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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1943, p. 3

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THURSDAy, JUNE 10, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO .MMMMm---. - NU the actual machinery et gevern- poiicy in North Africa. have done th culmcieyo oen oicyi ot fia aed Hugh Templin Makes ment is the mest decisive factor more than stack the cards on be-i inj shaping the outcome ot any hait )f hierarchy. They lhave Good In Home Town * e e M It * * potentiaiiy reveiutienary internai tce h aoesaantd- crigis. The nid holiet that mnirt must 1> mecracy. But they necd net stay BYCp.Emr hlotIt was reognitien ef this truth leaix homc te gain rc-ognition and abuse of this tact that made stackcd. îis c sehkn you nît STRAGE AR FR Mrshis Ptai and Weyanding Per on.alty et this month. suh s ha wîc eenelvaedmarak xVhaîvi roabixWeygand ITALIAN EXILES IVARN .- Hugli Templin, publisher. oditor, DEMOCRACY IN FRENCH Darlan te the position ef ailied in histony as the mest colossal AGAINST DARLAN DEALS cîttiior a nd citizen extraondinary AFRICA pro-consul in Aigiens, and beneath bluner ofni odemn polities: To iet :-:--:5o Fcrgus, oei The Struggle Between De-a Il the amazing and amnusieg surrcIncer te the Germans whiie The Greatest lVeakness of the e iegsi 86 Te lela Gall adGiau t orh fphases et the tussie between De- thoy s5h11 hast a large section et demecnatic war cause to e i 5 sta-ved te wcave hîs lite into the GaleadGru nNrhA- Gaul le and Giraud greups are the French armies intact ather that it is based oni a negative ' hîstemy et thc town . . . anci a rica is the plainest ef warnings eftihese solid iruths: than face possible "social disturb- foundcation. The ihiriy-one se- history of the town inte his lite. troubles te come as and when Giad ieDrai h ne"i rnewt am. calied United Nations are ueitedHepouda itrofFgs Europe 18 iberaied fmom the Nazi Gimau, lik Danin, Is he anes" l Franc wîîhne arny Ho prued aive ormetoferors yoke. Uniess our leaders have choice only et the so-called Im- Te reselvo them according t nyj ain ere gis a mrsievlm tmr prprdamr la-u eilcouncil a body aciually their wishes and net those et the oee or more et our presenit en- thon 300 pages) i rght on a lino- than any se far revealed the in-e hand picked by Vichy. DeGualle "disturbors".emsrtrthnfrs ehig'tyewhotpeiuy rtg prpae amrecea-utpinc- era which our enemies happen te l tra itainis the demnocratie choice et al the Ie othor werds Potain and Wey- oppse Mr. Templij is a member et the tra iuainl each country French groups, inside ad outside gand chose the certainty ot dofeat Gaoppose.neraio Cm is likely te become a rac e be-Hier it al This weakness hias aiready re- GadRvrCnevto en ivt hearh ad a France, who neyer bowed the for France by . ter-ithal mission, w,,hich rccently complet- th Grmn oresr~~ knee te their conquerors, who the ensiavement ihat meant -vae teti u elnswi ed a iwo million dollar dam ai ..iMly sent fîeeing. neyer "colaborated" with the rather thon face even the pessibil- Fhrane.Nev ins euln sy erus o drctr t h Th e greatest slave-masters et their own people iîy o social upheavai by their Lheer hy thias time nefxtheeek, political taiture for a fow extra crumbs trom the ewe compaîrioîs. unexonthonlysrren, It aiy xviiiMe it ef the allies te o lae-rier'tabe eodîoai urne. hae Evh saedvestal.the Allies a plan te deal wt r e w t da nhr'Aoito e date hias been te General Giraud lis A Fine Man democratie elements within Italy? nail the tiag et The Question Has Nothing To personaly-fine je the same senseHaety knseptonit d4e mecracy te o , witl-ipersona lities-fer both a a egnl ohsgiven ah supot e tesesuprese as asWegad.Helis hae spthey take stop eselsd h the mast for al. Giraud and DeGaulle are pro- his word that the French people democrati e eements within Italy?ned the world teseco. sumably decent chaacters as je- will ho permitted te choose their Or is the werld te ho suddenly I5 . Had that been dîvîduals. The question is: Whcre own ferm etf geverneont as seon presonted with more Darlan-type LiIf ...surance the open aiiied is the present and future source a h emn r rxr iuidas poiiy woe oroe ultimate power le free Franco. France. But meanxvhile his posi- troops landed je Is it from the people-from "bo- tien is that hoe is te romain as These Lines Are Not Written InPR TCTO NrhAr-alow - from the Underground Commander - ie - Chiot et ail Criticism et the British and Amer- P O E TO therecouldwhich lias nover quit, but kepi French terces - and with abso- ican leaders, liko Mr. Churchil noeraebe ' ~ .~ ight on fighting? Or is itfierm lute pewers. and Mr. Roosevelt. Rather they w much mow oncy do b uti youeac the later long some authority which presumnes te That position includes even are reminders thai net even those yi.hav sveleoghwil jrbe aunetil y series ef c e e- spcak fromn "abeve" by some legai powver te prevont publica- great leaders have been sîrong , s.vdeohceeab tsy s iaoildivine right? tien et anything eut et lino witheouhtdaeeevcmohe iyfilsuurisee ? meves and cocîn- :. li? < Under modern conditions - his xishes. Thus even on June 1, pewerfcîl appeasomont influences Iin many instances, the oniy way te ter-moves. F o r perhaps more than ever before ie two days afttr formation eftihe which eperate behind their backs, immiediarcly provide for future secu- behind ail the strange deals history - physical possession et Frenich Couincil, with DeGaulie ihreugh such erganizations as the nîty is by Lîfe Insurance. Throagh -joint President with himseif, ne State Depariment at Washington. a Mfutual Life ef Canada poiicy yen statemonts frem DeGaulle ceiull It is enly a few xveeks since the ca create today a substantial estate be printed in the press et North Presidont's ewn secretary an- for ieur loe oes, at a cest geared Afnica cend this atter the Dey- neunced te the wonld that Mayor .lm td wartme ncmn reuten resignatien which made LaGuardia etfNNev York was te "h o seaMuta ierp complote explanation et the whole got a special U.S. Army assign e- ttv bu tnw alO rt A GO D DI NERbackgroundl essentiai te public ment. It was annenncod that ihis yOrnaetMul i ocetdv nndcrstanding and public coftfi- valiant ex-aviator, tOis anch-dem- L f B sci---dence le the ne ov'cunicil. ocrat whose public integrity and vue z..::ý!political wisdemn have become o If DeGaulle Is Not Fermitted werld recegnized-that he was te 5 I II Io Hugh Templin à te explain his position and that et Oead a political xartare branch. ( rcFrance, several days after LaGuardia - himselt et Italian 0 ço CANADA W memrber et that informai but in- hoiF mcejonereiet ihracial oigie-was the obvieus entoalfmusSrtnr- ir ade jithe presinl n il mac te erganize a radie and ESTABLISHED 1869 tmterslyuaosbhr.So et France, what future chance hias phamphlet campaign te whip. up Ha fieWîro n His tather bought the Fergus -. the ordinary rank and file citizen Italian sentiment againsi Fascism, ISRNEI OC VR$3 0 0 esRcr hnHg a Thehouewiesof anaa, ve ~ ' ~) ofe France? againsi Hitler, againsi Mussolini, five years old. Hughi began writ- aniu epoieatatv n .J)The DeGauille positiondand the and fer democracy in Italy. Branch Office- 435 George Street ieg editoriais in 1918, and stili Gironud positiondaretpolosivpoan- Yet suddenly the LaGuordia ap- Feterboro Ontario sets a page a week on the lino- neurishing meals for their families, -L- ~teoemasdmcay h onmn ascneid n f________________type xithont wniting any ef it. aree"Housoldiersether hierarchy.was cancelled ai the very time -He has won several trephies for Thrae -sleame ta dlghfl esetThe teac sfOtth lle, when one wing et the U.S. State H W N TTO W IE ediierials. Ho mamied in 1921, Deporimenta te lles was Nivnr pio t y o and lOas three sons. In 1923 the [j madey easl aned itecot wigt Candaserns foliowing the Murphy hierarch evidence et intentions te lino up A LETTER Chiot Election Ottîcer sent him maeesl ada ite otwt Cnd onDarlans-în-woîting in ail Nazi- ____ by bembîng plane te Moose Foc- Starch, are a welcomne addition te meals pre- __________________ ccupied counfies.Rmme h î etnwi tory te take the first vote on paredl in accordance with Casqada's Food Rules. D*e D*s*ing books ene used te rue across? aieaces y.Ho suhort et mag- They know the hîgh quality of Canada Cern a* ~ G Dr. Gaetano Salvemini, noted TOe cnes which gave stiitedazearils ntshtstre SORE and s~everal bookssmte L- Starch ensures fine, smootb resuits. ~and talian exile and professer et his- phrases te cever any imaginable cn ed '. smetimos us-m tory at Harvard, writes in Free contretemps irom a lettte thei the penesn FoIIow Conada's Food Rules for Heolth and Fitness. Jlà?£ 49 il would set the dang rs an a-rie tto a popscaif wrd eIn1941 hoexisited R.C.A.F. - surb te llresuli m a ny a tiote.o e h n ha h c o l n On a i , a d d d 1 - I LM wit sletedleserFaciis i heaspîrng job-seeker or the bashful articles about them for Ontarioe, expense ef permanent democracy. sw'ain mîght have found usetal wolosH le -mostcat, CAN DA a q nrti i etme fta Ho suggests a ceecrete plan te but as îetîers,-as a message t6lne o i naptmberetor hayo Apouto i.AAASARHCOMPANY, LUmed NC6 TEememont. HenFscss n as Cmmnst er sht ad ie sthokat copsdeman.Wihi 5Xpany.v. Churchill and Generai c Leterwniin i ne a ar, ndNaughton. was bombed in Eeg- 10etmoe-watyi st becomesthendland' traîleci by Germon spies je themor "aty"if ecoes heLisbon. ansd came bock te New less readable if is. Te write an Yorkonarfgesi.H ot interestieg letter te a soldier or a that soare foree52hip.HoWroto sailor, the first thingto dois to Buton__.W..A recipient were sitting acress the A table and yen wcre cunversiiig Precious As Fine Cold xitbhlm. Remember that the ___ 'VO U U ST A A K E Atrivial things are apt te ho most Mvetal buttons ced buikeis thcse interestieg. Read venr weekly. cîcays have almosi cisappeareci home-toxvn noxspaper ced sec trom notion confions jen Canadian 1 xvhat the editor featuros. te get stores. Metal is neecled oni bigger jec mater '-enton he itte oherclohesofsmart Canaclian things-ihe everyctax scenos ced xvomen. This dees oct imean. iowý-- M O T A TER TR A M J U M E » TUoccurrences that are se obviouîs ever, that the cnes in tise connût thin li wi ho eintrsted. . .new. S ad nt eceeed 00Don't wonmy. hoexili: For a home- To dlean thomn. one toaspoontai I SINGLEan yourne incarne ec dd$6600 .. ick boy b1veses, every new ot sxveeî oil and one hait toc- s pringing bae fgrass o hsspoonful eoemv ydu should ho I M RIDadYou e non xcee 10Ê Liant inîcnost. ubbed tOorughiv ooxv e r the àI Tell hini cli the gassip yen con buekie or button, ceci thon with For incomes fotkooe. $300 ge:i(2)icohises mhom.ea rmoT. i hect every partîcle oeth1e For ncoes ot ver 300 ge tw (2)of iiedFormT. Spcia andwhodid't.Tell hue about emervYduîst should ho brushed out. Forincmesovr $000z rs. Blank's explosion et anisto- Glass or bone buttons mcx ho wa Fo noe ve 30 e tre()cpiso omT.1 General. mat age when lion new bonnet cleaned ie a jiffy with French cal Oioxv off outside the churcli on chaik ced o chamiois cloth. o Eoster Snnday. Il is the xise weoman who 50et Encorne Tax dollars are flot ordinary dollars . .. they are Victory dollars ,Tell hlm anything you can think te it that all buttonis are socuro bu necessary dollars to belp win the wa.r. Incorne Tax is fair to al. AUl actuaily talking te himi face to theoenes which nov.'adlorne0r i, face. Only thon Xiii youir roal dresses. suits, ced coats con net by are taxed in proportion to their ability to pay. porsenalit-,' shine ont between the ho eplaced for the donation. linos. Anyone can write a correct ___________________ Under the new system introduced this If you are a salary or a wage earner, you t ' '. cnxriea year, Income Tax is now on a pay-as- your employer can cprobably surtilv von KEP T4 APPY-BY M~/AL! dr you-earn basis. The reduction of the 1942 Tax made this possible. In most cases the larger part of the reduced tax will have been paid by the 1942 cax deductions or instalment pay- ments. One-chird of any balance must be paid by 3th June and the remainder on or before 3lst December, 1943. You must file an Incarne Tax return and pay any balance wo establish your right, after the war, w cthe refund of the Savings Portion of your tax. with Incorne Tax Forms-otherwise, chey are available at your local Post Office or the office of your District Inspector of Income Tax. Over 2,000,000 Canadians will bc filing recurns and paying taxes... avoid the last minute rush. If you wait, illness or other unforeseen circumstances may prevent you from getting your return in on ime. Avoid penalties by sending i you.r recurn NOW 1 FARMERS You must attach to your refui-n on Foi-m T. 1 Special or Foi-m T. 1 General cither a statement of p~ur gi-oss income and expenses, or completed Farmers T. 1 Supple- mental. The T. 1 Supplemental itemizes ail foi-ms of farm receipts and expess, and is a guide for determining your actual net income. Forms may be secured from your local Post Office or District Inspecter of incobE Ticone Ta.x. Te help yeu f611 eut your icorne Tax foi-ms a beoklet (ÇFarmei-s' Income Tax Guide, 1942") has been prepared to cever the special conditions which apply te farm operafiens. It can be obtained fi-ce on request from your District Inspector. If you don't know his address, just mail your letter to "District Inspecter of Dominion Income Tax.-' #oeýa 'Ut tatutns WOW/ - Ptvoid a LteI DOMINION 0F CANADA - DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL REVENUE INCOME TAX DIVISION COLIN GIBSON, C. FRASER ELLIOTI, MInister of National Revenue Commisioner of Incarne Tai, J bore would ho muInicipal elec- tiens on o basis ot unix'orsai tran- chise. Thî'ee months loter thoî'e weuld ho proxvincial eloctions. Ie oee year a national constituent assenîbly would ho lectcd by al theItai.npeople. But Dr. Saivemoini is sure that the v.hele weight cf tOe Fascist winp of the ChlircO v.ill ho thrown againsi suchi democmccy: hie wxarhs that "mcny bishops. achbishops and cardinals xvho have become noterions for thecm servile connix'ance w.ith Fascîsm xill have te face hard limes when t collapses". Ho peints eut tOh t0e Fascist influence is strongest n tOe Oieiachy-the loyer Cath- îîiic clergv being nînch mor'e delemoci'atically inclineci. A i s e that one et the few gonuine demo- trots censideî'ed as a possible tuttre Italian leader is Rex'ercnd iLuigi Sturonnev an exile je tOc U'nited States and temmei'ly sec- retary 'fethtOcpovoil'fICathoiic Populisi panîy ie Itaix'. Dr. Saix'emini's cecILusi 0eIn S coincide ije e 'spect xvith the verict et an international r'oundl table discuission aiso eie'etlv cin- dceociby Froc Woril ced je xxhich oacistingUiShed iîSt et Eunopeans teck part. TOev îpeed that oey ttemipt bYthie Allies te appeose Fascist cioments within Europe xvould ho opposed b ' vthe niasses ini those celietnies ceci ai- most certainlv 'it je cIt ix iil V' -R. Tise Allies Have Said. le general huit 'agUîo ternis, that eaculi oue- liv xiii icre te cheeso ils clxxi torm etf govertimoent. That '-fiee" cliceuwouî ii tc ace andcutiot- noge if the cniiect torc'e landccivil autheî'itx'in e eoh liberateci colin- try xxere to e he îadeut by cx- Nazis, Fascisis oî' celiabonotors. men Must work harder than ever. ..- MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LIMITED Established 18-17 The Service Arm of the Canadian Farm TORONTO MONTREAL MONCTON WINNIPEG BRANDON REGINA SASKATOON SWIFT CURRENT YORKTON CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER fagistrate Dismisses 'Sabotage" Charge Donald Bruce cf Oshawa, xvho os charged xvith "sabotage' be- use ho allogedly lot the air eut fa tire et one et T. A. Garton's uses càrrying war workers, was ivn t0e "benetit ef the deubt" 1Whitby Police Court, June 1, yMagistrate Ebbs. 'le ibis case your inteet xvas DIL. plant." agaiest your former employer, .Mr. Garton, and net the D.L.L. plant," the Magistrale deciaréd, 'but nevertheiess il is unfortunate that t0e action xvas net taken under t0e criminai code instead of detence regulations. However, your conduct je this court shows that unless yen are caretul yen are geing te gel into trouble, ced dont ferget that thoy den't want te see any more of yen ai the (LEVER WIVES KNOW UTS WORTH Yes, witli coffee se precious, clever wives know the iwisdoni of sei-viing, Maxwell House. For this fanious coirce blond means the utînost satisfac- tion iii every cup. And bei-e are the reasons wiy: AH2 COFFEE otue 1. Maxwell House j, bleiuded Irons rare, extra- flaver coffees . . . the very fiiest obtainable. 2. Roasted by a special For wartime reasens, Max. well Hoiase is now packed in bags-in an AIl Purpose Grind and at a lower cost Thi YOB. †-,v mat aptues ai tue alte tor sîll w. nîellow smootlîness and coffee-coffee fîsiler body of Ibis particu. ter or glass co. larly fine blond. using a glass you May pre Y'OU'Il get fuliest value for fer ta brew ti your coffee coupons in coffee a littI Maxwell House. longer. Mtaxwell Bouse grind iS Suit. ways of making se pat, pereola. cfTec maker. If re. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THRRE 1 MH223 Machines and

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