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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1943, p. 8

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i ~ - PAGE EIGHT TeNewcastle Independent The Phone Clarke 1114 Little Garry Naylor. sonl of Pte..ý Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pooley Albert Naylor and Mrs. Naylor, and family, Tor onto. visited Mr. formerly Miss Myrtie Foster, is in and Mrs. Irwiri Allun last Sunday. the Sick Children's Hospital, To-' Miss Doris Allun camne dovn w',ith ronto. Mrs. Naylor went to To-ý them. ronto with bim. Her husband is The Junior C.G.I.T. held a cro- overseas. kinole party ini the kitchen of the Reeve C. R. Carveth was i commuflity hall Mav 14th, under el Cartwright Friday with his cine- the leadership of Misses Betty D ma outfit and entertained at the Enwright and Kathleen Toms. home of Chancellor R. P. Bowles Prize winners were Mrs. W.T *N and also at Blackstock. Brunt and Miss Shirley Brunt. No. r 9, and Sidney Brown, Brown's. B( A. W. Glenney w~as in receîptý, brother and uncle of the afore- go of another car of Western grain nentioned. and Bobbie Stephen- ex aI the C.N.R. station the first ofî soli, Bo'. Ail Newcastle the week. There wvas a big de-j competitors wvere out of the rua- gr mand for it on the part of local ning. Lunch xvas served. ini farmers for wo the prospect of, Bandsman H. C. Allun of the rei growing any for themselves this R C.O.C.. Kingston, is home on a li season is none too bright at the' fiv',e-day leave. He reports hav'- de present time. ing been playing here and there B Isobel Clemence of the C.*W. da and night w~hile the Victory tc A.C. was home fromn Kingston' Loan campaign ,was on.0 this week. visiting lher parents.! Arrfta obrruc f~ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemence. the 1R.C.A.F.. and Mrs. Duck and Capt. J. R. S. Spencer and Mrs. litile daughter are up from Bel- Ge Spencer have gone to British levNille v-isitinjg Mr. and Mrs. t Columbia. Robert Duck, Sr., and Mr. and Newcastle schools sponsored a Mrs. R o b e r t Milligan. Miss ai tag day Saturday,, May 15th. anci Vivian Duck-. Toronto, ,vas also v collected S24 for the Chinese War home for theie eek-end. n Relief Fund. Public and High Miss E. L. Trenwith, who spent rci School girls -w'ere the busy tag- the winter season in Toronto, hasgr gers. returnied 10 hier Newcastle home. cc Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hare, Kings- Her niece, Miss Dorothy Tren- lo ton. were wveek-end visitors at with, and friend, Toronto, wvere q Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare's. down for the week-end. q Mrs. Jack Toms and daugbter, *Mrs. Twitty, Toronto, bas been ail Norma Jean, Toronto, are spend- visiting at Mr. and Mrs. C. S. 1hE ing the week at Mr. and Mrs. Horrocks' "Greenfields'. lia Herb Toms'. Archdeacon Balfour, Fort Wil- mi The repairs and alterations te, liam, and Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Newcastle community hall are Weston, visited their sister, Mrs. nearing completion. P. F.LeGresley, last week. F. Mrs. S. R. Bonathan is visiting Brown, accompanied by Mrs. her son, Rev. John Bonathan, Brown: is up from Nova Scotia on Longueuil, Que. îwo weeks' leave and they are Mr. Russell Wallon, Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. SO( visiling his sister, Mrs. Fred Gra- Herb Brown. 20C ham, and other Newcastle rela- _____eta tives. Ptl RobI. Gray, employed with Mr. U~Acou Carl Selby, is planning 10 join the VY'd-Li-LAL5 of navy.du Three cars of western grain, CUFFE-FOSTERTh one of barley. one of oats and one a of wheat, arrived at Newcaslle An Oshawa man look a New- the C.N.R. station tbis week for dis- castle girl for his bride on Mon- the tribution 10 local farmers. day afternoon. May 1i7th , when Bcý OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 Free Parking THURS., FRI., SAT., MAY 20, 22 HITLER'S CHILDREN Starring TIM HOLT, BONITA GRAN- MOLLE, KENT SMITH, OTTO KRUGER The truth about the Nazis from the crade ... to the battiefront MON., TUES., MAY 24. 25 Two Great Features MONTY WOOLEY, IDA LUPINO In LIFE BEGINS AT EIGHT THIRTY Apicture rich with humor.. tnder with tears. And MOKEY Starring 'DAN DAILY, JR., DONNA REED, BOBBY BLAKE IT'S SENSATIONAL WED., THURS., FR1., SAT., MAY 26-29 TYRONE POWER, MAUREEN O'HARA In TH E BLACK SWAN With LAIRD CREGAR, THOMAS MITCHELL, GEORGE SANDERS A mlghty adventure master- plece ini glorjous technicolor Cifford We siey 'Cuffe, Oshawa, marricd Miss Dootby Jean Foster, second daugbter of Mrs. Foster, Newcastle, and the ale Noah Thomas Foster. The ceremony was performed at the United Churceh parsonage by Rev. R. E. Morton. The bride was atteaded by Miss Beulab Hancack and the groom by Mr. James Wright, Oshawa. Others present were Mrs. Foster and Miss Evelyn Foster and Mrs. Morris, Newcastle. WOOD-TOMS A wedding of much local -in- terest 100k place in Bowmaavilie on Fiday, May 71b, when Miss Edna Margaret Toms, R.N., oaly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbi Toms, Ncwcastle, became the bride of Frederick Edgar Wood, son of Mm. and Mrs. E. J. Wood, Toronto. The ceremony was per- formed by Rex'. W. P. Rogers, B.A., B.D., Boxvmanviile, former- ly of Newcastle, aI bis Centre St. home. The bride was atiended by Miss Doris MePherson, R.N., and the groom by Norman Friedl. Foilowing hhe wedding the bridai Party motored ta Newcastle where a wedding supper was beld aI the home of the bride's parents. North St. Among those la attendance were the groom's parents,, Mm. and and Mrs. E. J. Wood, and Mrs. Bettie. Toronto. and the bride's grandmother. Mrs. Wm. Smith. Later the hiappy young couple hook the evening train t0 Toron- ta. Before ber mamiage the bride was the guest of honour ai a sbower given by Miss Doris Me- Pherson, R.N.; a shower ah Mrs. C. S. Hogg's, Leaside, given by Miss Jean Riekard, Toronto; a sbower aI the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Carl French, Toronto, and a tea and presentation ai the home of ber auaI, Mrs. Harry Mercer. Mm. and Mms. Wood have baken up residence aI 156 Ran- doiph Road, Leaside. The Rexali Drug Store For Sore Tired Aching Feet oot Elm----------- 35c Rexaîl Coma Solvent --- 25e ail-Pad Foot Powdem 40e Putnam's Corn Extractor 35e z Foot Tablets -------- 35e Blue-Jay Liquid Corn rltlsh Army Foot Powder Bemover ----------- 25e arples Corn Cream Coma Fix..............-------35e lmo Corn Salve --------O5c -. l1 d-.- __ --- Oc0 cream ---60e ---35e Scnollis Corn Callous or Bunlon Plasters 4 pads ---------------25c 9 pads..........----- ---- .35e BLUE JAY Coma or Callous Pad 25e SOAP SPECIALS CLEANS ALL CashmereWHT OE Bouquet 6c, 2 for llcWeE H E Llfebuoy ---- 6c, 2 for lc Lux Soap 6c, 2 for lic IT -- ----- --15e, 25c Palmolive Soap 6c, 2 for lic TOPS ------ - -------25e Camay ----- -6c, 2 f or lic A. & H. Basic Soap---- 25c ELKALP - ---- 25c 3 for ------------- 69e CINDERELLA ------- 50c Jury U Loveli C,. N. R. Tickets Phone 778 When W. Test Eyes t s Done Properly -. - - --.. TH-URSJJAY, MAY 20, 1943 Offers Four Acres For Victory BR II Gardens BR H Walter R. Douglas. New York, KIH hCbugHsiaC ildest son of the late Mrs. John NGTA Cour Hsptl )oula, bs ffrec te se f is on May 15, 1943, ho Mr. andCh Doulas hs ofeed he seof is Mrs. Allan W. Knigbt, a son, th aur-acre field and orchard in John Thomas. 20-1* r Newcastle, beiwccn Mill and STAINTON - At. Bowmanville teaver strecis, nortb, for victory Hospital on May 14, 1943, ta I gardens. Anyone wishing a litîle Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stainlon pha; 2xira land may take a lot for (nec Miidred Bradley) the gift on' rowing vegetables and cultivaI- of a son, Bruce Edgar. 20-l* Aft ig ii. Among Ibose who bave ai-- mi .ady spoken for lots are Wil- MARRIAGE T am Pinnegar, Miii Street, gar- sar, lener, and Provincial Constable YOUNG - CARTER - AI St 23, ernard Kitney. All one needs Micbaeh's and Ail A a g e i s; ThE 0 do is speak 10 Mr. Pinnegar Church, Birmingham, Eng., on will ) Reeve C. R. Carvelli. The land April 3, 1943, by the Rev. H. R. vicE viii be plowed. Chaffer, Lloyd Stewart, anly P H. Brerehon, sexton of St. son of Mr. Stewart Young and ceorge's Clîurch, lias called our the hale Blanche Morris o f Bow-Ch tentioiî ta the several varieties maiiville, Ontario, Canada, and Fric dsquirrels thaI fiîîd a sanchuary Gladys. only daughter of Mr.H. Chu Th Ems ad heretory, H. Carter and the lahe Henrittce Tnti here Iliey scamper and cavort Davey, of 29 Coiîîon Mains 1e id frisk and play tag with the Green, Edinburgh, Scotlaîîd. obins over the large adjoining 20s1SI 'ounds and play to hheir bearts'- and onteiit la the tail elms and the DEATI-S the ceust trees. There are jet black _________________Maý quirrels, gray squirrels and black be r quirrels w~ith bushy red tails, and ROHRER-Donaa Marie, aI Baw- Il Ibis makes one w'onder about manville Hospital, Friday, May Fi her heredity ai-d breeding. Per- 7, 1943, infant daugbîer Of SalE aps some zoologist who reads Ibis Norman and Doris Robrer, age Tea, igbt explain. 12 days. Interment Cadmus lecti _____Cemetery. 20-1* Adn HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NEWCASTLE The Newcastle Horlicuilumal ocieîy bas donated upwards of 00 packages of fiower and vcg- table secds la Ithe ebildren of the iblie sebool witb the vicw of en- auraging them la tbc cuitivation fVictory Gardens and the pro- uction of some beauty as weil. 'e public and high sebool pupils ive complcled the making of eir "Beautification" posters in e contest sponsored by the oard of Education and bbc post- s wili likely appear la the sbaps id ail public places la the vil- âge Ibis week. Prize monies of 0.00 donaled by E. G. R. Lrdagh and $5.00 by tbe Hori- lturai Society wiil be divided nong the winaing arlishs and esented aI Commencement Ex- ceises or some eveal next fail. ar n et Porter and Douglas Vrigbt bave been seiected 10 dge the posters. The Horticul- ural Society plans ta bold ils an- îai Fiower and Vegetable Show susual la Augush and the prize t wiii include a section for bhool ebildrea. The Society bas ,nated $3.00 tawards the cx- .nses of the district flower and egetabie show bo be beld la Lind- y. Jnited Church W. -A. The Woman's Association of the aited Cburch met la the board :om wiIh Mrs. Harold Toms la ie chair. Mrs. W. H. Cooke read ie Seripture lesson and the pre- lent led la prayer. The meel- ig opened wiîh an "Ia Memo- îm" service for tbe laIe Mrs. .orgina Douglas who was a .iber of the W.A. for upwards 50 years and an honorary presi- nl aI the lime of ber death. The rogram was reminisceal of loher's Day. Mrs. H. C. Allia ve two readiags, one an original ;ay. Mrs. Irwin Colwilh read a ory of Gypsy Smith and bis ucîher. Mrs. Percy Brown ioured witb a vocal solo and ss Hazel May Fisher with a àna solo. Rcfreshmenîs of fruit af, cheese loaf, cookies and bea ere servcd. Mrs. Percy Brawn's mup was responsibie for pro- *am and lunch. Wben the raill as calied members present re- >ndcd witb the name of a Bib- ai mather. Epilogue-It was a tty sigbî aI bbc Motbcr's Day 'vice la the United Churcb la, , littie Sheila Gogerty and ber ea1-grandfaîber, T. W. Jack- n, in the pew logether and ining la the singing of the 7mns. At this W.A. meeting she od witb ber grandmother, Mrs. rwn, as she sang. er ar la, si Ai cu ar pt er G w ju tu as lii se dc PE sa U Uî ro th tb si( in, ruý of de pr Mc ga sic fa, mi pi gri gri wa spi hici prI set sec gr( sor jai hyi sto C.G.I.T. NEWS An enjoyable Farmerette paty was featured on Tuesday evenîng when members of Trinity C.G.I.T.f enteriained St. Paui's girls andr their leaders. Marjomie Rundie,1 deparîment presideal, weicomed the guests and called on a former leader, Mrs. Stephen Saywell, 10 lead in a livcly sing-song. Wor- ship service an the tbeme "Is il rigbt la gel even", was conductcd by Margaret Stacey witb Dorohhy Morris, Muriel Rogers and Marie i Gibbs assisting.r An enjoyable period of recrea- 1 ner and Miss Pritchard. Refmesh- i ments were served by the social t commitîce. Joan Newton extend- e e d the Ibanks of St. Paul's ta Trinity C.G.I.T. and Joan Long- man thankcd Mrs. Saywell for coming fromn Oshawa and belping S 10 make the party a success. A0 happy evening of fun and fellow- ic ship was closed by forming. a S friendship circle and sîngîng V "Taps". n ir Furniture Can Be IN MEMORIAM COUCH-In loving memory of a dear mother, Wiaoaa (Parsons) Coucb, who passed away, May 241h, 1939. While you, dear moîber, resl and sleep, Your loving memory we'l always keep. -Sadly missed, Fred and Eva. 20-1 ARMISTEAD-In loving memory of our beloved mother, Eliza- beth Emma Armislead, wbo passed 10 ber well earned rest, May 201h, 1937. Away in the beautiful bilîs of God, In the valley of rest s0 fair, Some lime, some day, we know nol when, We will meet our loved one there. -Sadly missed by Maud, Annie, David, Will and Jack. 20-1* COUCH-In loving memroy of a dear Mother, Wiaona (Parsons) Couch, who passed away, May 241h, 1939. Yes, she sleeps but not forever In a lone and silenl grave; Blessed promise she shahl waken, Jesus died the losI 10 save. In the dawning of the moraing, When the troubled nighl is o'er All the buds la beauly blooming Will rejoice 1e, sec her more. - Ever remembered by her daughter Deneîda, Sid and grandcbildren. 20-1 LAWRENCE-Ia loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Margaret Lawrence, who pass- ed away, May 111h, 1942. We do not forget ber, we love her too dearly For ber memory to fade from our lives like a dream; Our lips need not speak when our hearts moura sincerely, For grief often dwells where il seldom is seen. Ia our home she is fondly re- membered, Swcet memnories ding to ber name; Those wbo loved ber in life sinccrely, 5h11l love ber in deatb just the same. -Sadly missed by husband, Bert, and cbildren, Bernice, Sonny and Doaay. 20-1 Card of Thanks Fred E. Hullon wishes ho sin- cerely lhank al Ihe «many kind friends wbo rendercd such valu- able assistance wben bis barn recently buraed down. 20-1* Mr. James Nesbitt and family, Nestleton, wish 10 express their sincere thanks to neighbours and frieads for the many acîs of kind- ness, expressions 0f sympaîhy and beautiful floral tributes during the long iilness and passing 0f a dcar wife and mother. 20-1* ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Alymer H. Beech, Elaydon, announce the engage- ment of Iheir only daughter, Blanche Lucilie, to Donald Eu- gene Carr, youngesl son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr of Codring- ton. The marriage to take place early la June. 20.1* Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Solina, announce the engagement 'f their youngest daughter, Mar- in Kathleen, ho LAC James C. Smales, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and /Irs. J. Smales, Enniskillen, the riarriage ho lake place June 121h, in Eldad United Cburch, Solina. 20-1 &~5II E~~EU~Ufor fumniiure, sbouid be used if Glued parts of furniture are possible. often the victims of excessive heat When giuing parts of a chair or excessive moisture. leg together, use a clamp 10 hold Alihough it 15 a tiresome chore, the broken parts together untili regluing is a comparatively easy dry. Allow ai least 48 boums for process. Ail dry glue shouid bc drying. A screw inserted la scrapcd from the parts; the parts broken parts, keeps the leg in sandpapered, and thea fresb glue place. The screw hale shouid "'c applied and the parts rejoined. drilied la ta prevent splilting of Animai glue, especialiy made the wood. COMING EVENTS The ladies of St. Andrew's irch will serve aflernoon lea ln eS.S. room on Friday, May 2lst, )i 3.30 ta 6 p.m. Admission 25c. 20-1 'he Red Cross will hold a dis- iy of work in Council Chamber May 28tb, fromn 3 10 6 p.m. ernoon tea will be served. Ad- ssion 25c. 20-2 ryrone Sunday School Anniver- -y will be held Sunday, May with services at 2 and 7 p.m. eRev. H. C. Linstead, Courtice, Ibe the speaker aI botb 5cr- es. 20-1 ?iano Recital by Miss Phyllis allis, A.T.C.M., ai-d lber pupils, tay, May 28, at Trinity United urch aI 8 p.m. Sponsored by ýity Y.P.U. Admission 25e and 20-2 Ce Girls' War Service Club ;onsoring a card party, euchre 1five hundred, to be held in Council Room on Monday, y3lst. Draw for the quilt will miade. 19-3 riday aflernoon, May 28th, a eof Home Cooking and Lilac iwill be held in St. Paul's tre ruom by W.A. group No. 2. mission 10 tea 25c, to be served in 3.30 p.m. 20-1 'e Ontario and Durham Coun- W.C.T.U. Convention will be din Park St. United Cburcb, )o, on Thursday, May 27th. rning session at 10 o'clock and crnoon session aI 1.30 o'clock. 20-1* Dance under the auspices of Newcastle Basebaîl Club will held in the Community Hall, wcastle, on Friday, May 28tb. ss Creighton and bis Variety id lnatatendance. Dancing ts 9 p.m. Ail proceeds 10 our 'soverseas. Admission 50e h. 19-3 aniversary services at Burke- United Church, Sunday, May aI 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Guest aker the Rev. H. H. Lackey, B.D., a former pastor. On following Wednesday eve- gJune 2, Newcastle Y.P.U. present their play "Tomboy", rnedy in 3 acîs. Admission 30c 20c. 20-2 Lniversary Services in New- ville United Cburch, Sunday, y23rd, aI 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. rJ. W. Gordon, Port Hope, st speaker, bo 1h services. dal Music. Monday, May 24tb, Newtonville Community Hall, em Dramatic Society will pre- ttheir three-act c o med y ieralls". The hour, 8.30 pi. nission, adults 25c; hbldren Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjusîments, lubrica- lion, etc. 10 Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ahi other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- c es s or ies. Telephone aur "C. U. C. Sales and Service Brancb", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* fron Th les'1 beld Oron Morr afle: A the1 be h ,New( Russ Band start boys each. An ton1 30,a speal B.A., the ning, will] a coi and ' Ai tonyi May Rev. guest Speci la Ni Salen sent Adi Doctor's, Office Hours Afternoons-2.00 ta 4.00 excepl Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 ta 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wifl be seen at ather hours by appaintmeat. In case of an emergency, if tbeir own doctor is flot availabie, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manvilie Hospital. 9-tf THEATRE- BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fri., Sat., MAY 20, 21, 22 Double Feature TISH MIARJORIE MAIN ZAZU 'PITTS LEE BOWMAN On Uic Same Bill LITTLE TOKYO U.S.A. Featuring PRESTON FOSTER BRENDA JOYCE Cartoon M on.-Tues.-Wed. MAY 24, 25, 26 jSOMEWHERE I'LL FIND YOU With CLARK GABLE LANA TURNER NE WS - SHORT Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up 10 June lst, 1943, for fuel for Bow- manville Public and High Schools. Specifications aI Secretary's of- fice. Bowmanville Board of Edu- cation. 20-1 Strayed STRAYED - LARGE COLLIE DOG, answers 10 "Bob". Stray- ed during recent storm. Find- er please phone 2624. W. H. Carruthers. 20-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-IN BLACKSTOCK, eigbl-room brick bouse, garden, well, stable, electricity. Im- mediate possession. Must be sold to setîle estate. Apply to Albert Wright, Osmond Wrigbt or Mrs. Percy VanCamp. 20-1* Lost LOST-ON MAY 121h, A NINE monlb old female dark grey persian cal. Phone 606. 20-1* LOST-SIGNET RING, sterling silver. Initials A.W.S. Believed lefI in wasb room of Coronation Cafe. Mucb prized as keepsake. Finder kiadly notify Artbur Sharmon, clo R. K. Squair, R.R. 4, Bowmaaville, phone 2210. 20-1* Salesmen Wanted NEED EXTRA CASH?-You can gel it by devoting your spare lime 10 distributing Walkins farm and household necessities wo steady customers. If you're enterprising, honest and de- pendable and have your own means of transportation, we have a proposition t0 interest yau. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-B-9, Mont- real, Que. 18-19-20 For Rent FOR RENT - PASTURE, 1 1-2 miles south of Maple Grove Scbool. Apply James Housego, Maple Grove, evenings. 20-1 FOR RENT-PASTURE for 6 or 8 cattie, east of Hampton. Dairy heifers preferred. Apply W. J. Davis, pbone 163w4, Osbawa. 20-2* FOR RENT-2 ROOMS unfura- ished or partly furnisbed, with use of bath and gas stove, quiet, middle aged or elderly people preferred, no children. Apply Mrs. A. Jacobs, Argylei FOR RENT - APARTMENT, 5 rooms, ahl modern conveniences, 011 burner, garage and garden; also cottage aI Lake. Available June isI. Apply Mrs. Archie FOR RENT - 4-ROOMED APARTMENT on bigbway No. 2, pivate front entrance, bard watem in bouse. Possession at once. Basement and garden. Apply Albert F. Spencer, Higb- way No. 2, Maple Grve. 20-1* FOR RENT - IN OSHAWA, bright 3-roomed fiat. Heal, iigbt and water. Young busi- ness couple preferred. No chiid- mca. Immediate possession. $29,00 monîbiy. Write Box 197, Siatesman Office, Bowman- Parents Attention Parents of bilîdren beginning scbaol la Seplember are rcquested ta register tbem witb the Town Nurse, Miss Taylor, at the Centrai Sebool, on any marning of the first two wceks of June. If pre- ferred, pupils of the South Ward may be registered on Tuesday afternoons aI Soutb Ward Scbool. Besides the registration requir- ed, Miss Taylor wouhd like ta dis- cuss beaith probiems with the mothers of beginners. 20-2 Mortgage Sale_ 1UNDER AND 13Y VIRTUE of 1the powers of sale coniained inaa certain mortgage wbicb wiii be produced aI the lime of sale, Ibere wiii be offered for sale by Elmem Wiibur, auctioneer, at public auc- lion, on Thursday, the 3rd day of June, 1943, at the boum of 1 o'clock in the aflernoon aI bbc fammn of David A. Crozier, R.R. 2, Nesihe- ton, Ontario, the following pmap- eriy namely: ail and singular those certain parceis or tracts of land and premises siluate, lying and being in the township of Cartwright la the County of Dur- ham and being composed of FIRSTLY the east baîf of Lot 12 la the Stb Concession 0f the said township and SECONDLY the soutb 70 acres 0f the easl haîf of Loi 12 la the 6th Concession of the said township, containing in ail 170 acres, more or less, which property is more particuiarly de- seriber inl morigage No. 6344 10 the Agricultural Development Board. On the said farm Ibhere is said bo be erected a dwelling bouse witb suitabie farmn build- ings. The lands wiil be sold sub- jeet 10 a reserve bld. Terms of sale 25 per cent of the purchase money 10 be paid down aI the lime of the sale, the balance 10 be secured by a mortgage wiih la- beresi aI 4 per cent per annum. For furîher particulars and con- ditions of sale apply 10 The Commissioner of Agricullurai Loans, East Block, Parliameni Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Dabed aI Toronta Ibis S5tb day of May, 1943. 19-3 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - CHILD'S CRIB for four nights starting Saturday, May 22. Apply Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Centre St., phone 531. 20 1* Spring Cultivating Spring tooth cultivating, dise- ing and ploughing donc. Phone 2186, Bowmanville any lime ex- cept between sunset Friday 10 sunset Saturday. H. Chamber- lain, Enfield. 17-tf Wanted To Buy WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, electric or treadie. Sing- er Sewiag Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf FEATHERS WANTED-Feathers, feather beds of ail descriptions, higbest prices paid. For partie- ulars write la Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St. To- Baby Chicks TW ED D LE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Quality Cnlicks now aI Slewart's Seed Store and get your Caf eteria Chic-k Starter aI wbolesale, we have over thirty breeds 10 choase from and the demand is greater than ever tbis year for Tweddle Cbicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf Ilelp Wanted WANTED-TEACHER for S.S. 4, Cartwright, Purpie Hill School. Reply giving qualifications 10 Lewis Swain, Sec. Treas., R.R. 3, Burketon. 20-1 HELP WANTED - MIDDLE AGED LADY for ligbt bouse- keeping and looking after sick lady. Apply Thomas Brown, L ibe r ty St., Bowmanville, phone 548. 20-1 HELP WANTED-GIRL OR WO- MAN from first part of June until September, 10 help in home where guesîs are taken. Ahl conveniences. Phone 2479 or write Mrs. Blake Short, Bow- manville. 20-1 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-4 PIGS, 6 weeks aid. Apply H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 20-1* FOR SALE - 100 COCKERELS, Barred Rocks, 8 weeks aid. Ap- ply Albert F. Spencer, Highway No. 2, Maple Grove. 20-1* FOR SALE - 3 YORKSHIRE SOWS, due 2tb of June. Sec- ond 1111cr. Apply Mrs. Jas. Oke, phone 2831, Bowmanviile. 20-1 * FOR SALE - 10 MONTH OLD registercd red bull and 16 montb registcred brown bull (la full service), both with first ciass pedigrees. Apply O. Freund, Tyrone, phone, Bow- manville 2523, between 6 and 9 p.m. 20-1* OTACO NEWS-FARMERS! We' can supply Steel Wheeis for your oid wagon aiso Aulotrac aîtachments, smoolbing bar- rows, d i s c harrows. single piaws. Have a used wagon, m o w e r, barrows, Autolrac, Cocksbult gang piows. Phone Cari Todd, Clarke 15r20. 20-1* AUCTION SALES I bave been aulhorized ta sehi by public auclion for Mr. Ephmiam Wrigbt, on Tuesday, May 25, in the village of Pontypool, al bis farm stock, impleipents, some grain, barness and l*ultry. Sale aI 1 a'chock. Terms, cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 20-1 The undersigned bas reccived instructions from Mr. Victor Jef- frey 10 sdil by public auction, a complete bousehold of furniture, inciuding two Quebcc heaters, a cook stove, coal oul stove, sewing machine, piano, beds and maî- tresses, parlor suite, rocking chairs, dining room chairs, kitch- en furniture, two sofa-beds, side- board, two writing desks, odd tables and chairs, drcssers, wasb- ing machinc, electrie plates, kilch- en utensils, cushions, oul clotb, grindstonc, and many other ar- ticles. Sale aI corner of Duke and Nelson Sts., Bowmanvilic, Salur- day, May 22, 1943, aI 1:30 p.m. Terms: Cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctianeer, T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. STE WART'S SEED STOIRE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARrERS For Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds, etc. BULK GARDEN SEEDS - MORE AND BETTER SEED FOR YOUR MONEY - Lettuce, Radlsh, Carrots, Beets, Spinach, Swlss Chard, Onlons, Parsnlps, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Caullflower, Brussel Sprouts, Turnlp, Parsley, Hlerbs, Squash, PumPkin, Melons, Peas,. Beans, Corn, etc., Dutch Set Onions, Multiplier Onions, Seed Potatoes, Fertilizers, and hundreds of varicties of Flower Articles For Sale FOR SALE - POTATOES, certi- fie-1 seed. Stewart's Seed Store. FOR SALE-EUREKA GARDEN SEEDER witb fertilizer attacb- ment. Phone 2434. 20-1*. FOR SALE-BED OUTFITc plele and dresser. Spring i'~ tress neariy new. Phone 2343. 20-1 FOR SALE - OLD SQUARE PIANO. Apply over week-end, Carvetb Cottage, Newcastle Beach. 20-1* FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Premier and Senator Dunlop. Thos. Buttery Scugog St., Bowmanvilhe, phone 2190. 20-1 * FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD S UI TE, Kroeher, aparîment size, dark brown mohair. In excellent condition. Apply Mrs. C. H. Nesbitt, Scugog SI., Bow- manville. 20-1* FOR SALE -SECTONAL OAK B300K CASE, grey enamelied bedroomn suite and walnut bcd- raomr suite, dining roomn table, chairs and table. Apply Mrs. Gerry, Qucen St., phone 527. ,19-1 FOR SALE - USED SEWING MACHINES, reconditioned and guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., 16 Ontario SI., Osb- awa, phone 696, or Bowman- ville 2694. 19-2* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 Patterns aclually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - DOMINION OR- GAN, la good condition. Write Box 196, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 20-1 * OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor caverings a specialty. Quaiity merchandise aI cam- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 The Statesman. For $2 we will send The Stalesman ta any address la Canada for a year and for $2.50 la any address la tbe United States for a year. Special rate for the men and wamen ia the services is $1.50 a year. Postal regulaîlons state k that no papers may be spnt overseas naw unless they, &re sent direct from tbe aewspaper office by subseription. 18-tf NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application Wo the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. - Why drive to Oshawa. We aire able to handie it here. GF. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office STOP We have ail kinds of plants for the garden. For choice plants we have them. MICJKEY DILLING Grocery Store Phone 2643 Duke St. ATTENTION FRUIT FARMER rentlng becs urjn ri bloomn. Apply For Rates C. R. KNOX Orono Phone 42r2 PHONEd57 PHONE 577 BOWMANVILLE a. .4 a. ~et b - Fi Sa Ti Ca Et Cress Corn Salve ---------50c Sani-Pad Foot Baini (A soothlng, coolng for tfred aching feet) Fréezone --- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARICI I 1~' BOWMANVILLE

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