is l1- in h it ýy y o 'o 'e d e d 1, e r s s TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BQWMANvILLE. ONTARTO PAGE THREN~ Elect Rev. Modon, Newcastle, Chairman OshawaPresbytery The Oshawa Presbytery of the of adjacent fields to set free min- United Churcb of Canada met in isters or other supply for work Hampton United Church, Tues- on vacant fields. day, May 1l. Permission was granted to Officers elected for the coming Kedron congregation to build an year commencing July lst, are: addition to their church for Sun- Rev. R. E. Morton of Newcastle, day school and Young Peoples chairman; Rev. P. L. Juil, Brook- work. lin, secretary; and F. M. Chap- Report on Social Service man, Pickering, treasurer. Rev. An interesting discussion took Mr. Juil has been secretary of the place on the report of the Com- Presbytery since its organization mittee on Evangelism and Social in 1927. Rev. S. Littlewood, Service which was presented by Orono, and R. E. Osborne, Court- C. G. Park, Whitby. secretary of ice, were appointed members of the committee. The report as the Conference Settlement Com- finaily adopted was as follows: mittee. 1. Evangelism.-We would cal ' Calis Approved attention to the fact that the evan- 14TA number of calîs from congre- gelization of the unchurched is gations were received and approv- a perpetual and essential task of ed. Scugog Island requested that the cburcb. We note that ap- Rev. H. W. Foley be appointed proximately 2,200,000 people, ac- as superannuated supply for the cording to the latest census fig- next conference year. Albert ures, acknowledged affinity for Street, Oshawa, sent a strong res- the United Church of Canada, but olution asking that E. Donovan roughly 500,000 of these are un- Jones be continued as student accounted for, according to our pastor. St. Pauls, Bowmanville, year book. We have to admit asked that Rev. F. H. Joblin be also that a considerable propor- continued as supply for another tion of those listed by the year year. book have no active association Rev. P. L. Juil, temporary with the church. chairman of Myrtie pastoral Your committee urges that our charge, presented a cali to Rev. charges recognize these t wo D. G. Gault, now serving as groups of unchurched folk with Chaplain, promising to grant hirm an acknowledged affinity for the leave of absence for the duration. United Church as our special A caîl was also received from challenge and field of evangelistic Senlac, Saskatchewan, to Rev. P. opportunity. H. Christensen, a member of Osh- Your committee also begs to de- awa Presbytery, who bas been plore the failure of many charges serving for the past tbree years to add any new memnbers by pro- at Sweaton, Sask. Rev. F. G. fession of faith during tbe year, Joblin, of Scugog Island, applied and urges that ail ministers strive for permission to retire because for an annual accession of new of ill-bealth. members, both by membersbip A communication was received classes from the Sunday scbool from the Home Missions Commit- and well-planned programs o! tee of the Bay of Quinte Confer- personal and group evangelism ence asking tbat, owing to the with adults. sbortage of ministers, every ef- 2. Temperance. -- We very fort be made to combine the work heartily commend the Federal sol Canada's Housoldiers know that custards and blanc- manges, quickly and easly made with pure, high quality Canada Corn Starch, are a delight with any luncheon or dirlner menu. At this time when Canadians are urged to "Eat Rîght to Feel Right-, these delicious desserts will prove a welcome addition to the nutrition foods featured by the National Food for Fitness Campaign. Follow Canada's Food Ruies for Heaith and Fitness. (ANADSTARCH A poduf o fh CAADASTACHCOMPANY, Umiated T-HE ARMY MOVES F< Get there first. Hit hard . .. and keep rolling. 1 That's the basis of the modern attack, the secret cf success in a war cf movement. For areater speed and strilina power. courar rmv i Government for its recent im- Give Lecture On and perfect; . . . Man is ideal;.. . portant restrictions upon the lie is not physique. He is the coin- liquor traffic, and urge the gov- Christiani Science pound idea of God, including al 'ernment to resist steadfastly ah riLht icleas; . . . that which bas effort of the traffic t0 induce re- Judge Greene of Chicago Spoke flot a single quality underivcd cession from the restrictions now In Oshawa Friday Nlght from Deity.' This concept of man, imposcd. translated into o)ur daily thouglit We voice our conviction that A lecture on Christian Science and lives, lifts the buman con- further drastic curtailment of the entifled, "Christian Science: The sciousness from the physical to traffic is desirable, and in partic- Religion of Authority", was given the spiritual, from the discordant ular we protest the continuance jfo the harmonious, from tbe fear- of the beverage room in Ontario, by Judge Samuel W. Greene, C-S. ful f0 the confident, froin the ]m- and especially the drinking rooms B., o! Chicago, Illinois, member o! perfect to the perfect. for women, the abolition of which the Board of Lecturesbip o! the Work, Treatment, or Prayer we believe is now overdue. Mother Church, the First Cburch 'To the beginner in Christian We note witb satisfaction the o Christ, Scientist, in Boston Science, or to one wbo is sick and steady growth o! the Youth Tem- Mass., in the Masonic Temple: lias not been able to find bis heal- perance Post Movement andOsaFrdyngt ing in medicine, there cormes naf- would urge ail charges to take ad- Judge Greene said in par-t' rlyteiqir,'o a s vantage of the leadership offered "The history of bumanity indi- Chbristian Science for my own in this field by the Ontario Tem- cates that there are periods of ac- healing, or for my own spiritual perance Federation. tivity and striving in buman con- improvement?' This is a fair 3.he mo ruitfuifunctioning o! sciousness as weli as stretches o! question, and, f0 the earnest per- the ostfrutfu fuetinin oftime wben there seems to be liffle spn, trougli a faithful and con- oui- democratic institutions- e- or no activity or progress in bu- sîstent effort, there will generally quires the intelligent and active man tbinking. The present age is corne a satisfactory result. One participation of ahl oui- people in giving birfb to mucb striving and should first realize that work, or political and patriotic activities. much activity in various parts o! treafment, in Christian Science is We must exercise our freedom th at hr ua engs arefltpscabtiwioymea, and our franchise f0 secure rep - reaching out, desiring tf posor spiitual. Trios efort is nout resentation faithful f0 Christian freeohpiesmoeo t nrtadbui ecivg principles. The Kingdom of God Redom, bapin esore o!goo oetigmyfrouerdifci cannt evntuae i we o no byfuI for this activity of thought, be- and claiming the trutb of being." our ballots give our support f0, cause there is good to be had and __________ wortby candidates and Christian enjoyed by aIl; and activitY O! programs. "E v e r y Christian thought may open the door for should be a politician, and every more human beings to a vision o! Hampto politician a Christian." the spiritual and perfect. Chris-____ 4. Prlmary Producer. - We tian Science affords any man the Visitors: Mi-. andi Mrs. Will would affirm the right of the oportîlnity, and provides him Wbite and sons, Orono, visiteti o!iar th pntonauc omafai cx- wththe methoti o! thinking, lber mother, Mrs. Elmina Johns, pr tessounatifaicton wtan te whereby lie may risc above the Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Levi mregnoustsfctinsnow acru- disappointing experiences o! ma- Niddery, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. mongenfrers, sern, mînacrs- ferililiving and enter into the Tibeand fmlBase Line, and tothaersbo perom ebard, promised landi Of spiritual attain- at Mrs. L. Niddery's. . . Mr-. Fred gaing otoil o f or cctnomy. Wements and find bis freedom anti Veale, Nestîcton, visiteci Mr. anti grnigthe hofoecatthn o st- dominion, even -the kingdom of Mrs. C. W. Souch. .. Mrs. Isaac expressth oetathPO- heaven witbin". Bulmer, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. wa co o lg ague af0irtinse 'This religlous teacbing speaks Raymond Burns and Barbara, orerlvng et t ewitb confidence and witb author- Oshiawa, Mrs. D. Rackham, Bow- 5ok. CaainBodatn o-ity because if speaks the message manville, witb relatives. . . Mr-. 5. ranad-We comedathe Can- o Christ Jesus and brings the anti Mrs. E. Robinson, Oshiawa,, poain.Br oadcsfn Corporain usable and practical knowletige of werc gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. G. forthetim B dalted fCorprious his ministry to the door of the Farncomb, Courtice, Saturday... foroahcasts altd xpress ousats- receptive buman consciousness. In Mr-. anti Mrs. Geo. Etiger, Mrs. fraact antd ucxprsogrmsas ah the fcacbing of the Master Thompson, Oshawa, visif cd Mr.1 tatiofeion th uhe "Roaio ibl there is hope and confidence, witb and Mrs. H. Wilcox. . . Mr. and tHaor". o h Rai il neyer a note o! doubt or fear. The Mrs. John Milîs and son, Clifford, 6 ourd' a.-Wefa.h common affairs o! men will be on Ajax, Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. Burns 6. Lrd's dang e er te be basis whcn more o! them, an d sons, Janetvillc, at S. Kcrsey's crtion hroughitheagreofion o! througb spiritual attainiment anti anti Mrs. J. Burns'. . . Miss Beat- grecdy cthomm tera esnteposf untierstanding, begin witb confi- rice Leach, Oshawa, with ber sis- pletingcarmmecessty atis dence to dlaima for themselves fer, Wilma. . . Miss Jessie Ho- wleadappea 0rti eole f0setn health, life, success in buies garth, R.N., Bowmanville, at J. we ppel t ou pepletosetand happy relations with f eh- D Hoath's. .. Pte. Percy Allin, their faces against Sunday enter- !ellow beings. That ail of this Conwall , spent the week-end at fainiment and we tieplore aIl un- and more may be accomplisheti home. . . Pte. Freddie Payne, necessary work on the Sabbath, fbrough an absolute i-chance upon Brapowshm frte anti defend the princîples o! the God is the teaching o! Christian wamptn..wase.homel fo th sal rds-a workme nidutiswefrc Science, andi the experience Of Camp Borden, wifh his parents.. cl onuuseatinutis mpera- many Christ ian Scientits.dPte. Lorne Bradley, Kngston, tive. We believe the maintenance "A few years past the middle of Pte. Ted Kerscy, Kingsfton, wif h o! our Christian Sunday is a cause tbe last century, when mucb o! bis parents. . . LAC Reg. Rack- our people shoulti be alert f0 the thougbt in America was bam and bride visiteti bis parents, defenti.wrslg with the question o! Mi-. and Mrs. W. Rackham... Mrs. buman freetiom or buman slavei-y, Bruce Yeo anti Carol, Bowman- "1POLICING"1 EUROPE there came f0 Mary Baker Edtiy. ville, at C. Colwill's... Mrs. Toyne (J. W. Roch in the Montreal the Discoverer anti Fountier of o! Toronto, visiteti ber daugbter, WbnteHerald) Christian Science, the conscîous- Mrs. E. Atiainson... Miss Autirey Whntewar is over some sort ness that man bas an inherent Northcutf, Bowmanville, at~ A. of association o! the decent na- rigbt f0 freedom. She hati wrest- Blanchard's. .. Miss M. Horn vis- fions will be necessary, first o! led in ber own fbought and in iteti Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, ail f0 "police" Europe anti then f0 ber own person with the ensiave- Oshiawa. .. Lj Cpl. Beulali Hutcli- prevent sucb wars in future. ments o! poverty, discase, and inson, No. 21 C.D.C. Clinic, No. Whether this association will be sorrow. In ber striving, she bad 24 C.A.(B.)T.C., Brampton, spent calleti "a League o! Nations" docs turneti definitely away from the the week-end witb ber parents. not matter. Wbat will matter is accusfomed material means for Congratulations to Do n aldt that if be made effective. ,Iso- relieving the pains and beart- Wbite, Orono, grandson o! Mrs. C. lationisin" as a way of keeping aches of bumanify, and had sougbf Johins, on winning the Gold Medal ouf of war bas been fried and the Divine plan of salvation as lin the W.C.T.U. oratorical con- founti wanting. Courage and the furnisbed in the life anti work o! test, Friday nighf, at Orono. sense o! responsibility wbicb bave Jesus o! Nazareth. Mrs. Jas. Burns continues quit e come f0 us in war must be witb "This religion adopts witb bold- îow at fime or wrîting. us also in the task o! winning and ness the authorifative mnanner o! Hampton W.I. maintaining peace. Christ Jesus in teaching and The Women's Institufe met in claiming the perfect. In harmony, the basement o! the church witb Repentance wifbout amnend- then, witb Jesus' words anti the Peiet .Ryodi h ment, is like confinually pumPing works, the Christian Science Phar eena tLeynofldsinesse wifbout mending the leàk. textbook says (S c icn ce anti were dealt wîtb. If was deciticd -Dilwyn Healtb, p. 475: 'Man is spiritual f0 fill fîve cases o! jam for over- seas, a number o! bis were pre-1 senteti anti ordereti paid, a dona- SERINOTHE~ .tion o! $10 tf0tflichcurcb wasj 'Il -~ ,,.granfed for use o! basement for Il UNIDNATIOSHE.~. oui- meetings. If was decided fliat UNTE NATON the W.I. woulti look affer the1 WITH WAR ALCOHOL cburcb flowcr bcd again this year,i the members donafing geranluins1 41'~QLS.~"~...for saie. The W.I. will also co-1 operate with the Aduit Bible Class1 in securing !lowers for funerals,t the Bible Class f0 psy one-thirt i \\' ~and W.I. two-fhirds.1 >R W RDMrs. L. Niddery presideti for the r D R W A R Delection o! officers. The follow-t o iiii oing slate was presenteti and atiopted: President, Miss Lulur Reynolds; 1sf Vice Pi-es., Mrs. G.a Farncomb; 2nd Vice Pi-es, Mrs. R.c Knox; Sec., Mrs. Chas. Warren; Assist. Sec., Mrs. H. Salter; Treas.,s Mrs. J. R. Reynolds; District Di-e tos r.W. W. Horn anti Mrs.n tric anualat Blacksfock are, f, Cr. . arre, MsL. ends.r Mrs. H. Salfer, Mrs. R. Knox, Mrs. Mrs. W. G. Doitige presîded I ((vfor the following prograin ine charge o! the norfh group: A sel-c ection froin the song sheet, "Thes Maple Leaf F'orever"; chorus by flic group, "We'hl Neyer Let theC Olti Flag Fali"; atitiuess anti dis-s cussion by A. E. Suimers, Bow- t -. . .. ..Mee , ul vruril o provide ,îconol for tmis ana orner urgent needs, moves forward on Rubber. But, Japan controls cour plants are on full war production.' In this as 90% of the raw rubber regions cf the world. in many other aspects of the national effort, Faced with a shortage cf this critical material, the INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL takes its place witb the United Nations are feverishly producing synthetic fighting tools cf war. Kidney Acids Rob Your Rosi Many poe nover aeem to get a good nigt'area. Teytum and toaa-lie awake and c.ouit a.eep Olten they blame it on .nevea' wh.. it may be their kidnmy. Healthy kidneya lilter poiona Irons the blood. JE they are faulty and ai, poiaons atay in the syatenî and aleepleasneaa, head- ache, backacheofoten follow. If you don't sleep well, try Dodd's Kidney Pilla-lor hall a century the favorite reanedy. 103 Dodd'sKidney Pis SIDELIGHTS ON PEOPLE, PLACES, MOVE- MENTS AND THINGS By Herbert Cranston DID YOU EVER HEAR of tli< Typo-Grenhins? Tliey are funny littie devils that lui-k arounc every newspapcr office secking fo do aillich mischief tliey can, anc then laughing hcai-tily at fliccd- ifor anti bis perpiexeti anti offer very much annoyeti associafes. Tbcy arc close relatives o! the Gremlins which have been giving oui- air force men s0 mucli trouble. They have matie me look andi feel pretfy sick a gooti many tiines in the course of years. I wisli I hati kept a record of fliîr wickcd- ness, for if would bc fun f0 looki back over if now. Possibly the most amusing of their deetis, liowevcr, occurret iun Midianti when one o!flihem tricked the Free Press Heralti make-up man-ycs, we bave a inake-up man on a newspaper, but be does not tiab anything on bis lips thougli bis finger nails do get dirty. Hc's flic fellow wbo puts flic type info thc pages. Weli this Typo-Greinlin was responsible for the make-up man getting two news stories mixeti at flic fime the Pi'csbyterian General Assenib- ]y was meeting in Midianti in June of 1939. The report o! the Sun- day services was foo long for ail o! if f0 go on the front page, anti if was furneti inside. On that page was also a reader for the Esquire Theatre. To make a long story short the Assembly cliurch service anti the Esquire reader gof most hope- lessly mixeti up, thanks f0 the wicked Typo-Greiniin. Haif o! the theafre story was put under the Assembly turnover beatiing, whihe flic churcli sfory wcnf in ifs place af the tail endi o! the theatre reader. The cburch story i-cati this way: "The morning service was con- ducteti by (please turn f0 page 5) expectant moflier. The men ai-e John Wayne, an escapeti ouf- law, Thomas Mitchell, docfor anti clironic drunk; Donald Meek, Bible-quoting whiskcy drummer; John Carradine, gambler; anti Bei-ton Churchill, pseudo-respcct- able banker absconding witb $50,- 000."1 Nice crowd to be conducfing a churcli service. The theafre sfory wbich badti f do wîtb a livcly play calleti "Stage Coach"i-cadtis way: "Passengers in the coach in- clude two womcn, Claire Trevor, a 'slady lady' i-un ouf of fown by the reforin element; Louise Platt, wife of an army officer, anti. the new moderafor, Rev. Dir. Stuart C. Pai-ker, Toronto; Rev A. C. Stewart, M.A. o! Knox Churcbý Mitilanti; the Moderator, Dr. Don- ald; anti Dr. M. B. Davitison o! Gaif." Strange place for these parsons f0 be! Thaf litt le deviltry o! the Typo- Greinlin travelleti ah over Can- ada, anti was grcatly enjoyeti by flic victims. R. P. McLEAN, EDITOR o! tlie Kelowna, B.C., Courier, bas writ- f en a tale about a Typo-Grein- lins wbicb I amn happyf0 i-cpilt. He gives a splendid description o! lin. 'Like ail Greinhins, lie is very sinail. Don't know much about bis appearance, excepting thaf bis hantis are always inky black. I think this is because lie cats pi-inters' ink anti molfen type- metal. This tiiet obviously tioesn'f agree witl i hm anti 50 he is very irritable anti talkes if ouf on pi-inters anti edifors. The Typo- Greminn deliglifs in sncaking up f0 a gallcy when flic edifor's back is turneti andtifransposing the lines o! type. Then liei-uns in front o! the proof reader whie lie is reading the proof; this makes the pi-oof reader blink jusf as he is about to i-cati the transposeti lines, and, o! course, the mis- placet iunes get in flic paper, anti the editor gets anoflier gray liai- ..Soinetimes the Typo-Gremlin perches atop flic linotype machine and gis wicketily. Wlien the operator comes f0 a name, the Tpyo-Gremlin leans foi-ward, snickering, anti jogs flic operator's ehbow. Then the naine comes ouf like this: Tyop - GremIni. He never dtoes this for naines like Dncperpetrovsk or Ayudlia, only for Sm-thi, oJncs anti Borwn. 'BUT THAT'S NOTHINO. The prank whicb the Typo-Greinlin ikes the best is f0 make anoflier error on a uine wbicb bas been coi-rected. So, if flic fi-st story ;ays that Mi-. Smith is a defective on the police force, the Typo- Grcinlin makes the correctetd story reati, "Mi-. Sitifh is a defec'- tive on flic police farce" Anti the "THE TYPO-GREMLINS have some specialists. There is. for example, the Slug-Grcmlin, who speciahizes in puffing in uines in- steati o!f aking thern ouf. He likes f0 put 'Add Blrths' on flic top o! a sfory about Mrs. Sith becom- ing a moflier for flic sevenfl i fme. At flic botton lic wilpuf 'More, More'. You can imagine bow de- liglifeti e is whcn lie succeetis. This specialist is responsible, f00, for lines like the following gef ting in the paper. Etaoin shi-tlu efaoin shi-tlu, etc. "Write a sfory about a window waslier anti if comes ouf a 'widow Wasbcr'. Anti picture fthc dcvilisb gîce o!flihose Typo-Greinlins which were responsible for flic folhowing: . . . 'The pastor wil pi-oach andti lere will bc special sinning by the congregation'. Anti imagine flic laugliter o!flice Grem- lin wlio got this one into the so- ciety page: 'Ail the britiesmaitis wore reti noses'. "Imagine the Gremin's gîe wlien the editor tricdti f explain ti tlie fown's leading citizen wliy flie paper saiti he appeareti at a civic function as flic 'guest o! lion-or'. An ativertiser discover- cd not so long ago that Typo- Greinhins liat been af lis copy. He bati wanfed f0 ativertise rugs for sale, but the Typo-Greinhin cliang- cd ift ti 'Bugs for sale'. 'Typo-Greinlins love f0 play bob wifb stories about wcddings, birflis anti funeralS-those things about wbich people ai-e vcry fouchy. One a !ew wceks ago playeti a nasty trick-and he only changeti a perioti. As flic sfory was wriften ifi-cati: 'The bride wore a veil. Qnly relatives atives affendeti.' Nofhing wrong wifli that, but by the fume flic paper was prinfedth le Typo- Gi-coiin liat gof lis tiirfy work in anti liatiplaceti the perioti affer the word 'only'. "SOMETIMES EDITORS PUT speciai instructions on the copy sent fo flie coinposing room anti tlie Typo-Greinhin just loves f0 Play pranks witli flaf. Not so long ago I noticeti that one hati been at work in this manner. There hati been a bati fi-e anti the edifor liatiaskcdti laf al proofs bc sent f0 hlm. When the sf ory came ouftifi-cati: "The young mother, chilti ln ai-ms, stooti af the window o! the fhird-story room, sinoke anti flames swirling arounti ber, and ychheti senti al proofs fa flic edîtor," THIS ONE bappencti in the Parkcrshurg (W. Va.) News i- cent iy. Infthc Icati Society story, flic wetiding music includeti "Sweef Savîour Bleas Us Ere Wc Go". Wben if was prinfe t i i-ati: "Swcct Saviour Bless Us Here Wc Solina Women's Institut c met Thurs- day for their annuai business meeting wifh Mrs. S. E. Werry prcsiding. These officers were electeti for flic next terin: Pi-es. Mrs. Werry; 1sf Vice Pi-es. Mi-s. W. Lcask, 2nti Vice Pi-es. Mrs E. Cryderman; Sec.-Trcas. Mrs. Cli!- ford Naylor; District representa- five, Mi-s. W. Leask. Atidifional prograin includeti a reatiing by Mrs. Roy Langinaiti anti piano solo by Margaret Prescotf. Lunch was serveti by Mrs. R. Gilberf's group. Missionary prograin at Sunday Schooi was conducteti by Mrs. J. W. Yellowlecs with a vocal trio by Mary, Hazel anti Jean Crytier-] man, story, Evelyn Taylor anti Sciipture rcading, Mrs. A. J. Bal- son. Congratulations f0 Mi-. anti Mrs. Lloyd Broome anti Mr. anti Mîs. Percy Westlakc on their recent mariages. We wclcomc Mai-ion anti Iva! Velma Gilbert is home, baving completeti ber fi-st ycar at Uni- versity o! Toronto. Doris Milison bas gone f0 Sud- bury for the summer on Fieldi Mission work. Visitors: Mi-. anti Mrs. Melvin McCabe anti Shirley. Oshawa, at Mi-. Walter Parrinder's... Mi-. anti Mrs. Chas. Siifl anti Anna, Hampton, at Mi-. R. Gilbert's... Messrs. Edigai-, Han-y anti Ross Phillîps anti son, Toronto; Mi-. Norman Muffon, Osliawa, visif cd Mi-. F. C. Shortritige wlio is sliglif- ly improveti. . . Mi-. anti Mrs. Tom Baker af Mr-. Percy Dewchl's, Hampton. . . Mi-.. anti Mrs. Jin Reynolds, Davidi anti John, Hamp- ton. af Mi-. Jack Reynolds. .. Mi-. anti Mrs. Lloyd Mcfcalf anti Lai-iy, Oshiawa, xvifh bis sister, Mrs. Wes. Wcrry, who continues quife il]. Beginning Sunday, May 23, Sunday Scbool will meet af 10 a.m., anti Churcb af 1h a.m. An- nivcrsary services, Suntiay, May 30, at 2 anti 7 p.m. Mi-. A. L. Pascoe was in Port Hope, Monday, on business. Mi-. anti Mrs. W. Ormiston, Bruce anti Marlon, Columbus, at Mi-. Bruce Tink's. Mrs. Wàlfer Bray bas refurneti fo ber home af Pickering a!fter spcntiing a wcek wifh ber sisfci-- in-law, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. I.' Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. W. H' Jaynes bas returned home from Richmond Hill where she has been convalescing after having undergone treatmnefts at Toronto Generai Hospital. Arbor Day was held at school, Friday. One quilt was quilted at the Red Cross meeting at Mrs. G. Martin's, Thursday. Congratulations to Miss Edith Hendry who as successfuly paBS- ed in al er subjects at PeterborO Normal School! She is now holi- daying at home. Margaret Brown and Lois Al- dred attended Doreen Aldred's birthday party, Brown's. Visitors: Mr. Jno. Mitchell, Port Hope, at Mr. C. J. Mitchell's ... Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown, Osh- awa, at home. .. Mr and Mrs M. Heard, Port Hope, at Mr. C. Brown's. . . Miss Jean Gilchrist, R.C.A.F. (W.D.), of Sangudo, Al- berta, now stationed in Toronto, visited her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Hendry... Mr. and Mrs. Art Bd- win, Marlene, and A. Taylor, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbank, Enter- prise.. . Mrs. J. Baskervile, New- castIe, Mrs. G. Clarke, Toronto, at Mr. W. Baskerville's. , , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, Tyrone, at Mr. Chas. Alldred's. . Mr- and Mrs. W. Hlmes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes, at Mr. Wm. Clemnce's, Shaw's... Mr. and Mrs. L. Mllson and Doreen, Newtonvile, at Mr. W. A. Adams'. . . Miss E. Holmes, Osawa, at Mr. H. Rowand's. Beg no question, shrnk from no conclusion, b u t folow truth wherever it may ead. -Henry George MRS. A. J. SCHWARTZ d&v" what ti real trouble wa. Continuai backaches, gettig up nights and constipation came front an îinactive liver. Fruit-a-tivez quikly mae but f eel fine -no pain, leepa weII, alwaya regnar. Buck p YOUR liver with Fruit-a-iys. Cana<a'a Largest SeDling liver Talet. I Flossie'. M OOds FRIGHTENED RECAUSE she's heard that there's a couple of littie fellows kicking up a fuss about drink- ing their mhilk. Their mothers ought te try givlng them BOW- MANVILLE DAIRY'S Choco- late Milk - just as healthful! Order It Today From - Bo wm anvîiIe Dairy PHONE 446 YOU'VE GO! .A JOB TO DO! Help your country by keep- lng your car i smootla run- nlng order. Have it check- ed at Gaitons Garage. Then use it only when you reaily need to. Your present car wiiI more than iikely have to hast for the duration. When travelling between Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whitby or Mjax, on account et uneertalnty of weather conditions, bad roadls and rationing of gas and tires, more people are aband- oning their cars ini favor of GARTONS MOTOR COACHES. Convenient Sehedules - Âsk for Time Table GART0ON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville -~ _ THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943 ~vv I 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THFLEE