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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1943, p. 4

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PG FORTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAMY2,14 Maple Grove A.Gadners Celebrate Orono News Ebenezer F O R O W N AND C UNTRYMiss Audrey Hall, London. Ont.. Misses Aima and Vida Tourjee, W.M.S. meeting, May 11, open- W e Test Eyes an FtTrse FOR OW N AND COU TRY spent the week-end with Mr. and Saturday, May 8, .was the oc- Toronto, were down last week to ed with Pres. Mrs. G. F. Annis in __________________________________________ Mrs. H. R. Foley. casion for a celebration at the celebrate Aunt Sarah" MePher- the chair. Gleanings from Branch - AIFACIN URNTE Mrs. Charlie Wright, town, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardner, son's birthday. Many happy re- meeting in Oshawa, were given by -STSAT spent Sunday with hier sister-in- 68 Hartley Ave., Toronto, the rea- turns! Mrs. F. W. Rundie and Mrs. H. 4law, Miss May Wright. son being their Silver Wedding We were pleased to see the F. Osborne. The worship service LA I SDr. and Mrs. Llyn Coates, so Anniversary. names of Neil Wood, Archie Wat- was in charge of Mrs. Annis, with INSECTICIDES U'A U Denby, Pauline Leaver, Beverley crowded with well-wishing rel- students who passed their exams Gay assisting. Bordeaux Mixture 1IL ~~K ~ SeaToont, M. Lwreceatives and friends of the couple, at Ontario College of Pharmacy. T he to pi c for discussion, 1ilb. 25c - 5 lbs. $1.00 In wie rnge0f ize inbeatif Wag, Toshnto, Mv.sitorsoence some fifty 'of whomn called. A Congratulations! "Asleep or Awake to our Home E U SO DSweek-endshat Mr os C.Sowenthe large majority f themn stayed for Orono Y..u. Mission Tasks', was very intr edAsnt Missen aMe Le MCalf, Mr. aîî evening.senat In awid rage f szes n bautful Mis Madlin Mecal, M' asocial gathering which lastedi Union Monday night was in esting and thoseý takmng part were: 1 lb. 25c - 5 lbs. 95c mateial. Painand prlted crees BuceSteensn, shaa, aiM. lTeen er 3io hndtocharge of the recreational conven- Mrs. F. W. Rundle; Mrs. R. E. madriayos. oain ad rssin d rk ruceStcavfnsonOshwaple r. The rereeshmens hicn- tor, Donald Staples. who presided Osborne; Mrs. C. Osborne; Mrs. Sprayide - ABteWa RoWetwelcoeMr ndMs. cudetha rel hmentmade dd*in over a very interesting program. H. F. Osborne; Mrs. E. Oke and 1 lb. 30c - 5 lbs. $1.25 - ~ tk sha:es - two-Pece suits in, sununer Morey Burgess, Miss Jean, Mr. cake. CrolSth e avoured witurea by Mr s W unde ad in NcoineSlucaelos-nai PRICD FRM -transferred from King St., Osh- knowing that the relatives of Mrs es. atost nt eesing alk oncs.-.E.Curie 'Rcraton ad edin adicu-Mission Cirele Paris2Gen-vi1mib. 45c PIE RM-awa, to Maple Grove Church. Gardner(nc Maud Willis)in sion as to whether there was The Mission Circle held its /lb25 -il.59 tad9 ç M.and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, cluded two brothers and five sis- enough wholesome recreation for meeting at the home of Mrs. Edra Black Leaf "40" MisMargaret Stewart, Scar- ters, Mrs. W. Mavnard from Bow- young and old, with proper super- Price with an attendance of 19. 35c, $1.00, $2.15, $3.(10 boro, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. manville; Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs. J. viin. t n (ic h on Miss Ann Hoît presided with Mrs. ar.5vie$1 .9 Richards. Mrs. G. Tomlinson, Mrs. pesoopfdeidednoadissi c ussioon Harry Gay in charge of the devo- 9cSz PCA __ ~J. Moore, ail of Toronto, and Jack of what was needed, the young tional period of which the theme D and R Cieansing Cream 2RlsPprTwl -SCHOOL NEWS and William Willis also of To- people saying a public recreation was, "The Lord's Prayer". Mus- Only ----Ail-for 79e rot.centre. Two quizzes, one on the ical selections were given by Mrs. 85 i Metaie------abinet 59 Make a dress this spring. Even if you (By Harry Snowden) The two sons of the happy Bible and one on manners, as well Price and Grace Truli and read- 5cSiToe-5c have never made one before you wiîî Mission Band was held in the couple are both members of the as relays and games followed, af- ings by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and school roomn Friday, with Made- R.C.A.F. Barney being overseas ter which a sing-song and the Mrs. Eric Courtice. The study fd it simple. We have a ivide range line White's group in charge. We and Douglas stationed at Dunn- munching of delicious apples book was in charge of Mrs. Clyde of materia" to choose from and are were glad to see Mrs. Munday at- ville, Ont. Foot Retemediesbouh Sudrs scaltm wsen ACEN agentsg forn.MTheaslspatterns. Buttonsewsa pleasant evening to a close. ioyed at the close. The girls hl agens fo Meall attens.Buttns, Grades seven and eiglit have and nieces ail joined in presenting Orono W.C.T.U. Elects Officers a quilting at the home of Ann Holt LARGEST SELLUNGTOOTI4---- thread, bias tape, etc., carried In stock. had two full examinations in a gift of silverware. Jack Willis Mrs. H. Walsh was re-elected when two quilts were made and J. PadsM- .- 20e arithmatic. made the presentation. Alto- president of Oon W.C.T.U. a Red Cross fopuSU NORpTBueaePds-- 5 SLUBS - ------------------------------N----- 79e, $1.00 a yd. We have had a glance at the gether it was a most enjoyable t election held Tuesday after- Friday night a large crowd from Fezn 3 WABASSO PPI --------- - ------------------- 42e yd. pictures taken on Arbour Day by event. noon at the home of the pei this community gathered at Pid- PRINTED RAYONS ----------- 69c, 90c, S1.00 and $1.25 yd. Miss Williams and some of us dent. Other officers elected were: duck's Hall in honour of Lyle .Na onLql 5 Spot nd res sylstwedsandplinfabie ina d re v terill Wsurie fd W ed in sFirst Vice Pres., Mrs. Delve; 2nd Corden. Norman Down acted as S RN O T - atTedyw tde an e d n sVice Pres., Mrs. I. Winter; Rec. chairman and af ter a few remarksNyoo.--.5,$10 Sport nd dres styls, tweds andplain abricsin a wde dre, the riSec., WeMrs.d R. Sest,;rsCor.BeSec.,r. Miss, caslledlononMrs. RR.. C.aPearce whoM range of colours. many interesting things about it. DEPEW-GLAN VILLE F. Cobbledick; Treas., Mrs. R. read an address. She called upon I.AROI six' PloieSop o i .MENhavS SUITStick___lay Rainey; Press Sec., Miss F. Grant Bennett who presented Mr.Lfeuy- .2foli In Dnegs adHrrSbneUn lanciordwses ing 'knock out flies" this week as Trinity United Church parson- Cobbledick. Superintendents ofCrenwtÏ Mwthad r.E In Dnegls nd errngbnesand lai coourd wrstds. our bases are sticky after the age. Bowmanville, was the scene departments: Evangelism, Mrs. S. Twist who presented a lvl bou- 2 ç4 - - rains. 0~~~f a pretty wedding Saturday, Littlewood; Fruit and Flowers, qe o r.Cre h a LUNCHEON CLOTHS - The Girls' Sewing Club held a May 15th, when Helen Eileen, Mrs. I. Winter, Mrs. W. Seymour, unable to be present. Cashmre Buque FROM -------------------- - ----------.--- 75e to $4.25 a piece meeting last week and made more vounger daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Rainey; Law Enforcement thanked everyone for this display SETS FROM --------------------------- 1.00 to $2.95 eaeh plans for the bazaar. They hope Mrs. John Glanville, became the and Sabbath Observance, Mrs. J. 0f appreciation. SUN GOGGLES ------5e,-29e--p-to-$3-- CURTAIN MATERIAL - ~~to hold it on June 2lst.' bride of Harry L. Depew, sonl 0f J. Mellor. Lyle, who has been driving a ____________________________ CU T I A E RL-Grades five and six are studying Mr. and Mrs. Charles Depew. Thsls'a rsne ytebread wagon and truck through Side drape yardage ini several materials. Priced from "The New England States" for Rev. J. E. Griffith officiatcd. nominating committee through this community for the last 20PoeCO L I DRJ S RE m t 49e to $1.95 a yard social studies. by r xei The bride looked lovely in a Mrs. R. Rainey and was accepted. years, is leaving to take a posi- 695 COivery' Som ofthebos re xpei-two-piecc afternoon frock of baby The meeting opened with a wr tion with Canada Bread at Peter- WE CLOSE AT 10 O'CLOCK SATU RDAY NIGHTS menting on several projects seen blue silk crepe with small flower- ship period conducted by Mrs. boro. The chairman called on THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSD MAY 24th in books. cd hat and navy accessories and Littlewood, who read the Scrip- Chas. Osborne and W. R. Pickell _____________________________ a corsage of butterfly roses and turc and gaye thoughts on the fOrshortaspeeche. W. aksdth forget-me-nots. She was attend- samne, the subject being "Power of Ohw aae f Cnd II~ i O dby er iste, Mrio, i a Gd'.Roî cal folowd, o wichBread, spoke for a few minutes ouch, ilier snnter, MarioninlackstockRoel .all fille, with wthM. . dmrs, M.wAdas. . . LodTopoRCAF Blc so kbiesilk crepe dress with brown members respondcd by temper- and thanked the gathering for wt Mr. J.aasndPak Mrs. B. Ashton andan nstrmen _______ ~and beige flowcred bat and brown ance messages, after which min- thividestoLl.Tef llreadMr.G.BitniBwan aib Mrs. A. Adech. Phoe 36Kig S. t.Jon'sA..PA.accessories and a corsage of car- utes were read and adopted:-Mrs. lowxng program was given after Phn 86Kngs.St ohsAY...nations and sweet peas. Tommy W. Stutt gave the treasurer's re- which evcryone had a chat with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, Oshawa,stiodatTetn nd et home of John Carter, Burketon, best man. thc report of the evangelismn dept.; anhuBrs:VoalooadIancksok h ran .AiEr Adams, orw.l May' 131h, with 37 present. Mrs. The brîdc's mother chose for Mrs. Rainey, flowcr and fruit re- mouth-organ selection 'by Ross Baktcwt r.E dm.. M.adMs .MraOh Carter invited in several of the the occasion a blue flowered silk port; Mrs. Mellor, law enforce- Metealfe; reading, H. F. Osborne; Mrs. H. Adams with hier mother,awtMrE.Bdlys Nevytonvile urday evening. A pleasant eve-1 Burketon young people to meet dress with black accessories and ment and Sabbath observance;vclslMs i k; rad Ms.SerguoBlcvtcillMr.n rs .Bec n Ne t n il igwas passed playingbrde the AYPA members. a corsage o pink roses and swcet Mrs. W. H. Rouse for the L.T.L.; ing, Miss Mildrcd Metealfe. Tsheyil. Lloymattrs.nMrgart Wriht's Sincere sympathy is extendedi The meeting was opened by peas. The groom's mother wore Mrs. R. Rainey for temperance in wîth the president, Mrs. Plant in M.DnCrMs lnh Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 10 Mrs. Chas. Morris. whose moth- Miss Leona Devitt in the usual a paie blue silk crepe dress with Sunday school; Mrs. Rowc for tecar r.T alyra h Osborne and family, Wclcome, at er died recently at Mt. Albert. manner. The Scripture lesson navy accessories and a corsage of Little White Ribboners. BurketonJA Scripture. The program: A rcad- Efed Mr.J.T.Peaces.. PI. enoxMrs. Morris has been at Mt. AI- was laken by Archdeacon Simp- ,pink roses and swcet peas. Discussion followcd on the giv- ing by Mrs. L. Gatcheli and Mrs. MrGegeA ryM.Mos Mr. J. T. Pearc's... Pte. Lenox beAtrfceptiouplfore60sguests wasasingcofd bronzedmedal rcontests atr6Visitors:wMr.ngand brsnzH.mdac-cCaughill.tVThetquiltMr.natedrsbyHAveryauLitho.Britaint atnMr.dC. Vasey, Peterboro, at Mr. Wm. betfracul lwsdcddt edtoheld at the home of Mrs. Samuel suitable intervals and it was de- aughiin. Mrs. H. Wright and Mrs. Breck and Mrs. Moffatt, on Aeys Stapleton's. . . Mr. Leiand Mill illsMes arilert anc mo a in d neg Torote nAP.. ven-issGlanville. Seven giri-friends of cided 10 hold thcm. Joyce, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. which the W.A. sold tickets, was Ms uaPotBwavic snhmonhldy..M.adments on their homes. Leona Devitt and Miss Irene the bride sorving, Mrs. E. Dickens, Eight dollars was voted 10 the J a m e s McLaughlin. . . Miss~ raffled. Mrs. E. Adams held the Ms rc rwn oota Mrs. Hughi Stapleton, Oshawa, at The W.M.S. of the United Rahm. Mrs. James Crombie, Misses June Budget fund. The rest of the lime Thelma Roblin, Cobourg, Mr. J. iucky ticket. The proceeds wcnt M.W rwns Mr. Max Stapleton's. . . Mr. and Church met May l3th, with the Miss Irene Rahm was convenor Stewart, Helen Norwick, Betty was spent in completing plans for Sinclair, Oshawa, with Mrs. F. 10 the Red Cross. M.adMs .Behadfm Mrs. W. A. Wright, Tyrone, at Pres., Mrs. J. McLachlan. in the of the following program: Read- Bettles, Betty Edger and Jean Ho- the convention.Cagil.Mran Ms.G___________iyteddthffhwdiga- Mrs. J. A. Barrie's.. Miss Marion grh agil r n r.G Brcean nphwBrceWateschair. Scripture reading by Mrs. ings by Miss Annie Fee aind com-gat.__________ Avery, Mr. M. Avery, Little BueadnpeBueWtesMeLachlan. Mrs. J. T. Pearce was munity singing led by Jack Smith; Th young couple lef t for a Briton, with Mr. H. ....... Mrs.Rihrs Bwanil, at- io oantI o . . . Pte. Art osin appointed press secretarv. Il was a flower contest was conducted by short honeymoon, t he b r i de . W. Avis, Miss Ruby Bailey, To- Htay ion . dyeoig Oorew, wiomand babyPt.Aut noted with appreciatio'n that a Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. travelling in a grey fur-trimmod Starkil1ie ronto, Mr. Orland Bailey, Osh- CatM o , with hisdsiste, 'Mrs.lJ number of good coats were hand- Laverne Devitt reported that he suit with grey and cerise accessor- ____ awa, Mr. H. McKoe, with Mr. and Pol r ifrn.Sm a Casletn, ithhissiseý,Mrs J.ed in for the bale. Af 1er the busi- had received letters from boys ies and a corsage of botter timos Th etriscung heM .T.Bly r. WA mt tMs lmr Stakark.M.. ad Ms.r.LaenessperodMrs GergeWaleyovesea reardng rses Th wGehergscauin th Mr. T Baley . Mr ad Ms. .A.motat rs.Alyerwrie athak-yuontesha andLenaan MssMa Milrytok hage0fth pogam ndcos.Area-yvoe folansoas Th goo'sgitandte rieaarerlmchcMon. erandd eoMofat ad au, Bec's Thrsay Te ibeTesheundBaiibteyrelleaprci and bonatd Miss W. C. Lloy carg topc he Curch's a nd sear thehotessofor rhs-as agl odn wt apieanxiety, a fow weeks of dry Ms .Rh n laBak o a edb r.F sodae h i C31bore, t r. . C Lno's, on wsga vopedat thesppir their way home from Torono. One-Time War Service". pitality and lunch was served. stone, 10 the best man, a gold weather now would be aprociatsoc, iss heMarie att, sh-Mr and th evon.A tio ntalMs.W. Mi. ndMr. . . mihStrk Tiswas followed by silent United Church W.M.S. ocetknfeanscaiGad hocd aawih h offa th M.and gThobympso . A it ru enws Lo Hedrnws ville, with hor mother, Mrs. Thos. Ti bride's gift to the bridesmaid, a Miss Josie Trim, of Oshawa, vis- Mr.G ancaRt n gvnb r.A ed edingrpre nHlyod"i u mer a een tA2Rayremon had i r s. J. fT er c resen cd Churhe t aI .ofthe om locket. îted at her brother's, Mr. Gordon Lawrence, with Mr. T. Carnochan, by Mrs. L. Graham, a solo by Miss awr 0syaotayhn. Belevillne. i oth n dialogueT. fo e rm. see o r Jhnson, ay 13h.meoP resn u-ftw usswr rs rm vrtwe-n. Raglan... Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams Winnifred Trewin, a reading by Wl oyoysol ehpy ont froaDegroefKinstonso- MrsoS. G. JohowsonhasMay-_____________________________________________________________________the__week-end._ I.T.S at ellevlle.Awake 10 Our Home Mission Mrs. Jabez Wright was in the etfo eriKnsoT- Ms .G alwl a e Mr-. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie at- Task". chair. The devotional was taken ronto, Oshawa and Hampton. turned home after a pleasant visit tended the funeral of the late Mr, The« meeting closed with prayor by Mrs. Earl Don-dll. Mrs. J. E. wihr aod lam RossToroo. Bruce Peacock at Port Hope, Fni- bv Mrs. Burley. The next meet- Elliott read a chapter from the RACKHAM-THOMPSON Mr. acob, illmossl, Lloyd day. ing will be in charge of Mrs. J. A. study book and thon asked ques- Lewan s f dr he al own enl wry Rev. J. McLachlan was a judge Barrie. June 8th. Guest speaker tions. Mrs. J. Wright gave a i-e- The home of Mi-. and Mrs. R. G.baesfrte aeJh r at the Gold Modal con test in will be Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Bow- port on the convention. The roll Thompson, Temperance Street, Hallowoll, in Bowmanville, Wed- I 'h cneo rtt vnn nesday of last week. Mr. Silas VI Orono, Friday night. mnillI caîl was answered with an article waHte cee f pety veina11 d Mr.Rchd Hîloa i Mrs. Chas. Watters has moved for British Babies' Layette. wodding on May 41h, when their H oelan r.icrLo-cal . into rooms in Mr. Wm. Cole'sStJhnsWA younger daughter, Eileen Mai-g- well also attended the funeral. house. St. John's W.A. met at Mrs., became the bride of LAC M- n r.BitTi iie Pleased 10 report Mrs. S. R. Political action 10 provent ag- Crwoas a 3 h A eiadJ akayugrat Mi-. and Mrs. Lavern Patter- Joncs is much improvod. grossion is essential if world Litany and pi-ayons wero led by son of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Rack- son's, Orono, one day rocontly. e v A number celebrated Mi-. Bei-t secuiity and prosperity ai- o 1 be the President. Sciipture w'as ham, Hampton. The cere y Mi-. and Mrs. Eatham Jones and e s ar Samis' birthday at his home, Sat- achieved.-The Vancouver Sun. taken by Mrs. Han-y McLaugh- was performed by th goo' family, Zion, visited at Mi-. and lin. Mrs. Simpson gave a report i.amher and the wedding music w-as Mi-s. Sid Hallowell's, Sunday....... of the annual W.A. convention played by Miss Lilianne Naylor. Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Bei-t held in Toronto i-ecentlv. Given in mariage by hier fath- Trim visited at Mi-s. W. Carson's. Mns. Fred Willan gave a neading or, the bride looked charming i n Miss Embuny with hier sistor I A frmthe Living Message, "The a floor length gown of white salin over the week-end. W elI u o n e D>u rh am W'o'nIds Day of Prayer in the and net fashioned with fitted salin A very successful W.A. meeting _____Arctic". Mrs. A. Rahm, a read- bodice with sweetheart nockline and quilting was heid aI Miss ing, 'Friendship"; Mns. T. Smith, andi full net skirt. Her fingerlip Norma Hallowell's, Wednesday of , Democracy stili works. Only the loyal co-operation o edng ig okOt el elf-rnaMr t wr astwoek anQuit as ew m ebr o-perative ail oncrnedincudin suseriers canassrs, ankstaf f The meetings will be held in the headdress and she carried a noe- wr ioetadi a eie and local officiais made our high objective possible. ovenings from now on. geay o.pnrse .s nd wesw&et- torhae theneteein a Ms May I express the thanks of the committoe to the host * *pos.Mr's.W. Btena. Syor was h r .oinoTdd's.WarnCso1 rfA É of people of both town, village and county who backed the Sori-3 that Mrs. John Jobb is sîtrsonyatndn.H netwn M n iand Mns .arnCso confined to her bcd with a broken was of ico blue satin andnewoeiEizbhvle attack to the limit. hipbon. fshone-onsiilalis1.- the United Church pastor. Foundry, whore the bride was em- tions. Archeis now a full-fledg-Edtran safbobybco-buehir eteah eeutte A Y 2 7 thSurviving are Ihree sons and ployed, presented hon with a cd druggist. reai d t afat . ty tmcpose ytontributionsof aver foui- daughters: Dr. Leslie Hooey. beautiful silven tray. Mrs Wil Dwso isin ow their work is oni mde pssbleb thco Seattle; Mns. Gai-net Sanderson manville Hospital.biesradsadcoepndt. (Lila), Orangeville; Mns. Foster ST. PAUL'S W.M.S. mMi. Bill Colville, Camp Borden, A t 8.00 p.m. Ferguson (Lottie), Ottawa; Mrs. - is home on two weoks' beave. Russell Lansing (Violet), Bort and St. Paul's W.MS met in the Mn. John Berry's house was SPEAKER: MR. R. B. WILLIS Phemna, Toronto, and Hcnman, lecture room, May l8th. The struck by lightning Sunday on SUBSTITUTING FOR MR. JACK DEVINE Bîacksîock. pi-esident, M-s. W. H. Carnuthers, ing. r » mb a t t i n a Palîbearers wero: Han-y Gi-a- presided and opened the meetn osi the glmsecti go ilng ham, Oscar Graham, Chai-les Gi-a- with prayer followed with silent teon ab.Wydgon -ON - ham, Chai-les Smith, Rupert By- prayor. Mrs. J. A. Cox read thi-e ors will allow those bi-utes to I H ULCSRIESNEl "A WARTIME PLAN FOR THE RETAILER" ers anldCecil Hamilton. Giov verses of a hymn.. Mrs. Geo. iamble the country we do not TEPU ICS VCE IN 14 Intrmnt asat in GrveChase road vanlous selections with know; a dog that is aIl over the MEMBER 0F AUDIT BUREAU 0F CR Management Service Division Wartime Prices and Cemelery, Prince Albert. spaces of sulent prayer. Mrs. country is no good 10 the owner CR U A IN Trae BardWe ondr f eonoic xpetsKenneth Wenry led an interest- or ayone else. Trad Bord e wnde if conmieexprtsing discussion on "Pioneering Mrs. Ed. Graham and Marlene, ai-e roally human and ever gel in Again", church co-operalion in Orono, spent a few days with Mrs. need of some cash? war industries. H. Bailey last week.

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