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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1943, p. 1

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rn .tat.ateeiman With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 89 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY l3th, 1943 1H 3 DAYS DOWMA Rev. Norman A. MacLeod, D.D. .Moderator of the General As- sembly of The Presbyterîan Church in Canada, who will be the special speaker at the evening service when St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church bolds annivers- ary services oYi Sunday, May 14. Rev. William McRoberts, of enox Presbyberian Church, Oshawa, who will exchange pulpits with Rev. W. G. Blake, will take the morning services. NOW A MINISTER Thomas Mitchell Dusian Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dus- tan, Concession Street, Bowman- ville, who was ordained int the ministry of the Church of Eng- land at St. James Cathedral, To- ronto, Sunday morning by His Grace the Archbishop of Toronto and Primate of Canada. He is the first from St. John's Church, Bowmanville, ta enter the minis- try since the inception of the church in 1825. CBC N EWS CHIEF D. C. MeArthur j'bjctv presentation of bbc nîews is bbc kcynobe of bbc CBC National News Service wbicb was inaugurated January, 1941. Sup- ervising this important wartimc service of bbc CBC is a Toronto ncwspapcrman and former public relations specialist, D. C. Mc- Arthur. The CBC news chief bas reccntly complcbed a tour of bbc nctwork ncws bureaux at Van- couver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Mont- real and Halifax, wbcre staffs trained in bbc preparation 0f bbc news for broadcast presentation are on duty to provide bbc sum- maries of cach day's significant happenings, at home and abroad. Dave McArthur is a son of bbc late Peter McArthur, who con- tributcd to bbc Toronto Globe for many years. VILLE HAS S1OO694OO TO y The order of worsbip prepared by bbc Ontario Religlous Educa- t ion Council was followed at a joint service of church and Sun- day scbool at bbc United Cburch, Mother's Day. Rev. R. E. Mor- ton and Chas. Glenney, S.S. Supt., joinbly conducbed bbc service, witb bbc pupils and their beachers occupying rcscrvcd scats at bbc front. The choir, witb Mrs. E. C. Fisher at bbc organ, led in bbc singing and Mrs. J. T. Brown con- tribubed a vocal solo. A sbory, "A Happy Famiiy", was bold by Miss Marie Allin. Ib was bbc story of David Livingsbone's home life with bis parents. Rev. R. E. Mor- ton delivercd a Motbcr's Day ser- mon from bbc two texts, "And evcry man wcnt unto bis own bouse", St. John 7:53, and "Jesus wcnb unto bbc Mount of Olives", St. John 8:1. It was a strong ser- mon on home life. There was also dedîcated at this Mobber's Day service, by Rev. R. E. Morton, a new Hymnary for bbc pulpit, don- ated by Mrs. W. J. Hockin, Mrs. Ed. Powell and A. O. Parker in memory of their mother, Mrs. Regina Parker, and a new pulpit Bible donatcd by Miss Almeda Coucb in mcmory 0f ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coucb. Among tbc lovely decorations werc a basket of carnations in memory of Mrs. Jno. Uglow, by Mns. C. R. Carvcth; a vase of carnations and snapdragons in mcmory of Mrs. Jno. Douglas, by ber family, and ferns in memory of Mrs. Chas.. Coulter, by Mrs. Wallace Holmes, and of Mrs. Thos. Couch, by Mrs. J. A. Awdc. Rev. R. E. Morton coninucd bbc theme of bbc need of a positive Cbristianity in bbc home, at bbc evcning service, and urged that bbc home co-operate more with bbechcurch in belping to form and mould Christian char- acter. Miss Helen Tait who bas been in bbc cmploy of bbc Arcade Store for bbc past ycar and a baîf, bas joined bbc Air Force and will bc tcmporarily staioned at Ottawa. Proclaim 24th 0f May As Civie Holiday Mayor R. 0. Jones bas issued a proclamation setting aside Vic- toria Day, May 24, as a civic holi- day for the Town of Bowmanville. This action was taken by Town Council at the request of the majority of the merchants and business people of Bowmanville who signed a petition requesting the proclaiming a holiday. We understand that this does not apply to the banks of Bow- manvîlle as they come under the government ruling, passed a while back, cancelling Victoria Day as a holiday. Bowmanville's action is in line with that taken by other towns such as Whitby and Brampton, and the city of Toronto in pro- claiming a holiday. Luthei Flood r N ichois Cc Waters Rai If Mrs. Luther Nichols, of Cala- bogie, a former resident of Bow- manville, sent us an adverbisc- ment "Ark wanted" to insert in The Statesman we wouldn't be in bbc lcast surprised. To our way of tbinking, one would nced an ark as an abode if conditions pre- vailing in Calabogie last week- end continucd any length of time. A clipping from bbc Ottawa Journal whicb Mns. Nichols sent along in an envelope reads: CALABOGIE, May 6: (Special) -Calabogie and district is exper- icncing one 0f bbc worst floods in many years. The village is entircly isolatcd. Traffic from bbc country on every road is complcbely eut off. Bridges lcading bo bbc village from Renfrew and Black Donald arc submerged. The main street in part, and bbc road lcading to bbc stabion, and in the vicinity of bbc Tele- Reeve C. Carveth Becomes Member Local Rotary Club Reeve C. R. Carveth, of New- castle, was received inta the membership of Bowmanvilie Ro-' tary Club at the luncheon meet- ing Friday noon at the Balmoral. jRotarian Geo. Chase welcomed the new member and presented the Code of Ethics to hlm. Past President Dave Morrison present- ed the membership badge to hlm with the injunction to wear it "brother because it will cost you a dime every tîme you don't". Ini. adding a word of welcome, Pres- ident Dippeli spoke of the new Rotarian as "known in Newcastle as the man who does things". A sing-song led by Rotarian Geo. Chase with Rotarian Dave Morrison at the piano was en- j oyed. Rotarian W. Ross Strike led a discussion on the subject of min- orities. Taking part were Rotar- ians Dave Morrison, Ross Stutt, Richard Morton, J. Forbes Hey- land. Several other members added comments. A statement of interest made by Rotarian Strike was "the Anglo Saxon majority in this country inside of five years will be the minority unless something is done". Speaking of the differencé be- tween education in Canada and the United States, Rotarian Hey- land said: "There bas been a lot of laxness in the control of schools in Canada. We have separate and public schools with an edu- cational system for every pro- View Girl And Boy Cadets At Inspection At Dowmanville Judge Don Ferguson Best Cadet Presenting one of the finest ex- hibitions of precision drilling and Scouts Pay Tribute physical training in the history Bill Colvile's Memory of the school, Bowmanville High School Cadet Corps paraded Mon- Tribute was paid to the memory day morning for the annual in- of Fit. Sergt. William Freeborne spection. (Bill) Colville, Sunday morning, Officially inspected by Captain at Trinity United Church. Holmes, cadet officer for MD. 3 The 2nd Bowmanville Troop the 109 girls and 70 boys 'of the Boy Scouts of which the deceased corps presented a two-hour dis- was Scout Master at the time of play at the school grounds before his enlistment, marched in a body parading through the main streets to the church for the service con- of the town. ducted by Rev. J. E. Griffith. A Captain Holmes, as representa-miues ilnews berd tive of M.D. 3, took the official inuesslnewsosr salute, and Col. L. T. McLaughlin with the congregation seated and tookthesalue a th marh pst.the Scouts standing in a body. toontesaluteadthe m archpat. In his sermon Mr. Griffith told Unde comand f Caet-the story of Hannah and her son Major Scott Densem, the boys Samuel. It was very fitting for were commended fer their fine the occasion as the congregation showing, and gave an exhibition was able to draw the comparison of foot drill and signalling. The between Hannah giving her son girls, under command of Cadet- to the church and Mrs. Colville Captain Margaret Rowe, featured giving ber son to her country. physical training in their display. At the close of the church ser- Led by a 15-piece bugle bandvcthSousmredote the arae poceeed romthecenotaph where Rev. J. E. Grif- grounds, down Queen Street to fith conducted a short service. Ontario, along King to Temper- Scout Jack Samis laid the Scout ance Street, up Temperance to wreath and Don Venton laid Mrs. Wellington, along Wellington to Colville's wreath. A spray from Silver, down Silver to King, along friends in Victoria, B.C., was also King to Division and down Divis- placed at the cenotaph. ion to the school grounds. T he Mrs. Coliv iille's two sons, boys wore regular khaki cadet PO Alex Colville and LAC Sandy uniforms, while the girls wore Colville were unable to be present white tunics, dark skirts, and blue as the former is overseas and the wedge hats. Two platoons of boys latter is completing his course at and three platoons of girls taok Ottawa. part in the parade. Captain Holmes present.ed the Board of Education prize of two dollars for the best-dressed cadet Air Let 0Ont 0f Tire to Don Ferguson. Medals for C a marksmanship were presented by Cage Us Sabotage Col. L. T. McLaughlin and were won by Howard Sturrock, senior Identified by T. A. Garton, medal; John Rutter, senior run- Bowmanville bus operator, as a ner-up; Junior Ross, junior win- former employee, Donald F. ner; Richard Bowles, junior run- Bue lreS. saa a fier-up. Bue lreS. saa a In preparation for the officiai remanded for one week in Whitby inspection, the combined corps police court Tuesday, charged went through severai weeks of wîth sabotage under the Defence rgdtraining conducted by Miss of Canada Regulations. M. Moore and Beverley Goulding, Pieading not guilty, Bruce physical înstructress and physicai denied tampering with the tires instructor, of the high school on the bus, after two defence teaching staff. workers had toid the court that Speaking to the cadets at the on the night in question they were conclusion of the display, Captain passing the parked bus, when they Holmes was loud in his praises. heard a hissing sound similar to Great improvement, he said, was that of escaping air. Turning, shown over last year, and he paid they saw a man crouched by the special trîbute to the platoon of rear wheel of the bus and when signallers as one of the best in the they approached to investigate, military district. he moved away and entered a car It was the first officiai appear- parked nearby. ince of the girls of the school at Bruce told court that he had the inspection and the only criti- merely ducked behind the bus to cism Captain Holmes had to offer escape being seen by an acquaint- was that their brass buttons might ance. It was in order that Bruce have been shined a little more. He could bring witnesses into court ,redicted that the boys would to substantiate bis story, that hiave to work hard in the future Magistrate Ebbs allowed a week's to keep ahead of them.I remand. Dedication Features Newcastle t UnitedMother's Day Service 1 Boys' Confession Clears Up Sunday ShootingMAystery The mysterious "shooting" of two young Bowmanville boys Sunday was solved Monday morn- ing when Chief Sid Venton oh- tained a "confession" from the lads that they were "playing with a bullet they found". Victor Moore, 11, and Arthur Rowe, 8, who live witb Mrs. Charles Morris, Queen Street, in company with two Potter boys were playing in "the flats" Sun- day morning. The Moore and Rowe boys were shot in the legs, but how they were shot was a mystery. Several persons beard the explosion of a bullet but no one could be locat- ed who saw anything. The four boys disclaimed ahl knowledge of how it happened and stuck to their story "they were shot". The accident necessitated the removal of young Moore and Rowe to Bowmanville General Hospital Where splinters of rock and sheli casing were removed from their legs. They were ai- iowed to return to their home later in the day. Police at that time held the theory that someone had been using a high-powered rifle in the vicinity, perbaps some distance away, or that someone at a dis- tance had aimed at the stone, not realizing the cbildren were 50 close. After a conference with the boys involved, Monday morning, RAISE Manvers Maintains Lead With 87 Per Cent Town Lags With Jûsi Over Haif Subscrihed Special Names Objective Nearly Reached Christen 12 Sunday At Trinity United A feature of the Mother's Day service at Trinity United Church Sunday morning was the baptism of three children and nine infants. The parents entered from the east door while the choir sang softly "When Motners of Salem", and stood with their babies at the front of the church. They were followed by the three children and Mrs. Ray Dilling, superintendent of the Baby Band. Rev. J. E. Griffith conducted the cere- monies. The three children were Rex. James Grant, Elizabeth Ada Grant, and Robert Donald Grant, of Bowmanville. The infants were Herbert Larry Jamieson and Gladys Larrane Jamieson, Ken- neth David Park, Wayne Rand- olph Wolfrain, Marian Margaret Rose McReelis, Frank Robert Ernest Passant Henry, Montague James Emmerson, Audrey Pearl Spicer, ail of Bowmanville, and John LeRoy Virtue, of Tyrone. Over-Subecribe Quota The staff of No. 30 Internment Camp, Bowmanville, bas over- subscribed its Fourth Victory Hope Township Port Hope Bowman ville Darlington Cavan ---- - Clarke Cartwright Man vers ----- Durham County Special Names Objective $ 105,000 460,000 260,000 110,000 110,000 230,000 70,000 55,000 $1,400,000 250,000 Special To Statesman Tuesday's Loan results, $64,-s 399,950, making cumulative total,c $885,302,350, the cumulative total compares with $661,281,700 in pre- t ceding drive. G. W. Spinney,d Chairman National War Finance r Coimmittee made urgent appeal$ particularly in regard to the $500,-6 000,000 asked frorn general cn vass and payroll savings. Re-P ceipts now under these heads aree about $100,000,000 short. C CAMPBELL CARROLL, Dominion Public Relations Sectiona Amount to date $ 68,100 291,550 153,600 86,500 79,200 138,000 39,250 47,450 $ 903,650 226,700 >The County Organizer, C. W. McBride, told us if we couid con- jure any story out of this gloorny situation to 'go ta it'. He just couldn't think of a thing: We admit it doesn't look any too good. Up until 2 p.m. yester- day afternoon Bowmanville had raised 59 per cent of its quota of $260,000 which amounts ta $153,- 600. This means that between 2ý p.m. Wednesday and Saturday evening when the boan officially closes the town bas ta corne across with $106,400. Now $ 106,400 is a lot of money and it is a lot of money to raise in three days. Can it be done? Wcll, it must be done. We can neyer let it be said that Bowman- ville failed in the Fourth Victory Loan. Every person who has bought a bond should think the matter over carefully and if possible buy an- other. If you boughb one with cash, perhaps you can buy one on the instalment plan now. The down paymenb on a $100 bond is $10 and on a $50 bond is $5. Pay- ments due on the firsb day of each 0f the ncxt five months are $18 for the $100 bond and $9 for the $50 bond. If you baven't bought a bond and can possibly do it, it is your cluty to do so. Manvers Township took the [ead at the opening 0f the cam- paign and bas held it to date. Lat- est figures showed that $47,450 of the $55,000 obj ective had been raised or the equivalent 0f 86 per cent. Darlington Township is in sec- ond place wibb 79 per cent 0f its objective subscribed. Cavan is % of Objectivé -65 63 59 79 72 60 56 86 65 90 SSu nday School ry Services St. Paul's United Sunday School held its anniversary services Sun- day morning and evening in the church auditorium. Guest speaker was Stephen Saywell, of Oshawa, who took charge of both services. Assist- ing was Rev. F. H. Joblin, pastor of the church. At the morning service several of the scholars took part in the program with Wilfred Carruthers, Sunday School superintendent, assisting Mr. Joblin and Mr. Say- well. The choir was composed of the junior and intermediate scholars of the school. Misses Bernice and Ruby Welch sang a pleasing duet. The choir at the evening service aras composed of the young People of the school. Miss Donnie Creas- er favoured with a solo. Mrs. Reta Cole Dudley, organ- ist, and Miss Helen Williams, Pianist, assisted with the music at both services. SHEEP and GOATS In a letter marked "purely confidential and flot for pub- lication" which The States- man received yesterday, there appeared a meaty paragraph which we are taking the lib- erty of reproducing. "Am interested in ail your editorials, including i a s t week's. 'The Housing Situa- tion' struck a responsive note. Perhaps there ought to be a town for ail childless couples and men and lady bachelors s0 that they could live in quiet seclusion in their houses of brick and stone and mortar and glass and polish until death do them part; and an- other town for the people with children and cares and hopes and aches and joys and life and action. Some of the people, 1 have known who wouldn't let a house to couples with children are dead now and there are child- ren in the houses. The only solution, perhaps, is for the government to take a larger hand in providing houses with notices up 'Children pre- ferred' . . . 'Suffer little child- ren to come. . ." vince. In the United States ther aio.sast-o heacdn 1 uvn ocppivo h', 9pr0 cnt are notwo s Sm.Frm neocured wrereovd,"T The set objective was $2,000 and j . G. Mason Speaks state to another there may be lîttie admîttcd they bad a builet and bbc latest total from there isiA t alsWMS difference in curriculum but gen- threw a rock at it," Chief Ventoni $2,400. A t alsWMS erally speaking the system is the told The Statesman. "Tbey found same througbout. I tbink the lb while playing but we have not Falseboods not oniy disagree St. Paul's Womcn's Association States bas tbe best of us, our di- been able to ascertain the owner with rutbs, but usuaîîy quarrel met Tuesday, May il, witb the visions do not creabe unity." of l." among themselves.. president, Mrs. Pingle, in the _________________________________________________________________________ chair. The meeting was in charge -of Group Tbree, Mrs. George Mason giving a timely and much Coilect Salvage North 0f King Street Tonight "Mvn note e olo dream. Mrs. Mason specified and Ring And Aàrea- Sduth 0f King Friday Nfight detuo oeo h ulte daclt upondsome ofthequigtibes Discuss Staff Changes Tonîgbt is bbc nîght wben aîî What The Board retained. The purpose of the New AtB ar eeigsalvage in the area north of King 0f Education Did qurld tie ng abrÎowshp; u _______ tret wil b colectd. Huserow-mindedness sbould be dis- Considerable time was spent in bolders should have it piled neat- The Board of Education met carded but neigbbourliness among1 discussing changes in the teacbing ly at the curb Dy 6 o*ciock at the Tuesday evening in tbe Higb people wc know, understanding staff at botb bbe public and bigb labest. Scbool library witb Chairman A. of people of different races, coin- If you live on King Street or in Edger presiding and ail members mon sympathy and a sense of the1 scbool. It was left in bbe hands bbhearea soutb of King have yotir present. value of Church, country and of Principal Tbompson to f111 bbe salvage ready for the collection Stuart R. James took bis place empire might be carried on into vacancies on bbe public school Frîday nîght which commences at as secretary for the first time at a a new world. staff and with Principal Dippell six o'clock. regular meeting and Dr. J. Devitt1 The usual business session fol- to filbbh vacancy on the bigh Items wanbed are paper, maga- as a member for the first time at a lowed.t school staff. zines, rags, burlap bags, metals regular meeting. The former filîs On motion by Alex McGrcgor and rubber. The collectors will tbe vacancy left by the deatb of and Dr. H. Ferguson, tbc resigna- not pick up botties, tin cans, or bis uncle, Chas. H. Mason, and the tion of Miss I. West as a member leather of any kind, so do not put latter bbc vacancy left by the of the public school teacbing staff them out. death of Dr. J. C. Bonnycastie. St. Paulý's United was acccptcd. Cardboard boxes of ail kinds A report from Miss Edna L. On motion by A. M. Hardy and should be broken down flat and Moorc, Chief P1.îblic Hcaltb Nurse Dr. J. Dcvitt, the resignation of tied in secure bundies to save of bbc Division of Cbild Hygiene Roi ds Anniversar Miss Jean Lennox, French and space and help in handling. and Public Healtb Nursing, to thbcl German speciaiisb on bbc staff of Please take pains to tie paper and board, paid tribube to bbe work of moved that bbc property commit- bbc bigb school, was accepted. magazines securely and in reason- Miss Lena Taylor, R.N., public tee look into bbc mabter of decor-1 Principal Andy Tbompson of ably small bundies as these handle bealtb nurse for Bowmanville. lb aing four cloakrooms and a bbc public school reporbed that he mucb better and a better price is fclt that Miss Taylor bas donc lunchroom ab bbc bigb scbool,C had bired Mrs. A. S. Baker for can be obtained for bhcm. Maga- mucb bo improve bbc dental ser- adverbise for -tenders and reportc bbc balance of the terra to fill bbc zincs sbouid be bled in separate vices among bbc children,"1 stabed back to bbc board. vacancy caused by the resignation bundles for bbc Navy League to Miss Moore. W. L. Pathrson and J. Ross Stuttc of Clifford Godwin to join the pick up. Kecp papers and maga- Truant Officer Walter Hall moved that bbc property commit- R.C.A.F. zincs separabe from other sal- sbated in bis report that be bad tee advertise for tenders for floori Alex McGregor and Dr. H. vage as tbcy will be picked up made four visits bo Centrai Public in Miss West's room, necessaryc Ferguson moved that a lebter be by special trucks. School, bad invesbigatcd nine repairs ta, roof including caves- sent to bbc Deputy Minister of Most families are in thc midsb cases and issued one work permit. trougbing and get a price onc Education requesbing a furbhcr of spring bousecleaning now and W. L. Paterson moved bhab a painting bhc inside of bbc public deferrmcnb for F. Gardiner, coin- will wclcome tbc opportuniby to vote of thanks be exbended to school. merdial beacher at bbc high scbool. get rid of a "lot of junk" as sucb Principal Dippell, Miss M. Moore A motion by Alex McGregor salvage is often called. As an and Beverley Goulding for bbc and A. M. Hardy stated that the Incresed roducion added incentive to spur you on splendid sbowing of the pupils at Rotary Club should be cbargedc lnrsd routin in your efforts, the proceeds of the cadet inspection. bbc sum of $25 a year for use ofS tbis collection will be turned over On motion by A. M. Hardy and bbc powcr mower and tbey are to Even Bossy is hecding bbc 10 bbc local branch of bbc Red R. R. Stevens $25 was granted to take care of labour under bbc govcrnmenb's plea for in- Cross. pay for 20 uniforms purcbased saine management. crcased production. from Port Hope scbool for bbc R. R. Stevens and Alex Mc-V a pure brd ofSorhor ow PanCltvain f girls. Gregor movcd that thc board payc a"prosbud ofMaor ride", a C livtonO Alex McGregor and Dr. H. Miss Allun $10 for storage of pow- owned by Mrs. Bert Trim, of 78 Victory Gardons Ferguson moved that a lebter of er mower for a ycar.e Clarke, bas prescntcd ber cnrtltosb etfo h prou ower wth ivecalvs LonsSuppy Seds board to Miss Moore and Mr. The many friends of Miss Eva in 13 months. Goulding exprcssing appreciation Soucb, Enniskillcn, will be pleas- How was this feat accomp- Seventy-cîgbb young people of for bbc fine way in wbicb tbcy cd to know that she is recovcringa lisbed? On March 17, 1942, Bowmanvîlle bave undertaken fo bave been insbructing tbc pupils. aftcr ber recent serious illness, in she gave birbb to bwin calves. cultîvate Vîctory Gardens under J. Ross Sbutt and A . M. Hardy Bowmaniville Hospital. On Easter Monday, 1943, she tbc plan sponsorcd by bbc Lions_________________________________ gave birtb to triplets. Club. Principal L. W. Dippeli of bbc Higb Scbool and Principal Andy Tbompson of bbc Public School Oshawa Blood Donor Clinic ould Use Ark had charge of bbc applications andF ltn I n a i n u n u n E.A. Summers, agricultural rep ge t albo ie resentave distribued theseeds. Fn th saInbîOnutr io InsDonatwon qe A a a o i h icory gardeners will en-______ Phone and Post Office arc in a this fail for prizes, af ber wbich bbc dangerous condition. exbibits wili be turncd over to thMaainRd rs oit ar are bu,(tdoaio) Two families bave bad bo va- Howmanvillc Gencral Hospital. on bbc blood donations for Aprîl, *agart King, Mrs. Marion Mar- . errison, Bowmanville, (2nd don- cate their homes. _________ Oshawa Blood Donor Clinie Is ation). At D.IL., Ajax, J. T. Boats are bcing used to rans fiftb in Ontario witb 1,364 dona - Bailey, Brookli, (3rd donation). fer supplies from bbc station. raggers Raise $151-94 tions. Toronto is credited witb April 7: Herbert Pbillips, Bow- Cellars in many homes on bhc For C.N.I.B. Saturday 3,924 donations; Ottawa with imanville; Walter Asling, Brook- main street arec floodcd. 2,855 donations; Kingstnn wîth lin; Neil Ycllowlees, Enniskillen, Moborists bad to have thei' In Spite of Showors 1,737 donations and Hamilton wth (2nd donation); John McGregor, partially submergcd cars towed 1,595 donations. Courtice, (3rd donation); W. J. E. from bbc main and side streets. In spite of intermittent show- The people of Oshawa and of Ormiston, A. I. Colweil, J. C. In ber leter Mrs. Nichols told crs taggers raiscd $151.94 for bbe this section of Durham sbould be Samis, John R. Nichols, Orville J. us "Waber is rising bigber every Canadian National Institute for all bbc more proud of their blood Boe, and M. W. Tamblyn, Bow- day. Ib is vcry serlous. Pin at bhc Blind, Saturday, in Bowman- donor service when lb is consid- manville, (4tb donation); Don Black Donald gave away thîs ville. Lasb year bbc amount rais- ered that bbc population of bbc Courtice, Courtice; S. R. Grant, p.m. Luther bas to work nigbt cd was $145.81. Tagging was other four cibles mentioned great- W. L. Grant, W. L. Berry, Bow- and day saving bbc dump. Dump donc by girls from bhc bigb school ly cxceeds that of Osbawa and manville, (5tb donation). is train track bctwecn bay and and bbey are to be commended for they bave also many men and May 10: W. A. Woolncr, Bow- Calabogie Lake." sticking at their job tbrougbout women in bbc services sbationed in manville; Frank Miller, New- The Nichols family lived in bbc day. these cibles bo, draw from. castle; (Isb donation); Freeman Bowmanvîlle until two or tbree Resulbs of bbc canvass bcing The total for Ontario for April Rcynard, A. E. Dudley, Bowman- years ago and Mr. Nichols was conductcd in town bave not bee was 26,027 donations while in bbc ville, (3rd donation); A. G. Tait, employcd as a section man witb reportcd bo Miss Helen Cryder- wbolc of Canada there wcrc 36,- R. D. Preston, George Vine, Bow- tbe railway. A son, Douglas man, sccrctary of bbc local coin- 759. manville. (4th donation); Harold Nichols, was employcd at bbc A. mittee at bbc time of going to April 5: Mrs. Chas. Downey, Foster, Bowmanvillc, (Sth dona- & P. Store.- press. Bowmanvilie; Mrs. Harry Bald- tion). c f f u d c E y e ti p bi

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