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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1943, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THECAADANSTTEMA RiWiMNVII LZ NTAR ~V~ .I .IO THJ1fUI1.DL>iXIIi U t Me %an"iiuin ut~a EstabiLshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch Is Incorporated The Bowmanviiie News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 88 Years' Continuous Service To The Town of Bowmanville and Durham County. Member Audit Bureau ~~~ ~of Circulations NILS C\anadiaF Weekly Newspaperse <* Association Ciass A IVeekiies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strlctly i advance. $2.50 a Year Ini the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. BEULAH TOMàIEY, Associate Editor Would'st thou fashion for thyself a perfect life, Then fret flot over what is past and gone And spite of ail thou may'st leave behind Begin each day as tho' thy life had just begun. -Goethe. OId Soldiers Neyer Die l'le Vetei'ans* Guîard Corps celebrafes ifs flux d aiinivei'sarx- on the 24t1u (la-,-af 'May. A ver'- appropi'iate birtlidav for a "fine badyvof xîîcn.* BoNvnîaivilhe secs tliese mcin i aotioiî and bias sanie liffle ap)prcc1afian of the cantribtiin tlîey arc înaking Yta aur ,var~ effort. Tbese uien are all dl(sters'ý wloiani niost cases saiv cansiderable service in Franec in tfli last ivar. Tbey arc rcady to serve and are serving tlîcir ecanntrx- verv acceptabîx- in this war. at no smnall sacrifice ta their own comfort anîd finances. Tbere are about 11.000 of tbcm, nearir ahl doing important gnard dufy ini differeîîf parts af Canada. Thaf mneans theY have re- lcased at least a division of mcen for averseas. But it means mare. fhiese older mcanlhavecocame ta realize the importance of their job. They make better guards tlîan .young soldiers because the-% are steadier. marc rcady fao face flic ceasclcss griîîd of monotoxions but confinons wafclîing of prisoîîcrs of war. No matter ivlîat the wcathîcr. and ltliere Ls pienfy, of it. flîrouigli lonîg days aîîd loîîgcr ights, flic ccaselcss vigil gacs an anîd their record is incrcasingly ga(id. Wc hiope these veterauîs as, thc cae and go iii tlîcr varions cillanies at flic camp will alwax-s feci xvlcoxiîe ini aur tawn. Wc extexîcitlien our i' sîeî-e anîd liarfv eau- grafulatioxis an their birflîday anîd xvc kîow thev ivill carry on the ti'adifiiis of the aid Canadiaxi Corps of vhicb tlîcy ail arc so jnstly proxîd. Decine In Morals Ia a statenient fa Premnier Han. Gardon Canant and niemb ers of flic Legislative As- semblv of Ontaria. threc infcr-cbnreh or- graiiza tionis. rcprcscuîfative of the social service b)oards of the Christian Chîrebes charge that Ontario is wvitncessing "auiii- crease of persanal indullgcîicc aid(îmoral laxity, miarit ai infidel itf-,. illegitiîîîaey, juvenilc deliixqueiiuc*v, ganbliîug. lrinkei- ness and( disrcg-aid for~ law- aîid cii'er.- The statenleiit. îvIbîlî pleads for -a lîuglier folie ini pllie lite: a iiîore cfteetivceifoiu'ee- mient ot Iaiv- fairniess andf a g-reat(ol senise of respiis ibiituy iii pnb] io uttoun lices.7 was sigiel ly Rex-. ]Dr. W. J..Galla îrher. general see'relni-. The t lristiaîî eil eîrvîUe of Canada: Rev. (;-uxge G. Webhicr. treieral secrefarv The Lord 's.])a\- llaxt Rev. D)r. C. W. leMille. cîerlsevretaryv. The Ontario Teniperaxîce Federa tioii; Professor Ernecst ..Dale, liairianii. l)ioesaninieouîil for Social Service. Toronto,(bue of Eng,,- lanîd in Canada; Rev. Dr. Hl. H. Binglî,Iatîî, g-eneral sccretary, Ontario tConvxentionu af Baptist Clînrehes; The Rt. Rev. Nornman MacLeod. Pli.D., nioderator flic General As- semblv, Tlîe Presbvteriaxi Churclu of Cani- ada; alnd Rex-.lDr. Jiames R. 'Mufeliniar. sec- retary, Board of Evaîîgclism anîd Social Serv-îee. Tlce United Chureli of C'anada. While this stafeaient is niosfxi in generai tcrms such as '"flic nforceiuif (tfefliiqîîar coxtrol lawts has bccî unuîsatisfaetor *v-. thiose w'ho sigxîed the doeuxiiexit ciaim fao have "specifie exidence' ' stppartiîîg flîcir chiarges. Tlee charge is mîade fliafftic "Liquor ('ontraI Acf is adiiuiiistcred ini an uiîdexîîocxatîc andi arbiti'ary- xax-. A board whîiel consists of anc mani is atocr'atie."' Ift %as leariie(1toda - thaf fleicnxter- churcb gr'atps souigit a jiersoxuai au(iicii(' with Preniiex' Collanît some week ago. but w'cre fo]d if ivas 'pyso imipossibe" for flic premier ta receive tb-e deputation. A snmmary of w-hat tliey wvantcd fa say w'as eompîled axnd mailed. Later. a similar stafemexîfvas senît ta every nember of the Legîsiative Assembly. "Certaini conditionîs have developed in Ontario wichîel seem ta us to vifiate oui' democratie anîd Christian professionîs", the documient m'ads iii part. Tîe mcii w-li signed flic document poiated ont thaf "if is importaxîf fa miaiîîtaixî iespc<'ffor haw's and for publie officiais, and to seeure adequafe enforcemeofut ai' tbrou giiout flic Pro- vince, espeuiaHy licthexfoxeeiexf of tliasc laws w'hiciî bear iipon noxa15 axd social conditions.' Laws enforcemiexfii i Oîtario is xîot safis- factary, the dociixîueifs (charges. If gocs on ta appeal for a liigli cx' olie ii pmulil ife, claimiîîg that "'uil,xtfeaieso oiia leaders ini recent yveaxs liav-e lico bexicathi the dignity of MJixistPrs ofthflicCîaw'n andc of thxe Legislattui'e of Oiitaio." The statement contixnes: "We deprecate ail appeals ta lowiiiafives, thbc waging of personal feuds, and statexiexflis obviousiy mnade for popularity lit auiy price. It is ,time to lift the publie lite of aur province to a higher plane". .llegal.gambling _:s-Arried - o Aiunderthe synilpathy wiî]î wa r cha ritte.. luit floti ilicîral inlio(is f sîîpporting t hem i r part (of't Ille stateilielt. Thle Lior ( 'îitrol Board1 of Ontatar vi<lating thie Canada Tenîperanie Act îlot cîoiî. it inii oulities inid bîl it ])ei adopitcti bvthe people and lias I (leeliredl 10 1)0operat ive lv tbe SlI>I Couîrt of'(Canada. the statenient alleges. -We îhni that t bis disregiard of1 anîd fa iluîre on tbhc part of lau--enforceîi culîtlîoities to ezîtore the lau-, is of tbe iniost gravitv-**, tbe statenient reads. Th'le reniail(er of the document plea(h loval adhcrence f0 deniocratic princil and procedures. and for respect for riîzhts of the people.- It Shali Be Measured To Yoi Again If is to beclioped that the Liberal sliots- ivhappear fa contrai licepaî'ty ebinery- have made up) their inids this ti as to wblo the ' realIl- waîît as provinc leader. Thîis turniover ni leaders is revolti and fbrec-ring cireuses sncbi as thaaf beld Toronîto receiîflv naîîseating. If the "ki chan-e lber miiiid"buîg evér spreads ta i'aiik andc file of flic part-%. wiîose votes l fhelicIeads iii poiver. the lîeads aiay fi tlîenselves -on flic aufside iookino, in- a Progressivc-('oîservafive goverament. It is întercsfing to note the treatînient corded Premier Gordon Canant. ivio ceptef the nmantle of l)remiershiip fr( Mitchell F. Hepbuirn anid then flîrew v benlefactor averl)oai-d. by the Liberais att convention. Their chose Han. Harr-v ('an Nýixoiu as tliîir leader and asked Prei C'oîaxît fa please step daîvii sa that _N Nixon could sfep up. But Premier Coin didn 't inox-e fast enouîgh ta suiftlihose wi appareîîlY believe in Ramier 's 'welcoi tlîe camxîîg, speed the parting- guesf." af a mneetig of the cabinet,.i Ontar cabinet ministers decided that Premn Gardon D. C'oîant miust declare lîimsE iînmediateiv as ta iviiether lie intended ta main as premier or resign. If the premi decliîîed ta answcer before leaving oon a vac tiami in Norfbern Ontario, or if he decided continue as premier. then these cabi inisters ivould fake di'asfie action ivhi( mixgbt lead ta their resign-iationi from ti cal)jnet. The ministers were Hon. T. B. M Qutesten. xvbo presided at the cabijiet sessiar Hou. Norman Hipel. Han. Peter Heeni Hon. Harold Kirbv. Hoii. Rober-t Laurier an Hou. W. L. Hauck. If Premîier Canant panders on the sitti tian at ail. wve direct lus attention fa tt Nexv Testamentf. lu Luke 6 :38 lie will fin the xords : 'Give. and if shall be given uni yani: gaod measuire. press*ed doivn. ai sbakeiî tog(ether, anîd riunning a over, sha mi -ive mita yaur bosom. For with th saineie easure tliat y-e mete withual if slia be mceasuîrcd ta you agaîni.' -V Have More Babies Aîong-side campaiguis ta "gnon' mou food", "plow' mare land" anîd "sax-e mou scap", lias couic a îuox'c war cry, proposei bv 90 members etfflic British Parliamcîît - "have mare babies". .The v have fahled a motioninii the Hous of C'oiniaoiis uî'iug flic goveriicut ta tal, iiiiiiediatc- stetJJ, fi cci fle prableuîîo Bi-itaixu 's falliîîg bim'flîuate, u-hiiel is wtorrm' iig experts ouippulnationu ciexi tlouigl i i eoiiletp statisties shuowtvliaf fluere w-eu'cii Liglaid 631,000 Iîi'thusii 1942, tlic iighes silice 1931 xvhîcî 632.081 bidt lus item ru-g isteredl. he v-urlelut hirti mratc is îîof iucuotîgli in i xuîuof a royall coiuiuuîissioiî stuidNii treuiIs iii popuîlatioxn, to keep Eîîgiaxd fx'au lei luiiig a "nuationî of 01(1mce" "Quite aI)ait friîîoinuiciial anîd oflue iieasîuîes steps iili hai-e ta be takcuî f bî'iîg hîomie faflic peoplehe iat essenfual if i: for' tlîexu ta have childrcuî.' said i Eleamior Ratliboxie, MP., itho has lîelpcd pu' paie a icaflet ta cxplaiuî fli seriausness o: fle icstuafioni. Lor'd Eustace Pemrcy, uecefai'of Kinug'! ('ollege. Newucastle, utas evexu ghooxuier aboui tlic prospects of thie uexf g-exemafiaxu. InE foi'xtai'd tthflibo)0k lue îu-ae : 'Westeru- Eiurope nîaY stuffer flue samne bialagical calý lapse iuîthflhatcm' ycaus ofthflic2Othî entury as Rouuîaîu ItalY- sutteî'ed towai'ds fliceend ol the seconîd eîîiturî-*-. lIn Canada thie bu-tIi ate aaxîog fie Aiiglo-.Saxouu îpopul ati ounlias deciiuîed fa the extexut tiaf flie sifuatuixu is xiexte(l xuith alIai. Todav flic hcrveextage of tou'cigiuî boxnxîanîd of fox'eiguj-dIesc-eit is s guI îudeu' tiftx. tuile flic pereentage of Axiglo- Saxoxi -l uîu'u an(] Axugîo-Saxoi-deseexut i suhtvabat-e fiff.y. It is prophicid fluat il)ifive e ca's flue Ail-Sxxsi-ihbe flie iiiiiioîitY in wu'lat is axn Axglo-Saxox intiîry-. xIn Quebec, iviîre big faiilies aesie thiuîg ta be prouîd of, thue birflî rafe <lacs uot prescuit a prableuîî. Frneîl-Canadiauîs are I)iedamiiianfly('athiolic auîd tf li 'îreluof Rame trouvas oui birflî coutrol. It isý recag-nized that sanrie acnefaxxiîh hav-e ta be takeîu fa peipefuiafe thue Britishi stock. Jnst vhiat if nuvil be - a pî'og'axn (if -ccii(atiaii. baby boxnses ou' a decîcase iixn- couru' faxationu - unoonuee an sas-. Note and Comment lit. Rex'. A. R. Bievei'leY-, Sîitti'agaii bislîop of Tlor'onto, ini lus addx'css at flic fixieral service' of tlîe late Saxi Charter's, ex-Mll.. auledifai' of'lie Br'amnptonu (oxsex'xat<îî, spokec a brieft fiibîîfe axid î'etcu'ed ta fliese fixie 'onfnibuutiouîs hb Mir. C'harters fa ('ana- (lia n public lite. Tiien thie bisluop tîux'îed ta liis eau'cer as a pxulishuer ini thuese itou'ds: -Tlueie aie fen' liexi ithuahaî'e conttnîbîîed mare ta fe lci'iolcsoxieuîess of lite ini rural Ontario fhuax the editors of w'eekly iaeuus- paliers. 'fli coluiuxus of aur weekîy ncws- papers have been free tram sensationalism and the appeais tram class prejudice... Tlîey have been charactenized by a sanity and high moral fane fluaf are the bulwank of aur nationial lite." vi tii A CARTOON FEATURE OF THSE CANADIAN WEEKmx NEWSpPEIxS ASSCITIoN ea ds -i isz t lias- hieeii reene sfor big Nm ma- time icia 1 ini ittyà Fmd aft ae- THE HOUSE PAINTER IN SERIOUS TROUBLE ac- oi the iicr Mr. By Capt. Elmore Philpott ait M ** M M M M* U M. * lia1 CANADA'S DAY 0F DESTINY 1 gain counfer vicfory in this war. une COMES NEAR What every Canadian should At Canada la Soon Due for trial realize is this: nai by baffle in World War Il. And This is a big job aur men must ier flic outcome of flic baffle forlhelp fa do. If they succccd in citf Tunisia gives ground for belief landing and hoid even for a few ne- thaf Canadians may do their greaf days, the gangster leaders doom der and t ougli job wifhaut fao dis- may bc seaied wifh dizzy speed. ca- astrous human cast. ** to There is no secret about what NAZI BREAK IN TUNIS FORE- net thaf job is. No layman knows aHDW IGCAKU cl exactly whcre aur Canadian Old Cauiadian Soldiers of WorldE lue Army will be calied upon fa War 1 arc chuckling these days.t ie- strike. But every common-sense For flic fhing fhey have alwayst student of this war must know predicted is coming fa pass: That thaf flic Canadian force in BBn- is, fliafflic Germans wauid soonerc ail tain lias ail ahong been desig- or later fold up and quit in this îîd naf cd fa form part o!flice spear- war as fliey did in the last anc. f liead of fthe alied farce wliicli wiîî If is as clear as crystal thaf r ia- strike f oward flic learf o! Ger- fliat is exactly whaf finaily hap-a lc many. Thaf blow cauid mark flic pcned in Tunisia. And whilc the i le early climax of this war. wliole baffle in Africa is smal id The thrusts by flic Allies may stuff in camparison with flic waro t a be launclicd anywhcre from flic as a whloi, flic coliapse of Ger- i id narflicrn f ip of Narway fa flic man morale in Tunisia indicafcd saufliern shores af Grecce. But that flic whlh Nazi war machine i cl vcry blow so launclicd will be wiii fly fa pieces wlicn Heinie, ti ýhe secarîdary ta or preîiminary ta and Hans, and Fritz gef into flicir f all flic main job. lieads, once again, fliaftliey arc h Thaf main job is ta gef any nat supermen and warhd canquer- t actuai land army in a position crs, but jusf ordinary human be- s from whicl iti can drive toward ings in an army already lickcd. p Germany from anc direction whihe Thaf day may yef be far off, or s flic Russian armies are moving in near. But when if cames if willT flic other way. came witli suddenness and coin-% Se* plefeness wliicli will shock flic I Sc Where Will The Blow Fait? wriG* d A straiglit une is flic slortest The German la As Fine A Sol- is distance bcfween two points. dier as fliere is in flic whalc world b, Hence my gucss is fiaf flic Allied whulc lie is top dog. He is as brave C armies wilh land as far alang flic as the bravest. He is pcrhaps flic c ie direct route fa Germany as thcy bs raie nerh ei ke can get by sca, but under coin-fbest foranzeran-heare gis a of pete ir potecion.plans. But lic suffers from scv- b Bu considcringth ieote eral greaf fauifs. He can nof, ap- T- army fliat wili be neccssary, and parent ly, undcrsfand how ather- 11- considering flic commoriserise of peopies wiil rcact fa lis own i riot f rusting cvcryfhing fa anc 1maves. And deep down in lis spot--or flot putting ahi cggs i heart lic suspects thaf lic is any- o nc baskt-it scems likcly that thîng but a superman. He is in- re landings wili fake place on a front cîincd fa roar anid bluster about hundrcds of miles wide. 1lis own supcriarify because in i But flic Allies can na more con- lis awn irimosf licart hie fcars lic gceaI lith act fIat fliey are gaing ta is inferior. land an flic norfhern caasf of Th scogitcaltspt n Europe than flic Cariadiaris could he pscliaigst alt pi canceai lith act fliat thex- werc Trhus in flic last war Canadians er gaing fa attack Vimy Ridge in sawv wifli fliir own eycs an ah- to 1917. otublealchneak The arly fhing tIen unknown tfacesfinbhicvtale canepke thfli Germans was tIc precise timeplcunfisstagpap. ss of zero hour. I Ca.n Rememnber Spending a '- That is probably flic anly fhing few days in liospital affer flic of unknown ta, them now.. TIcy Baffle of Passclicndacle. There know thaf flic Allies wil 500 were t wa people un flic huf who laundli a series of atfacks againsf umprcssed me. One was Major s wliaftliey callic"frhe so Pearkcs, wlio is now Major-Gen- Li Europe". The only f hing tliey do cral Pearkcs, V.C. He falked a flot know is prccisely wlien, quiet ly about Western Canada and whcrc, by wliom, and in whaf flic warid, but naf about flic war. Ssfrengtli. But flicy won't have There was neyer a word about -long ta waif. himscif - alfliough lic had jusf won flic Victoria Cross. Tunisian Experience Se e cm s In flic samne lut was a young Significant fa me, because if sug-lGerman officer prisoner. Our in- gcsf s liat flic Canadian landing telligence service was keeffing le may' le made without fragic cast. him fliere, gctting information ouf leThere lias been a wocfui of him by flic barrelful-fliaugli amount of siliy talk about wliat lic neyer knew if. Their technique liappencd au Dieppe last summer. was simpie-Gcf him fa talk. This -To licar same peoplc anc wvouid lic did af greaf lcngtli, mostiy -imagine that aur leaders were so about himself. ai uui ac ietîre. me-hves o!flice mod el of 1943j a here is, indeed, more salid - ýbut still men.I reason fa beieve fliaf lian ta cx-1 And h ow e vecr meagre lis pccf wholesale fragedy, even witli knowedge of hisfory rnay be his limied ictry.inshave wil a lwasdn l ien flicslave himif d vicfry.hintinctwih foe iwhaf heslaves The Likeihood Is Th:t The masters were beaten in war which1 Price of dufy will be severe. But meant mass iberation of those en- Min noon sliould lo o n a-1slaved. U m . .... . UU U îtse rcînviibvr, the'! Fat Salvaging Duration C.C F aiways ls t'isis tili il., poli- Job For Nousewlves LI The Editor's Mail ____Ileiar (f nI ole On the aicrt for wastc fats! This .. .. .. ~ ~ Tt, eC.C.F. wvanis to cure our1 is the duration job for every Can- 53 Q ce îre. coiionic 11rblvnis b.V aking adianl housewife in the City and on 53 QuesaniStrneî.gi -n, -t the farm. Careful cooks do not Otta,ýva. Ontario,. iole froi oleadC\Ilg1 overlook even the amounts ta bc May 141hi. 194.3. 10 others. This 15 Tio solion. W1 bndfo lqisi hc Th Eitr.Ililst es1thlîstî conditionis indieri meats are boilcd, or the extra fat The Canadian Statesinan, Niail imaIlýy obtain îvark and skimmed tram soups and stews. Bowmanvilc., Ont. i thus incereas.e the mlclie of the i Housewives, working ail day Sir: nation. Then fromn the %Neatth' doing various farm chores may I amn terribly shocked to find thus createci we ma>- acconiflisil sa. "But we hardly have time ta thaf Miss or is it Mrs. Eva Rey 1- the things your correspondent save fats". If if seems ta fake too 1desires. much time and trouble ta save Old Saderon eel tht Iougit MayI point oui further that these littie scraps, fhey should ta read the C.C.F. literature in our capacity ta produce depends remember that from %. single order ta become more tharoughlv in large measure on the volume of ounce of fat enough glycerine can informed about the program of free capital within the nation. By be obtaincd ta manufacture a littie the C.C.F. f ree capital I mean privately over nc pound of gun Pwder. owned capital willing ta take Farmers who kili animas0 Unfortunately-. if is onc of these risk in search of a profit. Work- their own use must continue pragrams which becomes mare crs carn more in Canada because co operate and savc ail waste fats~ and more difficut to understand the capital investment per wrker and bones. These can be disposed the longer anc studies it. Be- is greater. The existence of the of through meat markets in town, sides anc might be pardoned for C.C.F. is proof of onc thing-pub- Or through the local saivage asking wvhat program? I can re- lic ownership of the means of depots. cal when Mr. Coldweii was production and free institutions As thec millions of pounds of shocked by the idea of debt. He can neyer mave along together. fats which werc imported former- was then going ta retire ail mort- A socialist govcrrnmcnt of the ly from the far East arc no longer gages in Saskatchewan by gixing C.C.F. type and pariamntary in obtainable because of the events he marfgage holders bonds bear- stitutions are nat comipatible. of the past year and a haîf, this .ng no interest and payable in Like pickles and creami they go shortage mnust be made up from 50 annual instaUlments. Only a ili together. Think of the Hiouse every home. This job gives hep few manths ago he was going to of Commons as il is naw.v thcn ta Canada's war pragram. ;pend, in twa years, S5,00)0,000),oo0 complicate it wifh the additional on reconstruction. It would be task of the vast machincry of pro- Law Without Force Is Impotent nccessary ta borrow this. A shart duction. ahl under gov-ernmcnt (The London Free Press) time previously he was proposing cantrol! The whole thing is a Sufficient armaments ta com- ao issue campuisory interest free manstrous joke-too mucli of a mand a respect for law arc an loans. How anc could barrow so joke for any rcalist ta consider essential form of insurance. But nuch wifh such scant assurance as a possible solution of our prob- machincry must be devised ta that if would repaid is an lems. May I point out that the make Certain that these arma- Lnanswcrcd question. lady writcs with fthc enthusiasm ments are immcdiateiy available The program, s0 far as the of youth. in time this wiil no ta back international law. Law ý.C.F. has outlincd if, is aiways doubt be tempcred by the wis- wifhout à police farce is impotent. ased on higher and higher ex- dam of maturity. That is anc of the bitter lessons of enditures and thjs ieads ta high- R. J.. DEACHMAN. the last quarter century. t f t c r t t: er taxes and the grea-t-pro-blenof the farmer, especially the western farmer, is to find money to pay his taxes. I find difficulty in seeing how his position will be improved by increasing the bur- dens which he has to carry, in order to improve housing in To- ronto or any other city. The record of the C.C.F. is one of urging constantly that we pay higher wages and in addition f0 this, provide people of Canada with new housing, provision for free recreation, better transpor- tation services and free medical aid. May I point out for the ben- efit of your C.C.F. contributor that total real wage payments cannot be increased by higher wages. When wages are raised, costs in- crease. Costs are a part of prices. When prices are raised demand falis off. There ils more unem- ployment and the man who is asked to pay for alI these thîngs, in the end, is the farmer, the gentleman to whom Mr. Coldwcll offers his hclp. He will nccd help if Mr. Coldweli gef s into office! It is nice to have dreams, but it is necessary to put rcality under them if they are f0 be brought ta fruition. I arn afraid this lady the things which she suggests should be donc constitutes the re- port of the Advisory Commîttee studying housing in the city of Toronto. I do not know, nor have .ve been toid that the report of the Advisory Committee in To- ronto has been accepted by the General Council of the C.C.F., nor is there any evidence that it has been gencraliy 'acccpted by the C.C.F. as a whole. The party is quif c largely western in scope. How will Saskatchewan look at the vision of Toronto in its new beauty? What will it do withI P RESERVING your property from deteriorotion against time and weather, with the best point, be- cornes a potriotic duty under present conditions; you ovoid fut- uire repoirs ond replocements supplies for which are bodly needed for wor use and moy in any case be difficuit or impos- sible to get. Consuit your local Sherwin- Williams Dealer - v al a à MADEIN CNADA- OFCANAIAN HEA Sherwin-Williamns Points in your dealers' stores to meet essential civilion requirements. Sherwin- Williams Points serve you doubly because they beoutify as weII as protect. For decorotion and colour guidaonce ask your Sherwin. Williams Deoler to Iend you his "Paint and Colour Style Guide." #&E $HERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. Ig Street RICE& Cg o* Telephon. SU mon"" . 1 1 THE CA-NADIAN STATESMAN. BOVJMAN-%M.T.P. nwm,&PTr% 'rWTTDCnà«%7 'NgAXr ný --

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