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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1943, p. 1

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c . ean inn _____ Ba With Whieh Are Ineorporated The Bowmanville News, The Necastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 89 BOWMÀNVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 2Oth, 1943NUBR2 m ýmwm -- -- _ --- -- DH.UMHEAD Locals Affiliate With Oshawa Ani District Council Dr. Wallace R. Horn J'èVWho for the past six years has ýe~n empioyed as chief chemist of the Radium Extraction plant of the Eldorado Gold Mines, at Fort Hope, Ont., has been appointed manager of the new radium refin- ery of The Radium and Uranium Corporation of New York, N.Y. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Hampton. BOY SCOUTS Second Bowmanville S c o u t Troop met May 13 for its regular meeting of study and games. They discussed how to make money for the "Chin's Up Fund", to help Boy Scouts over in England. Each patrol is going to earn $500 to scnd over. NB-In the Scout news last wcek there was an error. It was said Rev. F. Joblin conducted the service at the cenotaph but it was 1ev. J. E. Griffith. SERVICE AT ROTARY E. A. Jones, mporting for L( 189, United Rubber Wokers, B, manville, at the m-onthly meel of the Oshawa and District Lu Council held in the Union FH Oshawa, on Tuesday night, D 17, stated that their local wasr gressing quite favourably, bE about 98 per cent strong but t was as far as it went. "The management at Gc year absolutcly refuse to mec nize our union. At the. pres time we are negotiating for a r agreement and the nanagem have refused to paythe Bargu ing Comnmittee for their time work," he asserted. "The B gaining Committee had a meet with the management this af i noon, and there is going to b( meeting tomorrow (Wednesd, at noon between the Bargaini Committee and the managemn with a member of the Labor C. ciliation Board from Tor or present. We haven't had a gri( ance settled for quite a while u we aren't eceiving any co-opei tion fom the management. Ho ever, we expect to take a vote the question some time next WR and we think we will have a or 99 pem cent vote in our favoi The management said that th~ would recognize our union afi the vote." It was moved that t Councîl give the United Rubi Workers their moral support. Admit Two Locals The United Rubber Worke: Local 189, Bowmanville, and t United Steel Workers of Ameni Local 2375, Bowmanville, soug affiliation with the Council ai their credentials were present, by M. J. Fenwick and Gord( Fagan, and they were adrnittec Adopt New Constitution The daft of the new constit tion and by-iaws was adopted presented after considerable di cussion on a few technical poini Nine delegates were nominatg to fi two positions on the Execi tive Board and A. G. Shuli Local 222, U.A.W.A., and E. Jonfr Lca 189, United Rubbi Won ~rs, Bowmanville, were su cessful in the election. It was moved by M. J. Fenwic and seconded by E. A. Jones thý the Constitution be printed. Explains Labour College William Noble, representing ti, Workers Educational Associatio Labour College, Port Hope, statE that the reason for the Labot College was to bring educationt workers who wished it. He sa. that hefore the acquisition of th College at Port Hope, summE schools had been held throughou the province in different coliege, The school is to he open froî June, through the summer an into the faîl. The U.A.W.A. hu asked that four weeks of that tin- be reserved for them, Pnd th~ schooi is appealing to ail Unioi Councils throughout Ontario t back the program for one week' attendance at the schooi wher they will have the opportunity t, select their own tutors and sub jects. He asked the Oshawa an( District Labour Council to endorsi the plan of the Workers Educa tional Association and to appoir a committee of three to co-operati with the governing body of thg school. NEW APPOINTMENT g 1 AT ROTARY PARK SUNDAY Yl.ý 1 d%-, p What The C.C.F. Plans To Do With Canada Uflt! Da1ê2ase Division IGerman ShoworhiL "Oh . .. That Mine Adversary Had Written A Book!" C ajri tizens Can S o h i idARTICLE NO. 1 0f Men For- Overseas Duty rinds Freedom Appreciation 0f Veterans .1 The editor of The Canadian Statesman occasionally wearies 1M Sweet But Short ýow- crifle with the people in business who condemn the socialists Ojc fawdsra erhB te d nT i e v c ucal and other opponents of free enterprise in sweeping generalities. C l a l r T ls ] o a i n 0- It isn't enough to thrust something aside with sorte blanket -b oieand toos f ine _____<»________ abor statement such as, "Oh, that's socialist," or "That's just radical "The Veterans Guard has 11,000 Say School Needed To or hogotTusa ih A Drumhead Service will be Major Hans Asmus, 27-ycar old CHINESE TAG DAY held in Rotary Park on Sunday qlu, doctrine." A lot of people do flot know quite what they mean men in Canada and if it did not Nous. Delinquents German prisoner of war who es-____ afternoon at 2.30, to commemo- May except that they regard "socialism," "radicalism" as rather have themn here we should have ae from his guards at Oshawa O audyo hswe h aetetidanvrayo h pr- vague but rather terrifying "isms." one less division overseas. Fer-. Charging that it was of more General lHospital, was apprehcnd- capipranette efr f h pe onfStdisoftct areek ate the goftheanveerasry ar that Free enterprise - the system whereby ail of us who work haps this helps to justifS' our ex- iprane1 hewlae fteed early Friday morning.poi fthsdsrcoaet aefoCnda-fth eean ur ~1g for a living strive to obtain a modest competence - suffers a istence," Col. Taylor, C.O. of the province to utilize specially built Patrol Sergeant Frank Fawbert their affuai opportunitv to hep Mem bers of the local Veterans facilities at Bowmanville School and .C. Charles Stainton, of Osh- Madam Chiang Kai-Shek and her Guard Corps will parade through od- good deal from the fact that it has not troubled to familiarize V.G.C. stationed at Interniment for the training of delinquent awa police, found the prisoner Chinese Red Cross. High School, og- itself with the case and the policy of the socialists. It is onîy Camp No. 30, Bowmanville, told boys, rather than "housing army asleep in a car owned by B. W. grsw~ sent whenwe understand the te fellow's plc that w a the local Rotarians at their prisoners," Guelph city council Haynes and parked in the drive-gil l dthtainadte nent fnwu htteei ni hti onusudo n luncheon-meeting Friday noon at Monday night called for the. res- way at his home on Park road organization of it is under the ient fin ou wha thre s i it hatis oun, unoun orun-toration of the boys' training north. Asmus was lying on the local hranch of the Red Cross and aun- healthy. the Balmoral centre. back seat, covered with an old the chairmanship of the master off The socialists have developed a literature and apotca "oratninen ntam The resolution pointed out over rug, and offered no resistance tagger Charles Carter. tig movement (the C.C.F.); a good deal of their literature is just i e i oooosa hr 400i ahwscnrbtdb hncuh.Ma dam Chiang has long since uer prpaand an nthig mre Inthi popaand i isthi s a sameness of it", he pointed private persons and service clubs He was returned to the intern- 'te- popaand an nohin moe.In hisproagada t i thir out. "I believe we, have the throughout the province toward ment camp at Bowmanville from become a symbol to the whole ýe a habit to single out some isolated instance of business malprac- rgttp fmnfri ste the establishment of the training which he had been taken Thurs- civilized world as the ultimate if la) tice and to misrepresent it as characteristic of the hated ihvepsedofthenfrits tean school. The motion also stated day afternoon for the purpose of womanhood. A personality of Lng hv asd tand gt taead htcon tributors otepjc bigivnaX-yexmain Lent ýcapitalism" as a whole. Practically the whole of business are willing to stn monotony. tha t cnutowe the pro-ct Obean gen Xray Hoaiat tremendous charrn and unflinch- ýon- rises up in wrath against the very samne things that the social- They realize the importance of erety cns uledwhntepo atsaaGnraHspa. ing purpose who lives only for the " nto, isssneot.Bsns the job as well. It is no good to prywstre over in to an in-ColEcp ev- isssige u..uins steadiîy moves forward ethicaîîy to the look at a prisoner and then corne terniment camp. heeae wCoolnsaeoftecl-ppeofirnaonndhi sl and elimination of the business pirate, but the socialists carefully back in 15 minutes for another It was suggested that Bowman- est and simplest ever perpetrated vation, who even now defies the ýra- do nt sa so.look. It is a case of 'cat watching ville was the most suitable loca- by a prisoner-of-war, and appar- frailties of the flesh and in spite rW- d o a mouse' and that is why our men tiof in the province to carry on ently was well planned in ad- of suffering and iii health gives on Just as there is a small minority of malefactors in the whole are more suitable than youinger the corrective training of delin- vance. every ounce of hier strength to Ofl of society, similarly you can find a minority of malefactors in men." quent boys. Without such a train- It is understood Asmus had tecueta sdae ole 98 business, in trades unions - yes, and among the socialists. Col. Taylor, in referring to the ing school, it presented a serious been taken to the hospital at than life itself. â. )ur. Teeio fTeCnda ttsa el i rt escape of Hans Asmus at Oshawa, handicap in the proper function- Oshawa on several previous oc- Amongst many other achieve- 45 ey Th. dtro h aain ttsa el i rt Thursday, sald, "Due to certain ing of provincial juvenile courts. casions for treatment and examin- ments she has built up an effec- Iter rise when some single instance of dubious practice in business regulations I cannot tell you about Copies of the resolution are ta ation, and was familiar with the tive Red Cross organization de- he is used by socialists to damn him as a malefactor, together with the circumstances surrounding be sent to every municipaîity in layout of the institution. spite overwhelming handicaps ber aIl other business men. It is time some of us got up on our the escape of the prisoner. Like- Ontario 50 that action may be Getting per~mission fromn his and one of her chief lieutenants fee ad ecmeouspke o tes tins.wise there are many other things taken in the restoration of the guards to visit a washroomn on the is that doughty crusader and Can- Rev. Major C. R. Spencer PlitidbcayinCandthe en o ffesmch ohghners. which would be of interest to you training school. A memo will also ground floor, Asmus opened the adian, Dr. Bob McClure. Every the streets of the town to the park ýrs, oiialinCndth cn fesm hofhg nee. that I cannot reveal." be forwarded to the minister of window which is only about two cent collected on Saturday will go :he Sooner or later the Liberal Government of Canada will faîl; The organization of the Vet- Munitions and Supply at Ottawa, feet from the ground, and calmly drec to Madame Chiang for ler frte service. They wlil be led Lca, that is the lot of ail governments at some time or other. When erans Guard of Canada came and the Attorney-General of On- walked away. His escape wasrosuplefrteChnebyheLgnBad ndt the Mackenzie King governiment falîs, some other government about as the result of certain cir- tario for considtin discovrd a few mitesîatr soldiers bn eeoee n t eew rnClmeyor madnt Campn idcumstances, he pointed out. After ________________ but it was more than fine hours areas as plans h a v e entri Cm No. 30 staff, ;ed must necessarily take over the reins. the entry of Canada into, the war, before hie was recaptured. compl e e oand to OMadaviMayorW.R. O. Jone of Baorn ton Canadians have but two choices before themn of late for a panicky situation existed here. ed that this had to be done 50 Saw Walk Away Cheiang whenl she corne otaavllC . R. S tecrk,roev.ntMajr d. this alternative government: (a) The Progressive Conservative The invasion of Holland and Bel- duties had been found for the Major Sax Mitchell, member thlecstotal of Cailthdag danC.R.peerProtseantpare t- Party, and (b) the C.C.F. Mr. Bracken, the new leader of thé gium made the situation worse, V.G.C. It was thus the V.G.C. pf the 2nd Battalion, Ontario Reg- cletosars aaa and the people clamoured for ac- was organized and duties assigned ument (Tank), who was seated in You cannot give too generous- Rev. Major Spencer will be in as Progressive Conservative Party, has made it perfectly clear tion on the part of the govern- to it,"lhe said. a parked car outside the hospîtal, Wy to this cause that belongs to charge of the service. is- that hie stands for the preservation of free enterprise as the ment. 'Canada needs protection' Hepitdottescfcs told police hie had seen Asmus one of the greatest women of ail It is to be hoped that the public ts. estsysem fr sttig Caadins onsructveltowrkaftr wsete cr. mde y th ume toenlstcriicte step out of the window and walk time, to be spent amongst hier will attend this service in large is t se a. fTI tis, of credes cnotrumea t bkannng of "the r made y btsiictohfrV... mn ft e arsmainte wa At the time he was not people who have borne the brunt niumbers as an expression of their gtewrmeThsof couretepries nto bidenthe pot-ar gapf there a sifice atinfve a and ae leftthei re w ivend aware anything was wrong, and of the onslaught against our civil- appreciation for the part that the tzt ferinesi. e Caean familles t evether vs have is suspicions were alîayed by the ization unfinchingîy and with V.G.C. is playing in the defence A. while business is occupied in changing over from produ;ýing ada and in view of what hap- boys and girls in the service.clman lisurely way in which getcuaefroe ih er.0 aaa )er war materials, to producing peace-time goods. Nor does it penecl in Europe it was the basis Many have lf good jobs and he He stpn st olled ooff. ___the_______________________________ i mean a barrier against government spending te, ensure full em- o h er ee nAlberta there seving as eprîvates at $ 1.30 a day. dow tooka cigar oupto eef E dors Ik 1 yeti l icmtne. ut h otay tmas Saskatchewan over 100,000. In troduced Col. Taylor, pointed outiiociýet a outofhis(i..y a Lat that thousands of employers are better than just one employer addition to the army that was be- that Col Taylor was a veteran of had a pair of dark glasses which G o y a m l y e n o s -mte State. Tnus we know wîtnxn measurable lîmits wnere ig raised to fîgnt overseas, the the last war, a member of Med- hie put on, and then strolled out le tePorsieConservative Party stands. tectleCand an army topro- heihadHat son theC auyand a alk ted ont Smostreet ,UK.W .A. odan th rorssvteopleCanedcîe Hat R o taryCluband athat t ted ontsmotreet,"crsse te rad dAs_Bargaining Agency on But where does the C.C.F. stand? What is its policy? "It was suggested that the gov- daughter in the C.W.A.C. The Major Mitchell told police. "He -le___ ed Questioning hinself thus the editor was reminded of the ernment recruit the veterans of daughter, Dorothy L. Taylor, a was very cool and while I thought 2 9O 5 m lye r lamentation f Job: "Oh that mine adversary had written a the last war who were still will- graduate f the Officers Trang out through the window, the Vt InF vu Of t to in andrathitkewasohunusuals Cofor ahim.AntedecorneveDongsAl Clen G ts 29 f25 E poye id book." This, of course, prompted the editor to ask: "Is there in n rte ke o epthnsCoreatS.An n~ve was no thing in his other actions t along. A the tie tto WingsQueAtCentralialieVCtearInsFavosusic0fns. he such a book?" Pursuit of the answer to this question led in- altog. At th etie ta the tQuhec, itreceived he coMission ___onld_____ _snoF0_utof25 _vte___ tatth er evitably to the literature of socialism in Canada as advocated done mainly to satisfy the whims at the Maple Leaf Gardens, To- When the escape was disoer'oal *lve Go o . o uofa 255atvotes astatte ut by and for the C.C.F. of the people. ronto. ed a few minutes later, arrned McIlveen, manager of the Bank Monday, 249 of themn endorsed the Th'...sadSor.caimadpopssa oiîs "May 24th we celebrate the A vote of thanks was moved by guards frorn the Bowmanville of Montreal, and Mrs. Mcllveen, Uie Rubber Workers of Amer- third anniversary of the founding Rotarian Dr. C. W. Slernon and camp eace th dirctadreivdhsWfsateWngasteeupye' id in Canada. There can be no dispute about this. Recently when of the Veterans Guard of Canada. this was passed on by President blocked off all main roads aroundprd tCnrlao rdy oebrann gny us The Ottawa Journal twitted the C.C.F. with seeking to avoid We are organized on the saine L. W. Dippell. the city. Oshawa police were paaeatCnrli nFidy oe arganingency. er ole ie soilist label, David Lewis, the national secretary of thie C.C.F., basis as that of the active soldier Col. Taylor mentioned the fact joined by provincials and detach- graduating with the rank of serg- Fideonegbatlelots erepîe initn ta oiaimws atowhspry' aina o- a is overseas; and wealso have that lhe had received a packagements of Royal Canadian Mounte an iot. anToe baot spr oile ie m wrte afaily wrm ette tothe ditr ofthepape, aReserve of the V.G.C. and they, of cigarettes from his church inPlc rom Toronto and Cobourg, Since then hie has received word supervision came as the result of to istiin. then, *limwsprto i prysntinlcn too, are on the samne basis as the Medicine Hat last week. "Actu- and the Oshawa creek flats and from Ottawa that hie has been the Goodyear management's fail- :'S stiutin.Reserve of the active army. ally I seemed to enioy that pack- district farm buildings w e re comrnissioned in the R.C.A.F. and ure to recognîze the United Rub- Wht osti mdm temlne oils o "I do not think the government age of cigarettes more than if I searched. holds the rank of Pilot Officer. ber Workers of America, as the Co anada cons0? ou ca is oen itwremtheeditor found ftr had any specific duties in mind had bought it myself. It seems Post Extra Guards He is to report to Arnprior to take bargainung agency. d Cnaa botofle "oclPan fnig fore anad Tos. lond t for the V.G.C. when they organ- that something from your o o,2Extaguars.,werehpOseawathacore a t hile srcos co In November, 1940, the Good- id i oo ald Sca Pann frCnda To. esn ized it. But during the few home town is of more value thanNo20EFTS, orh saateeaerwihh will be post- 3e and Sons, Toronto, $3.75). It was published by the Research months following the organiza- if you go out and buy it yourself where last year an escaped pris- ed to a Canadian station as an in- year employees received their Couci ofth Legu fo Scia Rcontrctin reared tion, things unforseen just hap- For that reason keep up the good oner from Bowmanville was al structor.- charter under the U.R.W.A. but regaded pend. risner ofwarcam towor ofseningthigs vereas- ElisingAprl 1, 142,PO it- FebruaryutilFe0far 194194 te more or less as the brain trust 0f the C.C.F. That research Candather.wa nee toguar tothamoysfromher,"ahrsadecrfnt peneda, tPrones nof war cae to thrkoyfroendng thisoeea stsessful in stealig an air- EnMasnignAriP14o192,F0 c-thtthey angmetan iagree-n Le counicil consisted of seven socialists, several of them college internees, and there was a holler A sing-song was conducted b Acodon of guards covered the Toveen traiNed6at.Manninto, mewtt e neent.MThi1,agree- professors. The leaaung political luminary in this galaxy is for the guarding of vulnerable Rotarian Geo. Chase with Îcotar- district rmteAaxra oN. ootN. 6 .T.S., Torot, ent ws eewc My ,192 Professor Frank Scott of McGill University, who is national spots. The governiment recogniz- ian Dave Morrison at the piano. 7 ighway, while citizens in sev - anSTSuefo renewal, May 1, eral sections of the city reported . . . butHe is a natve0fArn- 1943 chairman of the C.C.P. This book was published in 1935. seeing the wanted man. Bnowmanvillehth trm o Later, in 193priorecbut haskspent theshpasty15heneaaccorOancelwith the termsg of Latrin 198,a ec nd bo k as pu lih~ b te ea ueAsmus who speaks good English, years inBf a vil. the agreement, Local 189 served flL D.b...Lhe. fl~ a apparently mingled with the F0Mlve issedn tw 30 days' notice on the manage- for Social Reconstruction, more or less purportîng to bring the u u il8 ~ ~ i~ v 1 Ie crowd of war workers îeaving weeks' leave at home. His par- ment that they wanted changes socialistic outline up to date. Its real purpose would seem to Ohw lnsa ieocok n ents and Mr. and Mrs. S. Chartran made in the agreement when it have been, however, to soft-pedal somte of the bluntness and wa b e- i e h si e tt .c m p f rr n w l M y i t declarationssnd th carlier ork.The editpoeto re - uve owm anville And Darlingtonwsal ohiehsietiy eea enrlafrth ig aeup forrenay l tecma ungarddnes ad t smothove soe o th moe niveTwo brothers are in the ser- refused to, negotiate with Local decaraios i te erler or. Te ditrLropse tore Bowmanviîîe Nurses vices. Cadet Bob Mcllveen is tak- 189 Af ter a meeting held Sun- view this literature in a series of seven articles so that our ticiieve Thir s EirsI Timte Motet t r. p .Fran at Brockville, and day, May 9, the local notified the readers may take a real look at what socialismn aims at in Canada Î>____-____ ___ __ __At__ __ ___ __ D illing"s C l r ningthei tti nd m na e e tth tt e w ud g v and determine for themselves whether they really want that The Fourth Victory Loan closed STENebr. hmuni 1ococ enedy sort of thing. Saturday with the County of Dur- C T NG R S C N omnil ussmta h a 2 n fn gemn a Studying seriously these socialistic books, the editor was ham oversubscribing its objective home of Mrs. Ray Dilling on May at Feterboro the tl oco Wednesdaa quie urrîedtoenoute srnthngtht loel tuced of $ 1,400,000. Cordula Stenger, of Bowman- l7th, with twelve present. Mrs fertcng the myeould scaîa qiesrrsdt none oehn hteoeytuhd For the first tirne in the four aginst t Sho, optn ilngpeie o tebsns r. .H uyH a spokesman for the local put it his own business - and the business of every newspaper and bans, according to lban officials, Hope, ofomntesanrm orte grortd otegra. itrst-Cosmfomthe we d hvegneo srkei the business 0f every citizen in Canada. The socialists would Bowmanville and the Township of f ,ne f.rornaLisay and onBell e p .AO ort vefthignhliTo-h __ edb' destroy press freedom, inevitably. The editor proposes to get Darlington have reached their Ob- fromeSt.aMicaeyL's Ci a nolgRNAO. ConventionMahel nTo-a osmrbac omte Sotybf h xiaino this particular matter off his chest in the next article. jectives. This is really remark: villerb, thVitry Loni at onto, Aprbyiss 28th o May îst, was A ognumer brnc omrnithe htely beforethe expiationent whoeandora e its e t oectio shed insecond place. She me- The remainder of the evening was Thursday night when a group of fotified the local that they did not wo wrdi the secountetion ceivcd three dollars un War Sav- spent playing bingo and refresh- women, representative of the did nt bî1ev i had the theyva Bfth omnviles obetie wa ngs Stamps while the first ments were served by the social men' raiain ftetwo h mlye. A ppmroval Driish Chidre Ap recates obtal vfe$70,as jranking contestant, the Port Hope cornrittee. met n th o n as of theeinclldofte x Britsh hil ren ppr cia e $20,00 ad atetalofn.$Dar,0ng ntry, received four dollars. chairmanship of Miss Harriet Par- ecutive with Joe McKenzie, In- rom am pton nstîtute n thet ut [ase Dameig-h EX, Petersbro frtomer oa oesesAdsons, co-ordinator of the Consum- ternational Representative of the tatuonfialreurs acmi rBranch, Toronto. United Rubber Workers 0f Amer- C «fsManvetrsaTtonship ledtetscoo8:3 sAff Aderomni e her N League Branch Mrs. J. H. H. Jury was elected ica (C.IO.), Toronto, and Frank Manvrs Twnsip ld th ý choo staf aco______lie chairman 0f the cornrittee and Ainshorough of the Labor Concil- Children who beg to have the ously appreciated, and make ail county frorn start to finish and Idown, and the contcst took place Court Bowmanvillc, 964, Can- Mrs. L. J. C. Langs was elected iation Board, Toronto, and it was cutisdan hnte o otedfernei u wr. usrie 6,0.1t betv at the broadcasting station in the betadra ngh so th t th Gfer W ritencei on Marh 3Oh, th let was $ 6,00 0. 'beciepresence of Victory Loan official aduan Order of Foresters, hcid its secretary-treasurer. The advisors decided to hold the vote under mans a nogt sathm"he ben- ite ota nland 3th e etc- artmihtTo5h5,wtha00e0ntatsanTterleahes Bo.D.mnthy eein wtheecedar Ms>W.R Srý,Mr. ov-met-uprvsin the enrants nd thir teahFiskarda C.R., y eeing c h e cT W.awerMrs. . . Diel, Mm. McKrenzisupervsinArn mascno e hm aebn e w hav ee otuEngade r ain a aotwright TowonthnctviissfthhNviMssHlepMristke. nofica o taloa

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