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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1943, p. 1

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With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanvilie News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 89 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE lOth, 1943NUBR2 SUPPORT NAVY LEADUE TAO DAYS SATURDAYS JUNE1 ÇG*.odyear Strike Ends Employees Back To Work As Negotiations Commence Workers aI the Goodyear plant went ouI on strike Friday afler- noon aI 4.30 due lu a stalemale in negoliations. The walkuu l cimax- ed several weeks ut uupruducf ive efforts on the part ut Local 189, U.R.W.A., lu force reognition of their local as the sole bargaining agency for the emphuyees and to gel ratification ut the new agree- ment lhey wanted signed. Righl from ils inceplion Local 189 has saiîed on a stormy sea. But events loading up lu, last week's strike had their beginning March 29 when the local request- ed a new agreement and senta draft ut the proposed agreement tou the management. According 1< reguhations, the agreement wa: due for renewal May isI and if elîher ut the parties, the local or management, desired change. they had lu give 30 days' notice. "Il was the 2nd ut May before il was discussed aI al," slated E. A. Jones lu The Statesman. "They put il up lu us that the local hac lu be certif led with the Labour Court which wuuld nul be estab- lished unlil the 141h ut June. Mr. Hardy referreti the draft lu To- ronto but lhey questioned wheth- er the majority ut the employoee endorsed the ocal. Thal precip- italed the vote held May 17." Undor guvernmenl supervision, a vole was taken among the em- ployees lu ascerlain whelher or nul the employees wished Local 189, U.R.W.A., (C.I.O.) as theit sole bargaining agency. OuI of 255 ompluyees, 249 voteti for the U.R.W.A. There were five noga- tive votes and une spuileti ballot. "We were nu farîher ahead afler the vote," staled Jue Mac- Kenzie, International C.I.O. rep- resenlative, lu The Statesman. "Four meetings were held be- tween the management ut Good- year and the local representalives. I sat in on three ut them and How- ard Mitchell, Field representative, sat in un the other. When I asked -Mitchell whal was dune, ho hati nofhirtg to report. "AÀ-rfirst meeting Mr. Hardy stat e'h hadfull aulhorily to negutiate on all points ut the agreement. At the fourth meet- ing, however, the union commit- tee discovered ho did nul have this aulhurity. They asked hlm, elîher lu secure the necessary au- thurily or tu get those with au- thority infu the nogolialions. The management refused lu do su. xhereupon the cummiflee inform- eti the workers lu the plant anti they walked off the job." Members ut the Local 189 met Friday evening anti vol erl luslay ouf unlil negutialions -were slart- ed rogardless uftIhe lenglh ut lime ilt tuk. Mombers \vere ap- puintedt l go lu the plant Satur- day morning lu make sure any employee unaware ut this agree- ment titi nul go lu work andt f provent auy new help being broughl in. Salurday murning Maurice Crook, local president, anti Nor- man Allison, local vice-president, accompanieti Jue MacKenzie tu Toronto whore they interviewed A. W. Denny, genoral manager ut Goodyear of Canada. They were told Mr. Hardy had the authority tou go ahead anti commence nego- tialions. Returning lu Buwmanville Sal- urday atternoon, lhey helti a meeting at four 'cluck. Il was decideti thal unloas Mr. Hardy ne- gulialeti on Munday they woud stay ouI. Several efforts were macle lu reach Mr. Hardy but il was nul until Sunday aflernoon that the bargaining committee was able lu contact hlm. Af 1er discussion, ho agreedt lu tart negutiations Tues- day aflernoun aI 2.30. But Ibis was nul goti enough for the members ut the local. Again they voted lu slay ouf. In- the meantime Jue Mac- Kenzîe got in lunch with the De- parîment of Labour in Toronto. The top management thon wired Mr. Hardy, inslructing hlm lu proceeti with negoliations. As well1 as the bargaining commillee and1 the local management, MacKenziez t REPORTEDMISSING n _____ C_ Sergt.-Pilot Eric Swindells, son ,e of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells, qBowmanville, nas been reported )f rissing on operations, according 9to a telegram received by his '0 parents on Tuesday. iCouncil To Investigate aPossible Fuel Shortage 19 Is a community coal bîn or -wood pile in the offing? it A possible fuel shortage next 0 winter was prophesied Monday ýs night at Town Council by Reeve fC. G. Morris. "Now is a good ýtime to decide what the town can do to ensure ourselves that this emunicipality will flot be caught *unprepared next winter. Muni- cipalities such as Bowmanville :1 should set up an emergency fuel rsupply," he said. "I would like -to see the Civic Committee given Power to go into it and see what can be clone. I do flot mean we *should go into the coal business sbut to purchase whatever coal or *hardwood is available and set up a reserve supply over and above what the dealers will bc buying. I think that right nom, is a good rne to get started." 1 Counillor Glen Martyn: ' Where do you propose that the ftown purchase it? From local dealers?" "Yes," replied the reeve. "The coal dealers tell me that 1you are going to get the saine amount of coal that you got last year. But you are flot going to get it in bulk like you did before. It will be doled out," supplied Deputy-Reeve Little. "I think the coal dealers in town are discriminating. Just after I was refused an order, a woman next door ordered coal over rny 1telephone fromn the same dealer. They put it in and broke my cellar window doing it. But I couldn't get it," commented Councillor Glen Martyn. Said Deputy-Reeve Little: "At one dealers where I went there were four carloads sitting there one day and I couldn't get a ker-i nel of if."1 "I think if there is any way we can assure we will have ani impie supply, we should do it," said the mayor. -With the properties we have1 in town we should be able tu provide storage space," comment- ed the reeve. Asked the deputy-reeve: 'Sup- pose we go to coal dealers here and they turn us down? Can weÀ get a couple cars shipped in?" "I move that the matter of the, reserve supply of fuel be left in the hands of the Civic Committee1 and have it report back at a spec-1 ial meeting," said Reeve Morris. The motion carried. Present Picture 0f t S. H. Jeffery To School1 An item of interest to Durhamn folk appeared last month in both the Toronto Daily Star and the Globe and Mail. S. H. Jeffery, who atfended Bradley's School in Darlington a nd Bowmanvillef High School, was honoured re- cently when a group of teachersd and friends presented a framed( portrait of hlm f0 Essex Streeta School, Toronto, where hie hads been principal for thirty-one i] years. Under Mr. Jeffery thes school grew frorn four to thirty-g five rooms, now one of the t: largest in the city. The picturen hangs in the hall of the main0 building. n will sit in on the meetings. c: Union officials said yesterday a that negotiations had started and m~ that "they were getting the right a answers".r Deer Unaware Hou sewives Rush F~or Meat Or They Wouldn't Be Here '4..->.'There are deer in the cerne- Mayor Jones: "We have hati sev- tory!"loral complainîs about deer ruam- Perbaps wo shoulti whisper il ing arounti the cometery. I spuko lu tbe caretaker about il." lest we precipitate a rush ut ex- 4I bave bati nu cumplaints; only clîtid citizons lu God's Acre on comments," interrupteti Reeve C. King East. Some uftIhe bouse- G. Morris, "peuple appreciate wives whu dasheti to the boîcher seoing tbe deer 10 thero." shupa un tbe lasI day lu stock up "I beard une porson say the betune meat ratiuning came int preltiest picture ho ever saw was ettect rnay hie easl with Ibeir the deer standing in the cerne- kuives anti baskets lu gel a supply tory," remarkoti Doputy Reeve ut wbat we beliove is stîl un- Litle. ralioniot meal, even if il is on the "I go lu tbe cemetery anti my hoof. Su if yciu see a luwn rosi- unly complaint la Ibal I do nul see tient suri'eptitiuusly leading a them oflen enougb," assorted four-leggOti deer (nul a lwo- Councillor Glen Marfyn. egged dean Ibis lime) borne sume Then Mayor Joues matie Ibis night atter cark yuu'll know the aunouncement: "They are untier reason wby. coutrol ufthIe Game anti Fisb- All Ibis Ialk ut deer starleti aI enios, anti if any action is taken il Town Council Montiay nigbt. Saiti musI ho taken by lhem". Lions Cigarettes Brigliten Lives of The BoysOverseas L'Sgl. K. J. McQuarrie, B-25571 7 Cdn. Construction Coy., Roya? Canadian Engineers, C.AO.. in ar airgraph lu the Lions Club, wril- len May 19, said: "Received lhreE hundred Sweet Caps from your club un the 171h uf May. Accept my lhanks and apprecialion for the smokes. Cigarettes are now without a doubt the gifI that la ouslanding lu the Iruops. Wifh- out lhemn we could be absolufely duwn-hearted. "There are just the two ut us hfrom the hume luwn in this unit -Art Brown and mysoîf. But where we are slalioned there are several-Ed. Houper, Len Sum- merscales and a couple mure thaf we see once in a while." LAC J. Taylor, 630676, R.A.F., Overseas, said: "I have again re- ceived your parcel of cigarettes and may I again lhank you for yuur kindness. I arn also receiv- ing copies of The Stalesman regu- larly and enjoy readîng the news uftIhe old neighbourhuod and folks back hume." "Many thanks for the cigarettes which I received lasI week. I was sure glad lu gel fhem as I had unly a couple packages loft. I see by The Stalesman where Mue Breslin is on active service nnw su maybe l'Il be seeing hlm une ut these days suon. The wealher has been swell uver here lalely andti he country cerlainly looks swell nuw. I haven'l seen any ut the Buwmanville boys lately," said Sgt. E. S. Hunt, C5343, Treas. Sub. Office, Nu. 1 C.N.E.T.D., C.AO. "I received your cigarettes and was sure glad lu gel lhem. I have nul seen many uftIhe Bowman- ville boys yet but hope lu run loto them suon. The weather is nice here-just like summer. Cheerlu," said Gnr. R. G. Connors. C10080, 3rd Cdn. Med. RegI., R.C.A., C.A.O. Cards and letters were receiveti fromn the folluwing: A. J. Frank, 1 Cdn. A.S.C., C.A.O.; Garnet Mutton, C.AO.; Gnr. K. B. Wood, C18538, 4 Field Regiment, R.C.A., C.A.O.; Gordon Flaxman, B29056, C.A.O.; Tpr. H. T. Moore, C33311, B. Squadrun, 11 C.A.T.R., C.AO.; LAC J. E. Hockley, R112714, R.C. A.F.. Overseas; PIe. J. H. Knight, C65583, B. Coy., H.P.E., C.AO.: Chas., ut Labrador; Hawley, C.A.O.; Sigmn. Geo. Goheen. C120014, R.C.C.S. Wing, No. 2 Coy., laI C.S.R.U., C.AO.: J. Gibbs, R.C.A.F.. Overseas; L'Cpl. L. S. Young. P16450, No. 3 Coy.*, C.P.C., C.AO.: LAC F. J. Secret, R102900, 419 Sqdn.. R.C.A.F., Overseas: Sgl. A. Camer on, C20563, 41h L.A.A. RegI., C.AO. R.C.A.F. Will Recruit At Town Hall Friday A wonderful uppurlunity for ahI mon and wumen in this part ut Durham whu are desirous ut on- listing in the R.C.A.F. will be pruvided Friday, June Il. Fît. Lt. Thomas Pryde, uf No. Il Recruiting Deput. Toronto, will ho aI the Town Hall frum 12 noon lu 9 o'clock in the evening lu in- terview and give information. Ho will ho accornpanied by a mem- ber uf the Wurnen's Division, likohy S.O. Phyllis Thurnpsun, who was here a few weeks ago. An interview dos nul obligate anyone lu enlist. Young mon from 17 1-2 years ut age lu 33 are ehigible, and those over 33 with çxceptional quali- fications may also ho considered. No oducalional standard is laid down. Lack ut formaI schuulîng (such as High School) is nu longer a bar lu enlistment, anti thuse suilable for enlisîrnent but lack- ing sufficient educalion f0 absorb service training righl away are given the necessary academie training affer enlisîmenl. Every member ut an air crew has the opporlunily ut earning a comn- mission when ho has proven his right lu il. There is also a place for ground crew trades, such as aero engine and airtrame mechanics, and wireless mechanies, and Ihere is i a category known as "General )ut les," including any duly which i is nul a trade. For women, there is a variefy of opporlunily lu help "that monc nay fîy". Courses under the Var Emergency Training Plani are offered in fyping, stenu- c :raphy, and general office wurk. c The classes requirod include gen- c eral medîcal clerks, dental as- istants, dispensers, p3arachute z Council Discusses Advisability Dispensing Fuli-Time Solicitor Bowmanville is considering cis- town ouncilh commented Coun- pensing with the services of a cîllor Glen Marlyn. fuil-lime solicitor. At this point the clerk returned Said Reeve C. G. Morris, in t0 say thal somoone had 1ockod bringing the malter lu the at- the door lu the office and h, Lontion of the Town Council, couldn't gel in lu the safe. Monday nighl: "About the ap- "I think il is slackness on our puinîment ut town solicitor macle part." said Mayor Jones. "I this year-I du nul bolieve that think he wouhd attend overy his appuinîment came before the couincil if he were asked. I might council. Il strikes me as peculiar say it is the dufy uftIhe chief ut thaf he gels a larger salary Ihan police. ruad superintendent. etc., the acting mayor. He dues nul 10 attend. foo. I hink lhey dcl attend council. I wonder if we aboLn four yoars ago. JusI when should discontinue the fuIl-lime if was discontinued I do nul know services of a solicitor and engage unhcss une night lhey asked lu ho one as wo need hlm. How does reliex'ed and thon came a night hie gel appoinled?" whon they dcl nul put in an ap- "Ho was appoinfed by by-law," poaranco." replied Clerk Alex Lyle. One uftIhe councihlors spoke up: "Af Ihat lime we had matters "Dues thaf include the tire chief?" which required a solicitor. Some "Yes," answered the mayor. "I lowns have une and he sits in on think ail officials shnuld attend. meetings. I think $250 a year is Il is a mnalter for you yuurselves avery cunsiderable amouîît f0 lu decide and if youutd he pay lu retain a solicitor," stated should be heré il shiould be macle Reeve Morris. knoxvn lu them." 'You say ho was appuinled by "We will leavo the malter in by-law. Why has nul the by-law abeyance. I would like lu have corne befure us like the other the by-law produced aI the nexf by-laws?" questiunod Depufy meeting and lu the meanlirne Reeve Little. mombers ut the counicil will have "He was appointed for su long a chance lu discusa il and lhink as he was nee.ded," replied Clerk about il." Alex Lyle. By thon the clerk, who had lef "If the by-law reads thal he the ruum, had relurned. He had was lu be the fown solicitor in- gainod accesa f0 the office andi definitly, we may have lu rescind locatod the cupy ot the by-laxw. il," comrnented Mayor Jones. "This by-law was drawn rip "Gel the by-law." The clerk April 4, 1938," commenled the macle his exit lu hunt up the duc- mayor. "Clause number four ument. reads. 'This appoinîment is dafed Said Reeve Morris, "I think the frum April 1, 1938, and la lu re- malter shuhd be discussed by main in force until Ihis by-law is counicil and I lhink il should be rescinded'. revised su that his allendance is "I do nul believe il is fair lu included in the by-law." the mnunicipalily lu pay ouf $250 "This came up two years agu in this way without gefling botter and members of council could nul resuits than xve are. I think il la understand why this by-law was only fair f0 rescind the by-law alluwed lu run un when other and -when we needti l, retain a employees came up for appoint- solicitor." said Reeve Morris. ment every year. I lhink il should Su the malter was let rest here be read over lu counicil su thal unI il the next meeting ut town they will undersfand il them- council. selves. I cannut recaîl how the W. R. Strike, Bowmanville by-law was wurded," said the lawyer, has been acting as full- mayor. lime solicitor for the Town ut "When we pay hlm $250 he Bowmanville since April, 1938. He shoulti take mure interest in the is raid $250 for his services. Fed Up With Town Council Reorganize F AIl la nul well wilh Bowmar- ville Fire Brigade. Atter hearing Moutiay's discussion aI Towr Conucil une would ho temptedti ask if auyfhing ah aIl was right. An innucent-sounding question askod by Doputy-Reeve S. Litle startedti he baIl rolling. "I1 had someone tll me the tire truc] was nul working right. Dues any- une know anything about il?" he asked. At this point Mayor Jones got roally angry. 'Until we got sumeone wbo la preparedtilube boss you will have Ihis trouble," ho saiti. "There are 100 man' munkeying with il in there at night. I know if I were chiot would put everyone in Ibeir place anti if lhey diti nul like il Ihey coulti quit. I wuuld quit ifI tiidn'l. This malter la bashed u here anti there. I have heard it for the Iast 6 weeks, lu ho frank with yuu. Until you get l wn ho business anti take a firm stand yuu are goîng lu have this trouble. I do nul think Ibere is auylhluî we can do but re-urganize the tire brigade. I am sick andti lied of il. For the pasl 10 years I have heard nothing bol grumbling. One is appoinleti to run the englue. Then atter two or fbree tires they starl grurnbling that ho isn'l efficient." WNow you can untierstanti wby didn't wanl to ho chairman ut the tire tieparîment," 'interrupltid Counillor Casey Martin. "Il la jusl as gooti an outtit as îny lown has," assertedti he mayor. "Wby duesn'l the tire chioft bru in a report?" questioneti Council- lor Owen Nichols. Someone brought up the malter of the shaft on the tire engine. II can tll you what la wrong wilh lthe sbaft. Il was brought luwn bere andti lrough differeuf Dnos playing wilb il, il was put nIbe blink," saidth Ie mayor. 'I didn'l mention Ibis lu start îny trouble but because I lhuughl 1shoulti," interrupfed the deputy- reve. "At the time ufthIe Hulgale ire fhey took the pomper clown there anti ran the lite ontut ofil. ft was a brass shaft anti was iroken aI thal time. Il was re- ?aceti by a steel shaft anti afler icertain lenglh outlime a steel ;hatt wears the packing down. Ih ;houlti ho a brasa shaft. Unless t is righf anti packed pruperhy ou have trouble. Il isn't up lu ne ut us lu go anti fix il. Il la ýh chief's phace lu sethe oulfif sin proper shape. For tiremen elling the chiot wbat lu do la ýrong anti I strongly objecl lu il in aiso about evory fireman 'oefing about the chiot. The tire- Shenanigans I Threatens To ire Brigade rnen's association was starleti as ig ab,.,oeu foind, nul as a club. 'n If tbey got a wee bit ut money il to is lhrown 1010 the kily util Ihey gel enuugh tu divide up. ýn They go thore anti squabble oe among fhemsehves," a sseor ledt ti 'Mayor Joues. ýk A 11111e lime was spent discuas- 7- ing what was wrong with the ma- ýe chine. "'I will 1e11 ynu wbat la wi'ong wif h the machine. Il shoulti Award Crests And Objective Set At $500 Letters At The Last Boy Scouts Will Conduci Assembly 0f Year The prsentatin f erests ndi House m To m House Canvass isemly f te shoo yer, eldTheBoxwmanville Cornrnttee nf Fribay morning, at Bowmanville ~ 7 . the Navy League of Canada is High Sehool. vvnat pledged lu raise $500 for the L. W. Dippeli. principal, w'asi woollen fund fhrough a tag day charge, and the presenlations TIIhe Couricil hich will be held Saturday. wore rnade hy Miss M. Moore. This la a big responsibilily and girls' athiefic awards. Beverle y r Jil means thaf every citizen of Goulding, boys' athletie awards DJ1U Bowmanville, regardless of age and L. W. Dippeli, scholastic _____ or sex, will have to help. It means awards. Town Couincîl met Mondax' eve- that everyone- will have to con- The annual presenlation lu the ning with Mayor R. 0. Jones pro- fribule and perhaps conîribute school was macle by Fifth Form sidîng and ail members present more to this tag day than they and this year il took the forrn of except Councillor Harrison. hv îe uapeiu ud a picture. hv g*ntoaprvos ud School crests were awarded to A request from Howard R. whatever the cause. Margaret Rowe, Margaret Nîchols, Bickle, Church Street, for a drive- The Boy Scouts will make a Willa Ward, Dorothy Pingle, Cor- way and curb was referred, on house-to-house canvass Saturday dula Stenger, Gordon Wilcox, Ian motion by Reeve Morris, to the for donations. During the day the Hovey, Charles Fletcher, Arnold Roads and Streefs Comrnlllee. Girl Guides will seli tags on the Sleep and Rae Rundle. ** main streets of the town. The letter "A' (athietie) was On motion by Reeve Morris, the The commit tee in charge is con- awarded f0 Sally Cole, Shiela Wil- Women's War Auxiliary, "D" vened by one of the town's hard son. Margaret Slacey, Juan Long- Company, Midland Regiment, was working and public-spirited cit- man, Evelyn Parrinder, Helen granfed permission to hold ifs an- izens in the person of" Sid Little, Cox, Joan Newton, Betty A. Spen- nual Mile of Money in Bowman- and has two members in the per- cer, Marie Moise, Helen Roach, ville on elîher June 19 or June 26. sons Of D. R. Morrison and A. M. Hilda Cowling. Ruth Stevens,* Thompson, who are as hard-work- Dorothy Snowden, Helen Lang- A lettor of appreciation frorn ing and public-splrited as Mr. rnaid, Winona Clarke, Georgina the W.P.T.B., Oshawa, for the use Little. Gibsor-&, Patsy Dinniwell, Joan of the Council Chamber for a As well as the tag day, a mon- Greenfield, Ruth Hooper, Bernice meeting last month xvas received ster bingo will bho h'ld in the Welsh, Collette Ferguson, Lillian and filed. evening in the inlerests of the Osborne, Jacqueline Heyland, same cause. Full particulars Luuila Workman, Dorothy Morris. Reeve Morris presenfed the fin- about this are contained in an ad- Fred Cowle. Gordon Irwin, Wil- ancial report and bllls toîaîîing verîlsernent elsewhere in this fred Knox, Roy MeMullen, How- $2192.44 were ordered paid. issue. ard Noules, Donald Samis, Lloyd * ________________*___ Forsey, Murray Tighe. Arthur The clerk read a request from Clernence, Jack Welsh, Bill Spen- John H. Rheder to purchase a lot Fund, was read. If requesfed the cer and Richard Bowles. un Duke. Street next f0 Chas. help of the council in raisîng The letter "S" (scholasticî Goodman and across frorn the fuîîds. The Civic Committee was awarded to Donald Childs, Junior South Ward School. Reeve Morris instructed to go into the malter Ross, Donald Quick, Gwendolvn rnoved that the lot be sold to Mr. with the Greek citizens uf the Brooks, Laurie H a r t, Bohhy Rhedor for S50 plus cost of draw- town and make arrangements. Callum. Edifh White, Gordon î ng up and regisfering deed on * * * Siemon, Catharine Thompson. the understanding thaf a house be An invitation from the Aero- Annie Potter, and Donnie Creas- erected wifhin a period of a year nuatial stitute of Canada to ser. having an assessrnent uf at leastl attendwa spec ial meeting in To- The leffer "0" (oratorical) was $1.000. D e punty Reeve Little rono.waýs received and filed. No awarded to Ecith White, Winona rnoved thal the mat ter be lef t in action was faken as the meeting Clarke and Audrey Venton. the hands of the Property Com- was held lasI monlh. The letter "D" (drarnalic) xvas mil tee to investigate and report* * awarded f0 Edith White, Doris back at a special meeting. This "I have had several complainl.s Stevens, Gwendolyn Brooks and was seconded by Councillor Casey about the dog tax." announced Clifford Plummer. Martyn. A vote was faken and Councilor Casey Martyn. "Some- awared t ElanorWigh. Lu- ** *pays for une. I think we should rence Morton and Glenn Tamh- A letter frorn Jackson Dodds, have the chief go down and see lyn. chairman of the Greek War Relief he takes ouf a kennel licence." The shleld for the best lilerarv "_________________ I would lîke lu see thaf motion prograrnvas presented f0 Form i. made broador f0 make sure thaf Local People Donate the by-law la enforced." cm PlanAidFor reee Blod t Osawa mentod Reeve Morris. PlanAidFor reee Blod t Osawa"Ivas wondoring if ftho reeve was familiar with fhe hy-law Drive In Bowmanville 1Jue 2: Helen M. Luxton, Carol covering dogs. It states aIl dogs _____Marty n. Bomý%manville (lI dona- mUsl he confined or he on a leach The nucleus of a committee lias tion): Mrs. Frances Wright. Mrs. in charge uf a person 16 years of beon set up in Bouwmanville lu Gordon Watson, Leona Tehhle. age or over and thaf ahI dogs must have a tag. Il does not devise ways and means of colloct- and iVlrs. Audrey Gogerty, New- allow doga lu roam at large." îng a contribution from Bouman- cstle (n donation): Rose Bale. ville district for the Groek War Madehino Calver. Bovwmanvilhe, 3rd donation); David V. Hall, Roove Morris reported that Relief Fund. It includos the Enniskillen (4th donation>: At Chief of Police Sid Venton was Civic Commilfee of the Town iiD.IL., Ajax: R. E. Burton. Evorett 111 and had heen off duty for a Council, macle up of Deputy-, Mackey, Brooklu, (2nd dona- few days. He said that Night Reeve S. Little, chairman, and lion). Constable Walter Hall had been June 4: Percy Dowell. Hamp- looking afler the chief's dufies in Councillors William Harrison, ton; Charlie Richardson, Brooklin; the daytime. )t be pulleti cow-n--anti -reépa-iret anti ville, as well as Gus Annus ýanti_ ýt checked ovor afler if is mun for Louis Lescara, twu Greek rosi- oe a while. If shoulti h o dne aftt r dnso h o 'a certain amount ut running. You dentu the tuwn. arReie y' have appuinteti a man lu look -'hte Ure arRle it atter ftho machine, lu 500 that the Funti in Canada colhaburating in I machine is in A-i condition. It an allempt lu save aI least part e is up lu hlm lu see il la kept in outIhe Greek nation tromn exter- yrepair. You have others who are mination by starvalion anti dis- I linding fanît. Until you gel sanci oase, the International Redi Cross penuugh lu put lhem lu Iheir place has createti in Greece a vast or- I ,ou will have trouble," saidti he ganization lu insure that relief kmnayor. supplies reach the destination anti 0 Councillor Nicholas saiti -I hati are nul diverleti by Germaus or d beon tbld eveî'ylhing is in o.k. Italians. shape. I do nul believe we shoulti (Sntrolliug distribution is a glisten lu tonies frum oulsicle. If commission ut tiffeen Swiss anti ethore is auytbiug wroug the chiot Swedes. Thoy operato commun- 1 shouhd bru in a report anti ho ai soup kitchens in large centres esiiondte ll the chairman ut the anti have ted up ho 600,000 a day Ltire commitfeo. I know there is wiîh soup anti breati alloteti by a lot ut friction between the tire- ration carda. They distribute smon." powdered milk lu chiltiren under t "We have given thern every- îwo andti luhuspilals. They sot thing we coulti within reasun lu up canleens in factories. They figbt tires in the pruper manner, divitie up flour anti drieti vege- fThe mure we try lu ltoady to lhem tables belwoen towns anti villages 1anti gel sluff for tbemn the worse un the basis ut population. Wbere itl gels," replieti Mayor Jones. necessary, tbey take uver the 3 I am guiug lu make a motion economy ut a cummunity; oper- thal we gel in lunch wiIh How- aIe flour milîs, warehouses and anti Challis anti the tire chiot anti bakeries, somelîmes trado flour 1ask lbem once again if everyîhing for olive oil for special rations. is in A-1 shape," saiti Councillor The distribution is decentraliz- Nicholas. eti. Canadian fod anti mediclues "I woulti ask hlm lu adtit al go from Commission-owned ware- the depuly-reeve feels il shoulti houses aI Greek ports to 142 main ho laken ont, anti cunneil shoult ipunts-prisons, monasteries, sîra- tgo alung," suggested the mayor. tegicalhy-localed lowns anti vil- Saiti Reeve Morris: 1, I lbiuk lages. Frum those points, the arrangements shouhd ho matie lu distribution fans ouf lu 1,600 local pay a visil lu the Inlerument cummiltees. suprviseti by o'. r .Camp." 500 Commission inspectons who "I ar nonu sayiug Ibat the in- have powet lu stop any abuses. limalion I bronght aluug was cor- For transport, the Commission rect but there la nu man who uses ships, motor trucks, evory couldteltol you uuless ho saw if variely keys, anti even half-slarv- run," put in the tieputy-reeve. eti buman carriers. "I lhink the whole counicil _________________ shoulti go anti 500 for Ihem- sehves," saîi the mayor. Friday nighf aIl right for taking "Why nul take anuther the truck ont'?" mechanlo along,"1 suggesfed Coun- "Sorneone shoulti caîl Col. Tay- cillor Casey Martyn. lor aI the camp anti make ar- "I lbink we shouldt ake counicil rangements witbhlm," saiti Dep- alung. We shoulti ho able lu tell uly-Reove Litt le. \vhetbor il is wvorking or nul," "Il is an undersfood tact that saiti the depuîy-reeve. every member uftIhe council is "Every fireman dlaims hoe is a lu ho preseuftu 50se whether or mechauic when we mun imb this nul the truck muas," staledth Ie trouble from lime lu lime. I mayor. "Il has been muveti anti think Ibat la probably tbe trouble secoutiet anti carrieti that counucil -we have fou many mecbauics. is lu ho on the job Friday uigbl Saiti Councillor Nicholas: "la anti put a stop lu Ihis haranguing. G... S. Vetzos, Lourtice, (lat dona- tion); Horace M o s e s, Walter Goutie, Bowmanville, (2ud dona- lion); B. T. King, Bowmanville, (41h donation); Charles Runtile, Hampton, PIe. Charles W. Miaou, Buwmanville, (51h donation); H. Baldiwin, Courîlce; Douglas T. Dicksun, Bowmanvihîe, (6th dona- tion). Jone 7: Ernest Ward, Charhes Smith, Bowmauville; Fraudas A. Boyd, Enniakillen, (1sf donation): W. L. Paterson, Thomas Buttery, Bowmauville; J. Lawrence Cry- dorman, Newcastle; Dr. J. MeI- Kiuuey, Brooklu, (41h donation); Lewis Kilgaunon, Char-les Archer, Bowmauville; R o g e r. Crook, Courtice, (Sth donation):;Theo- diore Chant, Hampton, (61h dona- tion). Miss Gertrude Hoopor, bride- elect ufthIis muntb, was the ne- cipient ut a lovehy walnul endi table wben the girls club helti a presenlation party for ber aI the hume ut Misa Elleen Stainton. Miss Carol Plummer madetieb preseutallun w i t b Mrs. Alice Plummor reatiug the briet adi- Don Quick M aintains High Standard And Holds Job Af ter School Hours That it is possible to work affer -books he keeps on the seat besîde school hours and at the saine tîrne hîmi or on the counter. When he attain a high scholasfic standing isn't busy selling tickets hie makes good use of the books. hias heen proven beyond a doubt Not only has he madle good use by Don Quick of Bowmanville. of the tirne outside school hours For the past year and a haîf but he has used the time spent in patrons of the Royal Theatre, the classroorn profitably. At the Bowmanville, have paid their ad- last assembly of the school year, mission to a mild mannered, held Friday mnorning at Buwman- pleasant speaking young chap in ville High School, Don was the cashier's booth. Most of them awarded his "S".* This xvas pre- know him by sight and others sented tu him for leading Grade counit him a personal friend. Dur- 10, or What Used lu he known as ing this lime Don Quick lias Le- For-m II, lait ycar. corne a part of the Royal. As Nlr. Anderson, inathemiatics Mrs. C. T. Ross, manager of the teacher at the high schuol, put il, Royal, told The Statesman that -He is one ofounr besl students "Don is a splendid cashier and is and lie ccrtainly deserves a lot of theatre". Don is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrons have often remarkcd W. F. Quiek, Elgin Street. He is about the noîebooks and text- in Grade Il this year. ý* * Councillor Owen Nicholas ask- edti he clerk if anything hati been doue about rernoving tbe iron fonces arounti some ufthIe graves aI fthe comotery. The clerk ouI- linedth Ie prublem il was present- ing as some ut the fonces hati been put there 50 or 60 years agu anti in some cases all members ut familles cuncorneti were deati. Council agreoti lu have the town solicitor look lutu the malter andi take some action. "The chairman ut the ruatis anti sîrooles shoulti take a drive anti look aI the lbnee blocks ut cernent near Mis. Nelles' store. Someone wihI gel hurt Ibere anti we will have trouble," suggesteti Deputy Reeve Little. "There is a piece near Claylon's bouse whicb is dangerous, tuo,", sait Councillor Glen Martyn. "Waler bas underminedth Ie pave- ment anti afler dark il is very dangerous."1 Councillor Casey Marlyn guI up anti announceti, "Man'y places aroundti own are ini the same shape. We haven'î much help and u p bi

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