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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 May 1943, p. 5

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Miss Helen Masan visited ber Mns. C. W. Jacobs bas retu mother, Mrs. C. H. Mason. ta Toronto Genenal Hos Mrs. S. Snell, Toronto, bas been wbene she will undergo an( visiting ber brother, Mn. M. Com- operatian. stock.Miss Jean Rundle, Oslh .Miss Kathnyn O'Neill, Toronto, spent the holiday week-end spent the holiday week-end at ber mather, Mns. W. J. S. Rui hen home hene. O'Dell Street. Mr. and Mns. George Balil, Miss Maian Dudley, ours, Richmond Hill, visited the Misses training, Belleville Genenal Allen, Beech Ave. pital, visited ber parents, Mn. Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson Mrs. A. E. Dudley. are spending a few days with their Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Picli $family at Blackstock. Miss Evelyn Pickand and Mn., rMn and Mrs. Walt Pascoe were Duon spent the week-end att recent guests of Dr. and Mns. W. cottage, William's Point. G. McCulloch, Orono. First Boy Scout Troop will r Miss L. Henry, Toronto, spent at Public School, Tuesday,J the week-end with ber 'friend, 1, at p.m. Please nate chang Mrs. M. Comstack. time and meeting place. Mns. C. J. Smale spent the Mn. Fred Hughes, Christie1 week-end with ber parents, Mn. pital, Toronto, attended the and Mrs. Gea. Peebles, Colbornn day lunchean of the Rotary Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, speot at the Royal York Hotel. the holiday week-end with ber Dr. J. C. Devitt attended parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Dental Convention at Toronto Miss Margaret Milîsan, Orona, week and is enoaying fishing and Miss L. Wigg, Oshawa, wene Algonquin Park this week. holiday guests of Mns. L. J. Ban- Gor. William J. Danch, D ton. moutb, N.S., is spending'a Alden Wiîeelen, R.C.N.V.R., was days leave with bis mother, home fnom Kingston an five days' E. Danch and friends, Salem. leave befone leaving for the Rfm. H. A. Pickand arr: coast. home Tuesday for a few we Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hughes, To- rest aften bis sevene illness ronto, wene week-end guests with Nanaimo, B.C. ber m o t h e r, Mrs. Gea. E. Mrs. Hanry Carter, Windsor Pritchard. visiting ber husband, Pte. Ha Corporal Ray Connars of the Carter, wha is Scout in the R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent seven ternmeot Camp, Bowmanville days' leave with bis parents in Congratulations ta Mn. Bowmanville. Mrs. J. T. Hooper, Church Stnq Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Ostnand- who quietly celebnated thein 6. er of Tillsonbung, wene week-end wedding anniversary on May visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Miss Beulah Tammey spent Blackwell. holiday week-endq xifh hen j hmmmmml URGENT APPEAL MEN'S CLOTHING Urgently needed for Suirvivor's Bundies These bundles are placed aboard eaeh ship leaving Cana- dian ports to be used to outfit en, Mns. R. F. Tommey, Cool ville, and with ber cousins, I and Mrs. Lamne Ballinger, Stree ville. Mn. J. J. Mason bas taken witb a heant condition and 1 been nemaved ta the home of1 daughten, Mrs. N. S. B. James,1 the time beîng. Mrs. W. C. Fergusan and MV A. W. Pickard neceived a messa last week of the sudden passi of thein brother, Rev. G. A. BE cock of Greenville, Michigan. Mn. and Mrs. S. T. Dowsc Providence, and ber sister, Mi Stinson, Janetville, visited thE grand-daughten, Miss Ruth Net and athen fiends of Victor Road. any survivors pieked Up ai sea. Out of town guests attendir the Callacutt-McMuîîen weddir The folloiving articles are re- Satunday aftennoon were tl quired, trousers, beits or braces, bride's aunt and uncle, Con manding Officer and Mrs. A.1 soeks, sweaters, shoes, under- Cousins , Toronto, Mns. C. L. M, wear, caps or heimets, mitts, Mullen and Mn. and Mrs. J.i ishirts and handkerchiefs. McMullen, Toronto, Mn. and Mr D. F. Cameron and ManganE CLOTHING SHOULD BE NEW Belleville. OR IN FIRST CLASS A gaodly number of membei CONDITION of tbe Darlington and Cartwrigl Rural Business Men's Associatio Please leave artieles at Bert gatbered at the home of Lioni ('lrker's, Northeutt & Smlith Byam, Tyrone, May 19. Variat 6r Alex McGregor's. business matters wene discusse and arrangements were madet hold a picnic at a future datr THE NAVY LEAGUE Lunch was served by Mns. Byan "The Lond's Day Alliance is nep OF CANADA resented in aur community thi Bowmanviiie Committee year by Mn. Hugh Moore. Thi l 1 anganization is recognized widel as ane penfonming valuable ný tianal and community service i safeguarding the national weekl day of rest for Canadian warkerE Sufferers and the freedom of aur Canadiai of bieeding Sunday from commercial expli a n il pro- tation. The opportunities fu trudingChristian worship and spiritua culture are likewise important know Bunker's Herbai Plus treat vidual decision and attitude. Ir the cause at its souree. Money any event the leisure and quiet o baek if the first bottie does flot this anc day of the week are o satisfy. At your drug store. neal value, individually and cal. How to make your MEAT RATIONS go farther . 0 0with Robin Hood Oats 'ZOU can make your ma rations go fartheîê with Robin Hood Rolled Oats because they supply proteins and prateins are the maît important food nutrient supplied by meat. By combining super-deliciaus Robin llood Rolled Qats with beef or park, you can stretcb your meat rations without sacrificing praîeins-and gain a hearty, brand new flavour in meat dishes. la addition ta proteins, Robin Hoad Rollcd Oats suppiy useful .unaunts af essentiai minerais like Iran and Phosphrus-up ta 72 Unîts of Vitamin B-i per ounce -and contains 65% or more of food-energy-giving carbohy- drates; ah nof which are needed by growing chidren and bard- working men and women. Milled from the cream of tbe western oat crop, Robin Hood Roiled Qats start with an instant advantage in fine flavour. Through Robin Hood's exclusive pan.dry- ing process, this rich, naturai fia- vaur reaches a new high in rare, toasty goodness that neyer bas been imitated successfully. You really shouldn't miss the flavour magic that Robin Hood Rolled Qats give ta meat.saving recipes, breakfast porridge, cookies and ather baking. Thou- sands af flavour-wise housewives insist on Robin Hood Rolled Qats every week. Join them. Put Robin Hood Rolled Oats on your shopping list to. 24 pages af new recipes that save sugar, save butter, save meat. Perfected in the Robin Hood Kitchen and tested in borne kitchens, these recipes taste grand and are good to look at. Write today for your free capy of "Ration Recipes" to Robin Hood Kitchen, Department 10Z Box 2190, Montreal, Quebec. FRSin Hod , r i U g Lime1 ney PHila At 0 o ah.e w ri s au m t o o D o d'a T i . ~f n omn t h e t o p a t h e o r e t ic a l o r g a n - U Y R A D I O L I C E N C E SI ization. He prefers ta get agrec- D "washecl out" feeling . ment on specific pnoblems be- H R waa no n repl ced b t een the U nited N ations, to get H clear headed energy an . renll 8e P them wo king together on their We av b en a oi ed oe - Headache, backache, lanaitude and other practical day-to-day probîgnis. ehvbenapitdsli- Dodd'sKidneyPills to achieve a political instrument uro ai EO Iscavering the warld, a League with Toivn of Bowmanville. LAURA SECORD CANDIES D U SPOE72-W EIE Dodds Kidney ~ ~pa olitical and militry Powes.T mM M .U u ,-k THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY?, MAY 27th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWhL,'ýNVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE PIVE woi eýek-en..,t. Mr. and Mr,.MI. ronto, Mrs. Hall, Sheibourne, at M M M -=m Rae Tornt, were week-end Mrs. J. W. McMaster's. Viiosoli. nd MCROOrsA. P0ereyAIADA t..YNESAPRSASOIAIN f Arnold Damant, who farnily, Blackstock, at AIlf.Ayre's 117 x ea ansionr and rs. Pa ercy bas been in Newfoundland for' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kil]en and Niceladi n d randma. Near, some time is visiting Mrs. Damant children at M. Knapp's, Whitby. Pikrig , wi Mr. F. C. e ndsrt- and family. . . Pte. Don Adcock, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper, To- McClryTorotoat M. A L.Camp Borden. with his parents, ronto, Mrs. John Kivell, Miss urned Pascoe's.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. el eriLah ~pialBrmml, owanile, it ~ ~ ';0 Ted Kersey, Kingston, at home... Leach, Bowmanville, at Norman othr teirdauhte, Ms. altr Pr-Mr. and Mrs. W. White and sons, Leach's. Orono, at Mrs. C. Johns'.. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant and rinder. .. Mr. and Mrs. Annan and .~C.H. Burrows, Oshawa, at Mrs. Miriam, Toronto, at Reford Cam- awa, Donald, Pickering, Mrs. Davidson, M. Goodman's. eron's. with Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dun- t. indle, bar, Billy and John, Toronto, at Sincere sympathy of the coin- Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter and Mr. Jas. Smales'. . . Mrs. J. W. munity is extended ta the family Charles, Maxwell's, at Hans e--Ye]lowlees and Gladys, Mr. and of the aeMs Jas. Burns who Mi~r. adeMs. Mel. Morgan, Joan sei-Mrs. Gardon Leask, Ewart and passed a wo eehus. , fer yn Hos- Eunice. at Mr. Hughi Annis', ilesot w id and Glenna, Mr. J. T. Stewart, at and Enniskillen. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. plessofalty and C.hrninflu- Jack Crozier's, Utica. Harvey and Brian, Toronto, at. ence will be much missed in the Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and WEDDINGS kard, Mr. Bruce Tink's... Mr. and Mrs. home, church activities and coin- Eileen, Mrs. Adam Hawley, Mr. Jahkirmankvight aatM.n. C.antlows ymunity ]ife, by ber many friends. Lloyd Stainton, Miss MargaretSHWR Jackr Frn g nannt, Bt r.N C Ylow- <'Suda m i 'fail wr-Palmer at Ross Lee's, Kedron. GRADUATIONS Sundy mrnin faily or- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robb and ___ ...Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown ship service will be conducted by Saron, Galt, at Alan Fisher's. PICTURES for any ro meet with relatives at Lindsay and at- Rev. W. Rackham when a Baptis- Ms ee aeo netie d tr June tended the Yule family reunion mal service will he held and also a the Young People Friday evening fnomas p r s - mais e of . . . Mr. Will White, Donald and reception into Church member-onhritenhirdy.anas- bds-thng - Douglas, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. si o altoeoodsr ng. rsxenhbitdy ry lreadsa Fn- Grove; Mr. and Mrs. C. McBride The r w ll te o sundyschool* Mr. Dick Nemis got quite a Ta s - lr e a d s al Hos Ch rle W h te nd ddi , M pleThsess ions and no evening prech - l thrill w hen the steering w heel PO rrE R y- E ng ish and Ca m - Flub GavMreebr; Mr. and ingC.MBrd seviceanonaounnt 0f anni- went wrong on the tractor he was dian, white and coloured, deCO- Mrs. Alan White, Forest Hill; Mr. . versary services at Eldad. rf te bidg inodth crek.Dic J Wit, ornt; Mdrivth ingedint oe rete.side rtveadusf theJoeWhieTornto M. ad Ms.Mrs. W. G. Doidgs wvas hostess jumped into the creek and escap- Wall Brackets to harmonise teJoe Watson and Richard, Tod- for the north group sewing meet- ed injury. Mr. A. T. Stainton took with any colour scheme last morden, at Mr. Geo. White's. . . ing Thursday afternoon and itrcoanhuldimutn g at Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and centre group met at Ms Elmer soidgoudagi. Bokens- up onff Harold at Mr. Alfred Allin's, Wilbur's, Wednesday. __________ cers - stationery - bookà few and Mr. Thos. Baker at Mr. Mark Everett Allin (nee Evelyn Steven- FATHER'S DAY CARDS Mr.TunrsOhwa. r.son, Toronto) on their marriage, LJb AivLvr AND GIFTS FOR Walter Parrinder, Evelyn and . Saturday.____ FATHER ived Helen, at Mr. Frank Bray'sEn Visitors: Mrs. J. Beauchamp, eeks field. . . Miss Bessie %Rynolds,____ sin R.N., Welland, at Mr. Jacky Reyn- Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. VISIT OUR GIFT olds'. . . Miss Pearl Leach at bier MAAKE THE PILLARS GOOD AND STRONG ion oden. . .ew Mr. and s .DPRMN r, is home, Tauntoni. .. Mr. Jack Reyn- ?àMinto, Starkvillenveaen olceslsite n wiitbh Mr.w aelndee r adMs.Ega rectt rs . ur... t. .Vezl rry olds, Ruth, Jean and Fae with his pfice P. lar ho alsed i ogre he poliiimlvardnolanigd hoficipal, Provincil Bapowt sprns r In- sisters, Mrs. Reg. Somerville, pl.,i .inlecd Dii n-ie orga. lzi oslta lanning npublîic pal. g Mr. and Mrs. Edgar PresctnMrs. . Vuir. . . Pte M.rdetze , W . JE L end Cherrywood, and Mrs. A. E. Whit Magretk and e n, BTralmo,wths par tent, r.J W . J W EI elma taannEeayMlI-.erl nd at "The Grange". .. Pte. Gar- Phone 556 BownianVill ýeet Vela Gibertand lla ill-and Lloyd, Ebenezer, Mrs. Levi don Brown, Kingston, with bis0 i2nd son were co-hostesses at a kitchen Enn 1klle1Ha pto Burgess, Jimmie and Ralph, parents,_Mr._and______J._Brown.. sbower for Kathleen Baker at Courtice, at Wes. Cameron's. Tpr. R. Muir, Camp Borden, with _______________ 24. the former's home, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir, the nigbt. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Visitors: Mr. Tom Gibbons and and Grace, Mrs. Jas. Stainton, at Sr. . . Misses Elleen and Audrey ily, Osbawa, spent the holiday itb- Ms ila or ootwt Virtue, Miss M. E. Virtue, Mrs. bride. Pickering Beach, visitedChsLadrOhwa Beauchamp, Toronto, witb Mr. witb Mr. Taylor, Sr., at the home ksher sister, Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McEwen and Mrs. W. Marsha'll. . . Miss of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. M. Parker, Miss Ethel Patter, To- Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey and fam- and Faye, Dunbarton, Mr. and Mary iWilkins, Oshawa Hospital, Mrs. J. Hutchison, Toronto, waS ýets- and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Lorne ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert SmitbjIly. . . Miss R. Clatworthy, R.N., Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff and Ronnie. wthMs oeinCurc...awekndvierihlerie, at Mr. Hilton Tink's, Base Line. and family, Oshawa, Mr. John Bowmanville, at L. Trulî's. . . Courtice, at Wes. Cameron's. iMss Josrepne Courtice. . l-M. . awek-n ier wndfaibey ie i 11 Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Evelyn and Cox, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins and ton, with Mrs. B. Courtice. . . ae rmtc oit gi bis Orono. A. Beecb and Lloyd, Haydon, at bbGrlCldnEsvs sbla ril son',Bw Mrs. E. Foley, Mrs. J. Mundy, presented their play "Coverails" ____________ ted Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson manville. Mrs. Jeffrey, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. at Newtonville, May 24tb, toaa for Mr. H. Stevens'. . . L ýCpl. G. H. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Macnab. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Mrs. Steve Jeffrey, Maple Grove, Mr. large and appreciative audience. Stevens, Carleton Place, is enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hutchinson, W. Glaspel attended Tyrone an- and Mrs. G. E. Osborne and After tbe play, te cast was en- vIgs MapleGrove ing a two weeks' furlough witli Port Perry Lýpl.Beulah Hutch- niversary, Sunday hwkn. Lynda, Ajax, with Mrand Mrs. tertained at the parsonage by ýe-SCHOOL NEWS Stevens... Mr. and Mrs. S. Turn- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, MeQuade, Cadmus. . . Miss Ber- Ohwvstdwitb ber par- By Harry Snowden and Donald er and Helen, Oshawa, at F. Dor- Hutchinson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Gordon Leask, Solina, Mrs. nice Gay, Town, with bier par- ens, r. andr.oelSudy om of Smith land's. .. Mr. andMrs. H. DeGeer Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Carl Wilbur, attended a brush ents, Mr. and Mrs. R.R a. adbogtMs orikilittieay onts trhed were relativesouhtMr. orsk'slit [rn, ableototget pupils wbo wr entertainedreais Sunday.. Burnett, Orono, visited relatives demonstration at Mrs. Alan Wil- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. brother home after be bad spent eirban-up fir-crckes a r n r.O ebc n a and attended the funeral of Mrs. bur's, Oshawa. Gordon Vinson (nee Della Bal- a couple weeks with hier in Osh- ieirban-up time at the school Mr. and Mrs. C. Haoey, Toronto, J. Burns, Saturday.. Miss Doreen Mr. Norman Leach is still under son), Sgt. and Mrs. Byamn Wor- awa. eal grounds Monday nigbt. at tbe former's parents', Mr. and Wood, omnil spent the the doctor's care. den (nee Lorraine Dafoe) on their___________ )a We celebrated Empire Day last Mrs. S. R. Pethick. .. Mr. and Mrs. week-end with ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberg- recent marriages. Friday by decorating tbe scbool R. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tre- . . . Pte. Freddie Payne, Bramp- er and 'family at K. Sidler's. ___________________rplace ng and campeting in a geograpby win and Mr. Allan Stainton, Hay- ton. Miss Isabell Thompson, Bow- Thornton's Corner's, ment for quinine used in treating ng match. Somne of the pupils made1 don, at Mn. E. C. Asbton's. . . manville, at W. Greenaway's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Refond Cameron,i malaria patients, is now being te flags. Miss Florence Rabm and Mn. A. Mr. and Mrs. . E. Doidge, Osh- Kathleen and Jean at Chas. Viv- S~aleml produced at a rate exceeding ým- Last week in our music period Grace, Union, at Mr. W. Rahm's awa, with Miss M. Haro and at- ian's, Hampton. enough to make 800,000,000 tab- R. we took "Children's Day", an- . .. Mn. and Mr&s. N. Mollen, Sun- tended the funeral of bis aunt, Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro. Church service was withdrawn lets a year' sufficient ta treat 53,- ,lc- other anniversary hymn. Grade derland, Mrs. R. Brown, Port Mrs. Jas. Burns. . . Mrs. Chas. Mr. Lloyd Stainton, Miss Marg- Sunday in favour of anniversary 000,000 cases. N. seven and eigbt have bad twa Perry, Mrs. J. Avery, Burketon, Hastings, Oshawa, at F. J. Groat's aret Palmer, Toronto, at A. T. services at Tyrone. A number Irs. exams in literature. and little Miss Phyllis Strut, Osh- . . , Mr. and Mrs. E. Robson. Osh- Stainton's. from here attended the services Soldiers in Australia between ,et, Joan Munday brougbt ta school awa, at Mr. C. Petbick's. . . Mr. awJa, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Ayre at Har- which were very fine, both the 18 and 19 years of age who have a Jack in-the-Pulpit consisting Of and'Mrs. H. Oke, Oshawa, Mr. Geo. Farncomb. . . Mr. and Mrs. old Skinner's, Tyrone. singing by the S.S. and the splen- completed their military train- rsroot, flower and leaves. This will and Mrs. F. Samis, Union, Mrs. W. W. Horn at Port Hope. .. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. did addresses by Rev. H. C. Lin- ing will be used in nurqI oif. t We have again bad ta stick ta Ashton's. . . Miss Lorna Rahm, ber sister at Listowel over the Margaret, Jack and Kenneth, To- f Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and fam- to be sent ta openational station' ion playing catch or ta knocking Out Bowmanville, at Miss Jean Cross- iel flies. man's, Haydon, and bier parents', ;eS Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm.. .Dr. and M UM U m. m m.* * * * *,* * to CAPTAIN GODDARD Mrs. H. Fergusoin, James, Marie, te.___Bawmanvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. T. Me. _______M._nMs.C.Slm (Continued from page 8) an, Haydon, Miss Velma Gilberta ý ta relate in reference ta bis con- and Miss A. Robertson at Mr. T. airic . Sleman's.. Mr. and Mrs. W. SV OE lis tacts witb tbem. He bas arihMude Mrelad aid. îy strain of Englisb humour witb ugMre adDvd o ta- wbich bie frequently embellished ronto, were calling an aId friends is narrative. He brougt witb Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman [y bimi quite a collection of souvenirs and Joan,Mr an Ms.L and mementoes of bis seafaring Cemens and family at Mr. J. On Soaps anci Cleaimers pitueoscadsemon's. . . Mrs. B. Palmer, To- th anlfpars fte oerd ne lrota, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormistan, We list below many special prices on SOAPS and CLEANERS. It ivill -___fS rt ofins pheatorpb, wspaper OE e orclppnsphtgrphspecîmens al Grave, were guests with LOWEST pay YOU to buy these goods from your I.DA. Drug Store. ýa of barnacles, spent shelîs, from Rev. and Mrs. Harding over the ATSPI A HS A t, enemy machine guns and many week-end. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. PRICES- PHONE 792 NOW - ATSPI A HS A other tbings. Tbese were passed Hoskin and Bert and Mr. D. Fon- Odex is madie with ti-tree oiù, an around for inspection aften bis tain, Burketon, Miss Ella Hoskinirexclusive,_____________________ tan~ h ati enbî Oshawa, Mr. W. Ormiston, Maple APPLE BLOSSOM SOAP Sc e11luive, omoree ffetieticn >mingling witb the crawd, chat-Grove, at Mr. M. Heard's. . . Mr.caoicsagrmcdytmd ting and explaining and a'nswer- and Mrs. G. Yeo attended the Mc- and pleasant to your skin. il ing questions. Samne of the girls Mullen - Collacutt wedding inLU FAK S. .......1c23 wer deighed a gt hs ato-Bowmanville, Saturday. . . Mr. grapb and hie and Miss Almeda and Mrs. F. Reynard and Reita, 2A E 1 Couch, R.N., wbo wýs ovenseas as Mr. W. Cloes, Courtice, with Mr'. a nurse in the îast war, swppdG. Yeo's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. 13BON AMI.. 12c, 2 for 23c ** some reminisceces. nI: Stainton, Mr. and MrsF.Tamb-______________ came amidsbips of the argram. ota, Miss Ethel Cale, Rev. and23 Fane and aft were saine musical Mrs. J. Plant were guests at Mrs. O Y O 3 numbens. Before the captain E. A. Wenry's. .. Mn. and Mrs. R. N01HING BETTER FOIl aboand, and was ushered in b Rîckand and children, Mn and LUX SOAP . ..........6c, 2 for Ilc Mns. Inwin Colwill, Rev. R.E.Mrs. B. Ashton, Lanny, Purple R' Morton led in samne communi Hill, Miss Blanche Beech and Mr. TH5WA DRY singing with Miss Reita Cooke at Can Hydn atM.G Brasso ----------- 12e, 19c Old Dutch Cleanserà UNRULY th ino hn h ,,,yBeech's.. Rev. J. V. McNeely. . TO AVOID OFFENDING was pleased ta have in the guest MnisH-. Hearst, Miss E. Vipond, cokes Lifebuoy Soap lie, 2 for lie 10e, 2 for 19c adH I cabin, Miss Ruth Hutchinson of M.adMs .BrodlOh 7 I.D.A. Cleaning Fluîd C49Çop e H I Bowmanville and Miss Eleanon awa, Miss 0. Luke, Toronto, Mn. frCmySa c for lie Wight, Providence. Miss Hutcb- and Mns. H. Werry and Jenine, 10 oz. .----------- 57e is-------------1,23 inson entertained witb elacution- Kedron, Mn. F. Ellis, Mn. and Mrs. . . . i0e Soap--23e ary numbens in her awn chanm- R. S. Baker, Bowmanville, at . ________________ GetIvr op Idakleen Cleaning Fluid ing and inimitable manner and J. A. Werry's... Miss Nana Werry IDAPHOS - the best Lysol --------35e, 65c, $1.25 1 gai................---------59e, Miss Wight, singer, sa thrilled ber at Mn. H. McGill's. auieionce thatitf antbelng Eniklln1..anivnar, nevcfo adcoi

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