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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Hayd n tn. a Mr C. ver's.Obituaries Hay on I'Irs . Ca H ersandJoyce _ _ Several frim here attendeci the at Mr. T. Barr's. Tyrone. anniversary services at Ennis- Mr. and Mrs. C. Slemon at Mr. LESLIE PROSSER killen and'Tyrone. Theo. Slemon's. Enniskillen. Forth a 1yermngr Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen Rundie, Miss Aura thpat2yermnge Earl Degeer an celebrating their Prout, Bowmanville. at Mr. W. of the Hon. W. P. Mulock's apple 44th wedding anniversary. Trewin's. orchards at Armitage. Leslie Thee ae acoule ase of Mr. Don Carr, Miss Blanche Prosser, 70, died Sunday at York~ mesî esn ou l casnity Beech, at Mr. Gardon Beech's. County Hospital, Newrnarket. Mrs. W. Thoumpson is under the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompsan, years with the Imperial Oil Com- doctor's care. Bawmanviîle, at Mr. W. Thamp- pany and later xvas identified with Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech and san's. the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurser- Lloyd at Mrs. H. Stevens', Ennis- Mrs. B. Ashton and Bradley at ies, Bowmanville. He was a Lib- killen. Mr. Fred Ashton's, Toronto. eral and an ardent deer and duck Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and fam- hunter. Mlýabel Brawn, Toronto, at Mr. 11y at Mr. Louis Ashton's. Toronto. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. A. McNeil's. William Calhoun, and twa sons, Mr. nd rs.W. Tewi atMr.Ernest and Lloyd Prosser. M . asn Mr ns. . TenaM. Thc funeral was held from the E. . shton's. Enskin ta k ilefamiiv residence, followed by n- Mr. W. Blackburn's, Maple Grave. _____in__a Hl Cmtey Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards and A good sermon was preaclied ________ famlyBawanvîîe Mr an at Shiloh, Sunday. but only a MRS. JAMES McGREGOR Mrs. Gardon Beech and Jance smaîî congregation was present ____ Enniskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's. ta hear it. In hier 68th year. after many Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lowery long -,-ars of frail health, Annie Jim, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, at and familv of Toronto. spent the Grant McGregor, beloved wife of Mr. Cyrus Ashtan's, Burketan. holiday ai Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- the late James McGregor, passed Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trimble, san's awav, May 23, at the homne of her Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miss Beulah Hallowell of To-1 son John, in Courtice, Darlingtonj Niddery, Bowmanviîîe. Mr. C. ranto. was home over the w,ýeek- Township end. . he lateMr.MGerwa _________________________ te.RayondFarow f Nag-born at Teforest. Wales. When ara, was home for a short time 1shewavani nfant, her father, wha FIO~~j0~gSunday~. . as n rdnance Surve3yor for the FlosielsMOOde Mr. Danny Shutka of the air British Government, went ta livei force, Nova Scotia. was home. at WickSolnweetefm M.amidy f Toronto, alisitd andrily resided for 18 years beforeE famlyof ornt, vsied t r.moving ta Glasgow ,where the1 T. Falls', also at Mr. and Mrs. late Mr. and Mrs. McGregor were Lew Hallowell's. married and where their childrenc Miss Embur3-, aur teacher, spent were born. They came ta Osh- the week-end with her sister, at awa from the Old Country int MrIJcfRids July, 1930. Mr. McGregor died Mrs. C. Reid and Miss Hazel here in May. 1932, and seven years Reid of Oshawa, visited aI the later, Mrs. McGregor xvent to former's brother's. Mr. Silas Hall- Courtice ta live with her son. HerE Mr. and Mrs. has.lYule and , frail for years before comn- RECUS se' herd tht Mnd. aof Os.ha, w e and ing to Canada, lessened percept-h BEAS seshar ht familv fOhaa ee tM.ihly after the death of the late thee' a oule0f itleandow Mrs. Win. Savery's. Mr. McGregor and she has beena thee'sa cupl oflitle ellws Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowel] confined ta bed for the past twa h kicklng up a fuss about drink- and son were aI Mr. E. White's, vears. Her condition cantrasted C lng their milk. Their mothers Elizabethville. with that of ber husband, who ougt o ryglin temBOV- Mrs. Walter Simpson and sons was a very sîrong man, seldam ili. IV ough totrygivig tem OW-visited at Mr. Bert Trim's.. and who passed away within a I MANVILLE DAIRY'S Choco- Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson were in few days after the attack of HI- late Milk -just as healthful! Bowmanvi]le. ness which resulted in his death.p Miss Hazel Farrow of Dunbar- Two of the children of the laIe B ton, was home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor died in ir Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark and Scotland. Three survive: James,a family of Newtonville. aI Mrs. I. Maple Grave, Darlington; Wil- Stark's. liam, Albert St, Oshawa, andw Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson John, Courtice. here are threew Order It Today From - visited at Mrs. Wm. Savery's.. sisters of Mrs. McGregar living in ti Mr. Jacob Hallowell was in Seotland and a brother in Aus- b: * Port Hope. tralia.P BMr.a vle a adMr. Sid Hallowell and Thfkertok lae, May B w a ile Part Hope. Oshawa, with interment in Osh- c Friends from Oshawa visited awa Cemetery. The Rev. W. Mc- je at Mr. M. Shutka's. Sunday. Raberts of Knox Pebtra Dairy Miss Gwen Gilmer of Bawman- Church afficiated. a ville, was home Sunday. e(___ .The weatherman is still hand- MRS. ANDREW MORPHY b 'PHONE 446 ing out the rain which is causing W____ the farmers nuch concern and Resident of Oshawa for the past ' i anxietv. 38 years. Mrs. Letticia Morphy, i widaw of the late Andrew r( Morphy, died Sunday morning, sc Cow nvll May 23rd, at the residence of her Ji A f' daughter, Mrs. W. rsmno the 315 Mary Street, where the de- Mrs. John Lwr n ay ceased had lived for nearly a Orono. visited with Mr. and Mrs. quarter of a century. Although Chas. Cowan. Sunday. the laIe Mrs. Morphy was in hier Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and 84th year, she was up and araund rn Gordon, Dale, visited at Mr. Wes. the bouse a week aga, when she Stringer's recentîy. became very ill. She had been at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Part ailing for the past year with a ar Granby, visited at Mr. and Mrs. heart affection. M Win. Layton's and at Mr. Clarence Mrs. Morphy was barn in En- M Burley's, Sunday. field, Darlington Township. Her hE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cramne and parents were Samuel and Eliza- M family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ruther- beth Bond, Pioneer residenîs of M ford and family visited at Mr. R. Enfield, who came to Canada M Hollingsworth's, Sunday. from England in a ship named ci Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of after the famous Mayflower. Her R( Newtonville, visited at Mr. Chas. father ran a flour mill at Enfield. MCow,,an's. Sunday. Sixty-five years ago, Letticia Ci Bond and Andrew Morphy were A pliable, transparent, water- married in Oshawa. They spent W m ~ M L Mproof plastic material forms a the first î'ears of their marrîed ct * *, ** *cover-slip for Garand rifles dur- life on a farmn at Columbus, mov- ro ing landing aperations of traops. îng later ta Oshawa, where Mr. Hc ______________________Marphy was with the General Ra Motors. The deceased was ac- hiý tive in the affairs of King Street Mi United Women's Missionary So- Re ciety and the Ladies' Aid. ai 0f a family of nine children, al M FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY four in Oshawa: Aberof Alice Ge atreet lvn.tere ukiare fve.sMi Rusl f Bloor Street, and Roy Mi of Masson Street., also Jesse of pt Pape Ave., Toronto. Four daugh- Mr LA D ES'Master (Maude) of AIma Street; Mr Mrs. C. Dewell (Mable) of Kings- Ra dale Ave.; Mrs. F. Guscott (Aima) ick -DRESSES ofGolf Str, ndMrstrllame ]Ina wderane f sze inbeutiul One brother, Amos Bond of iliî In wie rngeofsizs i beutiul Roland, Manitoba, and twa sisters, ret materials. Plain and printed crepes Mrs. Bessie Braund of Edmonton, er Alberta (fonmerly of Oshawa), is' and rayons - coat dresses i dark and Mrs. Ida TrulI of Hampton, D shades - two-piece suits ini summer also survive.Po prints. Tafte na l as5eld nusday daý 1FROM ridne W 5t. rmf . Side drape yardage la several materials. Prieed from fMi vrs. L. Pascoe. 'ý dJJan 49c to $ 1.95 a yard X nIt rr*ere attended _ae. WE CLOSE AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHTS Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 King st. andenjyedthefirême usic. BAc uncuch service was with- eAs XdrawnNSunday. rdon Mn. Noman Stinson losi a vl-Yn 'Jable cw asit week. Yr n any J Mi Times change. The besi knownj readý dog once ivas in the mavies. Now latiai it's Fala of the White House. state THE CANADIANSTATEYM MAY 27tN'UT19T3 Orono News Congratulations ta J. J. Mellor wha won a prîze for Vîctony Bond ýSales. The foul report of the ne- esus of the drive will appear ib tis week. We can state here that Clarke gai 90 per cent of its ob- kjective. e Mns. Littlewood is attending the W.M.S. Dominion board meet- hing this week. Mn. O. W. Scott is now' at *est Guilford. Friends bere will be glad ta knaw ibat he is weli. Hydro met Monday evening in spite of it being a holiday. Bis were passed as foilows: H.E.P.C. $255.87: B.P.U. $90.11. Police Trustees met Monday evening. A bill of .70 was ardered paid. Plans were aiso made for inspection of sidewalks and also the fine hall, Wednesday (ycster- day). Shirley Porter bas been on the sick list. Mrs. J. Tebble was buried here Thunsday. Mn. Bert Piper, Toronto, was i guesi of Mn. and Mrs. J. Middle- tan. Misses Eileen Joncs, Pickering, and Eleanor Moone, North Bay,1 visited ai Mn. and Mrs. G. Jones'.s Mn. and Mrs. Lageer and Jean1 visited in Lindsay.1 Mns. Thyra Hicks of Si. Cath- arines, visited ber 'cousin, Mrs. J. E. Richards. .é A new safe is ta be insialled in f aur lelephone office.c Mrs. J. E. Richards is spendinâ i ibis week in Lindsay. 1 LAC Hilliard Rowe of Hagers-c ville, and ACi John Lawrence,v Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. F. v Blackburn. n Miss Jean Lageer, Toronto, was r home for the week-end, ti A few firecrackers wene seen around Monday night. These, cg hawever, had ta be poncbased in p- Oshawa. tc Mn. and Mrs. Wm. hrwin, g EVimico, visiied ber mather, Mrs. IV. I. Winîen. aý Mn. Thompson, who recently nr purchased land from Mn. Wm. bý Barrett, was in the village plant- la ng Monday. He expecis ta boild a house here sametime. Union meeting Monday eveningJ was in charge of Dick Morion, who presided in the absence of the president. Scnipture was read by Sam Keane, and two splendid A piano selections were given by. Gien Tamblyn. The tapie "Relig- il: ious Education" was laken by the convenor who deali with the sub- ci onder the beadings of: School, Church and Sunday Scbooi, Home and Social Connections. He clos- M ed wiîh the thooght thai a cam- B: binatian of religion and educatian y sas thought bighly of by Most ar great leaders. During the bsi- P( ness periad Gien Hancock an- P naunced that Onano would be the T( scene of the Presbytenr' picnic in R( June. y ro v r Alidrcd's ibis Wedncsday. Receni Visitons: Mn. RobI. Mar- n with Mn. A. Martin, Brighton ..Mn. T. MeNeil, Mrs. Hallowell, Bowmanville, at Mn. G. Martin's '-The Simpsons, Cowanville, at Ir. Robi. Hendry's. . . Mn. and \1nS. Les. Alldred and famiiy, Brown's, ai Mr. R. Alldned's. Uns. M. Garishore, Whiiby, Mn. rmd Mns. E. Wicks and Maurice owell, Tronto, ai Mn. S. .owell's. .. Miss Jean Holmes, aoronto, and Mn. E. Darling, oseneatb, ai Mn. W. Holwmes'.. Enrs. Margaret Day and twins, To- nto, ai Mn. C. Brown's. . . Mxr id Mns. M. Brown ai home... McClure cancenning the people of Camp. . . Mrs. Stanford Swair China. with Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Ta- The rail cali was answered by ronta. namîng "One law I would lîke Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. enforced". Those periaining ta Jim Wilson and ta Mn. and Mrs. drink and car driving proved mosi Harvey Thompson, who were populan. mannied May 22. Mrs. Haigh read from same clippings several intercsîing WlI. W]ILSON-SWAIN messages. One of particulan in- terest was the use madc of the The marniage of Reta Kathleen, equipmenî wc used in mailing cîdest daughter of Mn. and Mns boxes avenseas, l.e. string, in, etc. Lw Mrs. Goodman, Distrit Presi- Lws Swain, ta M. James Wil- dent, was the guesi speaker and son, Prt Peny, was solemnized gave a splendid message on "Wo- May 22, ai the home of the bride's man's Duty to ber Home, ber God parents, near Blackstock. and Henscîf". Mrs. Haigh then Rev. M. R. Sanderson, oncle of presenîed Mrs. John Robinson the bride, officiated, and Miss with ber life membenship cen- Mabel Vintue played the wedding tificate in the WlI. The pin had music. nat came s0 will be prescnted The bride was given in mar- later. niage by hen father and she wore Mns. K. Wenny gave a bnief ac- a gown of white siik jersey and counit of the life of Annie Launie carried a bouquet of mauve sweet and the cincumstances leading ta peas and pink carnations. Miss the writing of the song, afier Elia Hoskin attended the bride, which she sang in ber usuai pleas- wearing a buttencup yellow gown ing manner ',Annie Laurie" and and carried a bouquet of pink 'The Rase of Tra Lee". snapdragons and fenn. Mn. Roy Mrs. Haigh thanked thase who Stinson was tbe besi man. had helped wiîh the pnagram and Following the reception the nrefreshments wene then senved. happy couple lefi for a short Woman's Association mator trip. Newtonville W.A. met in the They will live in Part Penny. church basement, May 131h. Fol- iowing the opening exencises the secnetany and treasurer gave ibeir reports, and plans werc made, e dn bath for aur anniversary ser- vices and for the play. Afier some discussion it was TREMEER....FOSTER :lecided, unanimously, ta hold aur future meetings in the cvening, Rev. J. E. Griffith officiateci ai on the lasi Wedncsday of the a very quiet wcdding ai Norwood nonth, commencing Jonc 301h. Place, Satorday, May 22, when The place of meeting will be the Dr. Dori .Fse a are church basemeni, unless an in- . riC.Fsewamrid vitation ta a haome is received. ita oMn. Fred A. Tremeer, St. Cath- was thooght wise ta continue our arns. The bride. given in mar- neetings through the sommer niage by ber mother, was cbarm- nonths, insiead of cancelling ing in an cxquisite heinloom gown them as we bave donc formcnly. of rasepoint lace wbich had been The, appainîîng of the variaus wann by the groom's mather. Rer ommitices in connection witb the full lengîh tulle veil was arrang- play, etc., took up tao much lime cd in Qocen Ann style, and was to permit any pnogram beîng caoght by bbe orange blassoms given, 50 the same committee, ber moiher had warn. She car- tirs. Redknap and Mrs. C. Burlcy nied a shower bouquet of sunset grced ta aci again in June. The roses and boovardia. The mamaon meeting was dismisscd with the of bonour, Mrs. Leonard Reyn- 'eniediction by Rev. Mn. McLacb- olds, sisten of the groom, was ln. gowned in dusty pink with large baitat match and carried an anm bouquet of mixed flowers. Mn. L~ake Shore, Clark~eReyn~olds was groomsman. Ani bonoored guesi was the groom'sc ~repe. Afier a short hancymoon, I Sanitarium, Hamilton, for the the bride plans ta resume ber duration of the war. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Freedom's Ffres Must Be C ANADIANS must dig and deliver coal that we may sali Uconvoya, power vital war plants, keep our railroads rolling, preserve the nation's bealth! The coal mining indusry-miners and management alike- have donc wonders to provide coal, but they need belp. More workers must be provided, or we falter-possibly fail-in ibis grim hour. Nature has been generous but we nmust help ourselves. Our mines are ricb, but undermanned. By Proclamation, Hia Excellency the Governor General in Council has declared that labour supply for coal mines ranks as a nationa emergency. Further, in order to provide man. power for coal, the Governor in Council has issued an Order in Council aimed at swelling the flow of coal from mine 10 firepot. This Order is of vital interest 10 everyone in Canada. Every Canadian should read and study ils provisions, to sec whether il demanda any action on his part: fiNO COAL MINE WORKER mnay leave emPloymnent ai a coal mine wiîhaut writîen Permission from a Selective Service Officer. EVERY EX-COAL MINE WORKER, rerig ta the industry under these Regulations, will be paid wages ai the be is placcd; and the Government will pay wages of 40 cents an hour, 8 hours a day and 48 hours a week, ta, any ex-coal mine worker required to leave hi, present employsnent under these provisions, but flot placed im. mediaîely at coal mining. A IBOARD ALLOWANCE of not more 10 than $7.50 a week maY.b paid an ex-coal mine worker now returning ta a coal mine, if required ta live away from the residence of hi, dependents. WPRESEN AND FUTURE COAL MINE WORKERS will ha granted pasîpana. ment from Military Training ta February 1,t, 1944, by virtue of their occupation; and na coal mine worker will ha accepted for valuntary enlist- ment in the Armed Forces of Canada, prior ta February ist, 1944, excepi under permit ta anlist from a Selective Service Officer. 12NO EMPLOYER IN CANADA, EX. 12 CPT ACOALMINEOPERATOR, May solicit for empînyment or hire any ex-coal mine workcr. 13 REGARDLESS 0F ANY DOMINION OR PROVINCIAL LAW, maie persoa ai least 16 years aid may be employed as coal mine workers, and famale per- sans at least 18 yaars oid may ha cmu. ployed ae surface coal mine workars. 14 CASSEME NYTRAINING HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister o! Labour Director, National Select ive Service WA L5e, t- j ,' Newtonvi-.y r.anoMs.A ed i and .am Mrilv atMs. vC J MtcellatMr Mr. and rs. C. . MitchelrariMr Vistos:Mr. W HrrsBow- Jno. Mitchell's, Part Hope... nanvîlle, with Mrs. Fred Nesbitt Mn. and Mrs. Norman Plummer ..Mr. Alfred Redknap, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Nicholas, at home. .. Mr. MacGregor Jones Bowmanville, aI Mr. W. Basker- and friend, Toronto, with hîs ville's. .. Mn. L. Souch, Bowman- mother, Mns. Dudley Jones.. . ville, Mn. and Mrs. A. Gibsan and Miiss Deane Slemon, Toronto, wVith family, Lockhart's, at Mn. W. A. her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Pearce.. . Adams' . .. Miss Edith Hendry in Mir. A. A. Martin, I.P.S., Mns. Toronto ... Miss E. Holmes, Osh- Miartin and family, Brighton. at awa, at Mr. H. Rawland's. Mir George Stapleton's and Mr. Sunday visitars at Mrs. W. H. George Kimball's. . . Mrs. W. E. Jaynes' were Miss Audrey Jaynes, Reid and Joan with ber parents, Tweed; Mrs. Walter Calvert, Mir. and Mns. W. Weatherilt, Lindsay; Mr. and Mns. Chas. Caesarea. . . Mrs. W. Chester, Bebee, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. shawa, with her mother, Mrs. W. Frank' Anderson and Neil, Port Whittaker. . . Pte. Bill Hoskin, Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hold- Dttawa, and Miss Moncreif, Ta- away and Allan, Part Hope; Mn. ,nIo, with his mother, Mrs. C. George Holdaway, Part Hope; Mn. Eoskin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Elmen and Mrs. Harry Wade and Billie, îandaîl and John, Oshawa, wîth Newtonville. is mother, Mrs. H. Randaîl. .________.__ [iss M. E. Dafoe. Winnipeg, with ev. and Mns. McLachlan. .. tc id Mns. Stuart Bassett and Dorina ktc Ir. Ken. Wane and June. Toronto, tMn. George Ovens'. . . Miss The United Church annual Sun- enaldine Woods, Toronto, with day« School anniversary services diss Marion Bruce. .. Pte. Edgar were held May 23. Rev. Russell ilîson, Woadstock, at home. . . Harris, B.A., Toronto, was the te. Len nox Vasey, Peterboro, at guesi speaker. His address in r. Wm. Stapleton's. . . Mn. Mer- the monning was for the children dith Vasey, Part McNichol, and in panticular and for the adults nrs. Wyley, Argyll, at Mn. Cecil at the evening service. Bath ad- tbinson's. . . Mn. George Peth- dresses were mosi intenesting. ck, Toronto, with friends. . . The Sunday Schaol childnen's iss Wilma Prause bas neturned chair sang in the morning witb c"Central" after a fortnight's Mns. Roy Taylor ai the argan and ness. .. Mrs. W. N. Stevens lias Mns. Ada Joncs-Sadien conduci- tunned from vîsitîng ber moîh- ing. At the evening service the rMrs. Brown, Roseneath-, who Scugog chair provided the music ill. and was much appneciated. The Mn. and Mns. John Mitchell, church was deconated with flaw- 'or Hope, held a Double Birth- ens and was filled for bath ser- .y Party, Thunsday evening, vices. ren îhey gave a dinnen in hon- Monday evening the Young nr of their mothers, Mns. C. J. People presented their play "Sun- itcheli and Mrs. W. Marvin, bonnet Jane of Scyamone Lane". ,ose binthdàys occunred during It was centainly a treat ta see the ie past week. The evening was fine performance which was dis- )ent in playing cards. played by these yaung people, Two very fine services wene en- some of whom were taking part ýed at the United Church, Sun- fan the finst time. The cast in- ay, under the auspices of the cluded Manjonie Symonds, Lenone A. Rev. J. W. Gordon, B.D., Fallis, Jessie VanCamp, Janet nIt Hope, was guest speaker. Watson, Thelma Fenguson, Wilma ithe afternoon our own choir VanCamp, Lais Larmer, Harold d the singing with Mn. Clare Fonder, Ralph Larmen, Jim Mar. ellogg, Welcome, organist, ow- law, Dalton Donneil. Mrs. Earl gto iiness in Mrs. George Donrell was the directress. At mpbeil's home. Mn. Gordon intermission a duet by Lenore :kle, Bethesda, sang two spien- Fallis and Jean Malcolm was en- d solos. In the evening New- joyed, and a vocal sala by Lucille stic junior choir rendened some Fonder, with Mns. Sadien at the ry fine music. piano, was well given. Newtonville W.i. Fniday evening the Nestleton The May meeting of the WlI. Women's Institute had an euchre as heid ai the home of Mrs. F. panty and dance in the cammunity .'ekin, May l9th. The new pres- hall. The prizes wene won by en, Mrs. L. Hughes, was in Mrs. V. M. Archer and Hanry Mc- echair. It was decided that we Laughlin. The draw for a quilt )uld nat ask for district ser- (mateniai donated by Miss Ethel es from the depaniment this Thompson and Henry Thompson ar. The members felt, haw- and made by Institute ladies) was r, that a short course in ne- won by Mrs. Wheeien, Nestleton. :delling clothes wauld be a Visitons: Mn. and Mns. W. C. ely course for our local branch. Ferguson, Bawmanville, ai Cecil vas agreed that we ask for- Ihis Hill's . .. Rev. Harris ai Earl Don- vice. rell's .. . Misses Gwenyth Mar- .Wns. L. Hughes, Mrs. W. Mii-lo-1w, Ruth Marlow, Edith Wright, nMrs. E. Ferguson and Mrs. Lamna Trewin, Pearl Wright, Jones were appointed dele-,Kathleen Taylor, wiîh their par- es 10 the District Annuai at ents. . . Miss Hazel English with ikstock, June 9th. Mns. O. Wright. . . Mn. and Mns. 1letter from the F.W. 2 C. xwas Ivan Shook and Anne, Toronto, Id notifying the members of a with Mrs. John Marlow. . . Miss minion meeting in the Royal Mabel Virtue, Toronto, at L. rk Hotel, Jonc 2nd, and urging Swain's. .. Mn. and Mrs. R. Cur- who could ta attendis and famiiy, Cobourg ,and Mn. nrs. Haigh had charge of the and Mrs. Gardon Strong and gram. Mrs. Riekard gave a family with Mns. Robi. Bruce and ding on 'Tempenance Legis- Miss Mae King. .. Mn. and Mrs. on', later mentioning some A. L. Baiiey and Gardon Banker ements made by Rev. RobI. ai Listowell with Norton Van n. WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU ARE S. ASSURED SATISFACTION IN QUALITY -e AND PRICE SPECIAL REG. 98c SIZE Enflargement 4x6 Daggett & Ramsell's 1, Mounied Ini Folder Cleansing Cream 3.2 for 29c NOW 79c BABY NEEDS Soft as a fleecy cloud! S Baby's Own Tabs.- -------23e If J. & J. Baby Pdr..-- 28c, 55e ýs Z.B.T. Powder ----- 28c, 55e 9 Mennen's O01-------59e, $1.19 J. & J. Baby 011 --- 60c, $1.10 Lactogen -------- 69e, $1.59 I 1 Dextri-Maltose --- 65e, $3.00 t Castoria ------------33c, 63e camphorated Oul, 3 oz., 25e Mllk of Magnesia --- 25c, 39e2 fld Rigo Nursers . 3 for 25e : 5c ln box Mead's Viosteroi 65e, $3.25 SUN GOGGLES..........-- ----- ----- 19e, 35c, 49e up to $3.00 WHITE SNOE LIFE and CLEANERS It -------------- 15c, 25c S Palm Beach ---------25e SPARKLE ~Nyal ----------------25c Shu-Mllk ------------19e FNf ~"FRUIT FOR SPRAYS le & W SA LT" Bordeaux Mixture *coMoMy ***boue$~ 1 lb. 25c, 5 lbs. $1.00 suri 59 ~ Sprayide 59101 lb. 30c, 5 Ibs. $1.50 -Paris Green ---25e, 45c 980 306 Nicotine Suiphate 9u< 3030c, 85c,$2.00 Films Developed FREE Phone PfW L< CfDU~CfDEWe fit 695 UU !LIING'S IIIU IUII Trusses ware a gawn of powdcr blue sheer medical wark ai the Mountain UEVERY EMPLOYER, REGARDLESS ~OF HIS INDUSTRY, must advise hi, empinyces of these Regulations, and hc must assisi in discovering whether any of his emplayees have had previ. ous experience as coal mine workcrs. 2 EVERY EPOERGRLS previaus experience as a coal mine worker, must report ihat fact to hi, employer flot later than Tuasday, May 25th, 1943. 3A "COAL MINE WORKER" FOR TEEPURPOSES is anyone who, since January Ist, 1935, has worked under provincial certificate or license in or around a coal mine, or who, since the saine date, has been em- ployed for a total of at least 24 months in the production of coal (exeept at office work). 4 EVERY EMPLOYER, NOT A COAL MN PERATOR, must report in writing ta a Selective Service Officer flot later than Tuesday, juna Ist, 1943, full details on any of hi@ employeei who are ex-coal mine workers. 5SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICERS 5 ARE ATHORIZED ta require ex-coal mine workers to report for interview and ta accept work ai a coal mine. 6SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICERS MAY RQUIREany man in any cru- ploymant, if subjeet ta Mobilization Regulations but rejected for Military Training, and certain others excused from Military Training, ta accept em-. ployment ai a coal mine. SNO COAL MINE OPERATOR may 7 terminate the services of any coal mine A. MaeNAMARA 1 4ýj Such la the substance oft the ne,. regulatjons. Full dstuils may lie had t any Employaient and Selective Service O/ice. 1/ these provisions require action on your part, you are urged in the national nteresto act inmediaiely. Severe penalties are provided for non-compliance, bustithe Government relies on thse co-operation of the citizen. o>< Canada ta make prosecution unnecessary by prompt action as required. Thtis is a grave emergency. .4sui&t il y-ou can. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW14ANVTT-T - ONTARM itffA" n-u -- 1 HY tt A# -1 l _mà

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