8 .m. to 7 .m.ridge reading "A Victory Gar- Band, after which the remainder spending the winter in Toronto. serice ar li itd fom am.,ta7 pm.den"; a vocal duet, "He Knows It of the programn was to be carried Leland Milson enlisted for ac- Al"' by Mrs. Frank Newell and through as listed and unannounc- tive service last week and went to ___________________________________________Mrs. Jabez Wright; Mrs. M. Fal- ed: Kingston for medical examina- lis reading "The Most Interesting Archdeacon Simpson gave the tion but was rejected as medically Person I Have Met", by Dr. Mc- Dedication and Prayer; march, unfit. Clure; Mrs. Cecil Hill read an Military Escort, Port Hope Band; Mrs. Go4don is staying with hier Easter letter from Afnica; Mrs. Overture, Haute Monde; March, grand-daughter, Mrs. Jack Kim- Clarence Marlow conducted a Baîphegor; Victory Song, pupils baIl. Bil0onet f S.S. No. 7, Miss Norma Hooey, Toebgnigsho fe Rv. Harrison of Smithfield, ex- teacher; Selection, (Tannhaussr weroe:eGia n, i nnicol fe R efuse to Sell a H a t! changed pulpits with Rev. Stin- Port Hope Band; March, ClESter ee lraLnWni son, Sunday. His text was "Lord, Miner's; Victory Loan address, W: tcy, Florence Rowe and Launie Thou Hast Been My Dwelling Ross Strike, Bowmanvilie; Inter- Stapleton. W NY Place In Ail Generations". mezzo, Deep Harmony, Port Hope Visitors: Misses Wiima Prouse Dr. R. P. Bowles wiil address Band; March, The Thin Red Line; and Marion Bruce in Toronto... TH TSthe Sunday School of the United Red Cross Playet, pupils of S.S. George Moore, Castieton, with his TH TSChurch, May 9. No. 8, Mrs. J. Venning, teacher; sister, Mrs. J. Stark. . . Mrs. C. D n NO SNS! The United Church W.M.S. met Selection, Froiic of the Nymphs, Morris in Toronto... Mrs. Henry NONS NSE! at the hoifie of Mrs. James Ginn Port Hope Band; March, The Jones with Mrs. Cornthwaite, with 14 members and some vis- Great Little Army; group of war Port Hope... Miss Fae Jones with YOU SAY... itors in attendance. Mrs. Jabez films; Vocal Solo, Howard Tre- Miss Leona Lane, Coîborne, and Mr.Roy Taylor, Mrs. N. Mount- monds, teacher; Quartette an Mrs. Wiilis Jones motored down NO-lt isn't non- joy, Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. CecilI Pantomine, pupils of S.S. No 4 after hier Saturday. .. Messrs. sense! If a hat isn't Hill and Mrs. A. J. Johnston tookI Miss E. Harnden, teacher; Piano Leiand Milîson and Ronald Tows- ~~~' becoming, we wouid part in an interesting Easter pro - Duet, Nola, Misses Jean Malcolm ley, Peterboro, and Mr. Chas.E x e t .........: rather not seli it to gram. Theme, "Afnica for Christ". and Lenore Fallis, pupils of Black- Bebee, Orono, at Lanson Mill- you. Rev. Stinson closed the meeting stock Continuation School; March, son's. . . Mn. and Mrs. F. Gilmer with prayer. Carry On, Poit Hope Band; Eve- and sons at Mn. Milt. Kimbali's, If you take an The Boy Scouts met in the ning Hymn, Abide With Me; God Lake Shore. un b eeo m In g bat Armouries, Thursday evening, Save The King. honme, tifsIRtento wtDititSotLaeStr InhsslndadesM. Thue W.A. of St. Johns had ai age than eifher the-Geér-mans- or brothe rs -(30 o--ôr m ore) 'ereêheè t ôook Pot Luck Supper in the Hall, the Japs, and asked aIl ta recaîl time ta see howi badly he'himself Easter Monday night. There was the keynote about inflation: that was injured. He had what if also a sale table of farm pro- it -cames from an enormous in- takes. Let this incident serve as C ouc , Joh ston Cryd rm an duce, fancy and useful articles. crease of money among a people a lesson ta those of us who imaag- c i nS Couchy Johnston Cryderm an A pî-ogram was enjoyed and Arch- without a corresponding increase ine we are doing more than aur Te Cnd a t decnSimpson showed pictures of things ta buy. In his opinion, share of work this day-mayi Phone 836 King 13t. of the Columbia Coast Mission, the best plan ta contrai inflation only incite us ta greafer effort. where work is being done among is by rafioning, spending merely Special thanks and great credit the loggers. enough ta give one a bare living, is due Mn. Gilbert for bis untiring __________________________________ Sympathy is exfended ta thec and by loaning ones surplus ta efforts on behaîf of the campaign. Iloped FREE KULL MOTHS 3.T. Moth Killer - ------ 39c Il Nood's Blockettes , -------10c, 25 chloricide -----------------------3 Flrvex -------------- -24c, 43c, 73 ENO CONOMY *e$$Bsusm SIXI 5 1 980 300 USE CERESAN TO PREVENT SMUT $1.10, $3.50, $4.40 rmalin, 16 oz------------------- 25c BROMO iPEPSODENT SLTZER FASTE 25,49c, 95c 29e - 45e and Fit Trusses Y GUARANTEED STO REProm pt DRUGSTORDelivery b. 5e c a9 [CES 1 tbusiness- We are machinery ein a posi- <et prices. et exacting you'iI find itesman 'q 4 ST. nPAULIS CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSÂRY SUNDAY, MAY 9th Anniversary Services will be held in the Church. Morning Service - at 11 ar. Evening Service - at 7 p.m. Speaker - Mr. S. Saywell't Mother's Day programme wil be combined with the above services. il .- ~.k. 'p OMMIK PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1943 lquumqqmmpqqw

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