PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY l3th, 1943 Blackstock One lhundred and forty attended the United Churchi Sunday School, Suiiday imorning in honour of "Mother's Day". Those taking part on the program were 'The Intermediate Boys Class". The Primary Department', Misses Helen VanCamp. Hazel Wright, Kathleen Taylor and Mrs. Frank Stinson. Miss Gwenyth Malow told the stomy and Dr. Bowîes, who viit our Sunday School once a yeam, gave a most interesting taÏk. In cdninection with the Mother's Day service taken by Rev. D. M. Stinson on Sunday night. fouir babies were Baptized: Robert James. sort of Mm. ai-d Mrs. Gor- don Strong; Jack Laurence, son of Mm. and Mrs. Harold Swain; Larry Johin. son of Mr. and Mrs. ROYAL THEATRE- BOWMANVI LLE y - - - - - - - - Thurs., Fri., Sat., MAY 13, 14, 15 Double Feature BUTCH MINDS THE BABY lVithl RODERICK CRAWFORD and VIRGINIA BRUCE On same bill THE FALCON'S BROTHER Featuring GEORGE SANDERS TOM CONWAY JANE RANDOLPH -SHORT- M on.-Tues.-Wed. MAY 17, 18, 19 MAJOR AND THE MINOR Starring GINGER ROGERS RAY MILLAND NEWS - SHORTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 Free Parking FRIDAY - SATURDAY May 14 - 15 HENRY FONDA MAUREEN OHARA In IMMORTAL SERGEANT With THOMAS MITCHELL ALLYN JOSLYN REGINALD GARDINER Blazing with emotion and furv ...THE FIRST GREAT STORY 0F A MAN IN LOVE ..AND IN IVAR. MONDAY - TUESDA«r May 17 - 18 Great Double Bill Program SIMONE SIMON and KENT TAYLOR In CAT PEOPLE Also JOURNEY INTO FEAR With ORSON WELLES' JOSEPH COTTEN and DOLORES DEL RIO. A thrilling program you wil want to see MAY 19, 22 - FOUR DAYS - WE KNOW WHAT TO DO TO WOMEN WHO ARE NOT FIT TO BE NAZI MOTHERS SEE HITLER'S CHILDREN With TIM HOLT, BONITA GRAN- VILLE, KENT SMITH, OTTO KRUGER, H. B. WARNER The World's Greatest Story 0f Hate- BIRTHS MARR-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on May 7, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marr, a sister for Patsy. Mary Louise. 19-1 RICKARD - At Bowmanville Hospital. on Tuesday, May Il. 1943. to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet B. Rickard, a son, James Garnet. 19-1 DEATH-S LANE-In Bovwmanville. on May 6th, 1943. John Lane, in his 85th year. Interment Bowmianvillh Cemetery. HALLOWELL--In Bowmanville, May 101h, 1943, John Henry Hallowell, aged 87 years. In- terment Bowmanville Ceme- tery. STAPLES-At the residence of hem .son. J. B. E. Staples, 462 Oriole Parkway, May 6, 1943, Mary Louisa Staples. wife of the late William Staples and loving mother of Agatha, of San Francisco, and J. B. Elmo, of Toronto. Funemal wns held from the TruIl Funemal Home, Saturday. Interment Omono Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM NEEDHAM-In loving memory of our dear daughtem, Marjorie, who passcd away, May l4th, 1936. And while she lies in peaceful sleep Hem memory we shahl always keep. - Lovingly remembered by Mother, Dad and Bemnice. 19-1* ALLIN-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mms. Grace Allun. We have only your memomy, dear mother, To remember our whole life through, But the sweetness will linger forever As we treasume the image of you. - Ever remembered by hem daughters and son.. 19-1 TAYLOR-In loving memomy of a dear sister, Eleanor (Nellie) May Taylor, who passed away, May 12, 1942. Your last pamting wish We would like to have heard, And breathed in your car Our last patîng word. Only those who have lost Are able to tell The pain in the heart At not saying farewell. -Sadîy misscd by Marvin and Alida. 19-1l Bruce Ashton, and Eleanor Eliz- abeth. daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Bill Drew. Annual meeting of the Vic- toian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mms. W. Hoskin, May 6th, with an attendance of 15 members and two visitors. Mrs. A1. L. Bailey presided for the meet- ing.0 The Bible lesson was ead by Mrs. Hoskin. A short silence was observcd in loving memory of Mrs. John Wright, one of the old- est members who has lately gone to hem well-eamned est. Roll caîl was answered with soniething interesting about the work and historv of the W.I. and by paying annual fees. Mrs. O. Graham's group w-as in charge of the programn. Mrs. T. Smith gave SUMMER SHEERS COTIONS For Ail Occasions Wide Selection HOSIERY TOWN SHOP JEAN WILLIIAMS MRS. A. M. WILLIAMS *1'. ALWAYS LOWEST DRUG PRUCES BARE LEGS WITHOUT Lipstlck --------------------- 65e tAPOLOGIES Florists' Box with polsh t With Ardena Velva Leg and Lipstick in plastic Filimcase ---------------.15 Sun Beige, Sun Bronze, 4 oz.-- -- $1.00 Dagett and Ramsdell's Duration Leg Do -- 49e - SPECIAL OFFERS - No Hoz -- ----- .--65e Silk Like .-- 15e, 25e Perfect Cleansing or Cold Bevlon Mrs. Miniver Rose Cream, reg. 97c for --- 79e Nail Poiish ---------- 50e Skia Tonie, reg. 85e for 59e - EVERYTHING1 Mennell's Baby 011 --------- - 59c, $1.19 Dextri Maltose ----- 65e Pablum ----- --- -- 45e j. & J. Talcum ----28e, 55e Oleum percomorph 75c, $3 FOR BABY - Z.B.T. Talcum 28c, Castoria - - 33c, Hciiiz Soups- 3 for Babys Own Tabiets Normans Teethlng Necklaces ----- ------ Teething Rings The Rexaîl Drug Store Wheu we test eyes it is done properl7 C.N.R. Ticket Agency ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Enfield, wishi to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Velma Jean, to Donald Edward Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, of Oshawa. The wedding to take place early in June. 19-1 Mrs. F. A. Foster announices the engagement of her only daughter, Dr. Doris Claudia, to Mr. Fred A. Tremeer, of St. Catharines, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tremeer, of Midland and Montreal. The marriage will bc solemnized at Norwood Place, Manvers Road, on Saturday, May 22nd, 1943, with Rev. J. E. Griffith officiating. 19-1 COMINO EVENTS Old time Dance in Newtonvill Community Hall, Monday, Mai 217. Barcîay's orchestra. Admis sion 35c; refreshments sold. 19-: 1 Ahl Oddfellows are requested t( 1meet at the Lodgc Rooms, Sunday fMay 16, at 10:30 a.m., for Churhi 1Parade to Trinity United Chumch 19-1 Piano mecital by the pupils ni Vera McGiIl Ferguson at thE Town Hall, Bowmanville, Friday, May 14, at 8.15 p.m. Admission 25c, 15c. Pmoceeds for Red Cross. 18-2 The Girls' War Service Club is sponsoring a card pamty, cuchre and five hundred, to be held in the Council Room on Monday, May 3Ist. Draw for the quilt will be made. 19-3 The Annual Meeting of The Children's Aid Society of North- umberland and Durham will be held Tuesday, May 25th, at 8:00 p.m., in Society's office, 12 John St., Port Hope. You are cordially inviteci. 19-1 A Dance under the auspices of the Newcastle Basebaîl Club wiîl be held in the Community Hall, Newcastle, on Friday, May 28th. Russ Cmeighton and his Variety Band in attendance. Dancing starts 9 p.m. AIl pmoceeds to our boys overseas. Admission 50c each. 19-3 In Newcastle United Church S.S. Hall, on Friday evening, May 2lst, a musical program and an address by Captain L. M. God- dard, Grafton, for 29 years in the Royal Navy. Admission 25c. Pro- gram is under auspices of Mrs. Pemcy Brown's Group of the Wo- man's Association. Thank-Offering of Nestîcton Pmesbytemian Chumch, Sunday, May 16. Services at il a.m. and 7p.m.. conducted by the pastor, Rev. Peter Jamieson. Special music at both services. Monday, May 17, an illustrated travelogue "Across Canada". intemspcersed with musical numbers, at 8 pm Admission 25c and 15c. 19* Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Euica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- ce s s o res. Telephone our ~C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware.* AUCTION SALES There will be sold by public auction in the yard at the rear of W. J. Challis, Cities Service Garage, a complete household of furniture including pieces for liv- ing room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen, also some dishes. Sale at 1.30 p.m., Satumday, May lSth, 1943. Terms: Cash. Wm. J. Challis. auctioneer. 18-2 The undersigned has received instructions fmom Mm. Victor Jef- frey to scîl by public auction, a complete household of fumniture, including two Quebec heaters, a cook stove, coal oil stove, sewing machine, piano, beds and mat- tresses, parlor suite, ocking chairs, dining oomn chairs, kitch- en fumniture, two sofa-beds, side- board, two writing desks, odd tables and chairs, dressers, wash- ing machine, electmic plates, kitch- en utensi#s, cushions, oul cloth,' grindstone, and many other ar- ticles. Sale at corneg- of Dukean Nelson Sts.. Bowmanville, Str day, May 22, 1943, at 1:30 p.m. Terms: Cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer, T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 19-2 a splendid paper on the origin of the Women's Institute and its histomy since its formation 45 years agor. Mrs. J. Carter gave a reading "Faith in Canada". A number from heme attendcd the funeral of Mrs. John Brad- oBurn in Cavan, Sunday. Arch- deacon Simpson conducted the service. Sympathy is extended to the family of Gco. Hooey, who passed away, May 7. Visitors: Roger Dormell, R.C. A.F., with his parents. .. Donald Clarke, R.C.A.F., with Mm. and Mms. Jos. Forder. . . Neil Johns- ton, R.C.A.F., with his parents... Mr. and Mms. Bill Moffatt and family, Winnipeg, with Mm. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey. .. Misses Kath- leen Taylom, Marion Hill, Janet Swain, Ruth Marlow and Gwen- yth Malow at their homes... Mm. and Mrs. Russell Willan and family, Toronto, with Mms. Wm. Steele. .. Mm. and Mrs. O. V. Car- ley, Cavan, with Mrs. C. Marlow ...Mm. and Mms Laverne Chap- man with Mm. and Mrs. R. Hoop- cm. Salem Young People pesented their play "Covemalîs" in the com- munity hall, May 7, under the auspices of the A.Y.P.A. HAMPTON Mrs. Myrtie Taylor, Toronto, spent Mother's Day at home. Gnr. Ros.9 Trenouth, Barrie-1 Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e Per Ue for verse. Ciassifled adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. For Rent FOR RENT-ABOUT 11/2 ACRES garden land in good condition, already ploughed. Apply Robt. Colville, Liberty St. N., Bow- manville, phone 538. 19-1 FOR RENT - SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE with garden, on No. 2 Highway, between Maple Grove and Courtice. Possession at once. Apply Misses Hamnden, Maple Grove.19* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-SIDEBOARD, phone Bowmanville 2341. 19-1 FOR SALE-1930 CHEVROLET COACH in good condition.j Phone 2571. 19-1j FOR SALE - METAL 10E RE- FRIGERATOR. Apply to Mms. Nellie I. Palmer, Centre Street, Bowmanville. 19-1* FOR SALE - ICE REFRIGERA- TOR in perfect condition. Apply H. Creeper, Horsey Street, phone 628. 19-1 FOR SALE- EXTENSION TABLE, large cupboard, scrcen door. Apply Mrs. Ervine Fos- ter, Church St., W., Bowman- ville 19. 1* FOR SALE - USED SEWING MACHINES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., 16 Ontario St., Osh- awa, phone 696, or Bowman-j ville 2694. 19-2*1 FOR SALE - SQUARE PIANO, sectional oak book case, grey enamelled bedroom suite and walnut bedmoom suite, dining room table. Apply Mrs. Gerry, Queen St., phone 527. 19-1 FOR SALE - OAK DINING SUITE, bcd complete, dresser, library table and Victrola; al in good condition. Apply Henry Lathrope, Liberty St., Bowman- ville, phone 2343. 19-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- yawa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simc3e St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - SUBSCe[PTIONS to The Statesman. For $2 we will send The Statesman to any addmess in Canada for a year and for $2.50 to any address in the United States for a yeam. Special rate for the men and women in the services is $1.50 a year. Postal egulations state that no papers may be sent overseas now unless they are sent direct fmom the newspaper office by subsciption. 18-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-2 DURHAM COWS, just freshened. Apply Robert Martin, Newcastle. 19-1* FOR SALE-9 PIGS, Yorkshire, six weeks old. Apply W. Lycett, Maple Grove, phone 2382. 19-1* FOR SALE-10 PIGS six weeks old. Apply John Liptay, Lot 15, Con. 5, one mile east of Hampton. 19-1* FOR SALE - PERCHERON TEAM, 3 and 6 years old. Ap- ply R. G. Moffatt, Omono, phone 84r7. 19-1* FOR SALE-S SUCKING PIGS, 6 weeks old, 3 shoats, 1 sow, due first of next month and old style stove. Apply E d g a r Wright, Enniskillen. 19-1* FOR SALE-USED SPREADER in good working condition. Cheap. Apply W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone Bowman- ville 2610. 19-1 FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Premier and Senator Dunlop. Thos. Buttery, Scugog St., Bowmanvillc, phone 2190. 19-1 FOR SALE - SEED DRILL, Massey-Harris, 15-hoe, in good condition; also garden pîow, 1-horse. Apply W. S. Staples, Massey-Hamris Dealer, Bow- manville. 19-1 SALT FOR SALE - We are planning on omdeming a car of Windsor Salt and any who are interested in taking some off the car please give us your order by Monday, May l7th. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 19-1 FOR SALE-HARROWS, 3-sec- tion, heavy spring-tooth har- rows, neamly new; seed dm111; McCormick - Deering spming- tooth cultivator, also general purpose filly, two yeams old. If in need of new machinery', cal W. R. Greenaway, Hampton, your Cockshutt Dealer. 19-1 f ield; Mrs. Ross Tmenouth, Miss Madeline Metcalf, Bruce Steven- son, Oshawa; Mm. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and Ross, Base Line, weme home on Mothem's Day. H. O. Frise, Port Pemry, visited F. J. Groat. Help Wanted WANTED - CHEERFUL COM- PANION to assist elderly wo- man. Permanent home in re- turn for light duties; between Oshawa and Bowmanville on Highway No. 2. Private bed- room, furnished or unfurnished. Baker, grocer, milkman cail. Around June first. For further particulars write Box 195, The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 18-2* FOR RENT - APARTMENT, à rooms, aIl modern conveniences, oil burner, garage and garden; also cottage at Lake. Available June Ist. Apply Mrs. Archie Tait.* FOR.RENT - 3% ACRES good land including 26 bearing apple trees mostly spies. Hen houses for three hundred hens. Pos- session immediately. A p ply Jamieson's Tire Shop. 118-2* Spring Cultivating CUSTOM CULTIVATING with new cultivator, also tiller. Ap- ply F. W. Werry, Enniskillen, phone 2539. 19-1* Spring tooth cultivating, disc- ing and ploughing done. Phone 2186, Bowmanville any time ex- cept between sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. H. Chamber- lain, Enfield. 17-tf Wanted To Buy WANTED-CHILD'S TRICYCLE in good condition. Phone Bow- manville 619. 18-2 WANTED TO BUY-BICYCLE, preferably girl's. Phone 663 or write Box 900, The Statesman. WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, electric or treadle. Sing- em Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf WANTED TO BUY - HORSE COLLAR, 20". Haîf sweeny prefemred. Apply W. Luke Buttery, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2638. 19-1 FEATHERS WANTED-Feathers, feather beds of all descriptions, highest prices paid. For partic- ulars write to Queen. City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St. To- ronto. 19-4 Basby Chicks TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddîe High Quality Chicks now at Stewamt's Seed Store and get youm Caf eteria Chick Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this year for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STOIRE Phone 577 9-tf P&Ç or PEARL SOAP 4 Barsi 9C TOILET SOUFS Lux-Palmolive-Camay 3 Cakes 19C OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ,2Tins -1 9 NOTICE RENTALS ADMINISTRATOR'S DESIGNATION TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the powers vested in me by Or- der No. 108 of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board, I do hercby des- ignate and, direct that from and after the 15th day of May, 1943, the filing place of aIl applications for variations or fixations of max- imum rentaIs for -commercial or housing accommodation, situatcd in the Townships of Clark, Dar- lington and Cartwright; the Town of Bowmanville, and the Village of Newcastle, ahl in the County of Durham, shaîl be the local of- fice of The Wartîme Prices and Trade Board, 65 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario. The said office of The Wartimc Prices and Trade Board is desig- nated in lieu of the office of the Clerk of the County Court for the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. DATED at Toronto, this lst day of May, 1943. J. W. RANSTIS Deputy Rentals Administrator Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of' the powems of sale contained in a certain mortgage which wilî be pmoduccd at the time of sale, there will be off ered for sale by Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer, at public auc- tion, on Thursday, the 3rd day of June, 1943, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the farm of David A. Crozier, R.R. 2, Nestle- ton, Ontario, the following prop- erty namely: all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, Iying and being in the township of Cartwright in the County of Dur- ham and being composed of FIRSTLY the east haîf of Lot 12 in the 5th Concession of the said township and SECONDLY the south 70 acres of the east haîf of Lot 12 in the 6th Concession of the said township, containing in all 170 acres, more or less, which property is more particulamly de- scribed in mortgage No. 6344 to the Agmicultural Development Board. On the said farm there is said to be erectcd a dwelîing house with suitable farm build- ings. The lands will be sold sub- ject to a reserve bid. Terms of sale 25 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with in- terest at 4 per cent per annum. For furthem particulars; and con- ditions of sale apply to The Commissioner of Agmicultural Loans, East Block, Parliament Buildings. Toronto, Ontario. Dated at Toronto this Sth day of May, 1943. 19-3 Seed For Sale FOR SALE - POTATOES, certi- fied seed. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577. 19-1 Lost LOST - WATCH, "Lady May", valued as a keepsake from a boy on active service overseas. Reward if found and returned to Pte. F. Calver, Duke St., Bowmanville. 19-1* Salesmen Wanted NEED EXTRA CASH?-You can get it by devoting your spare time to distributing Watkins farm and household necessities to steady customers. If you're enterpmising, honest and de- pendable and have your own means of transportation, wc have a proposition to intercst you. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-B-9, Mont- real, Que. 18-19-20 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-TWO HOUSES, will scîl or trade for farm suitable for pasture. Apply L. Hancock, R.R. 2, Oshawa, (Bell Phone). 19-1* HOUSE FOR SALE - 5-ROOM BRICK house, 3-piece bath, fumnace, ail in good condition. Immediate possession. Apply J. H. Alldmead, phone 496. 18-2* FOR SALE-SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 1-2 acre of garden, garage, hot watcr heatcd, wired for electmic stove. Will scîl on easy terms. Possession any time. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, phone 379. 19-1* NEILSON'S JERSEY COCQA 1½-1b. Tin lOC SWIFT'S JEWEL BRAND SHORTENINN ilb. Carton 19C ONTARIO HAND-PICKED WRITE DEANS 4s.lOc FINE OR COARSE ]ROLLED QATS 4 Ibs. 19e DOMINO KITCHEN.-TESTED BAKINO POWDERTinlOc Notice To Dog Owners AIl persons owning or harbor- ing a dog are required to secure a license for same flot later than the 29th day of May, nexl. After the above date, prosecution for failure to hold a license may be instituted, without further notice, under By-law governing the keep- ing or harbouring of dogs. F. PATTINSON, Tax Collector. Town Hall, Bowmanville May 6, 1943. 18-1 Doctor's Office Rours Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 ecc~. Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tue~ Thursday and Saturday ONL. Patients will be seen at other hours by appointmcnt. In case of an emergency, if their own doctor is flot available, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hospital. 9-tf NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. --Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handiee h here. G.F. JAMESON TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office SOUP MIX-McLAREN'S SOUFIS oN 2 Pkgs. 19C CLARK'S TOMATO JIJICE Giant 48-ox. Tin 1 9c HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS AS5ORTED VABIPTIL S 2 Tins 1 9c S-.T------E-S-.L.1 M 1-y- EJD 'I ~ STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS For Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds, etc. BULK GARDEN SEEDS - MORE AND BETTER SEED FOR YOUR MONEY - Lettuce, Radish, Carrots, Beets, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Onlons, Parsnips, Cueumbers, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Turnip, Parsley, Herbs, Squash, Pumpjcin, Melons, Peas, Beans, Corn, etc., Duteh Set Onions, Multiplier Onions, Seed Potatoes, Fertilizers, and hundreds of varieties of Flower Seeds. PHONE 577 BOWMANVIILLE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES ACCORDINO TO SUPPLY AVAILABLE 1 jury (& Loveli Phone 778 - 1 . .1 - - - - - -- -.111--- qqqpýll - 1 - 1 - 1 . 1 . mmmfflý ---------- PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1943 [y ,h le a, y L'il