PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSA "Tiny, that ran away two yearsTHRDYMA 6t,14 Hmpton: Our Cheese Co. has ..m ., H om e T1871 * ri ay72 YealrsofScrt aP iyWleS * 94 IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST put in anew Babcock tester. uiT w a siia OFrom The Statesman FilesX and heading factory is in ful ~ frrnOA.C.Gueph.blast. . . Arthur Brent is home Day WeeklyPaper Arrives TWENY-FVI EAR AGO wit th Pare i th cetre He Courtice: Mr. S. J. Courtice, TET FIEYASAO wtte arintecntae. K ,irby, visited friends. . . Arthur "orne Town" day at army as long as we could see aur paper 198handed books around, cotiiG ay made a good record in a 'I' training camps across Canada is or things clipped fromn it." May 2, 11 prayers. etc., of the Church shooting match at Port Hope. \ Friday-when the bulk of weekly Weekly references to recrea- England service for communion. __________ tional, entertainment, and athletic In this excerpt fromn a letter ta The bread and wine were placed aesrepsdouatnnevt idsrctmlaycms his sister, Lieut Roy H. Rickard on a nice white cloth on an aid fbtjmi ardst ae-eyed lads achieve surprisingly broad inter- described a unique Easter com-fangmi.Soehs ole in uniform. A quick glance aver est. Very often those fram far- C hcartily in ail the prayers and of eodcntsnwhaepl munion service in France. llOur course a rooster would crow at J. E. DYKE the front page and then at the ofremedacen tr ing ael locfaformer days in training at the men are sleeping here, this Easter the most inopportune time. But lclclm s eeyafr tasetwn whose newspaper they just marning, in a great big barn with in spite of ail this it xvas a good For 30 years an advertising of pleasure ta be had that eve- have been shawn for the first stone walis and ceiling and everv- service.', specialist and commercial artist. ning. Then it will remnain the time. Thus, capable training thing complete. I mention tIhis Mr. Sidney J. Rundle, Glasgow, in Toronto, James E. Dyke, 69, of -c unswerving abject of interest for camp contributors ta columns in fact, because it is quite an unusuai Montan~a, son of Mr. James 89 Bloor Street West, did at the an hour or twa on bunk, in bar- neighborhoad weeklies may have thing for us now ta stay in a Rundle, Ebenezer, is a prominent Toronto Generai Hospital, afier rackcs or in a camfortable spot in their items scanned at incredible building which has both walls and man in the West, being Pres. of an illness of two weeks. saine Auxiliary Service hut. distances by eyes seeking a fam- celn. Tismrigwe ail the Rundie Land and Abstract Son of the late Rev. S. A. and It ia then that the weary editor, iliar naine. stood up in one end of the barn Company. The Glasgow Demo- senore yrie Dye, he ws bornohort o crat is assisting in the Big Drive in Toronto, and received his edu- sieteas f hri Lvelon discuussionfgrhupsche forth 3d ihrt Lanan svscation at Wellesley School. In his struggie ta keep community hap- treofnew thrend iuxr ohe crm ie ____________________f'othea po iisbei oa ng vrod y uhh okdhisi rudpenings as fully recorded as of o e red hc rylf "Nthea point is being o e - edthe world, becoming acquainted old in spite of labor shortagesbrig ougth er, find fuelfnew Frin ti eaort pearton e with ail parts of the Empire. For should have saime magie means of huh nwekyclms l CUTS, BURNS igmade by Sidney J. Rundie, reyash ivdi odn looking over the shoulder of just Reference in an editorial ta .. M. J. Ha Geman, Clako Englre aan ile threpntdan one of bis army readers. His fa- the noble work being done by a up era silver ci dated Egad n hl hr pn tigue wouîd meit and vanish in club of northern ten-year-old lads BRUMSES 1826. The coin was a littie larger Hoede ofComonsand the ois the happy revelation of the full heiping with chores of mothers E than a haîf dollar and retan . na lb warmn of appreciation shown ta- wvhose owni sons are in active serv- briiliancy. . . Mrs. Thos. Tod in Returning ta Toronto 30 years ward his endeavour which serv- iacouinv eamn e pi f en- hier. and became an active member of among vital morale building a two-hour talk around a hut O LButter is seiling in Berlin at the XIII Club. Mr. Dyke attended agen-.~ ts.stv inwchdes er e- poun5adpand sa (fiv e dnryhe and is E rh.Srivn lowunice Dykehae hage abJohn Fox b dnen a time to save a onhmadbcna 21 r w itrMs on Fbo- washing long enough Monday ta zenship. b on dsars) for Sl12. theanMisl eron Dyke, ail af To- telephone the village newspaper Reports of municipal discussions URING the last war, men bouh - Rev. H. W. Foley, B.A., B.D., ronto. He was unmarried. htle youngest boy, Johnny, an ofhw om utiie ar eIsractonexntht Brookiin, and Rev. Wesley Eiiiott, The deceased visited "T he had juat attained the rank of cor- maîntained in the face of restrict- anerkowbfre Port Perry, exchanged pulpits, Cave", Bowmanvilie Beach, every parai in bis new field of duty ed budgets and help shortages arewsnerkn nbfoe cunatin e wast fed-sme frmr ta 5yrsara. h o see o men- floe closely. These men created a cash asset,whc Flsil O d ainlwork. and a known by most of the bino i an n iiaya- Rfrne a tasotto as been of exceptional value tatem ______Beachers. vancement still further inspired Problems and cansequent intro- FIFY EAS GOthe wili-to-be-there of wideiy- duction of ingeniaus ideas ta In many cases, it is their onlyase ________ 'r'AG separated comrades-in-arms. conserve materials desperateiy that has flot decreased in capital vle May 3, 1893 T.yrone Favorite week-end congregat- needed in production of war mu- Today, as then, there is an unuua _______I 'ing spots in cities are reading nitions also become the themes 4 , Rv. as.Phip o Lononson Peoie f th vilag wee Fcorners of Y.M.C.A., Legion, of interesting bunk-side confer- need ta build for the future. Moran of Wo. Philp ofadmus , latrvnl geatlesocfedthe lageofthe Knigbts of Columbus, or Salva- ences. Difficulties in obtaining more people own Confederation ie ofng iPlestinead usens tave- sude assîng dfta ear aid-etion Army establishmenta wbere fuel, one of the unpleasant ides of Policies. No other long term Sav g liginvesaccintadof Pa dSu- st cens, Jamf e ofuderîy d-weekly papers from everyone'a home hf e which many personal dayiteracutoPl un-aestm.Mony amerins Dudery home town are found. In temn letters omit, make many a sol- program provides greater stablt R O M A N T I Potypa: otyol age asi suual heaîth and had IVfMr.l flT every word dispelîs shadows of dier a bit more careful in easing and security. No.29, IO..F. ws dlyinsi-seera o hi fmil a hi hmeA I X ILBER and friendly iink stretching back îng up the hut stove for the night. BECAUSE sue knows that rich tuted iast Thursday by the Grand Sunday, among them being bis from the new phase of duty ta Sa the weekly editor, who - Bowanill Duy il maes Master, Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Bow- daughter, Mrs. Wmn. Bradd, Wes- thinga close ta the heart. And never forgeta, la one of the moat___Y d Bowmnvile airymil m manvîlie, Grand Sec'y. B Kin, tnJ.hoB.d Kingparoton, enwbo M rhadt rspentc ipartghtof tetheaihGeneralspndMerchantbac youngsters healthy, happy and Toronto, Grand Senior Warden Easter week witb ber parents, but pronsaenen tougtof chth e- thu ecrespetels o bcka f d e at prety Flsse'smik l pre Blackaby, Gaît and D.D.G.M. bad just returned ta lher home tbing ls so eunthl do much tahothe e v er-activreliain tbe- J adsweet, full of health giv- Mr. Williamsons sore bas been report Mra. Dudley is in po n onin F FIETR lng vitamins - children love it fitted up for meetings. heaitb. evironm e ____of__home-_ because it niakes them strong! Locals: Trinity Church has a Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott, Mrs. Regular appeaorne afbomg e HADOtC TR flute, cornet, clarinet and basa Wmn. Macdonald and Willis Stew- botawn heacaeos ws te groltstE fi kl viol, in addition ta the argan, in art were in Toronto, Friday, ow- and frienda bave been a bit on the their choir and render pretty good ing ta Mr. Stewart'& ilînesa. Mr. aeessd nwiig munity. Tbcy are living on theLoi music.. . Mr. Sam Hoakin la fitting Stewart is in the General Hospi- Everyone Gets Full car, ele sd e n wrtng. ri iior:M.adMs .Okfrnfrel wndb . Eh P an o d iiiepcttahv it WMSChurch Serviceal.Allowance 0f Meat home neglected to mention that Burketon, at C. Petbick's. . . Mr. Orchard. tetm? Orde It oda Fro - unning indto ex es.ahaveMr. Chur .chrc SeayrienAunt Jenny was able ta pull and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Maple We are glad ta sec E. C. Ashton Willie: "Idn'knweaty C... Jhnson as ee ii wih ws i chrg oftheWomn'sSuges "Srether" tcShar-gtrouhfte teueni atackGrae, te ArhurWrihtCam aoun agin fte bi rcen lî- bt Ikno i is't ouro'coe pneumonia... James Hough, aged Missionary Society, assisted by the ment Ration Plus Un- again this winter. But someane Borden, Miss Marguerite Wrigbt, neas. yet!" 89, father of Dr. H. Hough, found- Mission Band. Mrs. Kennetb rationed Substitutes had been kind enougb ta remind St. Catharines, Mrs. F. Wright, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. "Are you sr? er of the Cobourg World, is dead. Werry, Bawmanviile, was the the editor, and bie didn't forget. Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa, Mrs. G. Yeo on the arrivai of a littie "Quite; 'caeIbaetbehm 100 Iba., Sl.60 ta $230; wheat, bus. ject, "The Church in Our Com- tion of approximately two pounda Youse0u1a1e n fths rgts..M.adMr.R a- We welcome Mrs. J. McGili yfuadIm lthm e. 57c ta 67c; rye, 50c; oats, 30c; munity". She stressed the facta per persan, applies ta every clasasauls wbo make themacîves an den and little Patsy, Oshawa, Mrs. back ta aur village. Eigbt distillre r xetdt bariey 25e ta 42c; buckwheat, 42c; that tbe Cburcb shauld cuitivate in Canada and cavera every age aunt ta everyane,' 'this reader ex- Beatty, Lindsay, at Mrs. Wmn. aiypeas, 55c ta 70c; butter, lb. 15c; Christian homes, heip ta provide graup fram the cradle ta the plained to a newly-found pal in Oke's. . . F. Pcthick's, Toronto, Master Clifford Barton, Ennis- be in aperato nBrzlnx PHONE 446 potatoes, bus. 45c; hay, ton S7.00. education, extend the band of on nutrition, which was consulted sec the sweli socksaekiafrPtik'. .Ms ehTea ll ira. . aerlt Ester 4,000,000 alns fmtr oo Maple Grave: Mr. T. Kirk'pat- friendsbip ta ah and provide before the rationing plan was fin- ld ta hm. ts uel i e l CAoms. adMEian le rartndwih trm andcabtenw rick bas regained bis pug dog, healtby, wbolesome recreation. aîized, waa unanimously of the ta know sbe's back on bier feet We w io mcM. n Ms and faiyt orci-uhmsnl, Osar. ad ia.A aperiacas.vte oreo the chair. Mrs. Gardon Brent's ing" of meat, on thItiedafmaesyourehie of ___oc-__ soo "al orRie Lr",b uptonws neesay rmthe thinga we have ta fîght for ingogral yoar ite od Te uain af unutsrition when you tbink about what these Chu rh was apprpriately der the viewpointofntio. ladies are doing," the other addcd atehfrhe cas pri. ydeor Two pounda of meat, plus cus- by way of agreement. "Our paper Mr.d f rsth .oLesonMor adtamary amounts of milk, eggs, juat mentioned today about a Jh whMr. and Mrs. Thn ooead cheese, fish and poultry gives woman next door drumming up DohnwLakrfîe d .Te. mare protein from animal sources a new group toa end razor blades PetLefer nal, ilbokw ta satiafy nutritional recjuirementa ta army chapa. She's doing sa Billy and Donald Dudley. than is required for a persan of much Red Cross and Sunday ' Mrqn r.Wm rd n any occupation and no extra ra- achool work now, you'd wonder ' * grandson, Billie Bradd, at Mrs. tions of meat are necessary ta how she would find time for any- James Dudley's. kecp Canadians hcalthy, accord- tbing cisc." Mr. and Mrs. Raipb Davis and ing ta the commnittee's reports. "Take a look at this while I Patricia, Solina, Miss Dorcen Cur- Consumrption of meat must be stoke up the stove," invited a third tis, Glen Hoskin, Oshawa, Mr. and cut but there are many "ot-the- lad in the upper bunk as bie ex- W Mrs. Marwoad Heard, Elgin and ration" meata which may be used tcnded that week's copy of wbat Eleanor, Enniakillen, werc Sun- to extend meat menus in homes hie considered Ontario's brightest da usso r n r.Lreacroas the Dominion, journal. "We'vc got a bumdinger I Hoskin.Fîsh and pauitry are not ra- of a minister in aur church at Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Moffat and tioned, nor are the "fancy" meats home wha realiy stirs up a guy's family at Leon Maore's, Shirley sucb as liver, kidney and any cuts ambition," lie expiaincd. "Eacb TONIGHT? MAYBE ! returning home with bier parents, with more than haîf banc content. week aur paper prints sometbing having spent a few days with ber Wbetber thcy dig ditches, build like this about bis sermon the- Tonight... after you have turned of f the aunt, Mrs. Moore. tanks, or it at a desk all day, the Sunday before. It's almsat like Miss Doris Hcasiip, Toronto, la proposed meat ration of appraxi- beîng at church back home for a radio and put out the cat . . . can you go a student teacher at the achool mately two pounda a week is mare few minutes rcading it." comortbl felig tatthis week. than enough ta keep Canadians "This la my nine-year-ald lad ta bed with the cmotbefeigta LAC Alden Hoar bas been healthy, in the opinion of the bere," still anather announccd granted a month's leave of ab- country's ieading nutrition ex- praudly, pointing ta a namne at the your property isprotected by Burglary sence taassiat bis father with the perts. top________ofee b a bsch naepothe fronLat spring work. _____________naieontheron Insurance? Mr. and Mrs. Russel Virtue with page for being frat in a Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Down, Sat- ]Burketon morning salvage drive," hie boast- urday, Billie returning ta bis ___ d. "And here in this Scout cal- home with them. umn la the namne of a next-door We exend yrpathy ta Mrs. Vîsitors: Mrs. S. T. Ferguscen, youngster whoae dad juat reached Charles Bgelow in the dcatb of Blackstack, Mrs. Gea. Stinsan, England iast month. 1'il stick this INSURANCE AGENTS 1o P. Hayward, Ajax, spent a anOk s.E . Adams witb Mrs R. printcd from other soldiers all couple days with Mrs. Hayward Oe Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. over that l'in going ta stick in the Phone 68SA 1 Bowmanville and family. Adams, Mrs. L. Patterson, at Osh- Mrs Wllac Millr ba r -..... H. rickAd rs Tesir samne envelope. Juat before lie Mae ue ha ou fmlyishars Wve ndchlre. hy hoe.xteon amongath s eeaged 1 f N A C f wislyfe! Sndfo yur RE Tcyby record file showing that defec- T i copy of "Eat-to-Work-to-Win" Tbey have strange dreama. They in industrial occupations bath in TH Etoda! Lern te eay wa tahunger for bappinesa. Tbey all Canada and in United States is Y P TH oa er h aywyt have names and faces. Tbey are in the ncighbourbaod of 50 per W meals both healthful and delicîous! not same cross section of abstract cent. From this la alsa found the human stuff. Tbcy arc in the extent of accidents due ta de- ______________________________ round and alive. Everything fective vision. These are but the TRle INDUS~ Sponsored by *cames out of themn. And because resulta of aurvcys madle for the 0 ON ~ TH BRWIG IDUTRY(OTARO *araettoal ta Ntrietin SEvices, Der:mu-Wn o they are reai buman beinga, thcy purpose of arriving at facts from 'AtRIO jin teitres of nutrition and health Pensions and National Haltk, Ottawa, for atabepadbebleteeanwibsm enso lmnto ie" as au aid ta Victory. Canadian N: rition Programmeu. love and be loved. may be resorted ta, HEI * s ECTIC POWE C MM SON £ 4,01